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Namir Katkhouda, MD, FACS,* and Andreas M. Kaiser, MD, FACS†

A lmost exactly 300 years after the first description of ap-

pendicitis by Heister (1683), Semm performed the first
laparoscopic incidental appendectomy by transsecting the
Surgical Technique
Operating Room Setup and Port Placement
appendix between two endoloops (1982).1,2 Laparoscopic After induction of general anesthesia, the patient is placed in
surgery has since rapidly evolved and established itself in the supine position with at least the left arm (or both arms)
surgical practice and has become fairly routine. Although tucked to give both the surgeon and the assistant comfortable
there is still ongoing debate about indications and technical working space. A Foley catheter and lower-extremity sequen-
refinements in various surgical fields, there has been ample tial pneumatic compression devices are placed routinely. In-
sertion of a gastric tube for decompression depends on the
documentation in the literature that laparoscopic appendec-
patient’s presentation. The abdomen is prepared and draped
tomy for acute appendicitis is at least equally safe as conven-
in a sterile fashion, exposing the entire abdomen from the
tional open appendectomy. Despite the initial lack of a sta-
epigastrium to the pubis and including both groins. Standard
tistical advantage of the laparoscopic approach compared to
laparoscopic equipment is usually sufficient, as long as it
open appendectomy, the most recent data seem to corrobo-
includes some atraumatic graspers, Babcock forceps, scis-
rate a solid benefit trend, with faster recovery, fewer compli-
sors, suction/irrigation, and a harvest bag.
cations, and improved cosmesis after laparoscopic appendec-
Although the surgeon’s assistant initially stands on the
tomy.3,4 This benefit has been shown through all age groups, opposite side until the ports have been inserted and the
but elderly patients in particular experience an advantage pneumoperitoneum has been established, eventually both
with the minimally invasive approach.5 the surgeon and first assistant will be on the left side of the
patient facing the monitor placed on the right side (Fig. 1).
A pneumoperitoneum is created in a standard fashion,
Indications with either the Veress needle technique, the open Hasson
The laparoscopic approach does not result in a change of technique, or by insertion of a nontraumatic bladeless Opti-
view port (Ethicon Endosurgery, Cincinnati, OH).
indications. Any patient who, based on the overall assess-
“Port planning” means the steps and considerations taken
ment, requires and qualifies for a surgical exploration for
before inserting the actual ports to optimize the usability of
suspected acute appendicitis is a likely candidate for the lapa-
the placed ports, ie, maximizing safety while minimizing
roscopic procedure. In addition, there are a number of pa-
morbidity and negative aesthetic impact. Considerations not
tients in whom, despite multiple tests, diagnostic uncertainty
only include the patient’s habitus and anatomic landmarks
persists; in these patients, a diagnostic laparoscopy with pos-
(eg, epigastric vessels), but also aesthetic expectations and
sible appendectomy may be indicated to clarify and treat the
the presence and location of scars from previous abdominal
causative pathology. Another group of patients for whom a operations. As a result of the planning, the surgeon should
laparoscopic approach is recommended are those requiring have a clear concept of where the ports will be inserted, the
an interval appendectomy and whose initial acute episode size of ports needed, and the intended use of a particular port,
was treated nonoperatively, for example, by means of percu- for example, insertion of a stapling device or specimen re-
taneous drainage of an appendiceal abscess combined with trieval bag will typically require a larger port than insertion of
antibiotics. grasping instruments and endoloops alone. Care must be
taken to avoid a “knitting needle” effect between instruments
and the laparoscope, that is, all ports should be placed in
such a manner that they have free movement and do not
*Department of Surgery, Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern interfere with each other. We prefer insertion of the ports in
California, Los Angeles, CA. symmetric triangulation. The laparoscope is at the umbilicus.
†Department of Colorectal Surgery, Keck School of Medicine, University of Two further ports are inserted symmetrically in the left and
Southern California, Los Angeles, CA. right lower quadrant. In a male patient, these are at McBur-
Address reprint requests to Namir Katkhouda, MD, Department of Surgery,
Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern California, 1510 San
ney’s point and at the corresponding point on the left side
Pablo Street, Suite 514, Los Angeles, CA 90033. E-mail: nkatkhouda@ (Fig. 2A). In a female patient, it is advisable for cosmetic
surgery.usc.edu reasons to move the port positions down toward the pubic

8 1524-153X/05/$-see front matter © 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Appendectomy 9

Figure 1 Patient positioning.

Figure 2 Trocar placement in male (A) and female (B) patients.

