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Sydney Capulong

After completing the 16 personalities quiz, it concluded that I am a Consul. I plan on
continuing in the sciences to pursue nursing. The code that was given to represent my
personality was ESFJ; however, I do not feel like I am an extrovert. I am more introverted
with people I do not know, however when I am with my friends or people I am more
comfortable with I am more extroverted.
After taking the quiz, my strengths listed were strong practical skills, strong sense of
duty, loyalty, sensitive/warm and good at connecting with others. My strengths will help me
in the career path I plan on going. Nurses must be able to connect well with others making
them understanding and trustworthy as well as having strong practical skills. I am very
understanding of other people because I can keep an open mind in what others are feeling
by understanding their past or current experiences, allowing me to connect with others. My
strong practical skills allow me to complete common tasks found in most work environments
however, I am always finding a way to improve these skills by seeking out opportunities that
will require me to gain more experience.

Some weaknesses listed after taking the quiz was being selfless, vulnerable,
reluctant/ innovate, inflexible and worried about my influence. I agree with selfless a
weakness. Although being selfless is a weakness, it can also be transformed into a strength.
Being selfless does not allow me to work on myself, preventing me from expanding my
self-identity, but it does allow me to help around the community. Being selfless develops
loyalty, patience and becoming a good listener. Vulnerability is another weakness I think I
might have. Being vulnerable is defined as showing yourself to others without holding back
for fear, rejection or judgements. In certain situations, everyone can be vulnerable however,
the majority of the time for me that is not the case. It takes a lot of courage to not hold back
without the fear of being rejected or judged. A weakness that was not accurate is inflexibility.
I am very flexible, especially with my current part time job. I am willing to change my
schedule if someone is unavailable, and I am able to come on the job if someone is calling in
sick. Being flexible is a strength that I must have in order to pursue my post secondary
dreams. Nursing offers opportunities for flexibility in scheduling, workplace setting and
further education in specialization. There are many paths in nursing that can be taken
therefore making it very flexible.

The career paths the website told me that would best suit my strengths and
weakness were huge leadership roles such as a manager and having authority, analytical
careers and becoming an accountant. Although the jobs listed did not contain ‘nurse’, the
workplace habits listed could be referred to as nurse. The habits listed were social
intelligence, dependent on hierarchies/ roles, expect authority, patient, hard working, efficient
and responsible. Being a nurse you do have authority to the care aid by giving them
instructions however you are also dependent on the doctors orders you have to follow.

Overall, the quiz that I took did layout current strengths, weaknesses and workplace
habits. Although many components in this quiz was correct, there were some weaknesses
that were incorrect. The most accurate depiction that describes my personality was the
friendship/ relationship portion; it explained how I am always by other peoples sides as well
as looking for support, stability and security.

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