1996 161 Facts of Lift

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Copyright ©1996, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc.

AIAA Meeting Papers on Disc, January 1996

A9618129, AIAA Paper 96-0161

The facts of lift

P. B. S. Lissaman
Southern California, Univ., Los Angeles, CA

AIAA, Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, 34th, Reno, NV, Jan. 15-18, 1996

As an aid to teaching fluid mechanics and understanding dynamic fluid forces, fundamentals of 2D and 3D lift and drag
in an inviscid incompressible fluid are developed, emphasizing simple rigorous derivations, based only on the
momentum equation. Some common beliefs about wings and airfoils are shown to be false or oversimplified. The
standard textbook model, deriving lift from circulation around a circular cylinder, is noted to be unrealistic and
deceptive. Instead, the wing is modeled as a turning vane in a steady flow, and the Joukowsky and Lagally theorems
are derived. An unsteady analysis is developed for lift and drag on finite lifting systems; half the lift occurs in upwash
momentum effects before the flow reaches the airfoil, and both 2D and 3D lift are entirely due to bound vorticity,
according to the same equations. Consequently, the downwash due to the trailing vortex system behind a finite wing
does not contribute to the lift. Effects of flow boundaries, like the wall effect, of multiple bodies, as in multielement
airfoils, and of nonplanar lifting surfaces, like tiplets, are described. It is shown that neither angle of attack, camber,
nor circulation are required for lift. (Author)

Page 1


University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089-1191
ABSTRACT circulating and understanding. It takes time to
understand — as Chaucer (1380 7) put it, rather more
As an aid to teaching fluid mechanics and understanding poetically than the Captain, ~ "The Lyf so Short, the
dynamic fluid forces, fundamentals of two- and three Craft so Long to Lerne".
dimensional lift and drag in an inviscid, incompressible
fluid are developed, emphasizing simple rigorous Dynamic lift is that mystic process which raised us off
derivations, based only on the momentum equation. the mundane earthy surface, into the skies and thence
Some common beliefs about wings and airfoils are into space and the stars. To many people who enjoy
shown to be false or over-simplified. The standard aeronautics because of the romance of flight, lift has a
textbook model, deriving lift from circulation around a magic of its own - enhanced, perhaps, because of the
circular cylinder is noted to be restrictive, unrealistic and difficulty of explaining it in simple physical terms.
deceptive. Instead, the wing is modelled as a turning Maybe it was this technical/intellectual difficulty, along
vane in a steady flow and the Joukowsky and Lagally with the delicately tenuous nature of lift in air, that
theorems derived. An unsteady analysis is developed for made aerial flight the last vehicle frontier for
lift and drag on finite lifting systems. It is shown that humankind, and probably the most glamorous. Here we
half the lift occurs in upwash momentum effects before try to express the fundamental mechanisms of lift in a
the flow reaches the airfoil, and both two- and three way which requires only Newton's Law, and in a way
dimensional lift are entirely due to bound vorticity, which does not seem to have been used in any
according to the same equations; consequently the elementary textbook on aeronautics, although Prandtl's
downwash due to the trailing vortex system behind a great work, Fundamentals of Hvdro-& Aeromechanics
finite wing does not contribute to the lift. Effects of (translated by Tietjens in 1934) gets dose to it.
flow boundaries, like wall effect, of multiple bodies, as
in multi-element airfoils, and of non-planar lifting We will show how the fundamental features and
surfaces, like tiplets, are described. It is shown that magnitude of lift and induced drag can be derived from
neither angle of attack, camber nor circulation are the circulation about an airfoil, without the cliched
required for lift reference to circulatory flow about a circular cylinder
which is so frequently given in elementary texts and
which, to the author, is a poor choice, not only because
INTRODUCTION; HOW TO GET A REAL it is so standardized that some books can only talk
LIFT about lift in terms of circular cylinders but also because
is is unduly restrictive on theoretical grounds, and quite
This is a light-hearted diatribe, intended to amuse, and, unrealistic on applied grounds. Thus the idea of this
possibly, to educate, although maybe the points raised note is to illustrate lift in rational fashion, so that the
here are self-evident and well-known. They weren't to algebra, behind which so many texts hide, is not used as
me, and so it seemed worthwhile writing them down. a substitute for reason. This may be helpful to
It's a sorry confession, but I never learnt this stuff at teachers, and to those rare souls who want to work
school. I wish someone had told me the Facts of Lift things out for themselves and don't believe the
(and Life) when I was younger, it would have saved me professors.
and everyone I dealt with a lot of trouble, — but, as the
Captain said to the Katzenjammer Kids, "Ve gets old The author has personally dealt with every issue
too soon, und schmart too late." So the following discussed with here the hard way: that is not on paper,
notes comprise a healthy piece of plagiarism, a painful or in front of a class, but in the unforgiving world of
plethora of pusillanimously pedantic puns and maybe a reality. These comments represent results directly
few wise words. The good stuff I owe to my friends, experienced; from a world of vehicles that flapped, flew,
the mistakes are all mine own. I welcome spun, rolled or floated through real air and water.
correspondence from learned colleagues showing me the Leonardo da Vinci, who according to Giacometti (1930),
error of my ways and dedicate this note to the happy was a very observant hydrodynamicist, and LOVED
band of applied aerodynamicists, those marvellous fluids, put it this way. ~ he said, as reported by Vasari
fellows who Dream of Flight — members of the valiant (1550), "Avoid the teachings of speculators whose
order of TWITTs, who really believe THE WING IS judgments are not confirmed by experience".
THE THING". And I remind them to keep on
Copyright ©1995 by P.B.S.Lissaman. Published by the
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, with permission
*Adjunct Professor of Aerospace Engineering; Fellow, AIAA