10 N. Katkhouda and A.M. Kaiser

Figure 3 Exposure of the appendix

and creation of a window in the me-

hair (Fig. 2B). Other settings (eg, left lower quadrant plus geon’s assistant and camera holder then moves to the pa-
suprapubic midline port or a port right under the right costal tient’s left side, cephalad to the surgeon. The patient is
margin) are not recommended because they have functional brought into the Trendelenburg position with the right side
disadvantages or may be cosmetically inappropriate. elevated to facilitate the exposure of the right lower quadrant.
Exposure of the Appendix The surgeon’s left hand operates a Babcock grasper (Ethi-
After insertion of the ports, a quick diagnostic laparoscopy is con Endosurgery, Cincinnati, OH) to retract the cecum and
performed to either confirm the diagnosis or assess other subsequently to expose the appendix (if the appendix is in its
pathology (eg, female organs, diverticulitis, inguinal hernias, usual paracecal position). Particularly if the appendix is sig-
liver/gallbladder disease, carcinomatosis). The sur- nificantly inflamed and friable, it is advisable not to grasp

Figure 4 Mobilization of the cecum

for retrocecal location of the appen-
Appendectomy 11

Figure 5 Endoloop technique: tran-

section of the appendix between two

the appendix itself but rather to place the Babcock around it sect the appendix. After transsection, the appendiceal stump
or at the level of the mesoappendix (Fig. 3). Occasionally, an mucosa is cauterized carefully (Fig. 5).
endoloop can be placed around the appendix and mesoap-
pendix to create a handle to hold the appendix. The surgeon’s Stapling Technique
right hand operates a Kelly grasper or electrical scissors to In this technique, a 30-mm white vascular endostapler (Ethi-
create a window in the mesoappendix (Fig. 3). If the appen- con Endosurgery) is used to divide the mesoappendix, and a
dix is not clearly identifiable because it is retrocecal, the 30-mm blue endostapler is employed for the appendix as
cecum needs to be mobilized and retracted medially (Fig. 4). close as possible to the cecum, leaving only a very short
stump. A window is created at the base of the mesoappendix
in the avascular plane between the base of the appendix and
Transsection Techniques
the appendiceal artery. The first stapler with appropriate car-
Once the appendix has been completely skeletonized, it is tridge (white for vessel, blue for bowel) is inserted and fired
amputated at the base. In general, there is no need for inver- (Fig. 6), followed by a second stapler for completion of the
sion of the appendiceal stump, but it is of crucial importance transection (Fig. 7). Care should be taken to avoid a “junk
to divide the appendix in healthy appearing tissue, if neces- yard” by losing unused staples into the surgical field. After
sary at the level of the cecum, to avoid a breakdown of the firing, the staplers should therefore be opened very carefully,
ligation or stapler line. just enough to release the tissue, but then they immediately
There are two possibilities to divide the appendix and the should be closed again before dropping the unused staples.
mesoappendix—the endoloop technique and the stapling
technique. The former is cheaper and requires only a 5-mm
port on the left side; however, it requires more skill and may Specimen Retrieval
initially take more time. The stapling technique needs less Care is needed to avoid contamination of the abdomen and
skill and initially saves time, but it is more expensive and it port site wounds; the appendix is therefore placed in a re-
will require a 12-mm port. trieval bag before removing it from the abdomen. Alterna-
tively, if the appendix is not too large, it can be pulled into the
Endoloop Technique
port and withdrawn with the port. Rupture of the retrieval
In this technique, the mesoappendix is first divided by means
bag within the abdominal wall because of an inadequate fas-
of cautery, and the appendix is subsequently divided be-
cial gap should be avoided under any circumstances. If de-
tween two endoloops. The appendix should be clearly visible
livery of the endobag is difficult, it is advisable to widen the
from tip to base. Special bipolar cautery forceps are used to
fascial incision.
cauterize and “crush” the mesoappendix. Care has to be
taken not to touch and burn adjacent loops of bowel with the
hot forceps. Portions of the mesoappendix are cauterized and Irrigation and Drainage
subsequently cut with the scissors until the base of the ap- The purpose of irrigation is to remove all debris, purulent
pendix is identified and completely freed. Two endoloops are fluid collections, and blood from the surgical area. In early
inserted and tied at the base, leaving sufficient space to trans- phlegmonous appendicitis without any pus, there is no ad-
12 N. Katkhouda and A.M. Kaiser

Figure 6 Stapler technique: transec-

tion of the mesoappendix.

vantage to irrigation but rather risks spreading contaminated essary. However, if residual contaminated fluid is to be left in
fluid throughout the abdomen. Otherwise, with the appen- the peritoneal cavity or if the appendiceal/cecal stump is of
dix removed, a thorough lavage of the area is performed. In suboptimal quality, placement of a small drain may be pru-
particular, the pelvis has to be well exposed and any residual dent. It should be brought in through a separate 4- to 5-mm
contaminated fluid should be aspirated and irrigated by re- incision in the right lower quadrant, that is, not through one
tracting the sigmoid colon and exposing the pouch of Doug- of the trocar sites, and laid along the cecum into the pelvis to
las. drain those dependent areas. The drain can be removed after
In the overwhelming majority of cases, a drain is not nec- a few days once the quality of the fluid is serosanguinous.

Figure 7 Stapler technique: transec-

tion of the appendix.
Appendectomy 13

Figure 8 Retrograde dissection with

transection of the appendiceal base
first, followed by its mobilization to-
wards the tip.

