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Central and Peripheral Nervous systems

 Organization
 Nervous system
 Peripheral (spinal nerve, cranial nerve)
 Afferent
 Efferent
 Somatic: skeletal muscle (1 neuron to excite skeletal muscles)
 neuron releases acetylcholine -> bind to target cell nicotinic
 Autonomic: smooth muscle and other organ (2 neurons in series to
excite or inhibit the target organ, second is ganglion / cluster of
neuron cell bodies)
 Ganglia
 sympathetic: next to the spinal cord
 parasympathetic: very close to or within the target
 Sympathetic (fight or flight)
 Case 1:
 First neuron releases acetylcholine -> bind to
second neuron nicotinic receptor
 Second neuron releases norepinephrine /
noradrenaline -> bind to adrenal gland
medulla adrenergic receptor
 Case 2:
 First neuron releases acetylcholine -> bind to
adrenal gland nicotinic receptor?
 Adrenal gland releases epinephrine /
norepinephrine as HORMONE ->
epinephrine / norepinephrine bind to all over
the body adrenergic receptor
 Parasympathetic (rest or digestion)
 First neuron release acetylcholine -> bind to second
neuron nicotinic receptor
 Second neuron release acetylcholine -> bind to target
cell muscarinic receptor
 Enteric: GI tract
 Central
 Spinal cord
 Brain
 Senses
 Vision
 Hearing
 Taste
 Sense of balance / equilibrium
 Smell
 Somatosensation (touch, pain, temperature, pressure, propioception)
 Visceral stimuli (blood pH, blood oxygen, osmolarity, blood glucose)

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