American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics

on top and bottom because of the finite length of the
infinitely distant top and bottom surfaces.
DIMENSIONAL CASE The density is taken as constant since we consider only
an incompressible analysis. The vertical momentum
Consider a two dimensional lifting airfoil (Fig. 1 ) flux (for unit mass density) on the rear surface is given
immersed in a uniform, steady, invistid, homenergetic, by: V = J°°(U+u) w dz. Now, since the perturbations
incompressible flow of speed U. The airfoil shown has u,w due to the airfoil are O(1/R), we note that the term
didactic merits. First, the shape is that of a real air- or / u w dz will be O(1/R) and will thus vanish on a
hydrofoil, second, it illustrates the fact that the upper vertical line at a large distance from the airfoil, leaving
surface air goes about the same distance as the lower only the term U / w dz. This term constitutes the
surface (exactly, if we take the cambered plate of zero contribution to momentum of a line integral aft of the
thickness), third, it demonstrates that angle of attack is airfoil. An equal upwards component is contributed by
not needed for lift. Indeed, the streamlines very the surface in front Defining Jwdz as the circulation,
graphically show the real nature of lift: which is that F, produces (for unit density) the well known
the flow is "drawn up" aheadof the airfoil, and swept Joukowski Law:
down an exactly equal amount behind. The flow is
completely reversible, an important point until you L = UT.
introduce viscosity. Finally, the concept of the airfoil
as a turning vane is a very valid one. For the above to be independent of the separation of the
fore and aft control surfaces, x = +/- h, the flow must be
irrotational, implying that the circulation about any
surface enclosing the airfoil is constant.
It is interesting that if one does not take an infinite
vertical plane, but one of finite depth, from +1- J, then
there is an additional contribution due to pressure over
the top and bottom surfaces, however the momentum
contribution on the top and bottom can still be shown
to vanish. Applying the steady Bernoulli equation,
Ap = - 1/2 {V2 - U2}, where V is the local speed, we
get the additional contribution to the lift of /U u dx,
from which / u dx is immediately seen to be the
contribution to circulation of the top and bottom
boundaries. Even if the airfoil contains a source or
sink-like mass addition, defined by a radial velocity
Fig. 1 Lifting Streamline Pattern which heaves like 1/R (which implies u = cos 8/R,
w = sin 6/R), this still does not contribute to the
We will use an ineitial reference system, fixed with crossflow force of lift. It does contribute source/ sink
respect to the airfoil, with the streamwise coordinate, x, drag to the streamwise force.
and velocity perturbation, u, parallel to U, and positive
in the rearwards direction, and the vertical components, Assuming diat the lowest order vertical component is
z, w, positive in the downwards direction. We will given by w = (T/2 ui) sin 6/r, we see that the vertical
show that two- and three-dimensional lift are similar, momentum flux, V, on one finite vertical surface is
are not mathematical stratagems, and are essentially the given by:
same processes.
V = U (172 Jitf {cos 6/r}r d6/cos9
Consider a pair of vertical planes, of infinite depth, one
ahead of and the other behind the airfoil, at some finite = U(i723i)[02-8i]
distance, x = +/- h. We can apply Newton's Law, in
the form of the momentum equation, to establish that This can be written as:
the lift within this control surface will be due only to
Iheihangein vertical momentum of flow entering and V = U(r/2jt)8*,
leaving the control area through these two vertical
planes, since, if the verticals are of infinite vertical where 9* is the angle subtended by the sector spanning
extent and the speed disturbance due to the airfoil dies the boundary in question (Fig. 2), a direct consequence
away like 1/R (where R is the distance from the airfoil), of the radial symmetry of the vortex. If the boundary
there will be no contribution to momentum or pressure

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extends to infinity this becomes V = UT/2. There are two intimately connected systems of vorticity:
the spanwise system, consisting of vorticity oriented in
a spanwise direction and the trailing system, consisting
of vorticity oriented parallel to the local flow. For a
lightly loaded wing the trailing system is inclined
downwards at a small downwash angle to the free stream
flow (Fig. 3). We will apply exactly the same
procedure to determine the lift as in the two dimensional
case, that is we take a pair of vertical surfaces, one
ahead of, the other behind, the wing, and compute the
momentum flux through them. The velocity
perturbation will now be due to both the bound and the
trailing vortex system, and it is convenient to
distinguish the the induced flow contributions by the
suffices b and t. In practise this distinction is rather
meaningless since the bound and trailing system are
mutually linked, but we do this for purposes of
Fig. 2 Control Surface mathematical integration.

