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Central Theme of the Poem:-
“I wandered lonely as a cloud” is a beautiful poem about nature written by
William Wordsworth, one of the earliest Romantics. The poet’s love for nature
an dhow it affected his innermost thoughts I sclearly known throughout the poem.

The poet while on a walk in the English country side of Cumbria unexpectedly
comes across a field of golden yellow daffodials. The flowers grow beside the
lake along the margin of the bay, they behaved like humans as if almost
welcoming the poet with their lively and spirightly dance. The scene mesmerized
the speaker and he stood rooted at the spot unable to say a word but only gazing
at the flowers.

Even after William Wordsworth came back he could not forget the ethinial
encounter with the happy, sunny nature daffodils. Often when he was in a
contemplative or thoughtful mood the poet will visualise the glenfully awarde
host of sparkling daffodils.

The pleasure that the poet received cannot be equated with material wealth or
possession but the emotional fulfilment enriched his mind, soul and spirit.

Question and Answers:

1. How has the poet described the daffodils?
Ans. The poet described the daffodils as humans waiting to welcome him with
their sprightly dance.

2. What according to the poet is the bliss of solitude?

Ans. “The Bliss of Solitude” according to the poet is the happiness that comes
along with solitariness.

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