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Short-Term Memory Retention 1



Cuevas,Zydel Faye

Dabu,John Paul

De Perio, Clarissa


Elamparo,Clarizz Joyce


Eval,Lady Dianne

Yabut,Alexa Karla

Mondriaan Aura College

Short-Term Memory Retention 2


The aim of this study is to determine whether memory works in a longer time interval or
not. The researchers gathered 60 students to participate to the experiment in Mondriaan
Aura College. Specifically, the researchers conducted the experiment in amphitheater
with participant's gender, course and age selected randomly. Simple Random Sampling
are utilized on the gathered representative samples on the college students. Meanwhile,
the used method in this study is Quantitative Design that is known for presenting the data
collected in the form of numbers. The researchers will show series of numbers that will
be established in to three levels; 2 seconds interval on the first level, 5 seconds interval
on the second level, and 7 seconds on the third level. The result implies that some
participants under 2-second time interval were having a trouble to recur the numbers due
to the short time interval given. On the other hand, the participants under 5-second time
interval answered in an easier and calmer nature. Lastly, the participants under 7-second
time interval answered the experiment at ease. In other words, the experimenters found
that the time information was presented and being tested for retention is effective with the
longer time interval given. This study can be used on how to effectively retain a memory
in an individual's mind which could relate to teaching and conducting other academic
activities. The researchers suggests for the future experimenters to 1.) Conduct the
Experiment in a room with comfortable ambient temperature. 2.) Use a larger scale to get
more accurate result and lastly 3.) The research may deliver the instructions to the chosen
participants effectively through explaining it in a calm manner.
Short-Term Memory Retention 3

Short-Term Memory Retention under Time Interval

A lot of things can make people destructed or lost their concentration on a task,
cognitive processing or memorizing: noise, or environment. Some people can’t control
those aspects that has been mentioned. However, what about you just have seconds to
memorize or used your short-term memory to recite set of numbers? Does short-term
memory works better on a longer time interval of memorizing?

Short-term memory can be defined as the ability to remember an insubstantial

amount of information for a short period of time. As an example is when someone gives
you a phone number and forced you to memorize it because there is no way to write it
down. The majority of people will find it difficult to remember more than a handful of
digits for any length of time unless the number was repeated in their mind over and over
again. Short-term memory decays rapidly and usually disappears from a person's mind
within 30 seconds (“Short-term Memory”, 2019). According to Kendra Cherry (2019)
Short-term memory, also known as primary or active memory, is the information we are
currently aware of or thinking about. The information found in short-term memory comes
from paying attention to sensory memories. And has a quick overview: Short-term
memory is very brief. When short-term memories are not rehearsed or actively
maintained, they last mere seconds. Short-term memory is limited. It is commonly
suggested that short-term memory can hold seven plus or minus two items.

In line with those studies the experimenters created a study about the short-term
memory under time interval. The hypothesis is the short-term memory works better
under the longer time interval. This type of study will present series of numbers under
different time intervals.
Short-Term Memory Retention 4



The researchers used a Quantitative Design to present this research. A

Quantitative research design is a method used extensively by scientist and researchers
for presenting the data collected in the form of numbers – average scores for different
group on some task, percentages of people who do one thing or another, and so on
(Goodwin, 2005). As for the experimental design, the researchers used a Repeated
Measures Design, which also known as within-groups design. In this design, the same
participants take part in each condition of the independent variable (McLeod, 2017). The
independent variable on this experiment was the different time intervals given after each
series of the numbers. The researchers established three levels on the experiment,
which is 2 seconds interval on the first level, 5 seconds interval on the second level, and
7 seconds on the third level. The dependent variable on this experiment is the scores of
the participants. The researchers controlled extraneous variables like noise, lighting,
and temperature by the following measures: installing a partition, having the participants
in a well-illuminated area, and maintaining the room in a comfortable ambient


The researchers obtained 60 college students from different course at Mondriaan

Aura College. The students range from 18-32 years of age. Simple Random Sampling
are utilized on the gathered representative samples on the college students.


- Laptop (LENOVO)

- Index cards and Pen

- Digital Camera (SONY HDR-AS50)

Short-Term Memory Retention 5


The researchers conducted a 2-day experiment about Memory Retention on

random students at Mondrian Aura College. The procedures of the experiment are in
the following order: First, the researchers invite students to participate in the said
experiment. Second, the assigned experimenters administered the participants to a
Digit Span Memory Test. The experimenter provided the participants with a pen and a
paper and oriented them to the mechanics of the experiment; which is they are going to
memorize the appearances of each series of numbers on the screen and they were only
advised to answer on the provided sheet of paper when the “GO!” signal appears on the
screen. After the test, the experimenter ushered the participant to their co-researchers
for debriefing and for further questioning about the experiment.


