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Plastic Analysis

▪ Mp is the maximum value of moment which can be applied to a cross section before a plastic
hinge develops.
▪ According to the theory of plasticity, a structure is deemed to have reached the limit of its load
carrying capacity when it forms sufficient hinges to convert it into a mechanism with
consequent collapse.
▪ This is normally one hinge more than the number of degrees-of-indeterminacy (ID) in the
structure as indicated in following figures.

Case 01:

Case 02:

Case 03:

Case 04:
Plastic analysis of statically indeterminate beams
Example 01: Fixed ended beam (Encastre beam)
A. By static approach
Case 01
Ms W Ms ID = (2*1 + 4 – 2*2) = 2
hmin = ID + 1 = 3

Mc = 1. 5 Mp, Ms = Mp

Superimpose the fixed and free bending moment diagrams.

Mp Mp W




Stage 01: Statically indeterminate

End point is when support moment = Mp
When W = w1 (say); Mp = w1L/8 → w1 = 8 Mp / L

Stage 02: Statically determinate
w’ – additional load
End point is when span moment reaches 1.5 Mp (then there will be 3 hinges and hence collapse)
w’L/4 = 1.5 Mp – 1.0 Mp = 0.5 Mp → w’ = 2 Mp / L

‫؞‬ w2 = w1 + w’ = 10 Mp / L
Case 02 Mc = 1 Mp, Ms = 1.5 Mp
Stage 01: As before → w1 = 8 Mp / L
Stage 02:
For each cantilever; Load = w’/2 & span = L/2
w’/2 * L/2 = 1.5 Mp – 1.0 Mp = 0.5 Mp
w’ = 2 Mp / L

‫؞‬ w2 = w1 + w’ = 10 Mp / L (Same as Case 01)

Hence, plasticity
➢ increrases the load that can be carried by the beam
➢ allows shedding of moments during loadings, provided that the plastic rotation is allowed at
the cross section
1 1
For each span; Muspan + ∑Musupport = Mpspan + ∑Mpsupport
2 2

where; Mu – Ultimate moments (loadings), Mp – Plastic moments (capacity)

B. By kinematic approach (Collapse mechanism)

Ms W Ms
L/2 L/2
θ θ
Δ = L/2*θ

θ θ
Mc Mc
Mc & Ms are internal moments.
W is an external force.
Applying the principle of virtual work;
Work done externally = Work done internally
W*Δ = M*θ

Case 01
Mc = 1.5 Mp & Ms = Mp
W * L/2 * θ = Mp * θ * 2 + 1.5 Mp * θ * 2
= 5 Mp θ
Case 02
Mc = Mp & Ms = 1.5 Mp
W * L/2 * θ = 1.5 Mp * θ * 2 + Mp * θ * 2
= 5 Mp θ

Hence for both cases; W L/2 θ = 5 Mp θ → W (Final collapse load) = 10 Mp / L

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