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Gabrielle Andrea dV Guzman BSPT- 1


Every human being started as a blank sheet of paper. A sheet of paper that is ready to be
written on by words, paragraphs or drawings. These things written in the sheet of paper are the
things that came into each human and humans later on apply these on their daily lives affecting
their social interaction and behaviors. In other words, each human being is all his/her thoughts,
emotions and experiences combined as one.

As I continue to grow up, I become more and more different from what I used to be. Back
then, I have always been jolly and playful. I’m of those kids who enjoy tours and being in school
and learning new things. I have also tried doing ballet, declamation or “pagtula”, singing and
dancing during my Elementary days. As soon as I reach High School, reality hits me so hard that
I began to change my whole being. I just simply observed how people socialize and act in school
and what I got from observing is that everything is different in High School. That is why I began
to be more mature and focus primarily on academics less on the extracurricular activities. I
became more friendly and sociable at this point in time thus I am not out of place and lonely.
I’ve learned to adapt to the school and I am more capable of handling academic stress and time
conscious. Ever since I was a child, I’ve always wanted to be a doctor. As a result, I chose the
course Physical Therapy in College. I am fond of learning new things and as well as memorizing
stuff. My High School self is still present up until now and I don’t plan on changing anymore for
I consider this as the best version of me. Seeing how the 2nd year of PT, I can see myself as one
who will be of service of others and will be providing ailment to patients. I am pushing myself to
strive hard and to study really hard to be able to attain my dream. The present version of me is
not far from the past version of me.

One must not forget what he/she has learned in the past because these things might be
beneficial in the present or in the future. Using these experiences, I can be more responsible and
careful on my actions and words. Emotions I have felt before makes it easier for me to predict
what might actually happen in every situation I face. Moreover, all of these things makes up who
I really am or SELF. I cannot separate my emotions from my experiences for they cannot be
separated and are dependent on each other. I cannot become who I am if I didn’t felt, thought and
experienced things.
Gabrielle Andrea dV Guzman BSPT- 1


Change is inevitable especially if external factors are all over the place. One cannot help
but adapt and adjust to the environment he/she is in. By doing adapting, the sense of self is not
lost but rather it is changed maybe for the better or worse. Society play a major part in the
development of the self for it is where the self is exposed to whenever he/she goes.

Changing schools has a major impact on one’s life. In my case, I came from a batch of
twelve to a batch of a hundred and more. As days pass by, I have adapted the way they talk and
act. Unfortunately, I have learned some negative things from what I have been exposed to like
saying bad words and becoming a procrastinator. When I realized this, I have told myself to
control and filter what I hear and observe from my peers and not apply it on my life. But, all I
can say is that it is much harder to do that is why I have become more adapted to using bad
words to express how I feel. The one thing that did not change in me is that I am still studious
and jolly most of the times. However, I have encountered the terms laziness and depression as
soon I step out of Elementary making me more moody and lazy in studying. The best
characteristic that I have learned in ADNU-JHS is being religious. Stepping in Ateneo at High
School heightened my trait of being religious because I am constantly exposed to masses and we
also have Religion as our subject in where we study the bible, church and the sacraments. At
present times, I have become more studious and becoming who I am during Elementary, which
is a good thing because this will raise the possibility of me reaching my goal, to be a pediatrician.
Over the past years, I did not lose me true self or moi even though I am new to the environment
and I was able to make my personne closer to my true self.

Subtlety, society influences each aspect of a person. It is in the self if he/she chooses to
be on the bad side or the good side. One must filter what he/she saw or heard from the society.
The way society enters the mind of a person is very rapid in such a way that it’s like the speed of
light. Society cannot be removed in one’s life for it is important I the development and growth of
a person. It will make the person more civil and more moral in return making the person a good
citizen. It can also one of the factors that will make the person know who he/she really is and
what is his/her purpose in life as well as his/her social responsibility in the country.
Gabrielle Andrea dV Guzman BSPT- 1


Do you really know who you are? This question is what one usually asks his/her own
self. The term ‘self’ is one of the broadest word because it has different meanings or definitions
according to different sources. What does it take to know who one really is? One is the one in
control on choosing what he/she wants to show to the public. To be real or not, that is the

In a society in where all sorts of people are present, I became confused on who I am
really. I’m stuck within staying true to myself or adjusting to other people. I have realized that I
have worn many masks to survive day-to-day situations. Authenticity is related to trusting a
person. I choose who I really want to be with in school. I can truly express what I truly feel and
my opinion regarding a matter freely towards them. But sometimes, trust can be broken and that
is fatal. Losing my trust can be the end of my relationship to him/her. Being true to my self is
really important because it will help me be on the right track of life. Unfortunately, I must
pretend sometimes because I don’t want other people to feel my pain inside. Yes, it is very hard
for me not to cry on public and tweak everything into positivity. But, I’ve become numb and I’m
used to it hence it became my habit. I have to put up a strong and optimistic version of me to not
to be called weak. Consequentially, I feel horrible whenever I got home and alone in my room
and that is when I have my breakdown of all pretends I made every day. Rarely, people notice
this habit of mine because the way I fake my laughs and smiles seems so true to my friends. I
keep asking myself to be straightforward and let it out of me but I just can’t tell my friends that
something is off in me. The irony is that I’m good at advising people to cheer up but when it
come to my own problem that ability of mine tends to be useless. Who am I really, a person who
is weak and lonely or strong and positive at everything?

Authenticity is want people want these days. This is a rare trait a person can have because
when reality slaps a person, the tables will turn and everything will go down. Showing too much
artificiality to other people is not good because this can lead a person to depression and worse
suicide. That’s why one must be open and not be afraid to let everything out whenever he/she
feels disturbed. Who knows letting it out will make one a better version of himself/herself.
Gabrielle Andrea dV Guzman BSPT- 1

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