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Field trip to eau claire park

Screeeeeech! The school bus came to a stop and came to pick us up to go to the eau
claire park my second grade class and I got on the bus .I get headaches when I go on the bus .
I Finally got to the eau claire playground after what seemed like hours and hours of sitting in the
school bus. It was a warm bright sunny day i was surprised! got to play at the play at the
playground squeak made the slide when i went down the slide ziip went the sip line when i got
the other side I was horrified I really enjoyed the slide and the zip line the sip line was small but
the slide was huge.Not a lot of people could get on the zipline by them self.We were there for
like an hour there was other things but my favorite park
the equipment was the slide and the zipline​.although the zipline was scary at first i liked
cause when I went on it the second time I was less scared.
Field trip to eau claire park

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