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Neecha Bhanga Raj Yoga

The negative experiences and hardships due to the debilitated planet in the horoscope
make a person strong willed and channelize his/her energy in proper direction. If you
have strong will power to achieve what you want in your life, Neecha Bhanga Raj
Yoga will remove all your negative approaches and lead you to a successful life.
The debilitated planet gets power after the cancellation of its debilitation. Though a
person is born with Neecha Bhanga Raj yoga will be like a king and will be just and
Rules related to Neecha Bhanga Raj yoga
Debilitation of a planet gets cancelled:

i. If a planet is in debilitation, the lord of the debilitation sign is in a Kendra from Janam
lagna(e.g. Aries) or Chandra lagna, the debilitation gets cancelled.
ii. the lord of its exalted sign(e.g. Venus) occupies a Kendra or quadrant
from Janam lagna(e.g.Aries ascendant) or Chandra (Natal moon).The person will be
like an emperor.
iii. If a planet is debilitated in a sign and has aspect of its lord (e.g. Mars in full strength).
Here the planet which aspects the debilitated planet should not be in combustion.
iv. If a planet is debilitated and is aspected by its exaltation lord (e.g. Venus in strength).
v. If a debilitated planet is aspected by another planet in debilitation, the debilitation gets
vi. if a debilitated planet exchanges sign with its dispositor
vii. if this planet’s own sign is occupied by its exalted planet, in Kendra and has aspect on
the debilitated planet. Example: If a planet is in its debilitated sign (e.g. moon in
Scorpio) in 8th house and this planet’s own sign i.e. Cancer is occupied by its exalted
planet Jupiter, which is in 4th house from Lagna (i.e. Aries) and the exalted planet
Jupiter has an aspect on debilitated moon, debilitation of moon is cancelled.
viii. Debilitation gets cancelled, if a planet is in its exalted sign (e.g. Venus in Pisces) with
a planet placed in its debilitated sign (e.g. Mercury in Pisces) or conjunction of an
exalted planet (e.g. Venus in Pisces) with a debilitated planet (e.g. Mercury in Pisces),
in a Kendra or Trikona from the Lagna or the Chandra-lagna, the person will be an
emperor or hold a high official rank. Example: If both the planets Mercury and Venus
are placed in Virgo (in 4thhouse), the lord of the sign, i.e. Mercury that gets exalted in
the sign Virgo is also occupied by the debilitated planet Venus, both are in a trikona
from the lord of the exaltation sign of the debilitated planet Venus (i.e. Jupiter in
8thhouse from Gemini Lagna). Here Jupiter has an aspect on both Mercury and Venus
placed in Virgo.
a. Sun and Saturn in either Aries or in Libra
b. Mars and Jupiter in either Cancer or in Capricorn
c. Mercury and Venus in either Virgo or in Pisces
ix. is aspected by another debilitated planet or by its own dispositor.
x. Debilitation gets cancelled if a planet is exalted in the Navamsha chart.
xi. If the debilitated planet is in Vargottam Navamsha
xii. A powerful Neecha Bhanga Raj Yoga also occurs along with Vipareet Raj Yoga. This
kind of Neecha Bhanga is like a chain which is formed between two or more
debilitated planets.
a. If debilitated Sun is placed in Libra and its sign lord Venus is also debilitated
in Virgo, both the debilitated planets gain strong Neecha Bhanga and
debilitation get cancelled for both the planets
b. If Mercury is debilitated in Pisces, Pisces lord Jupiter is also debilitated in
Capricorn, Jupiter and Mercury both gain a powerful Neecha Bhanga Raj
xiii. If debilitated planet 6th lord (e.g. Mercury) is placed in 12th house (e.g. Pisces) and
debilitated planet 12th house lord Jupiter is placed in 6th house (e.g. Virgo) from Janam
lagna(e.g. Aries) , both the debilitated planets Jupiter and Mercury have mutual
aspect, a strong Neecha Bhanga Raj Yoga occurs along with both Vipreet Raj yoga
and Parivartan Yoga. This Yoga is extremely powerful.

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A strong Neecha Bhanga Raja yoga occurs only if the debilitated planet is not
combust, gets aspect of the benefic planets in strength or owns preferably a benefic
Bhava (house) or occupies a Kendra (quadrant) in a benefic and friendly sign,
otherwise only planet's debility is removed and it gains strength.

Neecha Bhanga Yoga is a very powerful Yoga which occurs even if a native has
debilitated planets in his/her astrological chart and produces wonderful results beyond
one’s expectation and gives prosperity, wealth, political power, name and fame during
the periods and sub periods of related planets.

Effects of Neechabhanga Rajayoga

Dr. B. V. Raman in his book `Hindu Predictive Astrology’ has said, `A debilitated
planet gives evil results like losses, mean birth, troubles from various sources,
quarrels with parents and relations, imprisonment, hating of God. Later at a time
until and unless its debilitation gets cancelled, the native hardly gets success in his

Pandit Gopesh Kumar Ojha in his book `Hindu Predictive Astrology’ has said that
planets in debilitation confer the most worst and evil results. Phaladeepika (verses
26-30) states that if at birth a planet is debilitated all if the lord of its sign of its
exaltation b e in a Kendra (square) of the moon or ascendant, the native will be king
and a righteous ruler, becomes very rich, wealthy and prosperous.