Technical Variations to the tip. This is performed as in open surgery and does not
Retrograde Appendectomy require specific skills.
When the tip of the appendix is not clearly visible, a retro-
grade appendectomy can be performed with the stapler (Fig. Difficult Appendicitis
8). The visible base of the appendix is transected after cre- When the surgeon encounters a gangrenous or perforated
ation of an appropriate window, followed by the mesoappen- appendicitis or an appendiceal phlegmon, it can be difficult
dix, and finally the whole appendix is dissected from the base initially to recognize the appendix. In these circumstances, it

Figure 9 Fingeroscopy.
14 N. Katkhouda and A.M. Kaiser

may be necessary to mobilize the cecum first. This mobiliza- though pregnancy in and of itself is not necessarily a contra-
tion should be as conservative as possible to avoid opening indication for the laparoscopic approach,7 the following re-
and contaminating retroperitoneal spaces. The cecum can quirements have to be respected. The surgeon ought to be an
then be flipped over and the appendix visualized. If this is experienced laparoscopist, the operation should under no
still not possible, “fingeroscopy” or conversion to an open circumstances be prolonged, and the trocars should always
procedure has to be considered (Fig. 9). The former tech- be placed via an open access technique.
nique involves removal of the port from the right lower quad-
Control of Intraoperative Bleeding
rant and insertion of the index finger to restore the tactile
Although bleeding complications are relatively rare, they
sensation and to perform blunt, atraumatic mobilization sim-
most commonly arise from the appendiceal artery. Bleeding
ilar to the open procedure but under laparoscopic guidance.6
related to trocar placement (eg, epigastric or iliac vessels)
This will speed up the procedure and should be considered as
should be avoided by careful and visually controlled inser-
the last step in situations where conversion seems inevitable.
tion of the ports. Prompt reaction in a controlled fashion aims
Fingeroscopy can only be performed if the right lower quad-
at localizing the bleeder and stopping it without delay. Dif-
rant incision is close enough to the surgical area (see section
fuse and uncontrolled cautery use to arrest bleeding should
on port placement).
be avoided. It may be helpful to bring in a 2 ⫻ 2 cm ra-
If still no satisfactory progress is made, the only way for-
diopaque-labeled gauze to temporarily compress the area.
ward is to convert to an open operation. The projection of the
With a suction tip in one hand and a fine grasping instrument
cecum is marked on the abdominal wall via transillumination
in the other, the surgeon must identify and grasp the vessel
of the laparoscope, and an incision is then made appropriate
on which a clip or figure-eight stitch may be placed. If the
to the operation to be performed.
bleeding cannot be stopped in a timely fashion, the proce-
Laparoscopically Assisted Appendectomy dure has to be converted to an open operation.
In some cases, especially in children where the appendix is
extremely long and the working space is small, the “assisted”
technique is an easy way of performing an appendectomy.
Postoperative Care
The mesoappendix is first controlled by means of bipolar The postsurgical management depends on both the intraop-
electrocautery. The right lower quadrant port is then re- erative findings and the patient’s symptoms. Duration of an-
moved with the appendix inside. The whole appendix is tibiotics is determined by the extent of the inflammation and
exteriorized and ligated outside the abdomen before the ce- the presence of perforation, rather than by the surgical ap-
cum is pushed back inside the abdomen. proach. Early ambulation and resumption of an oral diet are
encouraged; the latter should be advanced as tolerated.
Special Problems
Diagnostic Uncertainty and Normal Appendix References
Encountering a normal appendix occurs in patients in whom 1. Semm K: Endoscopic appendectomy. Endoscopy 15:59-64, 1983
2. Kaiser AM, Corman ML: History of laparoscopy. Surg Oncol Clin N Am
either preoperative studies and assessment were inconclusive
10:483-492, 2001
or proved to be falsely positive. A careful assessment has to be 3. Guller U, Hervey S, Purves H, et al: Laparoscopic versus open appen-
performed of the whole peritoneal cavity, including running dectomy: outcomes comparison based on a large administrative data-
the small bowel. If a different intraabdominal pathology is base. Ann Surg 239:43-52, 2004
found, that disease process should be appropriately treated 4. McKinlay R, Mastrangelo MJ Jr: Current status of laparoscopic appen-
dectomy. Curr Surg 60:506-512, 2003
and the appendix should be left in place. If no other pathol-
5. Guller U, Jain N, Peterson ED, et al: Laparoscopic appendectomy in the
ogy is found, we recommend removing the appendix and elderly. Surgery 135:479-488, 2004
having it assessed by the pathologist. 6. Katkhouda N, Mason RJ, Mavor E, et al: Laparoscopic finger-assisted
technique (fingeroscopy) for treatment of complicated appendicitis.
Pregnancy J Am Coll Surg 189:131-133, 1999
Acute appendicitis with any type of appendectomy carries a 7. de Perrot M, Jenny A, Morales M, et al: Laparoscopic appendectomy
risk for the pregnant patient and for her unborn fetus. Al- during pregnancy. Surg Lap Endosc Perc Techn 10:368-371, 2000

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