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Homaya Amar,

Spiritual Teacher from the Shamanic tradition


The reality as we perceive it

In Sacred Geometry and colors

Life is defiantly not as it looks like; we are not just as we look like.

How many of us are aware to the magnificent infinite life forms, sounds,
silence, colors and mystery that dwell in the ocean realm at the moments we
are seating in front of it, enjoying its calmness healing energy…? How many
of us are feeling it when we merge into it swimming, floating and dancing in it?
How many of us work consciously with its energy? How many of us give

We all are a leaving permeating and flowing energy like waves. Craving to be
seen, carving for the touch of love, the touch connection. We and all are much
deeper. Time line is bringing us all to a state where we can not neglect it any
more on the contrary we are called to look deeper in side of us, all of us.

Homaya Amar was leaving in Tel-Aviv, Israel, working as an Architect and

Designer, living an ordinary life yet moved from an inner power to be exposed
to and live the true connection. As she is sharing: the beginning of her path
was so vague in a way she herself did not realize the longing that burns inside
of her and more then it - the immortally connection that is already vibrating in
her. In The same way it is with all. The knowing that there must be something
more than" that" in life, more than what most of us hear, see of feel - was too
strong to be ignored.

The plug got in to the socket once she encountered Light Language. The
essence and soul of the sacred geometry and colors, past down from master
to student throughout the generations. Wisdoms that roots at the heart of the
native healer, the Shamans of Mexico. At once - she could be again laying at
peace in the world of colors and shape that where already filling here life as
an architect, discovering the beauty, richness and simplicity of it, feeling as
looking deep into the eyes of universe.

Life could not be the same after it. Homaya started to travel into the forest,
valleys, Mountains and sacred places in Europe, south and Central America,
and in herself. She shared time, space and energy with shamans, healers,
miracles workers and spiritual teachers, participate in magical and powerful
shamanic rituals, learning their path of healing and transformation and
initiated to the Curanderus lineage holds by her master Starr Fuentes.

This strong awakening coming from the meeting with light language is based
on the simple fact we all agree upon- our universe appear to us in shapes and
colors. Whether it is the table in front of you, the flowers, the food or the
molecule in the chemicals elements as the known in the Periodic Table of
Elements. And the light, which through we preside the existence, is a wave.
Different wavelengths are different colors.

Since we already know that we create our reality we can assume the same
goes for the ideas, thoughts and feelings that created the universe. It is all
sacred geometry and colors.

Our supreme conciseness as individual and collective is translated into

thoughts, idea, emotions and energy by the vibrations of shapes and colors.
They are emanated into the energetic and existing filed, constantly translating
and shape shifting to denser forms till they embodied in the material plan, in
nature and in our life.

Those are the tools which we, human being, are actively co creating our
world and the reality we experience. We all already using light language yet
most of the people lost the connection to the wisdom and power of it, creating
their life with non awareness.

Learning light language is reinforcing your inners abilities, creating new grids
of conciseness, different from the one that are being used by you now and by
it creating new reality.

With simple and logic codes Light language is here for us as a practical tool to
go one step farther into creating your reality, one step deeper into yourself,
into the true connection and a being of peace.

The shapes and colors structured in different types of grids which are
emanated to the aura, non physical files of energy and by that replacing old
patterns with new once. New energy filed, new experiences, new challenges,
and new opportunities.

This days Homaya is teaching and sharing healing and sacred spaces in
different location in the world. She is a master in light language and master of
connecting people to their true inner self creating deep and long lasting
transformation and rebirth situations.
With respect and joy she is visiting Portugal for the first time, to share her
ancestors and her wisdom, love and knowledge. She will be teaching Light
Language, opening doors for self and collective revelation in individual
meeting as well as classes and initiations which support the being in higher
dimension and new vibrations. Offering healing and cleansing with more than
30 powerful shamanic methods.

All is welcome here.

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