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Lesson Plan

Section A – Information
Subject: Date: Time of Lesson: Duration of Lesson:
Science 15/09/19 9:00 A.M 30 MINUTES
Unit of Work: Class: Number of Pupils: Lesson number in unit:
Earth and space Grade 4 25 1/5
Title/Focus of Lesson:
A deeper understanding of solar system

Section B – Professional Development Links:

The following Teachers’ Standards (Prompts) will be addressed: Action Points from last lesson (see section J of previous lesson plan):
 4,3,1  Access their prior knowledge

Section C – Lesson Aims: Select aims related to the Unit of Work (maximum 2)
To provide opportunities for pupils to:
To demonstrate an understanding of the solar system and identifying planets

Section D – Lesson Outcomes: By the end of the lesson the students will be able to…

 Students will be able to name and position the planets in their correct order within the solar system.
 Students will recognize the relevant features and characteristics associated with each individual planet
 Student will critique information found online.

Section E – Meeting Individual Needs: Briefly outline the measures you will take to meet the needs of some named pupils:
 (Not required for now)

Section F - Resources Checklist: Section G – Homework / Independent Learning:

 PowerPoint  X
 Youtube clip link

Section H - Lesson Plan:

Time: Intent (Why are we doing this?): Implementation (What are we doing and Impact (What am I looking for?):
9:00 Usual classroom routine to start lesson

© SCS/BCU/15
Lesson Plan

9:05 To check student’s ability to access and Introduce the topic by accessing student’s Look for physical evidence of attention and
convey their prior knowledge in the prior knowledge of the planets and the solar engagement
classroom system with classroom discussions,
ensuring that the students are engaging in
the topic

The students ideas are implemented on the

white board

9:10 Introducing the students to the order of the A youtube clip will be shown to the students
planets within the solar system and briefly
discussing the features

9:15 To develop collaborative learning through Ask the students to work together to create My Very Eager Mother Just Served Us
team work an acronym to help them in order to Nachos
remember the order of the planets, as the
first letter of each word in the acronym is
the letter that the planet starts with
Students will learn how to do self directed
9:20 learning and how to work in a collaborative Students will work in small groups and will Look for their competent and developing
manner be assigned with laptops or computers to understanding
. search the features and characteristics of
each individual planet. They will get a
worksheet to record their findings. This
worksheet will be collected by the end of the
group task.

After finishing their task they will represent Student’s will show interest to develop
9:30 Establishing deeper understanding their finished work in the classroom understanding of different planets present in
the solar system.

© SCS/BCU/15
Lesson Plan

Complete the following sections as soon as possible after the lesson:

Class: Date: Time of Lesson:

Section I - Assessment for Learning

What have some individual [named] pupils learned in relation to your What is the evidence for this?
stated learning outcomes?

What additional, unexpected or unplanned outcomes were apparent in What learning targets for some individual pupils need to be set?
this lesson?

Section J – Evidence of Reflective Practice:

What aspects of the lesson were successful, and why? What are your action points for the next time you teach this group and/or
lesson? (Transfer to the next lesson plan for this group/lesson)

© SCS/BCU/15

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