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Atmospheric Storage Tank Fire Protection

Won K.Kim PE – Technical Director

Martech Fire Solutions, Inc., December 5 & 6, 2016

Presented by Won K.Kim, PE

Table of contents
I. Objectives

II. Definitions

III. Atmospheric Tank Fire

1. Review of Large Atmospheric Storage Tank Fires

2. Management of Atmospheric Storage Tank Fires

a. Tank Fire Prevention

b. Planning of Tank Fire Management

c. Preparation for Tank Fire Suppression

d. Implementing the Fire Suppression Process

e. Investigation, Reporting and Follow-up

IV. Fire Protection for Atmospheric Tanks

1. Tank spacing
2. Fire extinguishment & control system
3. Spill control & overfill protection
4. Lightening protection
Presented by Won K.Kim, PE

I. Objectives

Presented by Won K.Kim, PE

• To understand the tank types and potential fire hazards
• To understand the risk management procedure for tank fire
• To understand the different protection for tank fire based on
different fire protection philosophy
• To provide the best protection based on the plant specific
• To understand requirements of codes relevant to fire protection
of atmospheric oil storage tanks
Presented by Won K.Kim, PE

II. Definitions

Presented by Won K.Kim, PE

• advanced exterior fire fighting:
As defined in NFPA 600 is “offensive fire fighting performed outside an
enclosed structure when the fire is beyond the incipient stage” which “often
requires fire brigade members to contain, control, and extinguish exterior
fires involving site-specific hazards such as flammable and combustible
liquid spills”.
• aqueous-film-forming foam (AFFF) concentrates:
Based on fluorinated surfactants plus foam stabilizers. The foam formed
acts as a barrier to exclude air or oxygen and develops an aqueous film on
some fuel surfaces that suppresses the evolution of fuel vapors
• alcohol resistant foam concentrates:
Specifically designed to be effective on fires involving liquid fuels, such as
polar solvents, which can cause some foams to be ineffective.
Presented by Won K.Kim, PE

• base injection:
An alternate term for sub-surface injection.
• class of a fire:
Determined by what type of fuel is involved in the fire. Class A fires
involve ordinary combustibles such as wood, cloth, paper, and rubber.
Class B fires involve flammable or combustible liquids and gases.
• control:
Considered a reduction in fire intensity of approximately 90%.
• extinguishment:
The elimination of all flames from the fuel surface and adjacent areas.

Presented by Won K.Kim, PE

• film-forming fluoroprotein (FFFP) foam concentrate:

A foam concentrate composed of a combination of protein and film-forming
surfactants. The foam formed acts as a barrier to exclude air or oxygen and develops
an aqueous film on some fuels that suppresses the evolution of fuel vapors
• fixed systems:
Complete permanent installations (typically not used on tanks in the USA) in which
the foam is piped from a central station to fixed delivery devices permanently
installed to protect the hazard. These systems include all piping, pumps and foam
concentrate storage. (More self contained than semi-fixed systems.)
• floating roof:
A cover that floats on the tank liquid surface and moves up and down with changes in
tank inventory. It limits the exposed liquid surface to the small fraction in the seal area
around the periphery. The safest floating roofs have “inherent buoyancy”.
• fluoroprotein (FP) foam concentrate:
A foam concentrate with a protein base and a synthetic fluorinated surfactant additive.
In addition to an air-excluding foam blanket, it may also deposit a vaporization-
preventing film on the surface of a liquid fuel .
Presented by Won K.Kim, PE

• foam:
A stable aggregate of small bubbles of air in a water-based foam solution
resulting in a lower density than either oil or water. It flows over a liquid
surface and forms an air-excluding, continuous blanket that inhibits the
release of flammable vapors.
• foam application rate:
A measure of the quantity of foam applied per unit of time per unit of
area. It is usually based on the amount of foam solution (in gallons or
liters) per unit of time (in minutes) per unit of area (in square feet or
square meters); for example, gallons perminute per square foot.
• foam chamber:
A foam discharge outlet attached to the periphery of a tank shell to
introduce foam.
• fixed systems:
Complete permanent installations (typically not used on tanks in the USA)
in which the foam is piped from a central station to fixed delivery devices
permanently installed to protect the hazard. These systems include all
piping, pumps and foam concentrate storage. (More self contained than
semi-fixed systems.)

