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INTR 1020 Final Reflection Prompts

1. You began this course by exploring your future career and creating a Weebly page that
described the qualifications and skills necessary to be successful in that career. In 3-5,
well written sentences tell us what career you chose and why you want to follow this
path. What is your motivation? If your choice no longer attracts you, what alternative
are you considering and why do you think this is a better match?

Answer: I choose Environmental studies I want to follow this path because I want to do
my part and give back to the planet. I also want to work on helping and better our
planets living Environment. My motivation for choosing this path is seeing the world we
live in get destroyed and I’m trying to prevent this from happening.

2. In the second week you brought a set of notes to class and reviewed them with a
partner. Afterwards you revised them to make them more useful for learning. In 3-5,
well written sentences describe what changes you made to your notes and explain why
you found this helpful.

Answer: The changes I made to my notes is making heading and Underlining them to
make my notes more organized. Also I learned to use short hand notes to make my
writing faster. I learned to only write down the important material.

3. In week 3 you came up with a degree plan. In 3-5, well written sentences describe what
you hope to achieve at UCBA and what plan to do after UCBA.

Answer: I hope to father my learning at UCBA and I plan on transferring to the Uptown
campus father in the future to intend my education. UCBA as a smaller feel and is better
for my learning because the teacher has actual time to help me individually. At UCBA I
hope to get a better grasp on collage life and how to manage it.

4. In the fourth week you started doing research on your chemical substance. In 3-5, well
written sentences describe your compound and what you found out about it.

Answer: I researched the chemical substance Magnesium. Magnesium or (MgO) is

mined from mineral deposits in the Earth’s Crust. Magnesium is a naturally
occurring mineral. It is used to treat symptoms of too much stomach acid such as
stomach upset, heartburn, and acid indigestion. It is used to help move blood sugar
into your muscles and dispose of lactate.

5. In week 5, using Bloom’s Taxonomy levels as a guide, you wrote questions about the
chapter you had read in the Poisoner’s Handbook. Share with us your two best
questions and in 3-5, well written sentences say why you picked them.
Answer: Compare the use of technology used back then and now to detect chemical substances? I
picked this question because it really makes you think the technology they had back then compared to now.
Formulate a plan on how they could have convicted people with the little technology they had? I picked this
question because it is super open ended and as long as you justify your answer there is really know wrong

5. In week 6 you did an assessment of an exam and reviewed how you had prepared for it.
In 3-5, well written sentences describe three study strategies you used that worked well
and tell us why they worked well, or describe three study strategies that you are going
to try for the next exam and tell us why you think they might help you prepare.

Answer: One study strategy that worked well for me is taking the notes strategies I
learned and applying them to my exam review. The next study strategy that help me
with my exam is studying with a partner so we can learn and help each other. The last
study strategy I did is rewrite my notes so I can remember the important detail I needed
to know.

7. Threaded through the whole course has been the Poisoner’s Handbook. In 3-5, well
written sentences tell us what you enjoyed most about your chapter. What made the
case particularly interesting?

Answer: I enjoyed the Poisoner’s Handbook because it was written about real events
and real cases. I like to learn more about history and science. Also, I Enjoyed learning
more about how elements where first used.

8. Another piece of the course was creating an e-portfolio (Weebly) that allowed you to
build a professional online image as a UCBA student. In 3-5 well written sentences tell
us what pages you found particularly useful and why.

Answer: I found the degree planning the most useful because it can prepare me for the
future. Anytime I can look on my website to see if I’m on track with my education path.
It is a good reference for me in the future.

9. And finally, in 5-8 well written sentences tell us what things you really enjoyed in the
course and why. What things should we definitely keep in for next semester?

Answer: I enjoyed the peer review we did in the classes. It also made me connect with
more students on campus and be more comfortable with talking to others. So definitely
keep the group work for next semester. Another thing I enjoyed about the class is all the
information and things I learned more about collage and how to work with it and how
my education will look in the future.

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