1 Primer Writing Basic 10

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In my house we keep a very famous painting which is located in the visiting room to decorate

and entertain.

This is Mona Lisa, a famous art painting that is famous for her smile. If you look at his face,
mainly his eyes, Mona Lisa is smiling, but if you look at his mouth he is not smiling. the
something interesting and at the same time very mysterious. The pintra comes from France, it
is made of oil painting on wooden board, we get it at an art store in the city of Lima. Mona Lisa
was created by Leonardo da Vinci. This painting is considered the most famous in the world,
for its pleasant smile and the very interesting background with the person portrayed and that
there is a game between them. That makes Mona Lisa so famous. In the story he tells that it
was stolen from the Louvre museum and because of that robbery, he became more famous. It
is also said that he was already famous before the robbery.

In conclusion, mona lisa is the best painting in the world and it is very pleasant to see it.

en mi casa conservamos una pintura muy famosa la cual esta ubicada en la sala de visitas para
poder adornar y entretener.

Se trata de Mona Lisa, una famosa pintura de arte que es famosa por su sonrisa. Si tú miras su
cara, principalmente sus ojos, Mona Lisa está sonriendo, pero si miras su boca no está
sonriendo. el algo interesante y a la vez muy misterioso. La pintra proviene de Francia, está
hecho de pintura al oléo sobre tabla de madera, la conseguimos en una tienda de arte en la
ciudad de Lima. La mona lisa fue creada por Leonardo da Vinci. Esta pintura es considerada la
mas famosa del mundo, por su agradable sonrisa y el fondo tan interesante con la persona
retratada y que haya un juego entre ellas. Eso hace a la Mona Lisa tan famosa. En la historia
cuenta que fue robada del museo louvre y debido a ese robo esque se iso mas famosa.
También se dice que ya era famosa antes del robo.

En conclusion, la mona lisa es la mejor pintura del mundo y es muy agrabable verla.

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