Presented by Won K.Kim, PE

• floating roof:
A cover that floats on the tank liquid surface and moves up and
down with changes in tank inventory. It limits the exposed liquid
surface to the small fraction in the seal area around the periphery.
The safest floating roofs have “inherent buoyancy”.
• fluoroprotein (FP) foam concentrate:
A foam concentrate with a protein base and a synthetic fluorinated
surfactant additive. In addition to an air-excluding foam blanket,
it may also deposit a vaporization-preventing film on the surface
of a liquid fuel .
• foam:
A stable aggregate of small bubbles of air in a water-based foam
solution resulting in a lower density than either oil or water. It
flows over a liquid surface and forms an air-excluding, continuous
blanket that inhibits the release of flammable vapors.
Presented by Won K.Kim, PE

• foam application rate:

A measure of the quantity of foam applied per unit of time per unit of
area. It is usually based on the amount of foam solution (in gallons or
liters) per unit of time (in minutes) per unit of area (in square feet or
square meters); for example, gallons per minute per square foot.
• foam chamber:
A foam discharge outlet attached to the periphery of a tank shell to
introduce foam.
• hazard:
An inherent chemical or physical property with the potential to do harm
(flammability, toxicity, corrosivity, stored chemical or mechanical energy).
• hose stream heat test:
As used by experienced firefighters, if water from a hose stream does
not “steam” when sprayed on potentially heat-affected equipment no
further cooling is needed.

Presented by Won K.Kim, PE

• Incident Command System (ICS):

The combination of facilities equipment, personnel, procedures, and
communications operating with a common organizational structure, with
responsibility for the management of assigned resources to effectively
accomplish stated objectives pertaining to an incident. Incident
Management System (IMS) is an integrated system incorporating
elements of ICS with other management systems, including Fire
• inherent buoyancy:
Based on a steel roof constructed to the applicable requirements of API
650 Appendix C or H with closed top annular pontoons or a double deck.
• overhaul:
The process of ascertaining that the fire is extinguished, securing the
tank contents from reignition, and recovering or disposing of the
unburned liquid, foam and combustion products.
Presented by Won K.Kim, PE

• minimum application rate for foam:

The rate sufficient to cause extinguishment and demonstrate satisfactory
stability and resistance to burn-back (see NFPA 11).
• polar solvent:
A flammable liquid partially or totally miscible with water. Alcohols, ethers,
ketones and aldehydes are common organic polar solvents.
• protein foam concentrates:
Consist primarily of products from a hydrolyzed protein plus stabilizing
additives and inhibitors.
• red tag drill:
An emergency response exercise in which facility operating personnel
respond to a hypothetical emergency in which a red tag indicates the site
and nature of the problem.

Presented by Won K.Kim, PE

• rim fire:
Burning occurs only at an annular surface around the periphery of an
internal or external floating roof tank where the roof seals against the
tank’s vertical wall.
• risk:
A measure of the probability and severity of harm or adverse effects
resulting from exposure to a hazard.
• securing:
The prevention of reignition of a liquid fuel by maintaining a covering of
foam on the liquid surface until overhaul is complete.
• semi-fixed systems:
Similar to fixed systems but are not self-contained. Foam discharge
devices are permanently attached to the tank and are connected to
piping which terminates at a safe distance from the potential fire site.
Necessary foam producing equipment and supplies are brought to the
scene and connected after a fire starts.
Presented by Won K.Kim, PE

• subsurface injection:
A method of fighting hydrocarbon tank fires in which fuel-resistant
aspirated foam at expansion ratios typically between 2 and 4:1 is
injected into the base of a burning tank above any water bottoms and
below the surface of the burning fuel. The foam rises through the fuel to
the surface to effect extinguishment by cooling and blanketing the fuel
vapor at the surface; also called base injection.
• thermal protective clothing (bunker gear):
A special ensemble of protective clothing constructed in accordance with
NFPA 1971 for used by personnel entering hot and warm zones as
defined in NFPA 600.
• topside application:
A method of foam discharge in which the foam is applied to the surface
of the burning fuel.
• top pourer set:
An alternate term for a foam chamber.

