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Journal of Asia Trade and Business (J. Asia Trade Bus.

; 아시아무역연구) ISSN 2383-8787 (Print)

Vol.5, No.2, December 2018 (pp.19-31)

A Literature Review of Agribusiness Companies in Global

Bourses: Perspectives Towards the Development of an Agribusiness
Index in the Philippines
Darren N. Zamudioa, Arlene C. Gutierrezb, Jeanette Angeline B. Madambac,
Normito R. Zapata, Jr.d
Department of Agribusiness Management and Entrepreneurship, College of Economics and Management,
University of the Philippines Los Baños, Philippines

Received 11 October 2018, Revised 10 November 2018, Accepted 05 December 2018

With the shift of orientation of the Philippines from farming into a thriving agribusiness-
driven sector, the country’s economic growth became robust in the recent years. Despite the
increasing importance of the agribusiness sector, there has been little research on the
contribution of the sector to the Philippine financial market. In this paper, an attempt is made
to assess the importance of the agribusiness sector in the stock market by evaluating the
performance of the sector in other bourses. The study primarily used a descriptive research
design in evaluating the agribusiness companies listed in various stock markets outside the
Philippines. Results indicated that in the global context, several researches have been
conducted that studied the benefits of agribusiness stocks as diversification tools. In the Asian
context, there were researchers who attempted to assess the performance of agribusiness firms.
However, research gaps still exist, especially in areas relating to the development of an
agribusiness index in the ASEAN context. With various benefits as well as emerging
opportunities seen in the sector in the Philippines and in other countries, such an agribusiness
index is deemed necessary as this serves a two-fold purpose of measuring the performance of
agribusiness stocks and highlights the relevance of the sector in the Philippine financial
Keywords: Agribusiness Stocks, Philippines, Agribusiness Index, Stock Market
JEL Classifications: G01, G10, G15

Ⅰ. Introduction Philippine economy has shifted from agri-

cultural farming into a thriving agribusiness-
In the past years, the orientation of the driven sector. Due to the value-addition to

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Co-author, Email:
Ⓒ 2018 The Asian Trade Association. All rights reserved.
20 Journal of Asia Trade and Business Vol. 5, No. 2, December 2018

agricultural commodities brought about by a great need to isolate these companies to

agribusiness activities such as production, properly analyze the performance of the
processing, transportation, marketing, and agribusiness sector. Hence, the development
distribution, the agribusiness sector is posi- of an agribusiness index that will better reflect
tioned to greatly contribute to the Philippine the performance of the sector is being
economy’s industrial development. With its proposed.
huge potential in contributing more to the Despite the increasing importance of
country’s value-added growth performance, agribusiness sector in the country, there has
the increasing importance of agribusiness in been little research on the contribution of the
the economy can be further explored. sector to the Philippine financial market. In
Agribusiness is defined as the “totality of all this paper, an attempt is made to assess the
operations involved in the manufacturing of importance of the agribusiness sector in the
farm supplies, production, operations on the stock market by evaluating the performance
farm, as well as processing and distribution and contribution of the sector in other bourses
of farm commodities and items made from in the global setting. In order to do this,
them (Asian Productivity Organization, n.d.).” relevant information and previous researches
It provides a wide array of investment oppor- in relation to agribusiness stocks were revie-
tunities for both institutional and private wed. Return opportunities and risk mitigation
investors. The Philippine Stock Exchange characteristics of agribusiness stocks in
(PSE) which is named as the best stock several countries were evaluated to identify
exchange in Southeast Asia for four times in possible point of replication in the Philippine
the last five years by the Alpha Southeast Asia setting. This was done to further justify the
is one of the platforms where the increasing need to develop a separate agribusiness stock
importance of agribusiness can be observed market index in the Philippines. Finally, this
(Dela Paz, 2018). paper aims to highlight the agribusiness sector
In the PSE, a rapid increase in the number in the PSE so that investors will consider
of agribusiness companies traded is evident. investing in agribusiness stocks due to its
In fact, there is significant evidence to illus- diversification benefits and other financial
trate the rapid extension of investment in gains, which will be laid out in this study.
agribusiness in the past years. Based on obser-
vation, the number of agribusiness companies
listed in PSE almost doubled over the last Ⅱ. Objectives of the Study
decade. Indeed, agribusinesses continue to be
steadfast in its development as a sector, even The general objective of this study was to
in the financial market as new agribusiness evaluate agribusiness companies that are
stocks start selling its shares to the investing publicly-listed in various stock markets
public. outside the Philippines. Specifically, it aimed
Since there has been an increasing impor- to (1) discuss the contribution of agribusiness
tance of the agribusiness sector in the country stocks in each country’s financial market, (2)
and an absence of tools that will measure its identify the factors affecting the performance
performance in the financial market, there is of the publicly listed agribusiness companies,
A Literature Review of Agribusiness Companies in Global Bourses: Perspectives Towards the Development of an Agribusiness Index in the Philippines 21

