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How does the Philippine Society and culture view discrimination of the workplace?

How it is perceived
by such?

-Equality in the workplace means that all employees have access to equal opportunities and peripherals
regardless of age, gender, race, disability, sexual orietation, religious, beliefs, or class.

– Each person has his/her own set of subjectivess biases on the norms, culture, and traditons, they
exeperienced while growing up. Its result, there's a tendency for people to make quick
judgements about others whether SUBCONCIOUSLY or UNCONCIOUSLY.
– A lot of times, people aren't even awarre when their comments/actions can already be
considered discriminatory.

• Sex/Gender
• Disability discrimination
• Racial and Religious
• Age discrimination

• CONSTITUTION – guarantees equal employment opportunities dor all. DOLE issue IRR of
R.A. No. 10911 otherwise known as the Anti- Age Discriminatio in Employment Act. Aims to
promote the employment of persons based on their skills and qualifications not their age, and
prohibits arbitrary age requirements in their employment, training etc.

• R.A. 8504 criminalizes discrimination against people living with HIV in the workplace in any
form from hiring, promotion or assignments, based on the actual perceived or suspected HIV
status of an individual. Termination from work solely on the basis of actual or perceived HIV
status is also unlawful.

• The DOLE encouraged workers to report companies who violate the Anti-Age Discrimination
LAw, that prohibits employers tyo set age limitations in advertising job vacancies in media and
in requiring declaration of age during work application process, as well as deny an employee's
promotion or opportunity for training and impose early retirement due to their age.

• Survey finds that Filipino companies are not acepting of LGBTQT. More than half of the
companies included in the survey said that they had no plans of creating SOGIE-based anti-
discrimination policies. (
• The Philippines has strong laws, notably the HIV/AIDS law which criminalizes workplace
discrimination against people with the HIV. But there is a little eveidence that the government is
adequately enforcing the laws to prevent and punish workplace discrimination
• Companies found to be noncomplaiant to the HIV/AIDS law do not face sanctions and are
often just filed a negligible amount.
• 76% of Women and Working mothers in the Philippiunes still experience workplace
• Additionally 17% of women have beenn questioned about their desire to start a family during
the interview process, indicating that this is still a factor in many employer's hiring decision.

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