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Toward A Just Energy
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Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR)

Jalan Tebet Barat Dalam VIII No. 20 B, Jakarta Selatan, 12810, Indonesia |

Deon Arinaldo (Lead Author)
Julius Christian Adiatma

Erina Mursanti, Fabby Tumiwa, Marlistya Citraningrum (in alphabetical order)

Fabby Tumiwa

This paper has been produced as a part of work of Climate Transparency, an
international partnership of IESR and 13 other research organizations and NGOs
comparing G20 climate action – The paper is financed
by the International Climate Initiative (IKI). The Federal Ministry for the Environment,
Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) of Germany supports this initiative on
the basis of a decision adopted by the German Bundestag.

The authors would like to thank the following people for their constructive comments
on earlier drafts: Erina Mursanti, Fabby Tumiwa, and Marlistya Citraningrum (IESR).
Gerd Leipold and Hannah Schindler (Climate Transparency). Thomas Spencer (TERI).
Paola Parra (Climate Analytics). All opinions expressed, as well as omissions and
eventual errors are the responsibility of the authors alone.

Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR)
Jakarta, Indonesia
First Edition. March 2019

Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR)| Jalan Tebet Barat Dalam VIII No. 20 B |
Jakarta Selatan 12810 | Indonesia | T: +62 21 2232 3069 | F: +62 21 8317 073 | |


BAU : Business As Usual

BPP : Biaya Pokok Produksi / Production Cost

ca. : Circa

CFPP : Coal Fired Power Plant

CO2 / CO2-e : Carbon Dioxide / Carbon Dioxide equivalent

CPO : Crude Palm Oil

DGE/DJK : Directorate General of Electricity / Direktorat Jenderal


DMO : Domestic Market Obligation

e.g. : For Example

FTP : Fast Track Program

GDP : Gross Domestic Product

GHG : Greenhouse Gas Emission

GNI : Gross National Income

GW : Giga Watt

IDR : Indonesian Rupiah

IEA : International Energy Agency

IEEFA : Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis

IUP : Izin Usaha Pertambangan / Mining Business License

JATAM : Jaringan Advokasi Tambang

kcal : kilocalorie

KEN : Kebijakan Energi Nasional / National Energy Policy

kg : kilogram

KPK : Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi / Corruption Eradication


kWh : kilo Watt per hour

LCOE : Levelized Cost of Electricity

Li-ion : Lithium Ion

LULUCF : Land Use, Land-Use Change, and Forestry

MCA : Minerals Council Australia

MEMR : Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources

MODI : Minerba One Data

MOEF : Ministry of Environment and Forestry

MTOE : Million Tonnes of Oil Equivalent

Mton : Metric Ton

MW : Mega Watt

MWh : Mega Watt per Hour

NDC : Nationally Determined Contribution

NOx : Nitrogen Oxides

PLN : Perusahaan Listrik Negara / Electricity State-Owned Company

PM : Particulate Matter

PP : Peraturan Pemerintah / Government Regulation

PPP : Purchasing Power Parity

PV : Photovoltaic

RE : Renewable Energy

RPJMN : Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Menengah Nasional (National Mid-

Term Development Plan)

RUEN : Rencana Umum Energi Nasional (General Planning of National


RUPTL : Rencana Umum Penyediaan Tenaga Listrik

SOX : Sulphur Oxides

UNFCCC : United Nations Framework on Climate Change

USC : Ultra Super Critical

USD : United States Dollar

VRE : Variable Renewable Energy

WACC : Weighted Average Cost of Capital

WTE : Waste to Energy



1. Introduction..................................................................................................................................... 1

2. Overview of Coal Sector in Indonesia....................................................................................... 4

2.1 Introduction to Indonesia’s Economy.................................................................................. 4
2.2 Coal in Indonesia’s Energy Sector......................................................................................... 6
2.3 Coal in Indonesia’s Economy...................................................................................................7
Coal in Indonesia’s National Economy.................................................................................7
Coal in Local Economies........................................................................................................... 9

3. Indonesia’s Coal Dynamics..........................................................................................................11

3.1 Policy Directives.........................................................................................................................11
3.2 Coal Production Dynamics..................................................................................................... 13
3.3 Domestic Coal Demand Dynamics....................................................................................... 14
3.4 Indonesia’s Coal Export...........................................................................................................17
3.5 Summary to this Section........................................................................................................ 18

4. Coal Transition in Indonesia’s Power Sector: Drivers and Challenges........................... 19

4.1 Cost of Different Generation Technologies.......................................................................20
4.2 Inefficiency in Coal Power Plants Operation.................................................................... 21
4.3 Increasing Cost of Coal Mining............................................................................................. 22
4.4 Subsidy in Coal Sector............................................................................................................ 22
4.5 Inconsistent Policy Implementation................................................................................... 23
4.6 System Integration Challenge............................................................................................... 23
4.7 Summary to This Section....................................................................................................... 24

5. Projections: Looking Forward...................................................................................................26

5.1 Coal Export................................................................................................................................. 26
5.2 Domestic Coal Consumption................................................................................................. 29
5.3 Implications of Coal Sector Trajectory...............................................................................30
Implications on East Kalimantan Province....................................................................... 32

6. Conclusion......................................................................................................................................36


1. Introduction

he economy of Indonesia has shown Bank show that electricity consumption in
significant growth over recent Indonesia in 2014 was 812 kWh per capita or
decades. It is now the largest economy 26% of the world average. In 2017, it rose to
in Southeast Asia and the 7th largest 1,021 kWh per capita (Directorate General of
economy in the world on a gross domestic Electricity [DGE], 2018). To meet electricity
product (GDP) at purchasing power parity growth, Indonesia depends heavily on
(PPP) basis. Historically, Indonesia’s fossil-fueled power plants, dominated by
economic development has evolved during coal. This is reflected in the Fast-Track
the latter part of the 20th century: from Program (FTP) 1 & 2 and 35,000 MW Program1,
agricultural self-sufficiency in the 1950s, the where coal power plant dominates new-
industrialization due to urbanization in power plants built and planned. Moreover,
1960s, and the manufacturing starting from
the mid-1980s (Stephen Elias and Clare 1 Fast-Track Program (FTP) and 35,000 MW are
Noone, 2011). programs launched by the Government of Indonesia
to accelerate the development of new power
Indonesia’s electricity consumption capacity. FTP 1 and 2 were initiated in 2006 and
increases accordingly. Data from the World 2010 respectively, and 35,000 MW program was
established in 2015.

according to the PLN’s Electricity Supply Indonesia’s National Determined Contribu-
Business Plan (RUPTL 2018-2027), the tion (NDC), also gives pressure to reduce
amount of power capacity planned to build coal-fired power plant utilization if
until 2027 reaches 56 GW: of which 48% is Indonesia wants to reach its climate goal.
coal-fired power plants and 26% is gas-fired On the other hand, the costs of renewable
power plants. energy have been declining at unpre-
Without considering external cost of a cedented rates. Once renewables reach grid
coal power plant, coal is a cheap source of parity, coal energy would be significantly
energy to support Indonesia’s economic lessened.
development. Environmental damage and This paper will discuss the possibilities
health issues (especially respiratory of energy transition in Indonesia, parti-
diseases) are two significant external costs. cularly the transition from coal-fired power
Global climate commitment, stipulated in plants while also considering the impli-
cations to coal sector.

2. Overview of
Coal Sector in

2.1 Introduction to Indonesia’s Economy

The economy of Indonesia has been Indonesia’s economic growth can also be
fluctuated for the last two decades. measured through GNI per capita. It is
Recovered from the Asian financial crisis in usually related to inflation, productivity,
1998/1999, Indonesia reached 7.4% of infrastructure growth, as well as social
economic growth in 2007-2008. However, factors: such as the country’s population
there has been a slowdown in the country’s health, education, and skill (Amadeo, 2018).
economic growth since the commodities World Bank categorizes Indonesia as a
export boom ended in 2012. As of now, the lower-middle income country (based on GNI
country’s GDP growth is projected to be per capita using the Atlas method (current
stable at an average of 5.24% for the next USD)). Despite the stable economic growth,
five years (IMF, 2018). This robust and steady the growth of GNI per capita in Indonesia
economic growth may drive Indonesia to be has stagnated around $3,500 over the last
the fifth-largest economy in the world by six years. It experienced a short downtrend
2030 and the fourth-largest one by 2050 on after 2013 which coincided with the end of
purchasing power parity basis (PwC, 2017). the commodity boom period. However, a

Figure 1 Year-on-year GDP growth (IMF, 2018)


GDP Growth (%)

