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Learning How to Design:

A Minds-On,
Decision-Based Approach


Farrokh Mistree
Janet K. Allen, Harshavardhan Karandikar,
Jon A. Shupe and Eduardo Bascaran
c Copyright 1995. All rights reserved.
Acknowledgments .................................................................. i
Table of Contents ................................................................. ii
Table of Figure .................................................................... vii
Table of Tables ................................................................... x

1 On Design and Open Problems .................................. 1

1.1 What is Design? .................................................... 1
1.2 What is an Open System? .................................... 3
1.3 Problem Identification ......................................... 5
1.4 An Introduction to the Creative Process ............ 7
1.4.1 Limitations and Barriers to Creative Thought
.................................................. 9
1.4.2 Methods for Concept Generation ........ 10
1.4.3 The Thought Process ........................... 15
1.5 Some Examples of Open Problems ....................... 21
Reference ....................................................................... 21
Supplementary Notes 1: Designing for Success in
ME 3110: A Conceptual Exposition .............................. 22

2 Decision-Based Design and the Decision Support Problem

Technique ...................................................... 36
2.1 Decision-Based Design ...................................... 36
2.2 The Decision-Support Problem Technique ........ 40
2.2.1 Decision Support Problems ................. 41
2.2.2 Events, Designing for Concept and Designing
for Manufacture ................ 41
2.2.3 Heterarchy and Hierarchy in Design: When Do
We Start to Design? ............. 47
2.2.4 Implementation of the Decision Support Problem
Technique ........................... 48
2.3 Breaking up a Problem: The Decision Support Problem
Technique Palette ............................. 54
References ...................................................................... 60
Supplementary Notes 2: Management and Planning
Tools for Continuous Quality and Product
Improvement ................................................................ 62
Supplementary Notes 3: Additional Information of Meta-
Design ........................................................................... 76

Table of Contents iii

3 Selection .................................................................... 88
3.1 The Decision Support Problems ............................. 89
3.2 The Selection Decision Support Problems ............. 90
3.2.1 Preliminary Selection .............................. 91
3.2.2 Selection Decision Support Problems . 95
3.2.3 Example of the Selection Procedure ... 102
3.3 On The Use of Selection Decision Support
Problems .......................................................... 117
Appendix 3A: Scales and Weights
Using Soft Information .................................... 118
3A.1 Interval Scales and Their Use
in Decision Support Problems ........ 118
3A.2 The Creation of Interval Scales ............ 119
3A.2.1 The Churchman-Ackoff Method
................................................... 120
3A.2.2 The Standard Gamble Method
.................................................. 121
3A.2.3 The Rating Form .................... 122
3A.3 Determining Weights for the Relative
Importance of Criteria
and Attributes ................................. 124
3A.3.1 The Ranking Method ............. 124
3A.3.2 The Comparison Method ....... 125
3A.3.3 The Reciprocal Pairwise Comparison
Matrix Method . 126
Appendix 3B: Summary and Steps for Formulating
Selection Decision Support Problems .............. 130
3B.1 The Preliminary Selection DSP .......... 131
3B.2 The Selection DSP ............................... 133
Appendix 3C: The Preliminary Design of a V/STOL
Aircraft ................................................................. 135
3C.1 Generating Concepts .............................. 135
3C.2 Ideation and Designing for Concept ...... 136
3C.3 An Example to Illustrate the Preliminary
Selection of Concepts ........................... 137
3C.4 The Selection Decision Support
Problem ................................................ 148
References ...................................................... 159
Appendix 3D: Design Through Selection the Use of QFD in the
Attribute Generation Process ............... 160
iv Design: A Minds On, Hands on Approach

3D.1 The Quality Function Deployment

Method ............................................... 160
3D.2 An Example to Illustrate the Process .. 164
References ................................................................. 172
Supplementary Notes 4: Mechanisms .......................... 175

4 Compromise ............................................................. 184

4.1 The Role of Optimization ................................. 184
4.2 Descriptors of the Compromise DSP
Formulation ............................................. 188
4.2.1 System Variables and System
Constraints ....................................... 189
4.2.2 Deviation Variables and System Goals .. 190
4.2.3 Range of Values for Deviation
Variables ........................................... 193
4.2.4 Bounds on System and Deviation
Variables ........................................... 197
4.2.5 The Deviation Function ........................ 197
4.3 The Two Coal Problem ...................................... 205
4.4 Linear Single Objective Optimization Formulation
and Graphical Solution ............................... 208
4.4.1 Case A: The Word Problem ................. 208
4.4.2 Case A: Derivation of the Constraints
and the Objective Function ............ 209
4.4.3 Case A: The Mathematical Form of the Word
Problem .................................. 215
4.4.4 Case A: The Graphical Solution .......... 216
4.4.5 Case A: Recommendation .................... 219
4.4.6 Case A: Post-Solution Analysis ............ 219
4.4.7 Case B: Formulation and Graphical Solution
.......................................... 227
4.5 The Single Goal Compromise Decision Support
Problem .......................................................... 228
4.5.1 General Formulation .......................... 229
4.5.2 Case C: The Word Problem ................. 230
4.5.3 Case C: The Mathematical Form of the Word
Problem ....................................... 231
4.5.4 Case C: Graphical Solution .................. 232
4.6 The Linear Multigoal Compromise Decision
Support Problems ....................................... 233
4.6.1 General Formulation of the Linear
Multigoal Compromise DSP ................. 233
Table of Contents v

Case D: The Mathematical Form of
the Word Problem ................................. 235
4.6.3 Case D: Graphical Solution .................. 237
4.7 The Nonlinear, Multigoal Decision Support
Problem ....................................................... 238
4.7.1 Case E: The Mathematical Form ............... 238
4.7.2 Case E: Graphical Solution ...................... 240
Appendix 4A Summary and Steps for Formulating Compromise
Decision Support Problems ....... 244
Appendix 4B Examples of Compromise Decision Support
Problems .......................................................... 247
4B1 Example 1 - Design of a Single Thread Power Screw
..................................................... 248
4B2 Example 2 - Design of Drive Sheaves ........ 252
4B3 Example 3 - Design of a Journal Bearing . 256
4B4 Example 4 - Design of a Flapper Plate ...... 260
4B5 Example 5 - Design of a Piston .................. 264
4B6 Example 6 - Design of a Helical Spring ..... 268
4B7 Example 7 - Design of a Cylindrical Pressure Vessel
................................................... 272
4B8 Example 8 - Design of a Skeletal Link ....... 276
4B9 Example 9 - Design of a Slider Crank Mechanism
.......................................... 280
References ..................................................................... 283

5 Vayun Capers ............................................................... 284

5.1 Grading Scheme and Mindset ........................... 284
5.2 A Brief History of Vayu ..................................... 287
5.3 The Vayun Design Project Stories ..................... 291
5.3.1 Project SOG: Planetary Expeditions Are All Wet
........................................................ 293
5.3.2 Project POP: You Can't Get What You Want Until
You Find It .................................. 297
5.3.3 Project RAT: It Takes a Rat to Catch
a Thief? .................................................. 304
5.3.4 Project OLDTEK: Everything Old is Technological
Again .............................. 308
5.3.5 Project BUG: Villain Driven Buggy Before Bugging
Out .......................................... 312
5.3.6 Project HUEVO: You Can't Make an Omelet Without
the Right Eggs ......................... 316
vi Design: A Minds On, Hands on Approach

5.3.7 Project RSVP: Please Tell Us If You Can Attend the

Disaster ............................. 321
5.3.8 Project ARM: Reach Out and
Touch Someone ................................... 327
5.3.9 Project TALL: The Harder They Are, The Taller They
Will Build .......................... 332
5.3.10 Project WindBAG: Whither the Wind Goes, I Store.
..................................................... 336
5.3.11 SHARK: Speilbaum's Hasty Amphibious Retrieval of
Klepp .................................. 341
5.3.12 LIFT: Low-Tech Invention Foiling Tolzar . 344
5.3.13 DROP: Delivering Radiosensitive Oval Payload
................................................... 349
5.3.14 SCALE: Shaft Climbing Contraption to annihilate the
Enemy. .......................... 353
5.3.15 SPECTRE: Self Propelled Efficient Collector for
Trash in Radioactive Environments 357
5.3.16 PROBE: Prompt Recovery of Bosh's Expedition
............................................... 364
5.4 Closing Comments ............................................ 370
Figure 1.1 A Typical Morphological Chart ..................... 14
Figure 1.2 From Unconscious Incompetence in Problem Solving
to Unconscious Competence ........ 16

Figure 2.1 An Example of Designing for Concept

and Designing for Manufacture ................ 42
Figure 2.2 Designing for Concept: An Idealization ........ 44
Figure 2.3 Heterarchical and Hierarchical Represent-
ations in Decision-Based Design .............. 46
Figure 2.4 The Decision Support Problem Technique .. 48
Figure 2.5 DSPT Palette for Modeling Processes ......... 57

Figure 3.1 The Selection Process ................................... 90

Figure 3.2 The Preliminary Selection Decision
Support Problem ..................................... 91
Figure 3.3 Preliminary Selection: Steps ........................ 92
Figure 3.4 The Selection Decision Support Problem .. 95
Figure 3.5 Models for the Merit Function ................... 100
Figure 3.6 Rough Sketches of the Concepts for a Horn
for an Automobile .................................. 103
Figure 3.7 Alternatives for Horn Selection Problem .. 109
Figure 3.8 Sensitivity of the Merit Function to
Changes in Attribute Ratings ................. 116
Figure 3A.1 A Typical Rating Form ............................... 123
Figure 3A.2 The Reciprocal Pairwise Comparison
Matrix Method ........................................ 127
Figure 3C.1. Creation of concepts for V/STOL
..problem .................................................. 138
Figure 3C.2. V/STOL aircraft concepts .......................... 141
Figure 3C.3. Preliminary selection ................................ 147
Figure 3C.4. Variations in Merit Function Values ....... 157
Figure 3D.1 Schematic of the Selection Process ............ 161
Figure 3D.2 QFD Matrix Representation ...................... 163
Figure 3D.3 Alternatives for Horn Selection Problem .. 165
Figure 3D.4 Relationship Matrix and Ranking of
“How” Items ............................................. 167
Figure 3D.5 Correlation Matrix ...................................... 171

viii Design: A Minds On, Hands on Approach

Figure 4.1 Typical Design Space for a Two Variable

Compromise DSP ..................................... 189
Figure 4.2 The System Goal .................................. 194
Figure 4.3 Design Space for Example Problem ........... 202
Figure 4.4 Conveyor Capacity ................................... 210
Figure 4.5 Pulverizer Capacity ................................... 211
Figure 4.6 Limit on Sulfur Oxides ............................... 212
Figure 4.7 Smoke Constraints ................................... 213
Figure 4.8 The Objective Function .............................. 215
Figure 4.9 Case A: Feasible Design Space .................. 217
Figure 4.10 Case A: Solution .......................................... 218
Figure 4.11 Change in Slope of Objective Function ..... 221
Figure 4.12 Change in Right Hand Side Coefficient ... 223
Figure 4.13 Case B: Solution ......................................... 228
Figure 4.14 Case C: Design Space ................................. 233
Figure 4.15 Case D: Solution Space .............................. 237
Figure 4.16 Case E: Solution Space .............................. 241
Figure 4B.1 Square Threaded Power Screw .................. 248
Figure 4B.2 Design of a Square Threaded
Power Screw ........................................... 251
Figure 4B.3 Arrangement of the Drive to Gear-Box .... 253
Figure 4B.4 Journal Bearing .......................................... 257
Figure 4B.5 Design of a Journal Bearing ...................... 259
Figure 4B.6 Flapper Plate .............................................. 260
Figure 4B.7 Design of a Flapper Plate ........................... 263
Figure 4B.8 Piston ........................................................... 264
Figure 4B.9 Design of A Piston ...................................... 267
Figure 4B.10 Helical Spring ............................................. 268
Figure 4B.11 Design of a Helical Spring .......................... 271
Figure 4B.12 Pressure Vessel .......................................... 273
Figure 4B.13 Skeletal Link ............................................... 276
Figure 4B.14 Design of a Skeletal Link ........................... 279
Figure 4B.15 Slider Crank Mechanism ........................... 280
Figure 4B.16 Design of a Slider Crank Mechanism ........ 282

Figure 5.1 Map of Vayu, Circa 550 S.E. ...................... 286

Figure 5.2 Timeline for Vayu, from Discovery
Onwards ............................................... 289
Figure 5.3 Course for Project POP ............................... 300
Figure 5.4 The OLDTEK Track ................................... 310
Figure 5.5 The BUG Track .......................................... 314
Table of Figures ix

Figure 5.5 The HUEVO Track ..................................... 319

Figure 5.6 The RSVP Track ........................................ 324
Figure 5.7 Project LIFT ............................................... 344
Figure 5.8 Schematic Solution to Project DROP .......... 352
Figure 5.9 Schematic of a Solution to Project
SPECTRE ................................................ 361
Figure 5.10 Test Track for Project PROBE ................... 368

Table 3.1 Comparison of the Concepts for Preliminary

Selection to Datum Concept 1 .......... 105
Table 3.2 Comparison of the Concepts for Preliminary
Selection to Datum Concept 5 .............. 107
Table 3.3 Establishing a Viewpoint for the Pairwise
Comparison Method Obtaining the
Relative Importance of the Attributes for
the Selection DSP ................................. 111
Table 3.4 Summary of the Pairwise Comparisons to Obtain the
Relative Importance of the Attributes for the
Selection DSP ........ 112
Table 3.5 Summary of the Relative Importance of the
Attributes for the Selection DSP ......... 112
Table 3.6 Criteria for the Creation of Interval
Scales ..................................................... 113
Table 3.7 Evaluation of the Alternatives ................... 114
Table 3.8 Evaluation of the Merit Function .............. 115
Table 3C.1. Preliminary selection ................................. 143
Table 3C.2. Scenarios for the relative importance
of generalized criteria .......................... 146
Table 3C.3. Preliminary selection ................................. 146
Table 3C.4. The relative importance of attributes -
a comparison ...................................... 150
Table 3C.5. Examples of the creation of interval
scales ................................................... 151
Table 3C.6. Example of the creation of composite
attribute ratings ................................. 151
Table 3C.7 Attribute Ratings (Aij) .............................. 152
Table 3C.8. Evaluation of normalized relative
importance of attributes ................... 153
Table 3C.9. Normalized attribute ratings (Rij) ............. 154
Table 3C.10. Merit function values and final rankings
for the alternatives ............................ 154
Table 3C.11. Merit Function Values for 5%
Change in Alternative Ratings ........... 158
Table 3D.1 Relative Importance of Attributes ............. 169
Table 3D.2 Relative Importance Scenarios ................. 172

Table of Tables xi

Table 4.1 System Goal Formulations for An

Archemedean Case ............................... 198
Table 4.2 Deviation Function Values for
Archemedean Solution ......................... 204
Table 4.3 Coal and Material Handling
Characteristics ...................................... 206
Table 4B.1 Design of Drive Sheaves: Solution ............. 256











On Design and Open Problems

In this chapter we set the stage for our study of design. We define
designing as a process of converting information that characterizes the
needs and requirements for a product into knowledge about a product.
Most real-world design problems cannot be isolated from the
environment, usually they are complex. One of the most important
aspects of design is identifying what the problem is, see Section 1.3. An
introduction to the creative process is presented in Section 1.4.

1.1 What is Design?

Engineering design is in a period of ferment. For more than three
centuries, the world view of engineering design has been based on the
idea that systems may be designed by reducing them to their components,
isolating these components and designing each independently. This is the
Newtonian concept of reductionism. However, in the past half century,
there has been a virtual revolution. The fundamental reasons for this
change are a new emphasis on systems thinking and the pervasive
presence of computers.
Systems thinking emphasizes both the system as a single entity and
the separate and collective properties of its component subsystems.
Further the object being designed is placed in the larger context of the
environment in which it will be used.
In the decades since computers became the universal tool of engineers
we have observed dramatic changes. We now have computers that can
process symbols, words, graphs, and numbers, and they are imbued with
the ability to reason. New software and hardware allow us to do things
that, even a few years ago, we could contemplate only wishfully.

2 1. On Design and Open Problems

Designers are on the threshold of being able to use computers not just as
tools, but as advisors, critics and, ultimately, as partners in the process of
Most futurists agree that we are at the beginning of the Information
Age. In this new age, information will be available to designers almost
instantly in quantity and quality previously not considered possible.
Designers will negotiate the solutions to open problems in conjunction
with computers, data-bases and expert systems. They will be involved
primarily with the unstructured or partially structured parts of problems,
that is, with establishing system goals, partitioning the system in terms of
its functional subsystems and planning the design process itself. They
will be less involved with the structured part, that is, the design of
components, which will be automated.

So what will designers do? Our definition of the term designing is as


Designing is a process of converting information that characterizes
the needs and requirements for a product into knowledge about a

The term product is used in its most general sense. Not only can
specific objects be designed, but processes can also be designed. For
example, a designer may design a lawn mower and also design the
process by which the design of the lawn mower is to be obtained.
We assert that the principal role of a designer is to make decisions.
Decisions help bridge the gap between an idea and reality. The
characteristics of design decisions are summarized by the following
descriptive sentences:
❑ Decisions in design are invariably multileveled and
multidimensional in nature.
❑ Decisions involve information that comes from different sources
and disciplines.
❑ Decisions are governed by multiple measures of merit and
❑ All the information required to arrive at a decision may not be
1.1. What is Design? 3

❑ Some of the information used in arriving at a decision may be hard,

that is, based on scientific principles and some information may be
soft, that is, based on the designer's judgment and experience.
❑ The problem for which a decision is being made is invariably
loosely defined and open, see Section 1.2. Virtually none of the
decisions are characterized by a singular, unique solution. The
decisions are less than optimal and are called satisficing solutions.
By focusing upon decisions, we have a description of the product
development processes written in a common “language” for teams from
the various disciplines - a language that can be used in the process of
designing. Decisions serve as markers to identify the progression of a
design from initiation to implementation to termination. We term this
approach Decision-Based Design and our specific implementation of
Decision-Based Design is the Decision Support Problem Technique.

1.2 What Is an Open System?

Life-cycle engineering of a system typically covers its realization, its
operation, and its maintenance, followed by retirement in an
environmentally benign manner. Life-cycle engineering of open systems
includes the life-cycle of the first generation system, the next generation
and so on. Our working definition of open engineering systems follows:
Open engineering systems are systems of industrial products,
services and processes that are capable of indefinite growth and
development by both incremental technological advance and major
technological change stemming from an existing base.
An example of an open engineering system is the IBM PC. Several
generations of PCs were developed (generations built around the Intel
286, 386 and 486 chips) and variations also occurred within each
generation. Other examples of open systems include the Boeing 700
series of airplanes, stereo systems (a juke box is a closed system), and the
B52 bomber series.
Engineers have had phenomenal success in solving problems by
isolating them from their environments. These artificially isolated
systems are called closed systems; they are isolated from the real world
by a boundary. On the other hand, an open system is one in which matter,
energy and information may be exchanged with the environment across
the boundary. Usually, closed systems - and closed problems - are easier
to deal with because they can be defined and completely understood; the
unexpected is unusual. Generally closed problems have been tackled
using the Newtonian principle of reductionism, that is by breaking them
4 1. On Design and Open Problems

up into smaller and smaller units that may be solved independently and
the solution for the entire problem generated from the solutions of the
An open system - or an open problem - cannot be isolated. Any
solution must take into consideration input and output. In general, open
problems are more complex than closed ones, in some cases, an answer is
not possible. In some cases many answers are possible; it is left to the
problem solver to determine which is the “best”. For large scale open
problems, it is mathematically impossible to identify an optimum
solution. However, it may be possible to identify satisficing solutions [2],
that is solutions which can be shown to satisfy the requirements specified
in the problem statement. Given that the problem solver has a choice of
solutions that satisfy the requirements, the problem solver is then left to
choose the “best”. For the moment, we merely mention that determining
the “best” solution often requires the consideration of many different
attributes, e.g., cost, time required, political considerations, etc.
Notice that the solution proposed is very sensitive to the original
problem statement. The two questions: How will I pass this course? and
How will I get an A? demand different solutions. In some cases, only a
partial answer is possible. In other situations, the problem solver may
decide to make an experiment of the problem itself or propose a series of
steps, for example, I'll do the first three assignments and see what
happens, if I don't like the results, then maybe I'll drop the course.
Using a personal computer can enhance your effectiveness in solving
open problems for several reasons:
❑ Most open problems require effective communication - whether
among a team of people solving the problem or between a problem
solver and people who have posed the problem or those who
require a solution. Word processing packages, presentation
software, graphics packages, schedulers, etc., enhance effective
❑ Most open problems require the organization of masses of material
- your desk, your office and your mind have finite limits.
Schedulers, databases, and on-line libraries can help you organize
and prioritize material.
❑ There are many specific application packages which can help you
solve pieces of the problem.
Indeed, we believe that this is an education for the future; computers
have made a tremendous change in the way business is done over the last
twenty years. Children begin learning about computers sometimes before
1.2. What Is an Open System? 5

they start school. It is inevitable that in the future, computation devices

will become their partners; and yours, if you are to remain competitive.

1.3 Problem Identification

One of the most important aspects of being able to solve a problem is to
understand thoroughly what the problem is, what the constraints are, and
what the solution objectives are. It is suggested that when you are
presented with a large open problem, you follow a specific sequence of
One such sequence can be implemented in the context of the
following building blocks: Story, Technical Brief, Events, Abstracts,
Problem Statements, Word Problems, Work Schedule, Mathematical
Formulations, Templates, Solution, Validation and Synthesis. A
description of each of the terms follows.

A Story is a statement of needs, requirements and specifications,

typically defined by a “client”. It may be in lay, rather than technical,
terms and may be incomplete and/or may include contradictory
The Technical Brief contains information pertaining to the
functional requirements, the technical and economic limitations, the
technical and economic measures of success and the technical
resources available for the entire project. The Technical Brief at the
start of the project may be incomplete but it may not include any
contradictory statements.
Events (for example, feasibility study, conceptual design, etc.) are
the entities that are used to model the solution process. Events on a
time-line determine the process to be used to achieve the functional
(and other) requirements embodied in the Technical Brief.
An Abstract contains relevant information from the Technical
Brief (for example, the functional and technical requirements)
augmented by additional information available at the start of each
Event in the design process.
A Problem Statement is like an executive summary. A Problem
Statement contains information on the type of decisions to be made
and a summary of all the information that is needed for making these
The Word Problem is derived from the Problem Statement. It is
the link between the problem and a mathematical form that is
amenable to a computer solution. The word problem is a “living
6 1. On Design and Open Problems

document” It has to make connection with both the problem

statement and its mathematical form. Remember, a one-to-one
correspondence between the word and the math forms is essential.
A Work Schedule is developed based on the Word Problem. The
schedule is particularly important for engineering problems in which
the resources that may be used to solve the problem are limited. For
example, is there a hard deadline? Are there enough people
available? What about experts? Hardware? Software?
The Mathematical Formulation is derived from the Word
Problem. It is one of the important links that makes a design problem
amenable for numerical solution on a computer. The Problem
Statement, Word and Mathematical Formulations are “living
documents”. They must be consistent and true to the model that is
actually being solved.
A Template is the implementation of the Mathematical
Formulation on a computer.
The Solution is the result of implementing the Template on a
Validation is the procedure of checking the Solution by several
routes and being sure that a reasonable answer has been obtained.
Validation is especially essential for large open problems.
Synthesis involves integrating the solution into a usable package.
Post-Solution Sensitivity Analysis may be performed to determine
the sensitivity of the solution to changes in the input, constraints or

Do not be concerned if these definitions seem abstract. The rest of this

book will guide you in the use of these building blocks.

1.4 An Introduction to the Creative Process

The ability to conceive solutions that never existed is a talent that is
unique to the human species. Creativity defines the ability to generate an
idea or concept. The act of creation may involve the assembly,
modification or manipulation of information from experience together
with stimuli from human instinct and emotion. The creative part of
engineering provides an exhilarating experience. Indeed it is essential
through out the design, development, manufacture and delivery of a
product or service.
1.4. An Introduction to the Creative Process 7

Although a complete understanding of how the human mind functions

is not entirely known, there are a number of observations that may
provide some understanding of creativity. These are:
❑ All human beings have the potential to be creative;
❑ Age and education do not ensure increased creativity;
❑ Exercise in creative thought does enhance creative ability;
❑ Barriers to creativity can prevent problem solving;
❑ Only a few concepts can be maintained in the “active use area” of a
human's brain;
❑ Stress can enhance creative effectiveness.

Each of the preceding is examined in turn.

Studies have shown that a high IQ is not required to think creatively,
nor is the creative process the exclusive property of any particular
profession, age group, ethnic group, or social class. It is used by
engineers, artists, architects, teachers, entertainers, writers and a host of
other individuals.
Creative ability is not guaranteed by either increased age or education.
Indeed, there is evidence to indicate that education may, in fact,
contribute to the formation of barriers to creativity. Some people seem to
be capable of more creative output than others because some persons
have a larger base of experience upon which to base their problem
solving. It is well known that chronological age alone does not guarantee
either knowledge or wisdom. Similarly, age does not bestow the ability to
create upon an individual. Indeed, some of the most creative activity is
carried out by young children at play.
The ability to be creative can be significantly enhanced by practice in
much the same way that physical exercise improves muscle tone. Thus,
practice with clever thought problems and simple creativity exercises can
frequently sharpen creative abilities. Many people who are regarded as
highly creative are often found to be persons who enjoy solving puzzles,
riddles and abstract problems.
Barriers to creative thought can severely limit effectiveness of
designers. The primary reason that children are so creative is that they
are uninhibited in their thinking and are not influenced by past
experiences that tend to inhibit older people. Fortunately, it has been
shown that a better understanding of the nature of these barriers can often
help the designer to overcome this limitation to creative thought.
The human mind can store a vast amount of information in its
subconscious storage area but only a few concepts, at a particular
moment, in the active use area. It is for this reason that conceptual
8 1. On Design and Open Problems

models in the form of equations, pictures, sketches, words, and objects

are frequently used to augment and organize the creative process. Some
of the techniques presented, provide organizational assistance in the
“idea management” portion of the creative process.
It is believed that a modest amount of physiological stress enhances
our effectiveness at creativity. Unfortunately, too much stress has a
severely negative effect on creative output. Thus it is important, in a
work environment, to provide just the right amounts of motivation and
challenge for optimum creative effort.
Let us now examine the different types of barriers that inhibit
creativity, keeping in mind that a better understanding of these can lead
to a greater utilization of our basic ability to be creative.

1.4.1 Limitations and Barriers to Creative Thought

The limitations and barriers that we place on ourselves in creative
activity can stifle the basic mental process that is necessary for effective
design. These limitations are built through a variety of mechanisms and
can be classified as either intellectual barriers, emotional barriers or
social and cultural barriers. An excellent text in this regard has been
written by Adams [3]. We describe each in turn.

Intellectual Barriers. Intellectual barriers to creative thought stem from

either experience directly attributable to the problem at hand or from
perceptions that are based on experiences that are not directly related to
the problem. Both the practical experiences we have had in life and the
knowledge we have learned through our formal education can contribute
to intellectual barriers.
The human mind cannot maintain a large number of solution ideas in
the active use area at any given time. Thus a single solution sometimes
dominates the mind to the extent that no other useful ideas can emerge.
One good way to overcome this barrier is to document your initial
solution fully (so that it will not be lost to later use) and then force
yourself to look for other alternatives. Some designers prefer to leave the
problem solving environment and return later when they have had
sufficient time to forget the original solution.

Emotional Barriers. Basically the emotional barriers to creative thought

come from the fears that are ingrained in our lives to enable us to avoid
hurt or disappointment in other domains of our existence. For example
we fear having someone laugh at us and our ideas. Thus we are reluctant
to expose our creative ideas to the criticism of our peers or our superiors.
1.4. An Introduction to the Creative Process 9

We are taught that fantasy and reflection are a waste of time, and yet
these are the very tools that creativity depends on for success.
As engineers and professionals we are taught that reason, logic,
numbers and utility are good while feeling, intuition, qualitative
judgments and pleasure are bad. Yet these human qualities are quite
useful in the creative process. In our educational system we are taught
that problem solving is serious business and that humor is out of place.
Yet a playful, humorous environment is often very conducive to creative

Social and Cultural Barriers. Cultural blocks and taboos are acquired by
exposure to a given set of cultural patterns. These rules and norms of
behavior help us to live in harmony within our social setting.
Unfortunately, cultural blocks and taboos remove entire families of
solutions from our consideration. At times we tend to think that such
blocks are only present in other peoples lives and not our own.
Often our society rewards conformity. Yet the most creative persons
are usually the nonconformists who are willing to make changes from the
status quo. If we are to create an environment in which creativity is to
thrive, we must provide a situation in which the creators of ideas are not
persecuted, ridiculed or laughed at for their efforts.

1.4.2 Methods for Concept Generation

Ideation is the mental process of stimulating one's imagination to
produce concepts and ideas to solve the problem at hand. Ideation has
been variously termed as “applied imagination” [4], “morphological
creativity” [5] and “synectics” [6]. Adams [3] deals with idea generation
(conceptual blockbusting) in general. It is excellent and must be read!
Impulse ideation refers to a sudden generation of ideas triggered as a
result of a serendipitous happening or one that occurred during the course
of daily routines. The most difficult and useful creative activity is
demand ideation - generating ideas to solve a particular situation of no
previous interest. The technique is the crux of engineering design. Most
problems that are posed are not amenable to the demand ideation process
because of a lack of knowledge of the problem. Creative persons,
however, know how to divide the problem in ways that will stimulate
their imagination. This approach can be taught.
In the concept generation phase, the feasibility of concepts generated
is of least consequence. The principal aim in using the ideation
techniques is to generate as many functional concepts as possible. Then,
10 1. On Design and Open Problems

using the process of selection the best alternative for further development
is identified.

There are several different demand ideation techniques that are very
effective idea stimulators. These methods can be used individually and
that is the way they are described in this section.

Brainstorming. Brainstorming is probably the best known of all methods

for concept generation. Brainstorming is based on the premise that the
more concepts one generates as a solution to a given problem, the more
likely it is that one of those concepts will lead to a good solution.
Brainstorming is usually done by a group of people but the method can
be used, with limited success, by an individual. The basic rules of
brainstorming are as follows.

1 A group of persons is assembled for the brainstorming session.

These people should be conversant with the field of the problem
but should not necessarily be experts. The group can be as large as
ten and as few as three. Larger groups tend to be difficult to
2 A person defines the problem and states the goals of the session.
Typically, many themes will emerge and the group may follow
each one for a brief period. A moderator records the themes that
are emerging from the session. The moderator also documents
every concept that is offered, no matter how wild or unlikely the
solution may seem at first. If the process is getting bogged down,
the moderator throws in a theme that had emerged, showed
potential but was not fully developed. In this way the moderator
provides stimulus and direction to the session. On hearing the
theme proposed by the moderator the participants focus on the
words briefly and then try to develop the theme further.
3 The session should be conducted in a light, humorous atmosphere
with everyone encouraged to offer ideas, with the moderator
providing the group with new directions when necessary.
4 No ideas are judged in the idea generation phase. In this way the
fear of ridicule is mitigated. This guideline is extremely important,
and failure to maintain this environment will severely limit the
success of the session. Participants are encouraged to offer as many
ideas as they can think of, and may combine or modify the ideas of
their fellow group members.
5 The session proceeds until the group begins to tire or until a
predetermined stopping time has been reached. This will usually be
1.4. An Introduction to the Creative Process 11

about 30 or 40 minutes since longer sessions can be exhausting if

the concept generation is at all lively. Next, the group is adjourned
for a time to engage in some other, mind clearing activity. This
break time may be for only a few minutes or may be as much as
several days.
6 Then the group is reconvened for the evaluation phase. Anyone
with additional ideas that have been generated during the break
time is allowed to add them to the group's list of ideas. Once this
step is complete, the group proceeds to structure the information
that is available. This involves careful evaluation of each of the
ideas on the list. In going back over this list, it may happen that
many of the ideas that were originally offered in fun have a great
deal of potential whereas others that seemed to have great merit
when they were first proposed, are of little worth. The reason for
separating the evaluation phase from the idea generation phase is
to dilute the feeling of “ownership” of ideas and thus focus
criticism on the concept instead of the person who generated the
initial concept.

The result of brainstorming is that a large number of concepts are

generated. However, there is no way to ensure that all the pertinent facets
or characteristics of the problem are considered. Also, there is no
particular organization to the concepts generated. Although the group can
evaluate the concepts, the best they can be expected to do at this time is
to eliminate completely infeasible ideas.

Attribute Listing. The attribute listing technique involves the listing of

the characteristics, qualities, or parameters of a material, device or
problem area. This technique is used to identify the essential
characteristics of the problem or those of the desired solution. The
principal objective of attribute listing is to identify and clarify the
essential characteristics of the problem and its desired solution. If done
comprehensively, the entire scope of the problem is covered and thus one
has a good idea of what issues must be dealt with in generating concepts.
However, in this method, no concepts are actually generated.
Attribute listing is done by an individual. Different people will
interpret a problem differently and will come up with different lists of
attributes. Whatever the specific content of the resulting list of attributes,
the process through which it is developed helps the mind focus on the
basic problem and stimulates creative solutions.
12 1. On Design and Open Problems

Checklisting. Checklisting involves the use of a check-list of questions

designed to jog the thought process about a particular problem solution.
Such thought provoking questions often lead the problem solver to look
deeper into the implications of the problem and frequently generate new
ideas of value to the creation process. For example, the need to design a
device to stop a rotating spool on a wire rope manufacturing machine
might be satisfied by using an automobile disk brake. This solution is not
immediately apparent but could result from considering the second
question that has been listed earlier. In this case, the stopping mechanism
is essentially an off-the-shelf item thereby reducing the cost.
The effect of checklisting is to make the designer aware of the issues
involved in the problem at hand. Like attribute listing, use of checklisting
can help ensure that all the aspects of the problem are dealt with.
However, no concepts are generated here; one must turn to either
brainstorming or morphological charts to generate the actual concepts.

Morphological Chart Method. The morphological chart method is

another means of stimulating imagination to generate concepts. It
involves the development of a list of independent parameters or
characteristics associated with the problem. Each of these parameters is
considered independently for possible alternative solutions. All are
tabulated in a matrix that can be cross correlated to produce many
different combinations as solutions to the problem.
A typical morphological chart is shown in Figure 1.1.

Independent Design Alternatives


W W1 . W2 W3 W4

X X1 . X2 X3

Y Y1 Y2 Y3
. Y4 Y5

Z Z1 Z2 Z3 . Z4

Figure 1.1. A typical morphological chart

Care should be exercised that the alternatives listed represent different

concepts that serve the same purpose and are not variations of the same
basic concept. In the example that follows “engines” is one of the
1.4. An Introduction to the Creative Process 13

independent parameters and the concepts associated with it are: piston,

gas turbine, turbo fan and tandem fan. Each of the concepts is unique. It
would have been inappropriate to list as alternative concepts, e.g., five
piston engines of different makes and different thrust ratings, because
these would represent variations of one basic concept, namely, piston
engines. The chart permits a comparison of different characteristics that
might not otherwise be associated. The morphological chart method is a
very powerful organizational technique for identifying a large number of
solution alternatives in a short time.

Synectics. The method of synectics, also known as Gordon's method, is

based on the use of analogies or the comparison of characteristics about a
solution idea. For example, consider the similarity between a hedge
trimmer and an electric shaver. Such a comparison may provide
considerable insight into the design of a new type of hedge trimmer. In
this method, an attempt is made to provide different viewpoints into the
concept generation environment. Another approach to using synectics is
to look for similarities between two objects that are vastly different. For
example a comparison between the operation of a family and a computer
network bus structure might give considerable insight into information
flow and hierarchy concerns for the design of a new type of computer
Synectics, like attribute listing and checklisting, is useful in better
understanding the problem at hand, and thus better delineating it. It also
allows the designer, using analogies, to go beyond his or her sphere of
experience and generate truly innovative concepts.

1.4.3 The Thought Process

Another view of the process of creative thought has been developed by
DeBono [7, 8] whose view is that:
Thinking is an operating skill with which intelligence acts upon
experience (for a purpose).
Consider a car and a driver. The car has a powerful engine, a smooth
gear box and a wonderful suspension. The skill of the driver is something
different. In no way does the power of the car ensure the skill of the
driver. In this analogy the engineering of the car corresponds to innate
intelligence and the driving skill of the driver corresponds to the
operating skill we call thinking. It is often the case that a more humble
car has a better driver. Driving skill can also be learned, practiced and
14 1. On Design and Open Problems

Processing and Perception:

Excellence in processing does not make up for inadequacies of
perception, [9]:
Perception is the way we look at things. Processing is what we do
with that perception.
❑ It does not matter where you start (i.e., your perception) because if
your thinking is good enough you will reach the right answer.
❑ From within the situation, by further processing, you can tell where
you ought to have started.
❑ Traditional perception is enough because it has evolved through
trial and error over time.




Figure 1.2. From unconscious incompetence in problem solving to

unconscious competence [9]

Learning to tie our shoe laces:

Unconscious and incompetent: There is a certain time in our life when
we do not know how to tie our shoe laces but are unaware of it.
Conscious and incompetent: We then reach a stage when we become
aware that we do not know how to tie them.
Conscious and competent: We then learn how to tie them.
Unconscious and competent: Finally, tying our shoe laces becomes a
habit. We know how to tie them but do not need to think about it.
Ramifications of learning: Learning requires that we first move from the
lower right corner to the upper right; we become conscious of what we
1.4. An Introduction to the Creative Process 15

do not know. Moving from the upper right to the upper left and then to
the lower left is familiar to us (classes, training, lessons) and fun if we
are good at learning. We end up back in highly unconscious territory.
Coping with rapid change in technology: Living with the lower left is
rewarding if we are blessed with good problem solving habits. However,
to cope with change we must return to the upper right to begin the cycle
again. We have to move from habit to an awareness of our ignorance.
Can we move from habit to an awareness of our ignorance? You can tie
your shoe laces unconsciously. Can you learn a new way to tie them
unconsciously? Difficult if not impossible. Can you learn a new way
consciously? Ah ha - maybe there is hope.
Question: What are the ramifications of these observations on your
approach to problem solving and this course?
Habit and Problem Solving [7]:
❑ Clasp your hands in front of you and look at them. Notice which
thumb is on top. Unclasp them and reclasp them so that your other
thumb is on the top. Notice anything?
❑ Fold you hands across your chest. Notice that one of your wrists is
on top. Unfold them and refold them so that the other wrist is on
top. What happened?
These are simple physical habits but they do remind us that we are
programmed, at least physically in our daily lives. They further show that
through conscious effort, a desire to do something differently, and
instructions as to what we want to accomplish we can modify our habits.
Our first attempts seem awkward, even wrong. However, with
reinforcement we can learn new programs.
Habit is not only beneficial but also necessary to life as we know it. If
we consider physical habits, our conscious abilities are simply not rapid
enough to control our bodies say when we play tennis. Similarly habits
allow us to solve intellectual problems much more rapidly than if we had
to rely completely on consciousness.
In some situations, habits do not serve us well. They certainly stand in
opposition to change and our ability to cope with change. By its very
nature, change, whether initiated from within (“I have made it in my field
and I am ready to move on.”) or from without (“The Japanese are
increasing their emphasis on personal computer production.”) requires
reorientation of habit.
16 1. On Design and Open Problems

Adaptive Action Learning. Confucius is quoted as having said,

Tell me and I will forget,
Show me, and I will remember,
Let me do it and I will understand.
A Satisficer and an Optimizer. In one of his early works, Herbert Simon
characterized a satisficer as one who stopped looking through a haystack
when he found the needle. An optimizer, on the other hand, would take
the whole haystack apart looking for all possible needles to be able to
pick the sharpest one. Obviously life does not allow us time to disas-
semble completely all the haystacks we encounter. However, this is
pertinent to problem solving. Our natural behavior may often lead us to
less than the sharpest needle.
What is your Natural Behavior to Problem Solving? How would you
place the remaining letters of the alphabet above and below the line to
make some sense to you? Can you identify other ways? What are they?



The Human Mind and Satisficing. The mind does not compulsively
continue to unearth additional options. It sacrifices concepts to reach a
speedy solution. People reach an answer in a short time and then
Some examples:
A Group size

A EF KLM 1 2 3

A EF HIJ 1 2 3
BCD G KL 3 1 2

B Letter shapes
❑ Letters with curved lines below; letters without curved lines above.
1.4. An Introduction to the Creative Process 17

❑ Letters with crossbars above; letters without crossbars below.

❑ Letters below can be formed without lifting a pencil from the
paper; letters above cannot.
C Sound
❑ Top letters are soft; bottom letters are hard.
❑ Top letters would take the article an; bottom letters would take a.
❑ Top letters begin with a vowel sound.
What are your reactions to these? Can you guess why you react the
way you do? The answer probably has to do with the fact that you did not
think of them. If you satisficed are you now less satisfied?
How did you arrive at the answer(s) you chose? How much of the
process was conscious? unconscious? Did your answers “occur” to you?
Your mind may have relied upon its familiar mix of conscious and
unconscious activity. It acted habitually. By now, you are hopefully
convinced that problem solving is influenced by habit - that you are
programmed to a considerable degree in your thinking.
Questions: In what ways does Decision-Based Design conflict with
your natural predisposition (habit) to problem solving? Why? How do
you plan to resolve these differences in the context of this class?
Differences Between Lateral and Vertical Thinking [7]. Lateral thinking
and vertical thinking are complementary. One needs skill in both types of
1Vertical thinking is SELECTIVE; lateral thinking is
GENERATIVE. Rightness matters in vertical thinking. Richness
matters in lateral thinking. Generate alternatives for the sake of
generating them in lateral thinking. Select the best approach in
vertical thinking.
2 Vertical thinking moves ONLY if there is a direction in which to
move. Lateral thinking moves in order to generate a direction.
3 Vertical thinking is analytical. Lateral thinking is provocative. To
be able to use the provocative qualities of lateral thinking one
must also be able to follow up with selective qualities of vertical
4 Vertical thinking is sequential. Lateral thinking makes jumps.
5 With vertical thinking one has to be correct at every step. With
lateral thinking this is not the case.
6 In vertical thinking one uses the negative to block up certain
pathways. In lateral thinking there is no negative.
18 1. On Design and Open Problems

7 In vertical thinking one excludes what is irrelevant. In lateral

thinking one welcomes chance intrusions.
8 In vertical thinking categories, classifications and labels are fixed.
In lateral thinking they are not. In lateral thinking classification
and categories are signposts to help movement rather than fixed
pigeon holes to aid identification.
9 Vertical thinking follows the most likely path; lateral thinking
explores the least likely.
10 Vertical thinking is a finite process. Lateral thinking is
probabilistic. Vertical thinking provides at least a minimum
solution. Lateral thinking increases the chance of a maximum
solution but makes no promises.
11 In vertical thinking information is used for its own sake to move
forward to a solution. In lateral thinking, information is used
provocatively to bring about repatterning.
The Basic Nature of Lateral Thinking
1 Lateral thinking is concerned with changing patterns. By pattern
we mean the arrangement of information on the memory surface
of the mind. A pattern is a repeatable sequence of neural activity.
2 In a self-maximizing system with a memory the arrangement of
information must always be less than the best possible
arrangement. The rearrangement of information into another
pattern is insight restructuring. The purpose of the rearrangement
is to find a better and more effective pattern.
3 Lateral thinking is both an attitude and a method for using
4 Lateral thinking is never judgment. In lateral thinking information
is used not for its own sake but for its effect: one is not interested
in the reasons that lead to and justify the use of a piece of
information but the effects that might follow such a use. The way
of using information is to look forward. In lateral thinking,
information is used to alter the structure but not to become part of
5 Lateral thinking is directly related to the information handling
system of the mind.