If this is not the case the contribution of'the lower

surface is readily shown to be
V = U(I72jt)[e4 - 63], or V = U (F/2 n)6#, which is
easily seen to provide V = UT/2 by adding this term to
the finite rear surface. The sum of the term due to the
front vertical surface and the top gives V = UT/2 again,
so that the total is the lift as given by the Joukowski

For a large rectangular control surface, part of the lift is

attributable to pressure and part to momentum,
depending on the aspect ratio of the surface. For a
square control surface the contributions on the surface Fig. 3 Vorticity of Finite Wing
due to momentum and pressure are equal; for a tall, long
vertical surface the contributions are mainly The vertical momentum flux, V, through a vertical
momentum, while for a streamwise long, flat, surface behind the wing is :
horizontal surface the lift is primarily due to pressure.
This illustrates that it doesn't make much sense to V=jT(U+u)wdzdy
attribute the lift on an airfoil to either pressure or
momentum effect, unless one takes a control surface on which can now be written:
the actual airfoil surface, when the lift is indisputably
due only to pressure!
V = Ujf°(wt+wb) dzdy

LIFT IN THE REAL WORLD OF THREE where the integral extends to infinity in the horizontal
DIMENSIONS (spanwise) and vertical directions.

For this case we assume Helmholtz Laws about the

continuity of vortices, that the lift distribution is THE TRAILING SYSTEM FAILS TO
elliptical and that the vortex wake is moving downwards SUPPORT US
stably, at constant spanwise speed, like a flat sheet.
This is restrictive, and not really true, but avoids some The contribution of the trailing system is considered
very nasty, and still unsolved, problems about vortex first This is is improper at every finite vortex and,
roll up. We limit ourselves, at this stage, to the linear unless the net vorticity is zero, also at infinity.
case, implying that the system is lightly loaded, so that However the Principal Value of the surface integral is
L/q b^ is small where L is the total lift, q the dynamic zero. This is readily seen as follows. Consider the line
pressure and b the wingspan. integral, V*(z), taken first in the horizontal direction
and given by:

American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics

V*(z)= U/°wtdy.
V*(z) = UTb/2jt r.
Consider a horizontal traverse across the plane above
any vortex element. Obviously there is as much going
down on one side as there is going up on the other, so
the net contribution to the integral is zero, on every
horizontal line, and for every vortex element. We can
integrate this vertically now, noting that the sum of
nothing gives nothing too!
So we get for the downwash component due to the
trailing vorticity interated over the plane:

V= Ujf wtdzdy = 0.

This is an interesting proposition, which seems a little

heretical in the light of the frequently quoted statement
that the downwash between the tips of a wing represents
the momentum which makes up its lift There is zero
net momentum due to any system of trailing vorticity.
Vortices cannot create a net momentum — it's just the Fig. 4 Induced Field of Line Vortex
way they are! Unfortunately, although there is no
momentum, there is plenty of energy in such a system, It is interesting to note that the average induced flow per
which we shall account for later. unit length of the vortex is I72nr. This result indicates
that the old 2-D rule that r/2rtr is the induced flow per
The belief that this downwash in the wake is what unit length of vorticity can be directly extended to the 3-
causes the lift is incorrect Prandtl noted that the wake Dcase.
downwash did not account for the lift about seventy five
years ago! So if there is to be lift, it better be due to the It is worth noting that we didn't have to go through the
bound system, and it surely is! above integrals to establish the result. It can be shown
the best way — by logic, quite independently of algebra.
All that is required is the assumption that the integral in
THE BOUND SYSTEM TO THE RESCUE a spanwise direction (parallel to the vortex) of the
induced flow of a finite line vortex is finite. If so, it
To calculate the contribution of the bound system we will be a linear function of the length of the vortex.
use only the simplest of integrals, so that it is apparent Then the average, per unit length of the vortex, is now
that we are not concealing any factors of one half, or independent of the vortex length and a function only of
the radial distance from the line vortex. If this is
have not neglected unsteady terms. Consider the extended to form a two dimensional vortex then we
induced field of a vortex of constant strength, F, and
finite length, b (Rg. 4). This is given as : must get the same result per unit of length as that for
the average of a vortex of finite length!
wb = (T/4ji r) {sin <)>i- sin fa}.
We now proceed to integrate in the vertical, z, plane,
The horizontal integration gives:
and of course obtain an exactly similar result to the 2-D
one we got before, indicating that the vertical
momentum flux through an infinite vertical plane
V*(z)= U/°wbdy behind the bound vortex is given by:

V*(z) = U/° (T/4re r){sin<j»i- sin V = UTb/2.

Noting that sin^i - y/li, and/(y/li)dy = lathis As expected we will find an identical term for the
momentum flux through a vertical surface ahead of the
provides, between the limits, Ij, \2 '• wing, so we get that the lift, L, is given by:
V*(z)=U(T/4jtr){li-l2} L= UTb.
which, on inserting the spanwise limits of integration, The important point here is that the lift is created by an
as lj, \2 approach infinity, becomes: upwards induced flow ahead of the wing and a

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downwards induced flow behind it, with the wing T = UM.
serving as some sort of vane to change the direction of
flow. The lifting flow is induced only by the bound Of course, if there is flow removed from the system, as
vorricitv. It is important to observe that exactly half in the case of an inlet, we get a corresponding sink drag.
the effect is experienced before the flow gets to the The combined result of lift and drag for a general body,
wing, just as for a 2-D airfoil and as for an actuator disc called Lagally's Theorem, is very elegant and useful and
(propeller or windmill). This, of course, must be the applies to 3- and 2-D flows This is shown below:
case because the influence of a bound vortex is felt
equally upstream and downstream. L = UF: T = UM.

