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Jason Lee Y.

Baluyot BSN2-12E


Immediately the captain had the irons put on the feet of both of them, and when they
saw that they were striking with a hammer on the bolt which crosses the said irons to
rivet them, and prevent them from being opened, these giants were afraid, but the
captain made them a sign not to doubt of anything. The captain gave good
entertainment to the men who came to his ship, and gave them all sorts of things, on
which account the king wished to give the captain a rather large bar of solid gold, and a
chest full of ginger. Monday morning our clerk went with the interpreter to the town of
Zzubu, and the king, accompanied by the principal men of his kingdom, came to the
open space, where we made our people sit down near him, and he asked whether there
was more than one captain in all those ships, and whether he wished that the king
should pay tribute to the emperor, his master, to which our people answered, no, but
that the captain only wished to trade with the things which he had brought with the
people of his country, and not with others. Then the captain had one of his men armed
with his own arm our, and told him that all of us would fight armed in that manner, at
which the Moorish merchant was rather astonished; but the captain told him not to be
afraid, and that our arms were soft to our friends and rough to our enemies; and that as
a cloth wipes away the sweat from a man, so our arms destroy the enemies of our faith.
Friday, the 26th of April, Zula, who was one of the principal men or chiefs of the island
of Matan, sent to the captain a son of his with two goats to make a present of them, and
to say that if he did not do all that he had promised, the cause of that was another chief
named Si lapulapu, who would not in any way obey the King of Spain, and had
prevented him from doing so: but that if the captain would send him the following night
one boat full of men to give him assistance, he would fight and subdue his rival. The
captain before attacking wished to attempt gentle means, and sent on shore the
Moorish merchant to tell those islanders who were of the party of Cilapulapu, that if they
would recognize the Christian king as their sovereign, and obey the King of Spain, and
pay us the tribute which had been asked, the captain would become their friend,
otherwise we should prove how our lances wounded.

STRENGTHS of the story

A.) giants were afraid, but the captain made them a sign not to doubt of anything.
B.)the captain only wished to trade with the things which he had brought with the people
of his country, and not with others
WEAKNESSES of the story
A.) cause of that was another chief named Si lapulapu, who would not in any way obey
the King of Spain, and had prevented him from doing so
B.) we should prove how our lances wounded.

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