1.5 Some Examples of Open Problems

The real world abounds with open problems: How will I pass this course?
Get an A? Get a job? What kind of a car should I buy? How can we
1.5. Some Examples of Open Problems 19

improve the transit system? Most engineering problems you will be

presented with are open problems.
Most design problems start as an ill-defined collection of functional
requirements and human needs, e.g., we need a way for cars to go from
the university to the city ..., or we need an engineering building ..., or we
need a faster computer ..., etc. Successively the problem is identified,
resources that are available to help with the solution are identified, the
problem is broken up into modules, a solution strategy is chosen and

1 H. A. Simon, The Sciences of the Artificial, The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA,
2 J. L. Adams, Conceptual Blockbusting, The WW Norton Co, New York, NY,
3 A. F. Osborn, Applied Imagination, Scribner's, NY, NY, 1963.
4 M. S. Allen, Morphological Creativity, Prentice-Hall, NJ, 1962.
5 W. J. J. Gordon, Syntectics, Harper and Row, London, 1961.
6 E. DeBono, Lateral Thinking, Harper and Row, NY, 1970.
7 E. DeBono, DeBono's Thinking Course, Facts on File, NY, 1985.
8 J. L. Adams, The Care and Feeding of Ideas: A Guide to Encouraging
Creativity, Addison Wesley, 1986.



Farrokh Mistree

My role and this paper I want to foster learning using the paradigms
of adaptive action learning and decision-based design. The design, build
and test project is not the end all and be all of this course; learning is. I
view my role as that of an orchestrator; one who orchestrates your
learning. I believe that I am responsible for providing an opportunity for
you to learn how to learn - preferably in an atmosphere that is fun for
all concerned!
I started development on a course similar to ME3110 at the University
of Houston in 1981. Fall 1992, however, was the first time I taught ME
3110 at Georgia Tech. Based on the feedback and my own observations
about the course I have decided to put this document together. It is a
modified version of a paper titled: Designing for Concept using Decision
Support Problems: A Conceptual Exposition. I wrote this paper for a
short course that I gave at the University of Tennessee and at the Indian
Institute of Technology, Delhi in 1988. The references therefore are
dated. I have particularized this paper for ME 3110.
Where am I coming from? In the future, information that is useful in
designing will be available almost instantly in quantity and quality
heretofore not possible. Designers will negotiate solutions to open
problems in a computer environment that is characterized by user-
friendly desk-top computers networked to much larger machines -
machines with the capability to process symbols (words, pictures,
numbers, logic) - and extensive data-banks. I assert that the principal role
of an engineer in this computer environment is to make decisions
associated with the design and manufacture of an artifact.
I believe that design is an intellectual cognitive decision-based
activity. I also believe that there is no substitute for human intuition and
tinkering in design. For you, your time is your most precious

1 This paper is a modification of a paper titled Designing for Concept:

A Conceptual Exposition that appeared in the Proceedings of the
First International Applied Mechanical Systems Conference
(IAMSDC-1) with Tutorial Workshops, Nashville, Tennessee, June
11-14, 1989.
Sup.Notes.1.1. Decision-Based Design and the DSP Technique 21

commodity. Once spent you can never retrieve it. I therefore want you to
spend it wisely. So? It takes all types to make this world. Some of you
will be turned on by the intellectual cognitive approach to design and
others by the tinkering approach. There is room in this world for the both
categories of designers. However, I believe that to be time-effective one
must be comfortable with both approaches and use them at the right time.
So? Use this experience to figure out who you are and then go about
deliberately experiencing the other.
And finally a few words of advice. Keep coming back to this paper.
You will not be able to absorb it all in one sitting. I am not giving you a
recipe - but some guidelines. Do not follow these guidelines blindly. Use
them wisely, augment them and most importantly think of the
consequences before you ignore them. Remember that you still need to
read the text!

1. Decision-Based Design and the Decision Support

Problem Technique: An Introduction
Decision-Based Design is a new term coined to emphasize a different
perspective from which to develop methods for design [1]. In the context
of Decision-Based Design we assert that the principal role of an engineer
is to make decisions associated with the design of an artifact or product.
This seemingly limited role ascribed to engineers is useful to provide a
starting point for developing design methods based on paradigms that
spring from the perspective of decisions made by designers (who may
use computers) as opposed to design that is assisted by the use of
computers, optimization methods (computer-aided design optimization)
or methods that evolve from specific analysis tools such as finite element
The implementation of Decision-Based Design can take many forms.
A comprehensive approach called the Decision Support Problem (DSP)
Technique [2,3,4] is being developed and implemented to provide
support for human judgment in designing an artifact that can be
manufactured and maintained. The DSP Technique consists of three
principal components: a design philosophy expressed, at present, in terms
of paradigms, an approach for identifying and formulating DSPs and the
software necessary for solution. In our view, the primary function of the
DSP Technique is to catalyze action by a designer and, in the process, to
provide a rationale for the thought processes stimulated by the formalism
of the Technique's structure. By itself, the Technique does nothing. It has
no life of its own; it is not autonomous. It enhances and takes on the
intellect of the person using it --- like a chameleon changing color in a
22 Supplementary Notes 1. Designing for Success is ME 3110

new environment. In the context of the DSP Technique design,

manufacture and maintenance have a specific meaning, namely,
❑ designing - a process of converting information that
characterizes the needs and requirements for a product into
knowledge about a prototype of the product,
❑ manufacturing - a process in which the knowledge about a
selected prototypical version of the product is converted into
replicates of the product, and
❑ maintaining - a process in which information that characterizes
the performance of a product in terms of its function and its
effects on its environment is monitored and analyzed in order to
maximize the performance/cost ratio (thereby enhancing
customer satisfaction), and to gain knowledge for design
modifications (thereby increasing industrial competitiveness).
Decision Support Problems provide a means for modeling decisions
encountered in design, manufacture and maintenance as defined above.
Multiple objectives that are quantified using analysis-based "hard" and
insight-based "soft" information can be modeled in the DSPs. For real-
world, practical systems, all of the information for modeling systems
comprehensively and correctly in the early stages of the project, will not
be available. Therefore, the solution to the problem, even if it is obtained
using optimization techniques, cannot be the optimum with respect to the
real world. However, this solution can be used to support a designer's
quest for a superior solution. In a computer-assisted environment this
support is provided in the form of optimal solutions for Decision Support
Problems. Formulation and solution of DSPs provide a means for
making the following types of decisions:
❑ Selection - the indication of a preference, based on multiple
attributes, for one among several feasible alternatives [5,6].
❑ Compromise - the improvement of a feasible alternative through
modification [6-11].
❑ Hierarchical - decisions that involve interaction between sub-
decisions [12,13].
❑ Conditional - decisions in which the risk and uncertainty of the
outcome are taken into account [14].
We believe that the principal role of any design process is to convert
information that characterizes the needs and requirements for a product
into knowledge about the product itself. Further, it is safe to assume that
because of the complexity of the product (an engineering system) the
conversion of information into knowledge will have to be accomplished
in stages. In the traditional design process names have been given to the
stages such as feasibility, conceptual, preliminary and detail. The names
Sup.Notes.1.1. Decision-Based Design and the DSP Technique 23

and the number of stages, from the standpoint of the information

necessary for making decisions in each of the stages, are not important.
What is important is that:
❑ the types of decisions being made (e.g., selection and
compromise) are the same in all stages, and
❑ the amount of hard information increases as the knowledge
about the product increases.
Our current efforts are focused on understanding what is needed and
developing the tools to support human decision making in the early stage
of a project. We assert that it is possible based on the ratio of available
hard-to-soft information at any time to define the process of design in
terms of events, for example, designing for concept, designing for
manufacture, economic viability, preliminary synthesis, detailed analysis,
and the like. We also believe that using this ratio it is possible to
categorize computer-based aids for design into categories, for example,
tools that provide support for the decision making activities of a human
designer and tools that facilitate design automation. These concepts are
illustrated in Figure 1.
In designing for concept we seek to cast as wide a net as practicable to
generate many concepts and then systematically home-in on a concept
that meets the functional specifications and can be produced and
maintained. In other words, in designing for concept we are involved in
the process of converting information that characterizes the needs and
requirements for a product into specific knowledge that can be used in
designing for manufacture. In designing for manufacture we attempt to
ensure that the product can be manufactured cost-effectively. Of course,
we recognize that in practice iteration between events will occur and, for
convenience, this has not been shown in Figure 1.
A scenario of the process accomplishing Conceptual Design through
Detailed Analysis (see Figure 1) is shown in Figure 2. This is one of
many schemes that could be postulated. Let us assume that we are
involved in original design and that this process is underway. Let us
assume that the economic viability of the project has been established,
the go-ahead for the next event (conceptual design) has been received in
the form of a problem statement. We are indeed ready to start with the
conceptual design of the artifact. The first task in this event is ideation,
that is, the generation of alternative ways (concepts) of achieving the
objectives embodied in the problem statement. Ideally, a large number
of concepts should be generated. Techniques that foster ideation include
brainstorming, attribute listing, check listing, synectics, etc. The end-
product of ideation will be a number of concepts. At this stage
information on these concepts will be limited and most of it will be soft.
24 Supplementary Notes 1. Designing for Success is ME 3110

How can we identify the best concept? This is a three-step process:

❑ In the first step we use the available soft information to identify
the more promising "most-likely-to-succeed" concepts. This is
accomplished by formulating and solving a preliminary selection
❑ Next, we establish the functional feasibility of these most-likely-
to-succeed concepts and develop them into candidate
alternatives. The process of development includes engineering
analysis and design; it is aimed at increasing the amount of hard
information that can be used to characterize the suitability of the
alternative for selection. At the end of this step the ratio R is
higher than that at the start of this step.
❑ In the third step we select candidate alternative for further
development. This is accomplished by formulating and solving a
selection DSP. The selection DSP has been designed to utilize
both the hard and the soft information that is available.

R => 0 R = Qualitative ratio of hard information/soft information R => n

Decision Support Automation

Ideation, CAD,
Artist's conception, Solid modelling,
Selection, Tolerances,
Compromise, Manufacturing processes,
Rapid prototyping. Costing.

Designing Designing
for for
Concept Manufacture

Conceptual Detailed Analysis Detailed Processes for

(costing, manufacturability) Drawings Manufacture
in Serial
Dimensional Prototype
Synthesis Testing
Economic Preliminary
Viability (includes tolerancing)

Figure SN1.1. An Example Of Designing For Concept And Designing For

Sup.Notes.1.1. Decision-Based Design and the DSP Technique 25
26 Supplementary Notes 1. Designing for Success is ME 3110

Event: Conceptual Design

Ideation (Using ideation techniques generate many concepts.)
Recognize need. Analyze need. Record first impressions.
Select the Most-Likely-To-Succeed concepts.
Formulate and solve a Preliminary Selection DSP.
Critically evaluate the selection.
Establish Functional Feasibility of the Most-Likely-To
Succeed concepts in the context of Essential
Requirements.. Convert concepts to candidate alternatives.
Select one candidate alternative for development.
Formulate and solve a Selection DSP.
Critically evaluate the selection.
Establish the Cost-effectiveness and Manufacturability of
the chosen alternative. Critically evaluate the selection.
Event: Preliminary Synthesis
Improve the Functional Effectiveness of selected alternative
through modification.
Formulate and solve a Compromise DSP.
Establish and accept a satisficing design.
Event: Detailed Analysis
Based on information provided in Preliminary Synthesis
test the Functional Feasibility of the selected alternative
in the context of a Comprehensive set of Requirements,
and develop information on costs and manufacturing.
Improve, through modification, the Functional and Cost-
effectiveness of the design.
Refine the Compromise DSP by including
information on costs and manufacturability.
Solve the Compromise DSP.
Establish and accept an improved design.
Proceed to the Dimensional Synthesis Event
Figure SN1.2. Designing For Concept: An Idealization

Of course we can repeat any of the preceding steps. Let us assume that
we are satisfied with the alternative that we have identified. We develop
this alternative further into a feasible alternative (thereby increasing the
value of the ratio R). This development results in a feasible alternative,
that is, one that satisfies the functional requirements, is probably cost-
Sup.Notes.1.1. Decision-Based Design and the DSP Technique 27

effective and can be manufactured. We do, at this stage, have a "feel" for
the overall dimensions of the artifact but no knowledge of the precise
dimensions. Let us assume that we are satisfied with the feasibility of the
alternative and are ready to proceed to the next event, namely,
Preliminary Synthesis.
In Preliminary Synthesis the alternative is improved through the
modification of its dimensions and this is achieved via the formulation
and solution of a compromise DSP. The "feel" we had for the dimensions
earlier can now be replaced by numbers. We are now ready to undertake
the next event, namely, Detailed Analysis. There is sufficient information
about the artifact at the start of Detailed Analysis to ensure functional
feasibility and estimate cost-effectiveness and the manufacturability of
the artifact. Detailed Analysis could include stress analysis using finite
element methods, simulation and the like. We are now in a position to
ensure the functional feasibility of a design that is cost-effective and
manufacturable. This is accomplished by augmenting the formulation of
the compromise DSP used for Preliminary Synthesis through the
inclusion of economic and manufacturability considerations. The end-
product of Preliminary Synthesis is the preliminary design of an artifact.
Of course, the value of the ratio R has increased and upon analysis we
are ready for the next event, namely, Designing for Manufacture.
Iteration is always a part of designing. Iteration takes time and is
therefore costly. We "plan" to avoid unnecessary iteration. We can
reduce the cost of iteration by developing the means for rapidly
redesigning. In the DSP Technique rapid redesign is facilitated by the
DSPs being available for modification and resolution. Costs can also be
reduced by having clearly defined points from which the redesign can
proceed. In the DSP Technique these points are the clearly defined
events. In the process just enunciated the numerical value of the ratio R
clearly increases and the definition of the solution matures as the solution
28 Supplementary Notes 1. Designing for Success is ME 3110

2 Designing For Success In ME3110

In Figure 3, we have outlined a possible scheme for you to follow in
designing, building and testing your system. It is by no means complete.
There are two important items missing, namely, meta-design and the
TQM Management and Planning tools. It is of paramount importance for
you to learn how to design design processes - plan in other words. This
is the theme of Design Report II. During your professional careers you
will see many changes in the way design is done. Design has been
practiced by human beings for a long time (some say from the time of
Hammurabi). It is only in the past decade or so do we see design
emerging as a science-based discipline. This will undoubtedly influence
the way in which design is practiced. Our work pertains to the conceptual
/ preliminary decision-based design of engineering systems. Our papers
published fall into the following categories:
❑ Designing processes
❑ Modeling uncertainty in the early stages of project initiation.
❑ Developing concepts in original and adaptive design.
❑ Modeling concurrency in conceptual design.
❑ Understanding the interaction between design and manufacture in
conceptual design.
❑ Selection in conceptual design.
❑ Compromise in conceptual / preliminary design
❑ Design pedagogy.
A comprehensive summary of our work is presented in:
F. Mistree, D. Muster, S Srinivasan and S. Mudali, Design of Linkages: A
Conceptual Exercise in Designing for Concept, Mechanism and Machine
Theory, Special Issue on "Theories of Design - Application to the Design of
Machines", Vol. 25 No. 3, 1990.
F. Mistree, W.F. Smith, B. Bras, J.K. Allen and D. Muster, Decision-Based
Design: A Contemporary Paradigm for Ship Design, Transactions
SNAME, Vol. 98, 1990, pp. 565-597.
Sup.Notes.1.2. Designing for Success in ME3100 29

Event: Form Team

Event: Write the Technical Brief
Establish the Comprehensive Set of Requirements
Identify the functions the system as a whole has to
perform. Identify constraints on system performance.
Identify the constraints on system realization.
Identify how the performance will be evaluated.
Identify the resources at your disposal.
Identify what impact these resources have on your
design and its realization.
Look downstream. Have you gotten it right for what is to follow? If not,
Establish the Essential set of Requirements
Identify the rationale you will use to partition the system.
Partition the system into subsystems.
Clearly describe the function of each subsystem.
Identify and describe the characteristics of the
interfaces between subsystems.
Identify the constraints on system performance.
Identify the constraints on system realization.
Identify how the performance will be evaluated.
Identify the resources at your disposal.
Identify what impact these resources have on your
design and its realization.
Identify who is going to do what and who is
responsible for what.
Look downstream. Have you gotten it right for what is to follow? If
not, iterate.
Event: Conceptual Design
For each subsystem
Using ideation techniques generate many concepts.
Recognize need.
Analyze need.
Record first impressions.
Perform a PMI on each concept. Are the concepts truly
different or just a variation on a theme? Classify
concepts and tabulate.
Revisit interfaces and manufacturability from both a
subsystem and system perspective.
Look downstream. Have you gotten it right for what is to
follow? If not, iterate.
For each subsystem
Select the Most-Likely-To-Succeed concepts.
Formulate and solve a Preliminary Selection DSP.
30 Supplementary Notes 1. Designing for Success is ME 3110

Critically evaluate the selection.

Engineering: Convert Concepts into Candidate Alternatives
Establish Functional Feasibility of the Most-Likely-To
Succeed concepts in the context of Essential Requirements.
Revisit interfaces and manufacturability from both a
subsystem and system perspective.
Look downstream. Have you gotten it right for what is to follow? If
not, iterate.
For each subsystem
Select a one candidate alternative for development.
Formulate and solve a Selection DSP.
Critically evaluate the selection.
For each subsystem
Establish the Cost-effectiveness and Manufacturability of the
chosen alternative from a subsystem & system perspective.
Critically evaluate the selection.
Revisit interfaces and manufacturability from both a
subsystem and system perspective.
Look downstream. Have you gotten it right for what is to follow? If
not, iterate.
Event: Preliminary Synthesis & Testing
System Configuration
Configure the system using the recommended subsystems.
Does it meet the Essential Requirements? Is it realizable?
What are the modifications needed to make this system work?
Can you substitute another subsystem design?
Look downstream. Have you gotten it right for what is
to follow? If not, iterate.
Improve the Functional Effectiveness of selected
alternative through modification.
Formulate and solve a Compromise DSP.
Establish and accept a satisficing design.
Look downstream. Have you gotten it right for what is
to follow? If not, iterate.
Improve the Functional Effectiveness of selected
alternative through testing.
Revisit interfaces and manufacturability from both a
subsystem and system perspective.
Look downstream. Have you gotten it right for what is
to follow? If not, iterate.
Sup.Notes.1.2. Designing for Success in ME3100 31

Event: Detailed Analysis, Construction & Competition

Detailed Analysis
Based on information provided in Preliminary
Synthesis test the Functional Feasibility of the system in the
context of a Comprehensive set of Requirements, and develop
information on what is needed, costs and manufacturing.
Who is going to do what in what time frame and with
what resources?
What is the test schedule?
Look downstream. Have you gotten it right for what is to follow?
If not, iterate.
Construct and Test System.
Build and test subsystems.
Construct system.
Test system in workshop.
Test system under competition conditions.
Look downstream. Have you gotten it right for what is to follow? If
not, it is probably too late.
Event: Project Turn-in
Working Project
Sales Brochure
Sanitized Log
Event: Learning
Critical Evaluation: What have I learned?
Final Exam

Figure SN1.3. Designing For Success: An Idealization

1 F. Mistree, D. Muster, J.A. Shupe and J.K. Allen, A Decision-Based
Perspective for the Design of Methods for Systems Design, Recent
Experiences in Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization, NASA CP
3031, April 1989.
2 D. Muster and F. Mistree, The Decision Support Problem Technique in
Engineering Design, The International Journal of Applied Engineering
Education, Vol. 4, No. 1, 1988, pp 23-33.
3 F. Mistree, H.M. Karandikar, J.A. Shupe and E. Bascaran, Computer-
based Design Synthesis: An Approach to Problem Solving, 9 Chapters,
600 pages, Systems Design Laboratory Report, Department of
Mechanical Engineering, University of Houston, January 1989.
4 J.A. Shupe, D. Muster, F. Mistree and J.K. Allen, Decision-Based
Design: Some Concepts and Research Issues, Expert Systems:
Strategies and Solutions in Manufacturing Design and Planning, (Ed. A
Kusiak), Society of Manufacturing Engineers, 1988, pp. 3-37.
5 N. Kuppuraju, P. Ittimakin and F. Mistree, Design through Selection: A
Method that Works, Design Studies, Vol. 6, No. 2, 1985, pp. 91-106.
6 F. Mistree, S. Marinopoulos, D. Jackson.and J.A. Shupe, The Design of
Aircraft using the Decision Support Problem Technique, NASA
Contractor Report 4134, April 1988.
7 T.D. Lyon and F. Mistree, A Computer-based Method for the Preliminary
Design of Ships, Journal of Ship Research, Vol. 29, No. 4., December
1985, pp. 251-269.
8 J.A. Shupe and F. Mistree, Compromise: An Effective Approach for the
Design of Damage Tolerant Structural Systems, Computers and
Structures, Vol. 27, No. 3, pp. 407-415, 1987.
9 S. Mudali, Dimensional Synthesis of Mechanical Linkages using
Compromise Decision Support Problems, M.S. Thesis, Department of
Mechanical Engineering, University of Houston, October 1987.
10 H.M. Karandikar, W.J. Fuchs, F. Mistree and H. Eschenauer,
Compromise: An Effective Approach for Designing Composite Conical
Shell Structures, Proceedings 1988 ASME Design Automation
Conference, September 1988.
11 E. Bascaran, F. Mistree and R.B. Bannerot, Compromise: An Effective
Approach for Solving Multi-objective Thermal Design Problems,
Engineering Optimization, Vol. 12, No. 3, pp. 175-189, 1987.
12 J.A. Shupe, F. Mistree and J.S. Sobieski, Compromise: An Effective
Approach for Design of Hierarchical Structural Systems, Computers and
Structures, Vol. 26, No. 6, pp. 1027-1037, 1987.

Sup.Notes.1. References 33

13 E. Bascaran, R.B. Bannerot and F. Mistree, Hierarchical Selection

Decision Support Problems in Conceptual Design, Engineering
Optimization, Vol. 14, 1989.
14 Q-J. Zhou, The Compromise Decision Support Problem: A Fuzzy
Formulation, M.S. Thesis, Department of Mechanical Engineering,
University of Houston, May 1988.
15 S.J. De Boer, Selection Techniques in Methodical Design, Proceedings of
the International Conference on Engineering Design, Boston, MA, August
17-20, 1987.
16 S. Pugh, Concept Selection: A Method that Works, Proceedings of the
International Conference on Engineering Design, Rome, March 9-13,
17 Anonymous,Concept Selection. Based on the work of Professor Pugh:
"Design Decision - How to Succeed and know why", Design Institute,
Xerox Corporation, Accession No. X8700381, September 1987.
18 F. Mistree, D. Muster, S. Srinivasan and S. Mudali, Design of Linkages:
A Conceptual Exercise in Designing for Concept, Mechanism and
Machine Theory, Special Issue on "Theories of Design - Application to
the Design of Machines", Vol. 25, No. 3, 1990.
19 F. Mistree, O.F. Hughes and B.A. Bras, The Compromise Decision
Support Problem and the Adaptive Linear Programming Algorithm,
Structural Optimization: Status and Promise, (M.P. Kamat, ed.), AIAA
Progress in Astronautics and Aeronautics Series, 1993.
20 F. Mistree, O.F. Hughes and H.B. Phuoc, An Optimization Method for the
Design of Large, Highly Constrained, Complex Systems, Engineering
Optimization, Vol. 5, No. 3, Aug./Sept., 1981, pp. 141-144.
21 G.N. Vanderplaats, Numerical Optimization Techniques for Engineering
Design: With Applications, McGraw-Hill, NY, 1984.

Decision-Based Design and the

Decision Support Problem Technique

Assume that the problem has been identified, using the methods
discussed in Chapter 1, then we are ready to solve it. We particularize
our discussion of general problem solving to design problems and define
our approach as Decision-Based Design in which the process of design is
characterized by decisions that are made. We describe different types of
decisions in terms of the Decision Support Problem (DSP) Technique
which incorporates selection, compromise, coupled, conditional and
heuristic DSPs. We discuss the implementation of the Decision Support
Problem Technique that involves the process of meta-design: “designing
the process of design” and design itself. As an aid for meta-design, we
propose the DSPT Palette.

2.1 Decision-Based Design

Let us particularize our discussion of problem solving and look at one
specific type of problem solving - design in the early stages of project
development. First we need to recognize that a designer has at least two
❑ What is the best solution to the design problem?
❑ What is the best way of obtaining the solution to the problem, that
is, what is the best process of design?
Our formal definition for the term design is given in [1, 2]:

48 2. Decision-Based Design and the DSP Technique

Designing is a process of converting information that
characterizes the needs and requirements for a product into knowledge
about a product.
In this definition, we use the term product in its most general sense; it
includes processes as well. This definition of design follows from
Simon's [3] definition of a designer as anyone who affects or changes the
state of things. Three different types of design, namely, original, adaptive
and variant [1] have been identified. The distinction is made based on the
amount of originality required.
❑ Original Design - an original solution principle is determined for a
desired system and used to create the design of a product. The
design specification for the system may require the same, similar
or a new task altogether.
❑ Adaptive Design - an original design is adapted to different
conditions or tasks; thus, the solution principle remains the same
but the product will be sufficiently different so that it can meet the
changed tasks that have been specified.
❑ Variant Design - the size and/or arrangement of parts or
subsystems of the chosen system are varied. The desired tasks and
solution principle are not changed.
The design process classification as original, adaptive or variant
depends greatly on the perspective chosen. The application of steam
power to shipping which occurred during the Industrial Revolution
generated original design principles for providing waterborne
transportation. Clearly, this represented a step-function in the
development of design solutions for naval vessels. Since then, the steam
ship concept has been improved vastly by adaptive and variant design.
The major issues facing a designer are different, in original, adaptive
and variant design, because the amount and type of design knowledge
and information available at the start of the design process is different. In
original design, solution principles are of paramount importance, for
adaptive design, specified tasks assume major importance, and for
variant design, size and/or general arrangement issues must occupy the
designer. In adaptive design, the new tasks specified are the major focus,
the solution principle remains the same and is therefore of no concern
and the size and/or arrangements remain to be determined and are open
Decision-Based Design is a term coined to emphasize a different
perspective from which to develop methods for design [1, 4]. This
2.1. Decision-Based Design 49

seemingly limited role ascribed to engineers provides a useful starting

point for the development of design methods based on paradigms. These
paradigms are based on decisions made by designers (who may use
computers) rather than design which is assisted by computers, for
example, optimization methods (computer-aided design optimization) or
methods that have evolved from specific analysis tools, e.g., finite
element analysis. While the decisions can be based on many things and
may have wide ranging repercussions, it is the decisions themselves that
mark the progression of a design from initiation to implementation to
termination. They bridge the gap between imagination and service,
between an idea and reality. They lock the whole together and they
represent the central principles on which the design depends. They are a
unit of communication and they have domain dependent and domain
independent features.
Some principal observations and beliefs from a Decision-Based
Design perspective are as follows:
❑ The principal role of an engineer or designer is to make decisions.
❑ Design involves a series of decisions some of which may be made
sequentially and others that must be made concurrently.
❑ Design involves hierarchical decision making and the interaction
between these decisions must be taken into account.
❑ Design productivity can be increased by using analysis,
visualization and synthesis in complimentary roles. Productivity
can also be increased by augmenting the recognized capability of
computers in processing numerical information to include the
processing of symbols (for example, graphs, pictures, drawings,
words) and reasoning (for example, list processing in artificial
❑ Life-cycle considerations that affect design can be modeled in
design as information and knowledge.
❑ Symbols are processed to support human decisions, for example,
❑ Analog/signals,
❑ Numeric information,
❑ Graphic information, and
❑ Textual information.
❑ A technique that supports human decision making, ideally,
❑ Must be process-based and discipline-independent,
❑ Must be suitable for solving open problems that are
characteristic of a uncertain environment, and
❑ Must facilitate self-learning.
50 2. Decision-Based Design and the DSP Technique

The characteristics of decisions are governed by the characteristics

associated with the design of real-life engineering systems. These
characteristics are summarized by the following descriptive sentences:
❑ Decisions in design are invariably multileveled and
multidimensional in nature.
❑ Decisions involve information that comes from different sources
and disciplines.
❑ Decisions are governed by multiple measures of merit and
❑ All the information required to arrive at a decision may not be
❑ Some of the information used in arriving at a decision may be hard,
that is, based on scientific principles and some information may be
soft, that is, based in the designer's judgment and experience.
❑ The problem for which a decision is being made is invariably
loosely defined and open. Virtually none of the decisions are
characterized by a singular, unique solution. The decisions are less
than optimal and are called satisficing solutions.
❑ Design is the process of converting information that characterizes
the needs and requirements of a system into knowledge about the
system itself. In Decision-Based Design it is the making of
decisions that causes the transformation of information into
By focusing upon decisions, we have a description of the processes
written in a common language for teams from the various disciplines - a
language that can be used throughout the process of design.

2.2 The Decision Support Problem Technique

The implementation of Decision-Based Design can take different forms.
In mechanical engineering, there is an increasing awareness that
decisions could be the key element in the development of design
methods which facilitate design for the life cycle and foster concurrency
in the process, for example, Suh [5], Whitney et al. [6] and Finger et al.
[7]. Our approach is called the Decision Support Problem (DSP)
Technique [8]. It is being developed and implemented, at Georgia Tech,
to provide support for human judgment in designing systems that can be
manufactured and maintained. The DSP Technique consists of three
principal components: a design philosophy, an approach for identifying
and formulating Decision Support Problems (DSPs), and the software.
2.2. The Decision Support Problem Technique 51

The DSP Technique is being developed to effect the different types of

design previously discussed, namely, original, adaptive and variant. In so
doing, the DSP Technique involves the use of a domain-independent
method to process domain-dependent information thereby providing
support for human judgment in designing for the life cycle of a product.
The DSP Technique and the DSPT Workbook [9] provide the means of
partitioning a problem into Decision Support Problems. Partitioning
makes it possible to negotiate a satisficing solution and, at the same time,
formulate the problem so that its model is a sufficiently adequate
approximation of the real world so that the solution yields useful results.
The DSP Technique requires that a designer implement two phases,
namely, the meta-design phase and computer-based design phase. Meta-
design is accomplished through partitioning a problem and then devising
a plan of action. Support for human judgment in a computer-assisted
environment is provided in the form of a Partitioner, a Scheduler, a
Reporting utility and other utilities by means of which a designer can
formulate and solve Decision Support Problems [10].

2.2.1 Decision Support Problems

Decision Support Problems provide a means for modeling decisions
encountered in design. Multiple objectives, quantified using analysis-
based “hard” and insight-based “soft” information, can be modeled in the
DSPs. For real-world, practical systems, in the early stages of design, all
the information for modeling systems comprehensively and correctly
may not be available. Therefore, the solution to the problem, even if it is
obtained using optimization techniques, cannot be optimum with respect
to the real world. However, this solution can be used to support a
designer's quest for a superior solution. In a computer-assisted
environment this support is provided in the form of optimal solutions for
Decision Support Problems. Formulation and solution of DSPs provide a
means for making the following types of decisions:
❑ Selection - the indication of a preference, based on multiple
attributes, for one among several feasible alternatives [11, 12].
❑ Compromise - the improvement of a feasible alternative through
modification [13-16].
❑ Coupled or hierarchical - decisions that are linked together -
selection/selection, compromise/compromise and selection/
compomise decisions may be coupled [17-20].
❑ Conditional - decisions in which the risk and uncertainty of the
outcome are taken into account [21].
52 2. Decision-Based Design and the DSP Technique

❑ Heuristic - decisions made on the basis of a knowledge base of

facts and rules of thumb; DSPs that are solved using reasoning and
logic only.

2.2.2 Events, Designing for Concept and Designing for

In Decision-Based Design the principal role of the design process is to
convert information that characterizes the needs and requirements for a
product into knowledge about the product itself. For an engineering
system this conversion of information into knowledge is invariably
accomplished in stages. In the traditional design process names have
been given to the stages such as feasibility, conceptual, preliminary and

R⇒0 R = Qualitative Ratio of Hard and Soft Informatio R ⇒n

Decision Support Automation

Ideation, CAD,
Artist's Conception, Solid Modelling,
Selection, Tolerances,
Compromise, Manufacturing Processes,
Rapid prototyping. Costing

Designing Designing for

for Concept Manufacture

Preliminary Detailed Analysis

(Costing, Prototype
Manufacturability) Testing
Dimensional Process for
Economic Synthesis Detailed Manufacture
Viability (Includes Drawings in Serial


Figure 2.1. An example of designing for concept and designing for manufacture
2.2. The Decision Support Problem Technique 53

From the standpoint of the information necessary for making decisions in

each of the stages the names and the number of stages are not important.
What is important is that:
❑ The types of decisions being made (e.g., selection and
compromise) are the same in all stages, and
❑ The amount of hard information increases as the knowledge about
the product increases.
Therefore, in the Decision Support Problem Technique the ratio of
hard to soft information at any time in the process is a key factor in
determining the nature of the support that a human designer needs to
negotiate a solution.
Our current efforts are focused on understanding what is needed and
developing the tools to support human decision making in the early stage
of a project. We assert that based on the ratio of hard-to-soft information
available at any time the process of design may be described in terms of
events, for example, designing for concept, designing for manufacture,
economic viability, preliminary synthesis, detailed analysis, etc. We also
believe that using this ratio it is possible to categorize computer-based
aids for design into categories, for example, tools that provide support
the decision making activities of a human designer and tools that
facilitate design automation.
In designing for concept we seek to cast as wide a net as practicable to
generate many concepts and then systematically home-in on a concept
that meets its functional specifications and can be produced and
maintained. In other words, in designing for concept we are involved in
the process of converting information that characterizes the needs and
requirements for a product into specific knowledge that can be used in
designing for manufacture. In designing for manufacture we attempt to
ensure that the product can be manufactured cost-effectively. Of course,
we recognize that in practice iteration between events will occur and, for
convenience, this has not been shown in Figure 2.1.
A scenario of the process accomplishing Conceptual Design through
Detailed Analysis (see Figure 2.1) is shown in Figure 2.2. This is one of
many schemes that could be postulated.
Let us assume that we are involved in original design and that this
process is underway. Let us assume that the economic viability of the
project has been established, the go-ahead for the next event (conceptual
design) has been received in the form of a problem statement. We are
indeed ready to start with the conceptual design of the artifact. The first
task in this event is ideation, that is, the generation of alternative ways
(concepts) of achieving the objectives embodied in the problem
54 2. Decision-Based Design and the DSP Technique

statement. Ideally, a large number of concepts should be generated.

Techniques that foster ideation include brainstorming, attribute listing,
check listing, synectics, etc. The end-product of ideation will be a
number of concepts. At this stage information on these concepts will be
limited and most of it will be soft.

Event: Conceptual Design

Recognize need.
Analyze need.
Record first impressions.
Using ideation techniques generate many concepts.
Select "Most-Likely-To-Succeed" concepts.
Formulate and solve a Preliminary Selection DSP.
Critically evaluate the decision.
Establish functional feasibility of Most-Likely-To Succeed concepts.
Convert concepts to candidate alternatives.
Select one candidate alternative for development.
Formulate and solve a Selection DSP.
Critically evaluate the decision.
Evaluate cost-effectiveness and manufacturability.
Develop one the candidate alternative into a feasible alternative.
Proceed to any of the previous events or to Preliminary Synthesis
Event: Preliminary Synthesis
Preliminary synthesis.
Improve alternatives through modification.
Formulate and solve a Compromise DSP.
Critically evaluate the decision.
Proceed to any of the previous events or to Detailed Analysis
Event: Detailed Analysis
Based on information provided in preliminary synthesis check
functional feasibility, develop information on costs and
Refine Compromise DSP; include information on costs and
manufacturability into Compromise DSP.
Solve Compromise DSP.
Critically evaluate the decision.
Proceed to any of the previous events or to Designing for Manufacture
Figure 2.2. Designing for concept: an idealization
2.2. The Decision Support Problem Technique 55

How can we identify the best concept? This is a three-step process:

❑ In the first step we use the available soft information to identify the
more promising “most-likely-to-succeed” concepts. This is
accomplished by formulating and solving a preliminary selection
❑ Next, we establish the functional feasibility of these most-likely-to-
succeed concepts and develop them into candidate alternatives. The
process of development includes engineering analysis and design;
it is aimed at increasing the amount of hard information that can be
used to characterize the suitability of the alternative for selection.
At the end of this step the ratio R is higher than that at the start of
this step.
❑ In the third step we select one (or at most two) candidate
alternative for further development. This is accomplished by
formulating and solving a selection DSP. The selection DSP has
been designed to use both the hard and the soft information that is
Of course we can repeat any of the preceding steps. Let us assume that
we are satisfied with the alternative that we have identified. We develop
this alternative further into a feasible alternative (thereby increasing the
value of the ratio R). This development results in a feasible alternative,
that is, one that satisfies the functional requirements, is probably cost-
effective and can be manufactured. We do, at this stage, have a feel for
the overall dimensions of the artifact but no knowledge of the precise
dimensions. Let us assume that we are satisfied with the feasibility of the
alternative and are ready to proceed to the next event, namely,
Preliminary Synthesis.
In Preliminary Synthesis the alternative is improved through the
modification of its dimensions and this is achieved through the
formulation and solution of a compromise DSP. The feel we had for the
dimensions earlier can now be replaced by numbers. We are now ready
to undertake the next event, namely, Detailed Analysis.
There is sufficient information about the artifact at the start of
Detailed Analysis to ensure functional feasibility and estimate cost-
effectiveness and the manufacturability of the artifact. Detailed Analysis
could include stress analysis using finite element methods, simulation,
etc. We are now able to ensure the functional feasibility of a design that
is cost-effective and manufacturable. This is accomplished by
augmenting the formulation of the compromise DSP used for Preliminary
Synthesis through the inclusion of economic and manufacturability
considerations. The end-product of Preliminary Synthesis is the
56 2. Decision-Based Design and the DSP Technique

preliminary design of an artifact. Of course, the value of the ratio R has

increased and upon analysis we are ready for the next event, namely,
Designing for Manufacture.

Heterarchical Hierarchical
Representation Representation
The relationships The relationships
between decision blocks are between decision blocks are
not ordered and hence not ordered and hence are
directed. directed.

Decision And Information Entities

Decisions (DSPs and Decision Blocks)

The flow of information and/or knowledge.

Figure 2.3. Heterarchical and hierarchical representations in Decision-Based


Iteration is always a part of designing. Iteration takes time and is

therefore costly. We plan to avoid unnecessary iteration. We can reduce
the cost of iteration by developing the means for rapidly redesigning. In
the DSP Technique rapid redesign is facilitated by the DSPs being
available for modification and resolution. Costs can also be reduced by
having clearly defined points from which the redesign can proceed. In the
DSP Technique these points are the clearly defined events. In the process
just enunciated the numerical value of the ratio R clearly increases and
the definition of the solution matures as the solution matures.
2.2. The Decision Support Problem Technique 57

2.2.3 Heterarchy and Hierarchy in Design: When Do We

Start to Design?
Design has as its content a heterarchical set of constructs1 that embody a
designer's perception of the design environment of the real world. The
heterarchical constructs associated with a product's life-cycle are the
product's market, the product (the design must meet or exceed the criteria
related to the product's function, meeting its market, its capability for
being manufactured in serial and, when it reaches its market, that it be
free of unreasonable dangers), its manufacture (tooling and assembly), its
maintenance and its subsequent retirement. A portion of the heterarchical
set of constructs for a product's life-cycle is shown in Figure 2.3. In a
heterarchical representation, relationships between the constructs are not
ordered and therefore are not directed. Decision-Based Design also has
as its content a heterarchical set of constructs. A heterarchical set of
constructs in this case, however, embodies decisions or sets of decisions
that characterize a designer's perception of the decisions involved in
effecting a design. A hierarchical set of constructs, on the other hand,
characterizes the process or sequence involved in effecting design.
Heterarchical and hierarchical representations in Decision-Based Design
are drawn using decision and information entities.
When does design start? We assert that design starts when the first
step is taken to extract a hierarchy from a heterarchy.

2.2.4 Implementation of the Decision Support Problem

The Decision Support Problem Technique: Two Phases
The Decision Support Problem Technique embraces two types of design,
namely, meta-design and computer-based design:
1 Meta-design: Meta-design is composed of two principal parts,
partitioning and planning. Partitioning is the process by means of
which a designer defines and divides a problem, using a generic
discipline-independent modeling technique. Planning is the process
by means of which a designer organizes the expertise of
individuals and the information and knowledge that resides in
computer-available databases.
2 Computer-based Design: In computer-based design, discipline-
independent processes are used to facilitate the generation of

1 A construct - a complex idea resulting from a synthesis of simpler ideas.

58 2. Decision-Based Design and the DSP Technique

domain-dependent information and knowledge that are needed to

negotiate satisficing solutions to problems.
The organization of the Decision Support Problem Technique is
described in the next section.

Phase I: Meta-Design Phase II: Design


CHARACTERISTICS AND Organize domain-dependent
DESIGN TYPE information and formulate
Client problem story. DSP templates; the word and
the mathematical formulations.

Technical brief. STEP 5: SOLVE

Obtain solutions.
Solve the DSPs


AND PLAN Validate solution.
Investigate effect on solution of
Partition each Abstract into
small changes.
Problem Statements
Determine whether iteration is
Devise plan for sequence
of solution necessary or make decision.

Figure 2.4. The Decision Support Problem Technique

The Decision Support Problem Technique: Organization

The organization of the DSP Technique is shown in Figure 2.4. It
consists of two phases which are accomplished consecutively. In the first
phase, at the metalevel, the design process itself is designed. The
decisions themselves are not made in meta-design; rather, the decisions
that need to be made are identified and are then placed in a decision plan.
The decisions in the decision plan are needed to convert information that
characterizes the needs and requirements for a product into knowledge
about a prototype of a product that can be manufactured and maintained.
The plan is created with the knowledge of what will be needed in
implementing a designer's tasks and on the knowledge gained from meta-
2.2. The Decision Support Problem Technique 59

design, the design organization and its resources, the time scale and the
anticipated costs. In the second phase, at the domain-dependent level of
the system being designed, the first-phase process is implemented. The
process that results from the first phase is particularized to the
requirements of the design process in the second phase and the needs,
intuition and skills of the designer who will implement it. In both phases
the designer is an interactive partner, not simply an initiator of a
sequence of automated processes.
So when does design start? We assert that design starts when the first
step is taken to extract a hierarchy from a heterarchy. We assert that
design starts when the first step is taken to extract a hierarchical set
representative of a Decision-Based Design process to effect the design of
a specific engineering artifact (system). In a sense, the hierarchical set of
constructs takes on a life directed towards effecting the design of a
particular engineering system. The human designer through his/her
interactive role in the design process brings dynamism to the chosen set.
Design (and problem solving) starts at the same instant.

