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CHRIST (Deemed to be
academic discipline, es, science, commerce,
imparting of Holistic Edu- management, engi-
“Let there be no cation and adoption of neering, education, and
global higher education law to over 20,000 stu-
day in your lives in
practiceswith the support dents. The campus is a
which you did no
of creative and dedicated living example for the
good to others.”
staff. University Grants harmonious multicul-
- Golden rule of our
Commission (UGC) of India turalism with students
beloved founder, conferred Autonomy to from all the states of
St. Kuriakose Elias Christ College in 2004 and India and around 60
Chavra identified it as an Institu- different countries.
tion with Potential for CHRIST (Deemed to be
CHRIST (Deemed to be Excellence in 2006. In University) publishes six
University) was born 2008 under Section 3 of peer-reviewed research
out of the educational the UGC Act, 1956, the journals and has pub-
vision of St Kuriakose Ministry of Human Re- lished more than 300
Elias Chavara, an edu- source Development of books in Kannada and
cationalist and social the Government of India, English. A promoter of
reformer of the nine- declared the institution a sports, music and liter-
teenth century in South Deemed to be University, ary activities, it is a nur-
India. He founded the in the name and style of turing ground for crea-
first Catholic indige- CHRIST (Deemed to be tive excellence.
nous congregation, University). One of the first
Carmelites of Mary institutions in India to be
Immaculate (CMI), in accredited in 1998 by the
1831 which administers NAAC, and subsequently
CHRIST (Deemed to be in 2004 and 2016, CHRIST
University). (Deemed to be University)
has the top grade ‘A’ in the
Established in 1969 as 4-point scale.
Christ College, it under-
took path- breaking The multi-disciplinary Uni-
initiatives in Indian versity which focuses on
higher education with teaching research and ser-
the introduction of vice offers Bachelors to
innovative and modern Doctoral programmes in
curricula, insistence on humanities, social scienc

Department of Management
The Department of Management Studies was estab-
lished in the year 1991. It has a clearly defined
approach for creating quality managers and entrepre-

neurs to face the challenges of the business world.
The Department offers undergraduate courses such
as Bachelors of Business Administration (BBA), Bach-
elors in Hotel Management (BHM) and post graduate
courses like MBA (Finance Management) and MBA
(Executive) that are specifically designed to dissemi-
nate academic and applied knowledge in the field of
business management.

“Success is not a destination, it is a journey; a journey in

the pursuit of constant enhancement.”

Christ University Management

Christ University Management Association (CUMA) is
a conglomerate of students and teachers of the De-
partment of Management Studies working together
for the welfare and holistic development of the stu-
dents. The association encourages and promotes the
students to showcase talents and hone their skills by
providing opportunities to excel in their areas of inter-
est. The association is the backbone to the varied
activities that the Department hosts and the core of
its functionality.

Esprit is the annual international intercollegiate management
fest, conducted by the Christ University Management Associa-
tion under the patronage of the Department of Management
Studies, Christ (Deemed to be University), in the month of Sep-
tember. The fest is an intellectual avenue that prepares the
students for all the challenges that the corporate world
unveils. In the past, Esprit has successfully surfaced as a brand
in itself, invoking participation from hundreds of students from
various management institutions and universities across the
country and abroad. It provides a platform for students to
showcase their innate abilities, prove their mettle and apply
their conceptual knowledge in a mirage of the pressing
real-life business situations and circumstances that challenge
them to think out-of-the-box and on their feet.

“The struggle you face today, develops

the strength you need for tomorrow”


The theme for this year is ‘The Dauntless Consortium’;

Esprit 2019 provides the participants with the opportunity
to develop their expertise in a plethora of industries. In the
current times, it has become prevalent that having a holis-
tic understanding and vast knowledge in a variety of busi-
ness sectors is a major factor that differentiates the extraor-
dinary from the ordinary.

The ability to pinpoint critical areas and formulate para-

digm shifting strategies to come up with a solution is para-
mount in this fest. Contingents will be compelled to adapt
to the rapidly changing business settings and apply their
conceptual knowledge on a detailed and microscopic level.
The primary goal is to smartly and efficiently solve the chal-
lenges faced in each industry. As each industry is unique in
nature, contingents will need to think out-of-the-box and
on their feet. Each contingent will be evaluated, scrutinised,
and only the finest will make it to the top. Those who can
conquer each industry and brainstorm breakthrough strat-
egies, will emerge victorious. This is the chance to match
wits, grits and be declared the champion.

International Undergraduate
Management Competition
The International Undergraduate Management Competition (IUMC) is a virtual busi-
ness competition with global B-School and University participants. With rigorous
tasks based on the current global phenomena, IUMC aims to popularize the concept
of Business Fests, a very sophisticated Management learning tool used in India and
abroad, for hands-on learning experience in creating business opportunities from
different problem-cases.

Four years after its inception and growing success, IUMC this year, aims to test the
skills of the participants to find gold in the dirt, to make game plans for success in
this upcoming gold rush of ‘disruptive innovations’ and ‘extreme economy crisis’.

