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intefajp) Wer rks a Columbus Day: A Community Conversation 2019 Report ‘TABLELOF ConrENES: ae 1; 2019 REDO? PAGE 9: ATTACHMENT 1 -COMPREHENSIVE FRAMEWORK PAGE 13: ATTACHMENT 2- PARTICIPANTS AND INVITEES Background The Columbus Dialogues are a sul ofthe requost made to lterFath Wosks by the Syracuse Mayors Ofc to ‘agin a community conversation about Columbus Day, Iigencus People’s Day, an the Colambs Circe sate ‘because ofthe tensions hed inte Syracuse community about this issue TnerFaith Works wrotea dialogue guide ‘which includes lob and local history on Us sue and ullines four diferent viewpoints cn the isu of what { about Cokambs Day in 2" Conary America. Tis gue was sed asthe foundation tothe dalgue, From ‘September 201 uly 2019, teal Work eld thee Columbus Day Dialogue cre, conslsting of 3 people In foal (Se Arte! 2, page 1). “The goals ofthe Columbus Dialugues, cutie by the mayar, were to 4+ allow concerned individuals in our community tobe heat by one aber, engage Key community ariers to enter ito respec relationship while the comunity educated lf on thecal sues hat hae edt comment tension ‘find common ground waete most can stand together and preserve the dignity of al groups and + inform public fics who have responsibility for decision-making on this seu. For the purpose ofthis report the plot dilogue cr eld in the fal of 208, wil be refered to as “Cire the spring 2019 dialogue ciel held on Tuesdays ail be “Citele "an the spring 2019 dialogue icles eld on ‘Tharsays willbe "Circe 3” ‘Common Ground Solutions Proces of Finding Common Gunind: The Columbus Dialogues began with research on the various beliefs nd complicated ways people thought about whether and how to celebrate Columbus Day in Syracuse, These eles wore encapsulated in fur viewpoints: Viewpoint: Columbus Discowted America and Should Be Celebrated Viewposnt 2 Halla-Amerianshave Contbted Greatly to this County and Should Be Celebrated Viewpoint 3 Consider the Impsct of Columbus on Native Ametican People ‘Viewpoint 4 Pach Out Past aad Ceeating a New Future Means Saying No to Columbus Day ‘CCAUMBUS DAY: A COMMUNITY CONVERSATION PAGE 1 verano 2019 inte) Wor rks ach dialogue ctl create a framework ofthe pros and cons for each viewpoint and subsequent logical actions ‘hat participants persed to come fom each viewpoint (Se Aan! 1 page 8, fora comprbesivecambia Fiamenor2. The common ground saations that ae identified in points ove ree the voces fhe participants scroseal in dialogs ccs: ‘Understand tht Rightlg the Weongs of Oppression is atthe Bass of All Viewpoints All daloguepancipants leamcd somthing ne about he oppression toward aan Americans andor tsar Native American. Many found hat the Columbus Dialogues provided new and profound insight into American Fistory, ahistory that many di ot eam about as young people. (One aspect ofthis unknown hsty isthe conitions under which Hains let southern Euzope in large numbers led land reforms, poverty and repression forced many alias to sek a beter lien the US. Bat hee aviv Saal itteaieadcebvel wa clans wt agence eat eat odes an eaas eevee cca a fn thee new county, It wasn Ws contet that Columbus was ited up as on American hero. ‘Another aspect af American histy that was unknown to many dialogee patcpant was the US governments campaign of near genoideof Nive Peoples and especially the Clinton Sullivan campaign n Upstate NewYork that was ordered by President George Washington. The vamifiations of at allemped awiation continue today tough povery, os of and and etre, rating and mental health ses or Native People. People who hold alder viewpoints came oa common ground understanding hat ny past action by the Ialian-American commit and any fate ation around tis sven attempt to ight the wrongs of ‘oppression toward certain communities In this understanding wee must be afl att group the appession together, but to acknowledge ead as its separate story. 2 Recent Revelations About Columbus Require New Updates to Public Edueation eis necessary to embark upon education about what happened a Native American people asa result ofthe rival of Columbus. Thisisan “ave fs,” meaning that ts not obvios opaticpants that there ate many Pbliceducationa opportanitiesto elect eent leamings about Columbus's history ad thought. This education ‘anand should happen thought our community, seheos, and nsitations, and must be driven by the leadership of our community. 