Marvel vs. Capcom 2 - New Age of Heroes - 2000 - Capcom Co., Ltd.

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7A a TAKE IT TO THE EDGE 7 7 CAPCOM EDGE 2” JOINTHE RANKS OF THE WORLD'S GAMING ELITE AND 7” | EARNCAPCOM EDGE POINTS EVERY TIME YOU BUY ‘THE CAPCOM GAMES YOU LOVE. COLLECT MORE, POINTS AND GET ALL KINDS OF COOL STUFF LIKE T-SHIRTS, WATCHES, SUNGLASSES PORTABLE STEREOS AND OTHER CAPCOM EDGE GEAR DON'T FIGHTITIJOIN TODAY! ‘nna0anes Pend tre ing Yow B49 erm eo ame Sytem Sa er ir ole Sma a erates cnreortmcteny ri como evn oKhot ae ete ict peemcem neseait Daecpirinene ecient Romar cuscadl si eet a oe ee ee Drenden doen a0 ct ome es Dee ciao eee CAPCSH poe pang 7 ee eee Ae teen te Seti sect foie take ae Dhisbeenss emer) ooo Soe eee ‘ech hieon gni eeeea eae eri ee hates reenter Leeman CONTENTS sega reamcast™ Starting a came - Controls Game odes {Combat screen ‘omit ules: Spec Moves Soot Factor Fighters Cable | Maron | (ops captain America. Bonne Plocke | Rulyheort aque | Amigo sonson | Hayate. Doctor Doom walerne Sakura | ceman Strider Hin | Hulk Spider man | cule yu venom ‘naka | zangieh oncom tage... SEGA DREAMCAST™ STARTING A GAME Press SIRT a the rile cee, To make your sletins onthe ‘15¢ 0008 flaving ser se the eon Bo rane oe ein LS {nd pros the kato can “stu he + sect game mde. game mos Srpins tnt ono Start on poges] LI + Sec ahr: ee ier dior and conrrot rorrs india mores stating 0 page Ta) Use tes pot to comet ne sega Dreamcast cena ate ppb * conor you fone sity (a a, aun om et tsa cre Control ora, Conta Pot, ono fed or": Agana hn deerme Port and Contra ort srs cAPcon ses Confort hand & the chats varie si an arabe ‘Combination change ee pages 1:2) jaa hres at [MARVEL VS. CAPCOM 2s a 1-102 player game. Before turning te sega + select tee more characters for our tan Se ee em + eb gl i se Perera quent int the contre prs ofthe Sepa Dreamce ia, cos pay se ‘Nate sya atonal corer sl sporty to pay wth vo pope ial Memory Unit (vu) = “save game settings and ret an to continue play = on previous saved goes, see a vu eer "Wott et of contro rg = ont ea reams Note while saving «eae fk, nae turn oxF om the sea Oreamctst paver, nave he i = _ oFafsconet the conor eee = CONTROLS ‘Sega Dreamcast controller ge aa ch la Sica ae a aaReesy> itn Sica tpt an tenia) ‘uc ‘arn ca fra ‘terete ae / Reef Pini yer Toa ch i ig Tas Fa a Magen whe mrs sea Oe oe bm ma a ee ‘eaten por and vot maint {oy honb eset i nage ae cera red ue hr | Seo bomen woh moby he per an tr ago age eae el Arcade sacs ne ad Sime rane ue bein is ann mh) rsa — Boia mio ten ato) Some ‘on Jump Pact MARVELS. CAPCOM 2 support the um Puck vation pophera when wre int the Espana Sect of Sega Drearecastconilero ther compatible peripheral equipment, the ‘mg Pack pds a voraon eet tat can conser enhance the ‘gameplay pence (emp Pack carol be wed withthe rade Stick) woTEs: TE CACO 2 2 poe ie Comet rls er theyre ‘pm inte ting Be Sa eae ‘oral ante eam fe te ome aig gam sano es ‘ea Band Sa ats ee re ‘at oi te ‘fore ante tae th de rg De fast ater signe ‘Sg thst oy pin pe ‘tani cine eet GAME MODES Arcade mode Hora raver) Fat aginst CFU opponents, one after the other choose 3 hers fm 21 ‘charac. Defeat allcomers ttn the game arse airy ening, Payer 2 an join nay time by presing STA. ou an continu even you ase Versus mode YSlayer competion (Chalenge a rend head-on. ser {0 consi your Sega oreameast baorestating. chose o gtr, Inancleays and sage before evry match, ‘Training Mode Teveyer Practice your moves and combs aginst. chu character chome your