This chapter presents the statistical analysis of data gathered to the study of
short-term memory retention under time interval of students of Mondriaan Aura College.
A total of 60 students are invited to participate in this study. Each participants took the 3
levels of the test which has different time interval. The gathered scores are presented in
table 1 and chart presentation of data is presented in Figure 2.

Table 1

Short-term Memory Retention


1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 51 53 55 57 59

2secs 5secs 7secs

Short-Term Memory Retention 6

The descriptive statistics associated with the Individuals short term memory
retention across three levels of time interval are stated in Table 2. It can be seen that
the 2 seconds interval group was associated with the numerically smallest mean level
(M=6.17) and the 7 seconds interval group was associated with numerically highest
mean level of individual’s memory retention (M=7.22). In order to test the hypothesis
that short-term memory works better under the longer time interval (2 seconds, 5
seconds, 7 seconds), a between-groups ANOVA was performed

Table 2

Dependent Variable: Scores

Interval Mean Std. Deviation N

2 seconds 6.1667 1.86099 60

5 seconds 6.3667 1.86826 60

7 seconds 7.2167 1.72805 60

Total 6.5833 1.86672 180

Short-Term Memory Retention 7

Table 3
Tests of Between-Subjects Effects
Dependent Variable: Scores
Type III Sum of
Source Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Corrected Model 37.300a 2 18.650 5.629 .004
Intercept 7801.250 1 7801.250 2354.542 .000
Interval 37.300 2 18.650 5.629 .004
Error 586.450 177 3.313
Total 8425.000 180
Corrected Total 623.750 179
a. R Squared = .060 (Adjusted R Squared = .049)

Table 4
Post Hoc Tests

Dependent Variable: Scores

Short-Term Memory Retention 8


The result implies that some participants under 2-second time interval were having
a trouble to recur the numbers due to the short time interval given. On the other hand, the
participants under 5-second time interval answered the Experiment easier and calmer
nature. They do not answer spontaneously since they had enough time to rehearse the
set of numbers correctly. Lastly, the participants under 7-second time interval answered
the experiment very calmly because they have a long duration that enables them to retain
the set of numbers correctly.

It supported the Idea of Kendra Cherry (2019) that the information in short term
memory can lasts if there's a rehearsal or active maintenance of the information, and
items can be kept in Short term memory by repeating them verbally Akinson and Shiffrin
(1971). It manifested that people need to further practice or rehearse information in the
short term memory to remember it for longer. The study was limited only to the students
of Mondriaan Aura College which considered as the primary respondents of this study.
The Researchers claim that many factors influenced the respondent’s response. Hence,
the Researchers suggests for the future Researchers to 1.) Conduct the Experiment in a
room with comfortable ambient temperature. 2.) Use a larger scale to get more accurate
result and lastly 3.) The research may deliver the instructions to the chosen participants
effectively through explaining it in a calm manner.

Based on proven results, the Experimenters found that the time at which
information was presented and being tested for retention of that information under time
intervals was effective only on the longer time interval given. The longer the delay for
retrieval, the more information is recalled if rehearsal occur.
Short-Term Memory Retention 9

References: (2011, April 13) Short-Term Memory. Retrieved from

Cherry, K (2019) Very Well Mind. Short-Term Memory Duration and Capacity. Retrieved

Psychologist World (n.d) 10 Influential Memory Theories and Studies in Psychology.

Retrieved from
Short-Term Memory Retention 10


Appendix A


The table presented below contains the time and date the researchers allotted in
each meetings throughout the research making process.

Month Date(Day & Year) Time

September 11, 2019 6:00 pm- 8:00 pm
September 12, 2019 7:25 pm- 7:45 pm
September 13, 2019 6:00 pm- 8:45pm
September 18, 2019 6:00pm- 7:30 pm
September 22, 2019 10:00 am- 7:00 pm
Short-Term Memory Retention 11

Appendix B

Table of expenses

The table presented below is the number and type of items bought and its price
throughout the research.

Item Price (PHP) Quantity

Chunkee chewy soft 417.00 php 6 packs
Total: 417.00 php
Short-Term Memory Retention 12
Short-Term Memory Retention 13

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