Presented by Won K.Kim, PE

• twenty-five-percent drain time:

The time required for 25% of the liquid contained in the foam to drain; this is
an indication of the water retention ability and fluidity of the foam.
• type I discharge outlet:
A device that conducts and delivers foam onto the burning surface of a liquid
without submerging the foam or agitating the surface; for example, a foam
trough. These are generally considered obsolete because nearly all current
foams are suitable for use with type II discharge outlets.
• type II discharge outlet:
A device that delivers foam onto the burning liquid, partially submerges the
foam, and produces restricted agitation of the surface; for example, a foam
• type III discharge outlet:
A device that delivers foam so that it falls directly onto the surface of the
burning liquid in a manner that causes general agitation; for example,
lobbing with a foam nozzle. Note: this term no longer appears in NFPA 11.
Presented by Won K.Kim, PE

III. Atmospheric Tank Fire

Presented by Won K.Kim, PE

Presented by Won K.Kim, PE

1. Review of Large Atmospheric Storage Tank Fires

Summarized from LASTFIRE Project

Presented by Won K.Kim, PE

Background and Reason for LASTFIRE

• Fire hazards associated with large diameter, open top floating roof tanks
were insufficiently understood.
• Difficult to develop fully justified site specific fire response and risk reduction
• Such tanks had always been recognized within the industry as having a
relatively good fire incident record.
• Control measures, mechanisms for incident escalation and consequential
potential damage to life safety, the environment, business interruption and
asset value were largely misunderstood.
• Tank operators receive considerable pressure to demonstrate that they
were tanking all reasonable measures to minimize the risk.
Presented by Won K.Kim, PE

• Insufficient data to determine whether some risk reduction

measures were truly effective or justified.
• The responsibility of regulatory authorities is mainly to life safety
and environment, whereas operator is also concerned about
asset loss, production disruption and public image.
• Fire hazards associated with large diameter, open top floating
roof tanks were insufficiently understood.
• Difficult to develop fully justified site specific fire response and risk
reduction policies.
• Such tanks had always been recognized within the industry as
having a relatively good fire incident record.
• Control measures, mechanisms for incident escalation and
consequential potential damage to life safety, the environment,
business interruption and asset value were largely misunderstood.

Presented by Won K.Kim, PE

• Tank operators receive considerable pressure to demonstrate that they

were tanking all reasonable measures to minimize the risk.
• Insufficient data to determine whether some risk reduction measures
were truly effective or justified.
• The responsibility of regulatory authorities is mainly to life safety and
environment, whereas operator is also concerned about asset loss,
production disruption and public image.
• Prescriptive standards for fire protection is not sufficient, as the same
incident under different conditions could require different fire hazard
management policies.
• Need to investigate the fire risk associated with such facilities in depth
• Need to develop a methodology by which a cost effective, relevant and
appropriate site-specific risk reduction policy could be determined.
Presented by Won K.Kim, PE

• Consequently, 16 oil companies joined together in an industry forum to

investigate the risk associated with fires in large (greater than 40m
diameter) open-top floating roof storage tank.
Steering Group Member
Working Group Member
BP / Resource Protection International / Shell
• This project was known as the LASTFIRE Project.

Presented by Won K.Kim, PE

Project Objectives
• To determine the current levels of risk associated with fires in
large (greater than 40m diameter) open top floating roof
storage tanks.
• To establish recommended design and operation practice and
to make this knowledge available throughout the industry.
• To provide techniques to enable individual operators to
determine their level of fire related risk and identify appropriate
and cost effective risk reduction measures.
• To identify the areas where a poor understanding contributes to
the risk and, if necessary, to propose further work.
Presented by Won K.Kim, PE

Potential Fire Scenarios

• Rim Seal Fire
• Spill-on-roof Fire
• Cracks in the skin of roof may allow a pool of hydrocarbon liquid to form
on the roof which can be ignited
• If the tank roof loses buoyancy and partially sink, liquid, which can be
ignited, can be exposed over part of the surface of the tank
• Flammable vapors escaping through a tank vent or roof fitting may be
• Full Surface Fire
• Bund Fire
• Explosion in Pontoon or other Confined Space

Presented by Won K.Kim, PE

Project Conclusion
• Storage tank fires of the type under review should not represent a major risk to life safety
or the environment provided by fire response is well managed to pre-planned strategy
• Prescriptive requirements for provision of risk reduction options cannot be universally
appropriate because each specific facility operates under different conditions
• The best practice regarding risk reduction in general and fire response specifically is to
use a Fire Hazard Management approach throughout the life cycle of the facility(this will
result in a site-specific policy based on cost benefit analysis of risk reduction)
• The statistical analysis within the Steering Group members has shown that the fire
incident probability and associated risk is relatively low
• Rim-seal fires are the most likely fire scenario in open-top floating roof storage tanks. In
well maintained tanks it is unlikely that rim-seal fires will escalate to full surface fires.
(Only one of the 55 rim-seal events recorded in the Incident Survey escalated to a full
surface fire.)
Presented by Won K.Kim, PE