character ‘ad sparring partner. uring taining, Dress SIAR oper the Waning Nea fad aj the sparing partners stings {Use the betonl Buon oc stick RAY ‘tomake a secon and € to change ‘the ating, Pres the ont cont option Mode “Adjust various game stings. Use the iretionol stn or iste ANN to make ‘secon and €) (0 change he Setng res the A Bult to cof ame option Ditty asc. hefty te torarade Mode games, “Time - dust our ine. en st {nny (the ath coins Damage - jist, the damage ee of your characte’ aca speed ~ Aust the one speed ‘Sound ~ Choose TERE) or MONAURAL {to match your spenker setup Default settings ~ exe deat sets. bt = Retum tthe Mode Seat me Button config Buttons - change but asgamens {orpunchs, RO a spell mane, “iprate= num jump pac vibration on Taken ning ore Pak in your Sey Dreamcast orl) command ~ us the computers response time (normal o Log] when Jou input spac ive commands. DefouitSttng- Reine default setinas et - tur othe option menu Display Ads Display adjust ~ center gure seen njour Defaute seting - toe default sets Memory card Save = Save our option stings and Score ranting data n ase Memory ‘Uni i) Ts dome wes Bets the vu oad Load gome data from avi. ait = Retiro the Mose Set men Score Ranking en high sore ranking for Arcade fan Sore stack Modes. ‘Score attack Thayer fate cry harcter fr high scores Ts mode's notated by our option ese singe ‘Secret Factor heck your play status and secret ‘haracter youve ule, Se page 13 COMAAT SCREEN aly cauge porter A 8 ‘aly cauge bonus Message Hyper cone cauge ‘carer sae in layer games; utero rsin2 Payer goes ‘emaiing oud tine en caches 20 the Winer decid [npn oe ngs more yrange can eset aur ne Hoon de Se page lor dace oct tic fh a a riety age on actos or bps, He dpa of file ‘abr br decrease as parr characters ae tac, eemes esi an @ haar res herb dpe. art ned et (Oa Aas ne cso sper me ih a ‘eco Har creases 0 a character acs, Wen i {Hechter Conse yer Can ond ober Poel COMBAT RULES match Play atch its rt one tm Compete rr otf italy fr ah {ve oes en trappers {neo tao vi 4 ithe match tie 9 cous, deta) rs cu befre er team wis re team wth ore ay dead the er fo can range the sate omeinOpten Nate) +h on ithe atch “erties nt one om is + You con uth tft eam Hahei mater stra ars recover Sone aly when {Fhgiersaiyrane a te fer 6 tne ot Draw came “ra gare cars he eth teams run et of aly ae sume tne (Gea or ven bat ears nave the same ambunt fly et when tes. SPECIAL MOVES ‘Inthe mos belo, th Outpt mows are for fhe facing ight. Revere ‘the eight action or fhters facing le per combo cage ype combo eyed nyper combo erie combiain ‘sap Fak ‘he et Cont cg bus up sou aac her al Your, ara can sur es tlds ho ype comb ca iter yer Con age vo oes “types Combo corn +P or re sana APs Comin wee 1 gouge Sec pose Te fr nea ‘hare tper Conca commons Seca or up 9 4 Wp Comtn ro urate crate per ‘ambi te sd chr pr Gos. curing he and ‘racers ier Come, i be ‘hk eae ype cb ss Le 2013 Hype combs cause es Partn’ cl arn futon smatoneoy. ‘rains eons esi ype corto at same yer cones Ge $99 rarer A nucon—cet opponents cand cars ot, $33 rareare natant opponent's the oacer et Force ponent to chonge ration, Sep Bak es 8 1 yet conc cnge arabe comer il te parte & ton Your characte al com ‘eur prin charac wae ond male Sng A ‘Weg + Porter ton whi Boking our sod charac wl VE Porter 0 baton whe oking Your id cheracer wt Ser pre acer wl came cto maa seta ond ath ‘hve, nate Cure ves eel gauge 1 pres stares Swen fo our Iii be rou) Suite to our tnt arate. Sch hres he cbr barn We aly nage lc rota ode rte