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Managing Human

Christopher Orpen

The State of Strategic Human (2) such strategic planning typically of the precise steps they need to take to
Resource Planning occurs in isolation from what is make such planning effective. This
Over the past decade it has become done elsewhere in companies; and article aims to improve their awareness,
(3) human resource strategies are by presenting a working framework for
increasingly clear that strategic human
seldom developed because of their human resource strategy that can easily
resource planning is needed for
capacity to advance company-wide be followed.
employees to contribute fully to the
success of their companies. As recent goals, but rather because they
reviews have made clear, whereas this happen to satisfy the interests of The Nature of Strategic
message appears to have been accepted, particular persons in the company. Human Resource Planning
the practice of planning strategically for Why have companies been so slow to The two essential elements of strategic
one's human resources is still in its develop and implement effective resource planning that need to be
infancy. For instance, these surveys strategic plans for their human clearly distinguished are goals or
have shown that a majority of the resources, even though they say they objectives, and the means for achieving
managers surveyed in large and small believe in them? Several possible them. Conceptually, planning for
companies agree about the desirability explanations exist. First, many firms human resources consists of four
of strategic human resource planning appear to lack the expertise to formulate distinct, yet related, activities:
[1,2]. However, under half of these and then implement strategic human establishing objectives, developing
managers said they actually prepared resource plans[3,4]. They do not have appropriate strategies, formulating
formal human resource plans for their the human resource managers with the specific human resource programmes
companies, with an even smaller knowledge or power within the firm to for implementing these strategies, and
number being able to produce such ensure that the firm as a whole adopts a evaluating strategies in the light of
plans when asked. Moreover, only 15 to strategic approach to their human established objectives. At the strategic
20 per cent of the companies in the resources. Second, planning for human level, there are three main questions
surveys employed strategic plans for resources is intrinsically more difficult that need to be addressed in human
their human resources that the than that for capital and financial resource planning:
researchers felt were both "compre- resources, where significant (1) What kinds of employees will the
hensive" and "integrated" with the improvements have been made company require in three to five
companies' overall objectives and recently[5]. In many cases, human years time, to meet its strategic
strategies. resource planning is still little more objectives?
Despite these results, most of the than "employment planning", charac-
(2) How should employees of such
managers in these surveys believed, terized by the extrapolation of future
kinds be managed to assist the
from their own experiences (admittedly human resource needs from the size of
company to reach its three- to five-
the existing workforce without taking
rather limited in many cases) that year objectives, what specific
account of the strategic objectives of
strategic human resource planning had human resource strategies and
the company. Third, in many
produced benefits for their companies programmes are needed for this?
companies, despite contrary claims
in the form of cost savings, greater from some managers, employees are (3) How can these programmes and
employee morale, better productivity still regarded as an expense, rather than strategies be designed to deal
and lower turnover. Although they as an investment that needs to be effectively with the opportunities
admitted to not being able to prove it, strategically managed, like any other and threats that inform the
the managers also felt that such resource. Most well managed com- company's strategic objectives?
planning had contributed to better panies routinely apply "return on
overall company performance. According to the scheme proposed in
investments" criteria to financial and this article, there are seven elements to
Summing up their survey results, the material resources, but fail to do so for
researchers argued they showed that: comprehensive and integrated strategic
their human resources[3]. Finally, human resource planning that seeks to
(1) formal human resource strategic managers are often unaware of what is answer these key questions (see Figure
planning is still in its infancy; involved in human resource planning, 1).

