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Tom WilePow COLT . 45 AUTO SEAR JIG INSTRUCTIONS TG m0. ‘Thio jig iv adjusted to produce the propor angle on the soar nose for a criep breaking trigger. L{ the user feels that an angle .change is needed we recommend that the adjusting et screw be turned only a fraction of a turn, Seribe a line on the end of the jig, parallel with an allen wrench installed into the adjusting acrew before making any change and thie will give you a witness mark to return to. Set screw has nylon Insert to retain setting. Lay the sear on its side on a flat sheet of plate gi Using an India stone bevel the sear nose with 40 t0 50 strokes. The beveled edge should appear to be about 1/3 as wide ae the main sear engagementourface. Keep stones off of the battom flat surface on the sear as this is where the safety contacts it, removal of metal here can render the safety inoperative ‘The angle which is beveled on the sear nose is not critical as it just serves to get the sear out away fromthe inner corner of the hammer full cock notch. Place jig in viee if available, place soar In jig using pin from gun, Sear nose will extend above surface of jig. Any sear that doee not extend at east .010 should be replace ¢ as it has had too much removed, Lay the shim stock provided on the Jig, shim stock will be alld with the honing stones to keep the jig from wearing. When any stone ls used on sear or hammer it should be cleaned of all grit and then well olled with a good honing oll auch our 3-OL. With a fine India stone give the sear about 50 strokes with a medium (apprex. 2 1b) downward pressure on the atone, While honing hold the base of the sear aginst the set screw. z honing = -atone shim stock san 7 correctly beveled ling finges t aot Next give the sear at least 200 light strokes (1/2 to 1 Ib. downward pressure) with a hard white Arkangas stone. Repeat stroking with the hard black Arkansas stone , very light pressure, approx. 300 to 400 strokes, very zapid stroking motion. Bright mirror finiah will result. Now using the hard black Arkaneas stone, sear hand held, very slightly round the main « surface into the beveled aurface with about 25 to 50 light stroker and the stone being rocked and slid in ene direction. When the sear has been properly honed it will held the hammer up and keap it from droping into half cock, with the trigger pulled and held back when the slide is dropped. eee PREPARING THE HAMMER 7 ‘The full cock notch should be reduced to a minimum of . O18" as determined with a feeler gauge. To accomplish lay the hammer on its side, on a sheet of flat plate glass. Hold the hammer down emagly on ite side and alide the India atone. Every 20 strokeat urn the hammer over to ite other ide, and turn the stone to a differant side, This will keep the hammer notch very aquare. After the full cock notch is reduced to . O18" stone tha notch. Firat use the Hard shite Arkansas atone well oiled, at least 200 strokes. Then repeat using the hard black Arkansas atono at least 300 strokes, stone well oiled. The hammer is held in the fingers while the full cock notch is being stoned. Use care to kesp fren rocking the st one while honing the hammer fall cock notch, F-0-A Page 1 of 5 For Jig #1 (Courtesy LCHDR) HAMMER FYLL COCK NOTCH india stone sight bevel . Cc aepmegn MEE The sear spring leaves will have to be beat and adjusted to achive the dealred 5 1/2 to 4 1b, trigger pull. Holding the leaf epring with the 90 deg. lip at the bottom and the Leaves as they would be in the gun facing away, the right leaf is for the grip safety only. The conter leaf affects trigger pull but must not be adjusted too light as if alao operates the diaconnector which keeps the gun fron going full automatic, The far left leaf spring provides pressure for the sei into the hammer full cock notch and it must not be adjusted too light or the gun will go full auto, If the desired trigger let off le not attalned die-aesemble the gun and re-atone only with the hard black Ark. atone, Stones can be re-dreased by hand, lay a shect of 60 grit wet or dry emory piper on a glass sheet , float with water, lap each side of stone until sharp edge le obtained. If you do not have a good set