(3) assess the return and risk potential of counter global poverty and food security. The
agribusiness stocks as a tool for diversi- sector is also an important driver of economic
fication, (4) evaluate the potential of the growth in various countries accounting for
development of an agribusiness index in the one-third of global Gross Domestic Product
Philippines based on the findings from other (GDP) in 2014. However, the growth in global
financial markets in other countries. agriculture is threatened by several challenges
including climate change, land conversion and
increasing population (World Bank, 2018).
Ⅲ. Methodology The world’s population is expected to grow to
around 10 billion by 2050, resulting to an
The study primarily used a descriptive increase in demand for agricultural produce
research design in evaluating the agribusiness (Food and Agriculture Organization of the
companies listed in various stock markets United Nations, 2018).
outside the Philippines. Previous researches Despite these challenges, prospects for the
and journal articles were reviewed to gather agriculture sector remain positive. Collective
necessary information and valuable insights efforts from both the private and public sector
about agribusiness companies in the global contribute to the growth and sustainability of
setting. the industry. This prospect translated to
The study described the performance of increased investment in agriculture and in the
these companies using various financial and wider agribusiness sector, particularly in
economic indicators. Furthermore, comparative technological innovations that boost produc-
analysis was conducted to identify key simi- tivity. According to McKinsey International in
larities across the various financial markets. January 2019 as cited by Goedde et al. (2015),
The performance of the agribusiness stock global investments intended for the food and
market indices was analyzed through trend agribusiness sector have grown threefold from
analysis and by comparing such performance 2004 to 2013, reaching an estimated amount
with local and global benchmark indices. of USD 100 billion. Furthermore, the sector
Lastly, qualitative analysis was used to has demonstrated higher total returns to
evaluate whether there is really a need to shareholders (TRS) compared to other
develop a Philippine Agribusiness Index based sectors, specifically, in energy and information
on the findings from existing researches. technology. The food and agribusiness sector,
comprising more than 100 publicly traded
companies worldwide, realized an average
annual increase in TRS by 17 percent from
Ⅳ. Results and Discussion 2004 to 2013, compared with 13 percent for
energy and 10 percent for information
1. Global Agribusiness Stock Market technology during the same period (Goedde,
Index Horii and Sangvhi, 2015).The growing
population served as a double-edged sword
Agricultural development has been iden- for the outlook of the sector. Due to increasing
tified as one of the most powerful tools to demand, opportunities in other areas in the
22 Journal of Asia Trade and Business Vol. 5, No. 2, December 2018