-1 1994 1999 2004 2009 2014 2019

GDP Growth (%)

closer look at the GNI per capita with the largest energy consumers in the world,
constant price of 2011 shows a steady the country is merely ranked 5th among
increase instead. This showcases that the Southeast Asian countries on energy
average income of the residents in the consumption per capita basis by a large
country still experienced improvement margin. In 2014, energy consumption per
along with economic growth. The stagnated capita of Indonesia was only one-tenth of
GNI per capita could then be attributed to Brunei Darussalam and about half of
devaluation of IDR toward USD since the Thailand whose sitting on the world’s
commodity boom period ended. average (World Bank, 2018a).
Indonesia’s energy consumption per Fossil fuel resources still dominate
capita is also a reflection of its low-income primary energy consumption in Indonesia;
population. Even though Indonesia is among with oil, coal and gas shares reaching 42.1%,

Figure 2 Year on Year GNI per capita growth (World Bank, 2018)


GNI per capita (USD)





1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 2009 2011 2013 2015 2017

GDP Per Capita Current USD (Atlas Method)

GDP Per Capita Constant USD 2011

30.3%, and 21.3% in 2017, respectively (MEMR, 2.2 Coal in Indonesia’s Energy Sector
2018). Transportation is the primary con- The General Planning of National Energy
sumers of oil, while power sector is fueled (RUEN-2014) specifies the role of energy
mainly by coal. Even though fossil fuel is the sources: maximizing the share of renewables
dominant source of energy, the country in the national energy supply mix while
does not have a large amount of reserve optimizing gas, minimizing oil, and using
compared to others. Oil, coal, and gas coal as baseload to fulfill the remaining of
reserves of Indonesia accounted for only energy needs. Historically, Indonesia’s
0.2%, 2.2%, and 1.5% of total world reserves primary energy mix shows a different story.
(BP, 2018). Nevertheless, 43% of its gas Coal is on the rise in the primary energy mix
production is exported. At current produc- in the last decade due to the acceleration of
tion rate, the gas reserve will be depleted in the power plant development program.
40 years if there is no exploration and no Renewables mix is also increasing although
new operational gas wellhead. The country at a much slower pace. The renewables
has also become a net importer of oil since increase is mainly contributed by the biofuel
2004 as the national consumption exceeds usage to replace fuel diesel in industry and
its production (PwC, 2018). Since oil produc- transportation sectors and by geothermal
tion has been decreasing, the macro- for electric power.
economic stability of the country will be at Coal domination is more apparent in the
a risk. Indonesia will have a large foreign power sector as coal contribution reached
trade deficit because of the increasing oil 50% of the installed capacity in Indonesia
import. and 58.1% of electricity generation in 2017
Coal usage in generating electricity (DJK ESDM, 2018; MEMR, 2018). Without
increases strongly as coal in Indonesia has taking into account the externality cost, coal
a higher reserve to production ratio usage is preferred by PLN, a state-own
compared to oil and gas. Also, it can reduce utility company with a single right to offtake
the risk of current account deficit and electricity, to generate electricity for the
inflation due to oil imports. Careful manage- next decade. In PLN RUPTL (2019-2028), an
ment and utilization of fossil fuel resources additional 27 GW of coal-fired power plant
are critical to overcoming this challenge. (CFPP) or 48% from total installed capacity

Figure 3 Year on Year Percentage of Primary Energy Mix (MEMR, 2018)

100% 3.96 4.37 4.35 5.41 3.77 3.92 4.96 5.32 4.39 6.45 6.24

22.48 25.08 24.87 25.11 21.73 20.88 22.12 21.85 21.11 21.76 21.34

48.03 48.63 47.35 43.24 46.77 47.4 48.13 47.06 46.57 41.94 42.09

25.53 22.92 23.43 26.24 27.74 27.77 24.79 25.76 27.94 29.86 30.33

2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Coal Oil Gas Renewable

Figure 4 Year on Year Percentage of Installed Capacity Mix (DJK MEMR, 2018)

100% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
9% 10% 10% 9% 9% 9%

80% 13% 12% 12% 11% 11% 10%

60% 31% 29% 28% 28% 28% 28%


20% 44% 47% 47% 49% 50% 50%

2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Coal Gas Diesel Hydro Geothermal Other Renewable

is planned and therefore potentially mining product. For the last four years, coal
increase the coal shares in electricity mix to revenue collected is averaging around IDR
60-65% (PLN, 2018a). 31 trillion (2.17 billion USD) or averaging
close to 80% of total non-oil & gas revenue.
2.3 Coal in Indonesia’s Economy However, coal revenue contribution to the
Coal in Indonesia’s National Economy state budget is relatively low, around 1.5 to
In addition to its role in energy sector, 2 % of total revenue (Mariatul Aini, 2018).
coal also contributes to national The contribution from coal sector to
development as a revenue stream for the state revenue is influenced by coal sale,
State Budget. According to government both domestically and internationally. For
regulation no. 9/2012, there are three ways example, the amount of coal production
on how coal sector can contribute to state and export has increased in the last four
revenue: land rent, royalty/tax, and sales of years because coal price has risen from 60

Figure 5 Revenue from the coal sector (Mariatul Aini, 2018; Ministry of Finance, 2019)

500 120
Coal Price/Revenue (USD/Trillion IDR)

400 100
Coal Export (Million Ton)

300 60.1 61.8
250 60
150 40
24.4 22.8 26.5
0 0
2015 2016 2017 2018*

Coal Export (Million Ton) Coal Price/HBA (USD) Coal Revenue (Trilion IDR)

Figure 6 Indonesia’s Trade Balance (Ministry of Trade, 2019)

Net Trade (Million USD)

13 14 15 16 17 18
Oil & Gas Net Trade Non Oil & Gas Net Trade Total

to 100 USD; that led to more revenue gained by 22.2 % from 2017’s figure, mainly
from the coal sector. Coal price has a dominated by the increasing of raw material
significant influence over the production import for industry and fuel (Ministry of
and export of coal. Trade, 2019). Nevertheless, Indonesia
The government’s reasoning over the experienced the worst net trade record in
exploitation of coal is to increase trade 2018, reaching minus 8.57 billion USD. The
revenue and help in counterbalancing record is worse compared to the 2013 and
deficit coming from oil and gas trade 2014 trade deficit value of 4.08 and 1.89
(Syahni, 2018). Indonesia’s import has risen billion USD, respectively (Fajriah, 2019). It is

Figure 7 Coal Production in four provinces (Petromindo, 2019)

450 24.4 31.1 26.6 18.9
7.2 5.5 12.3 17.3
26.5 29.8
400 32.6 45.8
Coal Production (Million Ton)

160.3 153.9
300 157.5

239.7 241.3 232 221.7
2014 2015 2016 2017

East Kalimantan South Kalimantan South Sumatera

Central Kalimantan Other Province

more than likely that the trend will continue Central Kalimantan. Kutai, Tarakan, and
in 2019 and thus the government will still Barito coal basins located in East Kalimantan
look to coal export as one of the options for have medium-quality coal (calorific value
trade deficit balancing (given that the between 5100-6100 kcal/kg) while the
international price of coal stays high at >90 Central and South Sumatera Basins have
USD/ton) while building a strategy on low-quality coal reserves (calorific value
reducing imports of consumer goods. <5100 kcal/kg) (Adiatma et al., 2018).
Coal has a substantial contribution to
Coal in Local Economies the local economy of the four provinces. In
Indonesia’s coal resources and East Kalimantan, coal sector contributed up
production are mainly distributed over only to 35% of the provincial GDP in 2017. By
four provinces out of 34: East Kalimantan, adding oil and gas to the figure, the number
South Sumatera, South Kalimantan, and almost reach half of the provincial GDP. This

Figure 8 Comparison of GDP of South Kalimantan and East Kalimantan (BPS, 2018)

