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June 3-7, 2019 (June 5 - Eid'l Fitr is a regular holiday)



First Day Orientation Introduction of the Course Regular Holiday Pre-Test



The teacher introduces herself to the class with her Regular Holiday The teacher shall enter the class with the pre-test on
complete name, her job experiences and the subjects she hand. Such pre-test will be taken by the class to initially
had been teaching for the past two years in service. assess their prior knowledge on the subject.

If time permits and if the learners accomplish the

answering of test earlier, the class can still start checking
their test with the teacher facilitating the class on
determining the accurate answers.

Exchanging of papers is highly required at this point.

She guides the learners through the CG to see the flow or N/A Emphasis on stimulating prior knowledge and initial
order of lessons to be taken in the subject area. She then assessment of familiarity on the subject concepts
shall explain the relevance of the subject to future

Examples will be emphasized on the relevance of the The teacher shall highlight the importance of academic
subject part of the session. texts.
House rules will be set by the teacher. In fact, she will be Have the group choose a representative to discuss to the
giving the class a heads-up on the possible projects to class their inputs on their assigned text.
accomplish for the semester.

After listening to each group, the teacher shall ensure to

either affirm or amend the strong points and highlights of
the text. This way, the comprehension skills of the
learners will be strengthened as each aspect of the text
has been processed.

The teacher then shall ask the class to decide what type
of texts they have been reading this entire time.

Moreover, the teacher shall then drive the class to name

the similarities and differences of those texts from each
other, and eventually lead them to defining what is
academic writing and what it requires.

Then, the teacher shall share the specific rules in writing

most academic write-ups and have a special focus on
how it is being structured.

Finally, outputs of academic writing will be disclosed by

the teacher - giving the learners an overview of the
written outputs they will be producing for the semester.

June 10-14, 2019 (June 12 - Independence Day is a regular holiday)



Defines communication (EN11/12OC-Ia-1); Explains the nature and process of Regular Holiday Defines communication (EN11/12OC-Ia-1);
and communication (EN11/12OC-Ia-2) and
Explains the nature and process of Explains the nature and process of
communication (EN11/12OC-Ia-2) communication (EN11/12OC-Ia-2)

Lecture on how many activities allotted for Recap on the basic communication concepts N/A 7minutes for final rehearsal then presentation
each comm. Skill or task then emphasizing the holistic criteria or proper
rubrics for their Performance Task 1B
Presenting the average skills allotment for an Provide feedback and scores after each
individual’s waking hours Second, asking the learners to proceed to presentation
their respective groups to rehearse and
Activating prior knowledge by asking the prepare for their presentation Some classes weren’t able to finish the
learners how they were able to define course due to the Discipline Orientation, the
communication SSG and APTAS Election

Fusing all the personal definitions of the

learners and presenting a single or universal
definition of communication

Presenting the 3 inherent features of

communication and providing how each
manifests in our daily routine as
communicators – mentioning real-life

During the presentation of real-life scenarios,

some student volunteers will be asked to live
those scenarios or portray them and ask them
how they’d respond to each scenario

Elements of Communication and its entire




Determines the structure of a specific academic text Determines the structure of a specific academic text HOLIDAY Differentiates language used in academic texts from
(CS_ENN_12A-EAPP-Ia-c-1) (CS_ENN_12A-EAPP-Ia-c-1) various disciplines (CS_ENN_12A-EAPP-Ia-c-2)

The teacher hands over four different texts that are short
and easy to read. She shall allow learners to go through
or skim through the four short texts for ten to fifteen
Afterwards, the teacher shall then distribute the learners
into groups and have them assess one of the texts read
in terms of:
a. Subject/Focus
b. Purpose
c. Target Audience
d. Point of View
e. Writer's Knowledge
f. Style / Tone
g. Language Use

June 17-21, 2019

Explains the nature and process of Distinguishes the unique feature(s) of one Differentiates the various models of Explains why there is a breakdown of
communication (EN11/12OC-Ia-2); and communication process from the other communication (EN11/12OC-Ia-3) communication (EN11/12OC-Ia-5); and
Uses various strategies in order to avoid
Differentiates the various models of communication breakdown (EN11/12OC-Ia-6)
communication (EN11/12OC-Ia-3) (FIRST HALF)
Continued presentation / role-play The teacher may introduce the Dope
Personality Test after mentioning different
social scenarios to help the learners
understand themselves better in terms of
communicating techniques and strengths.

Have students recall the basic concepts of

communication through an oral recitation.
This time, students will be uncovering a
beautiful time travel on how the
communication process evolved all these
Apart from the two learning competencies
listed in the prior page, the teacher should
highlight the students’ practice of verbal
communication and their interpretation on
such form of communication.