agribusiness value chain, particularly in pro- Forward (2002), as cited by Zapata et al.
cessing and marketing, also increased. As the (2012), argued that the bull market prospect
demand for processed products increased, the for commodity markets would likely continue
demand for raw agricultural commodities in the coming decades due to the insatiable
increased. This further resulted to an increase demand for raw commodities from emerging
in price of farm commodities. As prices incre- markets, which would continue to drive
ased, investment in agribusiness increased commodity prices upwards. Furthermore, the
through the purchase of plants, property and bull market outlook has been supported by the
equipment. This further translated to a vicious increasing number of investors and financial
investment cycle fueled by increased capital institutions adding commodities to their
investment that is expected to benefit the portfolios, the growing number of agricultural
sector in the long run (Valdes, Cramon- index funds and agriculturally-related com-
Taubadel and Engler, 2016). modity price indexes that are available for
As a result of these opportunities, financial public investment. Furthermore, various
and real assets related to agribusiness, inclu- trends in the macroenvironment supported
ding real estate, publicly traded agribusiness the outlook for the sector. One of these is the
firms and agricultural-related commodity increasing demand for healthy food which
markets, have started gaining interest among prompted both local and international food
investors seeking profits for diversification. processors and retailers to introduce organic
Several researches have been conducted and products in their current offerings. Further-
intended to assess the relevance of these more, the increasing worldwide acceptance for
agribusiness financial assets as a tool for genetically modified (GM) and functional food
diversification. products fueled tremendous profits to
Hancock Agricultural Investment Group agribusiness companies. Another factor would
(2012) as cited by D’Antoni et al. (2014) be the increasing demand for inputs used in
discussed the importance of farmland as a tool agricultural production and agribusiness
for investment diversification. Since farmland processing by non-agricultural industries.
returns were negatively correlated with stocks Lastly, agribusiness companies are regarded
and bonds and moderately correlated with as defensive investments which have lower
commercial real estate, it became an attractive risks as compared to the overall market. Thus,
diversification tool to reduce the impact of agribusiness stocks are expected to remain
market volatility in their portfolios. In fact, it stable under difficult and uncertain economic
has been reported that USD 7 billion has been conditions, making such stocks an attractive
allocated to farmland in the world’s largest investment for investors looking for stable
investment funds in 2013 (Chen, Wilson, returns under various market conditions.
Larsen and Dahl, 2015). Mandal and Lager- Results of the study conducted by Zapata et
kvist (2012) as cited by Chen et al. (2015) al. (2012) showed that agribusiness stocks
found out that agricultural asset investments and commodities were indeed more defensive
could provide good diversi- fication as these in nature and these were less volatile in
investments have low correlation with finan- turbulent market times. Furthermore, results
cial asset returns. indicated the strong interest among investors
A Literature Review of Agribusiness Companies in Global Bourses: Perspectives Towards the Development of an Agribusiness Index in the Philippines 23

to prefer investments in agribusiness indexes recession), the S&P 500 performed better than
and/or agriculturally-related commodity the AgIndex; however, the reverse happened
indexes irrespective of period or market from 2008 to 2011, during and after the
conditions. recession. Furthermore, it was found out that
Johnson et al. (2006) assessed whether S&P 500 and AgIndex were highly correlated
agribusiness assets can provide diversification with a correlation coefficient of 0.746. Overall,
benefits in investment portfolios in the AgIndex realized better returns as compared
Australian context. The study utilized the to S&P500 during the same period. Results
agribusiness index constructed by the also indicated that agricultural companies
Australian Agribusiness Group (AAG). The were also affected by adverse economic
AAG Agri-index tracked 53 agribusiness stocks factors similar with the overall market. From
listed in the Australian stock exchange and a sub-sectoral point of view, results revealed
were categorized into five sub-sectors, namely, that the fertilizer sector exhibited the highest
producer, manufacturing, service, diversified return, which averaged at 27.8% from 2000
and forestry. Results showed that the to 2011. Since the research failed to include
inclusion of agribusiness assets in a mixed companies engaged in downstream activities
asset portfolio and diversified portfolio of the value chain, the findings may be limited
provided diversification benefits. Results and may not reflect the overall effect of
reflect a low correlation between agribusiness publicly-listed agribusiness companies as a
assets and three other assets namely shares, tool for diversification.
bonds and property, thus validating the A related study was conducted by Clark et
diversification benefit of agribusiness assets. al. (2012) and aimed to develop a large cap
Similarly, Schnitkey and Kramer (2012) index of US agribusiness companies and
attempted to assess the diversification poten- compare its performance with leading financial
tial of publicly-traded agricultural companies benchmarks. Unlike another study (Schnitkey
by constructing an Agriculture Index (AgIndex) and Kramer, 2012), Clark et al. (2012) based
and comparing its performance to a global the selection of agribusiness companies on the
benchmark index, the Standard & Poor’s 500 USDA’s Economic Research Service’s definition
(S&P 500). The study included publicly-traded of agribusiness which led to a more encompa-
companies that were either selling products to ssing selection of companies. Furthermore, the
crop farms or used unprocessed crops from performance of the index was assessed over
farms, thus, totally disregarding food pro- a 39-year period (1970-2008) and compared
cessing companies. The selection ended up with the S&P 500, Dow Jones Industrial
with 21 publicly-traded companies divided Average and US three-month Treasury bill
into five sectors, namely, fertilizer, equipment, yields. Results showed that the AGB index was
seed and genetics, crop protection, and first highly correlated with the S&P500 (ρ=0.7376)
processor. The AgIndex was constructed using and the DJIA (ρ=0.7155) but exhibited a low
the S&P methodology and the daily prices of positive correlation with the three-month US
these 21 companies were evaluated for the Treasury bill yield (ρ=0.1935). Furthermore,
period from 2000 to 2011. Research findings the daily and annual return of the agribusiness
showed that from 2000 to 2007 (before the (AGB) index was lower as compared to the
24 Journal of Asia Trade and Business Vol. 5, No. 2, December 2018