Work Study, Vol 42 No. 5, 1993, pp. 15-17, © MCB University Press, 0043-8022 WS July/August, 1993 15
Analysing the Environment considerations, such as the availability are known, is it possible to devise
In this first stage, future changes in the and cost of the requisite employees. company-wide strategies which can
environment that could impact on Alternatively, the human resource exploit environmental opportunities.
human resources and how they should forecast may suggest things that widen Likewise, strategies for countering
be managed, must be identified, and a company's strategic options, perhaps environmental threats are unlikely to be
their likelihood estimated. Even if the identifying new markets that can be successful if they are based on human
changes are difficult to predict, exploited by the changed workforce. resource weaknesses.
companies should not avoid making the Irrespective of how it is done, human There are two aspects to this stage of
forecasting efforts involved. Only if resource objectives and strategies must strategic human resource analyses
opportunities and threats are correctly be closely integrated with those for the which should be distinguished. First,
anticipated, can companies have company as a whole. The human there needs to be an investigation of
appropriate human resource strategies resource policies and programmes of a organizational (macro) level variables
and programmes available, when and company should be directly linked to its which affect the quality of human
where they are needed. An accurate and overall objectives, and only followed resources, such as company climate and
timely environmental analysis is because they help the company achieve structure, supervision, absenteeism and
required, if companies are to avoid these objectives, something that many turnover in different parts of the
being simply reactive in their man- personnel managers still overlook[4]. In
agement of human resources to events company, conflict and co-operation
a major survey, Dyer[6] found that between departments, and career
as they occur. firms which have successfully linked opportunities in the company. Second,
It is usually advisable to formalize company and human resource planning at the individual (micro) level, there
this process, rather than just hoping it have typically employed one or more of must be an analysis of current
will happen. Some companies have three strategies. Some firms have employees, their numbers, work
established small committees that meet established planning committees attributes, and job attitudes, as well as
regularly, whose specific task is to throughout the firm comprising line
their present and potential per-
identify environmental changes that managers, personnel managers and
formances. The data provide a human
may affect human resources and to planning executives, to assess the
devise ways of meeting these changes. resource base-line, for assessing future
significance of future events for both
Others have task forces drawn from requirements. Together, the information
the company and its human resources.
relevant parts of the company which In other firms, strategic human resource from these analyses provides the sort of
devise environmental scenarios on a issues are examined by the personnel "picture" of the company's current
regular basis, from which they prepare department, whose recommendations human resources, which is needed for
reports for action by managers are then sent to senior managers for most company-wide strategic plans if
throughout the company. In some small incorporation into company-wide they are to be effective, especially in
companies, a senior manager is plans. Finally, as part of the planning supplying the various kinds of
delegated the task of environmental process, other firms require company employees which are required.
analysis for human resources, and planners to inform personnel managers
briefs the directors on the implications of their plans, and to modify them in the Forecasting Human Resource
of his or her findings for company light of suggestions from the personnel Needs
planning. Whatever scheme is adopted, managers. A strategic perspective requires a
the important requirement is that data forecast of future human resource
are systematically and regularly needs, an estimate of how many
collected, and summarized in a manner
Analysing Human Resources employees of different kinds will be
that is meaningful to those who are
involved in strategic human resource Having established company objectives needed in the future if the company is to
planning. (appropriate for capitalizing on the realize its objectives. This estimate
opportunities and warding off the should be both qualitative and quan-
threats revealed in the environmental titative. Qualitatively, the company
analysis), the next stage is to analyse must know what mixture of employee
Developing Company the company's human resource competencies and attitudes will be
Objectives strengths and weaknesses. Only if the required in the future, if the company is
Human resource objectives, and the company's human resource strengths to cope successfully with changes in
strategies for realizing them, are
derived from overall company
objectives and strategies. They do not
stand on their own, but exist to help the
company achieve the goals that are
important to it as a whole. However,
human resource choices also affect
company-wide objectives, sometimes
constraining them, at other times
extending them beyond what they were
originally. For instance, alterations in
business direction may necessitate
changes in the kinds of employees
required and hence in personnel
management. However, the strategic
decisions of a company may be
restricted by human resource