3. Uphold Respeetand Dignity for All “The Columbus Day issue encompasses a variety of diferent groups of people who all havea stake i the issues, ted who have been, o sk beng hut inthe proces of any decision making, These groups of people inctude the ‘Onondaga, taan-Americans ard allies to ether of those groups A commen ground understanding that was hol by ll isthat we should find ways to respec all involved, especially cur ders, and uphald or crate dgalty forall. (COAMBUS DAY: A COMMUNITY CONVERSATON PAGE 2 invetratn Won 2019 inteffaimn\ orks ‘Common Themes While ach the dee dstogue ctles were unig, there were many similar themes discussed in each group Dialogue themes were dene om facitator notes and debriefing, Themes ae not the sme as comnan ‘ground solutions as they mightnot ea to pide ation. Rather they aeimportant points thatthe groups “wrested with and wee the diving concerns of much ofthe conversations. The thes identified here are issues That were discussed in a es! wo he dialogue ces 1. Uniqueness of Syracuse(CRY Area + Over 17 municipalities nd frisdietons (an increase of move than 40 since the Syracuse dialogues started) nave offically done aay with Columbus Day, many changing it to Indigenous People's Day. They have frequently dane so wilhott a commit change process Ou groups conscious of a particular uriqueness ‘of ouraresthe tenth and locaton ofthe Sovereign Nation of the Onondagas, and the Haudenesaunce {ona up of ss ribs inlading the Onondaga who ate the Fire Keepes), the sacred site on Onondaga Lake ofthe Great Tre of Peacevand the maitenance ofthe spinal itals and family lief thelr ancestors +The aetviam of Onondage alles strong here, 4+ Atarge ana policaty ate Haan America commusitycontinies ove fn ae around Syracuse The confluence ofthese thee factors affords particular possibilities of finding common ground and ‘hopeful community solutions that athe cies and municipalities do not enjoy. 2 Leadership, Who gets decide on thisissue? 1+ TheMayor’s actions in pushing for these dlologuss seen as hopeful sig yall dalogue participants, regardless of ther viewpeint. The Maye must weigh the value of patience with te importance of progress “He must gauge when enorgh opportunity fr education and community buy-in fra comma solution ‘ste fond hal wl enn to proper ston. Leaders lad by pushing towards postive solutions, this group wantthe Mayor toes, while also recognizing that solutions must come from the rosso up and fam he ap down. 4 ‘The Syracuse City Mayor’ ofce ana the Syracuse Clty Schoo! Board were brought up as entities who have power t change theclerda and Cokumbus Cede. The others leaders on the issue valu at: Halin ‘American community lenders, NOON and other Onondaga Natin ales and SCSD students. The ‘Onondaga Natlon ay be consulted, and ask hat Americans become educated about what happened to [Native People. Asa sovenign nation they ae interested incur govemments decisions but donot interfere in these decisis. The cele paticipants calle forall eaers onthe issue, including those with change-making power, towork together toward a solution, CCOLUMAUS DAY: A COMMUNITY CONVERSATION PAGES Intern Works 0-019 a inte) rks ‘The group came to a common ground understanding thatthe iting up of Cokambus san American hero prow out oa Hine of severe oppression of alan migrants who sought away to aim her ight tie In Ameria, and had- only ane peneration back been forced to leave thir homeland de to poverty, fled land reform, and fascism. Thishistory fueled much discussion acos the dialogue cites about how to proceed taking in account the oppression of Native People though bral colonization lates started by the encroachment of Eurosean explorers, whch atomped to obliterate al native calle There is path tobe taken here that recognizes the contitons of alan to America while recognizing {Be Hasdenosaune's pests nd the inl story thot ensued duingfeeoonizaton, The power of dialogue is ts ability to build ust and relationships so that capa can emerge rom ‘empathy comes a desi tact aa commuiy, to atin ways that assore that we work to ave a common, round soliton, not winners an Losers. Ya ge me vie nt ite ore, To he sat is poof. Ta herd is aang "Cle 1 CColonzationatse core Peoplein he United Sates needa much bigger avareness of what happened to Native Peoples our istry asa result of the Earopzan expansion, Cera ras have ben lel out of story, and therefore ‘we develop ou dete with hoes in ou rath, ‘The Doctrine of Chistian Discovery gav explorers the Chureh sanctioned famework for aiming land as soversign ifnot inhabited by Chistians. The ole of the Decuineof Discovery i this pec of istry served to depict Native People ss than human in cede o subjugate thr andthe resources of heir land CColuus wasan exceptional explorer, master slo, and excellent navigator who dave to explore parts of the world unlaiown to Enropeans He was a produc ofthe European Renaissance Period seeking 0 discover new land to acquie welt, Columbus was operating under the Dectrne of Diseovery. For some, ‘Columbus was not deel responsible for he genocide of the Native Americans inthe US Bees he rived hundred of yearsbefore inthe Caribbean lands For others, his brutality, a rsorde in his own fournals gan the genodie of Native Americans, starting withthe people he encountered, andthe ‘oppression and genocide continue as other European counties colonized the Americas inteffaith works 6 Hating shard woke ‘+ Heating means facing uncomfortable