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1. The social roles that come with a social status can change through time
Select one:
a. True
b. False
2. _____ is the things that we do in order to survive.

Select one:
a. Adaptation
b. Integration
c. Goal attainment
d. Latency
3. The term “neural network” can only apply to biological neural networks

Select one:
a. False
b. True
4. _____ is the way a society is organized.

Select one:
a. Social structure
b. Social status
c. Social norm
d. Social stratification
5. The relationships between people are the _____ in a network.

Select one:
a. Links
b. Nodes
d. Networks
6. People are the _____ in a social network

Select one:
a. Answer
b. Links
c. Networks
d. Nodes
7. What is the rank or position of a person in a society.
Select one:
a. Social structure
b. Social norm
c. Social stratification
d. Social status
8. What is the function of the given part of the neuron?
Select one:
a. branch out to different directions and connect to other neurons
b. acts like a factory that produces proteins
c. sends out the neuron’s output
d. connected to the dendrites of other neurons
e. contains most of our DNA
9. What is the name of the sociologist who created the AGIL paradigm?
Select one:
a. Talcott Parsons
b. Talcott Person
c. Talcott Pearson
d. Ascott Larson
10. Society’s way of categorizing people
Select one:
a. Integration
b. Social norms
c. Social Stratification
d. Centrality
e. Social Status
f. Social structure
g. Society
h. Social Roles
i. Goal
j. Adaptation
11. Involves the inherent need to connect with other human beings
Select one:
a. Centrality
b. Integration
c. Society
d. Social Stratification
e. Adaptation
f. Social Roles
g. Social Status
h. Social structure
i. Goal
j. Social norms
12. _____ is the network inside the brain composed of interconnected neurons.
Select one:
a. Biological Neural Network
b. Artificial Neural Network
c. Social Neural Network
d. Brain Neural Network
13. _____ is measured based on the number of links that a node has.
Select one:
a. Social centrality
b. Betweenness centrality
c. Degree centrality
d. Closeness centrality
14. _____ is society’s way of ranking people based on factors such as wealth, intellect,
power, etc.
Select one:
a. Social norm
b. Social structure
c. Social status
d. Social stratification
15. Shaking hands, high five, peace sign, and other hand gestures are examples of social
Select one:
a. True
b. False
16. Training is done by inputing large amounts of data called _____.
Select one:
a. Neurons
b. Training examples
c. Training
d. Machine learning
e. Input layer
f. Deep learning
g. Artificial neural networks
h. Data mining
i. Hidden layer
j. Output layer
17. _____ is a branch of Machine Learning that uses algorithms based on artificial neural
Select one:
a. Neurons
b. Data mining
c. Training examples
d. Training
e. Machine learning
f. Hidden layer
g. Output layer
h. Input layer
i. Deep learning
j. Artificial neural networks
18. _____ is something that you have.
Select one:
a. Social status
b. Social stratification
c. Social norm
d. Social role
19. _____ is measured by how many indirect connections passes through a node.
Select one:
a. Social centrality
b. Closeness centrality
c. Degree centrality
d. Betweenness centrality
20. What are informal rules and practices observed in a society
Select one:
a. Social norms
b. Social rules
c. Social structure
d. Social stratification
21. _____ is a computing system that is modeled after the neural structure of the brain.
Select one:
a. Artificial neural network
b. Software neural network
c. Structural neural network
d. Procedural neural network
22. An average human brain has approximately 100 thousand neurons.
Select one:
a. True
b. False
23. Positive condition that attracts people to a particular location
Select one:
a. Saudi Arabia
b. Immigration
c. Refugee
d. Nationality
e. California
f. Push factor
g. Ireland
h. Migration
i. Pull factor
j. Citizen
24. The Filipino tradition of pagmamano is an example of _____.
Select one:
a. Social status
b. Social centrality
c. Social norm
d. Stratification
25. _____ is measured by how many indirect connections passes through a node.
Select one:
a. Degree centrality
b. Closeness centrality
c. Social centrality
d. Betweenness centrality
26. International trade leads to better product quality
Select one:
a. True
b. False
27. _____ is a subfield of Computer Science that is concerned with creating computers that
can “learn” without having to be programmed by humans.
