English Test

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Ano letivo 2017 / 2018

Teste de Avaliação

Disciplina__________________________ Data ______/______/_____

Nome ____________________________________________________ n.º _____ Ano __9º___Turma _____

Tomei Conhecimento Data _____/_____/____ Classificação ______________________________

Enc.º de Educação ______________________ Professor/a _______________________________

Test 2

1. You will hear a conversation between two friends, Amy and Oliver, about career choices. For each
question, choose the correct answer A, B or C. (2x5=10p)
1 Amy is reading information about … 4 Oliver wants to work …
A schools. A as a director.
B engineers. B in a theatre.
C jobs. C as an actor.

2 Amy is worried about doing well … 5 Oliver and Amy will see the careers advisor at …
A Biology. A 10:30.
B Chemistry. B 12:00.
C Art. C 12:30.

3 Amy has decided that she wants to be …

A a nurse.
B an artist.
C a professional photographer.

2. Listen to the text and choose the correct option. (2x4=8p)

1. Mike’s first job was: 3. According to Mike you shouldn’t___________ to your

a) in a day camp. b) in a library. c) in a primary school. customers.
a) sing b) shout c) mumble
2. He was ___________ when he was hired for the first
time. 4. You shouldn’t interrupt anyone at work unless it is:
a) 15 years old b) 16 years old c) 14 years old a) a secret b) extremely urgent c) very important

3. Complete the sentences with information from the text. (2x6=12p)

1 2
Mike gives you ___________ important tips to succeed at your first ___________. Firstly, you should
speak ___________, but it is also important not to 4___________ others when they are working. Tip
number three tells you to dress 5 ___________. Finally, he says that it is vital that you listen carefully and pay
___________ to what people tell you at work.


Pág. 1
Read text A carefully.

My name is Theo and I'm a photographer. Photography has always been my passion.
As a child, I used to ask my parents to let me be the one to take photos at birthday
parties, picnics and other special occasions. My parents saw I was becoming good at it
and they were happy that I had a hobby. So, for my fifteenth birthday they bought me
a good-quality camera. I still have it, along with several others! Later I did a physics
degree at university, which helps but is not necessary to understand photography.

Most of my work these days is at weddings. I need good communication skills and I
must be patient, because clients are demanding and they want their photos to be
perfect. I also spend a lot of time travelling. However, other photographers need
different qualities. Some work with journalists and go to dangerous places, so they
need to be brave. The same is true for wildlife photographers, who have to get close
to dangerous animals, often in bad weather.

However, one thing is true for all photographers: we don't have fixed working hours. We need to be ready to
work at any time of the day. Still, the pay is good and I feel very lucky to have my hobby as my job. I suppose
it's all thanks to my parents encouraging me!

1.1. Mark the sentences R (right), W (wrong), or DS (doesn’t say). Correct the wrong ones. (2x5=10p)
1) Theo became interested in photography when his parents brought him a camera. ______


2) He still uses his first camera. ______


3) Today, Theo photographs special occasions.______


4) Photography isn't always a very safe job. ______


5) Wildlife photographers have demanding clients. ______


1.2. Answer the questions. (2x5=10p)

1) What did Theo’s parents think about his passion?


2) What does Theo say about his degree?


3) According to Theo, what qualities does a wedding photographer need?


Pág. 2
4) What is true for all photographers?


5) Why does Theo feel lucky?


Read text B carefully.

Volunteer ideas for teens

Unpaid work can help you learn new skills, understand
more about the workplace, and – best of all – give you
something to put in your CV when you’re looking for a
job in the future. Many communities have a volunteer
centre that can help you find that perfect volunteer
opportunity. Opportunities include recycling centres,
hospitals, museums, summer camps, and libraries.
Search online or call your city or town hall to see if there’s
a volunteer centre in your community. Ask to speak to the
volunteer director or the volunteer coordinator.
Summer Camps
You might want to find out about the counselor-in-training
programme at a camp you’ve attended.
Interested in medicine? Enjoy helping people? Then volunteering at your local hospital
might be just the thing for you. Just call a hospital in your area and ask to speak to the
volunteer coordinator or the director of volunteers.
Museums and aquariums
Museums and aquariums are great places to learn but many also offer volunteer opportunities
for kids and teens. Call the museum or aquarium in your area to find out what’s available
and what the requirements are. Opportunities vary greatly from museum to museum.
http://life.familyeducation.com (adapted)

2.1. Read the 1st and 2nd paragraphs of the text and find synonyms of these words. (2x4=8p)

1. gain _______________ 2. abilities_______________

3. ideal_______________ 4. chance_______________

2.2. Complete the sentences according to the text. (2x4=8p)

1. You may learn new skills __________________________________________________________________.
2. Volunteer experiences may be _____________________________________________________________.
3. You can volunteer in _____________________________________________________________________.
4. A volunteer director _____________________________________________________________________.