Decision Support Problem Technique: Steps

The first two steps deal with meta-design whereas the rest deal with
design. These steps are valid for any event in the design process and can
be implemented at any level within that event. In the following the steps
are explained in the context of the design of a mechanical system.
Given: A story.
Step 1: Identify the Problem Characteristics and the Design Type.
❑ Identify the components of the heterarchy embodied in a client's
problem story. This is done by writing a Technical Brief for the
❑ Based on the information provided in the Technical Brief identify
the Events and graphically display them on a time-line.
❑ For each Event write an Abstract.

Step 2: Partition and Plan. The transition from the Abstract to a set of
Problem Statements is an unstructured process for which success
depends entirely on the judgment exercised by the designer. The
principal aim of this step is to characterize the design problem identified
in the Abstract in terms of a set of Problem Statements. Two types of
partitioning are involved, namely, the partitioning of an artifact into
subsystems and the partitioning of the process of design into decisions
and organizing them into a Decision Plan.
60 2. Decision-Based Design and the DSP Technique

Step 2a. Partition the artifact into subsystems. Consider, for example, the
Event of Conceptual Design. The Abstract for this Event will include a
description of the functional requirements and associated tasks, the
technical and economic limitations, the technical and economic measures
of success and the technical resources (which includes information about
similar products). In this case we would proceed as follows:
❑ Identify the subsystems. This is accomplished by partitioning the
functional requirements (identified in the abstract) for the system
into tasks to be performed by each of the subsystems.
❑ For each subsystem, establish the type of design involved (that
is, original, adaptive, variant). Specifically, determine whether
your effort will be directed towards
❑ The design of a device or component that satisfies certain
specifications, or
❑ The modification of an existing design in order to satisfy a
revised set of specifications, or
❑ The modification of a design to simplify and improve it.
This analysis should help you identify the type of design
❑ Identify the tasks each subsystem has to perform and identify the
❑ On a figure, show the artifact to be designed in terms of its
subsystems. On this figure, for each subsystem identify the type
of design, the functional requirements and the interactions
between the subsystems.
Step 2b. Partition the design process into decisions. Identify the
decisions that need to be made so that each subsystem can perform its
allocated tasks. Pose questions for these decisions and categorize them as
❑ Those that should be answered through analysis,
❑ Those that are not technical in character,
❑ Those that require experience-based judgment, and
❑ Those that involve synthesis and therefore require the formulation
and solution of decision support problems.
This constitutes partitioning the design process into decisions.
2.2. The Decision Support Problem Technique 61

Step 2c. Write the Problem Statements. Now write the Problem
Statements2 for the questions involving synthesis (selection and
compromise in our case). Be sure to include, in your Problem Statements,
issues that form the interfaces between Events, between levels within an
Event and between Decision Support Problems. When read together,
these statements should represent a self-contained, complete, accurate
and non-contradictory version of the Abstract. The Abstracts, when read
together, should represent a self-contained, complete and accurate
version of the Technical Brief.
Step 2d. Develop the Decision Plan. The development of a Decision Plan
is an important step. Organize all decisions into a Decision Plan and
incorporate this plan into a Work Schedule.
Step 2e. Create a Work Schedule. The Work Schedule differs from the
Decision Plan in that the Work Schedule includes all the activities that
are associated with the successful implementation of the Decision Plan
and completion of the project.
Step 3. Structure the DSPs. Analyze all the Problem Statements. Partition
the Problem Statements into three categories that are qualified by the
following sentences:
❑ A decision can be made using the information provided in the
Problem Statement. Proceed to Step 5.
❑ Further information is necessary but the decision does not
involve synthesis.
❑ It is necessary and appropriate for DSPs to be formulated and
solved before a decision can be made.
Selection and compromise DSPs are representative of the third
category. Structure the Problem Statements associated with these DSPs
by rewriting the Problem Statement as a Word Problem. For selection,
compromise and coupled DSPs structuring involves the restatement of
Problem Statements as Word Problems using key-words:
For Preliminary Selection: Given, Identify, Capture and Rank,

2 Writing the Problem Statements is a way of partitioning an Abstract and

identifying the technical decisions that need to be made in order to perform
the set of tasks identified in the Abstract. Each Problem Statement should be
so written that it leads to a formulation of a single DSP. The Problem
Statements may overlap each other in some respect. This overlap is normal; it
indicates shared variables. The design activity described by the various
Problem Statements may not be equally important and may also need to be
solved in a sequence.
62 2. Decision-Based Design and the DSP Technique

For Selection: Given, Identify, Rate and Rank, and

For Compromise and Coupled DSPs: Given, Find, Satisfy and Minimize.
By using the keywords in writing the word problem the type and
structure for these DSPs is established and the information that is
required for solution is highlighted. It may be necessary to modify the
Problem Statements in the light of this activity.
Step 4. Mathematical Formulation of the DSPs. Create the Mathematical
Formulation of the Word Problem. Ensure that the same keywords are
used and ensure that a on-to-one correspondence exists between the
Word Problem and its mathematical representation.
It may not be possible to provide a complete and accurate
mathematical model using the information that is available. This may
occur because of lack of knowledge or resources or both. Therefore, it
may be necessary to introduce further assumptions. This increases the
role played by the designer and reduces the level of completeness of the
numerical solution.
Step 5. Obtain Solutions for the DSPs. Determine the most cost-effective
means for obtaining a solution (the computer is not always cost-
effective). The mathematical models developed in Step 4 are complete in
that they can be solved using any appropriate computational tool. The
process of finding a numerical solution is completely structured. At this
stage, all the information necessary for solving a DSP is known or can be
calculated readily. For relatively small DSPs it may be sufficient to use a
graphical technique or one requiring the use of a calculator only. If the
solution of a DSP requires the use of a computer, create the DSP
template. Determine solutions for the problems embodied in the various
Problem Statements by providing solutions to the DSPs.

Step 6. Post-solution Analysis. This step consists of two activities,

namely, the validation of the solution and an examination of the
sensitivity of the solution to small changes.
Validation is concerned with the designer's answer to the question,
"Can I accept the results?" Obviously, a "no" answer must be resolved,
perhaps, by an iteration of the entire process, hopefully with few
changes. If yes, the designer rationalizes the solution by including factors
(the unstructured part of the solution) that are not reflected by the
solution of the DSP. Primary conclusions are validated with respect to
the Story, the Abstract and the Problem Statement and the degree of
completeness of the DSP template that has been solved.
2.2. The Decision Support Problem Technique 63

The partially structured nature of the DSP makes the carrying out of
post-solution analysis particularly important. An understanding of the
sensitivity of the solution to small changes in the design parameters
provides the basis for determining the adequacy of the model and for
exploring the solution space. The latter is of particular importance
because it helps a designer establish the stability of the current solution
and to identify some of the better alternatives.

2.3 Breaking up a Problem: The Decision Support

We present a top-down approach to problem solving. In the top-down
approach, the problem solver is asked to comprehend the problem and
develop an approach for negotiating a solution without actually solving
the problem. Tasks that are necessary to achieve a solution are identified,
a solution procedure need not be specified. In essence, the tasks become
a series of black boxes, or modules. The input and the output from the
modules can be identified, but at this stage it is not necessary to decide
how each performs its function. In a large, complex problem, it is
essential to break the tasks into more manageable units so that work may
be distributed and organized. The top-down approach for solving
problems has several advantages [22]:
❑ It promotes the efficient use of resources. For example, instead of
going out to read everything about the problem available in the
library, specific items of information are sought.
❑ It ensures that some sort of solution will be obtained. In some
cases, a bottom-up approach can go on forever; one interesting
avenue is followed after another, yet none necessarily leads to the
❑ A top-down approach leads to the possibility of managing the
process itself. A problem solver can decide how to allocate
resources to each module. For example, one method of design
involves choosing an existing product and modifying it slightly.
Then, hypothetically, one of the modules in the solution process
for creating a design would be to identify a suitable basis product
which is to be modified. In some circumstances, this search for a
suitable basis product could be never ending. However, the
problem solver, in this case the designer, may decide to allocate a
specific amount of time and money to the search and then uses the
best basis found in that time.
64 2. Decision-Based Design and the DSP Technique

❑ A top-down, modular approach to problem solving permits the

modification of one module without affecting the rest of the
solution process.
The output from each module will be a decision(s); our approach to
finding a solution to the problem then becomes a series of decisions.
There are two different approaches to modularizing a problem: it may
be divided into subproblems by either decomposition or partitioning.
These terms are not the same. The processes are different. Decomposition
is the process of dividing the system into its smallest, coherent, self-
contained elements. A problem solver using decomposition is guided by
the inherent structure of the system being designed. If followed to
completion, decomposition always results in the same subsystems,
regardless of who performs the decomposition. In decomposition,
analysis progresses from the level of parent system to subsystems to
subsubsystems and eventually to components. The reverse process,
synthesis, progresses from the component to system level. Partitioning
on the other hand is the process of dividing the functions, processes, and
structures that are specified in the problem statement into subsystems,
subsubsystems, etc. In partitioning a problem solver is guided by
knowledge of the environment, by considerations of the human needs to
be satisfied and by the tasks that must be performed by the fully
functional system.
Consider the problem of designing a place to live - decomposition
would proceed along these lines:
We need walls and doors and a roof.
The walls and doors will be made of wood, insulation and nails.
The roof will be made of shingles.
Notice how the problem is decomposed to produce the smallest
physical unit.
Partitioning would proceed along these lines:
We need a sheltered living area.
In this living area we must have access to the outside, we must have
some climate control, we must have a food preparation area, etc.
To have access to the outside, we could have a door, a chute, an
entrance chamber, etc....
Notice that partitioning leaves a lot more options open to the problem
solver early in the process and therefore leaves more room for
2.3 Breaking up a Problem 65

If a problem solver uses decomposition, he / she proceeds by breaking

the problem into modules. Usually these modules can be arranged in a
logical hierarchy, that is by identifying tasks to be performed, then
subtasks and subsubtasks, etc. Each task then becomes a module. These
modules may not be entirely independent from each other. Certainly
there are interactions between tasks and subtasks, quite often there are
also lateral interactions between tasks at the same level. The nature of
these interactions has ramifications for the method for solution, but at
this stage, the designer is more interested in logically structuring the
problem and less interested in the details of solving the problem.
Naturally, a hierarchical structure for solving the problem may be
modified as you proceed, but it is advisable to have a structure planned.
For example, after looking around, you may find some software that can
be used directly to solve some of the tasks. Hence the subtasks under that
task would have to be rearranged or possibly eliminated.
Once modules have been identified, a problem solver faces the
problem of reintegrating them to produce a solution. One approach to
solving the problem would be to start at the bottom of the hierarchy of
decisions that needs to be made and work upwards until a solution is
obtained. Even if this is possible, it is not likely to be the most efficient
method of reaching a solution to the problem. (In general it will not be
possible.) Not only must the solutions from different modules be
integrated, but often a certain amount of iteration between modules is
necessary. For example, in designing a car, one module might be to
design the engine and another to design the drive shaft / axle / wheel
arrangement; one can't truly be designed in isolation from the other. Thus
the problem solver must structure or plan the problem solving process
itself in such a way as to produce a meaningful answer.
This plan could be hierarchical, but it is usually more likely that it will
be a heterarchy. Again, a top down approach to planning or structuring
the reintegration of modules is preferable to a bottom up approach, that is
just doing things that you think might be useful for solving the problem.
To facilitate planing the process of design, we introduce the Decision
Support Problem Technique Palette. This palette contains symbols or
icons (for the entities we introduced earlier) that we use to model a
process. The palette consists of a number of icons which are shown in
Fig. 2.5.
The Phase icon is identified by a capital “P” and can be used to
partition process into smaller more manageable pieces. Events occur
within a phase and the Event icon is identified a capital “E”. Tasks and
Decisions occur within Events. A task is an activity to be fulfilled. The
design process itself is a task for the design team, namely, “convert
66 2. Decision-Based Design and the DSP Technique

information into knowledge about the product”. The task itself may
contain other tasks and decisions - as in the design task. However, simple
tasks like “run computer program A” do not involve decisions. In our
palette a task is identified by a capital “T”.

P Phase

E Event

T Task

? Decision …

i Information …

? Compromise

Preliminary System
? Selection Variable
? Constraints

Figure 2.5. DSPT Palette for modeling processes

A Decision icon is defined by a rectangle with a question mark within

it. The question mark shows the decision character. Currently we have
only included the preliminary selection, selection and compromise
decisions in the palette. Selection is a converging activity; the number of
alternatives is reduced. The icon for the selection DSPs characterize this
in our palette. The sharp point, in the selection DSP icon, is to indicate
that on solving a selection DSP a single alternative can be identified for
further development. The blunt point, in the preliminary selection icon, is
to indicate that on solving a preliminary selection DSP a number of
most-likely-to-succeed concepts can be identified for further
2.3 Breaking up a Problem 67

development. The icon for a compromise DSP ends in a “C”. A

compromise represents a trade-off between conflicting goals. When there
is no conflict between the goals the solution is represented by the upper
and lower extremes of the C in the rectangle. However, when there is a
conflict, which invariably is the case, the result emerges from the middle
representative of a compromise between two extremes.
Information and Knowledge are required to model any process. All
knowledge and information about the process and product are classified
as systems. A system is identified by a circle with a smaller circle in the
middle. This illustrates the central nature of a system in the process and
also the fact that other systems and their associated knowledge and
information are embedded in the system. This embodiment is shown by
the small circle.
System variables (e.g., total resistance, length, length of an event,
number of people involved in a task) are embedded in systems. The icon
for a system variable is a small circle showing its atom-like character and
that no lower hierarchical level is possible.
Relationships are often considered as black boxes. Hence, we
represent analytical relationships as plain rectangles. All icons having a
rectangular shape are, in fact, relationships. Phases, Events, Tasks and
Decisions are also relationships. Using the rectangular shape emphasizes
this observation. A nozzle is embedded within the rectangle for an icon
to model goal/constraint/bound type relationship. The nozzle is symbolic
of the restrictive nature of these relationships.
All icons as shown embody deterministic/hard knowledge and
information. Soft knowledge and information are to be represented using
the same icons but with different gray scales. The darker the icon
background, the more one is looking in the dark, the softer the
knowledge and information. As the icon becomes lighter, the knowledge
and information become clearer and harder.
Using the icons in this palette we are able to describe processes.
Design information and knowledge flow from left to right through the
icons. Meta-knowledge and information are connected to the design
information by dotted lines. In a computer environment the meta-
information can be stored in a different layer which can be projected onto
the layer with the primary design process description. Needless to say the
same icons are used to model both meta-design and design knowledge
and information.

1. F. Mistree, D. Muster, J. A. Shupe and J. K. Allen, A Decision-Based

Design Perspective for the Design of Methods for Systems Design, Recent
Experiences in Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization, NASA,
2. S. Z. Kamal, H. M. Karandikar, F. Mistree and D. Muster, “Knowledge
Representation for Discipline-Independent Decision Making”, Expert
Systems in Computer-Aided Design, (J. Gero ed.), Elsevier Science
Publishers (North-Holland), Amsterdam, 1987.
3. H. A. Simon, The Sciences of the Artificial, The MIT Press, Cambridge,
MA, 1981.
4. J. A. Shupe, “Decision-Based Design: Taxonomy and Implementation”,
Ph.D., Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Houston,
5. N. P. Suh, “Development of the Science Base for the Manufacturing Field
through the Axiomatic Approach 397-415”, Robotics and Computer-
Integrated Manufacturing, 1(3/4), 1984, 397-415.
6. D. E. Whitney, J. L. Nevins, T. L. DeFazio, R. E. Gustavson, R. W.
Metzinger, J. M. Rourke and D. S. Seltzer, “The Strategic Approach to
Product Design”, Design and Analysis of Integrated Manufacturing
Systems, National Academy Press, Washington, D.C., 1988.
7. S. Finger, M. S. Fox, D. Navinchandra, F. B. Prinz and J. R. Rinderle,
“Design Fusion: A Product Life-Cycle View for Engineering Designs”,
Second IFIP WG 5.2 Workshop on Intelligent CAD, 1988.
8. D. Muster and F. Mistree, “The Decision Support Problem Technique in
Engineering Design”, The International Journal of Applied Engineering
Education, 4, 1988, 23-33.
9. J. K. Allen, J. Hong, S. Adyanthaya and F. Mistree, The Decision Support
Technique Workbook for Life Cycle Engineering, Systems Design
Laboratory, University of Houston, 1989.
10. S. Adyanthaya, “Partitioning and Planning in the Decision Support
Problem Technique”, Undergraduate Honors Thesis, Department of
Mechanical Engineering, University of Houston, 1990.
11. N. Kuppuraju, P. Ittimakin and F. Mistree, “Design through Selection: A
Method that Works”, Design Studies, 6(2), 1985, 96-106.
12. F. Mistree, S. Marinopoulos, D. Jackson and J. A. Shupe, The Design of
Aircraft Using the Decision Support Problem Technique, NASA, 1988.

Supplementary Notes 1. M&P Tools and CQI 69

13. N. Nguyen and F. Mistree, “A Computer-based Method for the Rational

Design of Horizontal Pressure Vessels”, ASME Journal of Mechanism,
Transmission and Automation in Design, 108, 1986, 203-210.
14. A. Jivan and F. Mistree, “A Computer-based Method for Designing
Statically Loaded Helical Compression Springs”, ASME 11th Design
Automation Conference, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1985, Paper No. 85-DET-75.
15. T. D. Lyon and F. Mistree, “A Computer-based Method for the
Preliminary Design of Ships”, Journal of Ship Research, 29(4), 1985,
16. J. A. Shupe and F. Mistree, “Compromise: An Effective Approach for the
Design of Damage Tolerant Structural Systems”, Computers and
Structures, 27(3), 1987, 407-415.
17. E. Bascaran, R. B. Bannerot and F. Mistree, “Hierarchical Selection
Decision Support Problems in Conceptual Design”, Engineering
Optimization, 14, 1989, 207-238.
18. N. Kuppuraju, S. Ganesan, F. Mistree and J. S. Sobieski, “Hierarchical
Decision Making in System Design”, Engineering Optimization, 8, 1985,
19. H. M. Karandikar, “Hierarchical Decision Making for the Integration of
Information from Design and Manufacturing Processes in Concurrent
Engineering”, Ph.D., Department of Mechanical Engineering, University
of Houston, 1989.
20. W. F. Smith and F. Mistree, “The Influence of Hierarchical Decisions on
Ship Design”, Marine Technology, 24(2), 1987, 131-142.
21. Q.-J. Zhou, “The Compromise Decision Support Problem: A Fuzzy
Formulation”, M.S., Department of Mechanical Engineering, University
of Houston, 1988.
22. P. Helman and R. Veroff, Intermediate Problem Solving and Data
Structures, Menlo Park, CA, 1986.

Selection occurs in all stages of problem solving. In the early stages,

there is almost no hard data; most of the data is soft. As the process of
problem solving progresses, the amount of hard data available
increases. The principal distinction between selection in the stages is
the ratio of hard and soft information that is available.
Early in the decision making process, selection occurs in two major
phases, namely:
Phase 1 (Preliminary Selection Decision Support Problem): the
identification of potentially superior concepts based primarily
on qualitative rather than quantitative information, and
Phase 2 (Selection Decision Support Problem): the identification,
using insight-based soft information and science-based “hard”
information, of a very limited number of superior alternatives
that should be developed further.
A Preliminary Selection Decision Support Problem is formulated
and solved when the amount of experience-based soft information far
exceeds the amount of hard information available. A Selection
Decision Support Problem is formulated and solved when meaningful
hard information is available. In this chapter, we describe the selection
DSPs in the context of the selection of horns for an automobile. In
this chapter, an idealized view of the process of design in the
conceptual phase is presented along with the role and structure of the
two types of selection DSPs. In this chapter a practical approach to
problem solving, based on the concept of selection is presented. A
reader is advised to focus on the process rather than the technical
details of the examples.

3.1. The Decision Support Problems 71

3.1The Decision Support Problems

Decision Support Problems provide a means for modeling decisions.
Multiple objectives, quantified using analysis-based “hard” and
insight-based soft information, can be modeled in the DSPs. For real-
world, practical systems, in the early stages of the project, all the
information for modeling systems comprehensively and correctly
may not be available. Therefore, the solution to the problem, even if it
is obtained using optimization techniques, cannot be optimum with re-
spect to the real world. However, this solution can be used to support
the quest for a superior solution. In a computer-assisted environment
this support is provided in the form of optimal solutions for Decision
Support Problems. Formulation and solution of DSPs provides a
means for making the following types of decisions:
❑ Selection - the indication of a preference, based on multiple
attributes, for one among several feasible alternatives [1].
❑ Compromise - the improvement of a feasible alternative through
modification Srinivasan, et al. [2-4]; Mistree, et al. [5];
Marinopoulos [6]; Shupe and Mistree [7]; Smith and Mistree
[8]; Nguyen and Mistree [9]; Lyon and Mistree [10]; Jivan and
Mistree [11].
❑ Coupled or hierarchical - decisions that are linked -
selection/selection, compromise/compromise and selec-
tion/compromise decisions may be coupled (Bascaran, et al. [12-
13]; Shupe, et al. [7]; Kuppuraju, et al. [14]; Smith [8]).
❑ Conditional - decisions in which the risk and uncertainty of the
outcome are taken into account (Zhou [15]).
❑ Heuristic - decisions made on the basis of a knowledge base of
facts and rules of thumb; DSPs that are solved using reasoning
and logic only.
72 3. Selection


Recognition of need
Competition Writing of specifications
Information Generation of concepts

Describe concepts
Describe generalized criteria
Describe specific criteria
Assign weights for specific criteria
Capture experience-based knowledge Preliminary
Determine rank Selection
Include interactions between generalized criteria
Validate selection and make recommendations

Identify concepts for further

Generate feasible alternatives
Describe alternatives
Describe attributes, establish relative importance
Specify scales and rate the alternatives
Normalize the ratings Selection
Evaluate the merit functions
Validate solution and make recommendation

Figure 3.1. The Selection Process

3.2The Selection Decision Support Problems

Selection occurs in all stages of the solution of a problem. In the early
stages there is almost no hard data; most of the data is soft. As the
process of resolving an open problem progresses the amount of hard
data available increases.
3.2. The Selection Decision Support Problems 73

A preliminary selection Decision Support Problem is formulated

and solved when the amount of experience-based soft information far
exceeds the amount of hard information available. A selection
Decision Support Problem is formulated and solved when meaningful
hard information is available. Preliminary selection involves the
selection of the most-likely-to-succeed concepts for further
development into feasible alternatives. Selection involves the ranking,
based on multiple attributes, of the feasible alternatives in order of
preference, Figure 3.1.

3.2.1 Preliminary Selection

The Decision Support Problem representing preliminary selection is
stated as follows:

Given A set of concepts.

Identify The principal criteria influencing
The relative importance of the criteria.
Capture Experience-based knowledge about the
concepts with respect to a datum and
the established criteria.
Rank The concepts in order of preference
based on multiple criteria and their
relative importance.

Figure 3.2. The Preliminary Selection Decision Support Problem

The method of Pugh [16] forms the basis of the algorithm

developed for solving the preliminary selection DSP. In this section,
formulation and solution are described. This is followed by an
example. In preliminary selection, some choices are made that narrow
the field of contending solution concepts down to a few most-likely-to-
succeed concepts. These choices are made against a set of criteria, as
to the preferred performance of the solution.
Let us assume that the competing concepts are known and
information about them is available. Let us also assume that
74 3. Selection

STEP 1 D escribe Concepts

Describe Generalized Criteria
g1, g2, g3, ... gn

Describe Specific Criteria for

each Generalized Criterion g i

Specific Criterion 1, 2, ... g n

for each Generalized Criterion
g1, g2, g3, ... gn
Assign weights for Specific


x y
STEP 4 Capture experience - based knowledge
For each Generalized Criterion g i check :
Is concept x better than, same as or worse
than Datum concept U in terms of the
quality represented by specific criterion Z?
Repeat for all concepts and Specific criterion.
Determine Rank
For each Generalized criterion g i
Evaluate merit function for each concept. The
merit function is the sum of the product of
normalized scores and weigths.
Rank concepts in decreaseing order of merit
function values.
Include interactions between Generalized Criteria
Pose 'what if'' scenarios
Assign weights in the generalized criteria.
Evaluate merit function. Rank concept in
descending order of preference.
Post-Solution Analysis
STEP 7 Plot rankings. Look for dominance.
Change datum. Repeat. Most likely to
succeed pattern emerges.

Figure 3.3. Preliminary Selection steps

3.2. The Selection Decision Support Problems 75

most of this information is soft, that is based on qualitative,

experience-based knowledge. The following steps serve as a set of
guidelines to aid the design team identify a set of feasible alternatives.
A seven-step procedure to accomplish these tasks is presented.
Step 1 Describe the concepts and provide acronyms. Draw sketches
of the embryonic concepts for solution of the problem. If possible,
concepts should be presented in the form of sketches for easy
understanding. The complexity for each of these sketches should
be maintained at the same level so as not to bias one concept in
favor of another. Describe each concept in words, set forth the
advantages and disadvantages of each concept and provide
meaningful acronyms (something more meaningful than Concept
1, Concept 2, etc.).
Step 2 Describe each generalized criterion and provide acronyms
and specify the relative importance of the specific criteria. The
criteria usually emerge from the needs defined in the problem
statement. For each generalized criterion describe the specific
criteria and provide acronyms. For example, a generalized
criterion, Cost of Product, could be qualified in terms of the
specific criteria that measure design cost, material cost, maintenance
cost, etc. A criterion represents a quality of the desired solution and
this quality must be quantifiable. The relative importance of the
criteria should not be considered when identifying the criteria. A
criterion that is not considered in this step will have no effect on the
preliminary selection process. The preliminary selection process
could thus yield an alternative that will perform well in all aspects
save that of the ignored criterion. Therefore, the set of criteria
defined must be comprehensive, understandable, unambiguous and
serve the needs of the desired problem solution. The criteria should
be independent of each other and each should measure a single
quality of the concepts.
Rank the specific criteria, associated with each generalized
criterion, in order of importance. Determine the normalized
weighting constant that reflects the relative importance of each
specific criterion within its generalized criterion.
Step 3 Choose a datum with which all other concepts will be
compared. A solution that is favored to win is an appropriate initial
Step 4 Capture experience-based knowledge through comparison of
concepts. For each generalized criterion answer the following
76 3. Selection

With respect to specific criterion, z, is concept x better than,

same as, or worse than the datum concept y? Enter a score: +1, 0 or
-1 for a better than, same as or worse than answer, respectively.
Step 5 Evaluate the merit function for each concept within each
generalized criterion and determine rank. Multiply each entry
(Step 3) by the corresponding weight (Step 2) to obtain a score.
For each concept add these scores and normalize to obtain the
merit function value for the concept. Order the concepts in
decreasing order of normalized merit function values. This order
represents the quality of each of the concepts with respect to each
generalized criterion.
Step 6 Include interactions between generalized criteria and compute
the overall merit and determine overall rank. Based on the
perception of the future pose “what if” scenarios: optimistic,
pessimistic, realistic, etc. Assume that a larger number indicates
preference. Determine the weights, to be associated with each
generalized criterion, that are representative for each scenario. The
weights must sum to 1. Multiply the normalized merit function
values by the corresponding weight. Sum and normalize to get the
overall merit function value for each concept. Order the concepts
with respect to these merit function values.
It is recommended that an initial run be made with the
assumption that all the generalized criteria are equally important. If
these results are counter-intuitive runs with other datums are
appropriate. Using other datums as a matter of course is likely to
eliminate bias from the comparisons. This, however, becomes
extremely time consuming.
Step 7 Post-solution analysis: Determine the most-likely-to-succeed
concepts. Plot the overall merit function values for each concept.
Plot the scenario number on the x-axis and the normalized merit
function value on the y-axis. Analyze the plot. Look for
dominance. Determine whether any of the concepts can be
discarded. Choose another datum. Repeat Steps 4 through 7. Stop
when you see a most-likely-to-succeed group of concepts emerge.
This seven-step procedure yields a set of potentially superior
concepts. These concepts are refined and turned into feasible
alternatives. These alternatives are used as input for the selection
3.2. The Selection Decision Support Problems 77

3.2.2 Selection Decision Support Problems

In this section a summary of the important points and the necessary
steps for formulating a selection DSP is presented. The selection DSP
facilitates the ranking of alternatives based on multiple attributes of
varying importance. The order indicates not only the rank but also by
how much one alternative is preferred to another. In the selection DSP
both science-based hard information and experience-based soft
information can be used. The structure of the selection DSPs is given
in Figure 3.4.

Given A set of feasible alternatives.

Identify The principal attributes influencing
The relative importance of attributes.
Rate The alternatives with respect to each
Rank The feasible alternatives in order of
preference based on attributes and
their relative importance.

Figure 3.4. The Selection Decision Support Problem

The procedure for formulating and solving selection DSPs is:

Step 1 Describe the alternatives and provide acronyms. Assume that a

number of concepts have been generated and these have been
narrowed down in Phase 1, Preliminary Selection, which is
described in the preceding section. Assume that the concepts have
been developed into alternatives. If possible, provide drawings of
the alternatives. The complexity for each of these drawings should
be maintained at the same level so as not to bias one alternative in
favor of another. Describe each alternative in words, set forth the
advantages and disadvantages of each and provide meaningful
acronyms (something more meaningful than Alternative 1,
Alternative 2, etc.).
Step 2 Describe each attribute, specify its relative importance and
provide acronyms. Since the alternatives are known, the next step in
solving the selection DSP is the identification of attributes by which
the alternatives are to be judged. These attributes will vary from
78 3. Selection

one problem to another depending on the needs of each problem.

The attributes usually involve a refinement of the criteria used in
preliminary selection. An attribute represents a quality of the
desired solution and this quality must be quantifiable. The relative
importance of attributes is not considered in this time. The problem
solver should be careful about ignoring a relevant attribute
regardless of its relative importance compared to other attributes.
An attribute that is not considered in this step will have no effect on
the selection process. Thus the selection process could yield an
alternative that will perform well in all aspects save that of the
ignored attribute. Therefore, the set of attributes defined must be
comprehensive, understandable, unambiguous and serve the needs
of the problem.
There are two ways of determining the relative importance, Ij ,
of the attributes, namely, the ranking method and the method of
comparison. Both are described in detail in Appendix 3A. The
method of comparison involves much more effort. Therefore, in
the very early stages of the process (or when the quality and
amount of information do not warrant the extra effort) the use of
the ranking method is recommended.
Step 3 Specify scales, rate the alternatives with respect to each
attribute. There are four types of scales, namely, ratio, interval,
ordinal (Riggs [17]) and composite. The choice of a particular type
of scale to model an attribute depends on the nature of available
information. The ratio scale is used for an attribute for which
physically meaningful numbers are available, e.g., cost, power,
speed, etc. The ordinal scale is used to model an attribute that can
only be qualified in words. An ordinal scale is appropriate for
attributes like aesthetic appeal, color, etc. The interval scale is used
in two ways. It is used to model attributes in which the zero is
relative, e.g., temperature, efficiency, etc. It is also used to
transform the quality captured by the ordinal word scale into a
numerical interval scale. The composite scale is used for a
generalized attribute that is generated as the result of computations.
The results could come from a relative importance analysis, a
subordinate selection problem or other analytical procedure.
The ratio scale is used to quantify attributes for which
physically meaningful numbers are available, e.g., length, mass,
cost, power, speed, etc. A ratio scale is used to measure physical
quantities. The numbers used in a ratio scale are generally science-
based, computable or measurable and are therefore categorized as
hard information. It is important that the ratio scales are established
3.2. The Selection Decision Support Problems 79

independently of the set of alternatives being considered. It is nec-

essary to specify the upper (Aj max for the jth attribute) and lower
(A j min ) bounds for the ratio scale and indicate whether a larger or
smaller number indicates preference. Specification of the upper
and lower bounds for the ratio scale is imperative. The bounds
should indicate the most desirable outcome and the minimum
outcome that is acceptable. The bounds should be specified after
very careful consideration. For attributes on the ratio scale the
measured or computed number associated with each alternative
becomes its rating.
Interval scales are created for attributes for which only
qualitative or soft information is available. Safety, reliability,
complexity, simplicity are some examples of attributes measured
on an interval scale. The creation of interval scales is justified when
a problem solver is able to rank-order preference for a particular
alternative with respect to a particular attribute. If a problem solver
is unable to indicate (even qualitatively) by how much a particular
alternative is preferred over another then the ranking method
(Appendix 3A) for creating the interval scale is recommended. If a
problem solver is able to express some degree of preference
between the alternatives then the method of comparison should be
used to create the scales (see Appendix 3A). If a designer is able to
articulate clearly a definite and measurable degree of preference,
then a scale and associated ratings may be specified. This option
must be exercised with great care. The upper and lower bounds on
the interval scale correspond to the maximum possible outcome
and the lowest acceptable outcome. The interval scale and bounds
provide a means of quantifying the different levels of aspiration a
designer has for the design. The scale, therefore, should be
established independently of the alternatives being considered.
Once the ordinal and interval scales are established, the rating,
Aij , of alternative i with respect to the attribute j begins. For
attributes on the ratio scale the measured or computed number
associated with each alternative becomes its rating. For an attribute
on an interval scale a rating needs to be assigned and justified. The
justification of each rating is extremely important and the set of
justifications is called a viewpoint.
Ratio scales are seldom converted to interval scales. Ordinal
scales must be converted to interval scales to be used in the solution
Step 4 Normalize the Ratings. The attribute ratings, Aij , are on scales
that are not uniform. For example, for some attributes a larger
80 3. Selection

rating would indicate a preference whereas for others a lower rating

would indicate preference. Further, it is unlikely that the upper and
lower bounds on the scales are the same. Therefore, it is necessary
to convert the attribute ratings to scales that are uniform. This is
achieved by converting the attribute rating, Aij , to a normalized
rating, R ij . The normalized scales range from 0 to 1 with a higher
number indicating a preference.
There are different ways to effect normalization. One way for
normalizing an attribute rating for alternative i with respect to
attribute j is ,
( A i,j - A i,j )
Ri,j = max min
( A i,j - A i,j )

where Aj min and Aj max in both formulae represent the lowest and
highest possible values of the alternative rating Aij .
The preceding formulation is for the case where the larger value
of an attribute rating represents preference. If a smaller value of an
attribute rating represents preference, the normalized rating, Rij , is
defined as
( A i,j - A i,j )
Ri,j = 1 - max
( A i,j - Amin

In cases where the normalized ratings for all the alternatives turn
out to be the same, that attribute may be dropped from further
Step 5 Evaluate the merit function for each alternative. A merit
function combines all the individual ratings of the attributes using
proper weights defined in Step 1. There are several methods for
modeling the merit function. The most frequently used model,
however, is the linear model:
MFi = ∑ I j Rij i = 1, ... , m (3.3)

m = number of alternatives
n = number of attributes
Ij = relative importance of jth attribute
Rij = rating of alternative i for the attribute j
MFi = value of merit function for alternative i
3.2. The Selection Decision Support Problems 81

In most applications, it is better to start with a linear model.

When the cost and time spent in developing and implementing
more complex methods are taken into account, it may be that the
greater sophistication will not be justified. For most practical
purposes, the linear model should be sufficient, Morris [18].

Model Type Comment

1 Linear Additive All values are treated

MFi = ∑ I j Ri j similarly.

2 Higher Order Additive Weights the smaller

(for example) merit functions’
MFi = more than those of
the larger ones.
∑ I j |log(Rij )|

3 Product The product may result

in errors for zero
MFi = ∏I j Rij values of Ij or R ij .

Figure 3.5. Models for the Merit Function

Step 6 Post-solution sensitivity analysis. Post-solution analysis of the

selection DSP consists of two types of activities, namely, solution
validation and sensitivity analysis. Sensitivity analysis includes both
assessing the solution’s sensitivity to changes in the attribute
weights and the solution’s sensitivity to changes in attribute ratings.
These activities are very important because of the nature and
quality (hard or soft) of the information being used.
Validation. Having ranked all the alternatives in order of
decreasing merit function values, the problem solver is able to
identify the best and some of the better alternatives. Usually, when
the number of alternatives is fairly large the rankings will naturally
divide alternatives into several groups of alternatives for which the
82 3. Selection

merit function values are comparable. Alternatives in the same

group usually have some characteristics in common. These
characteristics should be examined and, if they are desirable,
should be included as additional attributes for the selection. This is
to assure that no important attribute is left out as a result of which
some alternatives are ranked lower than they should have been.
Also, a reexamination of the relative weights, attribute ratings and
the numerical calculations is necessary to ensure that no biased
judgments of numerical errors occur in any step. Validation of the
solution is very important especially when the highest ranked
alternative is unexpected.
Sensitivity analysis. In applications where the number of
alternatives is large, it is very likely that the values of the merit
functions of the top two or three alternatives are almost equal. In
such cases it is necessary for a sensitivity analysis be performed.
Therefore, the sensitivity analysis consists of determining the effect
on the solution of small changes in the relative importances of
attributes and to changes in the attribute ratings.
Sensitivity to changes in attribute importances. During the
selection process, the weights for the attributes are derived using
judgment which entirely depends on the experience, knowledge
and preference of each individual. For this reason, the sensitivity to
the change in the relative weights of attributes needs to be
performed. This can be done by reexamining and changing the
relative importance of the attributes in or changing the preferences
within a comparison and determining the effect of that change on
the merit function. The top ranked alternative that is not affected
by small changes in the weights of attributes is the best alternative
and should be selected. When the ranking is altered by the changes
in the attribute weights, a sensitivity analysis of the attribute ratings
may be performed or the designer may consider including other
attributes and then resolve the selection DSP.
Sensitivity to the changes in the attribute ratings. As stated
before, the ratings may be derived subjectively or directly from the
available quantitative information. In the former case, it is possible
that errors in ratings occur. Therefore, the sensitivity of the solution
to changes in attribute ratings needs to be found. This can be done
by studying the change in the merit function value effected by
changes in the attribute ratings (e.g., ± 5%).
3.2. The Selection Decision Support Problems 83

Consider a change of ± δ in the rating Rij in attribute j of

alternative i. The change in the merit function of that alternative
will be
δ MF i = ± δ I j Rij .
The new merit function will be
MFi new = MFi old + δ MF i
The alternatives are then ranked again and if the top-ranked
alternative remains unchanged, the solution is considered stable. If
the top-ranked alternative is changed, the sensitivity of the merit
function to other ratings needs to be evaluated further. In some
cases, the addition or redefinition of attributes may be necessary.

3.2.3 An Example of the Selection Procedure

Preliminary Selection DSP
Problem Statement. An appropriate conceptual design for an
automobile horn is required. The automobile is a medium size,
medium-price range vehicle suitable for an urban family. 2-door, 4-
door and wagon models will be produced. It is anticipated that all will
utilize the same type of horn. The manufacturer wants an inexpensive,
reliable and easily installed horn. These vehicles are destined for use
all over the United States including Alsaka and Hawaii so the concept
selected should have tha capability of performing in all weather
conditions. The concepts are listed in Figure 3.6.

Preliminary Selection DSP, Step 1: Seven concepts which might

provide a solution for the design problem were identified during a
brainstorming session. These concepts, with acronyms for easy
identification, are :
❑ Concept 1: <Electromagnetic Diaphragm, ED> The
diaphragm is attached to a vibrating shaft driven by a rapidly
changing magnetic field thereby creating noise.
❑ Concept 2: <Aeroacoustic Horn, AH> High speed rotary vanes
force air out through nozzles producing noise.
84 3. Selection

Resonater Plate Electric M otor


Figure 3.6a Figure 3.6b

Speaker Toothed Disc


Tape Taut Wire

Figure 3.6c Figure 3.6d

Solonoid Solonoid Operated Strip


Rubber Bulb
Figure 3.6e Figure 3.6f

Rubber C oated D isc


Taut Wire
Figure 3.6g

Figure 3.6. Rough Sketches of the Concepts for a Horn. (a) Electromagnetic
Diaphragm, (b) Aeroacoustic Horn, (c) Tape Driven Horn, (d) Wire and Toothed
Wheel, (e) Rubber Bulb,
(f) Reed, and (g) Wire and Disc.
3.2. The Selection Decision Support Problems 85

❑ Concept 3: <Tape Driven Horn, TDH> Recorded impulses on

electromagnetic tape are picked up, amplified and broadcast.
❑ Concept 4: <Wire and Toothed Wheel, W&TW > Teeth on a
wheel pluck a taut wire in rapid succession producing
monotonic noise.
❑ Concept 5: <Rubber Bulb, RB> A solenoid is magnetized and
demagnetized alternately. The magnetic core is moved up and
down compressing and releasing the bulb to force air through
reeds thus producing noise.
❑ Concept 6: <Reed, R> To and fro motion of the rack plucks
the reed to produce noise.
❑ Concept 7: <Wire and Disc, W&D> Motor-driven rubber-
coated disc continuously rubs against a taut wire to produce
Rough sketches of these concepts have been drawn with
approximately equal levels of complexity, Figure 3.6.

Preliminary Selection DSP, Step 2: The generalized criteria and

acronyms are:
❑ Criterion 1: <Resistance to Corrosion and Water, Corrosion>
Ideally the unit will remain in place for years and be exposed
(somewhat) to water and possibly salt from the roads. A unit
that can withstand these conditions is desired.
❑ Criterion 2: <Resistance to Vibration, Shock and Acceleration,
❑ Criterion 3: <Resistance to Extremes in Temperature,
Temperature> Extremes in temperature may cause variations in
clearances. Plastic or rubber may become brittle.
❑ Criterion 4: <Response Time, Response> To be an effective
warning device, rapid response is essential.
❑ Criterion 5: < Power Consumption, Power> A low power
consumption is desirable.
❑ Criterion 6: <Ease of Maintenance, Maintenance>
❑ Criterion 7: <Weight, Weight>
❑ Criterion 8: <Size, Size>
❑ Criterion 9: <Reliability, Reliability> Concepts with fewer
moving parts are more likely to be reliable.
❑ Criterion 10: <Durability, Durability>
❑ Criterion 11: <Manufacturing Cost, Cost>
❑ Criterion 12: <Ease of Installation, Installation>
86 3. Selection

Preliminary Selection DSP, Step 3: The electromagnetic diaphragm

has been chosen as an initial datum since such horns represent the
current industry standard design.
Preliminary Selection DSP, Step 4: Capture experience-based
knowledge through comparison of concepts, Table 3.1. Assume that
each criterion is equally weighted, that is, that the weights are 1/12 or
Table 3.1. Comparison of the concepts for Preliminary Selection to the datum
concept, Concept 1, the electromagnetic diaphragm

Criteria Concepts
1‡* 2* 3* 4 5* 6 7
1 Resistance to corrosion 0 -1 0 -1 -1 -1 -1
2 Resistance to vibration,
shock and acceleration 0 -1 -1 -1 0 -1 -1
3 Temperature 0 -1 -1 -1 -1 0 -1
4 Response time 0 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1
5 Power consumption 0 -1 +1 -1 -1 -1 -1
6 Ease of maintenance 0 +1 -1 +1 +1 -1 +1
7 Weight 0 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1
8 Size 0 -1 0 -1 -1 0 -1
9 Reliability (fewer parts) 0 0 0 -1 0 -1 -1
10 Durability 0 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1
11 Manufacturing cost 0 0 -1 -1 0 -1 -1
12 Installation 0 0 -1 -1 -1 0 -1
Worse Than Datum 0x-1 6x-1 8x-1 11x-1 8x-1 9x-111x-1
Better Than Datum 0x+1 1x+1 1x+1 1x=+1 1x+10x+1 1x+1
As Good as Datum 12x0 4x0 3x0 0x0 3x0 3x0 0x0
Raw Score Datum -5 3 -10 -7 -9 -10
Normalized Score1 .769 .385 1 0 .231 .077 0
*Concepts which have been selected for use in the selection DSP.
‡Datum concept. A “+1” implies better than the datum. A “0” implies it is the
same as datum. A “-1” implies it is worse than the datum.