East Kalimantan GDP in 2017: IDR 592.5 Trillion


5.3% 7.9%




Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing


South Kalimantan GDP in 2017: IDR 159.6 Trillion Construction

Trade and Repair for Motor

26.1% 0.6% Transportation and Storage
6.5% Other

Crude Petroleum, Natural Gas

9.7% and Geothermal
Coal and Lignite Mining

14.4% 14.6%

indicates that East Kalimantan economy 2.4 Summary to this Section
relies heavily on fossil fuel. A similar In short, several messages can be
condition can be found in South Kalimantan summarized in this section:
province. Although South Kalimantan has • Coal dominates Indonesia’s energy and
lower GDP value compared to East electricity mix. Without taking into
Kalimantan, South Kalimantan’s coal sector account the externality cost, coal is
contribution is rather high, ranging between perceived as a cheap energy source
19-26% of the provincial GDP in the last five despite the coal price cap policy that the
years. Considering the high share of GDP government had to introduce to keep the
from coal sector and also the discrepancy electricity tariff constantly low.
between coal and other sectors’ • Despite government’s intention of
development in both provinces, coal utilizing coal as one of energy sources to
transition may have more impacts on their create multiplier effects and accelerate
economics, social, and political environment. domestic economic development, in
East Kalimantan’s economy is four times practice coal is still heavily exported.
larger than South Kalimantan’s. The sources • Coal is perceived as one of the sources of
of South Kalimantan’s economy are diverse foreign exchange. The government would
(e.g., coal mining, industry, trade, and likely still rely on coal export to balance
transportation) and are comparable in size. the trade deficit for the next few years,
On the other hand, the East Kalimantan’s given the current coal price would stay
economy depends mostly on coal sector high. One of the reasons for such policy
with more than a third of its GDP contribution is the trade deficit the country had
coming from coal. The next largest GDP suffered this year due to oil import.
contributor in this province is the However, coal export alone will not be
manufacturing/processing industry, sufficient to cover the deficit from oil &
agriculture, and construction with a gas trade.
considerable difference of value compared • Most of Indonesia’s coal resource and
to coal sector’s contribution. Overcoming production are from only four out of 34
this gap would be more challenging and provinces. Out of those four, East
would be a crucial strategy for East Kalimantan’s and South Kalimantan’s
Kalimantan to shift away from its coal- economic development are highly
dominated industry. dependent on coal sector’s contribution.

3. Indonesia’s
Coal Dynamics

3.1 Policy Directives

Indonesia’s energy policy evolves over 2005 to 2012, causing a financial burden for
time but it emphasizes on diversification, the government due to soaring fuel
intensification, and conservation of energy subsidies and increasing oil import that
sources. The latest energy policy is Kebijakan disrupted the country’s balance of trade.
Energi Nasional (KEN) or National Energy Since Indonesia possesses abundant coal
Policy 2014 (KEN 2014). The overarching and renewables resources, energy
objectives of Indonesia’s National Energy diversification strategy is aimed at
Policy (KEN) are to create energy maximizing these resources, including the
independence and maintain national energy use of vegetable oil, mainly crude palm oil
security based on the principle of fairness, (CPO) as biofuel feedstock to reduce oil
sustainability, and environmental import.
consideration. KEN 2014 has two main In KEN 2014, usage of coal as reliable
strategies: energy diversification and energy source for national energy supply is one of
efficiency and conservation. Indonesia’s national energy priority until
KEN 2014 is based on response measures 2050, mainly to substitute diesel oil usage
to the oil price crisis occurred in 2005. in power plants. However, coal share is
Global oil price increased dramatically from expected to be reduced in national energy

mix and replaced by renewable energy Paris Agreement and submitted its
sources later on. The target is to have Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC).
renewable energy share of 23% by 2025 and Under NDC, the government pledged to
31% by 2050, as specified in the General reduce GHG emission by 29% of the BAU
Planning on National Energy (RUEN) issued scenario in 2030 unconditionally, and
in 2017. additionally, 12% more with international
Under RUEN, government sets to limit supports. GHG emission from energy sector
domestic coal production at 400 million is to be reduced by 11% unconditionally (or
tons per year starting 2019, unless domestic 14% conditionally). Moreover, as the issue of
demand exceeds this amount. In the past climate change started receiving global
ten years, coal production rapidly increases attention, meeting the Indonesia’s pledge
and the number is floating above 400 million to reduce GHG emission against the business
ton annually. In the Mid-Term Development as usual scenario by 2030 is crucial.
Plan (RPJMN) 2015-2019, annual coal NDC for energy sector lines up a variety
production is also planned to be 400 million of mitigation activities but lack in clear
tons in 2019, of which 60% is consumed strategy and program to meet the mitigation
domestically. Since 2009, coal companies goal (Tumiwa, 2017). The emission from
are obliged to supply a certain percentage power sector also increases with the
of their production to domestic buyers, incremental number of coal power capacity
known as Domestic Market Obligation added from 2017 to 2022. Achievement of
(DMO). Each year, MEMR sets the amount of NDC’s non-LULUCF target requires Indonesia
DMO for coal producing companies through to meet the renewable energy target as
a Ministerial Decree. stipulated in KEN 2014. However, under
Indonesia is a party of the United Nations current policy, Indonesia will not be able to
Framework on Climate Change (UNFCCC) meet its KEN 2014 target (Climate Action
and supporter for the global climate Tracker, 2018).
agreement. In 2015, in Paris Climate The Ministry of Environment and Forestry
Conference, President Joko Widodo (MOEF) in December 2017 proposed a stricter
committed to reduce Indonesia’s emission standard for coal-fired power
Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emission. Later in plant to replace the currently low standard
2016, the government of Indonesia ratified applied since 2008. The proposed standard

Table 1 Electricity generation according to RUPTL 2018-2027 (TWh)

No. Type of Fuel 2018 2020 2025 2027

1 Hydro 18.9 18.1 43.1 46.7

2 Geothermal 14.7 17.5 50.8 49.2

3 Other Renewables 0.4 2.9 6.3 6.6

4 Gas 57.0 76.1 96.5 103.5

5 Fuel 11.6 7.1 1.8 2.0

6 Coal 169.6 194.2 236.8 293.9

7 Import 1.4 0.9

Total 273.8 316.7 435.5 501.9

is comparable to international practice for 2016 has always been above the RUEN
new power plants delivered after 2021 and target. Even the annual target set by MEMR
can potentially reduce air pollution from were above RUEN and RPJMN (National Mid-
coal-fired power plant by 50% for PM, 47% Term Development Plan) target. In 2018, for
for SOx, and 58% for NOx. This plan was, example, RUEN and RPJMN target was 403
however, challenged by the power sector million tons and 406 million tons,
lobby and has yet to be finalized until the respectively; while MEMR target was 485
end of 2018 (Indonesian Center for million tons and according to MODI actual
Environmental Law & Centre for Science production was 557 million tons (Dirjen
and Environment, 2018). Minerba, 2019). In that same year, the
government even allowed miners to increase
3.2 Coal Production Dynamics coal production for more than 100 million
KEN stipulates that coal must be ton over MEMR target to compensate for
prioritized as national development capital DMO cap-price policy.
instead of as a commodity (for trading/ One of main drivers of Indonesia’s
export). Despite this rhetoric, practically, overproduction of coal is the over-licensing
coal is currently still considered as “easy of new mines. The boom in coal mining in
money”; a source of district’s, provincial’s, Indonesia occurred during the last 15 years,
and state’s revenues and is used to cover started by Government Regulation
foreign trade deficit. Local miners can easily (Peraturan Pemerintah/PP) No. 75/2011
boost their production to chase the benefit which effectively hands over the licensing
of increasing price of coal at the international authority from central government to local
market, that is influenced by increasing governments. In 2001, the number of mines
demand from China and India. license issued by the central government
Coal mining has become a political was ca. 750 and then increased significantly
commodity and source of funding for to over 8.000 licenses by the end of 2008
political campaigns at national and local (Hayati, 2015). During 2010 – 2014, close to
level (Deha, 2018). Since stakeholders view 3.000 mining licenses were issued, bringing
coal as a trading and political commodity, it the number to 10.900. From that massive
is difficult to control its production and numbers, 40% is coal mining IUP (Izin Usaha
export as they benefit from it. Moreover, Pertambangan/Mining Business License)
coal industry (both in the mining and power with a total area of 16.2 million ha (PWYP
sector) is tightly connected to political Indonesia, 2016).
elites in Indonesia, involving several big The over-licensing amplifies production
names in current national political and export rates. With Indonesia’s economy
landscape (including political patrons, also relies heavily on minerals export, coal
parliamentarians, ministers and presidential mines create numerous problems, including
candidates). The decentralization in 2009 illegal mining, corruption, and deforestation.
Mining Law provided an opportunity for There are several changes during recent
local politicians to also take benefit from years aiming to tackle some of the problems,
the coal industry (Greenpeace, Mining which includes revision of the
Advocacy Network (JATAM), Indonesia Decentralization Law and the issuance of
Corruption Watch, & Auriga, 2018). Clean and Clear program2. Corruption
Indonesia’s coal production has been
increasing significantly since 2006 and coal 2 Clean and Clear is a review process to certify the
applied miners that they have clear records from
export has increased about 250% in only a royalty obligations, debts, property and permit
decade. The actual coal production since issues, and have fulfilled their environmental

Figure 9 Indonesia Coal Production and Target (Dirjen Minerba, 2018, 2019)


72 121
Coal (Million Ton)

