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Roleoflocalgovernment 110826092012-phpapp02

1. 1. Role of the Local Government in Development Edwin RB. Gbargaye Discussant/Presenter

Professor: Dr. Jo B. Bitonio DM 215 Governance & Regional Administration PSU, Urdaneta
City, Pangasinan
2. 2. Structure & Function/Distinction - Significant provision of RA 7160 - Issues and
Problems in Decentralization
3. 3. Region Provinces Cities Municipalities Barangay s NCR - 16 1 1,705 CAR 6 1 76 1,176 I 4
8 117 3,265 II 5 3 90 2,311 III 7 13 117 3,102 IV-A 5 13 129 4,011 IV-B 5 2 71 1,458 V 6 7
107 3,471 VI 6 16 117 4,051 VII 4 12 120 3,003
4. 4. Region Provinces Cities Municipalities Barangay s VIII 6 4 139 4,390 IX 3 5 67 1,904 X 5
8 85 2,022 XI 4 5 44 1,162 XII 4 5 45 1,194 XIII (CARAGA) 5 3 70 1,310 ARMM 5 1 117
2,490 TOTAL 80 122 1,512 42,025
5. 5. Source: NSCB 2010
6. 6. Number of Capital Towns, Component Cities and Independent Component Cities as of
June 30, 2010
7. 7. Section 76. of LGC of 1991 Organizational Structure and Staffing Pattern. Every local
government unit shall design and implement its own organizational structure and staffing
pattern taking into consideration its service requirements and financial capability, subject to
the minimum standards and guidelines prescribed by the Civil Service Commission
8. 8. National Government ARMM 5 Provinces 117 Municipalities 2490 Barangays MMDA 1
Municipalities16 Cities Barangay Barangay 1 City
9. 9. National Government Province Highly Urbanized City Component CityMunicipality
Barangay Barangay Barangay Structure of Philippine Local Government Padilla: 1998
Structure of Philippine Local Government Padilla: 1998
10. 10. The Role of the Local Government in Development • The local government is also called
the governments of the parts of a nation. Its levels vary according to the political pattern and
experience of each and every nation like the Philippines. According to (Humes and Martin
1969), the state supervised units which can also be described as “infra-sovereign” local
governments do not have any aspect of sovereignty.
11. 11. The Role of the Local Government in Development • In unitary states like the Philippines
the supervision over local governments is done by the national government. • The UN
defines local governments as “political subdivisions of a nation or state” (UN 1962); some
authorities refer to them as “parts” of the government of a nation or state.
12. 12. The Role of the Local Government in Development • This entails assessment of the
resources, leadership potentials and administrative capabilities of the different levels of local
government, which would be the basis for determining the powers, functions and services to
be devolved to them. • Local government officials, as earlier mentioned, make political
decisions. Like earmarking revenues for different projects for the public good. These
decisions generally take the form of ordinances.
13. 13. The Role of the Local Government in Development On Development • National
development is a good achieved through an effective partnership between the central and
local governments, each one performing a service as an aspect of a function which it can
adequately perform. • The local government code (LGC) devolves to all local units the
administration of five basic services : agriculture, health, social welfare, maintenance of
public works and highways, and environmental protection. What this means is that the
appointment of persons performing these functions in their local areas is now done by the
local chief executives. There salaries are also paid from local funds.
14. 14. The Role of the Local Government in Development Revenue Generation Local
governments are authorized by law to impose certain taxes to support their activities.
However, their main source of revenue is the internal revenue tax, which is shared by the
national government with them. The Code raises their share of these taxes from 20 percent
to 40 percent. It also modifies the sharing schemes by providing for the following: 34 percent
to the municipalities, 23 percent to the cities, 23 percent to the provinces, and 20 percent to
the barangays.
15. 15. The Role of the Local Government in Development Revenue Generation - Internal
revenue allotments (IRA) are also divided according to other criteria: 50 percent by
population, 25 percent by area, and 25 percent in terms of equal sharing. Local units impose
the property realty tax, and much depends on their assessment and collection efficiency.
They also tax business. Cities and municipalities impose the amusement tax. Barangay
clearance is now needed before permits can be given by the cities and municipalities for
16. 16. The MAJOR FEATURES Republic Act No. 7160 otherwise known as the Local
Government Code of 1991
17. 17. A. Sec. 17 of LGC of 1991, Basic Services and Facilities. a. Local government units shall
endeavor to be self- reliant and shall continue exercising the powers and discharging the
duties and functions currently vested upon them. They shall also discharge the functions and
responsibilities of national agencies and offices devolved to them pursuant to this Code.
Local government units shall likewise exercise such other powers and discharge such other
functions and responsibilities as are necessary, appropriate, or incidental to efficient and
effective provision of the basic services and facilities enumerated herein.
18. 18. Devolved Basic Services On Health and Social Services: 1. include the implementation
of programs and projects on primary health care, maternal and child care, and
communicable and noncommunicable disease control services; 2. Health services which
access to secondary and tertiary health services; 3. Purchase of medicines, medical
supplies, and equipment needed to carry out the services 4. Social welfare services which
include programs and projects on child and youth welfare, family and community welfare,
women's welfare, welfare of the elderly and disabled persons;
19. 19. On Environmental Management: 1.Solid waste disposal system; 2. Services or facilities
related to general hygiene and sanitation; 3. Implementation of community-based forestry
projects which include integrated social forestry programs and similar projects; 4.
Management and control of communal forests;
20. 20. On Agriculture: 1.Inter -Barangay irrigation system; 2. Water and soil resource utilization
