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Measurement and Proportion in Hindu

Temple Architecture
Departments of the History of Art and South Asia Regional Studies, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA

Proportion and measure interacted in the evolution and construction of the Hindu temple from the 5th through the
15th century AD, but, throughout this history, proportion dominated as the tool to give the monument both validity
and form. This reviewanalyzes the ritual force of proportion and its function in the planning of temples by architects.
The diagrams that accompany the article are the result of field research and the analysis of built structures.

In ancient late Vedic India, ritual centered on an altar This 'altar' of early ritual marks both the inner
for sacrifice; built of brick, its primary shape was sanctum and the upper limit of later Hindu temples,
square, taking the shape of the created universe in created to give shelter for images that make divinity
early Indian cosmogony.I This act of 'creation' was manifest in a new way for worship. On some 'early
the archetype for the architect's role as builder. Texts Nagara temples, such as the Visva-Brahma at Alam-
of the 4th and 3rd centuries BC- among the earliest pur of the late 7th century AD, such a square altar
written texts surviving from India - record the physically appears as the uttaravedl or 'upper altar'
geometry used to construct these altars. One of these at the top of the curvilinear tower of the temple.3
texts explains that 'all the surface of the earth is vedi
[altar]. . . . Still, selecting a particular part of it and
measuring it they should perform the [sacrifice] Ritual Diagram
there.'2 Ritual dimensions for the Vedic altar were well docu-
mented by the time temples began to take on a distinc-
tive architectural definition in the 5th to 7th centuries
AD. An early 6th-century text, the Brhat Samhitii of

A-I .J.["- IBkIJ1-l So. l.Bhu.




Figure 1. Vastumar:u;lala (building diagram) of

9 x9=81 squares, used for the planning of
houses, palaces. and cities. Such a diagram had
its origin as early as the 4th and 3rd centuries Figure 2. VastumaQl;lala of 8 x8=64 squares.
BC, from which texts survive that specify the Prescribed in the Brhat SariJita, a sixth-century-
geometry for construction of brick altars. The AD text, specifically for the planning of temples
central squares are the most sacred space (the and actually used in north India for planning
brahmastana); the 32 peripheral squares house temple structures from at least the 6th century.
guardian deities (padadevatas). (After Kern.4) (After Kern.4)

VOL.10, NO.3, 1985 @ J W Arrowsmith Ltd, 1985
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Figure 3. Bhubanesvara, Orissa, eastern India.

Figure 4. Mahua, Madhya Pradesh, central

India. Siva Temple no. 2, ca. AD650-675. Ground-

plan with constructing grid. The central projec-
tion of each wall measures the interior brah-
mastlina (the central four squares of the
Parasuramesvara Temple, ca. AD 600-650. sanctum); the flanking offsets measure the full
Groundplan. The thickness of the walls, dimension of the sanctum. The degree of projec-
measured at the corners, is half the breadth of tion for these offsets is a half and a full square.
the sanctum, as specified in the Brhat SariJhitli.

Varahamihira, records in a chapter on domestic and tifies the temple and also guards it. The problem for
city architecture that structures were normally to be the architectural historian has been to find whether
built in relation to a grid of 9 x 9 = 81 squares (Figure practical means existed by which the dimensions of
I); the same text specifies in a separate chapter that the altar could be applied to an increasingly complex
a grid of 8 x 8 = 64 squares should be used for building architectural tradition.8 Stella Kramrisch, whose
temples (Figure 2).4 The peripheral squares of these volumes on The Hindu Temple in 1946 helped restore
diagrams house guardian deities (padadevatas); the a ritual dimension to Western understanding of
central squares mark the most sacred space (the place Hindu architecture, wrote that the ritual diagram (the
for brahman). 5 The Brhat Sari/hila specifies that the vastupuru$ama1;IlJala)'is the metaphysical plan of the
thickness of the walls of a temple should be half the temple' but that 'this does not imply an identity of
width of the sanctum but gives few other clues to the the actual plan of the temple with the mal).-
proportional systems appropriate to the newly l;iala. . . . When the great temples were built... the
developing temple architecture.6 Later texts give grids drawing of the vastupuru~amal).l;iala had become an
of 8 x 8,9 x9, and 10 x 10; others give a wide variety architectural rite.'9
of grids, declaring, in one instance, that 'each is fit My work in the field has shown that this grid,
for all.,7 however, continued to provide a practical tool for the
The ritual grid of the Vedic altar provides a con- architect, flexible in its application over a number of
tinuity of significance for the Hindu temple; it sanc- centuries 10;by preserving the ritual grid, the architect