76 86 97
400 90

49 56 65
200 402 191 375 366 364 371
100 191 198 210

2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Export Domestic Production Target

surrounding coal mining has also been an the moratorium announcements since there
important issue for the public, as Indonesia’s has yet to be a sound regulation being
Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) issued by the national government, and in
recommended that around 3,900 mining terms of national production, Indonesia
permits should be revoked due to mining keeps producing coal over its national
infringements (Fazli, 2016). In East target.
Kalimantan, one of the “big four” of
Indonesia’s coal mining provinces, the 3.3 Domestic Coal Demand Dynamics
provincial board announced in 2017 that Although Indonesia’s coal production
they withdrew 400 licenses, mostly due to remains heavily exported, the increases in
lack of Clean and Clear certification. domestic demand affect its coal dynamics.
In 2016, the government was under Coal domestic demand is mostly coming
pressure from neighboring countries due to from power generation as Indonesia is
peat fires. Thick, fast-spreading haze from attempting to boost its economic growth
slash-and-burn practice to open new palm and also to provide universal energy access
oil plantation and coal mines made its way (electrification ratio currently stands at
to Malaysia and Singapore, and the 98.3%, which counts solar home systems).
government was forced to react. President Government energy policy, for example, sets
Joko Widodo announced a moratorium on an ambitious goal to increase Indonesia’s
issuing new coal mine licenses, a plan that power generation by 35 GW in 5 years (2015
was included in RUEN 2017 (Rencana Umum – 2019), of which only 2.6 GW is currently in
Energi Nasional/National Energy Plan). This operation as of December 2018 (MEMR,
was not that first time the government 2019). The energy plan calls for an increase
announced a moratorium, as in 2009 after in coal production, as more than half of
the issuance of Mining Law, the government energy sources in Indonesia’s energy mix is
also suspended new IUP until the new contributed by coal. This approach is
regulation was properly in place. However, apparent since the government puts a heavy
local governments mostly did not comply to emphasis on energy security, translated to

Figure 10 Coal Domestic Obligation Target and Achievement (Dirjen Minerba, 2018, 2019)

140 40%



20.9% 21.0% 21.0%
60 18.7%
16.3% 15.2% 16.6%



0 0%
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

DMO Target DMO Realization DMO to Production ratio

maximizing the use of its own natural mandates coal companies to allocate a
resources for economic and social certain percentage of its production for
development. national use. However, since its
The government introduced MEMR implementation, only an average of 20% of
Regulation No. 34/2009 on Domestic Market coal is used domestically. The DMO
Obligation (DMO) to secure the supply of implementation has also consistently failed
coal for domestic needs, The regulation to achieve its set target. Despite the low

Figure 11 Coal Consumption Projection for Indonesia Power Sector (from RUPTL 2015-2019)

Coal Plant Consumption Projection (Million Ton)






2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028

RUPTL 2019-2028 RUPTL 2018-2027 RUPTL 2017-2026

RUPTL 2016-2025 RUPTL 2015-2024

achievement, the government established a plants. It is evident that domestic demand
minimum of 25% production for DMO for coal will continue to increase if the
through MEMR regulation no. 23/2018. government holds its stance towards power
Moreover, according to MEMR Decree no. generation.
1395/2018, the government has capped Domestic consumption is also expected
domestic coal price for power generation at to rise due to an increase in coal
USD 70/ton to protect PLN from the risk of consumption per unit of electricity
fluctuating price in the international market production. An analysis on PLN’s coal-fired
and maintain the status quo of coal as a power plant statistics shows there is an
cheap electricity source (Firmansyah, 2018). increase of coal consumption by 44% over
The state-owned electricity company, the last 15 years (Adiatma et al., 2018).
PLN, also has a strong position over Several factors affecting the increase are
domestic energy development. The company inefficient operation of the power plants
prefers short-term economic benefit by and the use of lower quality of coal.
favoring coal due to its subsidized price, Indonesia’s reserves of higher calorific
aiming to minimize generation cost amid value coal are declining, with 62% of the
over-projection of electricity sales. reserves consists of lignite. Newer power
Historically, PLN through RUPTL has plants in Indonesia are designed to use coal
consistently overestimated their coal with calorific value of 4,000 kcal/kg,
projection. Each year, revision of RUPTL has including the recently halted mine-mouth
shown a considerable reduction in the coal power plant in Riau and other mine-mouth
projection (RUPTL 2015-2019). While the power plants in South Sumatra. Wood
over-projection causes PLN to revise their Mackenzie projects that Indonesia’s
RUPTL, planned coal-fired power plants are consumption of domestic coal for coal-fired
reduced by only 5 GW, while gas and power plants will doubly increase from 83
renewable are reduced by 10 GW and 6,7 GW, million tons in 2018 to 157 million tons by
respectively (RUPTL 2018 – 2027). The recent 2027. If this trend continues, Indonesia’s
RUPTL (2019-2028) does not even introduce coal production will shift to the domestic
a reduction to planned coal-fired power market.

Figure 12 PLN Coal Consumption per Unit of Electricity Produced (Adiatma et al., 2018)

12 540
Coal Consumption per energy production
Annual Coal Consumption (thousand ton)

Annual Energy Production (GWh) and

8 480

4 420
0 360
2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Annual CFPP Electricity Production (in GWh)

Annual Coal Consumption (in thousand ton)
Coal Consumption per electricity production (ton GWh)

3.4 Indonesia’s Coal Export use of coal decreased to 26% from 35%, but
Over 80% of Indonesia’s coal production coal for power generation increased by 8%
is exported, with one-third of it exported to (Aden, Fridley, & Zheng, 2008). This change
China (MEMR, 2018). With a substantial was driven by a high rate of urbanization,
portion of coal being sent overseas, coal rising consumption, and heavy industry
demand in Indonesia relies heavily on the growth. Since Indonesia is producing steam
dynamics of the global coal market. When coal which is suitable for power generation,
international coal prices dropped the trend was observed that China keeps
significantly, domestic production rates importing steam coal from Indonesia in a
also followed the trend. In 2015, many large amount. Indonesia coal export to
Indonesian mining companies ceased China plunged in 2015 but has since
activity and lowered their production when increased to its pre-2015 amount. Half-year
coal prices hit USD 50/ton. Indonesia’s coal coal export to China in 2018 was recorded at
export to China decreased by 30% that year. over 80 million tons, rising by 30% compared
From the 1990s and early 2000s, to the same period in 2017 (Merry Maryati,
Indonesia coal export was mostly dominated 2018).
by Japan and Taiwan. In the mid-2000s, Since the early 2000s, Indonesia also saw
exports to China and India began to increase a steady increase in coal export to
dramatically. In 2009, the amount of coal neighboring countries. Although the numbers
exported to China and India increased by are pale in comparison to export to China
150% and 50%, respectively, compared to and India, economic growth in Southeast
the previous year. Since then, coal export Asia also drives the need for more power
growth to both countries doubles each year generation in Thailand, the Philippines, and
up to 2013 for China and 2015 for India. Malaysia. For those developing countries,
In the case of China, its substantial coal remains the most competitive in power
increase was driven by a shift from direct generation cost. Malaysia, for example, fully
end use to transformation, i.e., from imports its coal due to its heavy dependence
industrial to thermal electricity generation. on fossil fuels. More than 60% of its coal is
Between the year 2000 and 2006, direct end imported from Indonesia.

Figure 13 Indonesia coal export by countries (processed from BPS and Kemendag)









2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Japan Hongkong South Korea Taiwan

Thailand Philippines Malaysia India

Figure 14 Indonesia coal export to SEA countries (processed from BPS and Kemendag)









2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Thailand Philippines Malaysia

3.5 Summary to this Section

In summary, we can conclude that under decade. On the other hand, demand for
current circumstances, the domestic coal export will gradually decrease from China
demand will continue to increase while the (and India) although import to the South
coal export will soon be decreasing. The East Asia country will have a marginal
domestic coal increase will come from increase. Overall, there will be no significant
power sector with around 27 GW of coal- change in national coal production.
fired power plants planned for the next

4. Coal Transition
in Indonesia’s
Power Sector:
Drivers and

oal has been the dominant source of
electricity mix in Indonesia, and its
share is increasing over the last well. Electricity generation cost of PLN has
decade. While PLN owns the majority of been fluctuating following the price of coal,
coal-fired power plants, the share of coal since cost of fuel makes up 76% of electricity
electricity from IPP has been increasing as generation cost in coal-fired power plant.