1 Since all of these criteria are weighted equally, the range of raw
scores is considered the universe (-10 to +3, or 13 units) and this
is adjusted for a 0-1 scale using Equn. 3.1.
3.2. The Selection Decision Support Problems 87

Justification for Ratings in Table 3.1:

Criterion 1: Resistance to Corrosion and Water. Concept 1 is a
sealed, self-contained unit and has a smaller chance of corroding than
all other concepts except Concept 3 which can also be made air- and
water-tight. Even if a small amount of corrosion does occur, the
functioning is not adversely affected in Concepts 1 and 3 but in
others, for instance, the reed-based and wire-based instruments, the
quality of noise deteriorates if the parts are corroded. Therefore, a
“0” is assigned to Concept 3 and a “-1” to Concepts 2, 4, 5, 6, and 7
in Table 3.1.
Criterion 2: Resistance to Vibration, Shock and Acceleration.
Concept 1 scores again over most of the others because it has fewer
moving parts. All other concepts except Concept 5 rely on proper
clearances which may be altered owing to vibration shock, for
instance, the magnetic pickup in Concept 3 or the toothwire clearance
in Concept 4.
Criterion 3: Resistance to Extremes in Temperature. Extremes in
temperature may cause variations in clearances; for instance, a taut
wire becomes slack if its temperature is increased. the rubber bulb in
Concept 5 may lose its elasticity or deform owing to extremes in
temperature, etc. Concept 6 is at least as good as the datum because it
relies on positive reed displacement.
Criterion 4: Response Time. An electromagnetic device has a much
smaller response time than electromechanical devices. Concept 3,
however, does not compare well with the datum because of possible
time delay in tape start-up.
Criterion 5: Power Consumption. Concepts 1 and 3 fare very well
against all of the other concepts because the others require more
power to activate their prime movers - motor, bellows, rack, etc.
Criterion 6: Ease of Maintenance. Concepts 2, 4, 5 and 7 involve
accessible simple parts that can be easily serviced and therefore score
over the datum.
Criterion 7: Weight. Concept 1 is lighter than most of the other
Criterion 8: Size. Concepts 1, 3 and 6 are the most compact.
Criterion 9: Reliability. The fewer moving parts, the greater the
reliability. The ratings assigned reflect this fact.
Criterion 10: Durability. Concept 1 is sturdy compared to all the
other concepts and hence is deemed the most durable.
Criterion 11: Manufacturing Cost. Components for Concepts 1 and
2 are readily available. Concept 5 is very simple to put together. The
88 3. Selection

other concepts use nonstandard components and are not feasible for
immediate use.
Criterion 12: Ease of Installation. Concepts 1, 2 and 6 can function
in any given orientation and are compact enough to be located where
space is at a premium. The rest of the concepts are either bulky or
sensitive to orientation.
Table 3.2. Comparison of the concepts for preliminary selection to the datum
concept, concept 5, the rubber bulb
Criteria Concepts
1* 2* 3* 4 5* ‡ 6 7
1 Resistance to corrosion +1 0 +1 0 0 0 0
2 Resistance to vibration,
shock and acceleration 0 -1 -1 -1 0 -1 -1
3 Temperature +1 0 0 0 0 +1 0
4 Response time +1 0 0 0 0 0 0
5 Power consumption +1 0 +1 0 0 0 0
6 Ease of maintenance -1 0 -1 0 0 -1 0
7 Weight +1 0 0 0 0 0 0
8 Size +1 0 +1 0 0 +1 0
9 Reliability (fewer parts) 0 0 0 -1 0 -1 -1
10 Durability +1 0 0 0 0 0 0
11 Manufacturing cost 0 0 -1 -1 0 -1 -1
12 Installation +1 +1 0 0 0 0 0
Worse Than Datum 1x-1 1x-1 3x-1 3x-1 0x-1 4x-1 3x-1
Better Than Datum 8x+131x+13x+10x+1 0x+13x+1
As Good as Datum 3x031-x0 6x0 9x0 12x0 5x0 9x0
Raw Score +7 0 0 -3 Datum -1 -3
Normalized Score 1 .364 .364 0 .364 .273 0
*Concepts which have been selected for use in the selection DSP.
‡Datum concept. A “+1” implies better than the datum. A “0” implies it is the
same as datum. A “-1” implies it is worse than the datum.

Step 6. Individual concepts scores are assessed, Table 3.1. The datum
is by far the best concept (score 0 as compared with negative values
for the rest of the concepts) when compared to the others. The top
four Concepts are 1, 2, 3 and 5. For most of the twelve criteria,
Concepts 1 is overwhelmingly preferred to the rest. The rankings need
to be validated by choosing a different datum. Therefore, Concept 5,
is chosen as the new datum (this choice being arbitrary) and
3.2. The Selection Decision Support Problems 89

comparisons are made again, Table 3.2. The top three choices are 1, 5
and 3. Similarly to Table 3.1, the scores are normalized.

When should one stop iterating? It is important to continue with

different datums until there is no change in the group that makes up
the most-likely-to-succeed concepts. If there are relatively few
concepts, say, less than 5 it is imperative that all the concepts be
considered as datums.2

Can you identify the best concept using preliminary selection? The
answer is an emphatic NO. One can only identify a group of concepts
that are realtively equivalent. But what if we do want to identify the
best concept? Well, to do this you need to solve the selection DSP.

Altering the relative importance of the criteria: Let us assume that the
manufacturer hires a consultant to determine the realtive importance
of the criteria. The consultant after performing a detailed analysis
reports back to the manufacturer that not all criteria should be
weighted equally; the criteria “Manufacturing Costs” and
“Installation” are five times more important than the other criteria.
Then these two criteria are weighted 0.227 (5/22) and the other
criteria receive 1/22 weights (0.0455). Thus each row of Table 3.1 is
normalized (so scores go from 0 to 1, i.e. values instead of being -1, 0
and +1 become 0, 0.5 and 1). The each row is multiplied by the
appropriate scaling factor and the scores are summed. The values
obtained are:
1* 2* 3* 4 5* ‡ 6 7
Normalized Score .432 .295 +.091 .046 .205 .159 .091
Similarly for the information in Table 3.2 with the criteria
“installation” and “Manufacturing Costs” weighted appropriately
1* 2* 3* 4 5* ‡ 6 7
Normalized Score .705 .545 .364 .296 .455 .318 .296

After careful consideration of this information, it was decided that

further preliminary selection DSPS were not necessary - although for
other problems they migh be useful. The concepts: electromagnetic
diaphragm, aeroacustic horn, tape driven horn and rubber bulb are
identified as suitable for for further investigation (Concepts 1,2,3 and

2 Why?
90 3. Selection

5). Then these concepts are investigated much more thoroughly

“engineering is done” - the information so obtained is presented in
Tables 3.6 and 3.7.

The Selection DSP, Step 1: Describe the alternatives and provide

acronyms. The alternatives illustrated in Figure 3.7.
Resonater plate
Diaphragm Electric motor


Figure 3C.3a Figure 3C.3b

Solonoid Reed

Amplifier Speaker

b Rubber Bulb

Figure 3C.3c Figure 3C.3d

Figure 3.7. Alternatives for horn selection problem

(a) electromagnetic diaphragm, (b) aeroacustic horn, (c) tape driven horn, and (d)
rubber bulb.

Alternative 1 Electromagnetic diaphragm, the diaphragm is

attached to the vibrating shaft driven by a
rapidly changing magnetic field thereby
creating noise.
Alternative 2 Aeroacustic horn, high speed rotary vanes
force air out through nozzles producing noise.
3.2. The Selection Decision Support Problems 91

Alternative 3 Tape driven horn, recorded impulses on

electromagnetic tape are picked up, amplified
and broadcast.
Alternative 4 Rubber bulb, solenoid is magnetized and
demagnetized alternately. Magnetic core
moved up and down compressing and
releasing the bulb to force air through reeds to
produce noise.

Selection DSP, Step 2: Describe the attributes, specify their relative

importances. The attributes are:
❑ < Noise , Attribute 1> The main purpose of the horn is to create
noise audible above the background noise in the streets, hence
this is the most important attribute.
❑ < Response Time , Attribute 2> The horn has to respond quickly
or it does not serve its purpose.
❑ < Power Consumption, Attribute 3 > Power consumption is an
important factor, but not critical since most horns do not
consume much power anyway. The ranking reflects this.
❑ < Ease of Maintenance, Attribute 4 > Manitainability is the less
important criterion because it plays an important role only in
the long term and most of the horns have a very long expected
❑ < Size, Attribute 5> The horn has to be small so that it can be
installed in the first place.
The relative importance of the attributes are obtained by pairwise
comparison, Table 3.3. These comparisons are summarized in Tables
3.4 and 3.5. In this case (which is a small problem), a Dummy
Attribute is introduced so that the least important attribute exerts some
influence on the evaluation of alternatives. Without the Dummy
Attribute, the least important attribute may be assigned no score at all
which is the same as not taking that attribute into consideration.
Further information about the use of a Dummy Attribute is presented
in 3A.3.2.
92 3. Selection

Table 3.3. Establishing a viewpoint for the pairwise comparison method of

obtaining the relative importance of the attributes for the Selection DSP

Decision Attributes Decision Viewpoint

1 1, 2 1>2* Achieving a noise level above
2 1, 3 1>3 background noise is the
main purpose of providing
3 1, 4 1>4 a horn.
4 1, 5 1>5 Hence this attribute is
preferred over all others.
5 1, 0 1>0 All attributes are preferred to dummy.
6 2, 3 2>3 Essential to avoid accidents.
7 2, 4 2>4 A larger power source,
though undesirable, is not
8 2, 5 5>2 A large horn could cause
installation problems.
9 2, 0 2>0 All attributes are preferred to dummy.
10 3, 4 3>4 Most horns do not require
frequent maintenance.
11 3, 5 5>3 A large horn could cause
installation problems.
12 3, 0 3>0 All attributes are preferred to dummy.
13 4, 5 5>4 A large horn could not be installed.
14 4, 0 4>0 All attributes are preferred to dummy.
15 5, 0 5>0 All attributes are preferred to dummy.

1 - Ease of achieving 100-125 dBA. 4 - Ease of maintenance.
2 - Low response time. 5 - Small size.
3 - Low power consumption. 0 - Dummy attribute.
*The symbol > indicates preference.
3.2. The Selection Decision Support Problems 93

Table 3.4. Summary of the pairwise comparisons to Obtain the

relative importance of the attributes for the Selection DSP

Attribute 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Ij *
1 1 1 1 1 1 5 (0.333)
2 0 1 1 0 1 3 (0.2)
3 0 0 1 0 1 2 (0.133)
4 0 0 0 0 1 1 (0.066)
5 0 1 1 1 1 4 (0.266)
Dummy 0 0 0 0 0 0 (0)
Total 15
*Ij is the relative importance. The normalized scores in parentheses are evaluated
by normalizing the scores Ij with respect to the total sum of the scores, as is the
case here, or with the range of scores or the largest score.

Table 3.5. Summary of the relative importance of the attributes for the
Selection DSP

Attribute (j) Relative Normalized

Importance* Relative Importance

1. Ease of Achieving
100-125 dBA 5 (5/15 =) 0.333
2. Low Response Time 3 (3/15 =) 0.200
3. Low Power
Consumption 2 (2/15 =) 0.133
4. Ease of Maintenance 1 (1/15 =) 0.066
5. Small Size 4 (4/15 =) 0.266
Total 15

*Larger numbers indicate preference.

Selection DSP, Step 3: Specify Scales, Rate the Alternatives with

Respect to Each Attribute
94 3. Selection

Table 3.6. Criteria for the creation of interval scales

Attribute 2 - Low Response Time.

Response Rating
Avoid accidents with moving
traffic on highways. 0-10 ms 10-8
Avoid accidents with moving
traffic on streets. 10 ms-1 s 7-5
Avoid accidents with pedestrians. 1-2 s 4-2
Insufficient alert time. Over 2 s 1

Attribute 4 - Ease of Maintenance.

Mean time between maintenance Rating
Greater than 5 years. 10-8
3-5 years. 7-6
1-3 years. 5-3
Less than 1 year. 2-1

Attribute 5 - Small Size. Rating

Extremely compact
No constraints on location. 10-8
Compact but many moving parts. 7-5
Numerous moving parts . 4-2
Bulky and sensitive to orientation. 1

Step 4. Normalize the Ratings.

3.2. The Selection Decision Support Problems 95

Table 3.7. Evaluation of the alternatives

Attribute 1, Noise Rating Normalized Rating

Alternative (i) (A i1 )* (Ri1(=Ai1 /Amaxi1 ))

Electromag. Diaphragm 100 0.666

Aeroacustic Horn 105 1
Tape Driven Horn 95 0.333
Rubber Bulb 90 0

*The sound levels of these concepts are used to determine the normalized rating.
Higher values of Attribute 1 are preferred.

Attribute 2, Response Rating Normalized Rating

Alternative(i) (A i2 )* (Ri2(=Ai2 /Amaxi2 ))

Electromag. Diaphragm 9 0.9

Aeroacustic Horn 1 0.1
Tape Driven Horn 1 0.1
Rubber Bulb 3 0.3
Σ Amax i2 = 10

*A larger rating indicates preference (lower response time is preferred).

Attribute 3, Power Rating Normalized Rating

Alternative(i) (A i3 )* (Ri3(=Ai3 /Amaxi3 ))

Electromag. Diaphragm 6 1
Aeroacustic Horn 50 0.312
Tape Driven Horn 10 0.937
Rubber Bulb 70 0

* A lower value of power consumption is preferred.

96 3. Selection

Attribute 4, Maintenance Rating Normalized Rating

Alternative(i) (A i4 )* (Ri4(=Ai4 /Amaxi4 ))

Electromag. Diaphragm 8 0.8

Aeroacustic Horn 6 0.6
Tape Driven Horn 3 0.3
Rubber Bulb 1 0.1
Σ Amax i4 = 10

* Larger scores indicate preference (less maintenance is preferred).

Attribute 5, Size Rating Normalized Rating

Alternative(i) (A i5 )* (Ri5(=Ai5 /Amaxi5 ))

Electromag. Diaphragm 9 0.9

Aeroacustic Horn 6 0.6
Tape Driven Horn 2 0.2
Rubber Bulb 2 0.2
Σ Amax i5 = 10

*Larger scores indicate preference (smaller size is preferred).

Step 5. Evaluate the merit function for each alternative. The linear
additive model for the merit function is used here.

Table 3.8. Evaluation of the merit function

Alternative Merit Function Values Overall Rank

Diaphragm 0.827 1
Aeroacustic Horn 0.594 2
Tape Driven Horn 0.329 3
Rubber Bulb 0.120 4

Step 6. Post-solution sensitivity analysis to changes in the attribute

ratings. Note that in this problem, the rankings are clear and unique.
3.2. The Selection Decision Support Problems 97

This is not always the case, in some situations, it may be advisable to

assess for the individual attributes realistic possible levels of variation.

Selection: Graphical Representation of

the Scores

Normalized Score




Electromag- Aeroacustic Tape Driven Rubber Bulb
netic Horn Horn

No Change 5% Increase 5% Decrease

Figure 3.8. Sensitivity of the merit function to changes in attribute ratings.

RECOMMENDATION: The electromagnetic diaphragm concept is


3.3On the Use of Selection Decision Support Problems

The selection DSPs are useful tools in engineering synthesis. It is
important to remember that the DSPs can at best support human
judgment; they should never be viewed as a way of replacing human
98 3. Selection

judgment. They do, however, provide an ordered, rational means for

making choices throughout the process of design.
The results can be only as good as the model and the care with
which it has been created and exercised. The number of decimal
points used to arrive at and report a decision should be commensurate
with the level of confidence that a problem solver has in the model.
The real power of the method lies in the fact that it can be used at any
point in a project where choices are being made.
We are confident in recommending the use of the preliminary
selection DSP. In selection, however, the proposed method of
normalizing and using both ratio and interval scales in calculating the
merit function can be severely criticized. One remedy is to convert all
ratio to interval scales and then to compute the merit function values
as has been suggested by Saaty [19]. We believe that this solution is
appropriate when there is more soft information than hard informa-
tion available (for example, in management science and in the early
stages of the design process). Saaty [20] has presented a very good
and mathematically sound method that can be used for creating
interval scales and also for converting ratio scales into interval scales.
Our current approach is suitable when hard information dominates
the selection DSP. In the intermediate case, that is, when there is a fair
amount of both hard and soft information available there are
currently two options available, namely, convert all ratio scales to
interval scales or the approach presented in this chapter. We are
reluctant to recommend converting ratio scales to interval scales and
then solving the selection DSP because in doing so some very
important technical knowledge is invariably lost.

Appendix 3A Scales and Weights Using Soft

Scales must be created and used to model experience-based judgment
in both the selection and compromise Decision Support Problems.
The methods for creating the scales are simple. Their effectiveness on
solution is a function of the degree of care and the quality of
knowledge with which the creator of the scale is imbued. The creation
of scales is an extremely important task and it must be undertaken
with great care. In this Appendix information on how to create scales
and determine weights using experience-based judgment is presented.
Appendix 3A Scales and Weights Using Soft Information 99

3A.1Interval Scales and Their Use in Decision Support

In Preliminary Selection interval scales are used to specify the relative
importance of the generalized criteria. An interval scale may also be
used to assign weights to the specific criteria within a particular
generalized criterion. In the selection DSP interval scales are used to
establish the relative importance between attributes and to provide a
means for quantifying preferences rooted in experience-based insight
(soft information). In the compromise DSP interval scales are used to
model the weights used in the achievement function.
There are four types of scales, namely, ratio, interval, ordinal [17]
and composite. The choice of a particular type of scale to model an
attribute depends on the nature of available information. The ratio
scale is used for an attribute for which physically meaningful numbers
are available, e.g., cost, power, speed, etc. The ordinal scale is used to
model an attribute that can only be qualified in words. An ordinal
scale is appropriate for attributes like aesthetic appeal, color, etc. The
interval scale is used in two ways. First, it is used to model attributes in
which the zero is relative, e.g., temperature, efficiency, etc. Secondly, it
is used to transform the quality captured by the ordinal word scale
into a numerical interval scale. The composite scale is an interval scale
but with a twist. The composite scale is used to model the collective
preference associated with a number of related sub-attributes.
Interval scales are created for attributes for which only qualitative
or “soft” information is available. Safety, reliability, complexity,
simplicity are some examples of attributes measured on an interval
scale. The creation of interval scales is justified when a designer is able
to rank-order preference for a particular alternative with respect to a
particular attribute. If a designer is unable to indicate (even qualita-
tively) by how much a particular alternative is preferred over another
then the ranking method for creating the interval scale is
recommended. If a designer is able to express some degree of
preference between the alternatives then the method of comparison
should be used to create the scales. If a designer is able to articulate a
definite and measurable degree of preference then a scale together
with the associated ratings may be specified. It is pointed out that this
option must be exercised with great care.
The simplest way of rating alternatives for a soft attribute is to rank
order the alternatives. This will quickly show what the best alternative
is, as well as the worst and everything in between. This will work when
a decision can be made based on only one attribute. This is invariably
100 3. Selection

not the case in engineering. The problem with rank ordering is that
there is no notion of the “distance” between ratings. In terms of
preference, how far apart are the first and second alternatives? Is the
third alternative, in terms of preference, as far from second as the
second is from the first? These questions cannot be answered by rank-
ordering alternatives, yet the information is necessary for DSPs with
multiple attributes. Therefore, we need some quantitative means of
representing differences of preference. This is accomplished by
creating an interval scale. Thus, we must have some means of creating
an interval scale; a scale that provides an interval or measure of
preference between ratings.

3A.2 The Creation of Interval Scales

Baird [21] presents three methods for developing interval scales:
❑ Churchman-Ackoff Method
❑ Standard Gamble Method
❑ Rating Forms
These are presented as given by Riggs [17] with some
modifications to make them useful for decision support problems.
Saaty [19] and [20] has developed a very good and mathematically
sound method that can be used for rating alternatives on attributes
based on soft information. This is presented in the context of
determining the relative weights of attributes.
A numerical rating system is only as good as the rationale
exercised in its use. A decision maker should be prepared to convince
a questioner that the judgment was correct. The rating form approach,
at this time, is the most common one used for creating interval scales
for use in formulating the DSPs.

3A.2.1The Churchman-Ackoff Method

Churchman and Ackoff offer a procedure for quantifying intangibles
in which the developed values are assumed to be additive. A decision
maker is asked first to rank the items and then to assign numbers
between 1.0 and 0.0 to alternative outcomes according to the
approximate intensity of preference. Thus, a rating for outcomes from
alternatives W, X, Y and Z might be
X = 1.0 W = 0.4
Z = 0.8 Y = 0.3
Appendix 3A Scales and Weights Using Soft Information 101

Now the sum of the values for Z, W and Y (0.8 + 0.4 + 0.3 = 1.5) is
compared with the rating for X (1.0). To show a distinct preference
for X, its rating must exceed the sum of all lower-ranked ratings (X >
Z + W + Y). If the ratings do not conform to the rule, they are
changed as little as possible in making them conform. The new value
assignment might be
X = 1.0 W = 0.2
Z = 0.6 Y = 0.1
where 1.0 > 0.6 + 0.2 + 0.1.
Next the value for Z is compared to the sum of W and Y. The
values above confirm a preference for Z, since 0.6 > 0.2 + 0.1. The
sequence ends with a preference shown for W over Y, with 0.2 > 0.1.
There are many sets of numbers that conform to the procedure and
show the same order of preference but different intervals:

1.0 0.97 0.02 0.01
1.0 0.34 0.32 0.01
1.0 0.04 0.02 0.01

The procedure by itself does not assure that a legitimate interval

scale has been developed. It systematizes the judgment process, but
accuracy is still a function of the decision maker's conscientiousness.

3A.2.2The Standard Gamble Method

Another procedure designed to yield an interval scale is called the
standard gamble method. The top and bottom levels of the scale are
mentally fixed by visualizing the perfect outcome of the criterion for
a 1.0 rating, and the worst possible outcome for a 0.0 rating. Then the
alternative being rated is compared to the extreme examples. The
comparison is made like a lottery: The decision maker selects
acceptable odds for a gamble between having a perfect outcome (1.0)
against the worst outcome (0.0) or having the certain outcome of the
alternative. The mental gymnastics required to conduct this mental
lottery is difficult to master, but the scale boundaries for the best and
worst outcomes make the ratings comparable for all alternatives.
To describe further the standard gamble method, assume graduate
schools are being compared. One of the criteria is prestige, an
attribute with no natural measurements. The first step is to select the
most prestigious school imaginable, and give it a rating of 1.0. The
next step is to select a school with the least possible prestige for the
102 3. Selection

0.0 rated outcome. The best and worst limits are not established by the
set of alternatives being considered: that is, the upper and lower
bounds must be established not by the alternatives that are being con-
sidered but by the best and worst possible outcomes. For example, it
might not be possible to attend the most prestigious institution but it
still needs to be used to set the upper limit. Then a theoretical lottery
matches the preference for the top school (1.0) over the lowest (0.0)
against surely attending the school being rated.
The lottery takes the form of a specific query aimed at each school
being rated: “What probabilities of going to the 1.0 rated school
instead of the 0.0 school would I accept to make the gamble
equivalent to surely going to school X (X is the school being rated).”
An answer of 0.3 indicates indifference between attending school X
and having 3 chances in 10 of attending the top school (which means
there are 7 chances in 10 of attending the worst school). A rating of
0.5 shows no preference between school X and a 50 percent chance of
going to either the top or bottom school. The selected probabilities
become the ratings for each alternative. In this example we have two
schools rated at 0.3 and 0.5, if a third school had a rating of 0.9, this
school would be preferred to the other two alternatives by the intervals
given by the lotteries (0.6 and 0.4, respectively).

3A.2.3 The Rating Form

A standardized rating form which has written descriptions of each
level of desirability is the most commonly used method for rating
intangibles. The scales typically run from 0 to 10 with explanations of
the attributes expected at each interval. Well-composed rating forms
define, in easily understood language, the outcome that qualifies an
alternative for each numbered rating.
Rating forms with similar characteristics have been developed to
evaluate recurring decision situations. For example, government
agencies engaged in research solicit bids from internal and outside
investigators for conducting studies. A request for proposals, RFP,
contains a statement of the technical requirements of the work and
requests bidders to provide cost estimates, time schedules, and proof
of competence. The replies are then evaluated by a board according
to how well they meet the criteria of acceptance. A typical guideline
for assigning numerical ratings for each criterion or attribute is given
Appendix 3A Scales and Weights Using Soft Information 103

Interval Ordinal Description
10 9 Very good Has a high probability (over
80%) of exceeding all require-
ments expressed in the RFP for
the criterion
8 7 6 Normal Will most (50-80%) likely
meet the minimum
requirements and scope of
work established in the RFP
54 3 Below normal May fail (30-50% probability
of success) to meet the stated
minimum requirements but is
of such a nature that it has the
correction potential
21 0 Unacceptable Less than 30 percent chance of
success. Cannot be expected to
meet the stated minimum
requirements and is of such a
nature that drastic revision is
necessary for correction

Figure 3A.1. A Typical Rating Form

While using a rating form, it is important to keep referring to a

mental standard that conforms to each level. In the RFP evaluation, the
standards are defined in writing. In personnel rating forms the
standards result from experiences with the performance of people who
were previously rated in each category. Each decision maker has a
different interpretation of what constitutes perfection, based on
personal views and past exposures. It is not vital that all decision
makers have the same absolute limits for their interval scale; it is vital
that they are consistent in applying their own scale among alternatives.
To facilitate consistency of ratings it is vital that the description of
each interval include wherever possible numerical qualification (e.g.,
the percentage chance of success in the example). Note that it may be
tempting at times to create one rating form and use it for creating
scales for many attributes. This is invariably not possible to do.
Usually different rating forms will be needed for creating interval
scales for different attributes.
104 3. Selection

3A.3Determining Weights for the Relative Importance of

Criteria and Attributes
When more than one attribute exists, relative importances or relative
weights must be assigned to the attributes. This process is generally
based on experience and insight and requires very careful
consideration. There are many ways to develop weights [17, 19-21].
We present three ways to capture the insight of the problem solver and
once captured, use the insight to develop the relative importances. All
three have been used to determine the relative importance of attributes
for the aircraft example. Note that the weights obtained using the
methods are not the same. The ranking method and the comparison
methods can also be used to create composite scales.

3A.3.1The Ranking Method

In this method, the attributes are ranked in order of importance. The
least important attribute gets the lowest rank and the lowest assigned
weight. The second least important attribute gets the second lowest
rank and the second lowest assigned weight, and so on. Then the
weights are normalized.
The advantage of this method is that it is easy to apply and very
suitable when the number of attributes is not too large (say up to 20).
Also, when the available information (e.g., in the early stages of
design) is not adequate but some decisions have to be made this
method is very useful. The disadvantage of this method however, is
that when the number of attributes defined is large, ranking of
attributes becomes rather difficult. Another disadvantage of this
method is that the difference in weights between successive attributes
is the same. Such a scale may not be realistic. In this method it is
important that the reasons supporting the ranking are given. Further, it
is imperative that the ranks ascribed to different attributes are
recorded and presented as a viewpoint.

3A.3.2The Comparison Method

In the comparison method, the preference between each pair of
attributes is compared, and a view point is established. Assume that
there is a selection problem with nine attributes identified: 1 through
9. For this problem, there are 36 decisions to be made. The viewpoint
represents these 36 decisions qualitatively. This qualitative viewpoint is
changed to a quantitative value. For each comparison, the preferred
attribute is assigned one point and the other attribute is assigned a
Appendix 3A Scales and Weights Using Soft Information 105

zero. In the case where two attributes are equally important, both
attributes are assigned 1/2 point each. It is only possible to award 0, 1
or 1/2 point, since the basis of this method is done pairwise for all the
attributes. Then the points obtained by each attribute are totaled. The
attribute that gets the highest score is the more important attribute.
The scores are then normalized. It is extremely important to present
the viewpoint.
In our opinion a decision maker should be able to convince others
who read the report that the judgment used is correct. The advantage
of this method over the ranking method is that comparing two
attributes at a time is easier than ranking all attributes at once. This
method, however, can produce intransitivity or cycling (i.e., Attribute
A > Attribute B > Attribute C > Attribute A, where > indicates
preference). Cycling can be avoided by adding a new relevant
attribute or refining the definition of equal preferences. Saaty [20]
[19] has proposed a check for ascertaining and correcting inconsis-
tencies that should help eliminate the problem of cycling.
In small problems, a dummy attribute is introduced so that the least
important attribute exerts some influence on the evaluation of
alternatives. Without the dummy attribute, the least important attribute
may be assigned no score at all which is the same as not taking that
attribute into consideration. However, a dummy attribute is not needed
when the number of attributes is large. In this case, the attribute that
receives no score at all may be considered unimportant and therefore
may be eliminated. The number of comparisons that need to be made
in this comparison method depends on the number of attributes used.
For a problem with n+1 attributes (n attributes plus one dummy), the
number of comparisons is n+1 C2
n+1 C = (n+1)! / (n-1)! 2!
n! = n (n-1)(n-2) ... (3)(2)(1).

for a large problem where a dummy attribute is not required, the

number of comparisons is n C2

nC = (n)! / (n-2)! 2!

3A.3.3The Reciprocal Pairwise Comparison Matrix

This approach has been proposed by Saaty, [20] [19]. It has some
elements of both the standard gamble and rating forms. We
106 3. Selection

recommend its use in determining the relative importance of

attributes, rating alternatives on attributes characterized by soft
information and in determining the weights for the achievement
function of the compromise DSP. The method, however, is difficult to
implement by hand and is suitable for use on a computer. In the
following the method is explained context of determining the relative
importance of attributes:
❑ The rating form, for this case, is set up to capture the degree of
preference a decision maker has for one attribute over another.
The interval scale in the former varies from 0 to 10 whereas, in
the latter, it varies from 1 to 9. Saaty has given the mathematical
justification and proof as to why the scale should vary from 1 to
9. The ordinal scale and the viewpoint are also shown in the
rating forms.
❑ A decision maker is asked to compare the attributes in pairs
enter the ordinal scale and pick up the corresponding value
(preference level) on the interval scale. Tabulate the preference
levels and their reciprocals in a decision matrix (described later)
and note the reasons in the form of a “viewpoint”.
❑ A measure of the level of consistency of the decisions is

obtained by determining the maximum eigenvalue of the

decision matrix, whereas the corresponding normalized
maximum eigenvector provides the weights that reflect the
relative importance of each attribute.
Appendix 3A Scales and Weights Using Soft Information 107

Interval Ordinal Viewpoint
1 Equal preference The two attributes are
equally important.
3 Slight preference Based on experience,
there is a slight preference
for attribute i over
attribute j.
5 Medium preference Based on experience,
attribute i is preferred to
attribute j.
7 Strong preference Attribute i is strongly
favored over attribute j; its
dominance is
demonstrated in practice.
9 Absolute preference The preference of one
attribute over another is of
the highest possible order.
2, 4, 6, 8 Intermediate values When compromise is
needed between adjacent

Figure 3A.2. The reciprocal pairwise comparison matrix method:

description of the scale for decisions

The decision matrix A has the following form:

1 a12 a1n
1/a12 1 a2n
A= . . ... . (3A.1)
. . ... .
1/a1n 1/a2n 1
An element aij is the number corresponding to the preference
expressed, for attribute i over attribute j. Therefore, the reverse
preference, i.e., the preference for attribute j over attribute i, is 1/aij .
The preferences are entered in the upper triangle and the reverse
preferences are entered in the lower triangle of the decision matrix.
The diagonal element aii is unity. All elements of the decision matrix
are non-zero and positive.
Assume that we have identified a set of n garden variety stones and
we want, from this set, to select one stone based on its weight. (In this
108 3. Selection

case the stones represent alternatives and the weight an attribute.)

Assume that we know the actual weight of the n stones, namely,
(w1,...,wn). Therefore, we can form a matrix, A, of pairwise ratios
whose rows give the ratios of the weights of each stone with respect to
all others:
w1 /w1 w1/w2 ... w1/wn
w2/w1 w2/w2 ... w2/wn
A= . . ... ... (3A.2)
. . ... ...
wn/w1 wn/w2 ... wn/wn
Note we have assumed that we know the weights of the stones with
certainty in Equation 3A.2. Therefore, if we multiply this matrix by
the transpose of the vector of weights, wT = (w 1 , w2 , . . , wn) we obtain
the vector nw, where n represents the number of stones (attributes)
being compared.
The problem can now be expressed as:
Aw= n w (3A.3)
This mathematical problem has a nonzero solution only if n is an
eigenvalue of the matrix A. Furthermore, A has unit rank since every
row is a constant multiple of the first row. Thus all the eigenvalues λi , i
= 1, 2, ..,n of A are zero except one.
It is also known that
∑ λi = sum of the diagonal elements of A = n
Therefore, only the largest eigenvalue is nonzero:
λmax = n and λi = 0 for λi ≠ λmax

and the original vector of weights is represented by the eigenvector

corresponding to the maximum eigenvalue, λmax , of the matrix of
decisions A.
In this case, the matrix A is consistent, it satisfies the property
aij a jk = a ik
which means that if we are given a row of A, we can reconstruct the
whole matrix A by using this relation; only (n-1) values are needed to
do so. Once the matrix is formed the vector of weights can be
Appendix 3A Scales and Weights Using Soft Information 109

extracted from any of the columns of the matrix A after normalizing

it by the sum of its elements.
Let us return to the decision matrix, A, Equation 3A.1. Since
human judgment is involved in creating the decision matrix it is
entirely likely that aij deviates from the known ratios wi /wj and
therefore Equation 3A.3 is not valid. We know, however, that in any
matrix small perturbations in the coefficients result in small
perturbations in the eigenvalues. We therefore affirm that if the
diagonal of our new decision matrix A consists of ones (aii = 1) and
the variations of the aij are small, the largest eigenvalue, λmax , will be
close to n, and the remaining eigenvalues will be close to zero
although they might take complex form. So in order to find the
vector of relative weights, we must find the vector w that satisfies
A w = λmax w (3A.4)

To make w unique we normalize its entries by dividing each entry by

the sum of all components of the vector. Hence,
∑ wi =1
Despite their best efforts, people's feelings and preferences are
inconsistent and intransitive. An example of intransitivity is: A is
preferred to B, B is preferred to C and C is preferred to A. Therefore,
it is unlikely that the decision matrix A, Equation 3A.1, will be
consistent. Being aware of this fact and knowing that inconsistency
cannot be eliminated what we need is a measure for the error
introduced due to human inconsistency. The decision matrix A is
consistent if and only if λmax = n and since humans are involved it is
more likely that λmax ≥ n. This suggests using λmax - n as an index of
departure from consistency. Saaty suggests using the following
consistency index:
C.I. = (λmax - n) / (n -1) (3A.5)

The consistency index of a randomly generated reciprocal matrix

based on a scale 1 to 9, with reciprocals forced is called the random
index, R.I. The average values for the random indices, R.I., for
matrices of order 1 - 15 obtained from a sample size of 500 are listed,
as given by Saaty as follows:
110 3. Selection

RI. Number Value R.I. Number Value

1 0.00 8 1.41
2 0.00 9 1.45
3 0.58 10 1.49
4 0.90 11 1.51
5 1.12 12 1.48
6 1.24 13 1.56
7 1.32 14 1.57
15 1.59

The ratio of C.I. to the average R.I. for the same order matrix is
called consistency ratio, C.R. After performing many experiments
Saaty concluded that if C.R. is smaller than 0.1 the level of
consistency in human judgment reflected in the decision matrix is
acceptable. Otherwise, we have to go back and reconsider our
decisions. Consistency can always be forced mathematically but this is
not advised since it might distort the answer to our problem. Improved
judgment based on experience is the preferred alternative.

Appendix 3B Summary and Steps for Formulating

Selection Decision Support Problems
In this appendix a summary of the important points and the necessary
steps for formulating and solving selection and compromise Decision
Support Problems. For the preliminary selection DSP the steps are
presented for the case where the generalized criteria are characterized
by one specific criterion only. The formulation and solution of the
DSPs involve four phases (planning, structuring, solution and post-
solution sensitivity analysis) and six steps. The phases are illustrated in
Figure 3.1.
A solution to a DSP does not guarantee a superior solution - the
adage garbage in garbage out still applies. It is extremely easy to get a
false sense of security because one is using a computer program to
process numbers. The quality of the solution is a function of the
person making use of these tools. A good description of the problem
and the documentation of the reasons for making choices is extremely
important. In this appendix, therefore, a summary of these cogent
points are presented.
A designer is faced with the task of converting a design problem
into a mathematical form that is amenable for solution. Assuming that
Appendix 3B Summary and Steps for Formulating Selection DSPS 111

a design problem has been partitioned the following steps3 are

involved in converting a design problem into a form amenable for
computer solution:
Write the problem statement. This provides the basis for identifying
and developing all the system descriptors for the selection DSP.
Develop the word formulation of the selection DSP based on the
information that is provided in the problem statement. The word
problem is structured using key-words.
Structure the information into a manner that is amenable for
computer solution.
It should be remembered that iteration between the steps is normal
and invariably time-consuming. You will need to budget for this in
your schedule.

3B.1The Preliminary Selection DSP

In this section a summary (details in Section 3.2) of the important
points and the necessary steps for formulating a preliminary selection
DSP are presented. Assume that the problem statement has been
written. The problem statement must be written in sufficient detail to
provide the basis for developing the preliminary selection DSP. The
concepts and the principal criteria that will influence the decisions
should be summarized in this statement. The problem statement is
different from the word problem in that problem statement is
unstructured (no key words) and similar to an executive summary
whereas the word problem is structured in terms of the keywords
Given, Identify, Rank, etc. The word problem together with some
pointers follows.

Given The concepts.

Provide a sketch of each concept.

3 Many students ignore this advice and start by attempting to draw

the solution space; this is a prescription for disaster. They hope
that by so doing they can work their way to the problem
statement and afterall since this is a classroom exercise no one
will be any the wiser. In our opinion they are wasting the
opportunity they are being given to learn through doing and are
hence short-changing themselves. Afterall which designer is ever
going to be asked to write a problem statement for a design that
already exists?
112 3. Selection

Describe each concept and list the advantages and

disadvantages and assign acronyms.
Identify The criteria.
Describe each criterion. Remember, the criteria must be
independent of each other. Each criterion must
measure only one quality.
Capture The experience-based insight.
Compare each concept against the concept chosen as the
datum. A better concept receives a +1, while a
worse concept is given a -1 score. A zero is given
for ties.
RankThe concepts in order of their scores.
Total the + scores and the - scores to see which concepts
are the “most-likely-to-succeed” in this iteration.
Choose the concept with the best score to be the next
Iterate Until it is clear which concepts are at the most-likely-to-
succeed. This includes trying several different
scenarios involving different weights for each
general criterion. It may also involve modifying
the problem statement and the criteria. The
concepts that consistently come out at the top
become the most-likely-to-succeed concepts.
Valtidate The results through critical examination and convince
yourself of their correctness. Document insight.


3B.2The Selection DSP

In this section a summary (details in Section 3.3) of the important
points and the necessary steps for formulating a selection DSP are
presented. Assume that the problem statement has been written. Recall
that the problem statement must provide the basis for developing the
selection DSP. The alternatives, the attributes, etc. that will influence
the decisions should be summarized in this statement. The problem
statement is different from the word problem in that problem
statement is unstructured (no key words) and similar to an executive
summary whereas the word problem is structured in terms of the
keywords Given, Identify, Rank, etc. The specification of the bounds
and the documentation of the reasons underlying your choices is of
paramount importance.
Appendix 3B Summary and Steps for Formulating Selection DSPS 113

Given The alternatives.

Provide a sketch of each alternative, if appropriate.
Describe each alternative and list the pros and cons.
Identify The attributes.
Describe each attribute. Remember, the attributes must be
independent of each other. Each attribute must
measure only one quality. Indicate whether the
information is hard (quantitative, ratio scale) or
soft (qualitative, interval scale). Remember
attributes specified on an ordinal scale are
converted to interval scales.
The relative importance of attributes with respect to each
Two methods for determining the relative importance of
the attributes have been presented; use the
appropriate method for the case in hand. Justify
the decisions when using the Ranking Method.
Present the viewpoint and check for cycling when
using the Reciprocal Pairwise Comparison
Method. Both methods result in a scale in which a
larger number indicates preference.
The scale for each attribute.
Describe the nature of the information for each attribute.
You seldom need to create a scale for those
attributes that are rated on a ratio scale. Indicate
clearly whether a larger or smaller number
indicates preference. Specify the bounds. Be
prepared to compare alternatives in pairs and to
justify and document the reasons for your choice.
The documentation of the reasons underlying
your choices should be clear enough that your
colleague (who is not necessarily familiar with the
details of the problem), is able to read the
description and then is able to offer a reasonable
rating or argument.
Rate The alternatives with respect to each attribute.
For attributes rated on a qualitative (interval) scale make
pair-wise comparisons and document your
viewpoint. For attributes rated on a quantitative
(ratio) scale allocate a rating. Justify the allocation
114 3. Selection

of a particular attribute rating (value from a scale)

to an alternative.
RankThe alternatives in order of preference.
Normalize the ratings. Transform the ratings into decision
matrices. Convert all the matrices of decisions to a
matrix of normalized priorities. Evaluate the merit
function for each alternative.
Post Solution Analysis
Validate the results: Critically examine the results and
convince yourself of their correctness.
Perform an intelligent sensitivity analysis. Should the
attributes be redefined? Is there a basis for combining
the features of some of the alternative and creating a
new alternative? Should the problem be resolved?
Document insight.......


Appendix 3C. The Preliminary Design of A

V/STOL Aircraft
It is required to produce a design of a V/STOL aircraft with the
following specifications:
❑ It must be capable of carrying 12 passengers or 3,000 pounds
of payload.
❑ It must be capable of carrying its cargo for at least 800 nautical
❑ It must have a minimum speed of 400 knots.
❑ It must be marketable in civilian and military markets.

Eventually, the final design will have to meet safety regulations,

economic restrictions and other constraints.