benchmark indices. Logically, daily and annual and meats. Thus, it is more encompassing in
price variability, as measured by the standard terms of sectoral and geographical scope as
deviation, was also lower than the two compared to the other studies. The perfor-
comparative indices. However, during the mance of the Global Agribusiness Index (Ag
most recent years, particularly from 2000- Index) was assessed from July 1996 until
2008, the AGB index outperformed the two December 31, 2008 and was compared with
indices as it offered a higher return and lower the S&P 500. Results showed that the
standard deviation as compared to S&P 500 correlation between the Ag Index and the
and DJIA and the correlation between AGB and S&P500 has consistently grown stronger from
the two benchmark indices was also weaker 1996 to 2008 with a stronger correlation
during the same period. With this, it was observed during the most recent recession.
concluded that the AGB index can provide Thus, it was concluded that the broad-based
diversification benefits when combined with agribusiness index provided better diversi-
either the two indices or the three-month US fication on positive earning days than negative
Treasury bill yield. However, Clark et al. earnings days. With this, Ag Index was deemed
(2012) failed to incorporate the period after as an unattractive diversification tool for
the most recent recession in the analysis S&P500 during turbulent market conditions,
unlike in the other study (Schnitkey and both from a risk management and profit
Kramer, 2012). Thus, the potential of the maximizing perspective. However, an area for
agribusiness index as a tool for diversification further research emerged as the Ag Index
during unfavorable market conditions was not might be a good diversification for other more
tested. specific sectors. Thus, it was recommended
Still another study (D'Antoni and Detre, that there is a need to assess the relationship
2014) attempted to validate the previous between the Ag Index and other sectors.
studies on agribusiness stocks by examining Furthermore, according to another study
how an index of agribusiness stocks compare (Katchova and Enlow, 2013), the authors
to the S&P500 during times of recession. The examined how the performance of agribusiness
study duplicated what other authors firms compare against the rest of the firms in
(Schnitkey and Kramer, 2012) and Clark et al. the economy. The study looked at US-based
(2012) did but it used a different set of multinational firms engaged in food and
publicly-listed agribusiness companies. Such manufacturing. A total of 483 agribusiness
study (D'Antoni and Detre, 2014) utilized the companies were assessed from 1961 to 2011.
first agribusiness stock index which was Results showed that agribusiness firms
launched in May 2008, specifically, the exhibited strong financial performance and
Standard & Poor’s Global Agribusiness Index. outperformed all firms in several indicators,
The S&P Global Agribusiness Index comprised including profitability, liquidity and market-
24 of the largest publicly-traded agribusiness related indicators. Furthermore, based on the
stocks that operated in various sectors assessment of financial distress based on S&P
including agricultural products, fertilizers and credit rating, results showed that a lower
agricultural chemicals, construction/farm proportion of agribusiness firms are in
machinery/heavy trucks, and packaged foods distress as compared to other firms in the
A Literature Review of Agribusiness Companies in Global Bourses: Perspectives Towards the Development of an Agribusiness Index in the Philippines 25

Fig. 1. Performance of the S&P Global Agribusiness Equity Index vs. S&P 500 (2009-2019)

Fig. 2. S&P Global Agribusiness Composite Index vs. S&P 500 (2009-2019)

economy. The study was helpful for investors Comparing the performance of the S&P
who were looking into investing in agri- Global Agribusiness Equity Index with the S&P
business companies specifically during eco- 500 after the period of study of previous
nomic recessions. The research validated the researches, it could be observed that the index
results of other studies on the value of agri- resembles the trend of the benchmark index
business companies for investors. <Fig. 1>. The S&P 500 realized an average
26 Journal of Asia Trade and Business Vol. 5, No. 2, December 2018