Select one:
a. Machine learning
b. Deep Learning
c. Artificial Learning
d. Artificial Intelligence
28. Involves the inherent need to connect with other human beings
Select one:
a. Social Stratification
b. Social Roles
c. Goal
d. Integration
e. Centrality
f. Social Status
g. Adaptation
h. Social norms
i. Social structure
j. Society
29. Rank or position of a person in a society
Select one:
a. Goal
b. Society
c. Social Status
d. Adaptation
e. Social structure
f. Integration
g. Social Roles
h. Centrality
i. Social Stratification
j. Social norms
30. There can be several _____ in a neural network which perform specific tasks
Select one:
a. Input layers
b. Hidden layers
c. Output layers
d. Neural layers
31. International financial institution that provides loans to developing countries
Select one:
a. United Nations
c. European Union
d. Art
f. Language
g. World Bank
h. World Trade Organization
i. Political globalization
j. Treaty on European Union
32. What is the function of the given part of the neuron?
Axon Terminal
Select one:
a. branch out to different directions and connect to other neurons
b. sends out the neuron’s output
c. connected to the dendrites of other neurons
d. contains most of our DNA
e. acts like a factory that produces proteins
33. Information enters the artificial neural network through the _____
Select one:
a. Input layer
b. Neurons
c. Output layer
d. Machine learning
e. Artificial neural networks
f. Hidden layer
g. Training
h. Training examples
i. Data mining
j. Deep learning
34. Social role is something that you have to do.
Select one:
a. False
b. True
35. Choose push if item is a push factor and pull if item is pull factor
Free health care
Select one:
a. Push
b. Pull
36. Another term for citizenship
Select one:
a. Saudi Arabia
b. Migration
c. Refugee
d. Pull factor
e. Citizen
f. Ireland
g. Immigration
h. California
i. Nationality
j. Push factor
37. Switzerland
Select one:
a. Direct democracy
b. freedom of association
c. ekklesia
d. Magna Carta
e. consul
f. Abraham Lincoln
g. power
h. freedom of speech
i. the people
j. jury
38. Not all countries allow multiple citizenship.
Select one:
a. False
b. True
39. _____ is the movement of organisms from one place to another.
Select one:
a. Nationality
b. Migration
c. Immigration
d. Citizenship
40. The _____ was formed immediately after World War 2 and has 51 founding members.
Select one:
a. World Trade Organization
b. United Nations
c. World Bank
d. European Union
41. Group that decides the outcome of a court trial
Select one:
a. consul
b. Direct democracy
c. freedom of speech
d. Abraham Lincoln
e. freedom of association
f. Magna Carta
g. ekklesia
h. the people
i. jury
j. power
42. Representative democracy is a type of democracy where officials are elected by the
citizens to act in their behalf.
Select one:
a. False
b. True
43. Which country experienced a famine in 1840’s caused by potato blight?
Select one:
a. Ireland
b. Syria
c. East Germany
d. Rwanda
44. The Magna Carta is composed of how many clauses?
Select one:
a. 65
b. 62
c. 64
d. 63
45. The UN had 51 founding members.
Select one:
a. False
b. True
46. _____ is “the increasing interdependence of world economies as a result of the growing
scale of cross-border trade of commodities and services, flow of international capital and
wide and rapid spread of technologies.”
Select one:
a. Cultural Globalization
b. Political Globalization
c. Economic Globalization
d. International trade
47. Kratos
Select one:
a. jury
b. ekklesia
c. consul
d. freedom of speech
e. freedom of association
f. the people
g. Abraham Lincoln
h. Direct democracy
i. power
j. Magna Carta
48. Representative democracy is a type of democracy where members can personally
participate in dialogue and decision making.
