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Due Date: 3rd Week

Lahore School of Aviation

The University of Lahore

Assignment # 1 Marks
th Obtained
Course: Business Research Methodology-I Semester: 7 (Seven)
Instructor: Nadeem Iqbal Batch: 5th
Program: BS Aviation Management (BSAM) Code: AVM309
Word Count: 600-1000 Due Date: 02 October, 2019 by 9 am

• The Assignments must be type written with proper cover • Assignment will be submitted in soft copy must be emailed (at
page. for plagiarism check by10AM on
• Font: Time New Roman, Calibri due date (before start of lecture)
• Font Size: Headings 16, 14, 13 bold, Normal Text 11/12 • 3 marks will be deducted for maximum 2 days late submission
• Alignment: Justified • No assignment will be accommodated after that.
• Spacing: Line 1.5, Paragraph Before 6, after 12 • Plagiarism is strictly prohibited
• Assignments without proper formatting will be rejected

Define and discuss Scientific Method as a style of thinking shaped up by combining styles of thinking.
What is the role of Scientific Method in conducting research? Elaborate with the help of examples.

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