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SCHOOL : _____________________
Subject : English
Class/Semester : VI/2
Standard Competence : 7. Memahami teks fungsional pendek dan deskriptif
bergambar sangat sederhana dalam konteks sekitar
peserta didik.
Basic Competence : 7.3 Memahami teks naratif bergambar sangat sederhana
dalam konteks sekitar peserta didik.
Time Allocation : 4 x 35 minutes
Goals : 1. Students can identify various informations from simple
2. Students can identify various information from a very
simple pictorial narrative text.
Character Building : Percaya diri (confident)
Rasa hormat dan perhatian ( respect )

Learning Objectives :
In the end of study,the students are able to:
1. build up new words and the meaning.
2. know the use of the new words in a sentence.
3. pronounce the words in the correct order.
4. master simple past tense formula.
5. build up the knowledge of regular and irregular verb.
6. differentiate the pattern between simple past tense and simple present tense.
7. answer comprehension question of The Ugly Duckling story.
8. retell the story.
9. perform the following behavior, they are:
a. self-confident,
b. respect.
10. read the sentences in proper intonation.

Equipment and Materials :

Equipments : worksheet, white board, board marker, eraser, laptop, LCD.
Materials :
1. Vocabulary Building
summer : musim panas
wondered : heran
hatch : menetas
beautiful : cantik
nest : sarang
2. Vocabulary test
Underline the correct answer:
 The baby duck is called a (duckling; beak; cock)
 A baby duck (eats; hatches; floats) from one of the eggs.
 The (beautiful; keep; floating) duck has laid some eggs.
 Soon it will be (duckling; hatches; floating) on the pond with its mother.

3. Intonation
 Did you ever see anything quite as ugly as that great tall creature?

 Thankful I am for being so ugly, even a dog will not bite me

 His body seemed larger,

 and his wings stronger and he could even fly.

4. Simple Past Tense
Use the simple past form of a verb when you are talking about an action that took
place at specific point in the past and that is now finished.
e.g. :
i) I walked the dog yesterday.
ii) I went to Florida last year.
NOTE! The simple past is formed in different ways for regular and irregular verbs.
For Regular verbs there is a rule, but Irregular verbs just have to be learned.

Regular simple past tense

I live in London now, but I lived in France for five years.

ii) Irregular simple past tense

I normally go to work by bus, but yesterday I went in the car

Methods of Study/ Technique

1. Audio-lingual Method
2. Listening and imitating
3. Performance
4. Grouping
5. Discussion

Steps of Learning Activity

1. Opening
a. Teacher greets the students
b. Teacher checks the attendance list
c. Teacher review the previous lesson
d. Teacher asks students whether they are ready to start the lesson today.
2. The Main Activities

Meeting I
First Section (45 minutes)
 Elaboration
a. Students watch some pictures showed by the teacher.
b. Students are asked what the name of those pictures.
c. Students pay attention to topic of the today’s study explained by the teacher.
d. Students pay attention to the purpose of the study described by the teacher.
 Exploration
e. Students learn new vocabulary and meaning explained by teacher.
f. Students respond to teacher’s question about the name of those pictures.
g. Students do fun activity by matching the words with appropriate pictures.
h. Students read the sentences loudly guided by teacher.
i. Students listen to the teacher’s pronunciation of some difficult words.
j. Students repeat the teacher’s pronunciation.
k. Students imitate the teacher’s pronunciation independently.
 Confirmation
l. Students identify the difficult words.
m. Students respond given by the teacher orally.

Second Section (45 minutes)

 Elaboration
a. Students are given two example of the same sentence, one using simple present
tense and another using simple past tense.
b. Teacher and students discuss about the different between the two sentences.
c. Students pay attention to the teacher’s explanation about simple present tense and
simple past tense.
 Exploration
d. Students are led by the teacher to differentiate the sentence pattern of past time in
their native language and target language.
e. Students learn how to use simple past tense explained by the teacher.
f. Students learn about regular and irregular verb.
g. Students learn the implementation of simple past tense.
h. Students work in pairs.
i. Students practice to change the simple present tense sentences into past tense.
 Confirmation
j. Students identify the difficulty.
k. Students are led by the teacher to conclude the use of simple past tense.
l. Students are given reinforcement.

Meeting II (2 x 45 minutes)
 Elaboration
a. Teacher recalls the students’ memory about the use of simple past tense that they
have learned before.
b. Teacher asks the students what they feel if their friends mock them with question
simple past tense pattern. Example: “What did you feel if your friends mock you?”
c. Students are led by the teacher to answer the question in complete sentence. “I
felt ..... (sad, angry).”
d. Teacher asks whether they want to read The Ugly Duckling story.
 Exploration
e. Students watch carefully for every picture that teacher shows.
f. Student listen to the story of The Ugly Duckling that is read by teacher.
g. Students follow every sentence that teacher reads for practicing reading aloud.
h. Students answer the comprehension questions.
i. Students work in group to arrange the jumbled pictures of The Ugly Duckling
j. Students do fun activity by watching a video of a story retelling.
k. Students listen to teacher’s intonation.
l. Students learn how to use appropriate intonation of story retelling.
m. The group leader retells the story to the whole class by using his own words.
n. Each group answers some question for group discussion.
o. At the end of the study, students do the comprehension question that have covered
all the material been taught.
 Confirmation
p. Students identify the difficulty.
q. Students are given a chance to tell about their experience related to the topic of the
story they have discussed.
r. Students are stimulated to perform confident and respect behaviour.

3. Closing Activity
The last activities in the first until the fourth meeting:
1. Students pay attention to the summary and conclusion about the material.
2. Students give comments all about what they had been studied whether they
understand or not, pleasure or not.
3. Students pay attention to the structure of assignment given by the teacher.
4. Students listen to the teacher’s wishes and advice.
1. Assessment
1. Spoken Assessment:
a. Evaluation technique : Oral test.
b. Form : Students performance.
Indicators Evaluation Technique Evaluation Form

a. Students can build up Oral Test Students performance

new words and the
meaning. Oral test Students performance
Oral Test Students performance
b. Students know the use of
the new words in a Oral Test Students performance

c. Students can pronounce

the words in the correct
order. Oral Test Students performance

d. Student can answer

comprehension question
of The Ugly Duckling

e. Students can retell the


f. Students are expected to

perform the following
behavior, they are:
g. self-confident,
h. respect.
j. Students can read the
sentences in proper

c. Instrument of evaluation
Speaking test
SD …………..
Class IV
Semester 1
SK no 2
KD no 2.1
Imitate / perform a dialog
Time : 2 x 35 minutes

Source/ Media of Study

1. Teacher’s handout
2. Teacher’s expression
3. Pictures
4. Video
5. Power point slides

Form of Reading Test

Technique Instrument Example of instrument
 Students can pronounce  Spoken  Students Read all the sentences
the words given in the test. worksheet aloud.
right order.  Reading  Did you ever see
 Students can read the test anything quite as ugly
sentences in the right as that great tall
intonation. creature?
 Students can retell the  Thankful I am for
story chronologically. being so ugly, even a
 Students can answer the dog will not bite me.
comprehension  His body seemed
questions. larger, and his wings
 Students understand the stronger and he could
use of simple past tense. even fly.

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by The Principle The Teacher of English Subject

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