• Lighting is the most common source of ignition

• Correlationsbetween rim-seal fire frequency and thunderstorm
frequency have been developed from the statistical analysis as follows;
Fore locations with a thunderstorm frequency greater or equal to
approximately 50 per year, the best estimate of the frequency R of
lightning ignited rim seal fires in a country with T thunderstorm days
per year is,
R = T*1.5x10-4 – 8.8x10-4 per tank-year
For locations with a thunderstorm frequency less than approximately
50 per year, such as in the Middle East, North America, Australia and
New Zealand, the best estimate of the frequency R of lightning ignited
rim seal fires in a country with T thunderstorm days per years is;
R = T* 0.5x10-4 per tank-year

Presented by Won K.Kim, PE

• With typical tank spacing of 0.5 x the diameter of the burning tank,
escalation by radiant heating from a full surface fire on one tank to a
down wind tank is unlikely unless the receptor tank contains a product
with a boiling point close to the ambient temperature
• A site specific fire risk related tank inspection programme by operators
and/or those responsible for fire response followed by corrective action
being taken on identification of a potential problem is one of the most
effective risk reduction measures
• Although it is clearly concluded that Fire Hazard Management policies
should be developed from a site specific analysis, it is considered that
the following hardware risk reduction options are those that are most
likely to demonstrate statistical cost benefit:-
• Secondary seals for high vapor pressure products
• Fire retardant rim-seal material
• Independent high-high level alarms
• Linear heat detection in the rim-seal
• Extended discharge rim-seal foam application systems
• Wind girders with handrails facilitating inspection and allowing back-
up foam application to the rim-seals from a safe location via hydrant
outlets at top of tank level
Presented by Won K.Kim, PE

• A site specific fire risk related tank inspection programme by operators

and/or those responsible for fire response followed by corrective action
being taken on identification of a potential problem is one of the most
effective risk reduction measures
• Although it is clearly concluded that Fire Hazard Management policies
should be developed from a site specific analysis, it is considered that
the following hardware risk reduction options are those that are most
likely to demonstrate statistical cost benefit:-
• Secondary seals for high vapor pressure products
• Fire retardant rim-seal material
• Independent high-high level alarms
• Linear heat detection in the rim-seal
• Extended discharge rim-seal foam application systems
• Wind girders with handrails facilitating inspection and allowing back-up foam application
to the rim-seals from a safe location via hydrant outlets at top of tank level

Presented by Won K.Kim, PE

• The detail design of fire detection and protection systems is often

inadequate due to the lack of operational experience and understanding of
engineering design houses. Input should be sought from site-experienced
fire professional
• The permanent on-site provision of resources to attack a full surface fire is
unlikely to be cost effective except in very critical circumstances. (This does
not negate the need for a preplan for such incidents to include pump out,
evacuation, water cooling of adjacent facilities etc. according to specific site
• The provision of well designed and maintained fire protection systems
(either fixed or semi-fixed) is more effective and reduces risk to responding
firefighters compared to the use of mobile attack methods. This applies even
in the case of provision of fire response resources for full surface fires if it is
deemed justified to provide such resources following the use of the Risk
Workbook process to determine risk reduction and cost benefit. (In fact, as
stated above, it is most unlikely that provision of such resources is unlikely
to be justified except in very critical circumstances.)
Presented by Won K.Kim, PE

• It is important to develop incident response strategies prior to an incident

along with preplanning documentation, regular exercises and
appropriate training for all responders
• It should be recognized that the detail of the implementation of the
chosen response strategy will vary according to conditions at the time of
the incident and this detail should be the sole responsibility of a
designated, suitably trained individual

Presented by Won K.Kim, PE

The statistical analysis has resulted in the following data

for rim-seal fires
Sample 95% Confidence
Thunder- fire intervals for
Country/ frequencies (x10-
storm day frequency
Region 3)/tank-year
per year (x10-3)
Lower Upper

