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Some of the first experiments with the aim of cultivating algae
were conducted in 1957 by the "Carnegie Institution" in
Washington. In these experiments, monocellular Chlorella were
cultivated by adding CO2 and some minerals. In the early days,
bioreactors were used which were made of glass and later
changed to a kind of plastic bag. The goal of all this research
has been the cultivation of algae to produce a cheap animal
feed. The cultivation of algae in a Bioreactor creates a narrow
range of industrial application possibilities. Some power
companies already established research facilities with algae
Bioreactors to find out how efficient they could be in reducing
CO2 emissions, which are contained in fuel gas, and how much
biomass will be produced. Algae biomass has many uses and
can be sold to generate additional income.
Scientific Purpose
Algae are a common and easily harvested form of plant-like
aquatic life. Able to thrive in virtually any water that is warm,
rich in nitrogen and phosphates, and relatively stagnant, algae
can be grown without significant disturbance to any other
existing life forms. The photosynthesis that occurs within the
algae that converts carbon dioxide into oxygen is essential to all
terrestrial life. The research and development of algae
bioreactors is intended to achieve a crucial triple twenty-first-
century objective: the production of readily accessible,
environmentally sustainable, and cost-efficient fuels. The lipids
that are used to produce biofuel diesel are contained within the
algae cell walls. The ponds and lagoons where algae flourish are
natural bioreactors. Modern technology has built on what is
observed in nature to enhance the ability to extract algae lipids.
Materials Required

Steps involved in Construction of Algae

1. Growing Algae – Algae Sample is collected from
a nearby pond. Algae sample is placed in a container
with sufficient waters, nutrients and minerals. Leave it
undisturbed for 4-5 weeks for proper growth.
2. Designing the Structure – Two holes of pipe
connector’s breadth should be made on each glass
bottle cap. Pipe Connectors should fix properly with the
holes made with the help of glue.
3. Connecting Pipes to Aqua Motor – One
end of the Pipe is connected with pipe connector (one
pipe each bottle) and the other end is connected to
Aqua Motor Central pipe. Insert the Pipe inside each
bottle until it gets submerged into water filled inside the
bottle. One more pipe should be taken fixed with the
other pipe connector each bottle. It is connected from
one end only.
4. Setting Up LED Bulbs – Hardboard should be
taken and Glass Bottles with Algae and Water should be
placed on the Hardboard. LED Bulbs should be kept at an
angle such that the focus of the light should be directly
on Bottles. As Algae require light to survive. Another
Hardboard should be taken so that all wires should be
internal. Battery should be connected to Aqua Motor
and LED Bulbs.
Equation of Algae Photosynthesis:
6CO2 + 6H2O C6H12O6 + 6O2
H0 = +2870 kJ/mol

Aqua Motor will suck Air and pass it to Central pipe.

Central pipe will pass the carried air Glass Bottles
through Air pipes. Algae requires Light for
photosynthesis. Therefore, LED Bulbs are placed such
that Light focuses on Glass bottles. Then after all the
photosynthesis process inside the glass bottle the final
product that is Oxygen will taken out of the Bottle using
the connecting pipes.
After all the process Algae is very useful. Then Algae will
be compressed and Algae Bio-Fuel will be extracted.
Humans use algae as food, for production of useful compounds,
as biofilters to remove nutrients and other pollutants from
wastewaters, to assay water quality, as indicators of
environmental change, in space technology, and as laboratory
research systems. Algae is commercially cultivated for
Pharmaceuticals, Nutraceuticals, Cosmetics and Aquaculture

Fuel Source
 Algae can be used to make Bio-Fuel, Bio-Ethanol, Bio-Butanol and
some of these are better than existing fuels.
 Algae can be grown to produce hydrogen.
 Algae can be grown to produce biomass, which can be burned to
produce heat and electricity.
Food supplement
 It is a complete protein with essential amino acid.
 It contains high amounts of simple and complex carbohydrates
which provide the body with a source of additional fuel.
 It contains an extensive fatty acid profile, including Omega 3 and
Omega 6. These essential fatty acids also play a key role in the
production of energy.
 It has an abundance of vitamins, minerals, and trace elements in
naturally-occurring synergistic design.
Role of Algae in Pollution control
 Algae are used in Waste Water Treatment activities.
 Algae can be used to capture fertilizers in runoff from farms. .
 Algae Bioreactors are used by some power plants to reduce
CO2 emissions. Alternatively, the Bioreactor can be installed
directly on top of a smokestack.
Algae are used by humans in many ways. They are used as fertilizers,
soil conditioners and are a source of livestock feed.

Stabilizing agent
It is an excellent stabilizer in milk products - it reacts with the milk
protein casein, other products include: pet foods, toothpaste, ice
creams and lotions etc. Alginates in creams and lotions are absorbable.

All the Uses above can be easily done by algae

bioreactor help because algae production will
becomes more appropriate by this method.

Reference- Wikipedia for Searching Uses of


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