Pág. 3
2.3. Answer the questions about the text. (2x4=8p)

1. What do volunteer centres do?

2. Who might want to volunteer in a hospital?
3. Why are museums and aquariums great places to do volunteer work?
4. What are the advantages of volunteer work?

Read text C.
Look at the text in each question. What does it say?
Mark the correct letter A, B or C on your answer sheet. (2x5=10p)

Private Lessons
University student gives 1.
private classes at home A. A university student is going to have final exams.
to prepare primary B. Primary school kids can attend private lessons with a university
school kids for final student.
exams. C. Primary school kids and a university student are going to study

My father is sick, so he 2.
can’t drive us to school A. Phil’s dad is going to drive John and Phil to school on Monday.
on Monday. Will your B. Phil’s dad usually drives John and Phil to school.
mother take us this C. John’s mother can’t drive them to school this time.

Chess Club 3.
Mon and Fri A. There are chess club sessions from Monday to Friday at 1pm.
1pm – 3pm
B. Members of the chess club can eat and drink during club
Members aren’t
allowed to eat or
drink during C. Chess club sessions take 2 hours.

Pág. 4
From: Liz
To: Miriam 4.
I forgot my blue cardigan A. Liz was at Miriam’s last Tuesday.
at your house last B. Miriam doesn’t go to school tomorrow.
Tuesday. Can you bring C. Liz asks Miriam to stay at home tomorrow.
it to school tomorrow,
Thank you.

I lost the bus this
morning, so I will miss A. Ned missed the school bus this morning.
the class. Can you B. They are going to miss the Chemistry lesson.
please warn our C. Ned and Jane have the same Chemistry teacher.
Chemistry teacher?

1. Fill in: skills, valuable, degree, occupation, skill, experience, electrician and assistant. (1x8=8p)
1) I am worried about fire risk in the house. We need a(n) ________________ to look at the wires.
2) We have a vacancy for a new sales ________________ .
3) I find the help I get very ________________ indeed.
4) What personal ________________ would you like to improve or change?
5) I do it as a hobby, but don't want to have it as a(n) ________________ .
6) In this job, communication ____________________ are very important.
7) Don't worry if you don't have ____________________ of computers. We can train you.
8) This job doesn't require a college __________________________.

2. Match the description (1-6) to the job (A-F). (1x6=6p)

3. Fill in with the correct body idiom. (2x5=10p)

1) Don’t let exams get you down, _____________________________________________________________.
2) Well done on coming first in the race, you deserve a ___________________________________________.

Pág. 5
3) I’m feeling really down, I could do with a ____________________________________________ right now.
4) Can you give me a ________________________________________________? I need help writing my CV.
5) I’ve got loads of work to do today; I’ve really got my_________________________________________full.

1. Complete the sentences with the correct question tag. (1x8=8p)

1) Eve promised she’d drive me to my job interview but she never came; she isn’t very reliable,
2) James has got a university degree in Physics, ___________________________?
3) Amanda worked as a nurse in a children’s hospital for five years, ____________________?
4) Let’s wait for the director a little longer, ________________________?
5) Pamela seldom goes out after work, __________________?
6) You can’t give me a lift to college tomorrow morning, ___________________________?
7) Nick is starting his new job next week, ___________________________?
8) I’m right when I say that he doesn’t have all the necessary qualifications for this job,

2. Fill in: though, although, either, neither, however and therefore. (1x6=6p)

1)__________________ his job is dangerous, Homer loves being a firefighter.

2) Lucinda applied for a position with a computer software company; she didn’t get the job
__________________ .

3) They’ll call me __________________ later today or tomorrow to tell me if they’ll hire me.

4) Miguel has a lot of work to do. _____________ , he’ll stay back at the office.

5) Rita is very hard-working. _________________, she isn’t very patient.

6) _______________ the classifieds nor the online job search site had any new positions today.

3. Fill in with the correct form of the phrasal verb give. (2x5=10p)

1) Make sure you give ___________ your report before you leave the office, Tom.

2) Now that their son has grown up, the Petersons gave ___________ his old toys to charity.

3) The printer is giving _________ a strange smell.

4) Don’t forget to give me ___________ my book.

5) Daniel, give ___________ these leaflets to each of the students, please.

Pág. 6
1. Read the job advertisement from the Lagos News and write a letter of application
(80-100 words).

Are you over 16 years old? Are you looking for a part-time weekend job? Do you like being around
children? Apply now!

Work hours: Saturday & Sunday

Work experience not necessary. Fluency in Portuguese and/or English is necessary though.

Send your letter to: Mr and Mrs Gomez, Bloco B, 1.º direito, São Sebastião 8600-315 Lagos Portugal


Pág. 7

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