Select one:
a. False
b. True
49. _____ is also known as freedom of association
Select one:
a. Right to due process and fair trial
b. Freedom of assembly
c. Freedom of speech
d. Freedom of expression
50. The E in UNESCO stands for _____.
Select one:
a. Entertainment
b. Environmental
c. Economic
d. Educational
51. ASEAN was founded on August 8, _____.
Select one:
a. 1975
b. 1965
c. 1967
d. 1957
52. The Ancient Greek word “kratos” means _____.
Select one:
a. The Republic
b. Democracy
c. Power
d. The people
53. It is possible for a person to be a citizen of more than two countries.
Select one:
a. True
b. False
54. Natural disasters such as earthquakes and typhoons are pull factors
Select one:
a. False
b. True
55. Freedom of assembly
Select one:
a. consul
b. freedom of speech
c. the people
d. Direct democracy
e. power
f. jury
g. freedom of association
h. Abraham Lincoln
i. Magna Carta
j. ekklesia
56. What is the official currency used by 19 member countries of the EU?
Select one:
a. Euro
b. Pound
c. European Dollar (EUD)
d. Dollars
57. The conditions that drive people to leave a particular area are called _____.
Select one:
a. Refugees
b. Citizenships
c. Pull factors
d. Push factors
58. The S in UNESCO stands for Scientific
Select one:
a. True
b. False
59. The democratic system practiced in Ancient Athens is an example of _____.
Select one:
a. Parliamentary Democracy
b. Direct Democracy
c. Representative democracy
d. Presidential Democracy
60. The conditions that attract people to a particular location are called _____.
Select one:
a. Push factors
b. Immigration
c. Migration
d. Pull factors
61. Moving to another country with the goal of becoming a permanent resident is called
Select one:
a. Citizenship
b. Migration
c. Dual Citizenship
d. Immigration
62. Demos
Select one:
a. the people
b. ekklesia
c. Abraham Lincoln
d. freedom of speech
e. freedom of association
f. power
g. Direct democracy
h. consul
i. Magna Carta
j. jury
63. _____ is caused by an increase of greenhouse gases in the Earth’s atmosphere.
Select one:
a. Greenhouse effect
b. Fossil Fuel
c. Deforestation
d. Plate tectonics
64. Cambodia is a Founding Member of ASEAN
Select one:
a. False
b. True
65. Democracy is a “government of the people, by the people, for the people”
Select one:
a. True
b. False
66. _____ is a form of government where power is held by a small group of people.
Select one:
a. Athenian Democracy
b. Monarchy
c. Democracy
d. Oligarchy
67. Gettysburg Address
Select one:
a. freedom of association
b. Abraham Lincoln
c. freedom of speech
d. power
e. the people
f. Magna Carta
g. jury
h. Direct democracy
i. consul
j. ekklesia
68. Movement of land masses
Select one:
a. Climate change
b. Deforestation
c. Fossil fuel
e. Greenhouse effect
f. Plate Tectonics
g. Global warming
h. Greenhouse gases
i. Methane
j. Ellipse
69. Coal, petroleum, and natural gas are examples of _____.
Select one:
a. Greenhouse gasses
b. fossil fuel
c. greenhouse effect
d. deforestation
70. Which intergovernmental organization has the motto “One Vision, One Identity, One
Select one:
a. European Union
b. United Nations
d. Association of Southeast Asian Nations
71. Ancient Rome is believed to be the first sovereign state to officially have a democratic
Select one:
a. False
b. True
72. _____ is defined as a change in the typical or average weather of a region or city.
Select one:
a. Global warming
b. Climate change
c. Earth’s orbit
d. Earth’s Axis
73. _____ is a type of democracy where members can personally participate in dialogue
and decision making.
Select one:
a. Representative democracy
b. Parliamentary Democracy
c. Direct Democracy
d. Presidential Democracy
74. _____ are economies that rely on a particular kind of industry.
Select one:
a. Specialized Economies
b. Developing Countries
c. Special Economies
d. Developing Economies
75. The amount of energy that is released by the sun changes from time to time.
Select one:
a. False
b. True
76. _____ are conditions that drive people to leave a particular area.
Select one:
a. Push factors
b. Pull factors
c. Forced migration
d. Refugees
77. UNESCO stands for United Nations Economic, Scientific and Cultural Organization
Select one:
a. True
b. False
78. Social role is something that you have.
Select one:
a. True
b. False
79. Who said “Democracy is when the people keep a government in check.”
Select one:
a. Abraham Lincoln
b. King John of England
c. Aung San Suu Kyi
d. Scipio Africanus
80. The _____ was founded immediately after World War 2. The Philippine Commonwealth
was a founding member.