3C.1 Generating Concepts

First, we need to generate a set of independent parameters or
categories. Using attribute listing, we might develop the following list:
❑ Types of vertical and short take-off and landing configurations,
❑ Types of wings that can be used,
❑ Engine types,
❑ Fuselage configurations,
Appendix 3C The Preliminary Design of a V/STOL Aircraft 115

❑ Schemes for balancing the thrust in vertical take-off,

❑ Landing gear types,
❑ Fuel arrangements, and
❑ Cabin layouts,.
There are many attributes we could list, but for this example we will
work with the first five attributes that we have listed. So our
independent parameters are (see Figure 3C.1): V/STOL configuration,
wing configuration, engines, thrust balance and fuselage layout.
The next step is to schedule a brainstorming session with our
experts in V/STOL technology, aerodynamics, controls, propulsion
and so forth. The goal of the brainstorming session will be to generate
ideas or design alternatives for each independent parameter. To
further augment the idea generation of the brainstorming session, we
will be employing checklisting and synectics. The leader of the
session would be responsible for providing checklist questions to help
get the session going or keep it going when slow spots occur. In our
airplane problem some of the questions might be:
❑ What possible means can a vehicle employ to lift itself off the
❑ How can an aircraft be balanced?
❑ What elements are common to the civilian and military
transportation markets?
Synectics would also be useful in facilitating the brainstorming
session. The use of the direct analogy might occur in the analogy
between VTOL aircraft and animals that hover, such as dragonflies or
hummingbirds. The personal analogy could useful as well, helping the
members of the session individually to visualize the needs of the
aircraft. Although it might seem strange to think of an aerodynamicist
spreading his arms to check the angles for a swing-wing design, for
example, it should not. One of the most important things to remember
about brainstorming is that there should be no pressure to have a
sober, serious discussion. A little levity is useful to help stimulate the
imagination, and perhaps the personal analogy stratagem of synectics
could be very stimulating.
The morphological chart of a brainstorming session is presented in
Figure 3C.1. A number of design alternatives have been generated for
each parameter. Now that the morphological chart has been generated
and populated, we randomly select a design alternative from each
parameter and construct a design concept. This of course leads to
some concepts that are ludicrous or impossible - or so we might think
at this time. That is why the selection is random, so that we are forced
116 3. Selection

to explore many permutations we would not think of otherwise. After

some consideration, the number of concepts is narrowed down to ten.
Drawings of the concepts are given in Figure 3C.2.

3C.2 Ideation and Designing for Concept

The application of human creativity is an exciting domain that is one
of the most challenging and rewarding activities that the human mind
can undertake. A new branch of computer study known as artificial
intelligence has recently emerged as a promising area to replace
human effort for routine tasks or functions requiring the application
of rules developed by experience or practice. While the present
capabilities of computers preclude their use for creative thinking,
many of the organizational and assistance tasks of the computer can
be applied to augment the creative process. For example, the
computer can be made to carry out a dialogue with a designer using a
check list of standard questions. The computer can also be used to
assemble design alternatives using a matrix method. The computer
can organize and present information with lightning speed. The
computer has no emotional, cultural or social barriers, is never critical,
never laughs at the user and never forgets an idea. Thus it is an ideal
assistant to the creative designer if applied correctly. Unfortunately,
the present day computer does not have intuition, can make only
quantitative judgments, and cannot deal with abstract concepts. As the
area of artificial intelligence improves, the computer will enrich the
creative problem solving environment.

3C.3 An Example to Illustrate the Preliminary Selection of

The problem, described earlier, has been taken from reference [Team,
1983] and we have developed the problem using information from
[Team, 1983 Kuchemann, 1978 Powers, 1981; Thurston, 1978]
Aircraft design is extremely complex and time intensive. In what
follows we present an extremely brief summary of the steps - to
highlight some aspects of the method. Major considerations have been
omitted or glossed over. In practice a significant amount of effort will
need to be invested in a project of this type and there would invariably
be a substantial report that is generated.
Appendix 3C The Preliminary Design of a V/STOL Aircraft 117


V/STOL Helicopter Augmentor Tilt Vector Lift

Configuration Wing Nacelle Thrust Engine

Wing Conventional Canard Tandem


Engines Piston Gas Turbo Tandem

Turbine Fan Fan

Thrust Thrust on Thrust from Thrust from

Balance Center Line Opposite Ends One End Only

Fuselage Central Fuselage Center Fuselage Fueslage Pod

Layout Engine in Engines in Engines in
Fuselage Wings Twin Booms

1. Concept One - Tandem wing, Tandem Engine (TWTE): This concept features
tandem fan engines which also provide lift by a type of rector thrust. The wing
layout is a pair of tandem wings for a small, easily parked craft.
2. Concept Two - Conventional wing, tile nacelle (CWTN): Here, a conventional wing
is paired with two cruise turbo jets and two lift/cruise turbo fans.
3. Concept Three - Conventional wing, lift engines (CWLE): This concept has four
stowable lift turbo fans and two cruise engines.
4. Concept Four - Canard augmentor wing (CNAW): Two turbo fans are placed at the
rear of a canard wing setup.
5. Concept Five - Helicopter (HELI): This concept is a conventional helicopter, with
gas turbine engines.
6. Concept Six - Tandem wing, lift engine (TWLE): The small overall area of the
tandem wins is combines with one lift engine and two tilt nacelles.
7. Concept Seven - Twin tail, vector thrust (TTVT): A twin tail with fuselage pod
provides very easy cargo access. Two rector thrust engines provide lift and cruise
8. Concept Eight - Conventional augmentor wing (CWAW): A conventional
transport layout is provided with augmentor technology for V/STOL.
1. "Categories" are created using "Attribute Listing".
2. "Ideas" created using "Brainstorming". The output of brainstorming is improved
through "Checklisting" and "Synectics".
3. You might be tempted to qualify "Engines" by varying horse power. This would
be wrong - the ideas would not be independent of each other.
118 3. Selection

Figure 3C.1. Creation of concepts for V/STOL problem

using a Morphological Chart
Step 1 Describe the concepts and provide acronyms. Assume that a
number of concepts were generated. Further, assume that after careful
scrutiny it was decided to restrict the choice to eight. Rough sketches
of these embryonic concepts have been drawn and specific details are
maintained at the same level of complexity for all the concepts. These
sketches are presented in Figures 3C.2a and 3C.2b .
❑ TWTE (Tandem Wing, Tandem Engine) - This concept features
two tandem fan engines located on either side of the fuselage
for a total of four engines. These engines also provide lift by a
type of vector thrust. The wing layout is a pair of tandem wings
which combine to make for a small easily parked craft.
❑ CWTN (Conventional Wing, Tilt Nacelle) - Here, a conventional
wing is paired with two cruise turbo jets and two lift/cruise turbo
❑ CWLE (Conventional Wing, Lift Engines) - This concept relies
on four stowable lift turbo fans for takeoff and landing, and two
jets for cruising slung underneath the conventional wings.
❑ CNAW (Canard Augmentor Wing) - Two turbo fans are placed
at the rear of a canard wing configuration. The exhaust of the
fans is blown over the rear wing to augment its lift.
❑ HELI (Helicopter) - This concept is a conventional helicopter,
with gas turbine engines.
❑ TWLE (Tandem Wing, Lift Engine) - The small overall area of
the tandem wings is combined with one lift engine and two tilt
❑ TTVT (Twin Tail, Vector Thrust) - A twin tail design with
fuselage pod and clamshell doors provides easy cargo access.
Two vector thrust engines provide lift and cruise thrust.
❑ CWAW (Conventional Augmentor Wing) - A conven-tional
transport layout is provided with augmentor wing technology
for V/STOL capability via two engines mounted on the
conventional wing.
Step 2 Describe each generalized criterion, provide acronyms and
weighting constants for the specific criteria. Since this design is for a
commercial aircraft the following generalized criteria have been
identified: safety, performance, economics and market potential. The
specific criteria for each of the generalized criteria are shown in Table
3C.1. The attribute listing technique (see Chapter 1, Volume 1) was
used to create the specific criteria for this project. For this illustrative
Appendix 3C The Preliminary Design of a V/STOL Aircraft 119

example descriptive titles for each of the specific criteria have been
used instead of acronyms. For the initial iteration it is assumed that all
the specific criteria are equally important. For brevity, the description
of the attributes has been combined with the viewpoint and is
presented in Step 4.
Step 3 Choose a datum with which all other concepts will be
compared. Concept number 1, TWTE (tandem wing - tandem engine)
is chosen as the initial datum. There is no special reason for choosing
one concept over another as the initial datum in this example.
However, in applying the preliminary selection method one might
pick as the initial datum either the concept one perceives to be the
most likely to succeed or the most controversial concept or the
concept most like an existing design.
Step 4 Compare the concepts. The end result of the comparison of
each of the concepts with the datum are summarized in Table 3C.1 . It
is necessary to record the underlying reasons for the decisions. This is
extremely important. In practice, this task requires a lot of
information gathering and discussion and involves considerable time
and effort. In the summary that follows, to demonstrate the method,
more detail is provided for the first generalized criterion than the
others. In practice, the level of detail that is provided must be the same
for all cases.
120 3. Selection

Figure A: Tandem Wing, Figure B: Conventional Wing,

Tandem Engine (TWTE) Tilt Nacelle (CWTN)

Figure C: Conventional Wing, Figure D: Canard Augmentor

Lift Engine (CWLE) Wing (CNAW)

Figure E:. Helicopter Figure F: Tandem Wing

(HELI) Life Engine (TWLE)

Figure H: Conventional
Figure G: Twin Tail
Augmentor Wing
Vector Thrust (TTVT)

Figure 3C.2. V/STOL aircraft concepts

Appendix 3C The Preliminary Design of a V/STOL Aircraft 121

Generalized Criterion: Safety

❑ Engine out safety in STOL. Does the design have a backup in
case of a single engine failing in short takeoff and landing? The
datum has equivalent safety to the other concepts except CNAW
and CWAW which might have problems due to the augmentor
wing engine mounting. Hence, a ‘0’ is assigned for all concepts
except CNAW and CWAW which have been assigned a -1.
❑ Engine out safety in VTOL. Does the design have a backup in
case of a single engine failing in vertical takeoff and landing?
The datum concept has four engines. Most of the other concepts
have only two engines. The CWLE concept, which has several
lifting engines is equivalent to the datum. Hence a -1 is assigned
for all concepts except CWLE which is equivalent to the datum
and is hence assigned a ‘0’.
❑ Simplicity of design. Is the design concept simple in terms of
mechanics? The CNAW, helicopter, the TTVT and the CWAW
have the same complexity of mechanics as the datum. The
others are more complex.
❑ Reliability. Here reliability is based on the fewest things that can
go wrong. This includes number of engines and the use of tried
technology. Thus, CNAW and TTVT are rated more reliable
since they have few engines and less complex lift mechanisms.
Also, vector thrust has been proven on the Harrier fighter
Generalized Criterion: Performance.
❑ Range versus payload. Can the design be expected to meet the
range and payload specifications?
❑ Ground effects. Will the design have undesirable ground effects
in V/STOL?
❑ Cruise speed. Can the design be expected to meet the minimum
cruising speed specification?
❑ Achieveability of stability. Will the design require less work to
achieve stability?
122 3. Selection

Table 3C.1. Preliminary selection: scores and ranks

Engine out/STOL 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 -1
Engine out/VTOL 0 -1 0 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1
Simplicity 0 -1 -1 0 0 -1 0 0
Reliability 0 -1 -1 1 0 -1 +1 -1
Score 0 -3 -2 -1 -1 -3 0 -3
Normalized score 1 0 0.33 0.67 0.67 0 1 0
Range vs. Payload 0 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0
Ground effects 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Cruise speed 0 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0
Stability 0 +1 +1 0 -1 0 +1 +1
Score 0 1 1 0 -3 0 1 1
Normalized score 0.75 1 1 0.75 0 0.75 1 1
Cost 0 0 -1 +1 +1 +1 +1 0
Power matching 0 0 +1 +1 +1 0 +1 +1
Technology 0 +1 +1 0 +1 +1 +1 0
Score 0 1 1 2 3 2 3 1
Normalized score 0 0.33 0.33 0.67 1 0.67 1 0.33
Cargo accessibility 0 -1 -1 -1 0 -1 +1 +1
Passenger comfort 0 -1 -1 0 -1 0 0 0
Landing surface 0 0 0 +1 +1 0 0 +1
Parking space 0 -1 -1 -1 0 0 -1 -1
Noise 0 0 +1 0 -1 0 +1 0
Score 0 -3 -2 -1 -1 -1 1 1
Normalized score 0.75 0 0.25 0.5 0.5 0.5 1 1
Sum of Scores 2.5 1.33 1.91 2.59 2.17 1.92 4 2.66
Ranks 4 8 7 3 5 6 1 2

A '-' implies 'worse than the datum' and is represented as a '-1'. A '+' implies 'better
than the datum' and is represented as a '+1'. A '0' implies 'same as the datum' and is
represented as a '0'. Note: Scores for each generalized criteria are obtained by equal
weights of 1.0 (Ij) assumed for every entry. The scores are then normalized. The total
scores (overall merit function values) are obtained once again by equal weights of 1.0
(Ij) assumed for the normalized scores of every generalized criteria. It is imperative
that viewpoints are provided; they have been omitted from the text in the interest of
Appendix 3C The Preliminary Design of a V/STOL Aircraft 123

Generalized Criterion: Economics.

❑ Cost. This includes design, construction and maintenance costs.
The simpler and more conventional designs are favored here.
❑ Power matching. Will the engine combination in the design
concept allow for simple power matching between VTOL and
level flight?
❑ Technology utilization. Does the concept employ VTOL
technology that has been proven?
Generalized Criterion: Market Potential
❑ Cargo accessibility. Does the concept allow for easy access for
loading and unloading cargo.
❑ Passenger comfort. How comfortable for passengers can the
design concept expect to be?
❑ Landing restriction. Is the design concept capable of landing at
hardened and non-hardened landing sites?
❑ Parking space. Will the concept require a minimum of parking
❑ Noise. Will the design concept generate less noise in takeoff and
landing than the other concepts?
Step 5 Evaluate the merit function for each concept within each
generalized criterion. The "Score" and the "Normalized Score" (i.e.,
the merit function value) for each of the concepts with respect to the
four generalized criteria are computed and are shown in Table 3C.1.
In this case, the scores are normalized using Equation 3.1. Any
reasonable normalization scheme could have been used. Based on the
normalized scores the rank of each of the aircraft, on the basis of a
particular generalized criterion, can be ascertained.
Step 6 Include interactions between generalized criteria. Equal
weights were assigned for each of the generalized criteria and the
'Sum of Scores' and 'Ranks' are also shown in Table 3C.1. On this
basis, the four best concepts are the TTVT, CWAW, CNAW and TWTE
concepts. In this case, since the TTVT concept received the highest
overall rank it would be appropriate to use it as the next datum. The
results shown in Table 3C.3 are obtained by using the information
presented in Table 3C.1. The preliminary selection solution procedure
involves the use of multiple datums. In Figure 3C.3, results after using
the all of the scenarios are presented.
Five scenarios for the relative importance of generalized criteria
were created. In the first four each of the generalized criterion in turn
is made to dominate the other criteria. The fifth scenario represents
124 3. Selection

our best estimate of the relative importance of the generalized criteria.

The scenarios are shown in Table 3C.2. The normalized scores on
completion of this first comparison is shown in Table 3C.3a and the
final scores (after comparison using five datums) are shown in Table
3C.3b. For example, the overall merit function value for concept
TWTE, scenario 1 is calculated using information from Table 3C.1 as
0.4 (1) + 0.2 (0.75) + 0.2 (0) + 0.2 (0.75) = 0.70 .
This score is entered in the appropriate location in Table 3C.3a.
The overall values of the merit function are plotted in Figure 3C.3.
Note, as is evident by looking at Table 3C.3a, TTVT dominates all the
concepts. This is indicative that the formulation of the problem and/or
the viewpoints are in error. It is important at this time to review the
formulation and the viewpoints. We will, however, continue and the
effect of this decision is evident in the results shown in Table 3C.3a.
Step 7 Post-solution analysis: determine the most-likely-to succeed
concepts. In Table 3C.3b the top three concepts for each of the
scenarios are shown in bold. It is seen that the Twin Tail Vector Thrust
(TTVT, Figure 3C.2, Subfigure G) "the winner" in all the scenarios. It
is premature, however, to declare it the winner because only soft
experience-based insight was used in preliminary selection. It is
important that the most-likely-to-succeed concepts be identified and
the selection DSP is formulated and solved.
It is seen, from Table 3C.3b, that the TTVT, CWAW and CNAW
concepts do consistently well, placing in the top four, while the TWTE
places in the top four in four out of five scenarios. The CWTN and
CWLE concepts score low consistently. The HELI concept does well
in some scenarios (notably, Scenario Three, where cost is most
important) but since it is very difficult to build helicopters that will
cruise at the minimum required speed it will not be considered
further. The TWLE concept falls below the HELI concept and so will
also not be considered further.
By looking at the numbers shown in bold in Table 3C.3b it may
appear that TTVT, CWAW and CNAW are the most-likely-to-succeed
concepts for Phase 2 of the selection process. From Figure 3C.3, it is
seen that TWTE is in the running with CWAW and CNAW. It is also
clear from the figure that TWTE performs badly when the generalized
criterion economics dominates. We have therefore decided to use four
most-likely-to-succeed concepts, namely, TTVT (twin tail, vector
Appendix 3C The Preliminary Design of a V/STOL Aircraft 125

thrust), CWAW (conventional augmentor wing), CNAW (canard aug-

mentor wing), TWTE (tandem wing, tandem engine)].

Table 3C.2. Scenarios for the relative importance of generalized criteria

Generalized Criterion Scenario Number

One Two Three Four Five

Safety 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2
Performance 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.3
Economics 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.2
Market Potential 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.3

Table 3C.3. Preliminary selection: normalized scores

Concept One Two Three Four Five

1 TWTE 0.700 0.650 0.500 0.650 0.650

2 CWTN 0.266 0.466 0.332 0.266 0.366
3 CWLE 0.448 0.582 0.448 0.432 0.507
4 CNAW 0.652 0.668 0.652 0.618 0.643
5 HELI 0.568 0.434 0.634 0.534 0.484
6 TWLE 0.384 0.534 0.518 0.484 0.509
7 TTVT 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
8 CWAW 0.466 0.666 0.532 0.666 0.666

(a) Normalized Scores: First Datum (See Table 3C.1)

126 3. Selection

Concept One Two Three Four Five

1 TWTE 0.680 0.610 0.480 0.630 0.620

2 CWTN 0.187 0.307 0.253 0.187 0.247
3 CWLE 0.397 0.420 0.414 0.370 0.395
4 CNAW 0.629 0.636 0.640 0.626 0.631
5 HELI 0.566 0.443 0.643 0.563 0.503
6 TWLE 0.383 0.513 0.517 0.503 0.508
7 TTVT 0.980 0.960 0.980 0.980 0.970
8 CWAW 0.621 0.744 0.610 0.744 0.744

(b) Normalized Scores: Solution (Plotted in Figure 3C.3)

Preliminary Selection:
Graphical Representation of the Scores

Normalized Scores


Scenario 1 Scenario 2 Scenario 3

Scenario 4 Scenario 5

Figure 3C.3. Preliminary selection: graphical representation of the scores

Appendix 3C The Preliminary Design of a V/STOL Aircraft 127

In practice, at this stage, some engineering work should be

undertaken to develop more information and ensure that the four
most-likely-to-succeed concepts are indeed feasible. We will, for the
purpose of illustration, assume that this has been done and the four
concepts go into a selectionDSP as feasible alternatives.

3C.4 The Selection Decision Support Problem

The selection DSP facilitates the ranking of alternatives based on
multiple attributes of varying importance. The order indicates not
only the rank but also by how much one alternative is preferred to
another. In the selection DSP both science-based “hard” information
and experience-based “soft” information can be used. The structure
of the selection DSPs is given in Chapter 3. The steps associated with
the selection DSP are explained in Section 3.2.2. An example based
on the most-likely-to-succeed concepts identified in Section 3C.3 is
It is assumed that the concepts have been developed into feasible
alternatives and a selection DSP, to identify the best concept, is to be
solved. Again it is pointed out that aircraft design is extremely
complex and time intensive. In what follows we present an example
for illustrative purposes only.
Step 1 Describe the alternatives and provide acronyms. The
feasible alternatives are:
❑ TWTE (Tandem Wing, Tandem Engine) - This concept features
two tandem fan engines located on either side of the fuselage
for a total of four engines. These engines also provide lift by a
type of vector thrust. The wing layout is a pair of tandem wings
which combine to make for a small easily parked craft.
❑ CNAW (Canard Augmentor Wing) - Two turbo fans are placed
at the rear of a canard wing configuration. The exhaust of the
fans is blown over the rear wing to augment its lift.
❑ TTVT (Twin Tail, Vector Thrust) - A twin tail design with
fuselage pod and clamshell doors provides easy cargo access.
Two vector thrust engines provide lift and cruise thrust.
❑ CWAW (Conventional Augmentor Wing) - A conventional
transport layout is provided with augmentor wing technology
for V/STOL capability via two engines mounted on the
conventional wing.
128 3. Selection

Step 2 Describe each attribute, specify the relative importance of the

attributes and provide acronyms. The following attributes have been
identified for use in solving the selection DSP:
❑ Payload (PLOD): Useful load in pounds the aircraft can carry
above its own weight. Ratio scale. Range of rating values: 500 to
8000 lbs. A larger number indicates preference.
❑ Range (RNGE): Distance in nautical miles the aircraft can carry
the payload. Ratio scale. Range of rating values: 500 to 1500
nautical miles. A larger number indicates preference.
❑ Simplicity (SIMP): The designs requiring the least number of
moving parts and make use of existing technology are judged to
be the simplest. Ordinal converted to interval scale. Range of
rating values: 0 - 10. A larger number indicates preference.
❑ Power Matching (PMCH): The design that has the best
capability to match vertical takeoff power to level flight power is
judged to be the best. Composite scale (relative importance).
Range of rating values: 0 - 1. A larger number indicates
❑ Cargo Access (CACC): The design that gives the best access for
loading and unloading cargo is preferred. Ordinal converted to
interval scale. Range of rating values: 0 - 10. A larger number
indicates preference.
❑ Landing Restriction (LRES): The design that can land on any
surface is preferred. Composite scale (relative importance).
Range of rating values: 0 - 1. A larger number indicates
❑ Parking Area (PARK): The parking area in square feet is
determined by multiplying the wingspan by the length of the
aircraft. A smaller space is desired. Ratio scale. Range of rating
values: 200 to 2000 square feet. A smaller number indicates
❑ Stability (STAB): The more stable the craft, the more
marketable it is. Interval scale. A larger number indicates
preference. Range of rating values: 0 - 10.
❑ Engine Out Safety (ESAF): Those designs that have better
chances of surviving a single engine failure in take-off and
landing are preferred. Composite scale (relative importance).
Range of rating values: 0 - 1. A larger number indicates
As indicated in Step 2, there are two ways of determining the
relative importance of the attributes, namely, the ranking method and
Appendix 3C The Preliminary Design of a V/STOL Aircraft 129

the method of comparison. The methods have been described in

Appendix 3A and for the example problem the relative importances
using both methods have been computed and presented in Table
3C.4. Note that the relative importances determined, using three
methods, are different.

Table 3C.4. The relative importance of attributes - a comparison

Normalized Relative Importance

Attribute Method 1 Method 2 Method 3

1 Payload, or useful load 0.156 0.167 0.137

2 Range 0.044 0.020 0.027
3 Simplicity of design 0.178 0.194 0.206
4 Power matching 0.200 0.222 0.328
5 Cargo accessibility 0.111 0.111 0.069
6 Landing site restrictions 0.022 0.0 0.023
7 Parking area 0.089 0.083 0.061
8 Achieved stability 0.067 0.056 0.042
9 Engine out safety 0.133 0.139 0.105

Notes: The larger numbers indicate preference.

Step 3 Specify scales, rate the alternatives with respect to each
attribute and normalize. Attributes of Payload and Parking Space are
measured in physical units and are therefore evaluated using a ratio
scale. The attributes Power Matching and Engine out Safety are rated
on a composite scale and all other attributes on an interval scale.
Examples of two of the interval scales are presented in Table 3C.5.
The implicit assumption underlying the specification of these scales is
that the designer is able to clearly articulate a definite and measurable
degree of preference. As indicated earlier this option must be
exercised with great care. An example of the composite scale is
presented in Table 3C.6. The comparison method (see Appendix 3A)
has been used for creating this scale. For brevity the viewpoint
associated with the table is omitted. The attribute ratings, the bounds,
the type of scale and the preference for higher or lower numbers are
shown in Table 3C.7. The upper and lower bounds for the scales were
specified in Step 3. As indicated earlier the bounds for the ratio scales
must be established after very careful consideration.
Table 3C.5. Examples of the creation of interval scales
130 3. Selection

Description Rating
Very simple - two fixed engines,
no unusual moving parts. 10
Simple - two engines with variable positioning 7
Complex - more than two engines with variable
positioning 4
Very complex - two or more engines, variable
positioning, complicated flap arrangement,
stowed lift engines. 1
Description Rating
Best - large entry way, at front or rear, door/ramp 10
Adequate - Side entry, medium to large entry 6
Limited - Small entry in side, high undercarriage 2
Table 3C.6. Example of the creation of composite attribute ratings
Decision Number
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 3C 10 Score/Rating
CNAW 1 1/2 1/2 1 3/10 = 0.3
TWTE 0 0 0 1 1/10 = 0.1
TTVT 1/2 1 1/2 1 3/10 = 0.3
CWAW 1/2 1 1/2 1 3/10 = 0.3
Dummy 0 0 0 0 0/10 = 0.0

Note: Viewpoint must be included.

CNAW 3500 1000 9 0.3 6 0.35 1500 1 0.15
TWTE 6200 800 1 0.1 8 0.1 518 4 0.4
TTVT 5000 900 7 0.3 10 0.2 1480 2.5 0.3
CWAW 3500 1000 10 0.3 8 0.35 1023 2.5 0.15
U. Bound 8000 1500 10 1 10 1 2000 10 1
L. Bound 500 500 0 0 0 0 200 0 0
Units [lbs] [nm] - - - - [sq ft] - -
Type R R O-I C O-I C R I C
Preference H H H H H H L H H

R - Ratio,
I - Interval,
Table 3C.7 Attribute Ratings (Aij )

O-I - Ordinal converted to interval,

C - Composite
H - High numbers indicate preference;
L - Low numbers indicate preference

Equation 3.2. The normalized ratings are shown in Table 3C.8.

Appendix 3C The Preliminary Design of a V/STOL Aircraft

for attributes, Equation 3.1 is used to normalize the ratings for all
attributes except parking space. For parking space, since smaller
numbers represent preference, the ratings are normalized using
Step 4 Normalize Ratings. Since larger numbers indicate preference
132 3. Selection

Table 3C.8. Evaluation of normalized relative importance of attributes

Normalized Relative
Attribute (j) Rank Importance

1 Payload, or useful load 7 7/45 = 0.156

2 Range 2 2/45 = 0.044
3 Simplicity of design 8 8/45 = 0.178
4 Power matching 9 9/45 = 0.200
5 Cargo accessibility 5 5/45 = 0.111
6 Landing site restrictions 1 1/45 = 0.022
7 Parking area 4 4/45 = 0.089
8 Achieved stability 3 3/45 = 0.067
9 Engine out safety 6 6/45 = 0.133

Notes: The larger numbers indicate preference.

Normalized relative importance is computed by dividing the rank by the sum of
the ranks.

Step 5 Evaluate the merit function for each alternative. The merit
function values are calculated using Equation 3.3, the normalized
ratings (Table 3C.9) and the normalized relative weights of the
attributes Table 3C.8. The merit function values together with their
percentage differences are presented in Table 3C.10. It is clear from
Table 3C.10 that the difference in the merit function values for
Conventional Augmentor Wing (CWAW) and the Twin Tail Vector
Thrust (TTVT) alternatives is very small. Therefore these alternatives
should be considered equivalent.

Step 6 Post-solution sensitivity analysis. Reviewing the ratings, we see

that the TWTE alternative is very poorly rated in simplicity and power
matching. The TWTE alternative has the best rating for payload cargo
capacity parking, stability and engine out safety. It is probably a good
alternative but is not appropriate for the scenario under consideration.
If, however, work was done on the TWTE alternative to reduce the
complexity of the aircraft and improve its rating for power matching
it would be a very competitive option. The CNAW alternative rated
well on simplicity and landing restrictions but did relatively poorly on
payload, cargo capacity, engine out safety and stability. In a scenario
where payload is relatively less important and simplicity very
important this alternative could be a viable option. The TTVT
Appendix 3C The Preliminary Design of a V/STOL Aircraft 133

alternative does reasonably well across all attributes except parking.

The CWAW alternative also does reasonably well across all attributes
except payload and engine out safety. Hence, the two top alternatives
require further engineering to discern which is actually the best alter-
native. This type of result is not uncommon. We can tell that we need
to specify new attributes that better demonstrate the differences
between the two alternatives. We can also recognize the need for
iteration; a further cycle involving engineering analysis and selection.

Table 3C.9. Normalized attribute ratings (Rij )


CNAW 0.4 0.5 0.9 0.3 0.6 0.35 0.28 0.1 0.15
TWTE 0.76 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.8 0.1 0.82 0.4 0.4
TTVT 0.6 0.4 0.7 0.3 1.0 0.2 0.29 0.25 0.3
CWAW 0.4 0.5 1.0 0.3 0.8 0.35 0.54 0.25 0.15

Table 3C.10. Merit function values and final rankings for the alternatives

Alter- Merit Function Difference Overall
natives Values Between the Rank
Best and Others
CWAW 0.504 0.0 1
TTVT 0.493 2.2 2
CNAW 0.430 14.7 3
TWTE 0.413 18.1 4

Sensitivity to changes in the attribute importances. The Canard

Augmentor Wing (CNAW) and the Tandem Wing, Tandem Engine
(TWTE) alternatives, however, are close to the top choices. Thus a
sensitivity analysis is required to determine the effect on the solution
of small changes in the values of the relative importances and also to
changes in the attribute ratings. To evaluate the sensitivity of the
134 3. Selection

solution to changes in the relative importance of the attributes the

following steps are necessary:
❑ Pick the best and the second best alternatives for further
❑ Increase or decrease the relative importance of each attribute by
a certain amount (say 5%) so as to affect the merit function of
the second ranked alternative favorably with respect to the first
ranked alternative.
❑ Compute the revised merit functions.
❑ Accept/re-evaluate problem results based on comparison and
We have established earlier that the top two alternatives are
equivalent and therefore is not likely to yield interesting information.
From looking at the merit function values it appears that the
alternatives are divided into two groups with CWAW in one and TWTE
in the other. A closer examination of the ratings for these two
alternatives reveals that they are strong on different attributes and
there may be an interesting result.
For this example, the current attribute importance vector (see Table
B.2) is (0.16, 0.04, 0.18, 0.2, 0.11, 0.02, 0.09, 0.07, 0.13). The
normalized ratings for alternatives CWAW and TWTE (see Table 2.8)
are (0.4, 0.5, 1.0, 0.3, 0.8, 0.35, 0.54, 0.25, 0.15) and (0.76, 0.3, 0.1,
0.1, .8, 0.1, 0.82, 0.4, 0.4), respectively. Modify the attribute
importance vector by 5% as shown:
[0.16x1.05, 0.04x.95, 0.18x.95, 0.2x.95, 0.11x1, 0.02x.95,
0.09x1.05, 0.07x1.05, 0.13x1.05]
[0.168, 0.038, 0.171, 0.19, 0.11, 0.019, 0.085, 0.074, 0.137]
This combination of modifications will be the most conducive to an
increase in the merit function of alternative TWTE with respect to
alternative CWAW, since it takes advantages of the areas where TWTE
is strong and minimizes the importance of those areas where it is weak
compared to CWAW. In this instance, the revised merit functions are
as follows:
M' CWAW = 0.493C and M ' TWTE = 0.427.
Since the merit function for CWAW is still more than that for the
TTVT, the solution is accurate within a 5% error margin. By way of
information, the corresponding values for the other alternatives are:
Appendix 3C The Preliminary Design of a V/STOL Aircraft 135

M' CWAW = 0.488 and M' CNAW = 0.418

M' CWAW = 0.500 and M ' TTVT = 0.498.
Sensitivity of solution to changes in alternative ratings. To determine
the sensitivity of the solution to changes in alternative ratings we try
and determine whether there could be an instance of alternative TWTE
being chosen over alternative CWAW, if there were an error of 5% in
any of the rankings. The steps are as follows:
❑ Pick the best and second best alternatives for analysis.
❑ Increase the rating of attribute i,j by 5%. Calculate the merit
function. Decrease the rating by 5% (from the original value)
and calculate the merit function. Repeat for other attributes for
changes of 5% in each alternative rating.
❑ Accept/re-evaluate selection DSP sensitivity analysis based on
comparison and judgment.
This is a very tedious task if it has to be done by hand. The highest
merit function value (after affecting a 5% increase for every attribute
rating in turn) is plotted in Figure 3C.4. So also are the corresponding
lowest merit function values. The merit function values from Table
3C.10 are labeled “No change” in Figure 3C.4.
To look for a switch compare, say, the 5% decrease plot for CWAW
with the 5% increase plot for TTVT; they appear to be close. To
investigate this further look at Table 3C.10. In column two of Table
3C.10 the merit function values obtained after decreasing the rating of
CWAW for each of the attributes in turn is presented. In column three
is the merit function value of TTVT (from Table 3C.10). In column
four the merit function values obtained after increasing the rating of
TTVT for each of the attributes in turn is presented. Clearly, a 5%
decrease in a single attribute rating for CWAW is not going to result in
TTVT coming out on top (compare MTTVT = 0.439 with the numbers
for CWAW in column two). It is also evident from the numbers shown
in Table 3C.11 that a switch in the ranks of CWAW and TTVT will
occur if there is a 5% decrease in the rating of CWAW and a 5%
increase in the rating of TTVT on the attribute simplicity. In the same
way a 5% change in the rating on cargo capacity for the two
alternatives results in the merit function values being identical. Hence,
alternatives CWAW and TTVT are chosen for further engineering and
re-evaluation. It is recommended that particular attention be paid to
simplicity and cargo accessibility in the next design iteration.
136 3. Selection

Selection: Graphical Representation of the Scores








No Change 5% Increase 5% Decrease

Figure 3C.4. Variations in Merit Function Values

5% decrease/increase CWAW TTVT TTVT

with respect to: 5% dec. M = 0.493 5% inc
Payload 0.500 0.499
Range 0.502 0.495
Simplicity 0.495 0.500
Power Matching 0.501 0.496
Cargo Accessibility 0.499 0.499
Landing Site Restrictions 0.503 0.494
Parking Space 0.506 0.490
Stability 0.503 0.494
Engine Out Safety 0.503 0.495

Table 3C.11. Merit Function Values for 5% Change in Alternative Ratings

Since the emphasis in this chapter is placed on the process rather

than the results consider the following scenario:
Appendix 3C The Preliminary Design of a V/STOL Aircraft 137

Assume that the top two alternatives have been closely examined
particularly with respect to the two attributes listed earlier. Let us
also assume that the results presented in Table 3C.11 have been
obtained after this re-examination. In other words there is some
degree of confidence in the differences that are apparent in the
table. How are these numbers to be interpreted?
For this case the interpretation follows. The conventional
augmentor wing (CWAW) alternative is dominant over the twin tail,
vector thrust (TTVT) aircraft. Even in the worst case for the CWAW,
the merit value (M'CWAW = 0.495) is larger than the merit function
value for TTVT (MTTVT = 0.493). It is unlikely that there is a 5%
decrease and a simultaneous increase in the rating associated with
simplicity for the two aircraft. Therefore, the Conventional
Augmentor Wing aircraft is recommended for further development.
The V/STOL aircraft design is used as an example to illustrate the
design process from concept to selection of an alternative for further
development. The same process could be applied in the conceptual
and preliminary design stages of other types of aircraft and
engineering systems in general. The designer would merely replace
the alternatives and attributes with ones that are pertinent to the
particular problem.

1. Bendix Design Team, "SKYSHARK: A Subsonic V/STOL Utility
Aircraft", AIAA Student Journal, , Fall 1983, 16-24.
2. D. Kuchemann, The Aerodynamic Design of Aircraft,
Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1978.
3. S. A. Powers, BASIC Aircraft Performance, Kern International,
Duxbury, Massachusetts, 1981.
4. D. B. Thurston, Design for Flying, McGraw-Hill, New York,
N.Y., 1978.
138 3. Selection

Appendix 3D Design Through Selection; the Use of

QFD in the Attribute Generation Process
This structured selection approach described in this chapter has been
successfully applied in a number of academic and industrial
environments. Given a problem statement, new users quickly learn to
generate concepts and identify the most promising ones based on first
impressions-based criteria. A difficulty arises, however, when they are
asked to refine these criteria into a more complete set of attributes. In
this Appendix, a way to enhance the process of formulating a
selection DSP is illustrated. This involves the use of the Quality
Function Deployment, QFD, as an auxiliary technique to aid in the
identification of attributes.

3D.1The Quality Function Deployment Method

This structured selection approach described in this chapter has been
successfully applied in a number of academic and industrial
environments. Our experience is that given a problem statement, new
users quickly learn to generate concepts and identify the most
promising ones based on first impressions-based criteria by solving a
preliminary selection DSP. A difficulty sometimes arises, however,
when they are asked to refine these criteria into a more complete set
of attributes. In this Appendix, we propose to enhance the process of
formulating a selection DSP by illustrating the use of the Quality
Function Deployment, QFD, method as an auxiliary technique to aid
in the identification of attributes. This is illustrated in Figure 3D.1.
QFD provides us with a proven technique to generate these attributes
based on the perceptions of the final recipient of the artifact of design,
i.e. the customer of the design process. This customer might refer to a
combination of members from the manufacturing team, the company
itself and the final user of the artifact.
Appendix 3D. Use of QFD in Attribute Generation 139

Examine problem.
Record first impressions

Initial concept generation


Concept 1 Concept 2 ... Concept n

❑ Compare concepts with respect to

selection of criteria. ...
❑ Assess concept scorss. SELECTION
• Compare concepts with respect to a selection
❑ Eliminate worst concepts.
of criteria


Alternative 1 Alternative 2 ... Alternative n

❑ Identify attributes SELECTION

❑ Rank attributes
❑ Rate alternatives
❑ Rank alternatives
❑ Post-solution analysis

QFD Based

Figure 3D.1. Schematic of the Selection Process

Quality Function Deployment has been introduced as a system for

translating customer requirements into appropriate company
requirements at each stage of the product development process [22]
and [23]. With QFD, broad product-development objectives are
broken down into specific, actionable assignments with a
comprehensive team effort. The process begins with the identification
140 3. Selection

of customer requirements, usually expressed as qualitative

characteristics. This is similar to the criteria employed in the
preliminary selection described in the preceding section. These initial
requirements are translated by way of QFD into “design
requirements”, generally global product characteristics that will
satisfy customer requirements if properly executed. This notion is
very similar to the definition of attributes in the selection DSP. Based
on these ideas it seems to us that QFD represents a natural bridge to
develop selection attributes from initial customer defined criteria.
Implementation of QFD is based on graphical representation tools.
In the basic matrix representation form or “house of quality”, initial
customer requirements are represented as “what” items, Figure 3D.2.
One example would be the criterion of resistance for a product. To
provide further definition, each “what” item is broken into one or
more “how” items. These items represent technical requirements
(selection attributes in our case). The process of transforming each
“what” item into one or more “how” items is similar to the process
of refining marketing specifications into system level engineering
specifications. The process is continued until every item on the list is
actionable. It is important to note that some of the “what” items
affect more than one “how” item. These relationships between
“what” and “how” items are traced via a relationship matrix, as
illustrated in Figure 3D.2. Unique symbols are used to depict weak,
medium or strong relationships. Running parallel with the “how”
axis on the bottom edge of the relationship matrix is a third element,
the “how much” axis. These items represent measurements for the
“how” items and provide an indication of the magnitude of the
measurements or the type of scale to be used in assigning quantitative
values to these items. In our case, the “how much” element provides
a link to the creation of attribute scales.
The triangular “correlation matrix” is located parallel to and
above the “how" axis”. This matrix describes the correlation between
each “how” item (selection attributes) via unique symbols that
represent positive or negative ratings and the strength of each
relationship. By charting conflicting relationships the matrix facilitates
timely resolution of trade-off issues. The correlation matrix can be
used to identify which
Appendix 3D. Use of QFD in Attribute Generation 141

Correlation Matrix

'How' - Technical
of customer

perception of Relationship
requirements Matrix

'How much' - Measurement

of customer requirements

Figure 3D.2 . QFD matrix representation

“how” items support one another and which ones are in conflict. In
positive correlations, one “how” item supports another “how” item.
In negative correlations the two “how” items are in conflict,
indicating the need to consider trade-offs among the items. In the
context of a selection problem, these conflicts indicate attributes for
which high alternative ratings are associated with low ratings with
respect to the conflicting attribute. This information plays an
important role in the post-solution analysis of the selection process.
This is illustrated in Step 7 as illustrated in the case study presented in
the following section.
An important feature of the QFD matrix representation is that it can
be built in many shapes and forms to meet almost any need; one of its
greatest strengths is the possibility of tailoring it to the application.
142 3. Selection

The what/how/how much process forms the basis for almost all QFD
charts. In addition to this basic structure relating criteria and attributes
in the selection process discussed in this paper, our QFD represen-
tation is enhanced through the use of the correlation matrix to detect
conflicts among attributes and a process of weighting and rating to
reduce the number of attributes under consideration. This is illustrated
in the following section. The use of additional QFD related structures
such as the competitive assessment vectors [22] are not considered in
our model.

3D.2An Example to Illustrate the Process

The example presented to illustrate the process was originally
proposed by Pugh [16] and later adapted in [1] to illustrate the
structure of the selection DSP. In the problem statement we are
required to come up with an appropriate conceptual design for an
audible means of warning of approach for an automobile (car horn).
The solution to the problem is presented following the selection DSP
formulation steps described in Section 3.2.2. We concentrate on the
steps involved in attribute identification.

❑ Step 1. Identification of alternatives. Assume that a number of

concepts have been developed into alternatives through
engineering and refinement. Describe each alternative in words
(or figures), and set forth the advantages and disadvantages of

The alternatives illustrated in Figure 3D.3 are described as

Alternative 1 Electromagnetic diaphragm, the diaphragm is
attached to the vibrating shaft driven by a
rapidly changing magnetic field thereby
creating noise.
Alternative 2 Aeroacustic horn, high speed rotary vanes
force air out through nozzles producing noise.
Appendix 3D. Use of QFD in Attribute Generation 143

Resonater plate
Diaphragm Electric motor


Figure 3C.3a Figure 3C.3b

Solonoid Reed

Amplifier Speaker

b Rubber Bulb

Figure 3C.3c Figure 3C.3d

Figure 3D.3. Alternatives for horn selection problem

(a) electromagnetic diaphragm, (b) aeroacustic horn, (c) tape driven horn, and (d)
rubber bulb.