The general belief is that a debilitated planets unless gets cancelled usually confers
very evil results. The native suffers too much in his life. If two or three such
debilitated planets are placed in a horoscope, the native turns into a violent
criminal. Take for example the horoscope of Nathuram Vinayak Godse who killed
Mahatma Gandhi. In his horoscope, there are two debilitated planets i.e. Mars in
Cancer and Saturn in Aries. The lord of the lagna is placed in the 12th. All these evil
planetary positions made him very cruel. (Born on 19-5-1910 a 8-29 a.m.)

Benefics like Venus and Jupiter when get debilitated inflict less miseries, troubles,
obstacles in the path of progress. But malefic when debilitated inflict more troubles,
miseries, sickness, chronic ailments and various other hardships. The native hardly
succeeds in life. The violent malefic are Mars, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu. But the most
worst result is seen when Ketu is posited in Gemini and Saturn in Cancer or in Leo.
The usual debilitated position of the planets are the Sun in Libra, Moon in Scorpio,
Mars in Cancer, Mercury in Pisces, Jupiter in Capricorn, Venus in Virgo, Saturn in
Aries, Rahu in Sagittarius and Ketu in Gemini. As Rahu and Ketu eclipse the Sun and
Moon, Leo and Cancer are their inimical or detrimental signs. If Ketu is placed in Leo
along with Mars and afflicted by 2 other malefic, the native may meet his death by
decapitation or he may be beheaded. Take for example the horoscope of Forward
Block leader – Hemanta Kumar Basu who was beheaded on 20-2-71 by some naxalites.
In his birth-chart, Ketu and Mars are placed in Leo and in his 3 rd house aspected by
Rahu. The 6th lord is placed in the 3rd. (Born on 5-10-1895 at 3.30 a.m.)

Mantreswar has said, `Neechabhanga Rajayoga usually makes a native a great

political leader or a great statesman”. I will now explain this with some example
horoscopes as under:-

1. Alobert Einstein: Born on 14-3-1879 at 12.00 p.m. Birth chart: Gemini-ascendant;

Cancer-Ketu; Scorpio-the Moon; Capricorn-Rahu and Mars, Aquarius-Jupiter; Pisces
the Sun, Mercury, Venus and Saturn.
He was a German-American Scientist. He was famous for his Theory of relativity. He
also made outstanding contributions to the Kinetic theory of matter and the theory
of specific heats, and was one of the pioneers of Quantum theory. Mercury is
debilitated in his birth-chart but the lord of the sign Jupiter is placed in an angular
house from the Moon. Mercury itself is placed in the 10th from the ascendant which
constituted Neechabhanga Rajayoga. The result is that the native rose very high in

2. Chakraborty Rajagopalachari (Born in 1879). Birth chart: Scorpio-ascendant,

Venus and the Sun, Sagittarius-Mercury; Capricorn-Jupiter and Rahu; Pisces-Saturn;
Taurus-the Moon; Cancer-Ketu; Libra-Mas.
He was Governor General of India from June 1948 to January 1950. He was the Chief
Minister of Madras from 1937 to 1939. Jupiter is debilitated in Capricorn and its
exalted sign in Cancer. Its lord the Moon is placed in an angle (7 th) from the
Ascendant which constituted Neechabhanga Rajayoga. The result is that the native
rose to the top position in his life.

3. Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan (Born on 5-9-1988 at 9.00 p.m.). Birth Chart:

Aquarius-Ascendant; Cancer-Saturn and Rahu; Leo- the Moon, Sun and Mercury;
Virgo-Venus, Scorpio-Jupiter and Mars: Capricorn-Ketu.

He was President of India from 1962 to 1967. Venus is debilitated in Virgo and its
lord Mercury is placed in an angular house (7th) from the Ascendant which constituted
Neechabhanga Rajayoga. It helped him to become the President of India.
Neecha Bhanga Raaj Yog

Whenever a planet is in debilitation, that means the planet is having hardship,

struggling time to bestow it’s full result in our life. Debilitation and Exaltation is due
to the placement of any planet in various signs, but then house placement also plays
a significant role in grabbing strength and delivering fruitful result of any planet. As
all the debilitation and Exaltation signs are exactly opposite signs and house
placement to each other, so sign and houses are having relativity in Astrology to
understand the core affect.
Before I go ahead , I need to clear up that Neecha Bhanga & Neecha Bhanga Raaj
Yog are two different terms with different results in life.

