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Name: Fahad Siddiqui

Roll no: SE/2019/206

Section: E



Sir Syed Ahmed Khan was a great Muslim scholar, and
reformer, he came forward to guide the Muslims who were destined to be
wined and eliminated from the Indian society as a result of Hindu and British
He was born on the 17th October, 1817, in Delhi. After he
completed his education, he joined the government service in 1837. He died
on 27th March, 1898. This remarkable man left his unmistakable impact on
education, religion, social life, and politics.




Sir Syed Ahmed was of the opinion that the
pre-state of mind of the Muslims was mainly because they lagged behind in
the modern and English education. The Muslims could not compete with the
Hindus because they did not acquire English education out of extreme hatred
for the British. He clearly total the Muslims that if they did not acquire English
and modern education they would not be able to get their due status in the
society and would be ruined forever. The Muslims were inimical to western
education for three reasons:

1) They considered it inferior to tradition Islamic learning.

2) It was being forced upon them by a foreign people.

Pakistan Studies
Name: Fahad Siddiqui
Roll no: SE/2019/206
Section: E

3) They thought that an education saturated with Christianity might

corrupt their beliefs.

Persian School:
In the beginning of his work, Sir Syed laid down the foundation of a
Persian school at Ghazipur in 1859.

Scientific Society:
In 1803, he established a “Scientific Society” at Ghazipur. Its purpose
was to translate the literate of English, Arabic and Persian in Urdu. Later
on this the society was shifted to Aligarh and fame as the “Scientific
Society of Aligarh”.

Victoria School:
In 1864, Sir Syed established another school named “Victoria School” at
Ghazipur. Magazine(Aligarh Institute Gazette):
On 30th March 1866, scientific Society published a weekly magazine
“Aligarh Institute Gazette” which contain both English and Urdu
In 1870, Sir Syed went to England and visited educational institutions.
The University of Cambridge impressed him the most. The visit provided
him an opportunity to think over and a final shape to his plan of
establishing a similar institute in India. On his return he established
“Society for the Educational Progress of Indian Muslims” in 1870 and
after only two years in 1872 this society laid down the foundation of
“Mohammedan College Committee” to collects for the establishment of
Muslim college.

Mohammedan Anglo-Oriental College:

The efforts of Sir Syed brought Mohammedan Anglo-Oriental
College(MAOC) into being, on 24th May, 1875, at Aligarh Religious
education was introduced as compulsory for the Muslim students.

Pakistan Studies
Name: Fahad Siddiqui
Roll no: SE/2019/206
Section: E

Muslim University Aligarh:

In 1920, after 23 years of death of Sir Syed MAO college became the
Muslim University of Aligarh and the center of their cultural activities.

Mohammedan Educational Conference:

With the view of promoting the educational cause, Sir Syed founded in
1886, the Mohammedan Educational which held its meetings at
different places for discussing problems that affected the Muslims at
large. The principle of the conference was:
1) To make an effort to spread among the Muslims western education
to a higher standard.
2) To examine a state of education and instruction in the indigenous
primary schools and take steps to remove their present state of
decay in directing them onto the path of progress.


Aligarh movement was a step of Muslims
towards progress and prosperity in the modern era.
The political policies, programs and philosophy of the Aligarh
Movement was directly under the impact of Sir Syed Ahmed Khan’s
political views. As a matter of fact, the Aligarh Movement was
fundamentally a political movement under the disguise of
educational and cultural activities.

Pamphlet on the causes of Indian Revolt:

Sir Syed explained the real cause of war in this pamphlet and said
that the Muslims were as must responsible for the war as were other
nations. He wrote that the Muslims were dragged into the war and
that it was unworthy to blame the Muslims alone for the war.
Work for Good Relationship between Hindus and Muslims:
He wrote that the word “NADARATH” has been taken from the
Arabic word “NASAR” which meant benefactor or helper, Sir Syed
use this word for the British because they consider the Britishers as
their helper and benefactor. Sir Syed said that the Muslims of India

Pakistan Studies
Name: Fahad Siddiqui
Roll no: SE/2019/206
Section: E

had always held their British ruler in the highest esteem and

Causes of Hindu Revolt:

On the causes of war of 1857 Sir Syed wrote a book “Asbab-e-
Baghawate Hind”. In his book he wrote the British policy against the
Hindus and Muslims. When British government read about 1857
freedom in this book they agree with this Sir Syed idea that Hindus
are also freedom fighters with Muslims, and Muslims are not against
the British government.

