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San Isidro Labrador Parish Church

used to be a chapel in Barangay San Isidro

under the Sta. Teresa de Avila Parish, now
an Archdiocesan Shrine, in Poblacion, City
of Talisay, Cebu. San Isidro Labrador, is the
Parish’s Patron Saint, the same Patron
Saint when it was still a chapel. The lot
where the Church now stands was
donated by the family of the late Alberto &
Mamerta Deiparine, through Dra. Nenita
Deiparine and Atty. Alma Deiparine. It held
its ground-breaking ceremony on Feb. 1,
2006 led by His Eminence Ricardo J. Cardinal Vidal, Archbishop of Cebu. On March 10, 2006, His
Eminence Ricardo J. Cardinal Vidal, Archbishop of Cebu, issued a Decree officially creating the
San Isidro Labrador Parish The 1st annual Fiesta as a Parish was celebrated on May 20, 2006 On
November 15, 2008, His Eminence Ricardo J. Cardinal Vidal, Archbishop of Cebu, led the
“Solemn Blessing of the Church Building & Everything in it.” While under construction, Rev. Fr.
Carlito T. Mier, then Parochial Vicar of the Sta. Teresa de Avila Parish was appointed as its
Administrator, then was appointed as its first Parish Priest, serving the Parish up to February 19,
2014 Rev. Fr. Alvin H. Codilla took over as Parish Priest from February 20, 2014 up to the
present (Prior to his assignment in SILP, he was the
Parish Priest of the Our Lady of the Holy Parish in
Tuyan, City of Naga) Under Rev. Fr. Alvin H.
Codilla’s stewardship, he had in mind the welfare,
convenience and safety of the Parishioners and
the church goers, hence, in the later part of 2014
& early 2015, water catchment basins were
installed around the church grounds (as the
grounds were flooded during heavy rains) followed
by the concreting of the church grounds To ensure
safety of the church goers inside the church, the
Church’s Sanctuary, which was damaged by a 7.2 magnitude earthquake in October 15, 2013,
and the ceiling, were renovated in the 2nd half of 2016 The Sanctuary and the ceiling were
further re-enhanced (to what it is today) in April to May 2017 In the last quarter of 2017 the
canopies at the sides of the church were renovated. The church facade was re-enhanced in the
last quarter of 2018, completed in January 2019 The sides of the church building were painted
after the completion of the facade re-enhancement. As of February 19, 2019, it is more than
90% complete. The PARISH’s ANNUAL FIESTA is celebrated EVERY 3rd SATURDAY OF MAY.
A Kingdom Hall is
a place of worship used
by Jehovah's Witnesses.
The term was first suggested
in 1935 by Joseph Franklin
Rutherford, then president of
the Watch Tower Society, for
a building in Hawaii.
Rutherford's reasoning was
that these buildings would
be used for "preaching the
good news of the
Witnesses use Kingdom
Halls for the majority of
their worship and Bible instruction. Witnesses prefer the term "Kingdom Hall" over
"church", noting that the term often translated "church" in the Bible refers to the
congregation of people rather than a structure. Kingdom Halls are typically modest,
functional structures with practicality in mind. As Witnesses do not use religious symbols, such
are not displayed on or in Kingdom Halls. An annual yeartext, or "theme scripture", which is the
same for all congregations of Jehovah's
Witnesses worldwide, is prominently displayed in
each Kingdom Hall. This text can be displayed in
several languages if the Hall is used by foreign
language congregations. A Kingdom Hall typically
has a library, contributionboxes, and a literature
counter, where publications are displayed, stored
and dispensed. Some Kingdom Halls have
multiple auditoriums to allow more than one
congregation to conduct meetings
simultaneously. Where there is more than one
auditorium, each auditorium or the entire
structure may be referred to as "a Kingdom Hall". Larger Assembly Halls or Convention
Centers of Jehovah's Witnesses, or any rented arena or stadium used for larger
gatherings of Jehovah's Witnesses are also regarded 'as a large Kingdom Hall';
undignified behavior is considered inappropriate during their religious events, even if the
facility is an entertainment venue. A Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses in
Talisay City can be found in San Isidro Road Near the Garces Royal Garden in
Front of San Isidro Labrador Parish.
Monterey School of Learning
is a Educational Institutions
located at San Isidro CITY OF
TALISAY Cebu. Founded in 1997

Senior High 8 hours • Price

varies In preparation for Tertiary
Education, the Senior Program is
provided with specializations
catering to the most likely track of
qualification and desire of the
students for future employment is
provided. For School Year 2018-
2019 MSI are offering the following
SHS Tracks: 1) Arts & Design (Visual Arts, Performing Arts, Multi Media Arts) 2) ABM
(Accounting Business and Management) 3) HUMSS (Humanities and Social Sciences)

Junior High School 8 hours • Price varies Junior High consists of Grades 7 through
10. Students who complete and pass this level are not considered graduates but shall
be considered to move forward to Senior High for transition to Tertiary Education.
Requirements for Enrollment: 1) Completed Report Card (Form 138) of previous level
completed. 2) NSO 3) Baptismal Certificate or any religious affliation certification. 4)
Entrance Test (Testing Fee of 500)

Elementary 7 hours • Price varies Entry to the Elementary Course will need the
following requirements: 1) Must pass at least the Kindergarten level in Preschool. 2)
Required to take and pass the Entrance Exam for Grade 1. (Entrance Test Fee of 500)
3) Completed Kindergarten Report Card (Form 138). 4) NSO Certificate

Preschool 2 hours • Price varies Nursery 1 (3 y.o) Nursery 2 (4 y.o.) Kindergarten (5

A barangay hall is the seat of local government for
the barangay, the lowest elected administrative
division of the Philippines, below that of a Philippine
city or Philippine municipality. The barangay
captain, the head of the barangay government, will
often hold office there. The elected barangay
council, the Sangguniang Barangay, will also hold
its meetings there.

The barangay hall also serves as a local community

center often providing space for both permanent
and temporary services and events. The
barangay's day care center and office space for
the tanods and the barangay health workers are
often located there. Medical missions, religious
services, fiestas, and sports contests are often held at or next to the barangay hall.

Like many recent government buildings in the Philippines they usually have concrete
block walls, galvanized iron roofs, and tiled floors.

In San Isidro Road, Talisay, Cebu you can also found a Barangay hall and the
schedule hours are;

A sports complex is a group of sports facilities. For example, there are track and
field stadiums, football stadiums, baseball stadiums, swimming pools, and Indoor
arenas. This area is a sports complex, for fitness.

In front of San Isidro Barangay Hall you can see MULTI-PURPOSE ACTIVITY
CENTER that just rebuild a few months ago.
Submitted by :

Angelo Suhot

Justine Fajutrao

Angelito Lariosa

Chelou Maraan

John Nerwin Restauro

Jason Alcoriza

Submitted to:

Mrs. Cecilia Culla

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