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Z Transform

Prof. (Dr.) Shilpa Sondkar

September 8, 2015

Z - Transform

1 Z Transform
Z Transform is useful in the analysis and characterization of LTI discrete
time systems. The Z Transform of a discrete time signal x(n) is defined as
the power series
X(z) = x(n)z −n (1)

It is also denoted as
X(z) ≡ Z{x(n)} (2)
where the relation between x(n) and X(z) is indicated as

x(n) ←→ X(z) (3)

Since the Z transform is an infinite power series; it exist only for those values
of z for which the this series converges. The region of convergence(ROC) of
X(z) is the set of all values of z for which X(z) attains a finite value. From
the mathematical point of view the Z transform is simply an alternative rep-
resentation of a signal.
Examples: Determine the Z transforms of the following finite duration sig-

1. x(n) = {1, 2, 5, 7, 0, 1}

X(z) = 1 + 2z −1 + 5z −2 + 7z −3 + z −5
ROC is the entire z plane except z = 0.

2. x(n) = {1, 2, 5, 7, 0, 1}

X(z) = z 2 + 2z + 5 + 7z −1 + z −3
ROC is the entire z plane except z = 0 and z = ∞.

3. x(n) = δ(n)
X(z) = 1
ROC is the entire z plane.

4. x(n) = δ(n − k)
X(z) = z −k
ROC is the entire z plane except z = 0.

2 Prof. (Dr.) S. Y. Sondkar

Instrumentation Engg. Dept., VIT, Pune
1.1 Inverse Z - Transform Z - Transform

5. x(n) = δ(n + k)
X(z) = z k
ROC is the entire z plane except z = ∞.
1 n

Example 2: Determine the Z-Transform of the signal x(n) = 2
∞  n
X 1
X(z) = z −n
X(z) = 1− 12 z −1

ROC |z|> 2

1.1 Inverse Z - Transform

The procedure for transforming from Z-domain to the time domain is inverse
x(n) = X(z)z n−1 dz (4)
2πj c

2 Properties of Z - Transform
1. Linearity
If x1 (n)←
z X1 (z)

and x2 (n)←z X2 (z)


x(n) = a1 x1 (n) + a2 x2 (n)←

z X(z) = a1 X1 (z) + a2 X2 (z)
→ (5)

2. Time Shift
If x(n)←
z X(z)

z z −k X(z)
x(n − k)←
→ (6)

3. Scaling in Z-domain
If x(n)←
→z X(z)
an x(n)←
z X(a−1 z)
→ (7)

3 Prof. (Dr.) S. Y. Sondkar

Instrumentation Engg. Dept., VIT, Pune
Z - Transform

4. Time Reversal
If x(n)←
z X(z)

x(−n)←→z X(z −1 ) (8)
5. Differentiation in the Z-domain
If x(n)←z X(z)

nx(n)←z −z
→ (9)
6. Convolution of two sequences
If x1 (n)←
z X1 (z)

and x2 (n)←z X2 (z)

x(n) = x1 (n) ∗ x2 (n)←
z X(z) = X1 (z)X2 (z)
→ (10)
7. Correlation of two sequences
If x1 (n)← →z X1 (z) and x2 (n)← z X2 (z)


rx1 x2 (l) = x1 (x)x2 (n − l)←
→z Rx1 x2 (z) = X1 (z)X2 (z −1 ) (11)

8. Multiplication of two sequences

If x1 (n)←
z X1 (z)

and x2 (n)←z X2 (z)

x(n) = x1 (n)x2 (n)←
z X(z) =
→ X1 (ν)X2 ( )ν −1 dν (12)
2π c ν
9. Initial Value Theorem
If x(n) is causal [i.e. x(n) = 0 for n < 0], then
x(0) = lim X(z) (13)

10. Time Expansion

If x(n)←
z X(z)

z X(z k )
x( )← (14)
k →

4 Prof. (Dr.) S. Y. Sondkar

Instrumentation Engg. Dept., VIT, Pune
Z - Transform

3 Some Common Z-Transform Pairs

Sr.No Signal Z-transform ROC
x(n) X(z)