Figure 15 Indonesia Electricity Mix from Coal (processed from handbook of Energy and

50% 18.3%
15.8% 16.9% 17.2%
40% 14.3%
15.5% 13.5% 14.5% 12.8%
20% 34.8% 36.5% 36.4% 37.4%
30.0% 33.3%
10% 29.4% 27.6% 27.5% 27.5%

2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Coal Electricity Mix PLN Coal Electricity Mix IPP & PPU Other

Figure 16 Cost of Electricity Generation from Coal Power Plant (PLN, 2018b)

900 806.71 1%
800 719.52 726.37
In Indonesian Rupiah (IDR) 103.7
700 13%
600 541.78 532.38 77.9
500 10%
400 613.2
300 76%
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Fuel Cost (Coal) & Lubricant Maintenance
Depreciation Others

4.1 Cost of Different Generation is presented in Figure 13 and Table 2. This

Technologies LCOE solely represents the technology cost,
The cost of electricity generation from excluding land cost, pre-development cost,
renewable sources, mainly solar and wind, decommissioning cost, and taxes. The WACC
has been declining globally, driving the applied is 10% for all technologies and the
energy transition from coal. Many factors calculation utilizes only the data available
drive the price down, such as economies of in the publication mentioned.
scale, improvement in the manufacturing In 2020, most of the renewables will still
process, and increasing capacity factors be more costly than the ultra-supercritical
(IRENA, 2018). (USC) coal power plants. However, the costs
We calculated the LCOE of different will decline, and by 2030, geothermal- and
generation technologies with the financial solar PV- generated electricity will already
and technological data obtained provided be cheaper than the coal-generated one. By
by the National Energy Council (Dewan 2050, wind power will be already on par with
Energi Nasional, 2017). The calculated LCOE coal. WTE thermal will still be costly, but it

Figure 17 LCOE of Different Power Generation Technology in 2020 and 2050

LCOE of different generation technology (2020) LCOE of different generation technology (2050)
27.00 27.00

22.00 22.00
USD cents/kwh

17.00 17.00

12.00 12.00

7.00 7.00

2.00 2.00









































LCOE range Standard LCOE LCOE Coal USC LCOE range Standard LCOE LCOE Coal USC

Table 2 Standard LCOE of different technology in 2020, 2030,
and 2050 (in USD cents/kWh)

2020 2030 2050

Geothermal 5.58 5.11 4.63
Mini-hydro 4.78 4.74 4.69
Large hydro 7.66 7.59 7.52
Solar PV 6.26 4.69 3.35
Wind 7.47 6.23 5.14
Biomass 6.73 6.40 6.06
WTE thermal 19.56 18.28 16.34
Coal SC 5.30 5.15 5.01
Coal USC 5.39 5.25 5.10

has not included the tipping fee for 10 billion could be achieved if renewable
managing waste. This result did not consider energy power plants are to be built instead
the cost of CO2 emission and air pollution of coal power plants planned under RUPTL
from coal power plants that might also be 2018-2027 (taking into account potential
imposed in the future. savings from energy efficiency as well)
The declining cost of renewables-based (Liebman & Foster, 2019)
electricity poses a risk for coal power plants
as they will become stranded assets. 4.2 Inefficiency in Coal Power Plants
According to IEEFA projection, based on Operation
RUPTL 2017-2026, in Java-Bali only, there will The government focuses on pushing
be 5.1 GW of unused coal power plants down electricity production cost. This is
capacity that will worth USD 16.2 billion over manifested in the regulation that limits
their 25 years operational lifetime. (Chung, electricity production cost of new power
2017). On the other hand, a recent study plants not to be higher than the existing
showed that a potential cost saving of USD production cost (BPP). By externalizing most

Figure 18 Share of renewables and coal in electricity generation according to RUPTL





200 65% 54%
65% 62%
61% 65%
62% 60%
14% 23% 22% 20%
12% 12% 12% 13% 13%
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027

Renewable Coal Other

of its cost, coal is currently considered as citizens. The government subsidizes coal
the cheapest power source. Moreover, coal industry sector through loan guarantee, tax
is relatively abundant in Indonesia, although exemption, and preferential royalties and
they are mostly low-rank coal. Consequently, tax rates. The number of subsidies quantified
coal becomes the priority for power so far reached at least USD 946.2 million
generation source. This is reflected in PLN’s and USD 644.8 million for 2014 and 2015
business plan that still aims to have almost respectively (Attwood et al., 2017). The figure
60% of its power generation in 2027 coming can be translated to USD 2 per ton and USD
from coal. 1.4 per ton of coal produced in 2014 and
This heavy reliance on coal poses several 2015.
problems. One of the issues is the declining Moreover, through the Ministerial Decree
performance of existing coal power plants 1395K/30/MEM/2018 published in March
over the years, probably due to declining 2018, the government has imposed a price
efficiency of old coal power plants, lower cap on coal consumed for public power
quality of coal consumed, and poor generation, keeping power generation cost
performance of new coal power plants built from coal low during increasing global coal
by Chinese contractors. In the last 15 years, price. The decree has put a ceiling of USD 70
PLN’s coal consumption has increased from per ton coal consumed by domestic coal
360 tons/GWh to 520 tons/GWh (Adiatma et power plants (for coal with calorific value of
al., 2018). If PLN tries to maintain the 6322 kcal/kg). Although coal price cap policy
operation of low performing coal-fired has allowed PLN to reduce their electricity
power plants, the BPP of electricity will generation cost and therefore decreasing
increase over the years, and not for a good electricity subsidies required from the
cause. government, the policy has also caused a
loss of state revenue from coal tax for the
4.3 Increasing Cost of Coal Mining government. It is estimated that PLN can
The production cost of coal is increasing save up to IDR 18 trillion (around USD 1.3
over the years. Rosyid & Adachi (2016) billion) while the loss of revenue from the
showed that production cost increases government is around IDR 9 trillion (around
along with cumulative production. They USD 630 million) (Suzuki, 2018; www.
projected that the average operating cost, 2018). Our own
(including extraction, processing, calculation using data of electricity
transportation, and royalty payment) of generation cost from PLN shows an even
Indonesia’s coal would increase up to USD higher number of subsidies given to PLN
100 per ton in 2040. Meanwhile, coal price is because of this regulation, reaching USD
predicted to decline to its 2015 price in 2030 1.59 billion in just nine months in 2018. The
(The World Bank, 2018). Coal price in 2015 number is almost equal to one month of
was remarkably low, causing hundreds of PLN’s revenue in 2017 (PLN, 2018b).
small coal mining company to stop The citizens also bear environmental
operation. Coal industry might face a major and social cost that is not included in coal
economic issue if this forecast do occur in production cost, such as CO2 emission, air
the future, and therefore need to diversify and water pollution, food crops and fisheries
their business as soon as possible. productivity decline, health problems, and
corrupt government (Waterkeeper Alliance
4.4 Subsidy in Coal Sector & Mining Advocacy Network (JATAM), 2017).
Indonesia’s coal industry is heavily Moreover, there is also a negative impact
subsidized, both by the state and by the

coming from coal power plants. If all in the policy, recent regulations on
environmental and health cost is to be renewable (e.g. MEMR regulation no. 50/2017,
externalized and the subsidy is to be MEMR regulation no. 49/2018) have
revoked, the cost of coal-generated introduced an increased risk and ultimately
electricity could increase by more than become the barrier for higher penetration
double and become higher than renewables renewables in Indonesia (Simamora et al.,
(Attwood et al., 2017). 2018).
PLN also has its own translation over the
4.5 Inconsistent Policy Implementation target in national energy policy. In its RUPTL,
Indonesia has committed in Paris PLN translates the 23% primary energy mix
Agreement and followed through with the target in KEN/RUEN into achieving electricity
publication of its first Nationally Determined generation mix of 23% from renewables by
Contribution (NDC). The NDC showed that 2025 (PLN, 2019b) while RUEN translates the
under business as usual scenario, GHG target into building 45 GW of renewable
emission from energy sector will increase installed capacity by 2025. Despite the
from 453.2 Mton CO2-e in 2010 to 1669 Mton difference, the government still approved
CO2-e by 2030, making the sector the highest the new RUPTL which still planned an
contributor of GHG emission in 2030. Some additional 27 GW capacity of coal power
mitigations actions considered in the NDC plants for the next decade.
for energy sector are the increasing
penetration of renewable energy in power 4.6 System Integration Challenge
sector and utilization of clean coal While the LCOE of renewables are
technology (Ministry of Environment and dropping and becoming more competitive,
Forestry, 2016). The energy policy, KEN and system integration and its cost, especially
RUEN, also supports NDC with its 23% for variable renewable energy (wind and
renewable energy target in primary energy solar power), still poses a challenge.
supply by 2025. Experience from China, for example,
However, there is a lack of consistency suggests that a high deployment of
between policy and the implementing renewable power plants without sufficient
regulation. Although renewable is prioritized grid improvement causes a high curtailment

