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Gamification Software Features

1. Collaboration Tools: These tools are meant to make the application highly collaborative
and encourage teamwork.
2. Performance Metrics: Helps in measuring the performance, activities, and behavior of
the employees/students individually or collectively as a team.
3. Contest Management: Helps managing contest or healthy competitions arranged for
driving performance and growth.
4. Rewards Management: Ensure people get equitably and fairly rewarded for their
achievements and good performance as per the organization’s reward policy.
5. For Education: Makes the learning experience more interesting, interactive, adventurous
and personalized to students

The Class Tools (Suite of features)

The Class Tools are a suite of features that can be use to gamify additional aspects of the classroom
to drive fun and engagement.

These tools include:

1. Timer (The White Mountains): A timer to pace classwork, tests / quizzes, or other
class events.
2. Stopwatch (The Forest Run): A stopwatch that can be used with any classroom
3. Boss Battles (Adventures in the Wild): Review for formative assessments or do an in-
class pop quiz with short answer or multiple choice questions.
4. Volume Meter (The Makus Valley): Measure the classroom volume and encourage
students to quiet down.
5. Grade Converter (Treasures of Tavuros): Reward points to students for scores on
assignments or exams.

Game Features (Parent Support)

1. Quests – Reviewing lessons and assignments
2. Push Notifications for parents
3. Gold Pieces – Rewarding good behavior at home
4. Messaging – Communicating with teachers

Game Features (Teacher Support)

1. Activity Center – Viewing teacher to-dos and notifications

In “ My Library “ teacher can see all the content created and imported on their Classcraft
2. My Library – Overview
3. My Library – Assigning and Unassigning Quests
4. My Library – Duplicating a Quest
5. My Library – Deleting a quest
6. My Library – Sharing quests with other teachers
7. Using the Share Settings feature: Enables teacher to share their game customizations with
other educators who have Classcraft accounts. They can pick and choose which game
customizations they want to share from their behavior presets, sentences, powers, random
events, game rules, and interface options and then share them via URL, Facebook, Twitter,
or email.
8. Inserting math equations
9. Push notifications for teachers
10. Halloween gear is back! : frightly fun surprises.

11. Pets and gear: Students can earn Gold Pieces (GP) and purchase gear for their characters.
They can equip whole outfits or mix and match different pieces of gear. Students can unlock,
train, and equip pets to make their characters more unique. Students can send their pets on
training missions to earn GP. Once pets are fully trained, students will earn bonus GP.
12. The Class Tools (Suite of features)
13. Class Tools – Volume Meter (The Makus Valley)
14. Class Tools – Timer (The White Mountain)
15. Class Tools – Stopwatch (The Forest Run)
16. Class Tools – Boss Battles (Adventures in the Wild)
17. Class Tools – Random Picker (The Wheel of Destiny)
18. Class Tools – Grade Converter (Treasures of Tavuros)
19. Analytics – Reviewing student performance
20. Messaging – Communicating with students and parents
21. Archiving classes and student characters
22. Using student powers
23. Share Classcraft: Using the teacher referral program
24. Using LRNG’s badge rewards with Classcraft
25. Inviting parents to Classcraft
26. What parents can do in Classcraft (Teachers)

Roles: Students choose their role such as Fighter, Witch or Healers. Each role comes with its own
powers, health and energy stats, and responsibilities.

Earning (and losing) recognition: Recognize positive actions in the classroom, and reduce not so
positive behavior, in a fun, engaging way such as giving experience points for awesomeness, hard
work, mastering objectives, etc, and they can lose health points for disruptive behavior, giving up on
learning (pulling that escape hatch), or being rude to classmates. As students gain experience, they
level up and can unlock new powers. If they lose health points they need to rely on their team to
heal them (encouraging a group collaborative effort to keep everyone on track) or face the
consequences of “falling in battle”.

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