It is very obvious that the above argument can be Lagally is very useful for complex flows, where it can
extended for a bound vortex of spanwise varying readily be shown that the same results apply, providing
strength, T(y ), so that the general expression for lift that the local speed and direction of flow and force at
will be the integral across the span given by: each singularity is used. This shows, for example, that
for a number of bodies in a uniform steady flow it is
L=UJT(y)dy very easy to get lift (a force normal to the free stream
flow) without circulation. As an illustration, a
symmetrical body of finite thickness at zero inclination
WHAT A DRAG! in the presence of a wall parallel to the flow will
experience a potential force towards the wall. The rule
If we take the 2-D case and apply the same reasoning of is that sometimes you need circulation for lift, and
integrating momentum to mass flux and pressure, p, on sometimes you don't!
the vertical surfaces, we get that the horizontal
contribution, H, due to the rear surface is: Now if there is a trailing system, then the perturbations
due to it are large in the rear plane, usually called the
Trefftz Plane. In fact, the vertical flow induced by the
H = A(U+u) (U+u) + p} dz trailing system is infinite outboard of the wing tip.
Thus, for the 3-D case, we need to add to our pressure
Bernoulli's equation reduces this to: integral the terms due to the trailing vorticity giving the
Trefftz Plane integral:
H = /°{Uu + u2/2 - w2/2} dz.
H = JJ°°{- vt 2/2 - wt 2/2} dzdy
The last two quadratic terms vanish on a distant plane
by virtue of their order of magnitude, and incidentally, These terms do not appear on the forward control
on a finite distanced plane as well, because of the surface, since there are no trailing vortices there.
symmetry. The remaining term is of exactly the same Consequently, there is always a lower pressure on the
nature as the circulation induced term handled in the lift
rear surface due to the high speeds of the circulatory
case. If the body is closed, then u is of order 1/R?, and flow developed by the vortex system, especially near the
we get the famous result that puzzled Jean le Rond wing wake. This gives rise directly to the induced drag.
D'Alembert between 1744 and 1768. According to John This can be evaluated by a direct integration of the
Anderson's marvellous book, Fundamentals of pressure in this vicinity: it dies away rapidly far from
Aerodvnami cs (1984), Jean said: " It seems to me on the wing wake, and, although infinite at places near the
the contrary that this theory, dealt with and studied with wake tips, is integrable in a regular sense.
profound attention gives, at least in most cases,
resistance absolutely zero: a singular paradox which I In the real world, these infinities near the tips do not
leave to geometricians to explain." Vive D'Alembert! exist, being thoroughly suppressed by viscosity, and
He's the guy Who gave US streamlining compressible effects. People who fool around with
doing things at the wingtips to reduce induced drag, and
So much for that D'Alembert's Paradox is valid in two they are an innocent and trusting bunch of enthusiasts,
or thee dimensions, as long as the body doesn't trail any are dealing with this issue. It can be done, and doesn't
vortitity. And don't be shocked, it holds true in defy any laws of nature, but it's a tough way to do
compressible flows too, in the absence of battle with induced drag. It does seem to illustrate one
discontinuities! of Murphy's Laws: that anything done to improve a bad
scene usually makes itworsei
If there is mass generated by the body, say at a rate of
M volume per unit time, then we get the dual of The author confesses to being one of that hapless band
Joukowskt's result, a source thrust, T given by: of induced drag worriers myself. In the Dark Ages,
1968, to be precise, Jerry Lundry and I published a

