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War Of The Mind /war-of-the-mind

With tragedies like Alton Sterling and countless others present in our mind, the idea of escaping reality seems like
the better option then staying in this cruel world where people riot in the streets for justice and those who protect us
being slaughtered. We may watch the news and media for updates on these events not knowing that they are doing
more harm than good; they continuously relay disturbing stories leaving the viewer to be more disturbed and angry
with society. Have you ever noticed when these types of events happen and are being continuously broadcasted on
the news that people tend to have more anger than normal? If you have then you are on to something, I believe it is
because of one word, anxiety. The media speaks to us in a way that makes us anxious and lets everyone believe
that the world is falling apart when in reality its not.

But for those who suffer from anxiety on a constant basis this feeling is normal. They are used to feeling severely
overwhelmed with everything even including the simplest tasks which may cause a breakdown. I have experienced
this feeling first hand when I was a senior in high school, I remember being extremely overwhelmed with all the
standardized tests and applications for college. There is a memory that distinctively comes to mind, I was in my
mom's bathroom having a mental breakdown over something that was not in my control and she was just holding
me having no idea why I was really upset. I kept thinking that my hardwork was not going to be good enough even
though I would worry endlessly, I thought it would directly influence my college career. I over analyzed the smallest
things thinking they could topple my plans. I was angry and frustrated with myself constantly. I have never
experienced so much an anxiety in my life, it was smothering me.

But now a year later I have realized something, every time I feel overwhelmed, upset, or just anxious I say a simple
pray to God. That's it, there is no technique. It is that simple. Just give your worries to him and allow him to handle
the situation. I can't explain how calming and peaceful I am after I give him my problems and worries, I think it's the
idea that if I am not strong enough to handle this then God must be I mean he did create the world we see. There
are plenty of versus in the Bible that can be a reminder that we are not alone, here are some:

Isaiah 41:10

Philippians 4:7

Psalm 35:23

Isaiah 35:4

Psalm 56:3

Deuteronomy 31:6

These are just a few that offer peace to our fears and anxiety. Don't let the problems of the world or your own anxiety
dictate your life, just give your anxieties and fears to God. He will give a peace that will pass all understanding.


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