year-on-year returns of 12.88% while the S&P 2. Agribusiness in the Asia Pacific
Global Agribusiness Equity Index realized an
average year-on-year returns of 9.18%.
Shortly after the recession, the S&P Global
Agribusiness Equity Index was able to realize When topics of agribusiness are discussed,
higher returns than the benchmark index (S&P one region in the world has been always been
Dow Jones Indices, 2018). the top- of-mind major contributor, that is, the
Looking at a more encompassing index, the Asian region. Prospects for Asian agribusiness
Standard & Poor launched another index that have been good both in the medium and long
will cover the entire agribusiness industry. In term, particularly on sectors like machinery,
2008, it also launched the Global Agribusiness meat and livestock, sugar and palm oil sectors,
Composite Index that will combine the as production and sales are expected to
performance of the Global Agribusiness Equity increase by the end of 2018. In the long term,
Index and the Global Agri and Livestock Index. it is forecasted that the Asian region will
The revised index followed the same trend as remain a top performer in the global setting
the original index as it exceeded the S&P 500 as fueled by increased investments, consum-
few years after the recession. After which, it ption, strong economic growth and a relatively
was able to realize stable returns at an average stable and open environment for investors
of 2.65% annually in the last ten years (S&P (Fitch Solutions, 2018).
Dow Jones Indices, 2018) Despite being a major contributor in the

Fig. 3. Agribusiness Market Value in Selected Countries in Asia, %change Year-on-year

Source: Fitch Solutions (2018).

A Literature Review of Agribusiness Companies in Global Bourses: Perspectives Towards the Development of an Agribusiness Index in the Philippines 27

agriculture sector in the world, little attention the firms will be compared with. The results
has been given to agribusiness firms in the are just logical as some economic events affect
region. Specifically looking at financial markets, all firms marketwide; but the extent of the
out of the ten countries in the ASEAN region, effect can be measured if it will be compared
only Indonesia and Thailand have a separate to other firms in other countries in the region.
sectoral index for agriculture. For the Indonesia Another group of researchers (Sucitra,
Stock Exchange, it has an agriculture sectoral Suhendro and Dewi, 2018) conducted a
index that includes primarily plantation similar study and assessed the effect of return
companies in the country while the Thailand on equity, earnings per share and debt to
Stock Exchange has a more encompassing equity ratio to the stock prices of publicly-
Agro & Food Sectoral Index which includes listed agribusiness companies in the Indonesia
agribusiness companies engaged in the Stock Exchange. The study highlighted the
upstream and downstream activities in the importance of the agribusiness sector to the
value chain. For the rest of the markets, country as it is one of the major contributors
agribusiness companies are scattered in in its economy. Six agribusiness companies
different sectors including consumer goods, were included in the study and their
industrials and consumer staples sectors. performance was assessed from 2011 to 2016.
Similarly, few researches have been con- Results indicated that ROE has a negative
ducted in relation to agribusiness companies effect on stock prices while earnings per share
in the region. Three authors (Abdurofi, Ismail has a significant positive effect on stock prices.
and Sharifuddin, 2015) analyzed the perfor- Lastly, debt to equity ratio has no significant
mance of agribusiness companies in Malaysia effect on the stock prices of the publicly-listed
using financial ratios before and after the agribusiness firms. The study was quite
global food crisis. The study covered a sample limiting as it only took into consideration six
of 40 publicly-listed agribusiness firms in the agribusiness companies listed in the Indonesia
Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange and assessed Stock Exchange. The Agriculture Sector has 10
their performance from 2006 to 2012. Results stock constituents and added to it would be
showed that the overall performance of agribusiness companies engaged in down-
agribusiness firms has been fluctuating during stream activities. The criteria or the definition
the period of observation. Consequently, in of what is an agribusiness company is lacking
order to adapt to the food crisis, some firms in this sense.
increased their debt to infuse more capital to Furthermore, still another group of resear-
the business. Lastly, firms performed better chers (Nurhavarti, Survantini and Jamhari,
before the crisis, that is, the period from 2016) evaluated the stock performance of
2006-2008, compared to after the crisis which agribusiness companies listed in the Index
was from 2008-2012. The study comprehen- Liquid 45 in the Indonesia Stock Exchange.
sively presented the performance of the firms The period of the research was five years,
but it failed to discuss how important the specifically from 2011 to 2015. It evaluated 17
agribusiness sector is to the Malaysian agribusiness companies in the said index,
economy. Furthermore, the study failed to use which was done in consensus since it was also
a benchmark from which the performance of the total of listed agribusiness companies. The
28 Journal of Asia Trade and Business Vol. 5, No. 2, December 2018