The teacher starts with presenting 5

sentences bearing a fill in the blank items
involving commonly confused vocabularies.

The goal of the short activity is to determine

how adequate the learners are in using the
accurate language/word as means of
communicating well with others.
As promised, the teacher takes learners back
to memory lane and together; they shall
uncover the three different models of
communication – linear, interactive and
Illustration for each model will be presented;
as well as their unique features.

Moreover, verbal and nonverbal

communication will be covered; including the
different features or field of language falling
under each.

Sample scenarios will definitely be given after

each field have been discussed.
(e.g. Phonology, Semantics, Kinesics,
Proxemics, Haptics, Paralanguage, etc.)

Learners will be asked to identify the verbal

communication present in randomly given
day-to-day situations/encounters. This activity
will be done by the entire class.
Have learners provide the meaning to
nonverbal communication presented in the
editorial cartoon with pairs. Have them note
down their insights and have them prepare to
present them in class.

If time constraint will be encountered, learners

can have their insight presentation the
following meeting and move on to the Group
Output on describing a model of
communication through a recently viewed

Learners will have to recall the interaction

between or among the characters of the
movie and determine whether it is linear,
interactive or transactional in nature. A
template will be given as a guide to the
learners in groups.

A simple and short Q&A review on the things

discussed will be held 5 minutes before the
session ends.
Allow learners to make a “silent” commercial.
The said commercial must only use text and
nonverbal communication in promoting a
product or advocacy. They may be allowed to
place a background instrumental music or
sound effects in the commercial WITHOUT
spoken dialogue.

If the commercial was recorded, it has to run

for ONLY 40 seconds; if otherwise, 60



Differentiates language used in academic Explains the specific ideas contained in Explains the specific ideas contained in Uses knowledge of text structure to glean the
texts from various disciplines (CS_EN11/12A- various academic texts (CS_EN11/12A- various academic texts (CS_EN11/12A- information he/she needs (CS_EN11/12A-
EAPP-Ia-c-2) EAPP-Ia-c-3) EAPP-Ia-c-3) EAPP-Ia-c-4)
A review on the previous day’s lesson will be facilitated by The teacher shall lead the learners to be more
the teacher through a short oral recitation. comfortable reading academic texts, to have them
prepped for creating their own in the future.
The teacher, afterwards, shall proceed to engaging the Moreover, the teacher shall ensure that the learners can
learners to more academic texts and have them explain explain the meaning of the concepts or ideas enveloping
the varied ideas that can be found in such texts. the text and have them assess as well the structure being
used in the text.
Checking of the assignment The examples will be enclosed in the texts to be read by
the learners.

The teacher shall lead the learners to be more In the first example text, the teacher shall try to
comfortable reading academic texts, to have them demonstrate how varied ideas in the text should be
prepped for creating their own in the future. discovered. She will also include demonstrating how to
Moreover, the teacher shall ensure that the learners can assess the text structure used in the said text.
explain the meaning of the concepts or ideas enveloping
the text and have them assess as well the structure being
used in the text.
The examples will be enclosed in the texts to be read by Eventually, the class will be asked to try demonstrating
the learners. the skills shown by the teacher. As beginners, the teacher
shall ask the learners to be in groups to assess the next
set of texts to touch.
In the first example text, the teacher shall try to Have the group choose a representative to discuss to the
demonstrate how varied ideas in the text should be class their inputs on their assigned text.
discovered. She will also include demonstrating how to
assess the text structure used in the said text.
Eventually, the class will be asked to try demonstrating After listening to each group, the teacher shall ensure to
the skills shown by the teacher. As beginners, the teacher either affirm or amend the strong points and highlights of
shall ask the learners to be in groups to assess the next the text. This way, the comprehension skills of the
set of texts to touch. learners will be strengthened as each aspect of the text
has been processed.

The teacher then shall ask the class to decide what type
of texts they have been reading this entire time.

Moreover, the teacher shall then drive the class to name

the similarities and differences of those texts from each
other, and eventually lead them to defining what is
academic writing and what it requires.

To check mastery on each group’s end, the teacher shall Then, the teacher shall share the specific rules in writing
roam around the room and visit each group. During this most academic write-ups and have a special focus on
time, the teacher gets to ask questions leading the how it is being structured.
learners to complete the task. The processing of the final
answers for each group may be done the next session. Finally, outputs of academic writing will be disclosed by
the teacher - giving the learners an overview of the
written outputs they will be producing for the semester.

June 24-28, 2019





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