Nigeria 160 21 8 43

30 2 1 4

10-20 1 0.5 2

40 2 1 4
Venezuela 60 13 2 45

120/70 2/13 0.2/3 7/39

10 0.3 0.01 2
Presented by Won K.Kim, PE

The generic event frequencies for fires other than rim-seal

95% Confidence intervals (x10-
Base Frequency 5)/tank-year
Type of fire

Lower Upper

Spill on roof fire 3 0.07 16

Small bund fire (mixers,

9 2 26
pipes, valves or flanges)

Large bund fire (major

6 0.7 21

Full surface fire

3 0.07 16
following sunken roof

Presented by Won K.Kim, PE

Presented by Won K.Kim, PE

2. Management of Atmospheric Storage Tank Fire

Presented by Won K.Kim, PE

a. Tank Fire Prevention

• Large proportion of tank fires can be attributed to design (including
roof design), operation, maintenance and environmental factors.
• Fire risk reduction methods addressed in other publications include:
• control of spills and protecting against overfill (API RP2350).
• environmental ignition factors such as lightning, especially relevant to open
floating roof storage tank seal fires (API RP 2003 and NFPA 780).
• maintenance of tank integrity (API Publ 653).
• proper arrangement and spacing of tanks (NFPA 30).
• providing fire, control and extinguishment equipment and systems (API RP
2001 and NFPA 11) may help prevent small fires from escalating into large
• mechanical design, fabrication, and nondestructive examination of storage
tanks, and protective systems (API Stds 620 and 650).
• safe cleaning of storage tanks (API Std 2015 and RP2016).
• proper operation of vacuum trucks (API Publ 2219).
Presented by Won K.Kim, PE

• Both environmental protection and fire prevention share common

goals; if hazardous materials are kept in the container, the
probability of either an environmental or fire incident is greatly
• Process safety concept, such as MOC, can be applied to
prevention of incidents.
• Changes with recognizable potential impact include:
 Operational revisions (changes in volatility or chemical composition of
material stored, rate of filling, or tank storage or run-down temperatures).
 Changes in piping or valving arrangements.
 Conducting maintenance and hot work.
 Changes to venting or vapor recovery systems.
 Modifications to the tank itself.
 Weather.

Presented by Won K.Kim, PE

• Changes with impacts that are less evident in nature include:

 Soil subsidence.
 Installation of environmental controls (such as activated carbon drums
used for vapor capture).
 Low level gauging of floating roof tanks.
• Any temporary activities should trigger MOC review
• CONCAWE RECOMMENDATIONS on how to deal with an exposed
unignited pool of flammable refined petroleum product. This situation is
most likely occur when the roof of an open topped floating roof tank has
 There have been a number of incidents involving a failed floating roof,
where oil caught fire unexpectedly
 Flammable refined products include naptha, gasoline, kerosene and
similar fuels. Not apply to crude oil which is not a static accumulator.
 The recommendations do not apply to shallow pools (e.g. ground spill)
Presented by Won K.Kim, PE

• Recommendations;
 Stop all transfer operation until it has been shown that it is safe to
 Do not foam unless;
 It is necessary to protect personnel from fire or flash burns if ignition were to
occur during restoration of the floating roof or removal of product.
 There is an uncontrollable ignition source in the vicinity such as an approaching
electrical storm, fired heaters, road traffic etc.
 It is necessary to apply a foam blanket to control vapour emissions which would
pose a greater hazard than a fire.
 If foam is applied
 Never apply foam or water directly to the fuel surface
 Use permanently installed foam pourer wherever possible
 Do not use portable foam inductor which induce foam into the delivery hose
 Maintain a total surface covering at all time
 Even after the extinguishment of tank fire, vigilance should be maintained until
most product has been removed

Presented by Won K.Kim, PE

b. Planning for Tank Fire Management

• General Planning
Presented by Won K.Kim, PE

• Incident Management System(IMS) & Incident Command System(ICS)

• Facility Survey and Hazard Assessment

Presented by Won K.Kim, PE

Presented by Won K.Kim, PE

Presented by Won K.Kim, PE

Presented by Won K.Kim, PE

• Review Existing Fire Suppression Capability

 Understand resources required and apply them to problem resolution
 Basic fire-suppression resource needed for most non-pressurized
hydrocarbon fires is firefighting foam
 Water
 Foam concentrate
 Means of delivering an expanded foam solution to the right location, which
involves equipment, consumables and personnel
 NFPA 11 provides guidance on minimum foam flow to be applied to a
burning tank