Select one:
a. European Union
b. World Bank
c. United Nations
81. The human brain has approximately _____ neurons.
Select one:
a. 100 million
b. 100 billion
c. 100 thousand
d. 1 million
82. The Increase in _____ in the Earth’s atmosphere contributes to global warming
Select one:
a. Fossil fuels
b. Greenhouse gases
c. Ozone layer
d. Climate change
83. The _____ in a social network are people.
Select one:
a. Links
b. Nodes
c. Networks
d. Answer
84. What event started in 2011 and forced about 11 million people to leave their homes?
Select one:
a. Migration of Filipinos
b. California Gold Rush
c. Cold War
d. Syrian Civil War
85. Which of the Following is a proof of global warming?
Select one:
a. All of these
b. Rising global temperature
c. Decreasing Land Ice
d. Rising sea level
86. The tilt of the Earth’s axis is permanent.
Select one:
a. False
b. True
87. Which organization has the motto “One Vision, One Identity, One Community”
Select one:
a. European Union
b. United Nations
c. Association of Southeast Asian Nations
d. World Bank
88. Global Warming is mainly due to an intensified
Select one:
a. Plate tectonic
b. Greenhouse effect
c. Sunlight
d. Intensity
89. _____ is also known as a nerve cell.
Select one:
a. Axon
b. Dendrite
c. Synapse
d. Neuron
90. _____ is the measure of importance of a node in a network.
Select one:
a. Centrality
b. Importance
c. Neutrality
d. Intensity
91. _____ is the way a society is organized.
Select one:
a. Social norm
b. Social structure
c. Social status
d. Social stratification
92. The hottest year on record is 2015.
Select one:
a. False
b. True
93. The _____ is an Intergovernmental economic system that guarantees free movement of
the 4 freedoms.
Select one:
a. European Single Market
b. International Single Market
c. International World Trade
d. European Central Market
94. Which organization has the motto "United in diversity"
Select one:
b. European Union
c. World Health Organization
d. United Nations
95. What is the official of most of the members of the European Union?
Select one:
a. Pound
b. Dollars
c. Euro
d. German Franc
96. _____ are thin fibers that branch out of the cell body and connects to other neurons
Select one:
a. Axon
b. Soma
c. Dendrite
d. Synapse
97. The WTO’s headquarters is in Geneva, Switzerland.
Select one:
a. True
b. False
98. _____ is a computing system that is modeled after the structure of the brain.
Select one:
a. Artificial neural network
b. Procedural neural network
c. Structural neural network
d. Software neural network
99. The World Trade Organization has 154 member countries.
Select one:
a. True
b. False
100. _____ is when a person is a citizen of more than one country
Select one:
a. Multiple citizenship
b. Immigration
c. Nationality
d. Migration
101. "United in diversity" is ASEAN’s motto.
Select one:
a. True
b. False
102. _____ is determined by measuring the average length of a node’s path to other nodes.
Select one:
a. Betweenness centrality
b. Social centrality
c. Closeness centrality
d. Degree centrality
103. The _____ provides loans to developing countries.
Select one:
a. United Nations
b. World Trade Organization
c. European Union
d. World Bank
104. _____ is a subfield of Computer Science that is concerned with creating computers
that can “learn” without having to be programmed by humans.
Select one:
a. Deep Learning
b. Artificial Intelligence
c. Artificial Learning
d. Machine learning
105. A majority of Japanese people celebrate Christmas as a religious tradition
Select one:
a. False
b. True
106. What does ppm mean?
Select one:
a. Pieces per million
b. People per millennium
c. Parts per million
d. Particles per million
107. There are 5 known major Ice ages in our planet’s history.
Select one:
a. True
b. False
108. ASEAN has 10 member states.
Select one:
a. False
b. True
109. _____is the international exchange of products, knowledge, and culture.
Select one:
a. Specialization
b. Social Organization
c. Globalization
d. International Trade
110. Social status is something that you have to do.
Select one:
a. False
b. True
111. _____ is the rank or position of a person in a society.
Select one:
a. Social structure
b. Social status
c. Social stratification
d. Social norm
112. WHO stands for World Health Organization.
Select one:
a. False
b. True
113. _____ is the permanent or semi-permanent movement of people across political
Select one:
a. Citizenship
b. Migration
c. Immigration
d. Multiple Citizenship
114. _____ is the sum of the norms, responsibilities and expectations that applies to a
Select one:
a. Social norm
b. Social status
c. Stratification
d. Social role
115. _____ is what happens when more heat from the sun is retained inside the Earth’s
athmosphere instead of being reflected back to space.
