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 Bullying.

No one is born a bully

We have no rights to use strength or power to frighten or hurt weaker people.”
being bullied does not mean that you are weak.
The most important thing you can do when being bullied to protect yourself is
to talk about it.

 Bullying.

pick a friend who you trust, a family member or teacher and tell them what’s
been going on.

The bullies I’ve known have deep rooted issues with self esteem or have suffered abuse so
they decide to inflict that same pain on others for a moment of gratification

 Bullying.

We have the law and constitution for that, seeing people getting bullied really pains me, but
what pains me the most are those people who actually throw their anger to those people
that basically have nothing to do with it.

 Bullying.

One of the problems over here is that a lot of schools in Philippines have a zero-tolerance
policy when it comes to fights. Even if a bully starts a fight, the victim can still get
suspended for retaliating in self defense. The best option is to always run from a fight, but
sometimes that isn’t an option. Sometimes you have no choice but to fight back.
 Sogie bill
“Anti-Discrimination Bill”

The misconception of many people is that it is only for the

protection of the gays.
This is not true.
This is for the protection of all!
That’s why I advise everyone to read and understand more
before over reacting .

 Sogie bill

“With all due respect, most of us have gay friends and relatives. We know
them better than anybody else. Allow them to grow as who they are;
otherwise, they will never reach his full potential. It is the responsibility of the
school, the society and families to allow every single person to reach their full
potential. Gay people are not terrorists and harmless. So lets not take their
rights to feel safe and feel treated fairly,

 Sogie bill
Let’s stop using religion to discriminate,” because your beliefs is your beliefs
and not everybody’s beliefs. So lets not base the argument on religious beliefs
because we have laws and legislations that had been made by our Nation’s
leader .

 Sogie bill
I think everybody has the right to feel safe . This Equality Bill will be a good step towards asserting
and upholding the rights of the Gay community and penalizing those who engage in discriminatory
acts, targeted harassment, and hate crimes.
 Mental Health.
 Some people are looking perfect on the outside, but you have no idea
what's really going on in his mind.
I think its important to give time and concern to those people who suffer
mental health issues. and always seek help. Asking for help is not a sign
of weakness but a sign of strength . Because our life is worth saving.

 Mental Health.

Many of us think that people who suffers mental issues are dangerous
and violent. Which is not true. Generally. Stigmatizing attitudes against
mentally ill persons is wrong because they cant defend their selves.
Its important to study and apply possible diagnosis. Some of us have
families and friends that suffers cases like this. Stay close to them and
try to understand them.

 Mental Health.

I think its important to balance everything. Take time to work and take
time to pause and relax. Our brain is one of the most exhausted part of
the body. And it deserves a lot of rest from stress. The mind is powerful
that it can control our moods and emotions. So to people who suffers
mental health issues. it is important to make a voice and talk about it
because it concerns our life.

 Mental Health.

We all have stages in our life that we sit and evaluate where we are all
really going.. we are confuse and lost and feeling smaller . these are just
simple signs that we are mentally depress. I think its normal to feel this
way in some times. However we should also know when to seek help and
be heard.
 Drugs and Alcohol.
 Obesity.

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