Presented by Won K.Kim, PE

• Review, Revise or Develop Fire Protection and Suppression

 Passive strategy
 No firefighting activities
 Allow fire to burn out and evacuate from the area
 Defensive strategy
 Allow fire to burn out
 Protects personnel and exposed equipment
 Offensive strategy
 Aggressively attempt to extinguish the tank fire
• An offensive strategy should be the first option considered
whenever adequate resources are present and there is a
reasonable chance of successful fire extinguishment
• Examples for offensive strategy is employed
 Vent fire
 Ground fire
 Rim seal fire
 Unobstructed full liquid surface fires in small to medium size tanks
Presented by Won K.Kim, PE

• Tank-Specific Planning
 Fixed Roof Tank Fire Suppression Planning
 Fire Suppression Planning for Vertical Fixed Roof Tanks without
Frangible Roof Seams
 Horizontal Tank Fire Suppression Planning
 Bolted and Riveted Seam Tank Fire Suppression Planning
 Internal Floating-Roof Tank Fire Suppression Planning
 Open-Top Floating-Roof Tank Fire Suppression Planning
 Domed External Floating-Roof Tank Fire Suppression Planning
 Large Tank Fire Suppression Planning

Presented by Won K.Kim, PE

Presented by Won K.Kim, PE

Presented by Won K.Kim, PE

c. Prepare for Tank Fire Suppression

Presented by Won K.Kim, PE

• Preparation of Incident Management Resources

• Tank-Specific Preparation
• Logistic Preparation for Fire Suppression
 Communications Support
 Water Supply
 Foam Concentrate
 Foam Delivery Proportioning and Application
 Tank Access Preparation
 Personnel
 Notification Procedure
 Traffic Control
 Mutual Aid
 Third Party Arrangements
 Resources Utilization, Tracking and Documentation
• Training

Presented by Won K.Kim, PE

Presented by Won K.Kim, PE

Presented by Won K.Kim, PE

Presented by Won K.Kim, PE

Presented by Won K.Kim, PE

Presented by Won K.Kim, PE

d. Implementing the Fire Suppression Process

• General Process
for Implementing
Fire Suppression

Presented by Won K.Kim, PE

• Notifying and Activating an Incident Response Organization

• Gathering and Assessing Incident Information
• Developing Incident-Specific Strategy and Tactics
• Resource Assembly and Utilization-Fighting the Fire
 Passive Tactics
 Defensive Tactics
 Offensive Tactics
 Tank Vent Fires
 Rim Seal Fires
 Unobstructed Full Liquid Surface Fires Without Sunken Roofs
 Obstructed Full Liquid Surface Fires with Sunken Roofs
 Fighting Ground Fires Around Tanks
 Protecting Adjacent Tanks
 Cooling Water
• Ongoing Situation Assessment and Adjustments
• Control or Extinguishment
• Overhaul and Remediation
• Incident Termination
Presented by Won K.Kim, PE

e. Investigation, Reporting and Follow-Up

• Investigation
 A team with the proper skills should do the investigation
 Find root causes of the incident for effective prevention
 Resources
 Tank Specific Planning Sheets
 Incident Commend Date Sheet
 Incident Documentation Data Sheet
 Summaries from the critique
• Reporting
 Feedback of results to management
 Operation and engineering function
 Sharing information with industry or society
 Sharing general investigation results with the group provided emergency

Presented by Won K.Kim, PE

• Follow-Up
 Could include
 Changes in facility operations
 Changes in emergency response equipment and procedures
 Changes in facility configuration
 Check if safety goals are met
 Safety for personnel
 Safety for community and the environment
Presented by Won K.Kim, PE

Presented by Won K.Kim, PE

Presented by Won K.Kim, PE

Definition of terms used in fire protection discipline

• autoignition temperature: Minimum temperature to which a fuel in air must
be heated to start self-sustained combustion without a separate ignition
source. This means that, should a leak occur on a line containing a
petroleum product above its ignition temperature, ignition can occur
independent of an ignition source
• boiling point: The temperature at which the vapor pressure of a liquid
equals the surrounding atmospheric pressure. For purposes of defining the
boiling point, atmospheric pressure shall be considered to be 14.7 psia (760
mm Hg). For mixtures that do not have a constant boiling point, the 20%
evaporated point of a distillation performed in accordance with ASTM D86
shall be considered to be the boiling point.
• classes of fire: NFPA 10 classifies fires based on the fuel involved–either
type A, B, C, or D. Fire extinguishing agents are often identified by this
system based on the type of fire for which they are effective (i.e., a dry
chemical fire extinguisher may carry a Class ABC rating where a
pressurized water extinguisher carries only a Class A rating).