Select one:
a. Deforestation
b. Plate tectonics
c. Fossil Fuel
d. Greenhouse effect
116. Kingdom, empire, sultanate, are examples of a _____.
Select one:
a. Monarchy
b. Roman Republic
c. Oligarchy
d. Democracy
117. Hand tools and manual labour were widely replaced by steam power and mass
production during the _____.
Select one:
a. Stone Age
b. Bronze Age
c. Information Age
d. Industrial Age
118. True or False: In social media, the term “trending” can be used to describe anything
that is getting a lot of attention.
Answer: TRUE
119. True or False: According to NASA, the levels of CO2 in the athmoshere is steadily
Answer: FALSE
120. Which of the following terms correspond with: Internet in the Philippines
Select one:
a. 1760
b. 16
c. 1970’s
d. The Cloud
e. 1990’s
f. 1994
g. 1993
h. 21st Century
i. call center industry
j. Mobile computing
121. Which of the following is NOT true?
Select one:
a. The world job market creates better opportunities for professionals in developing
b. The world job market reduces opportunities for professionals in developing countries
c. The call center industry is estimated to account for 10% of the Philippine economy.
d. The call center industry is estimated to account for 3% of the Philippine economy.
122. Match the definition with the correct term.
Use unconventional methods and unstructured ways of thinking especially when tasked to
come up with new ideas.
Select one:
a. New Literacies
b. Technological fluency
c. Communications, information, and media literacy
d. Navigate knowledge landscape
e. 21st Century Learning
f. 3R Skills
g. Creativity and innovation
h. Collaboration, teamwork, and leadership
i. Cross-cultural understanding
j. Career and learning self-reliance
123. True or False: The Pokemon Go is one of the most popular apps in the mid-90’s
Answer: FALSE
124. Write True if the Net Literacy is matched with its correct definition and False if not.
Filtering - Interacting at a human, not only utilitarian, level…to form social spaces.
Answer: FALSE
125. Write True if the Net Literacy is matched with its correct definition and False if not.
Critical and creative thinking - Questioning and dreaming
Answer: TRUE
126. Fill in the blank: Connect the _____.
Select one:
a. present
b. future
c. synthesis
d. dots
e. short-lived
f. social interactions
g. predictions
h. past
i. time frames
j. trend
127. True or False: A fad is a pattern of change
Answer: FALSE
128. True or False: The 7C’s include Contextualizing.
Answer: FALSE

129. Fill in the blank: The Socratic Method is a method that aims to discover a Answer or at least
get as close to the truth as possible. UNIVERSAL TRUTH

130. _____ requires building networks in order to continue to stay current and informed.
Select one:
a. Pattern recognition
b. Evaluation and authentication
c. Altered processes of validation
d. Connecting with each other
131. The main difference between social media and other websites is that social media relies
heavily on user _____.
Select one:
a. Participation
b. Transaction
c. Payment
d. Reports
132. Which of the following is true about the Information Age?
Select one:
a. The demand for manual labor increases
b. The demand for technically skilled professionals and manual labor increases
c. The demand for manual labor declines
d. The demand for technically skilled professionals declines
133. Write A if the item falls under Scientific Method, B for Socratic Method and C for What
Critical Thinking is NOT:
Answer: A
134. Write A if the item falls under Scientific Method, B for Socratic Method and C for What
Critical Thinking is NOT:
Come up with a new hypothesis
Answer: B
135. he Industrial Age is an era that started around the year _____
Select one:
a. 1670
b. 1869
c. 1760
d. 1770
134. Write True if the Net Literacy is matched with its correct definition and False if not.
Altered processes of validation - Validating people and ideas within an appropriate context.
Answer: TRUE
135. Fill in the blank: A _____ can mean a new way of thinking, a new direction in
technology or a major shift in culture.