rus an feling things we donot want to fel Healings necessary, and allows usto do somelhing to repair past wounds, and to stop doing things inthe present that make the past wounds worse + “Tappa hoe pala dang in Clu Dayo he stave woul efor thelr ain coms. Thy seo hard io ecome ee Americans ad hits sho te considers in deci But fee you do “ide oak deo the te, we al xo at ol ing haste place." Cirle 3 participant + Girl prtiipants discussed pain and the proceso healing deeply rooted pin The pain of mative peoples, patclanly dhe genocide oftheir peopl, theloss oftheir history the ive trauma of hldeen’s ‘ang schools and generational auma which cain o manifest today isnt easily “Rrable.” The pain of amor generation of Ialia-Americans who fel alas of entity and Nstory wonteasiy wash ‘ay. The pain of younger Americans, of Hain heritage and others, who have trouble zeconcing the {alle oftheir parents and of stm that haven't taught them the whol rath about the colonization of “Ameria wont be solved wth ane ston, Pin wl continue to exit bt that does mean we dn’ take tion which an have healing effets overtime, + Hesingby way of ceowleigng the psn sa pao his proces. ll groups agreed we nae to attempt {al the pal. we shoud never ty to leap over or ignore it. Any action shoul akipovee this pat of the proces. "We nd st wth he pit, Wendt anondee t* Cizle2 patpant ‘Acknowledge the cotsibuons of Italians and otherimmigrants + alan Americans must be gven the opportunity to honor their elders an he work that ook to ull the statue, andthe service ha they have piven and currenly give to this community. Any new action shld ‘ot further the huts of Rin elders who lived through he oppression, did't ow about the genocide, and needed a ero. +l be important to engage the older and younger generations of lian-Americans in any action moving forward Columbus as single storyand one-sided history + Columbus wasted up to represent the American dreams of discovery and adventure. The othe values that are represented in hella, but ae lgnored or not taught, are vas that support genaide and ‘colonization. Columbus ison was as much about garnering resources ast was about eisaovery, + Recent revelations about Columbus through the ress fhisjournashave shone alight onthe exceptional ‘ruta of Clams evn more so tha low exponesf the time, ll operating under the Done of Discovery. New Information about the person of Columbus shoal encourage ws asa community to ‘conser whether e sill wat him celebrated as an American hero, COLUMBUS DAY: A COMIMUNFY CONVERSATION PAGE S eran Won @2019 inte works 4+ Tr we educate our sorely the whole story, then we have stronger undesstanding of our history that cecuches usa, 1+ Cicle3 participants went rough an exercise of Nang the Problem, and came up with two statements, wih elect thi heme 1D “Ween diy a monet dat presenta single story. We wt he al to ead ina plic spe: hat repress al of" (© "WernonHlion Amero o kw thaw are’ aa hem. Wes wt if ifrmntion i nr pbc eleraos. 9. ducationasa common gioand + Many goup members vere shocked to earn what Columbus had done, and surprised hat their own ‘educations had elected fo explain the devastating effets of European exploration on Native Peoples To tnake change there hast be eucaton. But with knowledge comes espoiity- When we know beter, then we can do beter + OnJuly 9, 219 all metas fom the Dialogue ccs to date were invited to take pact in the Wess to Injustice Banke Exerc, facta by NOON, held a Le Moyne College and sponsored by Inte aith ‘Works, Some patcipants mean joined IEW staff and community members the execs, whichis Gesigned as an expert simulaon of te Mistry of Native peoples ut ela weal Aseria This ‘was fred by IFW as a cect response to thecal fram the dialogue groups for more community ‘tucson ns Discussed All of these ations don't necessarily agree with each other, bu they were discussed ws actions that ‘emerged from the vietpoints The actions should be readin light ofthe common ground understanding to uphold respect and dignity forall. 4 Make Columbus Cisea Hestage Site that ncades the current statue, a wel as plaques or interactive displays that explain Haudenosaunee ie, current station and the genelde. One group came up with the fen to plant "tee of life” nthe small park ajacnt to the ice. If his action is taken de eadership would eet focus on comunity engagement around the issue. (Cites 12,3 ~Viewpoint’3) 4 Bihar on a Community cation Campsign which might inlude athe following festivalsorytling event, connecting Columbus Clr ta the Skenaih Center by way ofthe Creek Well yearly edwcational vents inthe Circe acity- wide day of dialogu on he holiday, events to promote healing ad care forthe ‘vironment honoring Native American spirituality and work The campaign must be comprehensive: ‘ueiclurn nes, community outreach, geographical. (ices 12,3 -Viewpoint2) “COWUNBUS DAY; A COMMUNTY CONVERSATION PAGE & ‘Fiera Won 2019 ‘ks, inte) wer ‘Keep the Statue. The monuinen