Figure 19 Sample of load profile of the Java-Bali grid on Monday, 7 January 2019
(taken from

rate (Simamora et al., 2018). However, Unfortunately, actual load profile of power
currently there is no study on system system outside of Java is not available.
integration cost of renewables-based With its declining cost, power storage
electricity in Indonesia. technology is also of potential help to
Integration cost, in general, comprises of reduce integration cost. In specific Indonesia
grid cost, balancing cost, and cost affects context, power storage is more important to
existing power plants. According to Agora overcome geographical constraints. As an
Energiewende (2015), integration cost will archipelago with a lot of small islands and
be a significant component of VRE costs, i.e., remote areas, off-grid power generation is
around 5-20 Euro/MWh, even for a very high unavoidable for some regions, and demand
solar and wind penetration scenario of 50% response policy is not applicable to this
in Germany. system.
The current renewable penetration in Pumped storage is currently the cheapest
Indonesia is still far below the level at which energy storage technology and suitable to
integration becomes costly. However, in the satisfy peak demand due to fast load
long run, solar power, which has the most gradient. However, it requires large space
potential in Indonesia, will contribute more for the water reservoir, as in large hydro
to the grid. Thus, integration cost will case (Dewan Energi Nasional, 2017). In 2018-
become more important. According to RUEN, 2027 RUPTL, PLN has planned for 2.9 GW
only 18% of RE power plants (or 6% of total pumped storage plant along Java between
power plants) in 2025 will be solar or wind 2024-2027. Another option for storage is the
power, but it will increase to 40% of RE Li-ion battery, which is very flexible in
capacity (or 15% of total capacity) in 2050. discharge capacity and time. Li-ion battery
PLN will require more thorough planning to is suitable for frequency regulation (such as
integrate variable renewables into the wind power smoothing) or energy-intensive
transmission. application (such as time shifting for solar
The integration cost can be mitigated PV). However, the cost of a Li-ion battery is
through demand response policy, for still much higher than the hydro pumped
example, the introduction of electric vehicle storage (Dewan Energi Nasional, 2017).
technology or volatile price policy. An
important aspect to be considered is the 4.7 Summary to This Section
different load profile in each region. In Java In summary, the Indonesia’s government
island, only 37% of electricity consumption has planned for an increased share of coal
came from the household sector, while the and renewables in the national energy
industrial and commercial sector consumed supply. In practice, however, coal is being
40% and 17%. These sectors create high prioritized than renewables, due to its
demand in the day, balancing the high cheap cost. The perception of coal as cheap
electricity consumption by the household energy source comes from the externalized
during the evening. With this profile, cost that has to be borne by society.
electricity produced by solar PV during the Moreover, there are a number of subsidies
day can be consumed directly, alleviating given to both coal industry and coal power
the problem of grid flexibility and storage plants.
need. However, outside of Java, electricity Cost of renewables, especially wind and
consumption is dominated by household by solar, is declining significantly and becoming
55%, while industry and commercial only more competitive to coal. Electricity from
consumes 14% and 22%. This implies a solar PV will be already cheaper than coal
higher load during the evening. by 2030, while wind will be as cheap as coal

by 2050. This poses a threat to newly built case of a high penetration rate, will require
coal power plants, as there is high cost and therefore is needed to be planned
probability they will become stranded thoroughly. The current penetration rate in
assets. Indonesia is not yet at the level that makes
Integration of VRE into power system, in grid integration becomes costly.

5. Projections:

5.1 Coal Export

Low-quality and medium-quality coal conditions put the country into an
(less than 5,100 kcal/kg and between 5,100 advantageous position to market its coal
and 6,100 kcal/kg calorific value, toward Southeast Asia and South Asia
respectively) make up most of Indonesia’s market compared to other major coal
coal export. The relatively low price due to a exporters such as Australia and South Africa
combination of lower quality coal and cheap (Indonesia Investment, 2018a).
labor price (Indonesia Investment, 2018a), Indonesia’s coal export projection will
as well as low sulfur content; are the selling then likely be influenced by the demand for
point of these coal in the international steam coal from current coal export
market. It allows blending with higher destination countries. As basis for this
calorific value coal to produce ones with analysis, we looked at the thermal market
desired calorific value that can still comply report published by Minerals Council
with environment emission standard Australia along with own assumptions and
(because of the low sulfur content). other related reports. The market report
Moreover, Indonesia’s geographical itself had looked through the policy in

Figure 20 Coal Export Trajectory of Indonesia

Coal Export (Million Ton)

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

Current Policy IEA

Figure 21 Indonesia’s Coal Export Projection to Different Countries (million Ton)

Indonesia Export to China, India, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan (Million Ton)






2019 2020 2021 2022
China India Japan South Korea Taiwan

Indonesia Export to South East Asia (Million Ton)







2019 2020 2021 2022
Malaysia Philippines Vietnam Thailand

Figure 22 Projected Indonesia’s Coal Export with Additional Scenario of Lower
China Coal Import Demand

Coal Export (Million Ton)

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

Current Policy IEA Less coal import from China

power sector to predict the growth of coal Important note for China is that its coal
demand within a country and project the import market is volatile and very subjective
steam coal import after comparing it with to change because of government policy.
forecast of coal production in the country (if The government utilizes coal import to
the country has coal production). For India balance and stabilize the coal price within
case, we used the analysis of MCA report the country to protect the downstream coal
from India Power Review that uses a more businesses. China’s government will also
realistic thermal share decline rate look to limit coal import to protect local
(Worringham, 2019). This projection scenario coal mining industry (Research and Markets,
is labeled as current policy. For comparison 2019). Therefore, although China’s coal
purpose, we also added projection of coal import is expected to remain stable over
export from IEA to the figure. the next few years, there is still a possibility
The current policy scenario shows an of sharp changes in the figure. If China is to
increasing trajectory for coal export. Figure gradually limit its coal import over the next
21 below showcases increase in demand is five years, it will significantly affect
coming from Southeast Asia countries, Indonesia’s coal export demand. The figure
especially the Philippines and Vietnam. The below will illustrate this condition.
Philippines is looking to add 6.7 GW of coal In 2017, around 70% of 270 million ton of
power plant fleets between 2019-2022 while coal import in China was steam coal, and of
Vietnam is even more ambitious with 13.7 which 109 million ton is imported from
GW of coal power plant fleets planned to Indonesia (Research and Markets, 2019) or
built within the timeframe (Mineral Council roughly almost 30% of total coal exported
Australia, 2018). On the contrary, coal export that year. In short, Indonesia’s coal export is
to current major export destination (China, rather dependent on China’s coal import
India, Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan) market. This has introduced a risk for coal
remains stable because of policies in those mining industry in Indonesia. Moreover,
countries; they are looking to reduce since China contributes a fair share in
electricity generation mix from coal in the international coal demand, the sudden
long run. change in coal import figure in China could

certainly affect international coal price. The until 2028 planned in the RUPTL. Coal
price should have higher impact on projection from PLN shows that coal
Indonesia’s coal mining industry due to consumption will consistently increase
Indonesia’s relatively low-priced coal. every year into reaching 153 million ton by
Small scale coal producers holding 2028 (PLN, 2019). The cement industry, as
provincial mining permit is the most price- the next largest consumer of coal, has also
sensitive parties among Indonesia’s coal shown growth, although small, over the last
producers. For example, in 2017 when coal few years. The substantial rise of cement
price began to rise, small scale producers sales in Indonesia during 2010-2013 has
produced around 140 million ton of coal triggered an investment toward cement
which was almost twice the 73.8 million production capacity within the country;
production target imposed to them that causing overcapacity (Indonesia Investment,
year (Adiatma et al., 2018). Conversely, when 2018b). It means that coal consumption will
coal price sunk between 2013-2015, small increase as increasing cement sales. A
scale producers were the first one to suffer modest assumption using average growth of
since they were not able to cope with cement sales since 2014 is used to estimate
decreasing price due to lack of capability to cement production and coal consumed
reduce their production cost. Some of them within the industry. The projected coal
were even forced to shut down their coal consumption under this scenario is labeled
mines during that time period. as current policy.
For comparison, two other coal
5.2 Domestic Coal Consumption consumption scenarios are used. The
About 98% of domestic coal consumption national policy scenario will use the plan/
is coming from power and cement industry. projected domestic coal consumption under
Therefore, it is evident that domestic coal KEN/RUEN scenario while the low demand
demand will depend on the development of growth scenario will showcase projection
both sectors for the next few years. under lower installed capacity of coal power
Based on PLN’s latest RUPTL, there are plant built because of lower electricity
27.1 GW of a coal power plant or around 48% demand growth compared to RUPTL (4.6%
of the total installed capacity planned up electricity demand growth instead of 6.42%)

Figure 23 Projected domestic coal consumption (IESR calculation)

Coal Domestic Demand (Million Ton)






2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Current Policy Low Electricity Demand RUEN