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paper about using the engine pylon surfaces of the DC- The idea of using the 2-D potential, 4>(y, z) in the
8 to alleviate the induced drag! In those simple days downstream wake introduces another powerful way of
there were no elegant potential flow codes, and we used regarding lift and drag; and also a deceptive and
the Schwartz-Kristoffel theorem to find the nine paradoxical approach which seems to give the correct
complex constants of the mapping by iteration. When result, but for the wrong reason.
we finally got something that looked a little like the
wing of a DC-8 from the rear, we found that, even with
the most optimal cambering, the pylons couldn't give A MOST INGENIOUS PARADOX
more than a few percent improvement in the induced
drag. The reason we chose pylons, and not winglets, Say we consider the vertical momentum flux through
was because they were already there, and we simply the vertical plane behind the wing, which is given by:
couldn't imagine that anyone would dream of sticking
extra surfaces out in the breeze just for induced drag V= +wb)dzdy.
mitigation. Much later the author, working with John
Letcher, was again concerned with this issue, in the Let us consider the trailing vortex contribution only.
form of the winged keel of Stars and Stripes, which This has already been shown to be zero, but we will
won the America's Cup in 1987. We still don't know calculate it according to this representation, providing:
what those tiplets did for induced drag, but believe me,
they had a lot of volume, and were a fine way of getting
mass down low and doing good things for the roll Vt = Ujfwt dzdy
stiffness! No argument about gravity!
Now wt = <E>Z, so we expect the integral J wt dz to
There is an elegant way of calculating the integral of the equal <£(y, z ), which it does in some respect, The
pressure perturbation due to the trailing system. The trouble is that the potential is discontinuous across the
idea is to write the flow due to this system as a 2-D wake. Interestingly, the vertical speed is continuous
potential $(y,z), which has a discontinuity along the there, but the spanwise flow is discontinuous,
wake itself. We then write the kinetic energy (or the representing the different surface speeds on the vortex
pressure perturbation) integral as; wake; towards the tip on the top and the other way
underneath. If we then integrate vertically from +
H = f°{- vt 2/2 - wt 2/2} dzdy infinity to the line z = 0, being the horizontal axis of
the wing, we find that outside the wing 3>(y, o) = 0,
= -1/2 A$z2 + *y2} dzdy. while on the wing there is this discontinuity, which we
can take as <£(y, o) = <E>(y)] . Thus we get, or seem to
Gauss's Theorem reduces this to a line integral taken get;
along the wake. The term H was defined as positive for
a thrust, so that the drag, D, is given by - H. If the Vt = Ujf°w t dzdy = U/*(y)]dy.
wake is a straight horizontal line parallel to the wing (it
never is!) this becomes the integral along the wing This looks very like the lift, it transforms like the lift,
span: it behaves like the lift and it has lift-like dimensions.
It is incorrectly claimed to be the lift in some texts
D=l/2/<f>]<!> z dy which, for obvious reasons, will not be referenced. The
only problem is that the integral we think we
where the jump in potential across the wake is shown calculated, allegedly the vertical momentum due to the
as <&], and the downwash, w, on the wake is given by trailing system, does not exist in this form. If it did we
<E>z. If the wake is curved with arc distance s and would end up with twice as much as the actual lift,
normal n this can be written as:
since we still must add Vjj = UJ]00 wfo dzdy which we
D = 1/2 /*(y)] <Dn ds know is finite and unconditionally convergent and an
honest-to-God integral and gives for the lift the result
with the usual notation. we have already unambiguously calculated, namely
L = UJT(y)dy. We can show that the bound vorticity
It is noted that <J>(y)] can be seen to be the circulation on a wing at station y, F(y), is identical to the total
at the station y, and 1/2 Oz the downwash angle at the jump in potential from the tip to that station. This is
wing, which is half that far downstream. This is the most readily noted ¥y deforming a line integral (Fig. 5J
basis of the simple model of induced drag, namely that and remembering that the circulation must be conserved!
it is given by the lift at a station multiplied by the This curious paradox is resolved below.
inclination of the oncoming stream at that station.

American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics

Next, we view the unsteady case from the point of view
of energy. This integral of the kinetic energy can
readily be shown to exist for the lifting system, but is
complicated to calculate. Fortunately, We dofl't have to
do this. All that is necessary is to take the same point
«9 of view as before, and to calculate the rate of increase of
energy per unit time as the trailing system extends.
Now thfe energy pet unit length, E, of the vortex wake
can be shown to be:
Fig. 5 Vorticity and Wake Potential
E = 1/2 + fcy2} dzdy

The approach here, which is the most general attack on which integrates to:
lift, is to change the frame of reference and adopt an
unsteady procedure. Take the frame of reference as E-112 ds
inertially fixed in a basically still fluid with the wing as
moving through it at speed U. This wing makes a lot The rate of increase of the energy in the system per unit
of energy, but no net downwash momentum. Consider time is given by UE, while the rate of doing Work of
the difference in the situation after the wing has moved the wing by moving against the drag, D, in this frame
some distance in unit time. We see (Fig. 6) that an of reference is DU. Consequently the drag of the Wing
extra strip of trailing vorticity has been produced. Now, is given by:
while the momentum is undefined, the impulse is not,
as explained by Horace Lamb in 1879 in his D =1/2 J<I>(y j] *n ds*
monumental tome, Hydrodynamics.



For a highly loaded wing the trailing system will be

swept downwards at a large angle (Fig. 7). The induced
flow due to the trailing system is now sufficiently tilted
that it has a component directed in opposition to the
free stream flow at the wing, thus reducing the lift.

Fig. 6 Wing in Unsteady Flow

The impulse, I, in a streamwise strip of wake of unit

streamwise length can be shown to be given by I = j"
4>(y)] dy. Observing that the rate of increase of vertical
impulse is given by U I, we immediately obtain that
the lift is given by:

L =U/*(y)]dy.
So this recovers the cqrrect result for lift obtained Fig. 7 Highly Loaded Wing
Again, this is nothing more than Newton's Law, but
applied in a very global fashion. What this says is that Assume the induced flow in the wing plane is normal to
to experience lift in an unbounded flow you have to the inclination, $, of the trailing system at infinity and
generate trailing vorticity. half the magnitude it has at infinity and that all the
bound vorticity is concentrated in the wing plane as a
lifting fine. Then the lift, L, and drag, D, are given by
The spurious method previously detailed gives:
L= {U-sin dy
L = 2Uf*(y)]dy.