Faithful Muslims of India:

Britishers thought that the Muslims of India were not
cooperative and they were opposing every action of British
government. Sir Syed realized all the conditions and wrote
another book named “Faithful Muslims of India” in which he
wrote that they are not only freedom but the Hindus were also
against British goal.
Sir Syed’s opposition to congress was based on his view that;
1) The congress was Hindu organization.
2) The congress leaders and followers, outside the congress
never hesitated to attack the Muslim religion, culture and

British India Association:

Sir Syed always advocated Hindu-Muslim unity and did every effort to
bring them closer on one single platform. For this purpose the
membership of British Indian Association was kept open for the
Hindus and the Muslims.

Pakistan Studies
Name: Fahad Siddiqui
Roll no: SE/2019/206
Section: E

Two-Nation Theory:
Speaking at the meeting of Indian association Sir Syed said;
“I look to both Hindus and Muslims with the same eyes and consider
them as my own eyes. By the word “Nation” I mean only Hindus and
Muslims and nothing else”.
The Two-Nation Theory played a vital role in the making of Pakistan
and this happened all because of Sir Syed Ahmed Khan.

Fortunately Sir Syed was able to attract into orbit of progress by his
number of sincere friends who shared his views and helped him.

Pakistan Studies
Name: Fahad Siddiqui
Roll no: SE/2019/206
Section: E


The constitution is the law of the land from which all public authorities derive
their powers, their validity and all subjects their rights. The word constitution
applies to that ser authority. It contains the basic rules of the government of a

General Elections in 1970:

The military regime of Yahya Khan held the first ever general elections in
December 1970. Yahya Khan surrendered all powers to Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto the
leader of Pakistan Peoples Party who had won majority of seats in the West of

On 17th April 1972 the National Assembly of Pakistan appointed a committee
of 25 members, to prepare a draft of the permanent constitution of Pakistan.
Muhammad Ali Kasuri was elected chairman of the committee. On 20 October
1972, the draft bill for the constitution of Pakistan was signed by the leaders of
all parliamentary groups in the National Assembly.

A bill to provide a constitution for the constitution for the Islamic Republic of
Pakistan was introduced in the assembly February 2nd 1973 the assembly
passed the billion 10th April 1973 and endorsed by late president Zulfiqar Ali
Bhutto on 12th April 1973 the constitution came into effort from 14th August
1973 it consists of a preamble, 280 articles and 6 schedules.

Pakistan Studies
Name: Fahad Siddiqui
Roll no: SE/2019/206
Section: E


1) Sovereignty of God: Sovereignty over the entire universe belongs to
Almighty Allah alone and the authority to be exercised by the people of
Pakistan within the limits prescribed by Him is sacred trust.
2) Name of a State: Name “Islamic Republic of Pakistan” was selected for
the state of Pakistan.
3) Religion of the State: Islam was declared as the Religion of the state.
4) Judiciary: Under the constitution of 1973 the judiciary enjoyed full
supremacy over the two organs of the state.
5) National Language: Urdu was declared sole national language.
6) Federal System: The system of govt envisaged in the constitution is also
claim to be federal matters of national concerned such as defense
regulation of external affairs, grant of citizenship and nationality, foreign
exchange and currency etc are administrated by the provincial goals.
7) Parliamentary Form: Federal parliamentary form of govt was introduced
again. The powers of President were greatly limited and the prime
minister exercised vast powers. Under the constitution of 1973, for the
first time a bicameral legislature was provided by the country. Bicameral
means having two houses. The upper house is known as Senate and the
lower house is called the National Assembly.
8) President: The president must be a Muslim and not less than 45 years of
age elected by the members of parliament. The term of office of
president should be five years.
9) Fundamental Rights: Steps shall be taken to enable the Muslims of
Pakistan, individually and fundamental principles and basic concepts of
Islam and to provide facilities their by that may be enabled to
understand the meaning of life according to Quran and Sunnah.

CONCLUSION: Several amendments have been done in the constitution

of 1973 till now. Since his constitution has taken effect Marshall Maw
proclaimed two times in the country.

Pakistan Studies
Name: Fahad Siddiqui
Roll no: SE/2019/206
Section: E

Quaid-e-Azam said;

“It is my belief that our salvation lies in following the golden rules of conduct set
for us by our great law-giver, the Prophet of Islam, let us lay the foundation of
our democracy on the basis of truly Islamic ideas and principles. Our God has
taught us that our decisions in the affairs of the state shall be guided by
discussions and consultations.” From Quaid’s the statement it is clear that
Pakistan was created in the name of Islam and one of the objectives of new
state was to preserve the cultural heritage of the Muslims and provide
conditions where in they could mould their lives in accordance with the
teachings of Islam.
The 1973 constitution was a product of the developments in West Pakistan and
of the events leading to the session of East Pakistan. It is to be understood that
a system of government embodied in the constitution is not intended to rest for
a few years or even for a few generations but for countless generations to

Pakistan Studies

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