PROFESSOR MICHAEL W. MEISTER is professor of Indian art in the History of Art and South
Asia Regional Studies Departments at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, and pre-
viously taught at the University of Texas, Austin. He received his PhD from Harvard University,
Cambridge, Mass., in 1974. He was born in Florida, USA, in 1942, and is Editor of the American
Institute of Indian Studies' EncyclopiBdia of Indian Temple Architecture. His first visit to India
was on a Fulbright Fellowship in 1964--66 and he was a Senior Fulbright Fellow in 1976-77. He
was convenor for the 'Discourses on Siva' Symposium held in conjunction with the recent
Manifestations of Siva exhibition in America.
Address: G-29 Meyerson Hall CJ, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA.

SCIENCEREVIEWS,VOL. 10, NO.3, 1985 249
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48 em.

Figure 5. Amral, Madhya Pradesh. Mahadeva

Temple, ca. AD 700. Measured grid of ground- Figure 6. Amrol, view of Mahadeva Temple fram
plan. Wall offsets measure the sanctum and the south. The cardinal niche contains an image of
central brahmastana (measurements are made GaQesa, Siva's son. Corner niches contain
at the base of the wall-moldings). The levels of images of Siva's host: either Dikpalas (Guar-
projection are a quarter and half a square. dians of the Directions) or bhOtas (goblins).

Figure 7. Osiafi, Rajasthan, western India. Harihara Temple no. 1, ca. AD 750. View from west. This
temple has four subsidiary shrines on the corners of a raised platform. These make manife(>t the
goddess (SW); SOrya, the sun god (SE); Vi~Qu (NE); and GaQesa (NW). The central divinity was
probably a cosmic form of Vi~Qu.

VOL. 10, NO.3, 1985
[I] [j]
Figure 8. GangaikoQ<;Iaco!apuram, Tamilnadu,
south India. Brhadesvara Temple, ca. AD 1035. +N
Groundplan with constructing grid. An odd- ONE METER
numbered grid, as if for a city or palace, has
been applied to create the surrounding walls Figure 10. Bhavanipur, Rajasthan. Nakti-mata
and paths for ambulation. Temple, ca AD 875. Groundplan with construct-
ing grid. Instead of planes projecting from the
grid, the walls of this temple pull in the corners
from the perimeter of the grid. The central
offsets still measure the sanctum and the brah-

preserved the sanctity of the ritual altar, mimicking

in his act that of the priest constructing the altar,
itself the re-creation of a continuing cosmic creation.
I am concerned with practical ways in which archi-
tects used a grid with ritual potency to form a new
architecture, giving that architecture utilitarian pro-
portions appropriate to an ancient tradition, while
remaining free as architects to create new, and
increasingly complicated, forms.

Diagram of Construction
Temples of the early 7th-century AD surveyed in
eastern India, near the beginning of the stone-temple
tradition, are square (Figure 3), with a sanctum allow-
ing entry from one direction, but projecting 'entries'
Figure 9. Diagram showing the transformation on the three other cardinal walls in the form of niches
of square-based groundplans in north India from with images related to the central divinity. Measured
the 7th to the 10th century AD:upper left, Mahua, at the level where wall-moldings meet the foundation
Siva Temple no. 2, ca. AD 650-675; upper right, - a level where lines can sometimes be seen scratched
Bhavanipur, Nakti-mata Temple, ca. AD 875; in the stone - the thickness of walls is half the width
lower half, Kiradu, Rajasthan, Vi~QuTemple, ca.
late 10th century AD (left, showing the wall with of the sanctum, thus conforming to the Brhat Sam-
its ornamental niches). hila's grid of 8 x 8 squares (Figure 2).

