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Kabankalan City, Negros Occidental

SRS FORM 5 (Approval for the Conduct of Research)

MAY 17, 2019


The Field/Research Coordinator:

This is to inform you that Mr/Ms. Joven T. Panoncillo and Jennifer B. Ticala is/are
now ready to conduct his/her thesis as per approved thesis outline hereto attached.

For field experimental researches, please see to it that he/she has appropriate placard
and/or labels. For educational or social researches, please see to it that he/she conducted
appropriate validity and reliability testing (if applicable) before conducting.

For your information and appropriate action.

Chairman, Student Research Section

This note shall be attached to the approved outline. No student is allowed to conduct
his/her thesis without an approved thesis outline. The Panel or Research Coordinator upon
approval of the Research Chairman reserve the right to declare the conduct of research void
without prior approval to conduct the study.

Doc Control Code: CPSU-F-VPAA-16 Effective Date: 09/13/18 Revision No. 00

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