of stones, we offer a complete set of three, One India, One hard white Ark, and one hard black Ark. These are the stones I use in doing all Colt 45A.C.P, trigger work, TROUBLE SHOOTING - AFTER PRECEEDING WORK CREEPY TRIGGER A. Sloppy trigger fit in gun. Fit trigger to mortise in gun, some do this by peaning the rear edges of the trigger to make it larger. Then fitting the trigger. Another method is to add metal by welding to the trigger. Or an oversized trigger can be purchased , then filed and fitted into the gan. B. Trigger bars binding frame, C. Magazine binding inside trigger bar D. Disconnector click oF disconnector moving a@ trigger proseura is applied. B, Too much clipped off of main spring, I believe in full length sprin HAMMER WILL NOT STAY UP AT FULL COCK, when gun ie a: trigger firmly held back, A, Far left leaf of sear spring underneath sear instead of pressing on it. B. ‘Trigger being held back with out the magazine catch in the gun, The excess trigger movement literally eliminates the sear, Test with magazine catch in place and the trigger Stop set screw adjusted in trigger. C. ‘Too much Radii on sear nose, re~stone sear. D. Sear angle incorrect as a result of too much adjusting to the jig set screw. E. Too much Radi in the hammer full cock notch, F, Hammer full cock notch cut below the . 018" limit too far. smbled, slide dropped while When the gun is in use held the gun FIRMLY in the shooting hand, keep the finger off of the trigger. With the non shooting hand uae your thumb to hold the hammer back and the index fingex of the non shooting hand to release the ¢lide stop latch. When you test fire the gun only load 2 rounda, if successful next load 3. Remember that in all stoning operations you are trying to polish metal and get mirror finish not remove a large ammount of stock. Lf you are a good workman and careful you will enjoy the success of turning out very fine tigger work using my methods, If you hack through it, you will never get a good job. ‘You must remember that you are doing the very most meticulous part of pistol work and the part thst js the casiest detected by others and yourself if hacked out. Also the greatest app- reciated for a job well done and a reputation for being a fine erafteman when done properly. F-10-3B For Jig #1 Page 2 of 5 (Courtesy LCHDR) FAILURE OF THUMB SAFETY Ocea sionally the thumb safety on the Colt .45 A.C, P. Pistol will fail to operate prop- etl, To check for possible malfunction, make eure gun ie unloaded, cock the hammer, engage thumb safety. in this position the lug on the safety is blocking the hammer and the sear. Ae this condition exists, If the safety 1s defective and the trigger te pulled far has a small amount of movement allowed between it and the safoty lug, Ac~ ammer does not fall a6 position the hammer immediately falls. ‘This is not an uncommon problem when setting up a trigger job and reducing the ham~ mer full cock notch. In order to eee what is happening assemble the parts, but leave out the grip safety. Cock the gun, put safety on, pull the trigger, you will see if your ty ie holding and working properly. If tho safety is not operating propsrly, it is easily corrected. Remove safety from gun, it will require build up where it contacts the sear. Lay safety on a etee! back up block, ‘with the lug that contacts the sear up. Smack the lug smartly with a bammer 3 or 4 times ar, thereby swaging more metal oat, Reassemble in gun For Jig f 1 Page 3 of 5 F-10-¢ (Courtesy LCHDR) TOM Witsow . COLT .45 AUTO HAMMER JIG INSTRUCTIONS JIG #18 it will facilitate use of the Jig if it Jw placed in a bench viee, leaving both hands free. Insert 7/64 x 3 long pin, which te provided, through the pivot hole in the hammer. Now place the hammer and pin into the milled slot on the jig with the hammer upside fement hammer full cock notches "up!, This la as illustrated be~ . Reduee to 018) te i Adjuet the hammer so the sear gement full cock notch is perfectly perpendicular to the top of the block with . 