SCIENCEREVIEWS,VOL. 10, NO.3, 1985 251
In slightly later temples in central India, the planes
of projection from the walls of the temple - planes
that act as planes of manifestation for the divinity
within - begin to be measured themselves by the 8 x 8
grid (Figure 4). In these structures the central projec-
tion on each wall measures the 2 x 2 dimension of the
interior' brahmastiina'; the flanking offsets measure
the 4 x 4 square dimension of the sanctum itself
(Figure 5). Such proportions appear only at the lip
of the wall's moldings, where the walls of the temple
touch the foundation, the floor level of the interior;
in later temples, as the temple is increasingly placed
on an elevated and molded plinth, this level remains
the location of the grid's proportions, and the grid
becomes more and more a secret device used by the
architect, and not the engineer, to control design
rather than construction.
The ritual grid provides specific proportions for

. .
the exterior of the temple - in these early examples,
ratios of 2: I : 2: I: 2 for offsets of the wall - the value
of which is that they reflect on the exterior the sig-
nificant portions of an interior altar that is beginning
to make divinity manifest in the form of images
~ ~ ~ ~ (Figure 6).
In the first example illustrated here (Figure 4), the
degree to which the planes of each wall project from
+N the square is measured by a half and by a full square
of the grid. This does not reflect a rule; in other
temples, this projection may be a quarter and a half
Figure 11. Khajuraho, Madhya Pradesh. of a grid-measure (Figure 5). Since this degree of
Visvanatha Temple, dated AD 1002. Groundplan projection varies from temple to temple, it would
of sanctum with proportioning grid. The grid is
placed at the base of the wall-moldings, above seem a measure pragmatically determined rather than
a molded plinth, and within an enclosed ambula- one of ritual significance. In like fashion, the walls
tory passage. enclosing the actual entry to the sanctum - while

Figure 12. Khajuraho, Madhaya Pradesh. Visvanatha Temple, dated AD 1002. View from the south.
The temple stands on a large platform which originally had subsidiary shrines on the four corners.

VOL 10,NO.3, 1985

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Figure 14. asian, Rajasthan. Harihara Temple
no. 1, ca. AD 750. Partial ground plan showing
separate grids for the central and subsidiary
shrines. The central shrine uses the karfla vyasa
system shown in Figure 4; the subsidiary shrines
use bhadra measure as shown in Figure 10.

Figure 13. Khajuraho, Madhya Pradesh. Kan-

dariya Mahadeva Temple, ca. AD 1025-1050. at Gailgaikol).<;lacolapuram (Figure 8) - an odd-
Groundplan of temple with proportioning grid. numbered grid appropriate for a palace or city (as
the 9 x9 = 81-square grid specified in the Brhat Sari/-
hila) has been used 12; in such a grid, a single square
subject to analysis in specific instances - also vary in at the center is ringed by concentric bands of the
their measurement from temple to temple. What do remaining squares. These form concentric, increas-
remain constant, and seem the primary reason for ingly larger squares that have been used to define the
architects to use the ritual grid, are measurements ambulatory paths and walls that sheath the temple
that place the dimensions of the inner sanctum and and protect its contents. This is done in a way quite
its sacred central space onto the exterior walls of the different from what we have found in north India
temple in the form of planes on which images that (Figures 4 and 5).
reflect and make manifest the divinity within can be The plan of the Hindu temple in north India, in
placed (Figures 5-7). fact, underwent a remarkable transformation between
the 7th and lith centuries (Figure 9). Walls became
thinner, offsets increased, and in some instances the
Alternative Systems
plan began to show rotation of squares; in others it
The system just described, however, is not the only was offset in a way to resemble a diamond more than
one by which architects in India have used the ritually a cardinally oriented square. Throughout, the ritual
significant grid. In south India, for example, Oravi<;la grid continued to act as the architect's tool, sanctify-
temples throughout their long history remain ing by its use the monuments the architect created.
primarily square structures, with offsets and recesses As a tool, its application to increasingly complex
along straight walls (Figure 8)11;in this they seem to structures, which strove both for aesthetic and for
reflect palatial architecture, and eventually they take political potency through religious means, required
on much of the form and significance of palaces and a flexible and probably increasingly secret application
cities. While this tradition only occasionally offers of the grid's ritually vital proportions.
direct evidence supporting the use of a proportioning In temples in western India of the 8th century and
diagram, in some of the grand 'meru' ('mountain- in central India from the 9th century onward, I have
like') temples - such as the eleventh-century temple found in use an alternative system by which the 8 x 8