American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics

D= cos p [l/2]<Dn/4>(y )] dy ahead of and behind the wing, inclined at the angle of
the flow in the Trefftz Plane (Fig. 8).
while the kinematic condition of wake steadiness is:
Usin p = 4>n

In the above, the potential is defined in the Trefftz

Plane, which is normal to the wake at infinity, thus
inclined at p to the vertical, and <f>n is used for the
velocity parallel to this plane to distinguish it from our
previous usage of 4>z which was nearly in the z
(vertical) direction for the linear case. On this basis we
can maximize the above relationship for lift, using only
the fact that <E>n ~ f&(y) dy, which provides the
interesting general result that at ma-simnm lift:

sin p = (2/3) 547 0 Usinp

while the ratio of lift to induced drag, L/Q, is given
L/Di = 23/2 = 2.83 Fig. 8 Trefftz Plane Control Volume

If we now insert the results for elliptical loading and its There is a low pressure contribution on the Trefftz
Plane which produces a drag-like force, D*, amounting
associated downwash, namely
to [1/2] O n /*(y )] dy parallel to the far wake
{jib 2/4}<$n = /<E>(y)] dy, we get the maximum lift, vorticity, while the bound vorticity will couple with the
* °f any planar wing to be given by: speed parallel to the far wake to produce upwash and
downwash momentum on the forward and rear plane to
- {^b 2/4} (2/3) 3/2 U2 give a lift like term, L*. parallel to the Trefftz Plane
and of magnitude LI = U cospJ"<I>(y)] dy. Finally
The nominal maximum lift coefficient, CL , based on we must consider the crossflow term, U sin p. This is
free stream dynamic pressure is given in terms of the found to couple with the bound vorticity to provide an
overpressure on the Trefftz Plane and a corresponding
aspect ratio, A, by: suction on the forward control surface, yielding a net
thrust like force, L2, directed normal to the Trefftz
CL = {n/2} (2/3) /2 A = 0.86 A. Plane and of magnitude, L-2 = U sin PJ 4>(y )] dy.

Actually, the functional effective lift coefficient on the These three forces can be resolved into a convenient and
wing would need to be two times higher, since the vivid formulation for the exact nonlinear force on a
induced counterflow due to the downswept trailing wing system of any aspect ratio wing, which is given
system will reduce the effective local flow at the wing by the sum of two non-orthogonal forces, L*, and D*,
to (1/2) 1/2 of its free stream speed. expressed by:

The above result, thanks to the stagger theorem, is not L* = U J <fr(y )] dy , normal to the free stream
restricted to high aspect ratio wings, but should also be
correct for slender wings. D*= [1/2] <l>n/*(y)] dy, parallel to the wake vorticity

It now becomes interesting to study the forces from the Of course this recovers the result originally derived by
global point of view of the momentum equation. It is less rigorous arguments, for a rigid, lifting line model.
clear that, having fully defined the internal flow by the
vorticity distribution in the Trefftz Plane, we can chose There is yet another, positively Olympian, approach to
a control volume and exactly compute the force on any the force determination. This is to take a truly Grand
body inside it using only conditions on the boundaries, View of the situation, and to treat it as a wing moving
the only singularity in this case being the trailing at constant speed in a still fluid. The problem is now
vorticity sticking through the Trefftz Plane. Any unsteady, and generation of wake vorticity occurs over a
inertia! control volume fixed with respect to the wing length of Ucosp per unit time. In coordinates oriented
will do. We select two infinite near vertical surfaces with the Trefftz Plane this generates a rate of increase of