018" of the hooks exposed. This ls done by adjasting acrema "AM and "B", With a flat india atone hone off all of the excers of the hammer hooks exposed above the jig surface. Neat adjust the sear so that the surfaces marked * in the illustration are now perfectly parallel and in the exact same plain aa the top of the jig. This can be determined by wiping all oil off of the jig end hammer. Smoking the hammer witha and very sanily mpving a dry atone across the hammer. Adjust screws "A"" and "BM as needed until the’stone just barely does wipe the smoke off. Be sure that it is wiping evenly on the * surfaces. Now oil up the india stone and very carefully atone the hammer full cock notches, go slow and easy - be careful to mot rock the stone, but keep it perfectly square to the full cock notch "HOOKS". Next repeat with an oiled, hard white Ark. stone. Be Sure your atones are SQUARE and emooth. Do not use b stone with a worn corner as it may stone ina radius and this cannot be, Page 4 of 5 (Courtesy LCHDR) F=10-D For Jig 1H Noxmaily 200 homing strokes with a well olled hard white Ark. etone will be sufficient. Follow this with 300-400 strokes with a well olled bard black Ark. stone. BE SURE STONES ARE SQUARE. Turn them toa new face alter each 20 hon ing strokes. When you have finished a very slight bevel can be put on the full cock notch edges using the hard black Ark. stone. Hold hammer in tiny a few thes Hammer Jig should be used in conjunction with our sear Jig in obtaining s good trigger job. Alter sear has been properly honed then the sear spring leaves will have to be Bent and adjusted te achieve the desired 3 1/2 to 4 Ib, trigger pall. Holding the leaf spring with the 90 deg. lip at the bottom and the leaves as they would be in the gun fac- ing away, the right leaf is for the grip eafety only. The center leaf affecte trigger pull, but must not be adjusted too Light aw It aleo operates the disconngctor which keeps the gun from going fall automatic. ‘The far left leaf epring provides pressure for the sear into the hammer full cock sotch and it must not be adjusted too Light or the gan will 60 full auto. If the derired trigger let off Is not attained di. the hard black Ark. stone. St ‘of 69 grit wet or dey emory paper on a glass sheet, floit with water, lap each side of stone until sharp edge is obtained. If you do not have a good ent of stones, we olfer a complete set of three, one India, one hard white Ark., and one hard Ulack Ark. TROUBLE SHOOTING - AFTER PRECEEDING WORK CREEPY TRIGGER: A. Sloppy trigger fit i gua, Fit telgger te mortise in gun, some de this by peaning the rear edges of the trigger to make it larger. Then fitting the trigger. Another method le to add metal by welding to the trigger. Or an oversized trigger can be purchased - than Hed and fitted Into the gun. . B, Trigger bi C. Magasine binding inaide trigger bars. fone only sith D. Disconnector click or dleconsector moving as trigger pressure is applicd, E, Too much clipped off of main spring, 1 believe in fall Length epring. gun is ae HAMMER WILL NOT STAY UP AT FULL COCK, wl telgger firmty held back, A. Far Left le B. Trigger being h movement literally eliminates the sear. atop set screw adjusted in trigger. €. Too much Radil on aear Hose, re-atens D. Soar angle incorrectas a revult of too much adjusting to the jig set screw. E, Too much Radi! in the hammer full cock notch, F. Hammer full cock notch cut below the . 010" Umit too faz, When the gun Is in use hold the gun FIRMLY in the shooting band, keep the finger off of the your thamb to hold the hammer back and the index finger of the non shooting hand to release the slide stop latch. When you test fire the gun only load 2 rounds, Mf successful, next load 3. Remember that in all stoning operations you are trying to polish metal and get mirror floieh not remove a large amount of stock. If you are 2 good workman and careful you will enjoy the success of turning out very fine bled, slide dropped while ‘spring under: back with out the magazine cateh in the gon. The excess trigger catch In place and the trigger trlgger work using my methods. If you hack through It you will never get a good job. You must remember pistol work and the part that te the ‘Alao the gri appreciated for « job well done and « reputation for being a fine crafteman when don properly. Telnet Page 5 of 5 (Courtesy LCHDR) For Jig 1H

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