BHADRA inside the grid by reducing their dimensions (Figure
10). The flanking and central offsets of the wall con-
KARNA tinue to measure the sanctum and its central brahma-
stiina, but by pulling the corners within the grid (they
usually measure about one-and-a-third squares in
width), this system allows a thinner fabric for the
temple, produces more balanced proportions in the
facade, and allows the architect greater flexibility in
the working out of details in his elevation.
This process of adaptation had been taken even
further by the 10th century. At Khajuraho, in central
India, where the sanctum itself sits on a molded plinth
within ambulatory walls and the temple then rests on
PRATIRATHA a molded platform with subsidiary shrines at the
corners, the 8 x 8 grid was still used to measure the
walls that enclose the inner sanctum (Figure 11), but
with corners pulled in even further. Placed at the base
of the wail's moldings, but above a molded socle
within the ambulatory, well above floor level, this
grid remained a potent part of the architect's design,
though no longer acting as means by which the archi-
tect/ engineer could actually construct the temple
Figure 15. Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh. TelT-ka- from the ground (Figure 12).
mar:Jc;tir,ca. AD 725-750. Quarter groundplan
showing expansion of square grid to produce a
rectangular temple. Third measures of the grid Proportion and Measure
have been used to make proportionate
adjustments of parts on the short and long walls. The extended grid, however, did help the master
architect to locate both the ambulatory walls and
grid was applied to the temple; this allowed the spaces for the aspirants in halls along the axis in front
architect considerable freedom to manipulate the pro- of the sanctum (Figure 13). Measurements derived
portions of his structure to achieve a greater balance from the proportions placed around the sanctum, not
in the elevation. This system, rather than projecting those proportions themselves, were the tools used by
planes from each wall beyond the grid as in the system craftsmen who began to construct the temple from
previously described, measured the temple across the base level. One surviving medieval text describes the
greatest extension of its walls, pulling the corners architect as training recruits to build temples exact
in all their details; only then should he select a few
appropriate disciples to whom to teach the principles
behind the architecture they had created.13
The ritual grid guards and girds the inner sanctum;
its proportions can be used to determine the actual
measurements by which the plinth and the surround-
ing walls will actually be located, but the proportions
remain at the center of the temple complex, not at
its periphery. This can be seen in those complexes
that place a central shrine and four corner subshrines
on an extended rectangular platform; rather than
finding the entire complex an extension of the grid
that determines the proportions of the central temple,
I find that each separate shrine uses its own grid,
determined by the measure of its sanctum (Figure
14). One of the earliest of these, at asian in Rajasthan
from the middle of the 8th century, not only shows
each shrine proportioned by its own 8 x 8 grid, each
using a different measure, but the central and sub-
sidiary shrines in this instance also use different sys-
tems for applying the grid - one measuring the temple
at the corner, the other across the projections; these
Figure 16. Barwasagar, Uttar Pradesh. Jarai two systems are called bhadra and kanJa vyiisa.14
Math, ca. AD 900. Groundplan with grid. Thirds
of the. grid measure, as in Figure 15, have again I have also attempted to analyze certain exceptional
been used to make adjustments on the walls of temples that take shapes other than square to test
this very different plan. whether these support or refute the use of a propor-

VOL. 10,NO.3, 1985
i !

M ~1 +N
Figure 17. Indor, Madhya Pradesh. Gargaj Figure 19. Kharod, eastern Madhya Pradesh.
Mahadeva temple, ca. AD 750. Groundplan SabarT Temple, 7th century AD. Groundplan with
showing grid of 10 x 10 squares (upper right) constructing grid. Corners of the turned square
that relates the sanctum to the outer walls and used to locate intermediate parts of the temple's
(left) the turned squares that determine the wall have been determined by extending the
geometry of the outer walls. 8 x 8 grid by two squares on either side.

