Pathways Infographic Draft 3

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L1: Mastering Fundamentals L2: Learning Your Style L3: Increasing Your Knowledge L4: Building Skills L5:

nowledge L4: Building Skills L5: Demonstrating Expertise

1 2 3 4 5
01 02 03
01: The Ice Breaker
04 05 06
04: A required Project
07 08 09
07: A required Project
* 10
*Serve as Toastmaster,
11 12 13
12: A required Project
A 4 to 6 minute speech to
05: A required Project List of projects in Level 3: Topicsmaster, and List of projects in Level 5:
introduce yourself to the Project Evaluator before Lead in Any Situation
*Confidence is unique because it cannot be taught, but is gained in every path. List of projects in Level 2: Negotiate the Best Outcome
club. Reaching Consensus beginning Level 4 Leading in your Volunteer Org
02: Evaluation & Understanding your Understanding Emotional Intelligence Manage Successful Events
Communication Style Understanding Conflict Resolution Team Building
Feedback Understanding your 10: A required Project High Performance Leadership
Present a Proposal
A 5 to 7 minute speech on any Leadership Style Planning & Implementing List of projects in Level 4: Prepare to Speak Professionally
topic, then review and incorpo- Connect with your Audience Persuasive Speaking Develop your Vision
rate feedback from your first Active Listening Manage Change
Successful Collaboration
Managing Time Manage Projects Successfully
speech into a second 5 to 7 Develop a Communication Plan
minute speech. After completing Effective Body Language Make Connections through
Leading your Team 13: Choose an Elective
Cross Cultural Understanding Motivate Others
both speeches, serve as a Networking List of 6 electives in Level 5:
Leading in Difficult Siutations
speech evaluator. Managing a Difficult Audience Lessons Learnt
(May be used as credit for Level 4 06: Introduction to 08: Choose an Elective Public Relations Strategies Moderate a Panel Discussion
requirement) Toastmasters Mentoring 09: Choose an Elective Communicate Change Ethical Leadership
Reflect upon and present a Improvement through Positive High Performance Leadership
03: Researching & List of 13 electives in Level 3: Coaching Prepare to Speak Professionally
5 to 7 minute speech about
Presenting Deliver Social Speeches Leading in your Volunteer Org
a time when you were a
Select and research a topic Using Presentation Software 11: Choose an Elective
mentee, and share the
you are not familiar with, or Connect with Storytelling 14: Reflect on your Path
impact and importance of Creating Effective Visual Aids List of 8 electives in Level 4:
you wish to learn more
having a mentor. This Using Descriptive Language Create a Podcast At a club meeting, present a 10
about, and present a 5 to 7 to 12 minute speech to share
speech is not a report on Connect with Your Audience Building a Social Media Presence
minute speech. your experience completing
the content of this project Focus on the Positive Managing a Difficult Audience
Inspire Your Audience Write a Compelling Blog your path. Your speech may be
(Part of the Pathways Mentor in any style that appeals to you
Prepare for an Interview Manage Online Meetings
Projects common to all Paths Program — see below) and supports your speech
Understanding Vocal Variety Question-and-Answer Session
Effective Body Language Public Relations Strategies content.
Required Project, specific to your chosen Path
Active Listening Manage Projects Successfully
Choose an Elective (may not repeat any project attempted in the same path) Make Connections Through
Required Projects in Level 2 Required Project in Level 5
Effective High Performance Leadership:
Understanding your Understanding your
Communication Style Leadership Style Coaching Deliver a 5 to 7 minute speech at a club meeting to introduce your
plan and vision. Complete a project with a team of at least 3 other members
Innovative Connect with Planning Form and meet with a guidance committee at least 5 times
your throughout the duration of the project. After you implement the plan,
Effective Planning Audience Persuasive deliver a second 5 to 7 minute speech to share your experience
Coaching developing and completing your plan.
Effective Presentation Dynamic Leadership Managing
Body Time Leading in your Volunteer Organisation/ Lead in Any Situation:
Language Mastery Leadership Development Strategic
Visionary Relationships Take on a leadership role in Toastmasters or with your volunteer
Strategic Cross-Cultural organisation, or in your career for at least 6 months. Ask your peers/
Relationships Understanding Dynamic members of the organisation for a 360degrees evaluation of your
Leadership leadership skill.
Persuasive Create a succession plan to aid the transition after you
Motivational Influence leave your leadership position. Present a 5-7 minute /
Strategies Collaboration
8-10 minute speech about your experience.
Collaboration Leadership Manage Successful Events:
Plan, co-ordinate and complete a chosen event, in your club, or another
Development environment. After the event, deliver a 5-7 minute speech.
Active Listening
(Serve as a Topicsmaster) Motivational Team Building:
May be used as credit for Level 4 requirement Build and work with a small team on a team-building event. After the event,
Strategies deliver a 5-7 minute speech to your club.
Pathways Mentor Program Presentation Prepare to Speak Professionally:
Prepare to Mentor: Prepare and present a 18-22 minute keynote style speech. You may present
(May begin after Level 2) Mastery your speech outside of the club environment with your VPE’s approval.
Complete the self-evaluation resources included in this A structured program to help
project. Meet with VPE to discuss your readiness to mentor. you understand best practices for Visionary Develop your Vision:
There is no speech associated with this project. mentoring and practice mentoring Communication Develop and present a vision at a club meeting in a 5-7 minute speech.
on a small and large scale. Optional Establish a timeline for implementing your plan using the resources included.
Mentoring: program, no credit rewarded. Deliver another 5 to 7 minute speech to present your plan.
Work with a protégé to complete a project. Your VPE will
help match you with a fellow member. Assist the protégé in Required Electives DTM
setting goals and developing a plan. After your mentorship,
deliver a 5-7 minute speech about your experience. Complete 2 paths Club Mentor Project
OR Club Coach
Advanced Mentoring:
Mentor a fellow member or other person for 6 months. Communicate
You are considered a
Pathways Mentor after
Serve as Club Officer
(1 year)
+ + Pathways
regularly with your protégé, record meeting dates and times, and completing all Pathways YLP OR Speechcraft Distinguished
give and receive feedback both verbally and in writing. After your Mentor Program projects
Serve as District Officer OR Club Sponsor
(1 year) Toastmaster
mentorship, deliver a 5-7 minute speech about your experience. AND a full path in Pathways.
Made by John Lee, District 80
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