Select one:
a. short-lived
b. trend
c. predictions
d. present
e. past
f. time frames
g. synthesis
h. dots
i. social interactions
j. future
136. In the Industrial age, hand tools and manual labor was replaced by _____ powered
machinery and mass production
Select one:
a. Steam
b. Horse
c. Electricity
d. Nuclear
137. Which of the following terms correspond with: Megaproblems
Select one:
a. 1760
b. 1994
c. 16
d. 1990’s
e. 1970’s
f. The Cloud
g. Mobile computing
h. 1993
i. call center industry
j. 21st Century
138. True or False: The Pokemon Go is one of the most popular apps in the mid-90’s
Answer: FALSE
139. Fill in the blank: Observe the _______.
Select one:
a. time frames
b. dots
c. predictions
d. past
e. trend
f. future
g. social interactions
h. short-lived
i. present
j. synthesis
140. Seeing how existing knowledge relates to what we do not know is part of _____
Select one:
a. Critical and creative thinking
b. Acceptance of uncertainty
c. Altered processes of validation
d. Evaluation and authentication
141. Today, in the 21st century, advancements in telecommunications allow employers to
_____ people from different parts of the world.
Select one:
a. Outsell
b. Outsource
c. Outnumber
d. Outsmart
142. The planet’s surface is getting hotter.
Select one:
a. Water shortages
b. Growth of shanty cities
c. Mass famine in ill organized countries
d. Global warming
e. Unstoppable global migration
f. Extreme poverty
g. The spread of deserts
h. Runaway computer integration
i. War that could end civilization
j. Pandemics
143. The Information age is said to have been started by the _____
Select one:
a. New Media Revolution
b. Industrial Age
c. Digital Revolution
d. Digital Age
144. Which of the following are requirements for mobile computing?
Select one:
a. fixed internet connection
b. search engine websites
c. GPS-aided navigation
d. wireless Internet connection
145. An artificial
Select one:
a. Neural layers
b. Middle layers
c. Output layers
d. Hidden layers
146. The _____ in a social network are the relationships between people.
Select one:
a. Networks
b. Links
d. Nodes
147. _____ are conditions that drive people to leave a particular area.
Select one:
a. Refugees
b. Forced migration
c. Push factors
d. Pull factors
148. _____ is “a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and
exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving
periodically held free elections”.
Select one:
a. Democracy
b. Monarchy
c. Republic
d. Oligarchy
149. Who gave the Gettysburg Address?
Select one:
a. King John of England
b. Aung San Suu Kyi
c. Abraham Lincoln
d. Constantine the Great
150. The Increase in _____ in the Earth’s atmosphere contributes to global warming
Select one:
a. Ozone layer
b. Climate change
c. Fossil fuels
d. Greenhouse gases
151. _____ is the increase in the Earth’s overall atmospheric temperature.
Select one:
a. Climate change
b. Greenhouse Effect
c. Deforestation
d. Global warming
152. Which of the following is a founding member of ASEAN?
Select one:
a. Cambodia
b. Vietnam
c. Laos
d. Indonesia
153. Who said “Democracy is when the people keep a government in check.”
Select one:
a. Abraham Lincoln
b. King John of England
c. Aung San Suu Kyi
d. Scipio Africanus
154. The number of indirect connections that pass through a node is the measure of its
Select one:
a. Closeness centrality
b. Degree centrality
c. Social centrality
d. Betweenness centrality
155. Which event happened in the 1840’s and many people from Ireland to immigrate?
Select one:
a. Cold War
b. Irish Potato Famine
c. Irish Gold Rush
d. Irish Civil War
156. “_____ is the “government of the people, by the people, for the people”
Select one:
a. Parliamentary System
b. Democracy
c. Oligarchy
d. Monarchy
157. _____ is the permanent or semi-permanent movement of people across political
Select one:
a. Migration
b. Citizenship
c. Immigration
d. Multiple Citizenship
158. What does ppm mean?
Select one:
a. Parts per million
b. People per millennium
c. Particles per million
d. Pieces per million
159. Which organization has the motto "United in diversity"
Select one:
b. United Nations
c. World Health Organization
d. European Union
160. UNESCO stands for United Nations Economic, Scientific and Cultural Organization
Select one:
a. False
b. True
161. ASEAN stands for Association of Southern Asian Nations.
Select one:
a. True
b. False
162. At least 97% of climate scientists disagree that global warming is real and it is most
probably caused by humans.
Select one:
a. False
b. True
163. The World Trade Organization was established in January 1, 1995.
Select one:
a. False
b. True
164. _____ is an informal rule or practice that is followed by the members of a society.