tioning grid. A small number of rectangular struc- both walls use subordinate facets measuring each
tures, for example, demonstrate that architects first one-third of a square in order to produce dimensions
expanded the dimensions of the sanctum to create a that preserve simple proportions. A second rec-
rectangle and then adjusted parts of the outer walls tangular temple, from about a hundred and fifty years
by use of third measures of the grid to provide propor- The Tel1-ka-maI.H;lirin the Gwalior fort,
for example, expands its sanctum from 4 x 4 to 4 x 6
squares (Figure 15); central and flanking offsets on
both long and short walls continue to measure the
width and breadth of the inner sanctum. Offsets on

Figure 18. Geometry prescribed in texts of the

fourth and third centuries BC for locating the Figure 20. Sirpur, eastern Madhya Pradesh.
Square of the brick altar. An east-west line was Ram Temple, 7th century AD. Groundplan with
located using a gnomon. Circles, drawn using a constructing grid. A two-square measure of the
simple stake and attached cord, were used to grid has been used as radius for the circles that
locate a north-south line, cardinal points, and locate the turned squares that fix the position
the corners of the square that became the altar. of the intermediate facets on the wall.

SCIENCEREVIEWS,VOL. 10, NO.3, 1985 255
Figure 21. Udayapur. Madhya Pradesh. Udayesvara Mahadeva Temple, inscribed AD 1081. Groundplan
showing both proportioning grid and constructing geometry. The grid relates the walls of the temple
to the sanctum; the geometry that locates turned squares can also be applied at the base of the
molded socle.

later, that essentially melds the plans of two square, Geometry and Design
offset temples, also expands its sanctum to a ratio of
2: 3 and uses thirds of squares to mediate proportions The grid - and proportions derived from it - could
on the short and long sides (Figure 16). be manipulated by an architect in making a design.
The grid used to construct the early altar thus 1 have tested this by looking at some of the few
provided both a rationale and proportions to guide temples that are not purely quadrilateral. In one case,
the development of temple architecture; it ritually I have analyzed an octagonal temple built early in
sanctified the temple and guarded it. At the same the 7th century (early in the evolution of temple
time, it gave the architect a tool fiexible enough to architecture); in another, a temple with a twelve-
allow enormous variation over time. Within its girding sided plan dating from the middle of the 8th century
proportions, the architect could manipulate his struc- (Figure 17).'6 In both instances, geometry rather
ture with considerable freedom. He remained bound than measure has been used to locate the outer
to its use because of its utility - at levels of ritual and walls; yet in both, the grid continues to be used
secrecy, but also offiexibility and order in the process to relate the inner space of the temple to its outer
of creating a design. dimensions.

VOL. 10,NO.3, 1985
The geometry used for these exceptional examples
is in fact the geometry described in texts of the 4th
and 3rd centuries BC for constructing the square of
the altar using a gnomon, and a stake and rope to
draw circles (Figure 18). The use of this geometry for
temple architecture, however, did not exclude or
replace the use of proportions suggested by the altar's
square grid. In some instances in the 7th century AD,
the grid itself was used to mimic turned plans (Figure
19); in one instance I illustrate (Figure 20), the grid's
measure was itself used as the radius for circles to
locate the corners of squares that produce peculiar
intermediate turned facets of the wall.17
In perhaps the most famous of 'turned-square'
temples of medieval India - the Udayesvara temple
at Udayapur, Madhya Pradesh, inscribed AD 1081 -
the architect in fact combines geometry to construct
the temple at base level with the ritual grid surround-
Figure 22. Diagram showing how the inner
ing the sanctum at the level of the wall-moldingsl8 dimensions of the sanctum of the Udayesvara
(Figure 21). The projections of the walls are related Temple have been related to the maximum
to the inner sanctum using the grid, but the extension of the outer socle by means of a series
dimensions of the sanctum are related to those at the of circumscribed circles and squares.
base of the ornamented plinth, where the temple
actually had first to be constructed, using a geometry
begin to see that myth and science are not always
of circles and squares circumscribed around the sanc-
tum (Figure 22). While the sanctum walls thus remain disconnected: belief - as in the practice and study of
geometry in ancient India - can provide incentive for
protected by the proportions of the sacred grid, the
developing science, and technology - as in the use
plinth is here related to the sanctum by the flexible,
of measure and proportion by India's master archi-
yet controlled geometry of the engineer.
tects - can serve myth.

