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School : _______________________
Class : VI (six)
Lesson : English Language
Semester : 2 (two)
Standard Competence : Membaca Evaluation

7. Memahami teks fungsional pendek dan deskriptif bergambar sangat sederhana dalam konteks sekitar peserta didik

Material Learning Activity Indicator Times Resources
1. Vocabulary :
7.3 Memahami  List of difficult words and 1. Students learn new  Students can build  Group test 6 x 35 1.Teacher’s
teks naratif vocabulary and up new words and (performance) minutes handout
bergambar meaning explained the meaning.
1. Nest : sarang by teacher.
sangat  Students know the  Individual 2.Teacher’s
sederhana 2. Hatch : menetas 2. Practice. use of the new test (written expression
3. Crack : retak 3. Students learn how words in a test)
 The examples in to use the words in sentence. 3.Pictures
sentences; sentences.  Character
1. The young birds is on the 4. Practice. education 4.Video
nest. 5. Students do small observation:
2. One egg hatchs. quiz by filling
crossword. 5.Power point
3. A stone cracks the glass.  Confident and slides
6. Students do fun respect.
 Practice activity by arranging
 Small quiz the puzzle.
Fill crossword!
 Fun activity
Arrange this puzzle into the
corrrect order!

Wakhyu Budi U. & Fatimah

2. Pronunciation
 List of difficult words 7. Students listen to the  Students can  Group test
pronunciation: the teacher’s pronounce the (performance)
pronunciation of the words in the correct
1. crack /krǣk /
words. order.  Character
2. terrible /ˈter.ə.bl  ̩/
3. beautiful /'bju;tIfl 8. Students practice to observation
imitate the teacher’s
 Practice pronunciation.
Listen and repeat the words
bellow! 9. Students do fun
activity by
 fun activities pronouncing what
look at the picture and
they see in the
pronounce what you see!

3. Grammar
 Simple past tense 10. Students learn how  Students can master  Group test
function. to use simple past simple past tense (performance)
tense. formula.  Individual
- Simple past tense is used to
stated action in the past
 Students build up test (written
11. Students learn about the knowledge of test)
regular and irregular regular and
verb. irregular verb.  Character
 List of regular and
 Students can education
irregular verb:
differentiate the observation
1. regular verbs 12. Students learn the pattern between
walk-walked example of sentence simple past tense

Wakhyu Budi U. & Fatimah

work-worked in simple past tense. and simple present
jump-jumped tense.
2. irregular verb
13. Practice by doing .
 example:
I walked alone yesterday.
He ate noodle last night.
 exercise

4. Pictures of The Ugly

Duckling story and simple
 The written text of Ugly 14. Students watch  Student can answer  Group test
Duckling Story with carefully for every comprehension (performance)
pictures. picture that teacher question of The  Individual
shows. Ugly Duckling test (written
15. Student listen to the story. test)
story of The Ugly  Students can retell
Duckling that is read the story.  Character
by teacher.  Students are education
16. Students follow expected to perform observation:
Mother duck was on her
every sentence that the following Confident and
nest. She waited for her
teacher reads for behavior, they are: respect.
eggs to hatch.
practicing reading 1. self-confident,
.... aloud. 2. respect.
 List of comprehension 17. Students answer the
questions. comprehension
1. What did mother duck wait questions.
for? 18. Students work in
a. Her friend to come group to arrange the

Wakhyu Budi U. & Fatimah

b. Her eggs to hatch jumbled pictures of
2. What did happen to the The Ugly Duckling
eggs? story.
a. It cracked 19. The group leader
b. It lost retells the story to
the whole class by
 Fun activity.
using his own
Arrage the jumbled picture words.
into correct order! 20. Each group answer
Some question for
 Small quiz.
group discussion.
Retell the story of The Ugly
Duckling in your own

5. Intonation
 List of sentences with 21. Students learn how  Students can read  Group test
examples of the to use appropriate the sentences in (performance)
intonation of story proper intonation.
What kind of a duck are
22. Students listen to  Character
you? ↘
Mother duck was on her teacher’s intonation. education
nest. ↘ 23. Practice. observation:
24. Students do fun
One shell cracked. ↗ confident.
activity by watching
a video of a story
 fun activities
Watch this video!
6. The Final Quiz
Choose the correct answer! 25. Students do the  Teacher can  Individual
1. How many eggs were comprehension measure the test (written
there? question that have students test)
a. twenty covered all the understanding of
b. seven material been taught. the material given.
c. two

Wakhyu Budi U. & Fatimah

Wakhyu Budi U. & Fatimah

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