Presented by Won K.Kim, PE

• Class A fires are those involving ordinary combustible solid materials

such as wood, coal, paper, rubber, and many plastics.
• Class B fires are those involving flammable and combustible liquids and
gases such as gasoline, crude oil, asphalt, alcohols, LPG, and hydrogen.
• Class C fires are those involving energized electrical equipment. While
electricity is not a fuel, it represents a significant hazard to firefighters if
improper (electrically conductive) extinguishing agents or methods are
used. Once the electrical circuit is de-energized, the fire is then treated
as a Class A or B, depending upon the fuel involved.
• Class D fires are those involving combustible metals such as sodium,
potassium, aluminum, magnesium, lithium or zirconium.
• fire point: The temperature (usually a few degrees above the flash point)
at which a liquid produces enough vapors to sustain combustion.
Presented by Won K.Kim, PE

• flammable range: A range of vapor-to-air ratios within which ignition

can occur. The lower flammable limit (LFL) is the minimum vapor-to-air
concentration below which ignition cannot occur. Atmospheres below the
LFL are referred to as too lean to burn. The upper flammable limit (UFL)
is the maximum vapor-to-air concentration above which ignition cannot
occur. Atmospheres above the UFL are referred to as too rich to burn.
Flammable ranges can vary widely, as illustrated by flammable vapor-to-
air ranges for gasoline (1.4–7.6%) and acetylene (2.5–100%).
• flash point: The lowest temperature at which a liquid gives off enough
vapor to produce a flammable mixture with air immediately above the
surface. A source of ignition is needed for flash to occur. When this
temperature is above ambient, vapors will ignite but will not continue to
burn until heated to the “fire point”. The flash point temperature can be
very low for volatile petroleum products; for instance, the flash point for
gasoline is typically quoted as about –45°F (–43°C).

Presented by Won K.Kim, PE

• flammable liquids: Have closed cup flash points below 100°F (37.8°C)
and vapor pressures not exceeding 40 psia (2068 mm Hg) at 100°F
(37.8°C). Liquids with vapor pressures above 40 psia (276 kPa) at
100 °F (37.8°C) are considered gases by NFPA.
1. Class IA–flash point below 73°F (22.8°C) and boiling point below
100 °F (37.8°C)
2. Class IB–flash point below 73°F (22.8°C) and boiling point at or
above 100°F (37.8°C)
3. Class IC–flash point at or above 73°F (22.8°C) and below 100°F
• combustible liquids: Have closed cup flash points at or above 100°F
1. Class II–flash point at or above 100°F (37.8°C) and below 140°F
2. Class IIIA–flash point at or above 140°F (60°C) and below 200°F
3. Class IIIB–flash point at or above 200°F (93.4°C)
Presented by Won K.Kim, PE

• jet fire: A leak from a pressurized system which ignites and forms a
burning jet which might impinge on other equipment causing damage.
[Ref CCPS Guidelines for Safe Automation of Chemical Processes. In
7.2.4 for vinyl chloride monomer, the jet length in rough terms is about
150 times the jet orifice diameter—a jet from a 2 in. hole could produce a
burning jet about 30 ft long.]
• pool fire: Fuel from a release which forms a pool which when ignited
can burn with a flame height two or three times the diameter of the pool.
[Ref CCPS Guidelines for Safe Automation of Chemical Processes,

Presented by Won K.Kim, PE

Types of Storage Tanks

Presented by Won K.Kim, PE

Presented by Won K.Kim, PE

Presented by Won K.Kim, PE

Presented by Won K.Kim, PE

Presented by Won K.Kim, PE

IV. Fire Protection for Atmospheric Tanks

Presented by Won K.Kim, PE

Presented by Won K.Kim, PE

1. Tank Spacing (from NFPA 30, Flammable and

Combustible Liquid Code, 2015 Edition)

Presented by Won K.Kim, PE

Presented by Won K.Kim, PE

Presented by Won K.Kim, PE

Presented by Won K.Kim, PE

Presented by Won K.Kim, PE

Presented by Won K.Kim, PE

Presented by Won K.Kim, PE

Presented by Won K.Kim, PE

2. Fire Extinguishment & Control System (from NFPA 11, Standard for
Low-, Medium-, and High-Expansion Foam, 2016 Edition)
a. Outdoor Fixed Roof (Cone) Tanks

