Your Logo: 1 Rib Dimensions

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Your Logo Design by :

Date : 1-Mar-2015
Project : Name Checked by :
Subject : Design of Simply Supported Ribbed Slab -Rect. Action Date :

Rib Identity:

1 Rib Dimensions

Span L = 14500 mm f'c = 28.0 MPa

Width of Rib b = 250 mm Fy = 420.0 MPa
Depth D = 1000 mm γConcrete = 25 kN/m3
Slab Thickness T = 100 mm φflexure = 0.90
C/C distance b/w Ribs = 750 mm φshear = 0.75
Clear distance between rib Lc = 500 mm
Cover to reinforcement C = 40 mm
Effective Depth d = 912.5 mm

2 Design Loads

Self Weight of Ribs = 7.500 kN/m²

Self Weight of Slab = 2.50 kN/m²

Finishes = = 4.50 kN/m²
Live Load = = 5.00 kN/m²
250 500 250
1.2 * Dead Load = 17.400 kN/m²
1.6 * Live Load = 8 kN/m² RIB SECTION

DL on Ribs (1.2 * DL * Lc/c/ 1000) = 13.05 kN/m

LL on Ribs (1.6 * LL * Lc/c / 1000) = 6.00 kN/m

Ult. Load = 13.05 + 6.00 = 19.05 kN/m

3 Analysis and Design of Ribs

Ult. Moment Mult = W ult * L2 / 8 = 500.66 kN.m

∴ ρ = 0.0068 0.85 * f c '  2 * M ult 

ρ req = * 1 − 1 − 
Ast = 1544 mm² Fy  0.9 * 0.85 * f c '*b * d 2 
 

USE 4 Φ 25 # of Layers of steel = 2

Ast prov. = 1963 mm² > Ast req. = 1544 mm²

3A. Consider T- Action of Ribs for Effective Flange Width

L/4 = 3625 mm
bw + 2 * ( 8 * T) = 1850 mm
bw + 2 * ( 1/2 * Lc ) = 750 mm

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Your Logo Design by :
Date : 1-Mar-2015
Project : Name Checked by :
Subject : Design of Simply Supported Ribbed Slab -Rect. Action Date :
Effective Width, beff = 750 mm

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Your Logo Design by :
Date : 1-Mar-2015
Project : Name Checked by :
Subject : Design of Simply Supported Ribbed Slab -Rect. Action Date :

3B. Depth of Neutral Axis

Ast prov. = 1963 mm²

a = Ast req * Fy / (0.85 * fc' *beff) = 46.20 mm

Which is less than slab thickness

Neutral Axis is in the flange and beam acts as a Rectangular Beam

φMn = 0.9* [Ast prov * Fy * (d - a/2 )] = 660.11 kN-m > Mult = 500.66 kN-m

4 Shear Checks

Vult = W ult * L / 2 = 138.11 kN

Vn = Vult / φ = 184.15 kN
φVc = ( φ √fc' b d / 6 )/1000 = 150.89 kN


a. S = d/2 = 456.25 mm
b. S =φ (Av*fy*d) / (Vu - φVc) = 0 mm (For φ 10 bar)
c. S =φ (Av*fy*d) / (Vu - φVc) = 0 mm (For φ 12 bar)

Use φ 10 / 200 OK

5 Deflection Checks beff

E concrete = 4700 * √fc' *1000 = 24870062.3 kN/m² T

y = [(b * (D-T) /2) + (beff * T * (D - T/2)) ] / [(D-T)*b + (beff * T)]
Neutral Axis from bottom y = 575.00 mm

I = [b * (D-T)3/12] + [b*(D-T)*(y-(D-T)/2)2] + [beff*T3/12] + [beff*T((D-T)+T/2)-y)2]

Moment of inertia ( I ) = 0.0293125 m4

Crack Width Inertia, Icrack = 0.35 Itotal = 0.010259 m4

5A. Service Dead+Live Load Deflection

W service = 14.63 kN/m

Deflection, δ = 5 * W service / ( 384*E*Icr ) = 32.99 mm

Allowable Deflection, δallowable = L / 240 = 60.42 mm OK

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Your Logo Design by :
Date : 1-Mar-2015
Project : Name Checked by :
Subject : Design of Simply Supported Ribbed Slab -Rect. Action Date :

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Your Logo Design by :
Date : 1-Mar-2015
Project : Name Checked by :
Subject : Design of Simply Supported Ribbed Slab -Rect. Action Date :

5B. Long Term Dead+Live Load Deflection

λ = ξ / (1 + 50*ρ') = 1.76 ξ = 2
W long term = LL + (λ * DL) = 22.87 kN/m
Use 2 φ 20 Αst' = 628 mm

ρ' = 0.0028
Deflection, δ = 5 *W long term L4 /( 384*E*Icr ) = 51.59 mm

Allowable Deflection, δallowable = L / 240 = 60.42 mm OK


2− φ10 φ10/200 φ10/200



4 φ 25
φ 10 / 200
250 500 250

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Your Logo Design by :
Date : 1-Mar-2015
Project : Name Checked by :
Subject : Design of Simply Supported Ribbed Slab -Rect. Action Date :

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Design by :
Date : 1-Mar-2015
Project : Checked by :
Subject : Design of Rib Slab Date :

Rho Max




0 0
Cmax d - Cmax

Cmax = * (d - Cmax)

Cmax = 0.75 d - 0.75 Cmax

Cmax = 3/7 d

As Fy = 0.85 * fc' * b * amax

As Fy = 0.85 * fc' * b * βt * (3/7)*d

= 0.85 * (3/7) * (fc'/Fy) * βt

As = 0.85 * b * d (3/7) * (fc'/Fy) * βt


2− φ10 φ10/200

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

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