Millennium Magazine - Brad Mahlof

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Ten Expert Tips for there are plenty of apartments on the market that are selling, some
even trading at record prices! So, what can be done to make your

Buying and Selling

apartment successfully stand out and appeal to buyers?

Below I share five of my expert tips on successfully selling Real Estate

in NYC:

Real Estate in NYC 1. Accurately price your property. Many sellers have an idea of what
their property is worth in their head. However, this number is often mis-
aligned with reality and it’s important to accurately determine the value
of a property to price it properly. Researching recent comparable sales
in a building and neighborhood, and knowing what else is currently
on the market (the competition), are the best methods to determine
by: Bradley Mahlof market value. Understanding this in parallel with factors such as inter-
est rates and general trends in the market will help best determine an
optimal sales price.

Price your apartment too high, and it will sit on the market for a very long
time and ultimately require several price adjustments before it sells. An
apartment that sits too long on the market is a red flag for many buyers.
It gives a sense that there is something wrong with the property (even
once the price is properly adjusted). This strategy leaves you worse off
than if you priced correctly from the start.

Proper pricing is an enormous key to success. Do so correctly and

you’re off to a great start!
Owning a home in NYC is a dream for many people. It’s
the pinnacle of American Real Estate, and it can be a 2. Getting an apartment market ready and stand out among the
terrific investment and also significantly heighten one’s competition. How does an apartment compare to its competition?
quality of life. Small home improvements before putting a listing on the market, such
as fresh paint, staging and any needed repair work can go a long way
However, navigating through the complex buying and and often equate to selling faster and for more money. Do not assume
selling environment in NYC is not as straightforward as buyers can see the potential in a home, so do whatever possible to
you may think. With prices high, lots of competition, make the property show its best. You want a buyer to walk into your
many different types of apartments and neighborhoods home and go, WOW. Remember you have a lot of competition out
to choose from, and the rigorous application and ap- there, and a little goes a long way in terms of standing out.
proval process in many buildings, where does one even
start? To accomplish these improvements, I work with my clients to deter-
mine the most effective strategy to prepare their homes for the market.
I have detailed below some of my expert tips to Decluttering, staging and painting are some very effective tools, but
successfully buying and selling in NYC! every apartment is unique and has its own set of needs. My company
and I go as far as fronting the cost of any of these pre-listing home-im-
SELLING IN NYC provements, so it’s really a no-brainer for my clients to get their homes
fixed up before putting it on the market.
With apartment inventory continuing to grow and a
slowdown in the Real Estate market, it can be a difficult 3. Good photos and a strong marketing campaign. I often spend
time to be a seller. Despite uncertain market conditions, my evenings scrolling through hundreds of Real Estate listings online
and I’m often shocked by the horrible and poor quality of some listing
photos. Are these photos taken with an iPhone (or worse some type
of archaic flip phone)?

86 87

Magazine quality photos are essential and are your you get what you pay for – and listing with an agent
marketing gold. Use these photos to spread the word saves you time (time is money) and a skilled agent will
on a listing, whether it’s through paid advertising, social be able to fetch you a higher sales price. Many buyers
media initiatives, or email blasts, you will use photos for understand that a home listed by owner saves the seller
everything and they will capture buyers interest. You’re money and buyers will expect that this cost-savings be
selling Real Estate in NYC, it’s expensive, it should look shared with them through a discounted sales price.
Bottom line, do yourself a favor and get it done right –
The goal of an effective listing and marketing campaign hire an agent!
is to get as much exposure as possible from target-
ed buyers. Getting traffic through the door to see the BUYING IN NYC
apartment is half the battle. In today’s competitive mar-
ket, social media and a strong network are your friends! The rumors are true – it certainly is a buyer’s market!
Get creative and get people excited to come to see the Great deals and smart investments can definitely be
space! found if you know how to act. However, while it may be
a buyer’s market, it does not always feel that way. Great
4. Qualifying a buyer. Not all buyers are created equal. apartments still get snatched up very fast and there is
You may be fortunate to have several offers for your still much competition in finding a dream home or in-
home; however, the highest offer is not always the best vestment. So, what can be done to take advantage of
one. It is equally important to understand what

this market, get a great deal and secure a wonder-
your building looks for in a candidate and
choose a buyer that is qualified finan- It’s ful property?

cially and who will be a slam dunk Below I share five of my expert tips on
with board approval (most co-op in your best interest successfully buying Real Estate in
buildings in NYC require ex- NYC:
tensive board applications
and board approval). Do not
to work with a smart and
1. Set up your real estate
waste time and money with dream team. Even in a buy-
sub-optimal buyers – qualify creative agent that will expertly market er’s market, great apartments
them as soon as you receive get snatched up immediately.
an offer and do not let a high your property and guide you through the So what can be done to se-
offer cloud your judgement cure yourself a dream home?
on their qualifications.
entire process from listing photos, proper Once you identify a property, it’s
essential to get an offer in right
5. Hire an agent. Many sell-
ers want to save money (under- pricing, to negotiating and closing complish this, you should have your
away and move on it fast. To ac-
“The Window Treats