Alternative 3 Tape driven horn, recorded impulses on

electromagnetic tape are picked up, amplified
and broadcast.
Alternative 4 Rubber bulb, solenoid is magnetized and
demagnetized alternately. Magnetic core
moved up and down compressing and
releasing the bulb to force air through reeds to
produce noise.
❑ Step 2. Identification of attributes and relative importances.
After the alternatives have been determined, the next step is the
identification of attributes by which the alternatives are to be
144 3. Selection

judged. An attribute represents a quality of the desired solution

and this quality must be quantifiable.
The auxiliary procedure proposed in this work involves the
transformation of customer specified criteria into more
complete and “actionable” attributes through the use of QFD.
The following additional steps are proposed:
❑ Step 2.1. Identification of user requirements. As a result of
the needs identified in the problem statement, a vector of
“how” items or user requirements is formed. If a
preliminary selection process has been performed, the
associated criteria can in most cases be used in this step.
This vector is illustrated at the left of the QFD
relationship matrix illustrated in Figure 3D.4. A desirable
horn as identified by the user is one that presents the
following characteristics: loud noise, quick response, resistant,
easy to repair, easy to install, small, requiring minimum
maintenance and low cost.
❑ Step 2.2. Identification of technical requirements. Initial
customer requirements (criteria) are transformed into
technical or design requirements by decomposing them into
concrete or actionable items. This “what” vector is
composed of a number of candidate attributes.
This vector is illustrated at the top of the QFD relationship
matrix illustrated in Figure 3D.4. For example, the user
requirement “resistance” is transformed into “resistance to
vibration and temperature and resistance to water and
moisture”. In the same manner, the following candidate
attributes are identified: sound level, response time, number
of parts, complexity, number of stages, ease of installation,
ease of maintenance, size, power consumption and
manufacturing cost (note that this problem is slightly
different than the one presented earlier.)
Associated with these candidate attributes is the
information presented in the “how much” row illustrated at
the bottom of Figure 3D.4. Each attribute is
Technical Requirements "How"
Sound Response Resistance Resistance Number Complexi- Ease of Ease of Size Power Manufac-
level time to vibra- to moisture of parts ty, number instal- mainte- consump- turing
Requirements (Dba) tion,tem- water of stages lation nance tion cost
"What" perature

Loud noise 5

Quick response 5

Resistant 3

Easy to repair 2

Easy to install 2

Small 2


Cheap 4


Expert judgement
Less than $30

Less than 2 sec.

Less than 200 W

100 - 125 db
Expert judgement
Expert judgement
Expert judgement
Expert judgement
Less than 150 mm

Time interval

Importance 45 45 40 40 42 24 18 18 28 7 45

Figure 3D.4. Relationship matrix and ranking of “how” items

Appendix 3D. Use of QFD in Attribute Generation

Strong (9) Medium (3) Weak (1)

146 3. Selection

associated with a range of values or an indication for the need

of expert judgment that can be later used to identify scales in
Step 3 of the selection DSP structure.
❑ Step 2.3. Relationship Matrix. After the candidate alternatives
have been identified, the next step involves the
documentation of interactions between the original customer
requirements and candidate alternatives. Commonly used
symbols are a triangle for weak relationships, a circle for
medium relationships and a double circle for strong
relationships, Figure 3D.4. Numerical values of 1,3 and 9 are
respectively associated with these relationships. If no rela-
tionship exists, the matrix space is left blank. As an example
consider the initial requirement “easy to repair”. This
requirement presents a strong relationship with the candidate
attribute “ease of maintenance”, it is also related to the
number of parts and the complexity of the design artifact.
Finally a weak relation is depicted with the attribute
“resistance to water and moisture”, since it is usually
associated with hermetic, hard to open cases.

❑ Step 2.4. Ranking of Technical Requirements and

Identification of Attributes. In traditional QFD theory, the
“what” items are rated based on a one to five scale. A
numerical value is placed to the right of each “what” item to
reflect the relative importance of this item to the customer.
The values assigned in this example are illustrated in Figure
3D.4 to the right of the customer defined criteria. Loud noise
and quick response are considered to be the most important
ones with a rating of five. These ratings are then multiplied
by the weights assigned to each matrix symbol (weak,
medium, strong) to obtain a final score that can be used to
rank the attributes and identify the ones that are critical for a
correct selection.
Based on the decisions illustrated in Figure 3D.4, the
following attributes are identified for this problem: sound
level, response time, resistance to vibration and temperature,
resistance to water and moisture, number of parts, size and
manufacturing estimated costs. It is important to note that the
final choice as to which attributes to eliminate depends solely
on the designers judgment and experience.
Appendix 3D. Use of QFD in Attribute Generation 147

Table 3D.1. Relative importance of attributes

0 Sound level 0.439

Response time 0.201
Resistance to vibration and temperature 0.047
Moisture and water resistance 0.044
Number of parts 0.0256
Size 0.087
Cost 0.155

After the attributes have been identified, the Reciprocal Matrix

Comparison method described in Appendix 3A is used in our
example to determine the relative importance of the attributes
considered. The results obtained are presented in Table 3D.1. The
values reflect a strong importance associated with the sound level
attribute, followed by response time and cost.
❑ Steps 3 and 4. Specify scales, rate the alternatives with respect
to each attribute. Normalize the ratings. Four types of scales are
described in Section 3.2.2, namely, ratio, interval, ordinal and
composite. The choice of a particular type of scale to model an
attribute depends on the nature of available information as
presented in the “how much” row of the QFD relationship
matrix. Once the scales are established, the rating of alternatives
with respect to the resulting attributes is recorded. The justi-
fication of each rating is extremely important as described in
Section 3.2. Finally, the ratings are normalized using Equations
3.1 and 3.2.
❑ Step 5. Evaluate the merit function for each alternative. A merit
function combines all the individual ratings of attributes
together using proper weights defined earlier. The linear model
described in Figure 3.5 is recommended in most cases.
❑Step 6. Post-solution sensitivity analysis. Post-solution analysis
of the selection DSP consists of two types of activities as described in
Section 3.2.2. These activities contemplate the validation of the
solution and sensitivity analysis which includes both sensitivity of the
solution to changes in the attribute weights and sensitivity of the
solution to changes in the attribute ratings. In this Appendix we
investigate an additional post-solution study that can be performed by
using the information obtained by constructing the correlation matrix
on the QFD attribute generation process illustrated in Figure 3D.2.
148 3. Selection

This matrix describes the correlation between each “how” item

(selection attributes) via unique symbols that represent positive or
negative ratings and the strength of each relationship. Commonly
used symbols are a circle to indicate a positive relationship and a cross
to indicate a negative relationship, Figure 3D.5. In the context of a
selection problem, negative relations or conflicts indicate attributes for
which high alternative ratings are associated with low ratings with
respect to the conflicting attribute. The addition of a correlation
matrix to the QFD relationship matrix is illustrated in Figure 3D.4. It
is observed that some trade-offs occur specially between the cost
attribute and performance related attributes like resistance, sound level
and response time. In general, enhanced performance will result in
additional manufacturing expenses. This insight can be used to create
additional scenarios where the relative importance of attributes is
artificially varied to observe the results of the selection problem if
more importance is given to each of the conflicting sets of attributes.
Two scenarios corresponding to these extreme cases are presented in
Table 3D.2, associated with the resulting alternative merit function
The first scenario presented in Table 3D.2 illustrates a strong
preference for the performance attributes identified as conflicting with
the cost related attribute. In the second scenario a strong preference is
placed on the cost attribute, which might result on a different
alternative as being the preferred one. By knowing the outcome of
these extreme cases we are able to estimate the stability of our solution
and perform more detailed trade-off studies by modifying the
attribute relative importance vector
Positive relationship

Negative relationship

Sound Response Resistance Resistance Number Complexi- Ease of Ease of Size of Power Manufac-
level time to vibrat- to moisture, of parts ty, number instal- mainte- the consump- turing
(Dba) ion, temp water of stages lation nance specimen tion cost

Loud noise

Quick response


Easy to repair

Figure 3D.5. Correlation matrix

Easy to install


Appendix 3D. Use of QFD in Attribute Generation

150 3. Selection

Table 3D.2. Relative importance scenarios

Attribute Scenario 1 Scenario 2

Sound level 0.2 0.04
Response time 0.2 0.04
Resistance to vibration
and temperature 0.2 0.04
Water and moisture
resistance 0.2 0.04
Number of parts 0.067 0.04
Size 0.067 0.04
Cost 0.067 0.76
Alternative Merit Function Merit Function
Electromagnetic 0.725 0.675
Bulb & Reed 0.665 0.826
Aeroacoustic 0.555 0.377
Recorded noise 0.437 0.280

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A Formulation for Composite Pressure Vessels Part II: Preliminary
Synthesis of Composite Pressure Vessels”, Computers and Structures,
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Preliminary Synthesis of Composite Pressure Vessels Part III: Design
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Multiobjective Compromise Decision Support Problems”. Engineering
Optimization, 1987. 12 p. 43-61.
References 151

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7. Shupe, J.A. and F. Mistree, “Compromise: An Effective Approach for
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9. Nguyen, N. and F. Mistree, “A Computer-based Method for the Rational
Design of Horizontal Pressure Vessels”. ASME Journal of Mechanism,
Transmission and Automation in Design. 1986. 1 0 8 p. 203-210.
10. Lyon, T.D. and F. Mistree, “A Computer-based Method for the
Preliminary Design of Ships”. Journal of Ship Research, 1985, 29(4) p.
11. Jivan, A. and F. Mistree. “A Computer-based Method for Designing
Statically Loaded Helical Compression Springs”. ASME 11th Design
Automation Conference. 1985. Cincinnati, OH.
12. Bascaran, E., R.B. Bannerot, and F. Mistree, “Compromise: An Effective
Approach for Solving Multi-objective Thermal Design Problems”.
Engineering Optimization, 1987. 12(3): p. 175-189.
13. Bascaran, E., R.B. Bannerot, and F. Mistree, “Hierarchical Selection
Decision Support Problems in Conceptual Design”. Engineering
Optimization, 1989. 14: p. 207-238.
14. N. Kuppuraju, P. Ittimakin and F. Mistree, "Design through
Selection: A Method that Works", Design Studies, 6(2), 1985,
15. Zhou, Q.-J., “The Compromise Decision Support Problem: A Fuzzy
Formulation”. 1988, Master’s Thesis, Department of Mechanical
Engineering, University of Houston, Houston, TX.
16. Pugh, S. “Concept Selection - A Method that Works”. 1981. Proceedings
of the International Conference on Engineering Design, Rome, Italy.
17. Riggs, J.S., Engineering Economics. 1977, NJ: McGraw-Hill. 128-133.
18. Morris, T., Decision Analysis. 1977, Columbus, OH: Grid, Inc.
19. Saaty, T.L., “A Scaling Method for Priorities in Hierarchical Structures”.
Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 1977. 15: p. 234-281.
20. Saaty, T.L., “Modelling Unstructured Decision Problems - The Theory of
Analytical Hierarchies, in Mathematics and Computers in Simulation”.
1978. North-Holland: Amsterdam, p. 147-158.
21. Baird, B.F., Introduction to Decision Analysis, 1978, Duxbury Press,
Massachusetts. p. 456-467.
152 3. Selection

22. Sullivan, L.P., “Quality Function Deployment”. Quality Progress,

23. Eureka, W.E. and N.E. Ryan, “The Customer Driven Company,
Managerial Perspectives on QFD”. 1988, ASI Press.

David Rosen

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H H Mabie and C F Reinholz, Mechanisms and Dynamics of Machinery, John
Wiley and Sons, 1987.

Gear Trains
Drives - belt, CV, block-and-tackle, etc.
Classify by Function
Vary rotational energy
Convert rotation to translation
Convert translation to rotation
Channel energy => Transmit torque or force
Classify by Motion Characteristics

Set of rigid bars joined by revolute (pin) or slider joints.
Simplest is 4-bar linkage
Non-linear input/output relationship: Position, velocity, acceleration, force


Driver Could drive by air cylinder

Coupler or hydraulic cylinder

154 3. Selection

Linear position relationship between input and output.
Constant velocity ratio.
Spur Gears
Linear offset between in/out axes
Parallel axes


R1 R2 ω1 R1 = ω2 R2
ω1 R2 N2
=- =-
ω2 R1 N1

N = number of teeth

w2 = (R1/R2) w1
If R1 < R2, R2 spins more slowly
If R1 > R2, R2 spins more quickly


Inversion of regular gear trains
Input / Output shafts always parallel and often collinear.

3 2

1 1

(a) (b)
Applications: More compact than conventional gear trains
Automatic transmissions in cars
Helicopter transmissions
Propeller airplane transmissions
Supplementary Notes 4 Mechanisms 155

Rules of Thumb (for all types of gear trains)

Restrict mating gear ratios to be 8:1 or less
Each gear should have at least 12 teeth


Bevel: Non-parallel, intersecting shafts; (90 degrees); Change speed and direction

Rack and Pinion Rotation -> Translation

Worm: Axis change of 90 degrees; Non-parallel, non-intersecting shafts.

Self-locking - the Worm drives the pinion, but not the other way around.
156 3. Selection


Velocity analysis of compound gear train. In cases where the needed gear
reduction is too large for just one gear pair, pairs can be chained together.

1 2

ω2 Ν1 ω2 ω ω Ν1 Ν3
= −
Ν2 ω1 ( ω 32 )( ω 43 ) = (− Ν2 )(− Ν4 )
ω3 ω4 Ν1 Ν 3
= 1 =
ω2 ω1 Ν2 Ν 4

ω4 Ν3 n Product of driving gears

= − driven
ω3 Ν4 driver = (-1) Product of driven gears

Virtually any type of output motion from a rotational input. Rolling and Sliding
Can also connect linkages to followers to transfer and modify output motion.
Applications of Cams
Cams are prevalent in production/automatic equipment
Rolling/sliding joints are very common
Car engine

Displacement of Follower

Base Circle Rise Return


180 360
Angle of Rotation
Supplementary Notes 4 Mechanisms 157


Belt and Chain drives.

ω1 R1 = ω2 R2
2 3
ω1 R2
ω2 R1

Parallel shafts. Constant velocity ratio 1

Block and Tackle Force reduction of 3:1


Measure number of inputs necessary to determine position of every link in

DOF = 0 Structure
>0 Mechanism
Link floating in the plane has 3 DOF:
translation along X and Y axes, plus rotation about Z axis.
Need to consider the numbers of DOFs removed by different joint types.
Joint Types DOF Removes DOF
Revolute 1 2
Slider 1 2
Gear 2 1
Rolling & Sliding 2 1
Screw (couples rotation 1 2
and translation)
158 3. Selection


Planar mechanisms
DOF = 3(L - 1) -∑ fi

3(L - 1) = number DOF of (L - 1) disconnected links (1 link is ground)

∑ fi = number DOF removed by all joints

Pair of links connected by revolute joint. One link is ground.

L=2 DOF = 3(2-1) - 2
J=1 = +1

L=4 DOF = 3(4 - 1) -∑f i
J=4 i=1
fi = 2, i = 1, ... , 4
= 9 - (2 + 2 + 2 + 2)
= +1

Simple Gear Train

2 3

1 B
DOF = 3(3 - 1) - (2 + 1 + 2)
= +1
Supplementary Notes 4 Mechanisms 159


Patented design.
Unfortunately, the designers did not realize that they designed a moving structure

1 5
4 E

DOF: 5 Links, 6 Revolute Joints => 0 DOF

J = 3(5 −1) − (2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2)
DOF = 3(L −1) − ∑ f i = 12 −12
Solution: Expensive bearings to compensate for tolerances in the revolute joints.


Revolute Joints Sliding Joint Y

Pin and hole Block and Slide
Washers Piston-Cylinder
Cotter Pins Shaft sliding thru Block
Retaining Rings Block sliding on Rail X
Bearings T-Slide
Hinges Channel-shaped Slide
Gravity Z
160 3. Selection

Care must be taken when constructing real mechanisms from 2D sketches.

Objects in 3D have 6 Degrees-of-Freedom. 1 DOF Joints must eliminate 5

Sub-System 1 Sub-System 2

Sub-System 3

Material - Eggs, mechanisms, objects being transported or conveyed

Energy - moving objects (kinetic energy), forces, moments, torques, vibration;
electrical energy, magnetic fields, etc.
Information - signals: start-stop, reset, repeat;
doesn't have to be electrical.

C-130 Engine Exhaust System

V-Band Clamp

Engine Exhaust
900 F

Outside air

Material Compatibility

In this chapter, the compromise Decision Support Problem, DSP, is

presented. In engineering the compromise DSP is used to determine
values of design variables that satisfy a set of constraints and at the
same time achieve, as well as possible, a trade-off between a set of
conflicting goals.

4.1 The Role of Optimization

Let us assume that an initial feasible solution is known for the open
problem. We therefore have some knowledge of both the performance
requirements (demand) and the extent to which the artifact as
designed will satisfy the requirements (capability). An existing
solution can be improved in two ways, namely, by repeated
modification and by solving an “optimization” problem. The
scenario for the two cases follows.
A By repeated modification,
❑ find the value of the design variables sequentially,
❑ check whether the design satisfies the requirements,
❑ modify until an adequate design has been obtained, or
B By formulating and solving an “optimization” problem,
❑ find the value of the design variables simultaneously which
❑ satisfy the requirements and
❑ optimize a set of objectives.
The first scenario (A), typifies a spiral, heuristic, or judgment-based
“trial and error” approach. A problem solver obtains and reviews
162 4 Compromise

numerical and/or graphical information about the solution to the

problem and then changes it. The decision about what should be
changed and by how much, rests on experience-based insight.
Typically, this model involves extrapolation, interpolation and
improvement through repeated modification; the values of the
variables are changed or made firm sequentially. In this scenario it is
difficult to provide systematic decision support to the designer. The
second scenario (B), represents an optimization problem and its
solution, if the model reflects reality, an optimum solution. In this
case, the variables are determined simultaneously and iteration is
necessary only if the formulation and/or the input data are altered.
However, in our opinion it is easier to provide support for systematic
decision making in scenario B than for scenario A.
What then is the role of optimization in the Decision Support
Problem Technique? To obtain an answer consider the following
questions: What is an optimum solution? The terms optimize and
optimum entered the English language in the middle of the nineteenth
century. When used by the English-speaking laity, the definitions of
both terms carry with them the connotation of ideal, perfect and best,
all of which convey a sense of the superlative nature of the condition
they are attempting to characterize. In keeping with the pragmatic
nature of engineering an engineer has to partition a problem into
subproblems and accept a solution that is less-than-superlative and
less-than-optimal. Thus, designers can use optimization techniques
only to find the solutions of subproblems that can be modeled
adequately but not completely. In the Decision Support Problem
Technique, solutions to these subproblems are sought to support the
human decision of accepting a satisficing, but less-than-superlative,
solution of the overall problem. This last is a superior - not superlative
- solution among the set of feasible alternatives that satisfy the system
The phrase “optimum solution” implies the end of a process. One
might well ask, once the solution to an optimization problem is
obtained: The optimum has been found - why bother doing anything
more? In engineering this cannot be further from the truth. In our
case the solution of a problem, albeit using optimization techniques,
represents at best a good trade-off between conflicting goals. This
solution does not represent the end of the process - rather it provides a
good starting point. Therefore, the function of optimization is to
provide support for human judgment and its solution is NOT an
optimum or optimal solution.
4.1. The Role of Optimization 163

We use a mathematical construct in problem solving, for example,

multiobjective optimization to understand more about the problem
domain. We achieve this by formulating and “solving” a quantitative
representation (i.e., a mathematical model) of the problem. For real-
world systems, however, the information for modeling a problem
comprehensively and correctly will not be available. Therefore we ask
ourselves: How can optimization be used as a tool if it is impossible to
model the problem exactly?
We believe that before any attempt is made to construct a
mathematical description of the problem under consideration it is
important to gain as much appreciation about the problem as possible.
This is generally done by observing (if possible) the problem
situation, spending time with those familiar with the problem, and
simply spending time thinking about its different aspects.
Finally, it is important to remember that all numbers obtained as a
result of solving the mathematical construct are simply solutions to a
model that approximates the real world. The more complete the
model the smaller the discrepancies between the solution to the
mathematical representation and the real world. We believe, that the
knowledge about the completeness of the mathematical model is as
important as the solution obtained.
The Compromise DSP - involves improvement of an alternative
through modification. It is stated in words as follows:
An alternative that is to be improved through modification.
Assumptions used to model the domain of interest.
The system parameters.
The goals for the design.
164 4 Compromise

The values of the independent system variables (they describe the
attributes of an artifact).
The values of the deviation variables (they indicate the extent to
which the goals are achieved).
The system constraints that must be satisfied for the solution to be
The system goals that must achieve a specified target value as much
as possible.
The lower and upper bounds on the system variables.
The deviation function which is a measure of the deviation of the
system performance from that implied by the set of goals and
their associated priority levels or relative weights.
The preceding formulation of a compromise DSP is a hybrid
formulation in that it incorporates concepts from both traditional
mathematical programming and goal programming (GP), and makes
use of some new ones. It is similar to goal programming in that the
multiple objectives are transformed into system goals (involving both
system and deviation variables) and the deviation function is solely a
function of the goal deviation variables. (This is in contrast to
traditional mathematical programming where multiple objectives are
modeled as a weighted function of the system variables only.) The
concept of system constraints, however, is retained from the traditional
constrained optimization formulation. Special emphasis is placed on
the bounds on the system variables unlike in traditional mathematical
programming and goal programming. In effect the traditional
formulation is a subset of the compromise DSP - an indication of the
generality of the compromise formulation.

4.2 Descriptors of the Compromise DSP

System descriptors are used to define a compromise DSP.
4.2. Discriptors of the Compromise DSP Formulation 165

Parameters - are used to complete the modeling of the compromise

DSP. For example, in the case of the design of a structure, the material
properties are invariably treated as parameters, that is, their values are
needed to enable solution but they are not affected by the solution
process itself. Parameters are sometimes called “fixed variables”.
❑ System variables.
❑ Deviation variables.

System constraints
(Equivalent to rigid goals in the GP formulation).
System goals
(Equivalent to soft goals in the GP formulation).
❑ On system variables (formulated as rigid goals in the GP
Deviation function
In this section, the system descriptors for a compromise DSP are
described. The descriptors are illustrated in Figure 4.1 for a two
dimensional compromise DSP.
166 4 Compromise

d2- = d 2+ = 0 d1- = d 1+ = 0
+ >0
+ d1
d2- > 0 d2 > 0 - >0
d1 - =0
Goal 2 d1
- + =0
d2+ = 0 d2 = 0 d1
System Variable X

X2 ≤ U2

C2 ≥ D 2

C3 ≥ D 2
Feasible Design Space

C4≥ D 4

Goal 1

C1≥ D 1

X2 ≥ L 2
X1 ≤ U 1

X1 ≥ L 1

System Variable X 1

Note: Arrows Indicate Direction of Feasibility

Figure 4.1. Typical design space for a two variable compromise DSP

4.2.1 System Variables and System Constraints

System Variables
X = (X 1 , X2 , ..., Xn ), Xi ≥ 0.
System Constraints
Ci (X) ≥, or = Di (X); i = 1, 2, 3 ..., m.
Compromise DSPs have a minimum of two system variables.
Consider a set of 'n' design variables represented by X. The vector of
variables includes continuous variables and boolean variables (1 if
4.2. Discriptors of the Compromise DSP Formulation 167

TRUE, 0 if FALSE). System variables are, by their nature,

independent of the other descriptors and can be changed as required
by the designer to alter the state of the system. System variables that
define the physical attributes of an artifact are always nonzero and
positive. In Figure 4.1 the system variables X1 and X2 , being
independent, are represented by the abscissa and ordinate,
respectively. Each member of the set X represents an axis of an 'n'
dimensional space.
A system constraint is a constraint placed on the design. The set of
system constraints must be satisfied for the feasibility of the design.
Mathematically, system constraints are functions of system variables
only. They are rigid and no violations are allowed. They relate the
demand placed on the system D(X) to the capability of the system
C(X) to meet the demand. The region of feasibility defined by the
system constraints is called the feasible design space.
The set of system constraints may be all linear, nonlinear or consist
of both linear and nonlinear functions. In engineering problems the
system constraints are invariably inequalities. However, occasions
requiring equality constraints may arise. All system constraints shown
in Figure 4.1 are inequalities.

4.2.2 Deviation Variables and System Goals

A set of system goals is used to model the aspiration a designer has
for the design. It relates the goal (aspiration level), Gi , of the designer
to the actual attainment, Ai (X), of the goal. Three conditions need to
be considered:
1. Ai (X) ≤ Gi ; we wish to achieve a value of Ai (X) that is equal to or
less than Gi .
2. Ai (X) ≥ Gi ; we wish to achieve a value of Ai (X) that is equal to or
greater than Gi .
3. Ai (X) = G i ; we would like the value of Ai (X) to equal Gi .
We will now introduce the concept of a deviation variable. Consider
the third condition, namely, we would like the value of Ai (X) to equal
Gi . The deviation variable is defined as:
d = G i - Ai (X)
The deviation variable d can be negative or positive. Considerable
simplification of the solution algorithm is effected if one can assert
that all the variables in the problem being solved are positive.
Therefore, the deviation variable d is replaced by two variables:
168 4 Compromise

d = d i - - di +
di- . d i+ = 0
d i - , di+ ≥ 0 .
The preceding ensures that the deviation variables never take on
negative values.
The system goal becomes:
Ai (X) + d i - - d i + = G i ; i = 1, 2, ..., m (4.1)
di- , di+ ≥ 0 and di - . d i + = 0
The product condition ensures that one of the deviation variables
will always be zero. If the problem is solved using an algorithm that
provides a vertex solution as a matter of course then the condition is
automatically satisfied, making its inclusion in the formulation
redundant. Since, the solution scheme described in this book and the
software that is available for solution makes use of an algorithm that
provides a vertex solution we will assume that this condition is
satisfied. For completeness we include this condition as a constraint in
the mathematical forms of the compromise DSP given later in this
chapter and for brevity will omit this constraint from all subsequent
Note that a system goal is always expressed as an equality. It is
possible that the designer’s aspiration levels are inordinately high or
the system constraints are much too restrictive to attain the desired
levels of achievement. The deviation variables di - and di + are used to
allow the designer a certain degree of latitude in making decisions.
The deviation variables therefore relate the actual performance of the
design to the aspired level of performance. These variables serve to
“anchor” the aspiration levels to realistic achievement levels. When
considering Equation 4.1, the following will be true
IF A i ≤ Gi (underachievement) THEN di - > 0 and di + = 0.
IF A i ≥ Gi (overachievement) THEN di - = 0 and d i + > 0,
4.2. Discriptors of the Compromise DSP Formulation 169

IF A i = G i (exact achievement) THEN di - = 0 and d i + = 0

How do we model the three conditions listed earlier using Equation
1 To satisfy Ai (X) ≤ Gi , we must ensure that the positive deviation
d i + is zero. The negative deviation di - will measure how far is the
performance of the actual design from the goal.
2 To satisfy Ai (X) ≥ Gi , the negative deviation di - must be made
equal to zero. In this case, the degree of overachievement is
indicated by the positive deviation di +.
3 To satisfy Ai (X) = Gi , both deviations, di - and di + must be
The difference between a system variable and a deviation variable is
that the former represents a distance in the ith dimension from the
origin of the design space, whereas the latter originates on the surface
of the system goal. This is illustrated in Figure 4.2. The value of the
ith deviation variable is determined by the degree to which the ith goal
is achieved. It depends upon the value of Ai (X) alone (since Gi is
fixed by the designer). Ai (X) in turn is dependent upon the system
variables X. The set of deviation variables can be all continuous, all
boolean or some can be boolean and others continuous. Obviously,
both the deviation variables associated with a particular system goal
will be of the same type.
The system goal represents an equation for a family of either
parallel linear or nonlinear functions. In Figure 4.2, goal i
(represented by line A) is the target goal to be achieved. Assume that
lines B and C represent the maximum acceptable excursion that is
possible from the target goal. In other words, the system variables can
achieve any value in the shaded region. Three representations for lines
B and C are shown in the figure, as follows,
1. In terms of system variables.
2. In terms of the system variables and the nonzero deviation
3. In terms of the system variables and both the deviation
In 1 (see Figure 4.2) the right hand sides for the equations for A, B
and C are different. In 2 and 3 the right hand sides for both B and C
are the same (b1 ) however the deviation variables are different. In 3
both B and C are expressed in terms of the system variables and the
170 4 Compromise

two deviation variables. For B, the underachievement d1 - is nonzero

and the overachievement d1 + is zero. For C it is the other way around.
Since only one deviation variable, by definition, can be nonzero we
are able to write the equation for the family of system goals B through
C. This is analogous to Equation 4.1.

4.2.3 Range of Values for Deviation Variables

The objective of a traditional single objective optimization problem
requires the maximization or minimization of a certain function. This
function is in terms of the system variables. In a compromise DSP
formulation each of the objectives is converted into a goal (using
Equation 4.1) with its corresponding deviation variables. The resulting
formulation is similar to a single objective optimization problem but
with the following differences:
❑ The objective is always to minimize a function.
❑ The objective function is expressed using deviation variables
4.2. Discriptors of the Compromise DSP Formulation 171

System Variables: X 1 , X 2, ... Form the axes of the design space.

Deviation Variables:
d- Represents underachievement of the goal.
d+ Representsoverachievement of the goal.
Note: Goals are represented by the parallel lines A, B and C.
2 Goal i target to be achieved
Origin of deviation
A variables lies on
surface of goal i.
d+ > 0
d += 0
d =0
d >0

0 1
Origin of
system variables

Equation for Goal (Line) A Numerical Example

1. a1 X1 + a 2 X2 = b 1 Say .... 8X1 + 7X 2 = 13
Equation for Goal (Line) B
1. a1 X1 + a 2 X2 = b 2 ; b 2 < b 1 Say 8X1 + 7X 2 = 10
2. a1 X1 + a 2 X2 + d1 - = b 1 ; d1 - ≠ 0 8X1 + 7X 2 + d 1 - = 13; d1 - = 3
3. a1 X1 + a 2 X2 + d1 - - d 1 + = b1 8X1 + 7X2 + d 1 - - d1 + = 13
with d 1 - > 0, d1 + = 0 with d1 - =3 , d 1+ =0
Equation for Goal (Line) C
1. a1 X1 + a 2 X2 = b 3 ; b 3 > b 1 Say 8X1 + 7X2 = 15
2. a1 X1 + a 2 X2 - d1+ = b1 ; d1 + ≠ 0 8X1 + 7X 2 -d1 + = 13 ;d1 + = 2
3. a X + a X + d - - d + = b
1 1 2 2 1 1 1 8X1 + 7X 2 + d 1 - - d1 + = 13
with d 1 = 0, d 1 + > 0 1 with d - = 0, d + = 2
Equation for a Family of Goals B Through C
3. a1 X1 + a 2 X2 + d1- - d 1 + = b1 8X1 + 7X 2 + d 1- - d1 + = 13
with d , d + ≥ 0
1 1 with d - , d + ≥ 01 1

Figure 4.2. The system goal

172 4 Compromise

The objective in the compromise DSP formulation is called the

deviation function. As indicated earlier, the deviation variables are
associated with system goals and therefore their ranges of values
depend on the goal itself. Goals are not equally important to a
designer. Therefore to solve the problem, given a designer’s
preferences, the goals are rank-ordered into priority levels. Within a
priority level it is imperative that the deviation variables are of the
same order of magnitude. This is achieved by normalizing the goals.
If this is not done the deviation variable with the larger numeric value
will dominate the solution process without regard to the designer-
established preference for the set of goals.
A solution to the order of magnitude problem is to normalize the
achievement Ai (X) with respect to the target value Gi before the
deviation variables are introduced. The following rules are used to
formulate the system goals in a way that ensures that all the deviation
variables will range within the same values (0 and 1 in this case).
a. To maximize the achievement, Ai (X), choose a target value Gi
greater or equal to the maximum expected value of Ai (X), so
that the ratio Ai (X)/Gi is always less or equal than 1. For
example, if Ai (X) is the reference stress then Gi could be the
yield stress. Consider the following:
Ai (X) ≤ G i ⇒ Ai (X)/Gi ≤ 1
Transform the expression into a system goal by adding and
subtracting the corresponding deviation variables (which in this
case will range between zero and one).
Ai (X) / Gi + d i -- d i + = 1 (4.2)

In this case, the overachievement variable, d i +, will always be

zero, as indicated in Section 4.2.2. Then minimize the
underachievement deviation, d i -, to ensure that the performance
of the design will be as close as possible to the desired goal.
b. To minimize the achievement, Ai (X), the following steps are in
i. Choose a target value, Gi , less than or equal to the minimum
expected value of Ai (X). In this case, the ratio Gi / Ai (X) will
be less than or equal to one.
Ai (X) ≥ G i ⇒ Gi / Ai (X) ≤ 1
4.2. Discriptors of the Compromise DSP Formulation 173

Transform the expression into a system goal (note the

inversion of G and A) and flip the signs of the deviation
variables (to account for the inversion). The deviation
variables will vary between 0 and 1.
Gi / Ai (X) - d i - + d i + = 1 (4.3)

The underachievement deviation, di -, will be zero as

indicated in Section 4.2.2. Minimizing the overachievement
deviation, di +, will ensure that the performance of the design
is as close as possible to the desired goal.
ii. If the target value, Gi , is taken as zero, get an estimate of the
maximum value that the achievement, Ai (X), can obtain
within the bounds set for the system variables, Ai max(X).
Then divide the inequality by this maximum value and
convert into a system goal with the following result:
Ai (X) / Ai max(X). + di - - d i + = 0 (4.4)
The deviation variables will now vary between 0 and 1.
Note that the signs of the deviation variables remain as in the
original Equation 4.1. In this case, the underachievement
deviation di - will always be zero. Minimize then the
overachievement deviation d i + to ensure that the
performance of the design will be as close as possible to the
desired value of zero.
c. If it is desired that Ai (X) = G i , and
i. If the target value Gi is approached from below by Ai (X),
use Equation 4.2 and minimize the sum (di -+ d i +).
ii. If the target value Gi is approached from above by Ai (X),
use Equation 4.3 and minimize the sum (di -+ d i +).
iii. If the target value Gi is equal to zero, use Equation 4.4 and
minimize the sum (di -+ d i +).

4.2.4 Bounds on System and Deviation Variables

Bounds are specific limits placed on the magnitude of each of the
variables. Each variable has associated with it a lower and an upper
bound. Bounds are important for modeling real-world problems
because they provide a means to include the experience-based
174 4 Compromise

judgment of a designer in the mathematical formulation.

Unfortunately, in most engineering design text-books that encourage
the notion of using optimization techniques in design there has been a
tendency to ignore bounds. Bounds on the system variables take the
L ≤ X ≤ U
where L and U represent the set of lower and upper bounds
respectively. The bounds on the system variables demarcate the region
in which a search is to be made for a feasible solution. In engineering
design, the lower bounds are always nonzero and positive, reflecting
physical limitations.
Deviation variables are by definition nonnegative (see Section
4.2.2) and therefore a lower bound of zero is always associated with

4.2.5 The Deviation Function

In the compromise DSP formulation the aim is to minimize the
difference between that which is desired and that which can be
achieved. This is done by minimizing the deviation function, Z(d -,
d +), which is always written in terms of the deviation variables.
A designer sets an aspiration level for each of the goals. It may be
impossible to obtain a design that satisfies all the levels of aspiration.
Therefore, a compromise solution must be accepted by the designer.
It is desirable, however, to obtain a design whose performance matches
the aspiration levels as closely as possible. This, in essence is the
objective of a compromise solution. The difference between the goals
and achievement is expressed by a combination of appropriate
deviation variables, Z(d -, d+). This deviation function provides an
indication of the extent to which specific goals are achieved.
All goals may not be equally important to a designer and the
formulations are classified as Archimedean or Preemptive - based on
the manner in which importance is assigned to satisficing the goals.
The most general form of the deviation function for m goals in the
Archimedean formulation is
Z(d -, d +) = ∑ (Wi -d i - + Wi +d i + ) i=1,..., m
where the weights, W1 , W2 , ..., Wm, reflect the level of desire to achieve
each of the goals. In this formulation, the weights, Wi , satisfy the
following conditions:
4.2. Discriptors of the Compromise DSP Formulation 175

∑ Wi = 1 and Wi ≥ 0 for all i.
The relationships between the goals (aspiration level), Gi , of the
designer and the actual achievement, Ai (X), of the goals are
summarized in Table 4.1.

Table 4.1. System Goal Formulation for Archemedean Case

Condition Deviation Variables Minimize Weights

Ai ≤ G i d i - > 0, d i + = 0. di+ Wi = 0, Wi + = Wi

Ai ≥ G i d i - = 0, di + > 0 di- Wi - = Wi , Wi + = 0
Ai = G i d i - = 0, di + = 0 d i -+ d i + Wi - = Wi + = Wi

It may be difficult to come up with truly credible weights. A

systematic approach for determining reasonable weights is to use the
schemes presented in [1-3]. In most of these methods the decision
maker is asked to compare the goals in pairs and state his/her
preference. Specially recommended is the reciprocal pairwise
comparison matrix method proposed by Saaty. The details of this
method are presented in 3A.3.
In the Preemptive approach, the difficulty of assigning weights is
circumvented by rank ordering the goals. This is probably easier in an
industrial environment or in the earlier stages of design. The measure
of achievement is obtained in terms of the lexicographic minimization
of an ordered set of goal deviations, wherein within each set of goals
at a particular rank, weights may be used. Goals are ranked
lexicographically and an attempt is made to achieve a more important
goal before considering other goals.
The mathematical definition of lexicographic minimum follows,
see [4-5]:

LEXICOGRAPHIC MINIMUM Given an ordered array f of

nonnegative elements, fk 's, the solution, given by f(1) , is preferred to
f (2) if

f k (1) < f k (2)

and all higher-order elements (i.e., f1 , ... , f k-1 ) are equal. If no other
solution is preferred to f, then f is the lexicographic minimum.
176 4 Compromise

As an example, consider two solutions, f(r) and f(s), where

f(r) = (0, 10, 400, 56)
f(s) = (0, 11, 12, 20)
In this example, note that f(r) is preferred to f(s) . The value 10
corresponding to f2 (r) is smaller that the value 11 corresponding to
f2 (s) . Once a preference is established then all higher order elements
are assumed to be equivalent. Hence, the deviation function for the
Preemptive formulation is written as
Z = [ f 1 (d i -,di +), ..., f k (d i -,di +) ] .
For a four goal problem, the deviation function may look like
Z(d -, d+) = [ (d 1 - + d2 - ), (d 3 - ), (d 4 +) ]
In this case, three priority levels are considered. The deviation
variables, d1 - and d2 -, have to be minimized preemptively before
variable d3 - is considered and so on. These priorities represent rank,
that is, the preference of one goal over another. No conclusions can
be drawn with respect to the amount by which one goal is preferred or
is more important than another. This approach is therefore suitable
when there is little information available. For a simple problem with
only two system variables, a graphical solution can be easily found by
satisficing the goals in a logical manner. This is in contrast to the
Archimedean approach in which the numerical evaluation of the
deviation function is required even for the simplest case.
The numerical solution of a Preemptive formulation requires the
use of a special optimization algorithm developed to solve these types
of problems. One such algorithm has been developed by Ignizio [6].
It is also possible to solve the Preemptive formulation by
reformulating the deviation function into a pseudo-preemptive form
as suggested by Schniederjans [7]. Schniederjans notion is to force
the deviation function to satisfy the priorities by multiplying each
priority level by a quantity Pi , whose numerical value is much larger
than the corresponding one associated with the next priority level. The
deviation function for the example problem presented earlier
expressed in a pseudo-preemptive fashion looks like
Z(d -, d+) = P1 (d 1 - + d2 -) + P2 ( d 3 - ) + P3 ( d 4 +)
where P1 >> P2 >> P3 , .
4.2. Discriptors of the Compromise DSP Formulation 177

In the preceding the >> implies preference and the Pi 's represent
rank-ordered priorities that are modeled numerically. Lexicographic
preference is modeled numerically on a computer only if the
numerical values between the priorities are substantial. For example let
us try to model the following numerically:
P1 >> P2 >> P3 .
Consider the following series of numbers:
3 >> 2 >> 1
300 >> 200 >> 100
10 37 >> 1020 >> 1010 .
Which of the three series models the preference the best? The
correct answer is the third set of numbers.
The following example is presented to illustrate the difference in
the solution obtained by using the Preemptive and the Archimedean
formulations. The design space for the example problem is shown in
Figure 4.3.
The algorithms that have been developed to solve the compromise
DSPs provide vertex solutions1 . Therefore we will restrict our
discussion to vertex solutions only. Further, we are seeking a solution
that achieves all three goals completely.
System Variables
X1 , X2
Deviation Variables
d 1 -, d1 +, d2 - , d2 +, d3 - , d3 +
System Constraints
2X 1 + 3X 2 ≤ 30 [c1]
6X 1 + 4X2 ≤ 60 [c2]

1 Aside: How can this be justified in the case of practical engineering

problems? Hint: Answer the following question first - Under what
conditions is a vertex optimum almost the same as a field optimum?
178 4 Compromise

System Goals (Dimensionless, Normalized)

X1 /10 + X2 /10 + d 1 - - d 1 + = 1 [g1]

X2 / 7 + d 2 - - d 2 + = 1 [g2]

X1 /8 + d3 - - d 3 + = 1 [g3]
Bounds omitted for brevity.
Case a: Using the Preemptive approach (lexicographic
Z = [(d 1 - + d 1 +), (d 2 - + d 2 +), (d 3 - + d 3 +)]
All deviation variables are considered due to equality goals.
Case b: Using the Archimedean approach.
Z = W 1 (d 1 - + d 1 +) + W2 (d 2 - + d 2 +) + W3 (d 3 - + d 3 +)
where W1 = W2 = W3 = 1/3
(assumed values)
4.2. Discriptors of the Compromise DSP Formulation 179

15 System Constraint 2
Goal 3

d3- d3+
Goal 1
10 A
Goal 2


B C d2-

5 System Constraint 1
Feasible d1+
Space d1- D

0 5 10 15


Figure 4.3. Design space for example problem

The solution to the preceding compromise DSP using both the

Preemptive and Archimedean approaches follows:
Case A Preemptive
❑ The goal with the highest priority is considered first (Goal 1).
This goal lies completely within the feasible design space and
consequently any point satisfying the goal is considered to be a
solution, namely, vertices A, B, E and G.
❑ We next move to priority level 2, which requires the
minimization of d2 - and d 2 +. Notice that in Figure 4.3, these
deviations may be set to zero at point B without reducing the
value of the solution obtained for priority 1. That is, d2 - and d 2 +
may be set to zero without any increase in either d1 - or d 1 +.
Therefore vertex A is the second preferred solution, with the
first priority still being satisfied (d1 -, d 1 + = 0) and a minimum
value for the overachievement of the second goal d2 +.
180 4 Compromise

❑ Moving to priority level 3, we attempt to minimize d3 - and d 3 +

without degrading the solution for the other priority levels. In
this case, the solution point that comes closer is once again point
B, with d1 -, d 1 +, d 2 -, d 2 + and d3 + = 0 and a minimum value of
the third goal underachievement d3 -.
❑ If the priorities were changed to goals 1, 3 and 2 in that order,
the preferred solution would be at point E. We suggest that you
solve this as an exercise.
Case B Archimedean
In Table 4.2 the values of the deviation variables and the deviation
function at different vertices are summarized. It follows from the table
that the best solution is at ‘C’ where Z is a minimum (Z=0.196).
The solutions obtained in the two cases are different. The
Preemptive approach is suitable when less is known about the design
and consequently a designer is only able to rank-order the
preferences for the goals. Using the Archimedean approach is
warranted when it is possible to determine the relative importance of
the goals using a pairwise comparison method, Appendix 3A2 .
Should all the deviation variables be included in the formulation of
the deviation function? If one is only interested in obtaining a
solution to the DSP then we know à priori, see Section 4.2.3, which
deviation variables will be zero and consequently we can exclude them
from the deviation function. If one is interested in varying the target
values to study the sensitivity of the solution it is necessary to include
all the deviation variables in the deviation function.