result showed that agribusiness companies 3. Agribusiness in the Philippines

that comprised the said index had a greater
return compared to non-agribusiness stocks. The agribusiness industry in the Philippines
Meanwhile, another group of researchers remained as one of the promising sectors for
(Pongpanich, Peng and Maichum, 2017) investors in the country. The vast consum-
assessed the performance of 14 listed ption market combined with strengthening
companies in the agribusiness sector in the government support drive the growth in the
Thai Stock Exchange from 2011-2014. Results sector, specifically on commodities or indus-
showed that most of the highly efficient tries like rice, sugar, milk, poultry and pork
companies are engaged in the tapioca, palm production. The upward outlook for the sector
oil and ethanol industries. Furthermore, is also driven by the potential of the country
returns to scale were used to explain the to engage in palm oil production. In addition,
trends in production and outlook for produc- investments in the livestock and feed sectors
tivity. Based on the results, 71% of the are expected to increase as a result of incre-
agribusiness companies operated under incre- asing consumption trends in the country.
asing returns to scale. For the rest, it is However, challenges remained specifically on
recommended that to build up efficiency, they infrastructure limitations, resulting to incre-
must increase their productivity scale. asing logistics and transportation costs among

Fig. 4. Market Value by Commodity (2006-2022)

Source: Fitch Solutions (2018).

A Literature Review of Agribusiness Companies in Global Bourses: Perspectives Towards the Development of an Agribusiness Index in the Philippines 29

the players across the agribusiness value chain increasing since agribusiness serves as one of
(Fitch Solutions, 2018). the key factors of inclusive growth in the
The Philippines is well-positioned to attract country and is one of the priority areas of the
new investments that would catalyze industry comprehensive government strategy on trade
growth and development. Hence, having a and investment.
more diversified investor base among the local Given the lack of previous and current
and foreign investors in the country is not just research into the subject and the rapid growth
achievable, but attainable as well. With its goal of the agribusiness sector in the Philippines,
of attaining an inclusive, sustainable, and there is potential for further extensive research
innovation-led industry strategy, the Depart- in this area. In doing so, the significant oppor-
ment of Trade and Industry (DTI) has focused tunities for further research in this emerging
on a new industry policy that would maximize subject in the Philippine context were made
the trade and investment opportunities and apparent.
address the challenges arising from it. A
researcher (Romualdez, 2017) reported that
one of these five priority areas under the Ⅴ. Summary and Conclusion
government’s comprehensive national indus-
try strategy program is the agribusiness sector. Several studies tackled the benefits of
Today, 20 agribusiness companies are being agribusiness stocks in the global setting; some
traded by investors and other stakeholders in of which have provided empirical evidences
the PSE; two of which are part of the PSEi, that agribusiness stocks indeed provided
namely, Jollibee Foods Corporation (JFC) and diversification benefits when compared with
Universal Robina Corporation (URC). Moreover, global benchmark indices and other financial
most of these companies venture into manu- assets. However, there are still gaps that have
facturing which gives value addition to any not been addressed. For instance, the benefits
agricultural commodity. Clearly, the definition of agribusiness stocks when combined with
of agribusiness as a totality of operations - other sectors were not yet discussed in any
regardless of the nature and purpose of the of the previous researches. In addition, the use
company, firm, or establishments such as of agribusiness stocks as a diversification tool
processing, retailing, franchising, farming, and in Asian financial markets was not yet ex-
more can be applied here. plored as well. Despite the importance of the
The performance of agribusiness stocks sector in the Asian economy, little attention
listed in the PSE has been subject to little has been given to it in the financial market.
research scrutiny in the country since most of Though there are studies that measured the
the studies about agribusiness stocks came performance of agribusiness stocks, these
from overseas. Historically, there has been were quite limited, and the benchmarks were
limited research on publicly-traded agribu- not exhaustive enough to provide a more
siness firms, notwithstanding, the correlation comprehensive view on the sector.
of an agribusiness index compared to other In the Philippines, though agribusiness is
indices in the stock exchange. one of the priority sectors of the current
However, interest in the topic appears to be administration, it is not being highlighted in
30 Journal of Asia Trade and Business Vol. 5, No. 2, December 2018

the financial market, which is one of the With the increasing importance of the
reflections of the economy. The agribusiness agribusiness sector, such an agribusiness
companies are scattered in various sectors in index is deemed necessary. It would serve a
the stock exchange and no efforts have been two-fold purpose of measuring the perfor-
made to isolate the sector to better measure mance of agribusiness stocks and highlighting
its performance. the sector in the Philippine financial market.


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