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Coile No: L7H. R13 JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD B, Tech IV Year I Semester Examinations, March - 2017 ROBOTICS (Common to ME, AME) ‘Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 75 Note: This question paper contains wo parts A and B. Part Avis “compulsory “Which carries ‘25 "marks. AnsWer all questions in Part A. Part B consists of 5 Units. Answer any one full question from each unit. Each question carries 10 marks and may have a, b, c as sub questions. Part- A (25 Marks) 1a) Define Degrees of Freedom (2) b) What are the different types of control modes in a robot system? BI cc) — What is joint coordinates? (2) d) What is the difference between forward and inverse kinematics? (3) ©) Define manipulator. 2] 1) Discuss:aboiut planar two'link manipulators BB] g) What is trajectory planning? (2) h) Explain about application of encoders, B) i) Describe the role of robot in inspection, 2 }) Explain about robot cell layout design. GI Part-B (50 Marks) 2.a) What is Roboti block diagram, 3? Explain the various components involved in Robotic System with b) Explain the classification of robots by different controlling methods. (5+5] OR 3.a) With a iteat'sketch explain the magnetic gripper and List its advantages and limitations. b) How the robot end effector interface is achieved. Explain. (5+5] 4. Find the rotation matrix for a rotation of 30° about the OZ axis followed by a rotation of 60° about OX axis, followed by a rotation of 90° about OY axis. (10) OR 5.” Derive thie inverse kinemiatics of the 3-DOF manipulator by considering an example. {10} 10. ll, Give that:3X3 jacobian Which calculates lined velocity of the: tool tip frontthe: three joint rates foF the manipulator of following figure, Give the jacobian in frame (6}.~ [10] Joint 2 Joint 3 os OR Using Lagrange Euler formulations determine the equation of motion for the RP manipulator. (10) a joint interpolated motion a ete oT or us feedback components used for robot operation. [10] Explain v Explain the various applications of robot in manufacturing and explain how the robots are handling materials in a shop. floor. {10} OR Write a short note on following: a) Work volume ) General considerations of Robot in Material Handling, (5+5] Code No: JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD ‘Time: 3 Hours an [RIB | B. Tech IV Year I Semester Examinations, November/December - 2017 ROBOTICS os a (Conimon.toAME, MB) Max. Marks: 75 ~ Note: This question paper contains two parts A and B, La) b) =) 4) °) 2) h) i) iD 2a) ’) 3a) ») ad by Sa) a) Ga) b) 7.) b Part A is compulsory which carries 25 marks. Answer all questions in Part A. Part B consists of $ Units. Answer any one full question from each unit Each question carries 10 marks and.may have a, b, ©@s Sub questions, ss : PARTS A (25 Marks) Define the term robotics a} Describe the relation between automation and robotics Gb] What is manipulator kinematics? fel What is homogenous transformations? f Se ‘What'is robot arin dyniamies? i 2) Write about Euler angles. BI What isa hydraulic actuator? 2 Draw the block diagram of trajectory planning 5] Define robot applications in manufseturing, pI Describe material transfer applications. By PART \ (30 Marks) Distinguish an automation and a robot Classification the robot by any two coordinate systems. [545] on Explain the working principle of proximity sensors used in robots. Discuss some of te important considerations in the design of grippers (5+5] Derive rotation in the yo plane using the géometric approach, For the point aum= (62,4) "rotate 30° about the y-axis Followed by translation of 6 units [515) OR For the point ayy= (62.4) " Yranslate 6 units along y-axis, followed by rotation of 30” bout x-axis Write the forward’ inématies for any maniputator based on D-H convention. [543] Differentiate clearly with reference fo 2-jointed manipulator of LL type. Find the joint space singularities of the cylindrical coordinate robot, [+5] oR Pind the manipulator Jacobain matrix J(q) of the five-axis spherical coordinate robot, Describe newton-Euler formulation in dynamie modeling of robotics control. [545] 8.2) A manipulator with a single link is to rotate from 30°%to 100° in 2 seconds. The joint velocity and acceleration are both zero at the intial and final positions. Determine the coefficient of a quadratic polynomial that accomplishes the motion, 8) Differences between open-loop and closed-loop control systems. (545) Pxplain any one method of spliting-a joint trajectory... 90) \ 1b) "List the types of manipulators employed for travelling from point-to-point motion types. (5+5] 10.a) Describe the material handling operations 'b) Explain simple pick-and-place operation ofthe robot. (5+5) . - OR, oo AN H.a) Describe the pelletizing operation ‘of material transferapplication of a robot b) “Explain loading end unloading of materia! handling in die-casting process. ~ -00000—

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