eg, wth Wo tthe er moter perform comb imesear Polo a conte. kck ‘haar has oni ae Ssurtmor: ee pes 1527 topper tht and pafoma canto weal 29 lr €€) oF pres inaansosy tase tert el a i | swperyome kr tc orowcra woves safe area Avay etn cep ‘Mvancing Cua chan combo ve ime mucha ranma ure ton away fom opponent. ek proc’ tack the Ved dn te (rer opponent) or © HP or Two ar opment Wels rou ham See aras eps moira of thaw (when fn tear or bing grabbed) res any OButon Sel hear te Fal sy oer br co ea nayon apne ga ey sper, Where up the pu ts command ‘Stone epronn’s pura cs. Fash tr eponen, Lr rug fori +0 erg Pres stack btn ue one her teeter me Spree nse ics SAR res Sinton sige option ade A SECRET FACTOR Url re characters an ater hidden feature! calc points by playing each game Ime se your ots 0 Buy ne caters ander esas at he Sp. se these contol to operate the Scret Factor features ‘= oguttons ve cursor; set ams, carat, messages et */Abutton Conf section 8 eitton turn ta previous ment or seen "sou gon pelos yor pric bar ‘rey When yo gee. tn our ta py tie ons ain poe ig eh gane ase shop uy ne characters and other features withthe ons ou aque Your Characters ‘Check cut the gam characters and the nen characters i yu acquire ‘ Trade ‘rade you sete Facto characters with your fend by anmetng 2 iu Mery Unis (Vu) wh V5. COM dota Follw the onscreen inicio to complete the trade. You moat st up V5, COM file fst order to trade characters. See page A. pen bcs fr more into yur sega Dreamcast en the A Button to eee 0 VS.COM file in the vitu. The flloning pages sow the special mos for 24 flghers FIGHTERS inthe game ho Funches iat oF hen) ight or bey +P (sable in ai) & ‘haan SR foetin GEE Nae. Ft “cudngnesuger GW eo | : Special moves a, special moves aie osteo Finn como syorcren ‘yper Combos Chilo cund "econ Combos fae sfc o ana rts teen fee sun Assist Type assist Type ‘2 yarn a 8 amour 6 cohanemen 4 oan bance SONSO I ‘Special moves pen » pres mi wel nat ‘ent ys. Pusjeiman | Seto tenga SON Pane man) Hyper Combos Teoh Wakn G38 + PP lsatein a ow Ya3t sete ng veel Assist Type im Hea tjaie 2 ator vase SAL > scien epee Vario ya! Wee sx sien ir HAA SECU) DER DOOY Speci moves OP sreciat moves 9 Pima a meta Yeh 0 lin at) f Yee teen hat shot Sabees 8 uscne nan, AW Yee +> (aablein dr) Morcvorsbed See St . Hyper coma ne cone 3 in Tenecage G49» veel Sa ary FREE sete He ay ‘Special moves Beseker barrage GP i pm er rows cor” SY psnienan 5S eo snail Maia eee era 7 tena Bots Wace te pacer Nang aie a Mea gst) woe’ “Se co tania: ogee 5 ter ee SMD RT ‘special moves co $e ia ies Sper st ey “Fens YS <> vermen |S Syeeah ocala ‘om Vita Vek tien oi Yad Porn ina 3 » (wsoble ai BER anthem YR esa ol feminine Shine tow Yee ayer Combos 1 ‘cranes 989 x igor Bi ae \ ena Wa. iP 7 ee ‘sist De S i yy nine = 3 Nene erin 2 ro MEREMIAIN ati occa lores \ GUILE con Son your ‘ fio bce conmarorae — SBueep irchon €ame bor terns Curse, herp) 9+ Sey cee Gamma Chore (nti) ohare] 8+ ‘esomersaut lack — Ae (tif) ‘Hyper Combos Hyper Combos Geman y9 “Irchurtone Ya oe Sommaenth Yee nn Smnourane Yee 2 tune Quae SSS 3 anaes ‘assist Type Soeee ome ag THE Le rj giz HU iS Snr AUTOS |Special Moves oy” oem Vcc Se Y i 3 bccn” eee ears RT $23 stom nan We: | f usable Ger YAP + en atten ain shina sumall ee ee ite ee cae Be eas ee soe pc the — oa Arita La Tides He Zea ae al 5 cae, See eo ent [ee er tte —- ae eee ae a oe ge eee ita See. Py oe aoe on ae aoe me a a 5B si po launcher DONT FIGHT IT! SIGN UP TODAY. Dee ners osu we ne I>

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