IUMC is a wonderful case study and tasks-based platform to gain real experience to
gain critical thinking skills and an entrepreneurial mindset to solving problems, in a
‘profitable-for-all’ way.

Transcending the frontiers of comfort and hesitation, beyond the reach of fear and
reservation, lies the truth of creation.

‘Eureka’19’ is one such platform that provides the passionate minds of the world an
opportunity to try and test their business ideas in front of an esteemed panel of
investors; to find a perfect blend of the Dauntless and the Erudite.

A choice is what you have to make, a choice that can transform you.

Best Manager
“There is but one rule: Hunt or be Hunted.”

The Best Manager is one whose drive inspires action in others. Unshaken in his
resolves, he pushes a situation to its extreme to achieve his vision; always for the
greater good. The Ascendant brings to the table the simplest qualities that make the
greatest difference –discipline, zeal, wisdom and most importantly, an unmatched
morale. He isn’t a person, he is the self-realized spirit that resides in all of us; waiting
to unlock his potential.

In the hunt, participants will be pushed beyond their limits into perplexed situations
which would involve solving crisis, save crashing firms, correct destructive actions,
defend irrevocable words and make peace in war like situations. The one who
breaks the barriers of mediocrity, changes perceptions and develops new perspec-
tives of looking at problems and creates the simplest yet most effective solutions
creatively and quickly will be crowned ‘The Ascendant’.

Raman Singh 7275250486

Mohd Arsalan 7625083156


Public Relations
“Communication and communication strategy are not just part of the game - it is
the game.” - Oscar Munoz

Argentum Lingua, the Latin word for Silver Tongue, means the tendency to be elo-
quent and persuasive. In a world so dynamic as ours today, it is extremely imperative
to have the ability to influence others by reducing barriers to resistance and by
making it easier for them to say ‘yes’.

Despite what others in the corporate sector may think, persuading and influencing in
PR is not about bending the truth, insincere flattery or omission of facts. It’s about
negotiating, considering a situation from the perspective of the other person, under-
standing how individuals and businesses operate, and anticipating and overcoming
potential challenges to ultimately achieve the best results.

In world where feelings triumph in a fact fight, corporates now need to mould what
the common man feels and what he sees. This ability lies within those who master the
skills of Public Relations and ‘Argentum Lingua’ aims to educate one.

Juhi Sacheti 9962172626

Varun Paul 9620790949


Corporate Strategy
“Win a no-win situation by rewriting the rules.”

The founder-hero of Athens, Theseus was a transitional catalyst who stood for strate-
gic dominance. The myths surrounding Theseus, his journeys, exploits, and alliances
have provided material for contemporary strategists and visionaries.

The corporate world demands Theseus-esque dynamic and dominant traits. The
sheer valor and bravado of Theseus cut through time and established itself to be an
eternal trait to conquer the most exigent scenarios.

With tasks ranging from mergers and acquisitions, hostile takeovers, legal disputes,
cross-border conflicts and expansions, Corporate Strategy transcends the restrictions
of specialization. The strategists are required to analyze internal and external ele-
ments that impact their plans and to see the big picture.

Corporate strategy is not for the followers but the leaders, with innate Theseus-esque

Anmol Singh Dhand 9205199683

Aditya Bihani 8861836837


The Entrepreneur
“Life is too short to be living somebody else’s dream.” -Hugh Hefner

Czar is someone having great power or authority. Along with power comes great
responsibility. Just like an entrepreneur, a Czar can make or break any situation. Tap-
ping into the opportunities and creating something of value is an entrepreneur’s job.

The world is evolving into a phase characterized by constant change. Businesses are
on one hand solving some of our biggest problems and on the other hand creating
new ones. This time calls for entrepreneurs who are the embodiment of innovation
and creativity. The event focuses on developing the entrepreneurial skills of the par-
ticipants. It’s all about breaking the barriers, overcoming the challenges and emerging
as ‘The Czar’.

Nandini Agarwal 9450471400

Karan Kothari 9462830733


Business Quiz
"The only true wisdom is in knowing, you know nothing" - Socrates.

Knowledge is one of those rare things that grow when its distributed. The core
strength of a Dauntless Consortium lays in the fact that they're aware of all the things
happening around them. This awareness and the ability to question things is what
sets the champions apart from the rest. The key here is not the possession of the
knowledge but also the practice of putting that knowledge to use.

In Latin, Eruditus means enlightened. Enlightenment comes from understanding and

not just from learning. An Erudite person has both deep and broad familiarity with
general subjects and is usually knowledgeable in a particular subject, by virtue of
study and extensive research. The curiosity, the thirst and the unwavering want for
knowledge, is the very basis of excelling in life. The Business Quiz consists of a wide
variety of real-life complex questions that cover major fields from Fast Moving Con-
sumer Goods to Information Technology.