Table 4.2. Deviation function values for Archemedean solution

Acceptable Value of Solution

Vertices Normalized Dev. Var. Sum Func.
(coord.) d1- d1+ d2- d2+ d3- d 3 + Σ(di -+ di +) Z

A = (0, 10) 0 0 0 0.429 1 0 1.429 0.476

B = (3, 7) 0 0 0 0 0.625 0 0.625 0.208
C = (4.5, 7) 0 0.150 0 0 0.438 0 0.588 0.196
D = (8, 3) 0 0.100 0.571 0 0 0 0.671 0.224

2 If you were solving a compromise DSP without a computer being available,

under what conditions would each of the approaches be the method of
choice? We leave this as an exercise for you to answer.
4.2. Discriptors of the Compromise DSP Formulation 181

E = (8, 2) 0 0 0.714 0 0 0 0.714 0.238

F = (6, 6) 0 0.200 0.143 0 0.250 0 0.593 0.198
G = (10, 0) 0 0 1 0 0 0.250 1.250 0.417

4.3 The Two Coal Problem

Recent revisions of pollution control laws have had a direct influence
on the running of a power station. These revisions have reduced the
allowable emission of pollutants into the atmosphere from the plant’s
exhaust gases. To comply with these new regulations expeditiously
and eliminate downtime it is desired, now, to control the emission rates
by the appropriate use of coal.
Historically, coal has been bought from two sources, say A and B.
Both types of coal are transported to the plant and stored in separate
stockpiles. From there they are fed by a mechanical conveyer into a
pulverizer, crushed into fine particles, mixed at a specified rate and
burnt in a combustion chamber.
Coal from source A, Coal A, is relatively hard, clean-burning, has a
low sulfur content and is more expensive than Coal B which is soft,
smoky when burnt, and has a high sulfur content. The thermal value,
in terms of steam produced, is 24,000 lbs/ton for Coal A and 20,000
lbs/ton for Coal B. Since Coal A is hard, the pulverizer can handle 16
tons/hr of it. Since Coal B is soft, the pulverizer can handle 24 tons/hr
of it. The capacity of the conveyer is 20 tons/hr for both types of coal.
There is a limit to the amount of coal that can be stockpiled. This limit
translates to a maximum of 25 tons/hr for any type of coal that can be
The new pollution regulations limit sulfur oxide emissions to 3,000
parts per million and the particulate emissions (smoke) to 12 kg/hr.
The characteristics of the two types of coal are summarized in Table

Case A: A Linear Single Objective Optimization Problem.

Problem Statement: Determine the most efficient combination of
the two types of coal to be burnt that satisfies the constraints and
bounds and maximizes the rate of production of electricity. No
information is given in the story about the lower bounds on the
rates of consumption of the two types of coal. It is reasonable to
assume, initially, that the lower bounds are zero. The implication of
this assumption is that a solution that requires the burning of a
182 4 Compromise

single type of coal, in our case coal from a single vendor, is


Table 4.3. Coal and material handling characteristics

PROPERTIES Coal A Coal B Units

Thermal value 24,000 20,000 lbs steam / ton
Sulfur oxides emission 1,800 3,800 ppm
Particulate emission 0.5 1.0 kg / ton
Pulverizer coal handling
capacity 16 24 tons / hour
Conveyer coal handling
capacity 20 20 tons / hour

Case B: The Linear Single Objective Optimization Problem - Revis-

Problem Statement: The power company does not want to rely on
a single source for its supply of coal. The purchasing department
has determined that there is a minimum order quantity for the coal.
This minimum order quantity translates to a lower bound of 5 tons
of each type of coal per hour. Determine the most efficient
combination of the two types of coal to be burnt that satisfies the
constraints and bounds and maximizes the rate of production of
This problem is used to illustrate the algorithm for solving the most
general linear single objective optimization problem. The preceding
requires the introduction of two nonzero lower bounds on the system
variables and the introduction of artificial variables to get an initial
solution by inspection. Unlike Case A, in this case it is inappropriate
to drop the lower bounds at the very outset.

Case C: A Linear Single Goal Compromise Decision Support

Problem Statement: The demand for steam is likely to increase to
432,000 lbs/hr during the summer months. Can this be achieved
without violating any of the constraints and bounds?
This problem is formulated as a single goal compromise DSP, and
the solution compared to that of the single objective optimization
problem, Case A.
4.3. The Two Coal Problem 183

Case D: A Linear, Multigoal Compromise Decision Support Problem.

Problem Statement: The demand for steam is going to increase to
at least 432,000 lbs/hr during the summer months. Management is
prepared to violate some of the pollution constraints and pay a fine,
if necessary, to get this amount of steam from the plant. Company
executives have identified one viable scenario as putting out as
much sulfur oxides and smoke as is permissible and maximizing
the amount of steam produced.
This problem is used to illustrate the solution of a multigoal
compromise DSP.

Case E: A Nonlinear, Multigoal Compromise Decision Support

Problem Statement: The plant is being modified and access to the
warehouse is limited. For a short period the management would
like to hold the stockpiling down so as not to exceed 10 tons/hr of
Coal A and 5 tons/hour of Coal B. The cost for stockpiling per ton
is assessed proportionally to the excess capacity, over the desired
capacities, and is equal to $3/(excess ton of Coal A) and $4/(excess
ton of Coal B). The prices reflect the difficulties in stockpiling the
softer Coal B. An incentive is provided in stockpiling less coal
than available capacity and is equal to $3/(surplus ton of Coal A)
and $4/(surplus ton of Coal B). It is desirable to limit the total
stockpiling costs to $30/hr.
184 4 Compromise

4.4 Linear Single Objective Optimization:

Formulation and Graphical Solution

4.4.1 Case A: The Word Problem

❑ The properties of Coal A and Coal B.
❑ The capacity of the conveyer unit.
❑ The capacity of the pulverizer unit.
❑ Emission limit on sulfur oxides.
❑ Emission limit on particulates.
❑ Upper limits on the amount of coal that is stockpiled.
❑ Uninterrupted supply of coal is available.
❑ The combustion chamber can handle any amount of coal
supplied from the pulverizer.
❑ The maximization of the rate of electricity produced is
equivalent to the maximization of the rate of steam generated.
❑ The coal prices are stable.

Independent System Variables
The rate of consumption of Coal A: X1 [tons/hr]
The rate of consumption of Coal B: X2 [tons/hr]
System Constraints
1. The conveyer capacity is 20 tons/hr for any type of coal.
2. The pulverizer can process 16 tons of Coal A and 24 tons of
Coal B per hour.
3. The emission of sulfur oxides is limited to 3,000 parts per
4. The emission of particulates (smoke) is limited to 12 kg/hr.
Bounds on the System Variables
5. The system variables should be nonnegative.
4.4. Linear Single Objective Optimization 185

6. The maximum of any one type of coal that can be burnt is

25 tons/hr.
7. The rate of steam generated and therefore, the electricity

4.4.2 Case A: Derivation of the Constraints and the

Objective Function
The system variables. In the short run the plant's facilities are fixed. It
is quite appropriate that management has decided to affect the output
of electricity by using the best combination of the two types of coal.
Therefore, let X1 be the number of tons of Coal A burnt per hour, and
X2 be the number of tons of Coal B burnt per hour. These variables
have two characteristics. One, they are physical quantities and are
therefore nonnegative. Two, these variables are continuous, that is, any
value that is feasible is acceptable from a mathematical standpoint.
The system constraints and bounds. The system constraints are written
in terms of the system variables. In engineering, system constraints are
invariably inequalities. The system constraints and bounds must be
satisfied for feasibility. System constraints generally model the
physics of the problem. The bounds, on the other hand, are the
product of experience-based insight. They represent what is
acceptable to the designer without regard to the physics of the
problem. A constraint invariably has two or more system variables. A
bound contains only one system variable and is always parallel
(geometrically) to the axis represented by the system variable. Rarely
is a constraint specified in terms of a single system variable. In this
case the constraint plays the same role as a bound in the design space
even though it may represent the physics of the problem.
1 The constraint on conveyer capacity
The conveyer has a capacity of 20 tons/hour. This capacity is
independent of the type of coal that is placed on the conveyer.
Therefore, the constraint is written as:
X1 + X 2 ≤ 20 [tons/hr]
The constraint is shown in Figure 4.4.
186 4 Compromise

25 Conveyor Capacity

Infeasible Design Space
X 1 + X 2 > 20

X 2 [tons / hr]

X 1 + X 2 = 20


Feasible Design Space

X 1 + X 2 < 20

0 5 10 15 20 25
X 1 [tons / hr]

Figure 4.4. Conveyor capactiy

2 The constraint on pulverizer capacity

The pulverizer capacity constraint is shown in Figure 4.5. The
maximum capacity of the unit is 16 tons of Coal A or 24 tons of Coal
B per hour or any corresponding combination of the two. The right
hand side for this constraint has not been specifically given in the
problem statement. It has to be figured out. In this case, consider the
amount that can be pulverized in one hour: it takes 1/16 of an hour to
pulverize a ton of Coal A and 1/24 of an hour to pulverize a ton of
Coal B.

Therefore, the constraint is written as:

X1 /16 + X2 /24 ≤ 1 [-]
4.4. Linear Single Objective Optimization 187

25 Pulverizer Capacity

20 Infeasible Design Space

(X 1/16) + (X 2 /24) > 1
X 2 [tons / hr]

15 (X 1/16) + (X 2/24) = 1


Feasible Design Space

(X 1/16) + (X 2 /24) < 1

0 4 8 12 16 20
X 1 [tons / hr]

Figure 4.5. Pulverizer capacity

Therefore, the pulverizer capacity for one 24 hour day is (multiplying

through by 24 [hrs/day]):
1.5X1 + X 2 ≤ 24 [day]
Notice the units. Normally, multiplying through does not result in
meaningful units. In this case, because there are 24 hours in a day, the
second form of the constraint has meaningful units.
3 The limit on sulfur oxides emission
The maximum emission of sulfur oxides is limited to 3,000 ppm.
This constraint is shown in Figure 4.6. There may be an urge to
specify the constraint as:
1,800X1 + 3,800X2 ≤ 3,000.
What is wrong with the constraint? The units on the left hand side
and the right hand side of the equation do not match. What is to be
done? The units of 1,800, 3,800 and 3,000 are parts per million. If
only the X1 and X2 were dimensionless the preceding constraint
would be acceptable. The way around this problem is to normalize X1
188 4 Compromise

and X2 and make them dimensionless. How? Given that the two coals
are burnt simultaneously, assume that a combination of X1 tons/hr of
Coal A and X2 tons/hr of Coal B is fed into the combustion chamber
as a homogeneous mixture.

Limits on Sulfur Oxides Emitted

Upper Bound
35 X 1 = 25
Infeasible Design Space
-1,200 X 1 + 800 X 2 > 0

25 -1,200 X 1 + 800 X 2 = 0
X 2 [tons/hr]


15 Feasible Design Space

-1,200X 1 + 800 X 2 < 0

0 5 10 15 20 25

X 1 [tons/hr]

Figure 4.6. Limit on sulfur oxides

The proportion of Coal A in the total mixture is
X1 /(X1 + X 2 ), and
The proportion of Coal B in the total mixture is
X2 /(X1 + X 2 ).
Now the constraint on the sulfur oxides emission level is equal to
the weighted average of the individual levels, i.e.,
1,800X1 /(X1 + X 2 ) + 3,800X2 /(X1 + X2 ) ≤ 3,000 [ppm]
The preceding can be rewritten as:
4.4. Linear Single Objective Optimization 189

-1,200X1 + 800X2 ≤ 0 [NMU]

The second form of the constraint though algebraically simpler than
the first has no meaningful units (NMU). The second form is more
convenient to use from a computational standpoint. Since the second
form has no meaningful units associated with it, it will not be possible
to gain much meaningful insight through post-solution analysis. Since
the first form has meaningful units, it is preferred over the second
form for the post-solution analysis.

15 Smoke Constraint

Infeasible Design Space

0.5X 1 + X 2 > 12

0.5 X 1 + X 2 = 12
X 2 [tons/hr]

Feasible Design Space
0.5 X 1 + X 2 < 12

0 5 10 15 20 25
X 1 [tons/hr]

Figure 4.7. Smoke constraint

4 The limit on particulate (smoke) emission

According to the information given, each ton of Coal A produces
0.5 kg of smoke and each ton of Coal B, 1 kg of smoke. The amount
of smoke that can be emitted per hour is limited to 12 kg. Therefore,
this constraint is stated as:
0.5X1 + X 2 ≤ 12 [kg/hr]
This constraint is shown in Figure 4.7
5 The lower bounds on the system variables
190 4 Compromise

Nothing is mentioned explicitly in the problem statement about

lower bounds. Since this problem deals with physical quantities and
they are always nonnegative, the lower bounds on the system variables
are stated as follows:
X1 ≥ 0 [tons/hr]
X2 ≥ 0 [tons/hr]
6 The upper bounds on the system variables
The upper bounds on the system variables are explicitly stated in
the problem statement and these are as follows:
X1 ≤ 25 [tons/hr]
X2 ≤ 25 [tons/hr]
The objective (deviation) function. The objective (see Figure 4.8) is
to maximize the electricity produced at the plant. Since electricity is
produced by using steam to drive the turbines, there is a direct
relationship between the amount of electricity that is produced and the
amount of steam that is produced in a specified length of time. What
is the amount of steam produced for any arbitrary combination of
coal used in any hour?
Coal Steam (lbs/ton) Fuel used (tons/hr) Steam (lbs/hr)
A 24,000 X1 24,000X1
B 20,000 X2 20,000X2
The total amount of steam (lbs/hr) = 24,000X1 + 20,000X2 . The
objective function therefore is,
Z = 24,000X1 + 20,000X2 [lbs/hr]
4.4. Linear Single Objective Optimization 191

35 Objective Function

Maximize Z = 24,000 X 1 + 20,000 X 2 [lbs / hr]

Z = 240,000

25 Z = 360,000

Z = 480,000
X 2 [tons / hr]

Z = 600,000


10 Direction of
Increasing Z

0 5 10 15 20 25 30

X 1 [tons / hr]

Figure 4.8. The objective function

4.4.3 Case A: The Mathematical Form of the Word

As stated in the word problem.
System variables
X1 - the rate of consumption of Coal A [tons/hr]
X2 - the rate of consumption of Coal B [tons/hr]
System Constraints
1. Conveyer capacity
X1 + X 2 ≤ 20 [tons/hr]
2. Pulverizer capacity
192 4 Compromise

X1 /16 + X 2 /24 ≤ 1 [tons/hr]

1.5X1 + X 2 ≤ 24 [tons/day]
3. Sulfur oxides emission
1,800X1 /(X1 + X 2 ) + 3,800X2 /(X1 + X 2 ) ≤ 3,000
-1,200X1 + 800X2 ≤ 0 [NMU]
4. Smoke emission
0.5X1 + X 2 ≤ 12 [kg/hr]
Bounds on system variables
5. Lower bounds on system variables
X1 ≥ 0 [tons/hr]
X2 ≥ 0 [tons/hr]
6. Upper bounds on system variables
X1 ≤ 25 [tons/hr]
X2 ≤ 25 [tons/hr]
7. The rate of steam produced
Z = 24,000X1 + 20,000X2 [lbs/hr]
= 24 X 1 + 20 X2 [1000 lbs/hr]

4.4.4 Case A: The Graphical Solution

The set of all combinations of the system variables that satisfy all
constraints and bounds simultaneously is called the set of feasible
solutions and the space consisting of the feasible solutions is called the
feasible design space. This is shown in Figure 4.9. A solution that
results in the violation of any of the constraints or bounds is called an
infeasible solution. A constraint or bound that does not border the
feasible design space is called a redundant constraint or bound. In this
example, the upper bounds and the conveyer constraint are
4.4. Linear Single Objective Optimization 193

Two Coal Problem Case A

Feasible Design Space (F.D.S)


X 2 [tons/hr]


10 Oxides
5 Upper
F.D.S. Bounds

0 5 10 15 20 25
X 1 [tons/hr]

Figure 4.9. Case A feasible design space

The graphical solution is shown in Figure 4.10. Pay particular

attention to the following:
❑ The independent system variables are the axes of the design
❑ The system constraints and bounds form the feasible design
❑ The direction of feasibility is indicated, with arrows, on each
constraint and bound. Experience has shown that many errors
are avoided if students do not omit this simple step.
❑ The constraints and bounds are labelled in a way that makes it
easy to refer back to the word problem and its mathematical
form. A one-to-one correspondence should exist between the
word problem, its mathematical form and the graphical solution.
Experience has shown that the errors made by students are fewer
if this is checked as a matter of course.
❑ The best solution for the model, at which the objective has the
highest value (when maximizing), is at a vertex of the feasible
design space.
❑ The solution to the problem consists of not just the values of the
system variables and the objective function but also the active
194 4 Compromise

and inactive constraints, etc. The solution is shown on the graph

and a recommendation is made, as required, to management.


7. Objective
16 24X 1 + 20X 2

1. Conveyor
X 2 [tons / hr]

3. Sulfur
D 4. Smoke

2. Pulverizer
• C

0 • A • B
0 4 8 12 16 20
X 1 [tons / hr]

Case A Solution Solution Vertex C

X 1 = 12 [tons / hr]
X 2 = 6 [tons / hr]

Active Constraints Inactive Constraints

2. Pulverizer 1. Conveyor
4. Smoke 2. Sulfur Oxides

Figure 4.10. Case A solution

4.4.5 Case A: Recommendation3

If 12 tons of Coal A and 6 tons of Coal B are burnt per hour, 408,000
lbs of steam will be generated per hour. This will result in the
maximum amount of electricity being produced with all the
constraints and bounds being satisfied.
The best solution for the model occurs at vertex C in Figure 4.10.
At vertex C the smoke constraint, constraint 4, and the pulverizer

3 Be sure to put recommendation in context of assumptions.

4.4. Linear Single Objective Optimization 195

constraint, constraint 2, are active. The maximum amount of

particulates that can be emitted into the air are being emitted and there
is no reserve capacity for the pulverizer.

4.4.6 Case A: Post-solution Analysis

Post-solution analysis deals with the “What is the impact on ... if ...”
questions. For example,
❑ What happens if there is a change in the coefficient of a variable
in the objective function?
❑ What happens if there is a change in the right hand side of a
❑ What is the impact on the solution of adding a variable, i.e.,
another type of coal?
❑ What happens if one of the coefficients on the left hand side of
a constraint changes?
The first three will be answered in this section.

Slack and surplus variables. For any feasible solution, the difference
between the left hand side and the right hand side of the constraint is
called the amount of slack (for ≤ inequalities) or surplus (for ≥
inequalities). In system constraints, this difference is represented by
the inclusion of slack or surplus variables. For Case A, after the
introduction of the slack and surplus variables, the mathematical form
is as follows (note the form used for constraint 3):
X1 , X 2 , S 1 , S 2 , S 3 , S 4 , S 5 , S 6 , S 7 , S 8

1. X1 + X 2 + S1 = 20 [tons/hr]
2. 1.5 X1 + X 2 + S 2 = 24 [hours]
3. 1,800 X1 /(X1 +X2 ) + 3,800X2 /(X1 + X 2 ) + S3 =
3,000 [ppm]
4. 0.5 X1 + X 2 + S4 = 12 [kg/hr]
5. X1 - S5 = 0 [tons/hr]
6. X2 - S6 = 0 [tons/hr]
7. X1 + S7 = 25 [tons/hr]
196 4 Compromise

8. X2 + S8 = 25 [tons/hr]
Z = 24 X 1 + 20 X2 [1,000 lbs/hr]
Slack and surplus variables represent unused resource or capacity. If
either the slack or surplus variable is zero for a particular constraint,
then that constraint is active. If the slack or surplus variable for a
constraint is nonzero, then the corresponding constraint is inactive.
For Case A, with X1 = 12 and X 2 = 6 tons/hour the slacks and surplus
variables are4 :
Conveyer S1 = 2 [tons/hr] Inactive
Pulverizer S2 = 0 [hours] Active
Sulfur S3 = 533.33 [ppm] Inactive
Smoke S4 = 0 [tons/hr] Active
The nonzero slacks indicate the amount of reserve capacity or
resources. For Case A, the amount of reserve conveyer capacity is 2
tons per hour and the additional amount of sulfur oxides that can be
emitted into the atmosphere without penalty is 533 parts per million.

Change in the slope of the objective function. What happens if the

values of the coefficients of the objective function change? Assume
that the thermal value of Coal A is 32,000 pounds of steam per ton.
The objective function changes to
Z = 32 X 1 + 20 X2 [1000 lbs/hr].

4 Aside: Be sure that you know how to obtain these numbers.

4.4. Linear Single Objective Optimization 197

Z = 32X 1 + 20 X 2

Z = 24X 1 + 20X 2
X 2 [tons / hr]

New Objective
4. Smoke 1. Conveyor
3. Sulfur
10 D

2. Pulverizer


0 •A • B
0 4 8 12 16 20
X 1 [tons / hr]

Change in Slope of Objective Function

Figure 4.11. Change in slope of objective function

The change in the coefficient changes the slope of the objective

function and if this slope is sufficiently large the solution will move to
another vertex, Figure 4.11. This will alter the values of the system
variables, the objective function and the slack and surplus variables. In
Case A, the solution moves to vertex B. Ranging or parametric analy-
sis of the objective function is the answer to the following question:
By how much can we change the coefficient of the objective function
and still keep the same solution? Ranging involves identifying the
range of change of a coefficient for which the solution remains the
same. For example, if C1 is the coefficient of X1 , then the solution will
be at vertex C or include vertex C as long as C1 satisfies the following5
10 ≤ C 1 ≤ 30.

5 Aside: You should verify this graphically and determine the range of
variation of C2 , the coefficient of X2 , for which the solution involves
vertex C. In engineering it is preferable that the new solution point is close
to the old one. Why?
198 4 Compromise

Change in the right hand side value of a constraint. Suppose, the

management is contemplating the installation of emission control
equipment that would reduce smoke emission from the smoke stack
by 25 percent. This would allow legal emission standards to be met by
“uncontrolled” emission of smoke at the furnace of up to 15 kg/hr.
How much would this be worth per hour in terms of steam output?
Assume, for the present, that the limit on particulate emission is
raised by 1 kg/hr. In this case the right hand side of the smoke
constraint goes from 12 to 13 and the smoke constraint becomes:
0.5X1 + X2 ≤ 13.
As seen from Figure 4.12, the solution moves from vertex C to
vertex C'. The net change in the amount of steam produced is
calculated as follows:
Old Solution New Solution Difference Change in Z
Point C Point C'
X1 = 12 X1 = 11 -1 ( -1) 24
X2 = 6 X2 = 7.5 +1.5 (1.5) 20
Net change in Z 6

The new value of the objective function is (408 + 6), i.e., 414. So,
414,000 lbs of steam is generated per hour. This change in value of
the objective for a unit change in the value of the right hand side is
called imputed value, opportunity cost, shadow price, dual price or
dual variable6 .

6 Warning: The first four quantities are equivalent. There is, however, a subtle
difference between dual prices and dual variables.
4.4. Linear Single Objective Optimization 199

Change in Right Hand Side Of Smoke Constraint


1. Conveyor

4. Smoke17

4. Smoke12
4. Smoke16
X 2 [tons / hr]

4. Smoke15
C" •
10 4. Smoke14
4. Smoke13
• C'
5 C•
2. Pulverizer
3. Sulfur Oxides
0 • •
0 5 10 15 20 25
X 1 [tons / hr]

Figure 4.12. Change in right hand side coefficient

As the right hand side of the smoke constraint is further relaxed to

14, 15, etc., the value of the objective function continues to increase
until a maximum steam production of 432,000 lbs. of steam per hour
is reached at a right hand side value of 16. Further increase in the
right hand side coefficient of the constraint has no impact on the
value of the objective function since smoke constraint becomes
inactive and the conveyer and sulfur constraints become active. The
pulverizer constraint continues to remain active. At C", the imputed
value for relaxing the smoke constraint goes to zero. The imputed
value for tightening the smoke constraint is -6.

Slacks, imputed values and insight. The imputed value for an active
constraint is nonzero. For an inactive constraint it is zero and
therefore the impact of the constraint on the objective, after a change
in its right hand side, will remain zero. Therefore, it is adequate to
compute the imputed values for the active constraints. These values
provide insight into the stability of the solution from the standpoint of
the active constraints. The slack or surplus variable is zero for an
active constraint and nonzero for an inactive constraint. The nonzero
200 4 Compromise

slacks provide insight into the stability of the solution from the stand-
point of the inactive constraints. For Case A, the information used to
understand the stability of the solution is as follows:
Constraint Slack/Surplus Imputed Value Constraint Status
Conveyer 2 0 Inactive
Pulverizer 0 14 Active7
Sulfur 533.33 0 Inactive
Smoke 0 6 Active
A constraint is said to be tightened if by changing the right hand
side value of the constraint, the feasible design space is reduced. A
constraint is said to be relaxed if changing the right hand side value
increases the size of the feasible design space. With this by way of
definition, what if it becomes necessary to reduce the design space
(say because of maintenance of equipment), which constraint should
be tightened? If on the other hand it is possible to increase the size of
the feasible design space by investing in some equipment, which
constraint should be relaxed?
The addition of another system variable.
Problem Statement: Plant management is evaluating the possible use
of a third type of coal, Coal C. This coal has the following properties:
Pulverizer 1/20 hour pulverizer time/ton
Sulfur oxide emission rate 2,000 ppm
Smoke emission rate 0.8 kg/ton
Equivalent thermal value 21,000 lbs/ton.
The questions are:
❑ Should this coal be used? If no,
❑ What should be the properties of a coal that is likely to be
The mathematical form for the Three Coal Problem follows.
System Variables
X1 - the rate of consumption of Coal A [tons/hr]
X2 - the rate of consumption of Coal B [tons/hr]
X3 - the rate of consumption of Coal C [tons/hr]

7 Aside: Can you compute this value?

4.4. Linear Single Objective Optimization 201

System Constraints
1. Conveyer capacity
X1 + X2 + X3 ≤ 20 [tons/hr]
2. Pulverizer capacity
1.5 X1 + X2 + 1.2 X3 ≤ 24 [hours]
3. Sulfur oxides emission
-1,200 X1 + 800 X2 - 1000 X3 ≤ 0 [NMU]
4. Smoke emission
0.5 X1 + X2 + 0.8 X3 ≤ 12 [kg/hr]
Bounds on System Variables
5. Lower bounds on system variables
X1 ≥ 0 [tons/hr]
X2 ≥ 0 [tons/hr]
X3 ≥ 0 [tons/hr]
6. Upper bounds on system variables
X1 ≤ 25 [tons/hr]
X2 ≤ 25 [tons/hr]
X3 ≤ 25 [tons/hr]
7. The rate of steam produced
Z = 24 X 1 + 20 X2 + 21 X3 [1000 lbs/hr]
The preceding can be solved by starting afresh or by using the
imputed values from the Two Coal Problem solution, Case A.
Let us assume (arbitrarily) that 1 ton of Coal C is burnt per hour.
This has the same effect of reducing the right hand sides of the system
constraints as follows:
1. Conveyer capacity
X1 + X2 ≤ 20 - 1 [tons/hr]
2. Pulverizer capacity
202 4 Compromise

1.5 X1 + X2 ≤ 24 - 1.2 [hours]

3. Sulfur oxides emission
-1,200 X1 + 800 X 2 ≤ 0 + 1000 [NMU]
4. Smoke emission
0.5 X1 + X2 ≤ 12 - 0.8 [kg/hr]
The change in the value of the objective function on using 1 unit
of Coal C is computed as follows:
4.4. Linear Single Objective Optimization 203

Constraint Imputed value Change in RHS Change in Z

1. Conveyer 0 -1 0
2. Pulverizer 14 -1.2 -16.8
3. Sulfur 0 1,000 0
4. Smoke 6 -0.8 - 4.8
Total change in steam output -21.6
Steam produced by 1 unit of Coal C 21.0
Net change in steam output [1000 lbs/hr]-0.6
Since the steam output decreases, Coal C is not competitive and
should not be used. For Coal C to be competitive its thermal value
should be greater than 21,600 lbs/hr.8

4.4.7 Case B: Formulation and Graphical Solution

The mathematical form of Case B is identical to that of Case A. In
Case B, however, the lower bounds on the system variables are
X1 ≥ 5 [tons/hr]
X2 ≥ 5 [tons/hr]
The solution space, for Case B, is shown in Figure 4.13. Because of
the nonzero lower bounds in Case B, the feasible design space in
Figure 4.13 is smaller than the feasible design space for Case A in
Figure 4.11. The best solution occurs at vertex C and is the same as
that for Case A. The active constraints are also the same in both cases.
Why then are the two cases being presented?
The reason is principally pedagogical. Case A is used to illustrate
the method of formulating a linear single objective optimization
problem so that the pivoting operations required for solving the
problem using the pre-multiplication technique are possible. For Case
B, it is assumed that a person knows how to pivot, the formulation is
extended so that the pre-multiplication technique can be used to solve
any linear single objective optimization problem.

8 Aside: Can you identify two other conditions under which coal C would be
204 4 Compromise


7. Objective
1. Conveyor
X 2 [tons / hr]

3. Sulfur
D 4. Smoke

8 E
• 2. Pulverizer
• C
•A •
4 B

0 • A0 •B • C0
0 4 8 12 16 20
X 1 [tons / hr]

Case B Solution Optimum Vertex C

X 1 = 12 [tons / hr]
X 2 = 6 [tons / hr]

Active Constraints Inactive Constraints

2. Pulverizer 1. Conveyor
4. Smoke 2. Sulfur Oxides

Figure 4.13. Case B solution

4.5 The Single Goal Compromise Decision

Support Problem
In this section, the single objective optimization problem is
reformulated and solved as a single goal compromise DSP. It will be
shown that single objective optimization problems that call for the
minimization or the maximization of an objective can be reformulated
and solved as single goal compromise DSP.
4.5. The Single Goal Compromise DSP 205

4.5.1 General Formulation

The linear optimization problem can be rewritten as a single goal
compromise DSP. A target value is first assigned to the objective
which can then be written as a goal. Then depending on the objective
the appropriate deviation variable is included in the minimizing
deviation function.
The Independent System Variables
X1 , X2
The Deviation Variables
d -, d +
System Constraints
a11 X1 + a12 X2 ≤ b1
a21 X1 + a 22 X2 ≤ b2
a31 X1 + a32 X2 ≥ b3
System Goal (Normalized)
(c 1 /T)X1 - (c2 /T)X2 + d- - d+ = 1
(T = Target value)
Bounds on System Variables
X1 ≥ X1 min

X2 ≥ X2 min

X1 ≤ X1 max

X2 ≤ X2 max
The Deviation Function
Z = d - + d + or d- or d+.
The formulation here is different from the single objective case in
that it includes deviation variables and a system goal. Also the
“objective” here is in terms of the deviation variables only. The
target value T has to be set to an appropriate value.
206 4 Compromise

4.5.2 Case C: The Word Problem

Same as in Section for Case A.
Target value, T, of steam to be produced [lbs/hr]
The maximization of the rate of electricity produced is
equivalent to the maximization of the rate of steam
Independent System Variables
The rate of consumption of Coal A: X1 [tons/hr]
The rate of consumption of Coal B: X2 [tons/hr]
Deviations from the target amount of steam to be produced
d - underachievement of the rate of steam production [-]
d + overachievement of the rate of steam production [-]
System Constraints
1. The capacity constraint on the conveyer unit.
2. The capacity constraint on the pulverizer unit.
3. The emission of sulfur oxides is limited.
4. The emission of particulates (smoke) is limited.
System Goal
5. It is desirable to achieve the target value of steam, T, to be
4.5. The Single Goal Compromise DSP 207

Bounds on the System Variables

6. The system variables should not be less than a specified
7. The system variables should not exceed a specified upper
Underachievement of the steam production target, d- .

4.5.3 Case C: The Mathematical Form of the Word

As stated in the word problem.
T = 432,000 lbs/hr
System Variables
X1 - the rate of consumption of Coal A [tons/hr]
X2 - the rate of consumption of Coal B [tons/hr]
Deviations from the Target Amount of Steam to be Produced
d - underachievement of the rate of steam production [-]
d + overachievement of the rate of steam production [-]
System Constraints
1 Conveyer capacity
X1 + X2 ≤ 20 [tons/hr]
2 Pulverizer capacity
1.5X1 + X2 ≤ 24 [hours]
3 Sulfur oxides emission
-1200X 1 + 800X2 ≤ 0 [NMU]
4 Smoke emission
0.5X1 + X2 ≤ 12 [kg/hr]
208 4 Compromise

System Goal
5 Steam generation
(24,000/T) X1 + (20,000/T) X2 + d - - d+ = 1 [-]
Bounds on System Variables
6 X1 ≥ 0, X2 ≥ 0 [tons/hr]
7 X1 ≤ 25, X2 ≤ 25 [tons/hr]
8 The deviation from the target rate of steam production, T.
Z = d- [-]

4.5.4 Case C: Graphical Solution

The solution space is shown in Figure 4.14. The following points are
pertinent to the solution:
❑ The compromise solution is at point C in the figure.
❑ The rate of consumption of Coal A (X1 ) is 12 tons/hour.
❑ The rate of consumption of Coal B (X2 ) is 6 tons/hour.
❑ The pulverizer constraint, constraint 2, and the particulate
emission constraint, constraint 4, are active.
❑ The slack capacity of the conveyer constraint (S1 ) is 2
❑ The slack in the sulfur oxides emission limit is (S3 ) 533.33
❑ The target amount of steam cannot be generated without
violating at least one of the other constraints. The shortfall of
steam generated, d-, is 24,000 lbs/hour. Therefore, only
408,000 lbs of steam can be generated without violating any
of the constraints.
4.5. The Single Goal Compromise DSP 209

Pulverizer Capacity Constraint

Steam Generation System Bounds

20 Goal
Sulfur Oxides
X 2 [tons / hour]

• Constraint
Conveyor Capacity Constraint
10 D

Smoke Emission

5 C

Feasible Design Space

0 •
0 5 10 15 20 25

X 1 [tons / hour]

Figure 4.14. Case C design space

4.6 The Linear, Multigoal Compromise Decision

Support Problem

4.6.1 General Formulation of the Linear, Multigoal

Compromise DSP
Same as in Section 4.5.1
The maximization of the rate of electricity produced is
equivalent to the maximization of the rate of steam
210 4 Compromise

Independent System Variables
The rate of consumption of Coal A: X1 [tons/hr]
The rate of consumption of Coal B: X2 [tons/hr]
Deviations from the rate of sulfur oxides emission
d 1 - surplus capacity to emit sulfur oxides without penalty [-]

d 1 + sulfur oxides emitted over specified limit [-]

Deviations from rate of smoke emission
d 2 - surplus capacity to emit smoke without penalty [-]

d 2 + smoke emitted over limit [-]

Deviations from the target amount of steam to be produced
d 3 - underachievement of the rate of steam production [-]

d 3 + overachievement of the rate of steam production [-]

System Constraints
1. The capacity constraint on the conveyer unit.
2. The capacity constraint on the pulverizer unit.
System Goals
3. The emission of sulfur oxides is limited.
4. The emission of particulates (smoke) is limited.
5. It is desirable to achieve the target value of steam, T, to be
Bounds on the System Variables
6. The system variables should be greater than the specified
lower limit.
7. The system variables should not exceed a specified upper
4.6. The Linear Multigoal Comrpomise DSP 211

8. A function of the deviation variables. All goals have the same

4.6.2 Case D: The Mathematical Form of the Word

The derivation of all the constraints and the goals in the mathematical
formulation has been covered in Section 4.5. Of special interest is the
adjustment of the coefficients of constraint 3 to ensure that the
deviation variables of all goals vary within the same range. The
constraint was divided by 10 to make the coefficients on its left hand
side of the same order as in the other system goals.
System Variables
X1 - the rate of consumption of Coal A [tons/hour]
X2 - the rate of consumption of Coal B [tons/hour]
Deviations from the Target Rate of Sulfur Oxides Emission
d 1 - surplus capacity to emit sulfur oxides without penalty [-]

d 1 + sulfur oxides emitted above limit [-]

Deviations from the Target Rate of Smoke Emission (normalized)
d 2 - surplus capacity to emit smoke without penalty [-]

d 2 + smoke emitted above limit [-]

Deviations from the Target amount of steam to be generated
d 3 - underachievement of the rate of steam production [-]

d 3 + overachievement of the rate of steam production [-]

212 4 Compromise

System Constraints
1. Conveyer capacity
X1 + X2 ≤ 20
2. Pulverizer capacity
1.5X1 + X2 ≤ 24 [hours]
System Goals
3. Sulfur oxides emission
-0.1X1 + 0.0667X2 + d1 - - d 1 + = 0 [-]
4. Smoke emission
(0.5/12)X1 + (1/12)X2 + d2 - - d 2 + = 1 [-]
0.0417X 1 + 0.0833X2 + d2 - - d 2 + = 1
5. Steam generation (Target value, T = 432,000)
(24,000/T) X1 + (20,000/T) X2 + d 3 - - d 3 + = 1 [-]
0.0556X 1 + 0.0463X2 + d3 - - d 3 + = 1
Bounds on System Variables
6. X1 ≥ 0, X2 ≥ 0 [tons/hour]
7. X1 ≤ 25, X2 ≤ 25 [tons/hour]
8. The deviation function

Z = W 1 d 1+ + W2 d 2 + + W3 d 3 - [-]
where W1 + W2 + W3 = 1 and W1 = W2 = W3 = W.
The value of W = 0.33 is used in this case.
4.6. The Linear Multigoal Comrpomise DSP 213

4.6.3 Case D: Graphical Solution

The design space for Case D is shown in Figure 4.15. The feasible
design space has been identified. In this case the solution lies at point
P on the boundary of the feasible design space. The solution is the
same as the one obtained in Cases A, B and D. The smoke emission
goal is exactly satisfied at this point. The sulfur oxide emission and
steam generation target values are underachieved. Note that because
of fewer system constraints the feasible design space is larger.

Conveyor Capacity Constraint
D Steam Generation Goal System Bounds

X 2 [tons / hour]

d3- Sulfur Oxides Emission Goal
Pulverizer Capacity Constraint
10 d2+
Smoke Emission Goal
d2- P

Feasible Design Space

0 5 10 15 20 25
X 1 [tons / hour]

Figure 4.15. Case D solution space

214 4 Compromise

4.7 The Nonlinear, Multigoal Compromise

Decision Support Problem

4.7.1 Case E: Mathematical Formulation

The modification to the story introduces a new, nonlinear, constraint
in the original formulation. The constraint deals with the upper limit
on the stockpiling costs.
It reads:
3X 1 (X 1 - 10) + 4X2 (X 2 - 5) ≤ 30 ($/hour)
The mathematical formulation for the nonlinear problem is given
next. An additional system constraint is added and the lower bounds
on the system variables are taken as zero.

Same as for Cases A and B.
The penalties (gains) from stockpiling coal above (below) the
desired limits. A maximum stockpiling cost of $30/hour.
The maximization of the rate of electricity produced is
equivalent to the maximization of the rate of steam generated.

System Variables
X1 The rate of consumption of Coal A [tons/hour]
X2 The rate of consumption of Coal B [tons/hour]
Deviations from the target rate of sulfur oxides emission
d1- Surplus capacity to emit sulfur oxides without penalty [-]

d 1 + Sulfur oxides emitted above limit [-]

Deviations from the target rate of smoke emission (normalized)
d2- Surplus capacity to emit smoke without penalty [-]
4.7. The Nonlinear, Multigoal Compromise DSP 215

d 2 + Smoke emitted above limit [-]

Deviations from the target amount of steam to be generated
d3- underachievement of the rate of steam production [-]

d 3 + overachievement of the rate of steam production [-]

System Constraints
1. Conveyor capacity
X1 + X2 ≤ 20 [tons/hour]
2. Pulverizer capacity
1.5 X1 + X2 ≤ 24 [hours]
3. Stockpiling cost
3 X 1 (X 1 - 10) + 4 X2 (X 2 - 5) ≤ 30 [$/hour]
System Goals
4. Sulfur oxides emission
-0.1X1 + 0.0667X2 + d1 - - d 1 + = 0 [-]
5 Smoke emission

0.0417X 1 + 0.0833X2 + d2 - - d 2 + = 1 [-]

6. Steam generation
0.0556X 1 + 0.0463X2 + d3 - - d 3 + = 1 [-]
Bounds on system variables
7. X1 ≥ 0, X2 ≥ 0 [tons/hour]
8. X1 ≤ 25, X2 ≤ 25 [tons/hour]
The deviation function
Z = W1 d 1 + + W2 d 2 + + W3 d 3 - [-]
W1 + W2 + W3 = 1 and W1 = W2 = W3 = W ( = 0.33)
216 4 Compromise

4.7.2 Case E: Graphical Solution

The design space for this problem is shown in Figure 4.16. The
feasible design space is shown by hatched lines. The new constraint,
constraint 3, is also shown. The graphical solution is obtained by
linearizing constraint 3. The method for linearizing equations is
described in greater detail in Volume 2.

Step 1
Rewrite constraint as f(X) ≥ 0
f(X) = 30 - 3X 1 (X 1 - 10) - 4X2 (X 2 - 5) ≥ 0
Step 2
Choose an initial starting point, Xo
Xo = { X o = 0, X o = 0 }
1 2
Step 3
Evaluate the following coefficients at Xo
A = f(X) = 30
B1 = ∂f(X)/∂X1 x 0 = 30
| B2 = ∂f(X)/∂X2 x 0 = 20
C1 = ∂2 f(X)/∂X1 2 x 0 = -6
| C2 = ∂f(X)/∂X2 2 | x 0 = -8

Step 4
Evaluate secant plane derivatives
a1 = (AC1 /B1 )/(1 - (1-2AC1 /B1 2 ) 0.5 ) = 32.748
a2 = (AC2 /B2 )/(1 - (1-2AC2 /B2 2 ) 0.5 ) = 24.832
Step 5.
This step is skipped because the roots are real.
Step 6.
Evaluate the right hand side of the linearized constraint.
b = a X o + a X o - A = -30
1 1 2 2
4.7. The Nonlinear, Multigoal Compromise DSP 217

Conveyor Capacity Constraint d1+
• d1- Bound 7
Steam Generation Goal
Bound 8

Sulfur Oxides Emission Goal

X 2 [tons / hour]

15 d3+
• Pulverizer Capacity Constraint
d2+ d3-
10 • Stcckpiling Cost
•C' Goal 5

• Linearized
C" • Constraint
Feasible Design

0 5 10 15 20 25

X 1 [tons / hour]

Figure 4.16. Case E design space

Step 7
Establish the linearized constraint
a 1 X1 + a 2 X2 ≥ b
32.748 X 1 + 24.832 X2 ≥ -30
This constraint when plotted in the design space makes the entire
first quadrant of the design space feasible and therefore is
Step 2
Choose C, Figure 4.16, as the next initial point.
Xo = { X = 12, X = 6 } 1 2
Step 3
Evaluate the following coefficients.
A = -66
B1 = -42 B2 = -28
218 4 Compromise

C1 = -6 C2 = -8
Step 4
Evaluate the secant plane derivatives.
a1 = -36.588
a2 = -18.857/(1- (-0.3469) 0.5 )
Step 5
Are a 1 and a2 real?
a2 is imaginary
Set a2 = B 2 = -28
Step 6
Evaluate the right hand side of the linearized constraint. Hence,
b = -541.06
Step 7
Establish the linearized constraint, viz.,
-36.588 X 1 - 28 X2 ≥ -541.06 or
36.588 X 1 + 28 X2 ≤ 541.06
This constraint is plotted, line 3', in Figure 4.16. As determined by
the set of linearized constraints, the optimum is found to be at C' =
{X1 = 9.08, X2 = 7.46}. However, this solution is approximate. It is in
the vicinity of the optimum. To obtain a more accurate solution, a new
starting point needs to be chosen and steps 1 through 8 repeated to
obtain solutions close to the actual optimal. Point C'' {X1 = 10, X2 =
5.75} is determined to be the true optimum. The algorithm is
cumbersome when calculations are done by hand.
Vayun Capers

In this chapter, projects are presented that are suitable for use together
with the text. These projects include stories or fairy tales taking place on
an imaginary planet named Vayu. The fairy tales require students to
design, build, and test, under competition conditions, mechanisms that
(for the students) represent original design. This allows them to be
creative and to innovate in a manner that results in a working mecha-
nism. We have found these projects to be of immense value in providing
students the opportunity to learn through doing, and in the process gain
confidence in their ability to negotiate solutions to open problems.

