Book Review Rubric

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Book Review Assessment  

Year level: ​6/7 

Text Type: ​Book Reviews 
Title of book: ‘​ Once’ by Morris Gleitzman 

Create a book review that describes, analyses and evaluates the novel ‘Once’ by Morris Gleitzman.  

You will be assessed on: 

● Accurate structure 
● Detail and description of paragraphs 
● Making connections between the novel and the reader’s experiences 
● Spelling and grammar 
Things to remember: 
● You need to have at least four paragraphs: one for context, one for description, one for judgement and 
one for recommendation.  
● Use quotes from the book as evidence or examples.  
● Edit your work for correct spelling and grammar.  

Draft Due: ​Friday Week 9  

Due Date: ​Thursday Week 10  

Book Review Rubric 

‘Once’ by Morris Gleitzman 

Learning Intention 

Create a book review that describes, analyses and evaluates the novel ‘Once’ by Morris Gleitzman.  

Achievement Standard 

Year 6: ​Students analyse and explain how language features and vocabulary are used by authors to represent ideas, 
characters and events.They create detailed texts elaborating on key ideas for a range of purposes and audiences. They 
select and use evidence from a text to explain their response to meaning.  
Year 7: ​Students demonstrate an understanding of how the choice of language features, images and vocabulary affects 
meaning. They understand how the selection of a variety of language features can influence an audience. They create 
structured texts for a range of purposes and audiences.  

  A  B  C  D/E 

Overall Structure:   The review is written  The review is written  The review is written in  The review appears 
title, context,  with paragraphs  with well constructed  clear paragraphs, using  disorganised and/or 
description,  constructed at a high  paragraphs and  the correct structure.   lacks clear structure.  
judgement,  level, that follow the  follows the book review 
recommendation  book review structure.   structure. 

Description and  Each paragraph  The review provides  The review provides  The review provides 
Detail  provides detail and  detail and description  the necessary detail  minimal detail and 
description at a  at a good level.   and description for  description.  
significantly high level.   each 

Reader’s  The reader’s  The reader’s  The reader’s  The review does not 
Experiences  experiences are  experiences are  experiences are  make connections 
discussed thoroughly  discussed thoroughly in  discussed in the  between the book and 
and referred to  the judgement and  judgement and  the reader’s 
continuously  recommendation  recommendation  experiences.  
throughout the review  paragraphs.   paragraphs.  
with appropriate 
connections made. 

Spelling and  All words are spelled  All words are spelled  There are some  There are numerous 
Grammar  correctly and there are  correctly and there are  spelling and  spelling/grammatical 
no grammatical errors.   less than 3 spelling or  grammatical errors  errors, including high 
grammatical errors.   that are not common  frequency words.  

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