1 δ(n) 1 All z

2 u(n) 1−z −1
|z| > 1

3 an u(n) 1−az −1
|z| > |a|

az −1
4 nan u(n) (1−az −1 )2
|z| > |a|

5 −an u(−n − 1) 1−az −1
|z| < |a|

az −1
6 −nan u(−n − 1) (1−az −1 )2
|z| < |a|

1−z −1 cos ω0
7 cos ω0 nu(n) 1−2z −1 cos ω0 +z −2
|z| > 1

z −1 sin ω0
8 sin ω0 nu(n) 1−2z −1 cos ω0 +z −2
|z| > 1

1−az −1 cos ω0
9 an cos ω0 nu(n) 1−2az −1 cos ω0 +a2 z −2
|z| > |a|

az −1 sin ω0
10 an sin ω0 nu(n) 1−2az −1 cos ω0 +a2 z −2
|z| > |a|

4 Methods to find Inverse Z-Transform

There are three methods for the evaluation of the inverse Z Transform
1. Direct evaluation of the equ.4 by contour integration [Residue method]
2. Expansion into a series of terms, in the variables z and z −1 [Long
3. Partial Fraction Expansion

5 Prof. (Dr.) S. Y. Sondkar

Instrumentation Engg. Dept., VIT, Pune
4.1 Residue Method Z - Transform

4.1 Residue Method

x(n) = X(z)z n−1 dz (15)
2πj c
x(n) = residue of X(z)z at z = zi (16)
all poles zi inside C

x(n) = (z − zi )X(z)z (17)

i z=zi

provided that the poles {zi } are simple. If X(z)z n−1 has no poles inside the
contour C for one or more values of n, then x(n) = 0 for these values.
If there are multiple poles the residue at multiple poles is found using follow-
ing method:

1 d
Residue of X(z)z n−1 = (z − pk )m X(z)z n−1 (18)

(m − 1)! dz m−1

where m is the order of pole.

4.2 Long Division Method or Power series method

In this method the numerator and the denominator of X(z) are first ex-
pressed in either descending powers of z or ascending powers of z −1 and the
quotient is then obtained by long division.
When the sequence x(n) is causal X(z) is to be expressed in negative powers
of z. Begin division with a constant or least negative power of z and elim-
imnate lowest power of z −1 . For causal signal ROC is exterior of circle.
When the sequence x(n) is anti causal X(z) is to be expressed in negative
powers of z Begin division with a highest negative power of z and elimimnate
lowest power of z. For Anticausal signal ROC is interior of a circle.

4.3 Partial Fraction Expansion

Let X(z) be expressed as

b0 + b1 z −1 + b2 z −2 + ... + bM z −M
X(z) = (19)
1 + a1 z −1 + a2 z −2 + ... + aN z −N

6 Prof. (Dr.) S. Y. Sondkar

Instrumentation Engg. Dept., VIT, Pune
4.3 Partial Fraction Expansion Z - Transform

Multiply numerator and denominator by z N to eliminate the negative powers

of z.
b0 z N + b1 z N −1 + b2 z N −2 + ... + bM z −M +N
X(z) = (20)
z N + a1 z N −1 + a2 z N −2 + ... + aN
Divide equ.20 by z

X(z) b0 z N −1 + b1 z N −2 + b2 z N −3 + ... + bM z N −M −1
= (21)
z z N + a1 z N −1 + a2 z N −2 + ... + aN
Factorize denominator of equ.(21)

X(z) b0 z N −1 + b1 z N −2 + b2 z N −3 + ... + bM z N −M −1
= (22)
z (z − p1 )(z − p2 )....(z − pN )

4.3.1 Case I - Poles of equ.(22) are distinct

X(z) C1 C2 CN
= + + .... + (23)
z (z − p1 ) (z − p2 ) (z − pN )
the coefficients C1 , C2 ...CN can be determined using the following formula

Ck = (z − pk ) (24)


k = 1, 2, ...N

4.3.2 Case II - Equ.(22) has pole of multiplicity l

X(z) R(z)
= (25)
z (z − pk )l
X(z) C1k C2k Cik Clk
= + 2
+ ... + i
+ ... + (26)
z (z − pk ) (z − pk ) (z − pk ) (z − pk )l
Then Cik can be determined as


1 X(z)
Cik = (z − pk )l (27)

(l − i)! dz l−i z


7 Prof. (Dr.) S. Y. Sondkar

Instrumentation Engg. Dept., VIT, Pune
4.3 Partial Fraction Expansion Z - Transform

4.3.3 Case III - X(z) has a complex pole

If X(z) has complex pole the partial fraction can be expressed as follows

X(z) C1 C1∗
= + (28)
z (z − p1 ) (z − p∗1 )

where C1∗ is a complex conjugate of of C1 and p∗1 is a complex conjugate of


8 Prof. (Dr.) S. Y. Sondkar

Instrumentation Engg. Dept., VIT, Pune

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