and conservation projects; 3. Enforcement of fishery laws in municipal waters including the
conservation of mangroves;
21. 21. On Infrastructure: 1.Maintenance and Rehabilitation of the following: a. roads and
bridges b. school buildings and other facilities for public elementary and secondary schools;
c. clinics, health centers and other health facilities d. small water impounding projects e. fish
ports; artesian wells, spring development, rainwater collectors and water supply systems; f.
seawalls, dikes, drainage and sewerage, and flood control; g. traffic signals and road signs;
and similar facilities;
22. 22. On Tourism: 1.Tourism facilities and other tourist attractions; 2. Acquisition of equipment;
3. Regulation and supervision of business concessions; and 4. Security services for such
23. 23. Devolved Regulatory Functions Inspection of food products such as meat, fruits,
poultry, milk, fish, vegetables and other foodstuffs Adoption of quarantine regulations
Enforcement of the National Building Code Regulations of tricycle operations 
Regulation of the real estate trade Licensing of cockpits B. It granted the local government
units the power to develop their own organizational structure staffing pattern and appoint
officials wholly paid by the local governments;
24. 24. Sec. 447. of LGC of 1991 Powers, Duties, Functions and Compensation. – a. The
Sangguniang Bayan, as the legislative body of the municipality, shall enact ordinances,
approve resolutions and appropriate funds for the general welfare of the municipality and its
inhabitants pursuant to section 16 of this Code and in the proper exercise of the corporate
powers of the municipality as provided for under section 22 of this Code, and shall
25. 25. (i) Review all ordinances approved by the Sangguniang Barangay and executive orders
issued by the Punong Barangay to determine whether these are within the scope of the
prescribed powers of the sanggunian and of the Punong Barangay; (vii) Subject to the
provisions of this Code and pertinent laws, determine the powers and duties of officials and
employees of the municipality; (viii) Determine the positions and the salaries, wages,
allowances and other emoluments and benefits of officials and employees paid wholly or
mainly from municipal funds and provide for expenditures necessary for the proper conduct
of programs, projects, services, and activities of the municipal government;
26. 26. NEDA Board RDC BDC CDC MDC PDC DILG: 1992 The Government Planning
HierarchyDILG: 1992 The Government Planning Hierarchy
27. 27. The Local Government Code of 1991 provided the policy context for the emergence of
entrepreneurial local governments by encouraging LGUs to enter into joint ventures and
partnerships with the private sect6or such as build-operate-transfer arrangement and bond
28. 28. Section 35 of the LGC of 1991 Linkages with People's and Non-Governmental
Organizations. – Local Government units may enter into joint ventures and such other
cooperative arrangements with people's and nongovernmental organizations to engage in
the delivery of certain basic services, capability-building and livelihood projects, and to
develop local enterprises designed to improve productivity and income, diversify agriculture,
spur rural industrialization, promote ecological balance, and enhance the economic and
social well-being of the people.
29. 29. Section 34 of the LGC of 1991 Role of People's and Nongovernmental Organizations. –
Local Government units shall promote the establishment and operation of people's and
nongovernmental organizations to become active partners in the pursuit of local autonomy.
30. 30. The Significant Provision of RA 7160 (Local Government Code) 1.When the local
government code of the Philippine was passed it was hailed as a giant step towards the
increase of autonomy in the country (Cariño, 1998). 2.It is about the transfer of certain
powers from national to local levels, increased the financial capacity of local government
units, and give greater voice not only to local governments but to the people as well. 3.When
Filipinos speak of devolution today they usually refer to the Code. 4. The essence of
31. 31. 5. The essence of Devolution 6. Democracy and Decentralization 7.Decentralization is
the means for increasing democratic strides. 8.Stresses the greater effectiveness of service
delivery through a decentralized system. 9.Decentralized powers are utilized for more
effective management. The Significant Provision of RA 7160 (Local Government Code)
32. 32. THE ISSUES/ CONCERNS (a) The inadequacy of the internal revenue shares of the
local government units to meet the budgetary requirements of the devolved function,
programs and projects; (b) The continued lack of budgetary support from the national
government for the full implementation of devolved tertiary health services; (c) The
interference of national government in personnel and fiscal management of eth local
government units; (d) The need to further broaden the tax base of the local government
units; and (e) The need to devolve more power functions and programs.
33. 33. Issues and Problems in Decentralization •In the Phil decentralization is a strategy for
development and democratization since the 1950s. This thrusts, however, have shifted over
time. Decentralization in the past focused on deconcentration (administrative
decentralization) •Decentralization during the late eighties up to the present focused on
devolution or political decentralization. The government had stepped up its decentralization
efforts by emphasizing devolution.
34. 34. Issues and Problems in Decentralization • Under the LGC responsibility sharing and
authority sharing, local governments were mandated to supplement or assist in the delivery
of these functions. • Decentralization changes have been made to pursue development and
democratization goals. • Privatization is another area of decentralization. It is a policy reform
that disposes idle GOCCs. Its an economic and political benefit to national government.
35. 35. Some of the Problems of Decentralization are: • Political dynasty (elite dominated
politics) • It encourages corruption
Study Tour on Local Government Administration and Management Development Academy of
the Philippines, 2006 Reference:
37. 37. End of presentation

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