standably) and avoid paying an Real Estate team (a Real Estate agent,
agent’s commission by attempting to the deal. team provided
attorney, and a lender) assembled and
sell a property on their own. While some ready to go. In addition to a strong Real Es- expert guidance,
do find success, statistically the vast majority tate team it is also integral to have your financial
waste time, effort and money and ultimately will list paperwork ready to go as well. If an apartment has lots quality work, and a
their apartment with a Real Estate Agent. The New York of interest, you want to get the process going as quick
Real Estate market is very nuanced, and it’s in your best detailed installation.
as possible and lock up the deal before someone else
interest to work with a smart and creative agent that will comes along to outbid you. With a strong real estate I will definitely use
expertly market your property and guide you through team, the purchase process should be smooth, quickly
the entire process from listing photos, proper pricing, to and stress-free. them for my next
negotiating and closing the deal. While you may be fa-
miliar with Real Estate yourself, your marketing and so- project!”
2. See the potential in that diamond in the rough.
cial outreach is likely substantially inferior to a large Real I encourage my buyers to see beyond surface finish-
Estate firm who has endless resources and connec- es and focus more on the unchangeable bones of an - JAMIE TURNER, SEA BRIGHT NJ
tions to get a property seen. A Real Estate transaction apartment such as layout, ceiling height, views, mainte-
is a time-consuming, multi-step process that requires a nance fees, etc. While everyone loves a newly renovat-
high level of commitment and know-how. It is essen- ed apartment, you will pay a premium for it. Unless the
tial for a deal to go as smoothly and swiftly as possible home finishes are exactly your taste, why pay for some- P 732.219.0303
and for a perfect board package to be submitted - most one else’s style? Many buyers do not have the vision A 80 Broad Street Suite 16
sellers do not have the experience to successfully ac- or want to deal with any sort of renovation work, so you
complish this on their own. It’s like anything else in life, Red Bank NJ 07701
can often find the best deals with these in-need-of-ren-

ovation apartment listings. My tip to buyers is not to a place, move fast and with your best foot forward (do
shy away from these properties. If an apartment is
move-in ready that’s wonderful, but don’t get deterred
by an outdated apartment with incredible potential.
not worry too much about overpaying by a few thou-
sand dollars for your dream home). Sometimes this is
still not enough, and you are outbid, or the seller choos-
A match made for your wallet.
es a more qualified buyer. These things happen but
3. Focus less on “purchase price” and understand DO NOT get discouraged. I am a firm believer that
your budget. While purchase price is obviously impor- everything happens for a reason and while it’s impor-

tant, there are more meaningful ways to measure your tant to put your best foot forward, if it was not meant
budget. To do so, understand what the overall monthly to be it’s for a good reason – something even better will
expenses on a specific apartment will be. Maintenance come your way.
and tax charges can be significant and should be taken
into consideration when understanding what you can I hope you find some of these tips helpful and if you
afford. To blankly say “my budget is $2M” makes less have any specific questions about NYC Real Estate
sense than “I have $400k available for a down payment do not hesitate to reach out!
and my all-in monthly payments cannot exceed $6000/
month (with mortgage, maintenance and taxes).” Un- My name is Brad Mahlof and I am a Real Estate pro-
derstanding your budget and what an apartment will fessional with Compass in NYC. My love and passion
actually cost you will give you a better sense of what for Real Estate has developed into a career of helping

Save up to 25%
you can afford. It will also help you better compare the others find and create their dream homes. I bring to a
type of deal you are getting on various properties. Real Estate transaction a unique blend of characteris-
tics that ensure an enjoyable and rewarding purchase
4. It’s ok to place offers on multiple properties. If a or sale process. I stand out among other Real Estate
buyer client of mine likes a property or thinks they may professionals because of my caring, genuine and ap-
like a property, I encourage them to submit an offer. In proachable personality. Further, my strong analytical
NYC offers are non-binding and even if the seller ac- background gives me a significant edge during nego-
cepts your offer you can walk away with zero penalties. tiations. I’m a creative thinker and have helped my cli-
So, there are zero downsides to submitting offers. If you ents buy and sell at record prices and in record times,
see four properties that you really like, submit offers on despite the uncertainty in today’s market.
all four and see which you can get the best deal on.
I’m fully dedicated to my clients and take the time to
With Allstate, you can save up to 25% when you bundle home and
Unless there is lots of competition or if it’s your dream carefully listen and understand their needs. Recogniz- auto insurance. Plus, you get our local expertise and trusted advice at
home that you do not want to run the risk of losing, ing the magnitude of a Real Estate investment, I skillfully
it’s ok to submit a low starting offer. I always say, you navigate my clients toward sound financial investments
no extra charge. Call today for a free quote.
can come up on your offer price, but you cannot come and guides them through every stage of a Real Estate
down. Further, if you see a property and think it’s over- transaction. In addition to working as a Real Estate
priced, don’t be shy to submit an offer where you think Agent, I am involved in several tristate residential devel- D. H. Cohen Agency, Inc. David Cohen, CPCU, CFP®
it’s worth – when doing so, it’s always best to submit a
comps analysis or justification to your offer.
opment projects, including Park Estates, a new home
development in Eatontown, NJ, manage a portfolio of
519 Kings Hwy. 718-859-7900
multi-family properties and have experience in NYC Brooklyn
Bottom line, if you like an apartment, submit an offer! apartment renovations. My well-rounded understand-
Do not spend too much time thinking about it (you can ing of Residential Real Estate strengthens my ability to
rescind your offer if you change your mind), because serve my clients.
the longer you wait to submit an offer the longer you
give an opportunity for someone else to come in and If you’re thinking about buying or selling in NYC
snatch your potential deal. contact me and experience Real Estate the Brad
Mahlof Way! Eddie Bawabeh, LSP
5. Do not get discouraged. NYC residential Real Es-
tate is personal. While purchasing Real Estate is a very
large financial investment it is also about finding your
future “home” and can easily get emotional for buyers.
Even in a buyer’s market, there is a lot of competition
and it’s common to fall in love with an apartment and
get outbid by a higher (often all-cash) offer from a more
qualified buyer. If a seller accepts your offer, until there Brad Mahlof
is a fully executed contract, the seller can walk away Mobile: 732-233-8023
from your deal at any time (you the buyer can do the

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