(Liebman & Foster, 2019). The later scenario energy policy, actual economic growth,
will utilize coal power plant capacity electricity sales, and renewable technologies
projection from the study “Roadmap for penetration. One possibility is shown with
Indonesia’s Power Sector” and combined the low electricity demand growth scenario;
with RUPTL where data is not available. This where the increase of coal consumption
assumption results in roughly 42 GW of coal only reaches 31 million ton. There is also a
power plant installed capacity in 2028 chance that future coal consumption in
instead of 53.5 GW in the RUPTL scenario. power sector could be lower than projected
Both current policy and low electricity following the global trend that favors
demand scenarios have far lower coal renewable energy over coal.
consumption projection against RUEN
(Figure 23). However, RUEN projected 400 5.3 Implications of Coal Sector Trajectory
MTOE primary energy supply by 2025 while The growth of coal export market and
the actual number was only 196.34 MTOE in domestic coal demand will determine
2017, growing by 2.7% since 2014 (MEMR, Indonesia’s coal production. Based on
2017, 2018). If we assume a constant growth projection results on the previous section,
rate of primary energy supply from current we will briefly discuss their possible
status until 2025, the primary energy supply implication to Indonesia. In this chapter
can only increase to 242 MTOE by 2025. analysis, we will compare three different
Therefore, higher coal consumption under projections. The RUEN scenario will look at
RUEN scenario is based on higher growth the impact if the government wants to
assumption used in the modeling of RUEN. comply with existing RUEN limit on coal
Under current policy assumption, we can production of 400 million ton after 2019. The
expect an increase of 53 million ton of current policy scenario will reflect coal
domestic coal consumption in 2023 from demand due to current planning of power
2017’s figure. However, it is also important to plants in Indonesia and policy in power
note that there are numerous factors sector from major coal export destination
affecting power sector planning, such as countries (combination of both current

Figure 24 Indonesia Projected Coal Production (IESR Calculation)







2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

Low Coal Demand Current Policy RUEN

policy projection in coal domestic demand significant change in state revenue even if
and coal export chapters). The low coal the country is complying to RUEN.
demand scenario is the addition of lesser Unfortunately, there is a different story in
coal from China’s scenario (see coal export the case of foreign exchange balance. In
chapter) with low electricity demand growth 2018, Indonesia’s export accounted for a
scenario (see domestic demand chapter). total of 180.2 billion USD; of which 24.61
The figure below depicts estimated coal billion USD (around 13.7%) is coming from
production in those three scenarios. The the export of coal commodity (Ministry of
2018 coal production is using actual coal Trade, 2019). Considering that in the same
production value. year Indonesia suffered from 8.5 billion USD
Coal has been one of the sources of state trade deficit, the difference of several
revenue other than taxes and more billions could be significant. Comparing the
significantly, has contributed to foreign current policy scenario with RUEN, there is a
exchange balance of the country. In 2018, difference of 9 billion USD to the foreign

Figure 25 Historical State Revenue and Projection from Coal Sector (IESR
calculation from various sources)
State Revenue Projection (IDR Trillion)






2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

Low Coal Demand Current Policy RUEN

coal contributed roughly 2.1% of state exchange balance in 2023. Also, the amount
revenue or around IDR 41.4 trillion through of foreign exchange gained every year per
royalty tax and mining product sales ton of coal exported is reduced due to lower
(Penjualan Hasil Tambang/PHT) (Mariatul coal price assumption used in this
Aini, 2018; Ministry of Finance, 2019). Using calculation.
international coal price projection from Many factors influence the number of
World Bank (World Bank, 2018b), we project labor needed for coal sector. One of the
state revenue from coal sector for the three most important factors is coal price; as it
scenarios chosen. can have a great impact for small scale coal
Higher coal production from the current producers and even force them to cease
policy scenario against RUEN scenario could operation, meaning less labor in coal sector.
introduce a difference of around IDR 13 The big coal producers are usually more
trillion to state revenue in 2023. However, resilient toward changing coal price and are
considering overall coal sector contribution also able to easily expand their production
to state revenue, there will not be a (and labor) capacity. In this projection, we

Figure 26 Historical Foreign Exchange and Projection from Coal Export (IESR
calculation from various sources)

Foreign Exchange from Coal Export (USD Billion)




2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

Low Coal Demand Current Policy RUEN

will illustrate the possibility of changes in required at around 400 thousands labor,
the number of labor needed in coal sector while a significant reduction in coal
based on coal production needed, production according to RUEN has caused
forecasted coal price, and increasing labor the number to plummet to around 300
productivity. In general, we expect the thousands labor.
number of labor in coal sector to decrease
over time due to lower coal price forecasted Implications on East Kalimantan
in the next few years and insignificant coal Province
production target increase. The current Historically, East Kalimantan has expe-
policy scenario shows stagnant labor rienced several economic transformations

Figure 27 Number of Labor in Coal Sector (IESR calculation from various sources)

Number of Labor Needed in Coal Sector

2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

Low Coal Demand Current Policy RUEN

since the 1970s. The province had undergone Therefore, a transformation towards a more
a shift from wood-based economy (1970- sustainable economy which is based on
1990), into oil and gas (1990-2008), and then renewable resource is needed. The
into coal-heavy industry since then (2008- government should focus more effort on
now). Each economic transformation findings alternative economic development
process had caused a significant slowdown and mitigating the risk of economic growth
in economic growth in the province and slowdown and increasing unemployment
thus increasing the number of number.
unemployment at the same time. The most In 2017, the workforce in East Kalimantan
significant economic downturn had had accounted for 1.53 million people (BPS
happened during the shift from oil and gas Provinsi Kalimantan Timur, 2018). The coal
to coal in 2008; in which the economic sector, as a capital-intensive industry, has
growth had dropped from 5.41% to 3.94%. only managed to absorb 7.5% of labor. On
The number of unemployment was at its the other hand, agriculture (including palm
peak during that year, reaching 12.83% oil plantation), restaurant, and social works
(Ishak, Rusmadi, Ruhiyat, & Yusuf, 2013). As are labor-intensive sectors. Eventhough
of now, the economic growth of the province coal sector is not labor-intensive, it has the
has flourished with the development and highest GDP/labor ratio which reached IDR
stability of coal sector. 2.39 billion/labor. The only sector that
East Kalimantan will inevitably go comes close to coal is the manufacturing
through another economic transformation. and processing industry with IDR 1.37
The coal-heavy economy will only last for a billion/labor and construction with IDR 0.6
few decades, counting on the available billion/labor. These data have showcased
reserves and current production rate. inequality in rural development in East
Comparatively, East Kalimantan may be the Kalimantan. However, it can also be
first province out of the four coal provinces perceived as an opportunity for a sectoral
(South Kalimantan, Central Kalimantan, and shift in the economy. Therefore, theoretically,
South Sumatera) that will deplete its coal the labor from coal sector could be easily
reserves if current situation persists. moved-away to other sectors.

Figure 28 East Kalimantan GDP and Labor distribution (BPS, 2018)

Agriculture Mining and Manufacturing/ Constructiuon Trade, Transportation Financial Social
Quarrying Processing Restaurant and and Institute, Real
Industry Accomodation Communication Estate, Service

% Labour % GDP

Figure 29 Projected change in GDP proportion of East Kalimantan for maintaining stable
5.2% economic growth (IESR calculation from various sources)

2017 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Other 21.0% 18.3% 17.8 17.5% 17.3% 17.3%
Transportation and Storage 3.6% 4.7% 4.9 5.2% 5.5% 5.8%
Trade and Repair for automotive 5.3% 6.4% 6.6 6.7% 6.9% 7.0%
Construction 8.1% 9.6% 9.8 10.0% 10.1% 10.3%
Manufacturing/Industry 19.1% 21.3% 21.1 20.8% 20.5% 20.3%
Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 8.0% 10.3% 10.9 11.5% 12.2% 12.9%
Coal Mining 35.0% 29.4% 28.8 28.2% 27.4% 26.3%

Economic growth in Indonesia has been sectors (e.g. industry, agriculture,

stable at around 5.2% over the last few construction, trade and repair, and
years. If East Kalimantan is to keep the transportation) in order to keep up with its
economic development on par with the expected economic growth.
national level; then the province cannot The current coal-based economy should
keep on relying on its coal sector. For be able to provide necessary fund (and
example, although current coal policy provincial government income) to ignite
allows for coal production to grow for the rapid development of other sectors. One of
coming years, the number does not keep up potential sectors to develop is processing
with expected economic growth. Assuming a industry. Being located in the center of
constant growth from 2013-2017, East Indonesia, as well as close to two
Kalimantan will roughly need additional neighboring countries, East Kalimantan
GDP of 66 trillion IDR over the next 5 years if could potentially become a center of such
they want to keep their economic industry. Moreover, the province already
development at the expected value; due to has a matured fertilizer and gas processing
its limited increased production in coal industry located in Bontang. The area can
sector. This number will increase to 190 act as a base for industrial center
trillion IDR and 310 trillion IDR in the case of development for other value-added
low coal demand scenario and RUEN industry (Ishak et al., 2013). The industrial
scenario, respectively. It is clear that the complex can also be developed with supply
provincial government will need to of raw materials already produced in the
accelerate the development of other large province, such as palm oil and mineral

resources. lacking is the connecting infrastructure to
Another potential sector is tourism the tourist hotspots and human resources
industry. The province had strength on its to promote and manage the attraction
cultural heritage (Dayak tribe) and preserved (Wijayansyah, 2019). In summary, current
natural environment; such as long beachline financial benefit from coal economy should
and beautiful islands (Derawan island). be allocated to overcome the challenge in
Major infrastructure necessary is already other sectors to accelerate their
there with the inauguration of the development and to provide the basis for
international airport in Balikpapan. What’s smooth transition.

