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Indicator Characters Item spesification

Extrovert Sociable, likes parties, has many friends, 1. I have many different hobbies
needs to have people to talk to, and does 2. I am a talkative person.
not like reading or studying by himself. 3. I am rather lively.
He craves excitement, takes chances, 4. I can usually let myself go and enjoy
often sticks his neck out, acts on the spur myself at a lively party.
of the moment, and is generally an 5. I enjoy meeting new people.
impulsive individual. He is fond of 6. I like going out a lot.
practical jokes, always has a ready 7. I have many friends.
answer, and generally likes change; he is 8. I call myself happy-go-lucky.
carefree, easy going, optimistic, and likes 9. I usually take the initiative in making
"to laugh and be merry." He prefers to new friends.
keep moving and doing things, tends to 10.I like telling jokes and funny stories
be aggressive and lose his temper to my friends.
quickly; altogether his feelings are not 11.I can easily get some life into a rather
kept under his tight control, and he is not dull party.
always a reliable person. 12.I like mixing with people.
13.Sometimes people say that I act too
14.I like doing things in which I have to
act quickly.
15.I often make decisions on the spur of
the moment
16.I nearly always have a 'ready answer'
when people talk to me.
17.I often take on more activities than I
have time for.
18.I can get a party going.
19.I like plenty of bustle and excitement
around myself.
20.Other people think of me as being
very lively.
Introvert Quiet retiring sort of person, 1. I prefer reading to meeting people.
introspective; fond of books rather than 2. I tend to keep in the background on
people; he is reserved and distant except social occasions.
to intimate friends. He tends to plan 3. I am mostly quiet when I am with
ahead, "looks before he leaps," and other people.
distrusts the impulse of the moment. He
does not like excitement, takes matters of
everyday life with proper seriousness,
and likes a well-ordered mode of life. He
keeps his feelings under close control,
seldom behaves in an aggressive manner,
and does not lose his temper easily. He is
reliable, somewhat pessimistic, and
places great value on ethical standards

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