16 Work Study
markets, technology, competitive and put into effect. It is critical that either confirming the correctness of
conditions, and in the economies within these functional activities or strategies what was done or suggesting changes
which they operate. When quantitative are fully understood by those involved, that are necessary next time.
forecasts are necessary, they should are integrated with each other, and form
extend beyond the simple projection of part of the company's overall strategic
staffing needs from current levels, that objectives. Too often these functional Conclusion
is still frequently the rule[5]. activities are developed in isolation In this article I have set forth a
Forecasting human resource needs must from the rest of the company and have framework for strategic human
predict how future company strategies goals that are not fully appreciated by resource planning, which indicates
what things need to be done and in what
will impact on the number and kind of the employees affected by them[3].
order. Even though there may be
employees needed, not be restricted to circumstances when deviations from
supplying replacements for existing Analysing the Effect of the model are justified, the central point
employees who are likely to leave in the remains: that human resource planning
planning period.
Human Resource Strategies is essential for company success and
The final, but frequently overlooked,
needs to be done carefully and
stage of human resource strategic systematically, guided by a model of
Developing Human Resource planning is to demonstrate what effects some kind. It is not something that is
Objectives the executed strategies have on expensive or difficult to do, although
The first step here is to compare the company performance. No matter the some expertise in human resources is
likely demand for human resources of difficulties involved, every strategic clearly necessary. On the contrary,
various kinds with what is currently plan should be formally and regularly although effort is needed, what is
available, both internally and reviewed for its consequences for the involved is straightforward, once it is
externally. Data about both these company as a whole. After all, the aim accepted that most of the data are
aspects should have been provided from necessarily judgemental rather than
of the planning process is to help the objective, consisting of the "best
earlier stages in the strategic planning company achieve its objectives, not to
process. Besides indicating whether guesses" of the managers concerned in
satisfy the interests of personnel most cases. The time is overdue for
there is likely to be a "surplus" or managers or of some employees. companies to adopt the same sort of
"deficiency", these analyses should Ideally, evaluation and review pro- strategic approach to their human
have suggested ways of either dealing cedures should be decided on in resources closely linked to company
with the surplus or of overcoming the advance as part of planning process, not objectives, as many have adopted for
deficiency. These now need to be something done after the event merely their other resources. Companies
formalized as human resource cannot hope to be successful if their
to satisfy critics or to justify what has
objectives that all the managers strategic planning neglects their most
been done to oneself. important resource — the people who
involved can understand, both for According to Dyer[6], such reviews work for them.
themselves and for their significance of should include a comparison of:
the company-wide objectives. Research
has shown that such objectives are (1) current employee productivity References
likely to be more effective, if they: against established targets; 1. Miller, E.L. and Burack, E.H., "A Status
(2) actual staffing requirements versus Report on Human Resource Planning
(1) are as specific as possible; from the Perspective of Human
requirements; Resource Planners", Human Resource
(2) consistent with company aims and Planning, Vol. 4, 1991, pp. 33-40.
(3) employee qualifications in relation
to those desired; 2. Nkomo, S.M., "Prescription versus
(3) appropriate in terms of human practice: The State of Human Resource
(4) actual personnel flows (turnovers, Planning in United States Companies",
resource strengths and weaknesses
absenteeism, promotions) versus Southern Management Association
of the company;
desired rates; Proceedings, 1990, pp. 55-78.
(4) acceptable to those responsible for 3. Walker, J., Human Resource Planning.
(5) implemented functional prog-
attaining the objectives; and McGraw-Hill, New York, 1989.
rammes (selection, training and
(5) have been set participatively with development, appraisal, job 4. Skinner, W., "Big Hat, No Cattle;
these members of the company, evaluation, reward systems, etc.) Managing Human Resources", Harvard
rather than unilaterally imposed on against planned programmes; Business Review, Vol. 56, 1981, pp. 34-
them[5]. (6) actual versus budgeted costs of 5. DeVanna, M.A., Forbrum C. and Tichy,
functional programmes; and N., "Human Resource Management; A
Developing Human Resource Strategic Perspective", Organization
Strategies (7) results or benefits of programmes
Dynamics, Vol. 23, 1981, pp. 34-47.
In this separate step, those in the versus their actual costs.
6. Dyer, L., "Human Resource Planning",
company in charge of personnel should Even if not all of these evaluative in Rowland, K. and Ferris, G. (Eds),
develop - and execute - strategies for comparisons are feasible, there must be Personnel Management. Allyn and
realizing these human resource some means of demonstrating how Bacon, Boston, MA, 1989, pp. 52-77.
objectives. Specifically, a number of strategic human resource planning
recruitment, selection, retention, contributes to overall company
appraisal, promotion, training and performance. Finally, as indicated in the
development, discipline, job design, figure, the results of this review "feed Christopher Orpen is at Bournemouth
back" to affect subsequent planning, University, UK.
and reward strategies must be agreed on

WS July/August 1993 17

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