reprsons apart of our community's and our American history. Wecannot rae cur history. We can only lar fom it st the confederate monument are being preserved $0 that ‘wean Jar fom the past his one should bo preserved. The dialogue circle pariipants discussed keeping, {he statue, bat moving ariate land, wih input forthe Halian-Amercan commit. Tey also Aiscussed keeping the satin ts current location, but removing the four Native American heads at the base ofthe statue, which ae offensive to many people despite the original intention ofthe artist. (Cices 12,3 Viewpoint 3,4 Nae Tn rep eae haa pone an heing way fore i te younger gene of Tesco lend de cage nace sks hae the eles a ane ae we comin uti the tue cuenta Cla Cie Scie ‘Wht hy te in ips ad ode cg om a ab fn Srp eh i a re Osna AND ae hea” Ge 3 Paint & Change Columbus Day to Indigenous People’s Day. Inchade a allot vote, ity nunc woe, andor community online surveys, nd include voles from SCSD students, (Cices2,3- Viewpoint 4) ‘Naive American people war atthe crginal Columbus Monument dedication and shouldbe ivited to sHiend gsi a al woes are ear a the enrent Columbus Day ceremonie nd hunch cating apt of “nlebatng Ingoer Honor Native American lasers on Came Day (Cee I= Viewpoint 3) + Raise funds fora Stone Canoe asa symbol ofthe Peacemaker to proclim the Sk¢nofh Center onthe Parkway. Make the Skisnoth Center more accessible, well-nown, and used, (Cirle I- Viewpoint 3) '® Keep Columbus Day the sane and ada a clebation like Indigenous People's Day, eter an Columbus Day cor another day ke th oe the United Nations has declared, (Cle 1 - Viewpoint 1) Conclusion ‘What Worked ‘+ stents were abet dive dep into dering viewpoints 4 There wasan aver grater understating by participant into the complexity ofthe issue for Syracuse, ‘+ Whon action steps were rought into the dalogu, the branstoeming process included thoughtful consideration of ther wewpoints +The dialogue cece Ie the development of comprshensive framework for this issue that can be refered to and used in planning fo ute action, 1+ The thee aloes cndes combined included peopl representing all demographics involved inthis issue + Interith Works eld auocesfl Witness o Injustice Blanket Exercise Jl 2019in collaboration with NOON, 2s. result oft cal to more community action by dialogue parieipans. Invitees otis event Inuded dialogue patpants and the wider community. Ihren Won ©2019 rks ing 7, Challenges: ‘+ Scheduling dislogue ces une July was challenglg due to work and vocation schedules + The complicated mesning an polis of Columbus Syracuse and Onondaga County may have resid in some pereived ss of pariipation. 4+ ‘There was concem that Viewpoint 1 Valces were not nthe oom. ‘© Though many talian- Americans were inte, and almost half of our participants were of alan ete, 1 on in one dslogue ele had a staunch position hat Columbus was hero and needed o continue to be celebrate. This group struggled with hislackof voice, and fequenty ‘eked themsels, "What would Viewpoint 1 people a2" ‘© Reflecting on wiy Viewpoint people were not present the concept of "White Fragity" was ‘ised: rnctiont of white pople who ae uncon orale facing racism, and who have been ‘scculuraed ognore rc. No ane wants oe blamed, None wants tobe eld personally "esposibe orl the horrors of history, And because white people donot have experience with ‘engolng dally systemic, structural racism, whites often find discussions of ee uncomfortable This dscomiortisimportant to face in Columbus Day discussions The purpose tnt to scold or shame, tt ognize we cannot jut “pat thisall his behind us" without healing ito sale forthe erasure of history. The sess f the discomfort triggers defensive reactions, but we have to find ways of he'ping people who want Yo addres alam to see what might impede productive Next Steps: Patticpant Forum A Common Groure Frum willbe held on Thussday, September 198 from 5007p at inter Work, ‘whic intel patipants back togethec to review the common ground held btween them, debrief het experience in the dialogue, and discuss not sep Mayoral Deliberation “The Mayor wil eview the report an pattipte nthe Common Ground Forum, giving some thought the necessary public responses neato address community tension incading the possiblity of more dialogues ‘essonal Action Individual members the ccs may choose to work on same ofthe recommended poople ed democratic ations like fandaising forthe Stone Canoe or Conuunity Edson Campaigns ‘Moxe Dialogues More dialogues ccs would sre to expose larger numbers of people othe conversation an to each other cross diverse points of view. ‘COLUMBUS DAY: A COMMUNITY CONVERSATION PAGER Intern Won ©2019, nteffaith SB orks Attachment 1: Comprebensive Framework ‘Viewpoint Pros ‘Viewpoine Columbus Discovered America and Should Be Celebrated - ‘ide ans de day and i area suis pile The day ad he sate we bd og fos by {ny nes who ene sd wow son 0d

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