Venus, Mars Can Give Neechabhanga to Sun

Mercury, Jupiter can give Neecha bhanga to Venus
Saturn, Moon, Jupiter can give Neecha bhanga to Mars
Mars, Venus, can give Neecha bhanga to Moon
Jupiter, Mercury, Venus can give Neecha bhanga to Mercury
Mars, Venus, Sun can give Neecha bhanga to Saturn.
Moon, Saturn, Mars can give Neecha bhanga to Jupiter.
From the above list we can understand Just for Neecha Bhanga (cancellation of
debilitation) only the dispositor of debilitated planet, any planet who will get exalted
with that debilitated planet in same sign and the lord of exaltation sign of that
debilitated planet matters. Now for having Neecha Bhanga Raaj Yoga house
placement of above planets on the table in a horoscope will matter a lot.
Conditions for Neecha Bhanga Raaj Yoga :
1. Dispositor of Debilitated planet & exaltation sign lord should be in quadrant from
Moon or Ascendant.
3. Dispositor of Debilitated planet and lord of exaltation sign of that debilitated
planet are Kendra from each other.
4. Debilitated planet in conjunction with exalted planet.
First planet will give debilitated result then it will give cancellation of debilitation
result and finally Raaj Yoga result. In other words, debilitated planet will trap you with
trouble, failure, humiliation etc then your lesson and experience of past deed will
make you hard work that’s by the grace of mitigating planet and finally that hard
work will give you royal status or honor achievement in life. So don’t end up making
statement that Neecha Bhanga Raaj Yoga doesn’t work in my chart. Cause Neecha
Bhanga Raaj Yog will only give its result after some suffering, embarrassment,
mistakes in life.

If debilitated planet gets exalted in Navamsha or Shashthiamsha (D9 & D60) then too
Neecha Bhanga can be counted.
I took Albert Einstein horoscope as example as he has two debilitated planets but
one is getting neechabhang but not raaj yoga and another getting Neecha bhanga
Raaj yog. So the difference between these two terms can be understood clearly.

Ascendant lord Mercury is debilitated and we know how important the support of
Ascendant lord to get ahead in life and reaping all the benefic results of good yogas
in horoscope. If it was not mentioned as Einstien’s Horoscope majority of people
would say native would reach no where in life looking at the horoscope. So now its
time to analyze what made him one of the biggest Scientist of this era with such
Debilitated Ascendant Lord.
Here comes the Neecha Bhanga:
Total two planets are debiliateted in Einstien’s Horoscope – Mercury & Moon
Both Mercury & Moon is getting Neecha Bhanga
Mercury being the Ascendant and 4th lord debilitated in 10th house Pisces where
another planet is getting exalted. So Debilitated Mercury is in conjunction with
Exalted Venus.
Mercury and Venus is in conjunction in quadrant house 10th.
Moon is Debilitated in Scorpio and its dispositor Mars is exalted hence making
Neecha bhanga.
Mars the one who is making Neecha Bhanga of moon is not posited in Kendra
house from Moon or Ascendant, hence Mars is not making any Neecha Bhanga Raaj
Result Of Debilitated Mercury :
Mercury Signifies >>> Communication, speech, rationality, logic, quick mind,
adaptability, social skill, intelligence, mathematics etc.
Albert Einstien was born under Mercury Mahadasha and He had severe problem in
his childhood cause of his Debilitated Mercury.
He started talking very late, he was a very slow learner. He was so bad in
communication that his parents consulted a doctor.
Albert Einstein had to leave his birth place and moved to Italy after all that
debilitated Mercury is also the lord of birth place 4th house.
In fact he had to leave his school as he had a huge clash with the school
Till the time he was in Mercury Mahadasha, he had all kinds of trouble regarding
Mercurial subjects.
Effect of Neecha Bhanga Raaj Yog :
Ever since Einstien came to his Raaj Yoga causing planet Venus Mahadasha, He
didn’t have to look back in life.
Though Venus is also making Malavya Mahapurush Yoga, still it bestowed him
everything in the field of Mercurial subject; that is Mathematics, education, high
intelligence etc. That’s where Neecha Bhanga Raaj Yoga worked well.
As his Sun is with the biggest enemy Saturn so he always had trouble from Govt.
He had to take shelter in USA when German Govt announced bounty on his head.
Once Venus MD started his Budhaditya Yoga worked well too as Mercury got the
back up from Venus so that smart work he could deliver to the world.
Einstien The Scientist :
1. Saturn the 8th lord is in conjunction with Ascendant Lord sitting in 10th house of
2. There is an exchange between 9th & 10th house making Maha parivartan Yoga
where neither Jupiter nor Saturn are debilitated.
3. 11th house of gain and success lord Mars too is exalted in 8th house of research
and knowing the unknown facts of world.
4. He has Saraswati Yoga too which gave another boost in academics and his
findings in Physics.
5. Mars is also with Rahu sitting in 8th house that amplified that exalted Mars
immensely. So he was into research that’s too in the field of Electro Dynamics.
6. His 6th lord in 8th that’s Mars which is exalted also making Vipreet Raaj Yog
coupled with Neech Bhanga of Moon made him go through many troublesome time
like leaving country, taking refugee status and jobless days but that’s what pushed
him to be the Genius.
I am sure Albert Einstien was not a cry baby in his early days for that Neecha Bhang
not giving him any result. It gave him worst days of his life but then Mercury is the
one made him world famous with time. That’s how Neecha bhanga works after all.

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