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Post-World War II Military Alliances Guided Notes Name:

The United States The Soviet Union
Under the American ____________ system private citizens controlled
Under the Soviet system ___________ had the ___________ control all
almost ______ economic activity and voting by the people elected a
property and economic activity and the ___________ party had totalitarian
_________ and __________ from competing political parties.
control over the government with ______ opponents.

Answer the question based on the information on the slide “Mounting The United Nations
The United Nations was a _____________ _______ created in April 1945
Tensions”: What possible long term effects would Stalin’s takeover of
with members of ______ nations. The UN would soon turn into an arena of
eastern Europe lead to?
________ between the United States and the _______ _________.

Key Terms Political Cartoon Analysis

(use the space provided to write down bolded key terms) (use the space provided to jot down thoughts of the political cartoon)
Use the back of this page to answer the following question:
Did the United States OR the Soviet Union contribute greater to the rising Cold War tensions in the 1950s?

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