Interdisciplinary Relevance Acknowledgement

If I stop to think about the relevance of this study to All drawings and photographs are by the author. This article is
based on a paper presented at the annual meeting of the College
the history of science, or to interdisciplinary science Art Association of North America in Toronto, Canada, in February
studies, I would have to say that through it we may 1984.


1. C. P. S. Menon, Early Astronomy and Cosmology, George 10. Michael W. Meister, Ma(1c;1alaand practice in Nagara archi-
Allen & Unwin, London (1932). tecture in North India. Journal of the American Oriental
R. N. Apte, Some points connected with the geometry of Society 99.2,204-219 (1979).
the Vedic Altar. Annals of the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Michael W. Meister, Mu(1c;1esvarT:Ambiguity and certainty
Institute 7,1-16 (1926). in the analysis of a temple plan, in Kaladarsana: American
2. Apfe, p. 14, citing the Apastamba SrautasOtra. Studies in the Art of India, Joanna G. Williams (Ed.), pp.
3. Michael W. Meister, A note on the superstructure 77-90, American Institute of Indian Studies, New Delhi
of the Marhia Temple. Artibus Asiae 36, 81-88 (1974), (1981).
fig. 4. Michael W. Meister, Analysis of temple plans: Indor. Artibus
Michael W. Meister, Construction and conception: Ma(1- Asiae 43, 392-320 (1982).
c;lapika shrines of Central India. East and West, new series Michael W. Meister, Geometry and measure in Indian temple
26,409--418 (1976). plans: Rectangulartemples. Artibus Asiae 44, 266-296 (1983).
M. A. Dhaky, The 'Akasaliriga' finial. Artibus Asiae 36, 307- Michael W. Meister, The Udayesvara Temple plan, in SrTnid-
315 (1974). hi/): Shri K. R. Srinivasan Festschrift, pp. 85-93, New Era
4. Varahamihira, Brhat Sari1hita, trans. by H. Kern, Journal of Publications, Madras (1983).
the Royal Asiatic Society, new series 4-7, (1869-1874). chs. 11. Built on a straight manasiitra. Cardinal points are marked
53 and 56.
by false doors or niches; in some temples these begin to
5. Called the 'Brahmastana', this central space is sometimes project from the straight face of the temple, probably in
identified by modern astrologers as inhabited by Brahma, imitation of north Indian norms. See Encyclopaedia of Indian
the third deity of the Hindu triad. The name, however, goes Temple Architecture, vol. 1, pt. 1, South India, Lower
back to an earlier concept of 'brahman' as a non personified Dravic;ladesa, edited by Michael W. Meister, Oxford Uni-
'supreme reality'. versity Press, New Delhi (1983).
6. 56.10-14.
12. My analysis depends on a measured plan kindlyshared with
7. Kamikagama 17.107. me by the French Institute of Indology, Pondicherry.
8. Andreas Volwahsen, Living Architecture: Indian, Grosset 13. Alice Boner, Extracts from the Silpasari(1T,in Studies in
and Dunlap, New York (1969). Indian Temple Architecture, Pramod Chandra (Ed.), pp.
9. Stella Kramrisch, The Hindu Temple, two vols., University of 57-79, American Institute of Indian Studies, New Delhi
Calcutta, Calcutta (1946), pp. 37 note, 58, 228. (1975).


14. The next temple in sequence at asian, the Harihara Temple in Dak~iQa Kosala and their 'dremonic' plans, in Discourses
no. 2, uses bhadra vyasa - measurement across the projec- on Siva, Michael W. Meister (Ed), pp. 119-142, University of
tions - for both the central and subsidiary shrines. Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia (1985).
15. Meister, Geometry and measure l0 18. The Udayesvara Temple Plan.
16. MUI:H;lesvari ; Analysis of Temple Plans~...
17. Michael W. Meister, $iva's forts in Central India: Temples The manuscript was received 25 July 1984.


Khajuraho, Madhya Pradesh. Kandariya Mahadeva Temple, elevation. (After B. L. Dhama, A Guide to
Khajuraho, p1. IV)

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