American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
impulse rate of I * and of kinetic energy E expressed by: at the the non-linear result using some old, familiar and
beloved integrals from the linearized world!
I * = Ucos p/$(y)] dy
E*= Ucos p [l/2]<J>n; <D(y )] dy. THE STAGGER THEOREM AND OTHER
Thus one immediately obtains by using Lamb's results
for the rate of change of impulse the force normal to the The Stagger Theorem, derived by Max Munk in his
vortex wake, L**, and while the rate of work done by terrifying dissertation Isopcrimetrische Probleme aus der
the wing to create E* is given by UD, the force parallel Theorie des Fluges (1918), is much beloved by
to the speed. These two identities give: engineers because its name says exactly what it's about,
it's easy to apply and usually works. The general idea
L**= Ucos P/*(y)] dy is that one may move bound vorticity, or wing
elements, as much as one wants in the streamwise
D= cos p [l/2]4>n/$(y)] dy direction without affecting the lift and drag of the
system, providing one keeps the same circulation
which are the correct results — exact, nonlinear! distribution on an element as it is moved. If one views
events from the Trefftz Plane the theorem becomes self
To develop the above result we have assumed, to all evident, since in that plane one doesn't know how the
intents and purposes, there is some total impulse due to bound vorticity is arranged in a streamwise sense
the whole system, including all the mess around the anyhow. While the induced drag of the system is
wing and at the starting vortex; and after a unit time the unchanged by stagger, the individual drag of
stuff at the front and back remains the same and all one components is profoundly affected.
has added is that little slice, Ucosp thick, of the Trefftz
Plane-like flow having the rate of change of impulse It is interesting to apply this to a pair of lifting systems
calculated above and providing the force of L** normal with collinear bound vorticity. Consider two birds
to the wake. But L** is NOT the entire force on the gliding line abreast. We can readily demonstrate that
system, there is also the component parallel to the wake each experiences the beneficial upwash of the other's
given by D*. Thus the rate of change of impulse as trailing system, and, in fact, helps the other by exactly
calculated by the above procedure does not give the total the same amount, even if the span or lift of the two
force and thus can't be ALL the impulse, which is a systems differ. Thus a swallow flying abreast with an
vector quantity. eagle will experience just the same absolute forward
thrust in Newtons as does the eagle due to the swallow.
We have stumbled upon the Cisotti Paradox (1924), Now if one of the birds falls back in a streamwise
which states that it is a puzzlement that a flat plate direction, then it experiences a stronger upwash due to
subject only to pressure forces can experience a net force the flow outside the trailing system of the other, and
not parallel to the plate. As noted by Garret Birkhoff , thus experiences a larger induced drag saving. The
in his interesting and profound book Hydro-dynamics: a forward system has a correspondingly reduced saving.
study in logic, fact and similitude(1950). this is a
singular point paradox, which is immediately resolved In a long line of birds flying abreast, those in the
for wings of finite leading edge radius, and is called the middle experience favorable upwash from both sides and
nose thrust phenomenon. What is happening in the have an easier time than the tip members. But if the tip
lifting wing case is that the whole linear extent of the members fall back, they will reduce their relative flight
wake is increasing as time passes, and while impulse power requirements and will thus rather naturally select
normal to the wake surface is certainly added, there is a Vee formation which has eqiripartition of induced drag,
also some change in impulse parallel to the wake which and quite substantial savings. Wieselsberger, another
must be related to flow around the leading edge of the Gottingener, wrote a paper on this topic in 1919, and
wing. The remarkable thing is that computing the years later Carl Shollenberger and the author revisited it
change in energy simply by calculating the amount with the help of the IBM 360, which was considered hot
added in the strip by which die wake extends provides stuff in 1966. Thanks to Mr. Watson's admirable
the integral sufficient to calculate the streamwise force calculating engine we were able to do the tiresome sums
on the wing and hence the force parallel to the wake! which Wieselsberger had more sense than to attack by
We should be so Lucky! ! hand. It turns out that for a reasonable tip spacing a
Vee formation can provide more than 56% range
Still-an-all, we might as well quit while we're ahead, increase, which seems sufficiently large that one
and comment that if one does know the wake structure assumes that even a fowl of Limited Brain, like a
in the Trefftz Plane, and has some estimate of its Canada Goose might have noticed, or, at least, that
inclination, one can make an excellent and accurate shot those that didn't are now pate and down jackets! An

American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics

interesting consequence of our work was the fact that for computing the global features of a wing. There is,
a linear Vee, the lead bird, at the apex, had a somewhat however, one small problem, and it's not insignificant1
easier time than all the rest of the flock. We received a The whole thing is really a figment of the grand
number of queries from ornithologists, and other imagination of Doktor Trefftz - it doesn't really exist!
considerate, decent folk, who asked why the strongest Perhaps the vorticity slides off the trailing edge of the
and most senior bird should take the easiest job! Carl wing in an organized and definite pattern initially, but
loved responding that maybe geese were like people!! as soon as it moves downstream this sheet starts to
distort. Very, very bad things start to happen
WORLD WITH WALLS; BOUNDED FLOWS What happens in sordid Real Life is that usually the
shed vorticity has not been carefully arranged so that it
Thus far we have discussed wings in an infinite flow, as creates a uniform downwash on itself, so that it
though such a world existed, although for most produces a non-uniform flow in the wake. So, vortices
aerodynamic systems infinity is quite close, seldom being what they are, some go down faster than others,
more than five characteristic lengths in any direction. and then the little devils start inducing lateral flows on
Useful insight is gained by considering the effect of their neighbors, and the neighborhood goes to hell.
different boundaries. The first, ubiquitous boundary is Even in the singular case of elliptic loading, so beloved
the ground plane, which can be nicely modelled by an by the professors, which does produce uniform
image system. Lagally's Theorem here shows us that a downwash, any small perturbation will start the
sink will experience a sucking force towards- the wall, as instability. Then, before you know it, that rigid
might be expected. The surprise is that a source also Teutonic world of the Trefftz Plane with everything in
experiences a force towards the wall. Pressure Ordnung, has been reduced to a twisting, contorting dish
perturbations go like speed squared! So the wall of spaghetti, with the only redeeming grace that you
pressure is the same for source or sink, and it too, is can't break any of the strands and they swill around in
sucked towards its image! And so are all bodies of the sauce, following die flow. Leonardo knew a good
finite thickness in uniform flow in wall effect One is vortex when he saw one, consider the marvelously
so attracted to one's own image! rendered cartoon from the Windsor Codex (fig. 9).

The image system of a wing in ground effect shows that

the airfoil is really in a curved flow, moving upwards
near the center of the chord. In this case the circulation
effect will augment the lift (defined as force away from
the wall), while the thickness effect attenuates it. One
can design a body with no lift in ground effect by
bending it upwards in the middle, like a banana or a
dachshund. This is how John Letcher, with the help of
the admirable VS-AERO code, designed the shape of the
Sunraycer so that it would have no lift, a useful
attribute in alight, fast vehicle.