Aman Mardia 9003174686

Rohan Dudeja 9013494094


Wealth Management
“The real measure of your wealth is how much you’d be worth if you lost all your

Management is one of the most important skills of The Magnate. Wealth Manage-
ment is what leads to wealth creation and is one of the most essential things required
by homosapiens throughout the globe. The story of “Rags to Riches” is what best
describes Wealth Managers who turned their dimes into diamonds while others lost

Wealth Management at Esprit takes a leap from traditional finance to the latest tech-
niques used in the industry and includes current happenings that have constantly
been disrupting the industry.

In drawing parallels with the Indian economic market, the journey of The Magnate will
be one which is short but filled with obstacles they must overcome.

Komal Agrawal 9331041999

Aditya Raj Budhiya 9886615155


“Be that one marketing truism, people cannot ignore.” - Jay Baer

In this world of make-believe, it is important for marketers to stand out for the value
they provide. Eunoia provides a grandstand for people who ‘Think beautifully’ and
claim to be indomitable and free spirited so that they can emerge as the kingpin of
all marketers out there.

The time is ripe to prove to the world that your ways are unbowed and insurmounta-
ble. This is a stage, to perform and enact a story like none other to emerge as the
‘Dauntless Winners’ of this consortium. A spontaneous breakthrough counts a lot
more than a planned and thoroughly worked out marketing campaign. The beauty
of spontaneity lies in the output of a broad category of uncontrolled yet astonishing
higher-order mental processes that arise not so frequently in everyday life.
The seeming randomness by which unplanned thoughts arise might give people a
good reason to dismiss them as meaningless, but to try and derive a creative mean-
ing out of these thoughts is what a marketer is known for.

Anjali Shah 9773122884

Niharika Nanaiah 9900422432


Group Task
“The witty, acknowledge the strengths of others and know how to build their

Divergent is an individual who has an aptitude for more than one form of action;
someone who isn’t ordinary; one who constantly moves towards making himself
better. Divergent believes in simple acts of bravery; in the courage that drives one
person to stand up for, and with another.

Group Task is one such event where the divergence in each participant will be identi-
fied and put through its paces. A test of courage, synchronization, creativity and
knowledge through a series of events will bring to light the dire need and the rewards
of togetherness. Loyalty and commitment shall become the guiding path leading
teams to success, for it is not what you know, that matters; it is, what you are willing
to learn, that makes all the difference.

Ankita Sanghvi 9840168278

Rishikumar T 9500195770

Human Resources
“Expect change. Analyze the landscape. Take the opportunities. Stop being the
chess piece; become the player. It’s your move.” - Tony Robbins

Kairos is timelessness, appropriateness and symmetry leading to the awareness of

the rhetorical situations or the circumstances that open moments of opportunity. It
translates to the right, critical or opportune moment which defines the framework of
ideas and practices that finds its application in the streams of Human Resource man-

Human Resources at Esprit moves way beyond the conventional designs and layouts
surrounding the insightful industry of dealing with unpredictable human behaviors,
towards the implementation of ideas, opinions and philosophies which can be
termed as ‘new’ for the world around us.

Breaking all the conventions attached to the event, this year the benchmark has been
set even higher and the battle will be in the favour of the one who gets the right click
at the right time and irrevocably portraying the true spirit of a Human Resource.

Kkhush Aggarwal 8799982999

Shivatmika Bathija 7019944028


General Guidelines
Esprit is a fest open to Undergraduate Students only.
• Participants are expected to follow the CHRIST (Deemed to be University) Code of
• A bona fide letter duly signed by the HOD/Principal/Coordinator, with details of all
the participants and the events they are participating in is required.
• All the participants are requested to carry their College ID Cards.
• Each college can have a contingent of 9+2 participants.
The composition for the mandatory events are as follows:

Best Manager 1
The Entrepreneur 1
Wealth Management 1
Public Relations 1
Human Resources 1
Marketing 1
Corporate Strategy 1
Business Quiz 2

• Standalone Event: Eureka - 2 Participants

• Participating in all the events is mandatory for the Contingent except EUREKA.
• Registration Time for all the contingents is 7:30 am on 12th of September, 2019.
• All the participants are required to carry their own Laptops, Internet Dongles, Pen
drives for the event.
• Formal Dress Code should be followed throughout the course of the event.
• All the outstation colleges will have to carry Government ID for accommodation
• All the participants will have to carry their PAN card
• Registration Charges for mandatory events:
• For In-Station Colleges – Rs. 1000/Participant
• For Out-Station Colleges – Rs. 1500/Participant
• Registration Charges for EUREKA:
• For In-Station Participants – Rs. 300/Participant
• For Out-Station Participants – Rs. 1500/Participant
• Mode of Payment:
• Payment will have to be made via an online portal.
• Payment details will be forwarded shortly through another mail.
• Lunch will be provided on both the days of the event for the participants.
• Last Date for Registration is 1st September 2019.

Contact Information

Faculty in-charge:
Prof Nijumon K John : +91 7338484864

Student coordinators:
Ben Joseph : +91 89711 48994
Samridhi G : +91 70328 09800
Maanvith K : +91 87903 28649




E-mail Phone Address Tel : +91-80-4012 9100 CHRIST (Deemed to be

Fax : +91-80-4012 9000 Universiy) Hosur Road,

Bengaluru - 560029,

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