• Limitation; fixed outlets shall not be used to protect horizontal or pressure tanks
• Foam monitors and handlines
 Monitor nozzles shall not be used as the primary means of protection for fixed-roof tanks over 18m in diameter
 Foam handlines shall not be permitted to be used as the primary means of protection for fixed-roof tanks over 9
m in diameter or those over 6m in height
 Foam application rate

Presented by Won K.Kim, PE

Presented by Won K.Kim, PE

Presented by Won K.Kim, PE

Presented by Won K.Kim, PE

Presented by Won K.Kim, PE

Presented by Won K.Kim, PE

Type I Discharge Outlet;

An approved discharge outlet that conducts and delivers foam gently onto the
liquid surface without submergence of the foam or agitation of the surface.

Presented by Won K.Kim, PE

Type II Discharge Outlet

An approved discharge outlet that does not deliver foam gently onto the liquid
surface but is designed to lessen submergence of the foam and agitation of the
Presented by Won K.Kim, PE

b. Outdoor Open-Top Floating Roof Tanks

Presented by Won K.Kim, PE

Subsurface and Semisubsurface Injection. Subsurface and semisubsurface

injection shall not be used for protection of open-top or covered floating roof
tanks because of the possibility
of improper distribution of foam at the fuel surface.
Presented by Won K.Kim, PE

Presented by Won K.Kim, PE

Presented by Won K.Kim, PE

The equipment for producing each foam stream shall have

a solution application rate of at least 189 L/min (50 gpm),
with the minimum number of hose streams shown in Table

Presented by Won K.Kim, PE

Presented by Won K.Kim, PE

3. Control of Spills from Aboveground Storage Tanks; NFPA

• Every tank that contains a Class I, Class II, or Class IIIA
liquid shall be provided with means to prevent an accidental
release of liquid from endangering important facilities and
adjoining property or from reaching waterways.
 Remote Impounding; 1 percent away from the tank for at least 15m
toward the impounding area
 Impounding Around Tanks by Open Diking

Presented by Won K.Kim, PE

Presented by Won K.Kim, PE

4. Lightning Protection (NFPA 780, Standard for the

Installation of Lightning Protection Systems)
• Fixed Roof Tanks and Tanks with Internal Floating Roofs
 Sliding or fixed contact conductors shall not be mandatory for lightning
protection for fixed roof and internal floating roof tanks.
 For fixed roof tanks (metallic cone or dome) and internal floating roof
tanks, there is a possibility of flammable vapors being present at
atmospheric vents.
 Bonding techniques to prevent discharge between the floating roof
and the shell are addressed in API 650, Welded Steel Tanks for Oil
Storage, Appendix H.
 Tanks handling low–vapor pressure materials or in-service tanks with
properly maintained floating roofs with tight-fitting seals are not likely
to have flammable vapors at atmospheric vents unless they are being
refilled from empty. In these cases, no further lightning protection is

Presented by Won K.Kim, PE

• External Floating Roof Tanks

 Sliding contacts shall consist of either metallic primary shoe seals or shunts
 If nonconductive primary seals are installed, shunts shall be installed as
 The shunts shall consist of a flexible stainless steel conductor of at least 0.031 in. (20

mm ) cross-sectional area or of other material conductors of equivalent current-carrying


capacity and corrosion resistance.

 The minimum width of the shunt shall be 2 in. (50 mm).
 The shunts shall be spaced at intervals no greater than 10 ft (3 m) around the
perimeter of the floating roof.
 The shunt shall have as short and direct a path as possible from the conductive floating
roof to the tank shell.
 The shunts shall be of the minimum length necessary to permit the function of the
floating roof asembly.
 The shunts shall be of the minimum length necessary to remain in contact with the
shell during the full horizontal and vertical design movement of the floating roof.
 The shunts and terminations shall be of sufficient flexibility, cross-sectional area, and
corrosion resistance to maximize service life.
 The shunt-to-shell contact point shall be submerged at least 1 ft (0.3 m) below the
surface of the liquid product.
 Above-deck shunts shall be removed when retrofitting existing tanks with submerged
Presented by Won K.Kim, PE

• Fixed Contact
• Parallel Conducting Paths
• Insulation of Guage or Guide Poles
• Metallic Tank with Non-metallic Roof
• Earthen Containers at Atmospheric Pressure Containing
Flammable Vapor or Liquids that Give Off Flammable

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