Attempts to identify lift components of flow

perturbations in bounded flows require care. In wind
tunnels, for example, all the cross stream forces are
represented by pressure perturbations on the boundaries -
- there can't be any downwash, that's what the walls are Fig.9 Da Vinci Sketches of Wake Flow
to prevent! Interestingly, all aircraft operating on any
planet (that covers most cases of interest!) operate in According to Vasari, he spent a lot of time observing
ground effect in the sense that their wake is long the Arno from the Ponte Vecchio. He must have, to
compared to their height from the ground plane, and so have seen all that with his naked eye (it was an
produce no net downwash momentum in an infinitely excellent one for other unclad subjects, look at his
large volume. It's a good thing we've already shown Leda!). Yogi Berra has remarked, "You can observe a
that downwash is not required for lift! lot, just by looking around". Leonardo must have
looked around a lot harder than Jean D'Alembert did at
the Seine. If he'd seen that separation aft of the piers,
VORTEX GYRATIONS: THE ROLL-UP Jean might have had more insight into his zero drag
PROBLEM results. He might have recognized that most real flows
knew where they'd come from and where they were
The Trefftz Plane provides an excellent concept for going.

American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
compute anything unless one has the correct spanwise
Anyhow with all that twisted air in a vortex wake one lift distribution to start with. If that is OK then one
would certainly expect odd things to occur. They has at least a few invariants to give some control on the
definitely do here! And one might well despair of the global features of the rolled-up downstream flow, and
sort of intelligent approximate mathematical analysis one may hope that if the wiggly bits occur at least a
that was good enough for von Karman. This area is a few spans, say six, from the wing itself, that only the
fertile field for computational fluid mechanicers. The first few moments of the vortex distribudon will affect
idea is that the field equations are really quite simple -- the induced flow at the wing, so that one might have a
all you have to do is follow the trajectory of every passable model of the induction of the far wake and add
vortex with infinite precision. It is rather frightening to it to the near wake induction to calculate the lift
attack the free vortex problem numerically. But I distribution. But enough of this conjecture; nobody
suppose some one has to do it! knows what happens here, even with our massive CFD
power. As noted, it is a Bad Scene.
So we must consider a set of two dimensional vortices,
all milling around, responding to the induction of the
others — like, well, like a herd, a most charming THE STAGNATION POINT AT THE REAR
collective noun invented by flan Kroo. If we write END
them in the form appropriate to discrete vortices, each
of strength Fj at location zj, the motion is defined by Mercifully, we have come to the limit of my knowledge
the speed, Vj , of each vortex i. Sure, the speed's of the subject of incompressible lift, actually, we are
singular, but here we can use the principal value. So somewhat beyond that point! The chapter heading seems
this is given by: like a good end; en fin, if we all designed bodies to nave
stagnation points at the back, then D'Alembert would
rest happy, and we would have no drag. Presumably
that would be a Good Thing generally, except for
This herd of vortices does its thing subject to three parachutists!
global constraints:
This paper is some kind of a homage to Leonardo. One
2 Fi = A 2 Fi zi = B wishes we could end with one of bis renderings of the
ZFj Fj In ( Zi . zj ) = C. female head. Unfortunately, our reproduction facilities
can't do his graphics justice, so well conclude with a
The constant A represents conservation of vorticity, B touching quote from that lover of all fluids and all
conservation of lift and C, conservation of energy. things human:
These are physical invariants that we should expect as " Observe, with the approach of evening,
the consequence of any rational wing theory. We may in stormy weather, hou> much grace and,
well ask why the two dimensional unsteady model also sweetness are to be seen on the faces of
respects this. After all it doesn't know it's supposed to
be the backside of a wing! The first two results come men and women in the streets".
directly from the kinematics of two dimensional as reported by Vasari in 1550.
vortices, the third reflects the fact that the vortex is
force free thus no work is done in the course of its REFERENCES
motion so the kinetic energy of the flow is conserved.
Unfortunately the contribution to C is singular at each Anderson, John, D., Fundamentals of Aerodynamics.
vortex. Actually that's not too odd, since a finite vortex McGraw-ffill,N.Y., 1984
does have an unbounded kinetic energy and creates Birkhoff, Garrett, Hydrodynamics Prinr^ton Univ.
infinite induced drag. Press, N.J., 1950
Chaucer, Geoffrey, The Parlement of Foules. 1380 ?
Why do we need to know this for actual wings? Well Giacometti, R., Aerodynamics of Leonardo da Vinci, J.
there are two reasons ~ at the wing itself we need to Roy. Ae. Soc., DC, 1930
know the induced flows to define the proper kinematic Lamb, Horace, A Treatise on the Mathematical Theory
boundary condition to get the lift pressure distribution; of the Morion of Fluids. CUP., 1879
and far downstream from the wing, where we need to Munk, MM., Isoperimetrische Probleme aus der
know what's going on for the sake of some other Theorie des Fluges, Gottingen Dissertation, 1918
innocent airplane flying into this mess of vorticity. Prandtl, L and Tietjens, O.G.. Fundamentals of Hvdro-
and Aerodynamics Dover Publications, 1934
I don't know what anyone has done recently about the Vasari, Giorgio, Lives of the Painters. Sculptors and
roll-up problem as it affects the flow at the wing. This
would seem to be the important place, because one can't Architects. 1550

American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics

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