Select one:
a. Social stratification
b. Social structure
c. Social status
d. Social norm
165. The last Ice Age ended about 12 thousand years ago.
Select one:
a. False
b. True
166. _____ is defined as a change in the typical or average weather of a region or city.
Select one:
a. Earth’s orbit
b. Global warming
c. Climate change
d. Earth’s Axis
167. The Ancient Greek word “kratos” means _____.
Select one:
a. The Republic
b. The people
c. Power
d. Democracy
168. _____ is the exchange of capital, goods, and services between countries.
Select one:
a. International Trade
b. Globalization
c. Social Organization
d. Specialization
169. The Ancient Greek word “demos” means _____.
Select one:
a. The people
b. Power
c. The Republic
d. Strength
170. _____ is a cell that is capable of receiving, processing, and sending information in the
form of very small electrical impulses.
Select one:
a. Neuron
b. Dendrite
c. Synapse
d. Axon
171. Information that enters an artificial neural network through the _____
Select one:
a. Output layer
b. Input layer
c. Neural network
d. Hidden layer
172. _____ is the legal status of a person as a member of a sovereign state
Select one:
a. Push Factor
b. Pull Factor
c. Immigration
d. Citizenship
173. _____ states that the land masses in our planet are moving in different directions
Select one:
a. Global warming
b. Earth’s orbit
c. Plate Tectonics Theory
d. Climate change
174. Which of the following is a UN specialized agency?
Select one:
c. EU
d. WTO
175. The European Union has how many member countries?
Select one:
a. 28
b. 32
c. 24
d. 22
176. A _____ is a person who has been forced to leave his or her country because of
human conflict, natural disasters, or political persecution.
Select one:
a. Dual Citizen
b. Immigrant
c. Migrant
d. Refugee
177. The _____ is “the only international organization dealing with the global rules of trade
between nations.”
Select one:
a. World Trade Organization
b. Association of Southeast Asian Nations
c. United Nations
d. World Bank
178. The number of the links that a node has is used to measure its _____.
Select one:
a. Betweenness centrality
b. Social centrality
c. Degree centrality
d. Closeness centrality
179. _____ means moving to another country with the goal of becoming permanent
Select one:
a. Dual Citizenship
b. Citizenship
c. Immigration
d. Migration
180. The _____ was founded with the signing of the Bangkok Declaration?
Select one:
a. Association of Southeast Asian Nations
b. European Union
c. World Bank
d. United Nations
181. _____is a body of ice that are connected to land.
Select one:
a. Iceberg
b. Iceland
c. Land ice
d. Sea ice
182. Which of the following is NOT a specialized agency of the United Nations?
Select one:
a. World Trade Organization
b. World Health Organization
c. World Bank
183. _____ is the network inside the brain composed of neurons.
Select one:
a. Brain Neural Network
b. Social Neural Network
c. Artificial Neural Network
d. Biological Neural Network
184. The European Union has 22 member countries.
Select one:
a. True
b. False
185. _____ are conditions that attract people to a particular location.
Select one:
a. Pull factors
b. Refugees
c. Push factors
d. Migration
186. The United Nations has 61 founding members.
Select one:
a. True
b. False
187. The soma is also known as _____.
Select one:
a. Synapse
b. Cell body
c. Dendrite
d. Axon
188. _____ is society’s way of categorizing people.
Select one:
a. Social norm
b. Social stratification
c. Social structure
d. Social status
189. The European Union was founded on January 1, 1993.
Select one:
a. False
b. True
190. _____ is a branch of Machine Learning that uses algorithms based on artificial neural
Select one:
a. Deep Learning
b. Artificial Learning
c. Machine learning
d. Artificial Intelligence
191. Which of the Following is a proof of global warming?
Select one:
a. Decreasing Land Ice
b. Rising global temperature
c. Rising sea level
d. All of these
192. _____ is a group of people that constantly interact with each other.
Select one:
a. Social status
b. Social norm
c. Society
d. Social stratification
193. The last _____ ended about 12 thousand years ago.
Select one:
a. Worldwide Global warming
b. Major Greenhouse effect
c. Major Ice age
d. Overpopulation
194. The Magna Carta is composed of how many clauses?
Select one:
a. 64
b. 61
c. 63
d. 62

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