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Seat No.: ________ Enrolment No.




Subject Code:1015006 Date: 03/06/2016

Subject Name: Architectural Communication Skills-I
Time: 02.30PM – 04.30PM Total Marks:50


1. Attempt any five questions.

2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary.
3. Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q.1 (A) Fill in the blanks by choosing the proper verb given in the brackets. (Any five) 05

1. The Manager accompanied by the workers ________ coming here. (is, are)
2. Bread and butter ________ a good morning breakfast. (is, are)
3. Romio and Juliet ________ published in 1603. (was, were)
4. Every man, woman and child ________ this new movie. (like, likes)
5. Neither the engineer nor the overseers ________ the duties honestly. (discharge,
6. Some of the pipes ________ stolen from the office. (was, were)
7. Those scissors ________ to me. (belong, belongs)

Q.1 (B) Insert suitable determiners. 05

1. ________ Mahabharata is a sacred book for the Hindus.

2. ________ knowledge is a dangerous thing.
3. How ________ work can be finished today?
4. Not ________ people have telephones in their houses.
5. ________ one day match is always interesting.

Q.2 (A) Connect the following sentences using appropriate connectors. 05

1. Let us be thankful to our parents. All that they have done for us. (and, for, but)
2. Going up the hill. A huge temple is visible there. (If, and, however)
3. Ram went to Lanka. Sita was kept in Lanka. (For, and, because)
4. I cleaned my room. I went out. (Before, for, Because)
5. Could I have a knife? Could I have a fork? (but, if, and)

Q.2 (B) Rewrite as Directed. (Any Five) 05

1. It’s been raining _____ lunchtime. (write ‘since’ or ‘for’ whichever is appropriate)
2. How ---------- work can be finished today? (Insert ‘many’ or ‘much’)
3. Geologists say that the core of the earth is cooling down. (Turn into passive voice)
4. If I lend you money, when you (repay) me? (Put the verb in bracket in to the correct

5. {a} The off-shore drilling has proved very difficult and expensive
{b} The O.N.G.C will go ahead with it
(Combine the following pairs of sentences using ‘still’ or ‘however’)
6. An engineer works out a route. (Put in to the plural)

Q.3 (A) Change the voice. 05

1. Ram killed Ravan.

2. New Zealand was beaten in the world cup final by Australia.
3. This house was built in 1953.
4. A lot of money was stolen in the robbery.
5. Somebody cleans the room every day.

Q.3 (B) Change the following direct speech into reported speech. 05

1. Rahul said, “I woke up feeling ill, so I didn’t go to work.”

2. Sheetal said to Geeta, “I like Gujarat for many reasons.”
3. Steve says, “I don’t know what Ramu is doing.”
4. Amit says, “My new job is very challenging.”
5. Kiran said to Helly, “Don’t wait for me if I am late.”

Q.4 What do you understand by Kinesics (Body Language)? Discuss various forms of Body
language with appropriate examples. 10


Q.4 Write Short notes on:

1. Proxemics
2. Importance of Body Language in Presentation

Q.5 Define the following architectural vocabularies: (Any Five) 10

1. Lintel
2. Row house
3. Foundation
4. Window
5. Symmetry and asymmetry
6. Dome
7. Floor plans


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