6. Conclusion

• Coal, just like other natural resources, that coal mining sector has been the
attracts many kind of interests to source of fund for political moves for the
monetise the resources. Indonesia’s coal last two decades (Deha, 2018).
industry has strong ties and alignment Moreover, the decentralization law has
with political system at local and given the power for regional politicians
national level. The entire supply chain of over licensing and permits in coal mining
the industry is major source of revenues sector. The tendency of local governments
at provincial and district level and to overissue permits, due to
contribute to local development. This decentralization law and lack of
realities make coal transition is supervision, could be an indication of
politically challenging. corruption at the regional level. The
Several political elites in Indonesia have condition has also hindered coal
a close connection with coal mining transition; as coal mining business and
businesses in the country. This condition, political interest are still closely tied to
combined with weak Indonesia’s law, has each other.
opened up the possibility of corruption
in the sector. There is even an indication • As energy transition is underway in some

emerging economies, relying on coal objectives as Indonesia has abundant
export would put Indonesia economy at resource of it (compared to gas and oil)
risks coming from policy changes in and historically has experience in
major coal export destination countries. building coal power plants. According to
Indonesia’s coal production still relies PLN, electricity from coal power plant
on coal demand from the international costs between USD 0.037-0.057 per kWh
market. The global coal demand will be between 2013-2017, making it the second
affected as major coal export destination cheapest electricity generation cost after
countries, such as China, India, Japan, hydropower (PLN, 2018b). However, this
South Korea, Taiwan and Thailand, move number does not reflect the actual cost
forward to phase-out or at least limit as there are number of subsidies
newly built coal power plants. Some received by coal power plants (such as
countries like China and India also domestic market obligation and later on
impose a higher standard of emission, domestic coal price cap of USD 70/ton in
leading to reduction of coal consumption 2018) and coal mining industry (tax
per unit energy generated; which might exemption, loan guarantee, etc; that at
reduce coal demand in the near future. least amount to USD 1.4-2 per ton of
Because of this, Indonesia’s coal export coal). Furthermore, if environmental and
could decrease by 15.7% by 2023 (IEA, health factor is taken into account,
2018). Moreover, if those countries electricity price from coal could double
implement a higher standard of GHG from current existing number (Attwood
emission in coal-fired power plant, it et al., 2017). On the operational side,
would further jeopardize Indonesia’s PLN’s coal-fired power plants efficiency
coal export since Indonesia’s low-quality has been dropping and the cost of mining
coal would not be able to cope with the coal in Indonesia will increase in the
higher standard. In this case, the future. All things considered, coal-based
estimated steam coal export value and electricity now costs more than what it
coal export volume could be reduced by seems on PLN’s statistics and would
14-72% and 23-84%, respectively eventually cost a lot more in the future.
(estimated from percentage of coal Failure to recognize this possibility can
export foreign exchange value from low cause losses and risks of stranded assets
and medium quality coal in 2018) of both coal power plants and coal
(Ministry of Trade, 2019). mines.

• Perception of policymakers and utility • Coal transition is inevitable due to

that coal is a cheap energy source to declining cost of variable renewables,
power the country sets a major obstacle such as solar and wind, and storage
to advance energy transition in technologies. Swift decision from
Indonesia’s power sector. policymakers, both at national and local
Government of Indonesia’s policy level, to support coal transition could
direction is providing electricity with the avoid larger scale of impact/losses
lowest cost possible. Government’s during the process.
policy effort focuses on reducing the Global financial sector has shown a trend
cost of PLN’s electricity generation and of shifting away from coal financing, so is
to increase electricity access to the an alliance of countries, government,
entire country. The government and PLN and some businesses under Powering
prioritize coal to meet these two Past Coal Alliance. Others will likely soon

to follow. Coal transition is already Indonesia’s national strategy for coal
happening globally, and Indonesia must transition should also be aligned with
take this phenomenon under the interest of big four coal producer
consideration. provinces. The revenue stream gained
LCOE calculation for Indonesia’s from coal could be utilized for the
electricity shows that cost of electricity development of other sectors and for
from solar and geothermal plants would diversifying their local economy. This is
already be cheaper than coal by 2030; one of the strategies that could be
while the cost of electricity from wind implemented in these coal producer
would be equal to coal by 2050. This LCOE provinces. Doing so would be the first
decline could occur faster if Indonesia’s step to kickstart local economy’s shift
government sets to build conducive from coal while also tackling the problem
policy environment and supportive of foreign trade balance at national level.
financing for renewables. In short, coal
transition is also happening in Indonesia. • Developing local renewable energy
Coal power plants and coal mining as a industry would contribute toward coal
business is a long term investment and transition, national energy security, and
return. Coal power plants could operate climate policies.
for more than 30 years and coal mines Renewables have become a global trend
could have an operational permit of at in power sector due to its rapid decline
least 10 years with huge assets According in cost of technology. Eventually, the
to IEEFA projection, based on RUPTL same pattern could occur in Indonesia.
2017-2026, in Java-Bali only, there will be Indonesia’s energy policy and NDC have
5.1 GW of unused coal power plants already given direction toward the
capacity that will worth USD 16.2 billion development of renewables. Therefore,
over their 25 years operational lifetime. the next step would be creating a
Sonny Mumbunan in his paper in 2016 conducive environment for renewable
found that there will be at least USD 40 industry to grow through favourable
billion total of stranded assets in coal regulation and incentives. Potential
mining; given there is a shift of total benefits that may come with such plan
demand and price of coal by 20% from are more employment opportunities,
2014 value (Mumbunan, Silangen, & Sari, higher economic growth in industry, and
2016). The potential of losses in stranded the decline of renewables cost in
assets could grow if more coal power Indonesia. Those benefits could lead to
plants are built and coal production is cheaper and cleaner electricity that is
increased. aligned with public needs and
In national economy level, coal plays a government policies.
significant contribution on foreign
exchange level. However, the contribution Coal transition in Indonesia requires
would more than likely to decrease in multi-level medium- and long-term
the coming years as the price of coal is planning and collaborative work from
expected to decline in parallel with multiple sectors, ministries, and local
global coal demand. Alternatives source government.
of foreign exchange would then be As of now, coal still plays significant roles
needed and possibly in the form of in national foreign trade balance and
value-added goods rather than a local economic development. The
commodity. process of shifting away from coal-based

economy means that Indonesia, and national economies when the market is
more importantly local governments, down or if the transition is starting to
need to build alternative economic take place.
pathways and development. This will
require comprehensive and long-term • The government’s strategy of increasing
planning between ministries, provincial, domestic coal demand by strongly
and district government. Establishing depending on power sector development
value-added manufacturers, processing, could put a risk to the public.
and downstream industries would be the Indonesia’s power sector has been the
logical choices due to the multiplier major consumer of domestic coal.
effects they can introduce to the However, there are two issues arisen:
economy as well as to reduce Indonesia’s inefficiency of coal power plants in
dependency on the export of Indonesia due to low quality of coal
commodities. At the very least, a being used and low power plant
collaboration from the Ministry of performance, as well as increasing cost
Industry, Ministry of Energy, Ministry of of coal mining production. Both issues
Finance, and Ministry of Home Affairs are can cause higher electricity production
necessary to create a supportive policy cost that would eventually increase
framework for local economic transition. electricity price (or electricity subsidy) in
Other potential sectors would be the the near future. At the end, it would be
agricultural-based industry and tourism the end users bearing the cost. In
sector. Government shall develop and addition, burning more coal could
facilitate local entrepreneurs and jeopardize the environment, air quality,
provide vocational training of new skills and worsened climate change impacts
for local labor to anticipate the dynamic that could affect public health and add
of coal market in the near future; in order more to its externalities cost.
to mitigate its impact to local and


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