5.1 Grading Scheme and Mindset

The chapters of this book have been concerned with the development of
a theory of decision making in design. The purpose of this chapter is to
introduce a complete set of design, build and test projects suitable for use
in a design course that uses the Decision Support Problem Technique.
These projects have all been used in the first mechanical design course,
in the fourth semester of a sixteen semester program at the University of
Houston. Each class is divided into groups of three to four students. (The
students were allowed to pick their own groups. It is felt by the authors
that this often teaches the object lesson, "Your best friend is not
necessarily your best choice as a partner.") The student groups are then
placed in the role of design consultants or other design professionals, and
set loose to realize a design for the specification they have been given.
The academic organization of the class is based on the need to teach
design synthesis alongside analysis in design. The grading scheme is as

260 5. Vayun Capers

Synthesis 60%
Project 60%
Quality of construction (group) 20%
Creativity of design (group) 20%
Performance (group) 50%
Critical Evaluation (individual) 10%
Take-home Exams 40%
Selection (individual) 20%
Compromise (individual) 20%
Analysis 40%
Mid-term exam or mini-project
Final exam
At the University of Houston, design analysis issues from strength of
materials are taught. However, for programs at other institutions,
different analysis-oriented material may be appropriate. e.g., kinematics,
fluid dynamics, control. The engineering analysis required for these
projects is sometimes more advanced than what a sophomore engineer
knows; however, it has been found that this gives the student a greater
appreciation of the disciplines they encounter down the road.
The projects in this chapter have been included to provide a potential
instructor with ready-made problems that have been used in the past with
the DSP Technique as the principal design method. As importantly, the
projects are here to give the student a sense of what other students have
been able to achieve with the DSP Technique. In addition to examples
presented previously, the projects demonstrate the types of system design
problems that have been attacked and solved by other students.
Our mindset in creating projects has been to encourage, where
possible, a design consultant role-playing activity. The design groups
report weekly to a project coordinator, who is
5.1. Grading Scheme and Mindset 261

Figure 5.1. Map of Vayu, circa 550 S.E.

responsible for oversight of the project. However, the coordinator keeps a

loose rein on the design groups, only stepping in when there is danger of
the group falling completely apart. The creation of a new design project
is done every semester. In this way, the design groups are always put in
the role of having to deal with new designs. (This is also why no pictures
of the projects designed by our students have been included in this
chapter. Anyone involved in these designs will thus be working from a
clean slate.) Other stipulations are: that there should be a minimum of
control over what the student groups create; and that there is a minimum
of work necessary to set up a test course for the project so that the
262 5. Vayun Capers

students can work and test anywhere. The projects should also have a
certain amount of drama involved, so that the local media are interested
in the proceedings. This further reinforces the design consultant role in
terms of dealing with the public and press.
The projects in this chapter have been presented in historical order,
following the history presented in Section 5.2. However, the projects also
follow other groupings base on the major analysis and synthesis issues
involved. For instance, projects OLDTEK, Section 5.3.4, and ARM,
Section 5.3.8, emphasize the need for a close study of ergonomics, since
there is an important man-machine interface involved. Projects RAT,
Section 5.3.3, and BUG, Section 5.3.5, emphasize kinematics. POP,
Section 5.3.2, and WindBAG, Section 5.3.10, both require considerable
thought in terms of systems. RSVP, Section 5.3.7, and SHARK, Section
5.3 11, both require some analysis of the control issues involved.

5.2 A Breif History of Vayu

The planet Vayu is a fictional construct upon which the stories for the
projects have been based. Fictional stories are made use of to provide a
setting, a need and peripheral information that may or may not have a
bearing on the project. This setting challenges the student groups more,
since they encounter an open problem, a problem whose solution requires
new ideas and new techniques. This fairy tale approach helps to simulate
design problems the student will face in the future, where it may be as
important to know the background of the specifications, as it is to know
the design specification itself. Without further ado, the planet Vayu, its
people and its history are presented.
The planet Vayu is an Earth-type planet, the third planet orbiting
Chara, a yellow star about 30 light years from the Earth's sun. Vayu has a
60% hydrograph, Earth-like gravity, atmosphere and temperature and is
blessed with extremely rich resources. The planet consists of two major
continents, one in the northern hemisphere and one in the southern. The
northern hemisphere contains large virgin forests and considerable
amounts of arable land. Most of the mineral resources, including iron,
aluminum, titanium and radioactives, are found in the southern continent.
Vayu also has three moons, two of which are also resource rich. A map
of Vayu, in its technological
heyday, is depicted in Figure 5.1. A timeline, with some of the more
important events is shown in Figure 5.2.
The planet was colonized by Earthers, in the second wave of
expansion of the Galactic Confederation of Planets, in the year 426 S.E.
5.2. A Breif History of Vayu 263

(S.E. denotes Space Expansion, and represents the number of years from
the date the first colony ship left Earth.) Vayu was chosen for
colonization because of its Earth-like characteristics and its extremely
rich resources, which would allow it to become self-sustaining, rapidly.
Because of the arable lands in the north, the colony was able to feed
itself, with very few imports. The existence of mineral resources meant
that the colony would be able to pay for its startup costs, quickly. At the
time of colonization, technology was very advanced and this, along with
the existence of cash resources for heavy industry, meant that society on
Vayu was based on and glorified technology. There were artists and
farmers among the colonists, but they were among the minority. The
colony was able to pay its way early on, with mining and heavy industry,
and soon earned a spot among the more advanced worlds in the galaxy.
As Vayu emerged as a technological focal point for its end of the
galaxy, the planetary government evolved into a technocracy and leaders
of industry and science made the laws. Agricultural fed the people, but
did not bring in hard cash, and so the farmers were left to themselves on
the northern continent, while the technocrats exploited the southern
continent. During this time, arts suffered greatly. The society became
very aggressive, with talk of expansion and even world conquest for
more resources and breathing room. The powerful companies grew from
mining claims and industrial complexes into feudal corporate clans, as
shown in the map in Figure 5.1. Healthy economic competition began to
turn ugly. During this time, individuals that desired personal freedom
were only able to find it in the north. Many artists, individualists,
iconoclasts and others, huddled together in communes, growing their
own food and shunning the south and the ‘Hi-te’ way of life.
264 5. Vayun Capers



New Age

Timeline in years S.E. (Space Expansion Period)

Bosh nef Story
Re-entry into
RSVP Confederation

BUG Phoenix


RAT Corporate

POP Vayu gains



Figure 5.2. Timeline for Vayu from discovery onward

During the waning years of the sixth century S.E., the corporate clans
ceased looking off-world and fell to bickering among themselves. Each
clan wanted to take the leadership role, not only on Vayu, but in that arm
of the galaxy. The bickering gave way to vendettas and assassinations,
and finally to total war, each clan fielding its own army. Eventually, the
entire southern continent was devastated by the total war of the corporate
clans and their civilization was reduced to near barbarism. The only
5.2. A Breif History of Vayu 265

civilized settlements existed in the farming regions and art communes of

the north. The farmers, artists, and individualists slowly began to pick up
the pieces and thus were able to lead Vayu back from the brink of total
barbarism. However, this occurred at the expense of Vayu's industrial
might since there was a heavy backlash from the survivors against
anything Hi-tek. The planet Vayu withdrew from its position of power
within the galactic community, and became another quiet, backwater
A new society grew up on Vayu, the basis of which were gentlemen
farmers. There was also a vast increase in patronage of the arts. Almost
everyone practiced one art or the other, and if rich enough, supported one
or more artists choice. Due to the abundant farm land untouched by the
Corporate Clan Wars, Vayu could support itself on its own agricultural
produce. Some artists even gained interplanetary renown for their works,
and some of the spices and the wines produced from the best vineyards
were much sought after, around the galaxy. Vayu still had some cash
crops capable of balancing trade.
The new rulers of the mostly agrarian Vayu were the strongest
proponents of the pastoral way of life. They were also pragmatists, and
allowed some of the old technologies to be maintained, particularly
transportation and communication. Remnants of the technocracy were
called wrenches, and they and their children were placed in servitude to
the farmers. However, new inventions or developments were viewed
with distrust and discouraged, or even outlawed in some areas.
Another crisis point for Vayu occurred when the evil creature Phoenix
threatened the world, Section 5.3.5 The farmers were unable to deal with
Phoenix. They had imagination, but no technical skills. The wrenches
were unable to deal with the Phoenix, since imagination had been
discouraged among them for years. The savior of Vayu is Bosh nef
Storey - a farmer who saw the potential benefits of new and innovative
technology, as well as the kind of thinking that led to innovation and
creativity. He rallied the leaders and the people by helping them to
synthesize their ideas into a concept capable of defeating the Phoenix.
A new age arose with Bosh nef Storey leading the way. Technology
was no longer despised nor was it revered. A University was established
to produce more people like Bosh. Innovative and efficient students rose
to take places of power in planetary leadership. After a time, the
Confederation contacted Vayu to reestablish relations. Vayu
reestablished trade with the galaxy, selling among other things, radically
different agricultural products. To the surprise and delight of the
Confederation, Vayu had become a cornucopia of basic and exotic
foodstuffs. This was fortuitous for the Confederation, since many planets
266 5. Vayun Capers

could not provide enough food for their people, and food riots began to
break out. Vayu thus became a focal point again, this time as a
breadbasket. Further, being impressed with the way Vayu turned itself
around, the Confederation began to send students to the University of
Vayu. Vayu became a major learning center, patron of arts and focal
point of trade.

5.3 The Vayun Design Project Stories

The following projects are approximately in chrnological order in Vayun
history. Each project stresses the problems of dealing with systems,
creativity and innovation, and basic aspects of engineering analysis,
mechanics, aerodynamics, hydrostatics, etc. Further, in every project the
student group is presented with conflicting objectives. The authors feel
this is one of the most important aspects of creating a design project.
Each project is presented in story form first with the task, followed by
restrictions, conditions and performance rules. The projects are presented
in the chronology presented in Figure 5.2. The aim of these design
projects is to give the student the opportunity of taking a design beyond
the drawing board stage to see how the ideas work out in practice. Also,
in the preliminary stages of testing the mechanism, the student groups are
able to modify and develop the design to improve its performance. These
are extremely important stages in the learning process of the designer as
they help him or her to develop a feeling of what will or will not work in
practice. In addition to creativity and quality of construction, the
mechanism will be assessed on how well it will perform. The students
are expected to make every effort to come up with a working and
competitive mechanism.
All mechanisms should be submitted for assessment of design
creativity and quality of construction at a time set by the instructor. At
the same time a group log (“sanitized” progress reports) with a suitable
introduction that highlights aspects of the design and the method of
design must be submitted. The introduction must be no more than two
typewritten or three legible hand-written pages. In addition, a critical
evaluation of the design and the method of design must be submitted by
each student designer, 2 sheets maximum. The critical evaluation should
highlight what a student designer has learned about design process and
the insight he/she is able to provide as a result of this experience. A
penalty is levied for incomplete or late submissions. At this time the
student group will be expected to give a sales/technical presentation of
their design. To accompany the presentation, the students should prepare
5.3. The Vayun Design Project Stories 267

a sales brochure, and a specification sheet, to allow display of their

design There are general and project-specific restrictions and conditions
placed on all projects. The project-specific restrictions are given with
each project. The general restrictions and conditions follow.
1. The mechanism may be constructed of any type of material.
2. The mechanism must be constructed using materials and "off-the-
shelf" items found in average suburban hardware stores and
shopping malls. The use of any type or form of construction kit is
not allowed.
3. All construction work must be done by the students.
4. The total cost of the mechanism should not exceed $100.
1. Students should work in groups of four. Each student in the group
is expected to receive the same grade for the design, construction
and performance of the mechanism.
2. The mechanism must be completely self contained; unless
specified otherwise, and no form of remote control is allowed.
3. All groups shall submit the final concept of their proposed system
on the prescribed form for approval by a panel of judges. This
panel is composed of the instructors and project coordinators for
the course. The concepts will be examined by the judges to ensure
that the proposed system satisfies the restrictions and conditions
of the project. The judges must be informed in writing of any
subsequent changes in the concept (not in the detailed design) of
the system.

5.3.1 Project SOG: Planetary Expeditions Are All Wet

ENTRY 3297


5. Vayun Capers 268


“Captain, I have an incoming message from Ensign Montgomery with
the DesEx team.”
“Yes, please put her through, Lieutenant.”
“Captain Witherspear, Ensign Montgomery reporting, sir. We have
been unable to do any significant exploration due to the gronks, as I have
reported previously. We have had two more attacks on crew members,
fortunately, their envee suits were not breached by the creatures.
However, we have discovered something significant, sir.”
“Yes, yes, go on ....”
“Well sir, Zimmerman was throwing out the waste water, which we
have been unable to recycle since the recycling unit was destroyed in the
sandstorm. Anyway, he happened to stumble on a gronk behind the mess
tent and reflexively, threw the bucket of water at the gronk. The bucket
bounced off the creature's thick hide, but after being drenched with
water, it fell down stunned. We watched it carefully, and about thirty
minutes later, the little bugger managed to crawl off, still dazed a little.
Cray, the xeno-biologist, surmises since gronks are desert creatures, a
sudden exposure to a quantity of water overburdens their system and puts
them right out. Cray says four liters of water should do the trick every
time as long as it is applied quickly. I've issued pails of waste water to
every member of the team that goes out of camp. We also leave the waste
water in strategic places inside the camp, in case anymore gronks get
curious and wander into camp. If we could be issued a larger ration of
water, we might even be able to finish the survey in this area.”
“Good work, Ensign. I'll go you one better, and make sure you have
the proper tools for the job. Lieutenant, send the following spacex to
5.3. The Vayun Design Project Stories 269

Research Command, along with transcripts of discussions and the log

which pertain to the gronk problem.”
SPACEX 1459/894/#18
9. END.
Task. Design, build and test a SOG system capable of delivering as much
water as possible at a point 5 meters away from the SOG. The SOG will
be given four (4) liters of water and will be expected to deliver a high
percentage of that water on target, according to the rules below. In
5. Vayun Capers 270

addition, the water should be delivered as quickly as possible. The design

and construction of the SOG are subject to the following restrictions and

1. The total system weight (dry) should not exceed two thousand
(2,000) grams.
2. The system at rest should fit in an imaginary globe one (1) meter
in diameter.
3. Electric batteries, as a power source, are strictly prohibited.
Performance tests. The performance of SOG will be tested in two areas:
i. Delivery speed - this test will measure the speed of the SOG in
delivering a quantity of water over a distance of five (5) meters.
The course begins at a starting line five (5) meters away from a
model of a gronk. Timing begins when the system begins emitting
the water and ends when the system has used up its initial
allotment of 4 liters of water.
ii. Delivery efficiency - This is a measure of how efficient the
system is in delivering four (4) liters of water. The model gronk
will be placed in a bowl capable of holding four liters of water.
The efficiency will be measured based on how much of the
allotted water winds up in the bowl.
Each group will be allowed to put their SOG through the test twice.
Groups will be allowed two (2) minutes to set up for a test and one (1)
minute to remove their device from the testing area.
i. Points for Delivery Speed
Time - Timemin
Pspeed = [ 1 - ( Time max - Timemin ) ] x 25
Time is elapsed time delivering the water,
Timemin is the minimum elapsed time any group's SOG requires
to deliver the four (4) liters of water, and
Timemax is the maximum elapsed time any group's SOG
requires to deliver the four liters of water.
ii. Points for Delivery Efficiency
η - η min
Pefficiency = [ 1 - (η max - ηmin
) ] x 25
5.3. The Vayun Design Project Stories 271

η is the delivery efficiency for the SOG,
η min is an efficiency of 10%, and
η max is a perfect efficiency of 100%.
iii Total points
The total points for a test will be the sum of the above points
minus deductions due to penalties, i.e.
Points total = Pspeed + Pefficiency - Penalties
The final score for a group will be the highest from the two
tests. The group with the most points will be judged as winners
of the competition.

5.3.2 Project POP: You Can't Get What You Want Until You
Find It
The sun was sliding from the sky over the desolate region known as the
Eastern Wastes on the planet called Vayu. The nocturnal animals were
beginning to stir, looking for food, or trying to avoid becoming food for
another. The diurnal animals were scurrying for their dens and nests,
some more successful than others at the game of survival.
Striding across the wasteland towards the safety of his camp, came a
tall silvery creature. He too had been involved in the game of survival,
but not in the search for food. His search was for the elastic pockets of
gas that lay just below the surface. If one knew how and where to look,
these gas pockets could be found, tapped and processed to provide
energy for the needs of an advancing civilization.
The creature was a robot, programmed and trained to prospect for the
gas pockets. However, at the moment he seemed to be agitated, for when
he reached the camp he waved his arms at the two men at the campfire
“Garu 5, clean the sand out of your voice box and just calm down,”
commanded his friend and partner, Josa. “After this prospecting tour, we
have to get you a new voice box, maybe one of those with the empathy
module. Then you might even sound human!”
[URK!! ... AH-AH ... JUST A MO ... aaahh ... That's much better.
And why would I want to sound human. I'm very proud of being a robot.
What I lack in aesthetics is more than compensated by my endurance,
strength, analytical capabilities and ...]
5. Vayun Capers 272

“Ah, you know Josa didn't mean it as an insult,” Kimicha, the third
member of the unlikely trio, broke in. “It's just that sometimes your voice
can get on our nerves, especially on these long prospecting trips. Look, if
all goes well, we can get you fixed up and you won't even lack in the
aesthetics department. Okay?”
[Well, I suppose. It might be nice to have a voice change. Something
to look forward to,] buzzed the robot, as he finished cleaning his parts.
“Anyway, what was it that you were trying to tell us a minute ago,
Garu?” queried Josa.
“Did you find anything good?” added Kimicha.
[I think I found a likely spot on the south ridge, but I can't be certain.
Even with my sophisticated circuitry, we still need exploratory drilling to
be done before we are certain.]
“Well, call it in and register it with the rest of the claims,” said
Kimicha. After the robot had gone inside the tent to use the radio,
Kimicha turned to Josa and said, "This whole system is much to slow. It
takes forever to register the claim, contact the drillers, test the site and all
the rest of the garbage. There ought to be a better way. They have all that
great technology in the cities, but out here in the Eastern Wastes, all we
have is our hands on that walking computer!”
“Do you want to go back to the cities and try to make a living?”
countered Josa. “Or maybe you could work on a farm on the northern
“No, no, that's not what I meant. You know I grew up on a farm, and
left. It's so boring. And the cities are no better. They're so crowded. I like
it out here. This is where a man - sorry, Garu - a sentient being can really
“Well, what are you grousing about then?”
“I just wish we had better tools, that's all.”
“What's your point?” said Josa.
“Okay, so now we're having an energy crisis. Imported energy is
much too expensive and new energy technologies haven't had enough
lead time to be properly developed.”
“So? Everybody knows that. That's why we and hundreds of other
wildcat teams are prospecting out here in the desert. There are lots of
untapped sources of energy out here - or so the geologists say.”
“Right you are,” replied Kimicha, “but the time from a registered
claim to final production is much too long. We are not producing enough
domestic energy. Our planet-wide economy is unstable because we have
to depend too much on the imported energy. We have to shorten the time
it takes to exploit a new discovery.”
5.3. The Vayun Design Project Stories 273

“I'm in total agreement with you there, buddy. If nothing else it would
increase my profits. Or decrease the amount of work I have to do. So
what is this new technological marvel you have in mind.”
[You're going to replace me, aren't you?] rasped Garu, who had
finished registering the days claims. [You want a new robot. O woe,
“Just knock it off, will you?” snapped Kimicha. “I was thinking in
terms of a new kind of vehicle. One that could handle all the things we
have to deal in our explorations. It would drive over rough terrain like a
goat and have all the comforts of home.”
[It could contain a complete computer and telecommunications
center,] said Garu, dreamily.
“Why not just have it turn itself into a drilling rig after you make a
find?” added Josa, sarcastically. “That would really save time.”
“Perfect. That's absolutely beautiful Josa.” exclaimed Kimicha.
“That's exactly what we need. An all terrain vehicle that can transform
itself into a drilling rig.”
“Aw, you're dreaming.”
[I hate to agree with Josa, but even assuming this miracle on wheels is
feasible how would we get it built?]
“We'll propose it to the government. Anything that would provide
independence for Vayu from the other worlds would bring lots of money
and researchers. Well, this ought to challenge them sure enough. But I
hope they hurry. It's prospect or perish here in the Eastern Wastes.”

Task. Design, build and test a mechanism capable of traversing and

maneuvering through a given obstacle course (see Figure 5.3) and then
transforming itself into a piercing mechanism that can pierce through a
surface layer made of styrofoam balls and then pop a balloon lying
underneath this surface, subject to the restrictions and conditions.
5. Vayun Capers 274

6" 6"

dashed line - 1'

a 2" tall edge

(sand / water)


gravel 1'

sand pit


legal area

1' 2' 1' 4'

Figure 5.3. Course for Project POP

The weight of the mechanism including the power source should not
exceed two (2) pounds.
1. No guide wires of any kind will be allowed. The obstacle course
shown will have borders on both sides of the track.
2. After the mechanism has traversed the track, it will have to pierce
through a surface layer made of styrofoam balls and pop a balloon
5.3. The Vayun Design Project Stories 275

lying underneath this surface. More details are given in the next
3. The maneuverability of the mechanism will also be tested, details
of which are given in the next section.
Performance test: The performance test will consist of three parts. These
i. Prospecting the obstacle course.
ii. Piercing
iii. Maneuverability
The details of each of the above parts are given below:
i. Prospecting the obstacle course.
This part tests the ability of the mechanism to traverse any
kind of terrain. The amount of time taken by the mechanism to
traverse the track from start to finish will be used in the
calculation of points for this portion of the performance test.
Once the mechanism has crossed the start line it shall not be
aided in any way to complete traversing the obstacle course.
ii. Piercing
This part tests the versatility of the mechanism. After the
mechanism has crossed the finish line it will have to pierce
through a surface layer made up of styrofoam balls and pop a
balloon lying underneath this surface. The minimum thickness of
the styrofoam layer must be one inch. This test can be conducted
in two ways. In the first option, the mechanism automatically
starts piercing after it has crossed the finish line. The time clock
will be started as soon as the mechanism crosses the finish line
and stops when it has completed piercing through the balloon.
This time will be used in the calculation of points for this portion
of the test.
In the second option, the group will be allowed to transform
the mechanism from a moving vehicle into a stationary piercing
machine after the mechanism has crossed the finish line. The
time clock in this case will start as soon as human hands touch
the mechanism for the transformation process and stop when the
balloon is pierced. A group can choose either option.
The versatility of the mechanism will be rated highly in the
creativity portion of the grade. The versatility of the mechanism
in the context of this project is defined as having the least
number of total components to do the maximum number of tasks.
The components of the mechanism used while traversing the
5. Vayun Capers 276

course should also be put to use in the drilling process. Thus the
emphasis in this project is to minimize the redundancy of the
various mechanism components.
iii. Maneuverability
This portion tests the maneuverability of the mechanism. This
will be measured in terms of the turning radius and the length of
the wheel base. This will be measured in the following manner:
A nail will be fixed on a wooden board. A freely rotating reel
that will have a string wound around it will be placed over this
nail. The trailing end of the string will be tied to a hook. This
hook will be attached to the mechanism at the midpoint line of
the wheel base. Each group will be responsible of having some
kind of arrangement on the mechanism whereby the hook can be
attached to it. With the mechanism in the mobile mode, the
group will be allowed to set up their mechanism such that it will
have the smallest turning radius. Then the mechanism will be
turned on and allowed to complete one revolution. The amount
of string unwound during this one revolution will be measured
and the length of the wheel base will also be measured. These
values will be used in the calculation of points for this portion of
the test.
Each mechanism will be required to go through each of the
performance tests twice. Students will be allowed 2 minutes to
set up their mechanism before each run on the obstacle course,
while there will be a 1 minute set up time before the
maneuverability test. The mechanism must be removed from the
competition area within 1 minute. Penalties will be levied if the
set up and removal times are exceeded. The weight of the
mechanism will be measured before undergoing any of the
performance test.
The points for each part of the performance test will be calculated as
i. Points for prospecting the obstacle course.

Time1 x Weight
P1 = 100 - [ 15 sec. x 32 oz. x 100 ]
Time1 is the time taken by the mechanism to traverse the course.
5.3. The Vayun Design Project Stories 277

It is assumed that the maximum time taken to traverse the

course is 15 seconds.
ii. Points for piercing
Time 2
P2 = 50 - [ 5 sec. x 50 ]
Time2 is the time taken to complete the piercing process.
It is assumed that the time taken to complete the piercing
process is 5 seconds. Bonus points will be awarded to those
groups that do not require any human aid in transforming the
mechanism from a prospecting to piercing mode. The number of
points awarded will be calculated as follows:
Bonus Points = 0.25 x P2
iii. Points for maneuverability
L w Ls
P3 = 50 - [ 6 in. x 6 in. x 50 ]
Lw is the length of the wheel base
Ls is the length of the string unwound
It is assumed that the ideal length of the wheel base is 6
inches and the ideal turning radius is also 6 inches. The original
points for each performance will be the sum of the above points
after deductions due to any penalties, i.e.
Original Points =
P1 + P2 + P3 + Bonus Points - (Penalties)
The sum of the original points from both runs of the
performance test will be the group points. The group with the
most points will be judged as winners of the competition.

5.3.3 Project RAT: It Takes a Rat to Catch a Thief?

Joe Black and Midnight Blue, Joe's longtime partner and love-of-his-
life, were trying to make it out of the headquarters before being detected.
They had successfully passed through several checkpoints and bypassed
innumerable patrols in the darkened hallways. They had only one
obstacle left - but it has a hulking obstacle, rather colloquially named
Lenny the Atomic Tank. His pumpkin shaped head might contain a brain
5. Vayun Capers 278

or it might not. Joe and Blue didn't plan on hanging around long enough
to find out. Their nerves tensed as they begin their final run to freedom.
“Hey, you!” bellowed the guard, as the pair darted furtively past, “Get
over here, now!”
“Sorry, Blue, I guess we didn't quite make it.”
“Don’t worry Joe, we may be able to make the weekend in the
country, yet,” said Blue, comforting her man. “We’ve worked hard, and
we deserve to leave the city and spend a while on the farm.”
“Okay, youse guys,” rumbled Lenny, “Da bossman wants to see ya.
He sez he's gotta little ‘diversion’ for the two of ya!”
“Oh no!” wailed Blue, “The last time The Director had a diversion for
us, we had to steal a triphibious battlecruiser - complete with crew and
space marines!”
With that last comment, the pair were escorted in silence back through
the corridors, past the craftily evaded checkpoints, around the now alert
security patrols, and into the inner sanctum that was The Director's
office. Disgruntled and slightly worried, Joe Black and Midnight Blue,
his wife, were seated before their boss and began discussing the
“Look here, Director, this had better be a creampuff of a job. We've
been pretty badly shook up the last few missions and we deserve a rest!”
“And a mighty fine rest you will have, my boy. Just as soon as you
and Blue re-procure historical material 0001-*AZ1 from those godless
heathens, in whose worthless, slimy hands it rests. E’en as we speak, the
barbarians could be subjecting the precious artifact to unspeakable
“Joe, The Director wants us to steal the Moon rock back from the
Rusericans,” whispered Blue.
“The what?”
“Joe, don’t be such a dummy! This Moon rock is the one the
colonizers brought from earth with them when they settled Vayu It was a
symbol of Man's first landing on another planetary body.”
“So you want us to swipe a rock, eh, Boss?”
“Not just a rock, Joe,” intoned The Director, “a priceless heirloom of
the Amessian people. It represents everything dear to us, from our first
faltering steps into space, to the level of technical excellence we enjoy
today. And those godless barbarians removed it from its shrine in the
Amessian capital in a brazen attempt to provoke another world war. We
must get it back, or the people of Amessia will demand satisfaction by
blood from Ruserica.”
5.3. The Vayun Design Project Stories 279

“Okay, okay, enough with the Civilization-as-we-know-it-will-come-

to-an-end-if-you-don’t-help speeches. We’ll bring back the rock, won’t
we Blue? Now, what’s the plan?”
“I thought you would never ask,” chuckled The Director.
Several hours, 5 liters of coffee, and two dozen doughnuts later, Joe
lifted his head from the map he was poring over and spoke, “O.K. let me
get this straight. Blue and I parachute into the capital of Ruserica and
head to the museum where they are storing the rock. Disarming the outer
alarms with our normal elan, we then proceed to the room where the rock
is kept. Now the problems begin. How do we get the rock out of the
room? The floor and the walls have sensors that set off an alarm if
anything heavier than a small rodent, such as a rat,moves across their
surface. The rock sits on a pedestal in the center of the room. If the
pedestal is touched, a plane of energy at about knee height is projected
into the room, cutting anyone over a half meter tall into two portable
“Well can’t we just storm the control room and deactivate all the
sensors?” asked Blue.
“Too many guards, even for the two of you, and besides Headquarters
wants a quiet operation,” corrected The Director.
“Oh. Hm.” Blue thought a moment and, “All right, if the floor detects
anything bigger than a rat, then let's use a rat to get the rock!”
“Blue, I don’t think we can train a rat to walk to the pedestal, get the
rock down, and carry it off.”
“No, we use a mechanical rat. As the rat walks past the pedestal, it
touches it, thus setting off the plane of energy which passes over the rat's
back. After that burst of energy, the floor sensors will be deactivated for
a short time ...”
“Just long enough for us to race across the floor unnoticed and scoop
up the rat and the rock, leaving a fake and no clues behind!” exclaimed
Joe. “Blue, we're geniuses!”
“Er, thanks, Joe.”
“As well as modest,” interrupted The Director. “It sounds like an
excellent plan to me. You two proceed to the Engineering Directorate
and tell them what you need. I'll arrange for authorization. We need a
code name for this project.”
“How about Recovery of Amessian Treasure, RAT?” suggested Joe.
“Of course, that will do nicely. Now, off you go and give my regards
to the other side.”
Task. Design, build and test a mechanism that can move under its own
power to a given destination as quickly as possible. The mechanism must
5. Vayun Capers 280

also be very accurate about reaching the point at which it is aimed. The
mechanism must also be light and compact, for easy portability.
1. The total system weight (dry) should not exceed two thousand,
five hundred (2500) grams.
2. The system at rest should fit in an imaginary globe one-half (1/2)
meter in diameter.
3. The locus of a contact point between the mechanism and the
ground cannot complete a full continuous arc. (Note: this should
rule out wheels, belts, treads, etc.)
4. The entire weight of the mechanism must be supported by the
Performance tests. The performance of RAT will be tested in two areas:
i. Speed - The speed test will be a time trial over a distance of 5
meters. A single guide wire will be permitted for the speed trial
only. The fastest time for a maximum of two runs will the
official time for the group.
ii. Accuracy - The mechanism will be required to proceed along a
straight line for a distance of three (3) meters. The accuracy is
defined as the ratio between the perpendicular distance away
from a target line that runs from the start to the target and the
distance traveled along the target line towards the target. The
accuracy trial consists of a single run only.
Groups will be allowed two (2) minutes to set up for a test and
one (1) minute to remove their device from the testing area.
i. Points for speed
Time - Timemin
Pspeed = [(1 - Timemax - Time min ) x 20 ] + 5
Time is elapsed time over the five (5) meter course,
Timemin is the minimum elapsed time (best) any group's RAT
requires to cover the course, and
Timemax is the maximum elapsed time (worst) any group's RAT
requires to cover the course.
ii. Points for accuracy
Ratio - Ratiomin
Paccuracy = [( 1 - Ratio
max - Ratio min )x 20 ] + 5
5.3. The Vayun Design Project Stories 281

Ratio is the accuracy ration for the RAT,
Ratiomin is the lowest accuracy ratio (best) achieved by any group,
Ratiomax is the highest accuracy ratio (worst) achieved by any
iii. Total points
The total points for a test will be the sum of the above points
minus deductions due to penalties, i.e.

Points total = Pspeed + Paccuracy - Penalties

The final score for a group will be the highest from the two
tests. The group with the most points will be judged as winners
of the competition.

5.3.4 Project OLDTEK: Everything Old is Technological

Dr. Josephus Witherspear, Professor of Systems Synthesis and
Computer Based Creativity, stared at a blank page. Silly of it, being
blank like that. It should have been full of specifications about the next
design, build and test project for his second year design class. Why
couldn't the paper generate an idea for a design project by itself? But that
is what the Northern Agrarian and Mechanical University of Vayu paid
him to do, so he, not the paper, was responsible for ideas. “Someone
needs to invent intelligent paper,” he muttered, “but that kind of hi-tech
was outlawed after the last world war. Yes indeed, looks like all low-tech
for some time now. We wouldn't want another war.”
Since the technocrats had blasted themselves out of power and off the
southern continent, the farmers and artists of the northern continent had
come to power. With a typical knee-jerk reaction, work in new
technologies was halted. Any technological breakthroughs would be
strictly related to agriculture or perhaps something to support the arts.
Yet, this was not enough for Josephus. Josephus had to find a project that
dealt with something unfamiliar to his students - something that would
force them to use design methods the school taught so they could learn to
deal with open-ended problems requiring new solutions. At the same
time it had to be simple enough to manufacture in one semester.
5. Vayun Capers 282

Sighing, Josephus pushed back from his desk and stood up, stretching.
His mind was as blank as the paper. He simply could not think a minute
longer. If he did not get home to his wife, she would nail him to the wall.
Quickly, he packed up his briefcase and, casting a last, disparaging look
at the offensive blank page, turned out the lights and left his office.
The next day, Josephus tried to get back to the project but something
else came up. Some janitors had found some boxes of papers in the
basement. The Dean wanted the contents sorted and filed, and since they
were marked ‘Design I: Dr. Ertsim’, logically, the task fell to Josephus.
Josephus did not agree with this line of reasoning but he was in no
position to disagree.
After several hours of sorting, Josephus had decided that there
couldn't possibly be anything of worth in these boxes. All that these
people seemed to have been interested in were projects about vermin,
like bugs and rats. He was almost ready to pitch it all when a photo
caught his eye. It was from about 75 years before, and it bore the legend
‘Dr.Ertsim's Design Project’. It depicted two students in what appeared
to be a wooden human powered vehicle. The students were maneuvering
the vehicle around obstacles in an outdoor race course.
Josephus knew instantly that this was the project for which he was
looking. His students had probably worked with wood before, but always
in a static capacity, such as fence posts, furniture, or sculpture. This
project will give the students the opportunity to deal with an old material
in a new way (for them at least). The students would have a project based
on old technology, so to speak, and thus learn to deal with the unfamiliar
and become flexible enough to deal with problems given to them in the
Now Josephus was happy that the boxes had been discovered. They
were a veritable treasure trove. Chuckling, he turned back to his desk. At
the top of the once blank page, he quickly wrote the title ‘Old Limb
Driven Technology Emanates Knowledge’. The blank sheet of paper
began to fill.
Task. Design, build and test a vehicle capable of carrying two students
over a course with specified obstacles, subject to the following
restrictions and conditions:
1. The system must be constructed entirely of animal and/or
vegetable materials. Synthetic materials (e.g., plastics) and
metals are expressly excluded. Timber in any form may be used,
5.3. The Vayun Design Project Stories 283

including hardboard, particle board, plywood and similar

2. The total system weight should not exceed ten (10) kilograms.
3. The students should be able to ride the fully assembled vehicle
through a standard size door. The vehicle should be capable of
passing through all obstacles on the designated course.
4. Metal fasteners (nails, screws, bolts and pins) are not allowed,
but glues, adhesives and lubricants can be used on joints.
1 The students in the vehicle can only touch the ground for control or
propulsion purposes, but at all times their weight should be carried
by the vehicle from start to finish.
2 The vehicle must be powered by the students in the vehicle. There
shall be no assistance in any way from any other person or from
any external power source.

Building D3 4'
4' B


End of Wood Rail
Slope Climb



Dimensions to be provided Engineering Building "D"

Figure 5.4. The Oldtek Track

Performance tests . The performance of OLDTEK will be tested in two

i. Speed - The speed test will be a time trial over a defined by the
instructors. The course will include a cul-de-sac to test backing
5. Vayun Capers 284

and low speed maneuverability, a speed bump and several other

ii. Weight - The vehicle is to be no more than 10 kilograms.
However the points formula emphasizes a low weight vehicle, so
minimum weight is preferred.
Each vehicle shall be required to make two runs of the course. Each
student in the group must take part in propelling the vehicle through one
run. Groups will be allowed two (2) minutes to set up for a test and one
(1) minute to remove their device from the testing area.
Points for each run will be computed using the following formula:
Time x Weight
Prun = 25 - [ Time x 10 Kg x 20 ]

Time is elapsed time over the course and
Timemax is the maximum elapsed time (worst) any group's OLDTEK
requires to cover the course.
The penalties for each run will be levied as follows:

Problem Penalty
Failure to move out of the cul-de-sac
Loss of 0.1 x Original Points

Failure to stay within course boundary

Loss of 0.1 x Original Points

Vehicle comes into contact with obstacle on course

Loss of 0.2 x Original Points

Exceeding the set up and removal times

Loss of 0.1 x Original Points per minute
5.3.The Vayun Design Project Stories 285

The sum of the points from the two runs after deductions due to
penalties will be the group points. The group with the most points will be
judged as the winners of the competition.

5.3.5 Project BUG: Villain Driven Buggy Before Bugging

The planet Vayu, a full member of the Confederation of Worlds and
largest supplier of foodstuffs in the Confederation, was a peaceful planet
that only asked to be allowed to grow food. Every available patch of
ground was cultivated and those held in the highest esteem were the
farmers with the highest yield per acre rather than the number of acres
Agriculture was the soul of the people of Vayu, and they kept their
lives simple and untainted by modern conveniences. There were
machines, of course, to harvest the crops, but these were kept out of sight
when they were not used. The farmers of Vayu also avoided contact with
the machines that were designed and built by engineers and mechanics.
These people were called wrenches by the Vayun farmers. They were
treated well enough, but they were at the bottom of the social order
because they worked with machines.
Vayu might have continued being peaceful and simple, but a creature
called the Phoenix changed all that. This Phoenix was capable of not just
self-immolation but of immolation of his surroundings as well. He
appeared to be bent on gaining control of the Confederation and Vayu
was first on his list of conquests.
The Phoenix came to Vayu in a huge black ovoid spaceship. To deny
access to the ship by outsiders, he hung a mesh from the sides of his ship.
He was somehow able to start a fire between the net and the ship so that
the whole affair took on the appearance of a burning egg encircled by a
fiery net. This fire, which was created by the Phoenix, only consumed
animate matter, else his mesh and ship arrangement would have been
The Phoenix announced to the world of Vayu that it was his, to do
with as he pleased. Any move by the confederation to retake the planet
would lead to its certain destruction. Not only would Vayu's farmers die,
but many people in the federation would starve. In return for Vayu's
food, the Phoenix wanted no less than control of the Confederation.
Anything less and Vayu would quickly become a smoking ember.
The Vayuns were desperate. They had to save their world. But how
could they get past the blaze? They all recognized that the blaze would
have to be extinguished before any action could be taken against the
286 5.Vayun Capers

Phoenix. They could not however, devise a plan to do this. In their

despair, the farmers called a meeting with the wrenches, hoping they
would be able to solve the problem.
The meeting was chaotic. Many plans were put forth by both the
farmers and the wrenches, but no plan received support. The farmers had
grand conceptions of how to defeat the Phoenix and the wrenches had all
kinds of ideas for mechanisms that could climb nets or put out fires. But
neither side could produce a workable scheme for doing both things.
Finally, a man that had been silent during the meeting spoke. The man
- Bosh nef Storey - was an anomaly on Vayu. He owned a small farm in
the northern hemisphere and produced mainly fruits. He was an anomaly
since he not only raised fruits, but he also took care of his own machines.
He was half farmer and half wrench, and he was as much hated and
feared as he was respected, because he did both jobs well.
When Bosh spoke, the rest quieted down to listen to what he had to
say. His idea was to design a lightweight, quiet machine that could climb
the Phoenix’s fiery mesh and extinguish the madman's fire and
ambitions. This would allow the Vayuns to board the ship to incapacitate
the Phoenix himself and turn him over to the Confederation Police.
The Vayuns were ecstatic that a plan had been made. They put Bosh
in charge of the project, which they called Bosh's Ultimate Gambit. To
give Bosh enough authority, he was proclaimed Chief Engineer of Vayu.
The machine was built under Bosh's direction and the evil Phoenix was
captured and sent to the ice planet of Griswold.
Bosh was acclaimed a hero and children thereafter were directed
towards him as a role model. To this day, one of the high honors
bestowed on a person is the Order of the Engineers of Vayu.

Task. Design, build and test a mechanism capable of climbing a plastic

mesh track and releasing powder when it reaches the top of its climb.
5.3.The Vayun Design Project Stories 287

Wall or Frame

3 ft

Plastic Mesh Track

10 ft

Mechanism to
Start Here


Figure 5.5. The Bug Track

1. The mechanism must be completely self-contained. No guide-
wires will be allowed.
2. The maximum dimensions of the mechanism at its most
extended points are specified as:
Height 1/2 meter
Width 2/3 meter
Length 2/3 meter
The mechanisms weight is not to exceed 2.5 kilograms
3. The mechanism must be designed to climb the maximum
distance on the inclined mesh track (as far as possible) and to
achieve a maximum speed to weight ratio.
4. The mechanism is required to release twenty five (25) grams of
powder after it has finally come to a stop.

Performance Tests. The test track is made of metal mesh fencing

material [approximately one-half (1/2) inch grid size] mounted on a
wooden frame. The mesh track will be approximately three (3) feet wide
and ten (10) feet long. An additional area of three (3) feet by five (5) feet
288 5.Vayun Capers

will be flat on the ground to be used as a starting area for the track. The
amount of space above the mesh within which the mechanism can move
has a maximum height of two and one-half (2.5) feet. The mesh track
area can be inclined at the angles of 30° and 60°. At each inclination the
mechanism (which is required to start under its own power) will have to
climb the mesh track and release its powder payload when the
mechanism has come to a stop on the track. The distance from the ground
to the top of the mechanism at its final resting point on the track will be
measured along a straight line on the inclined track. If the mechanism is
resting on the inclined track, the distance will be measured from the nose
of the mechanism in the initial position to its tail in the final position. As
in the first case, the distance will be measured along a straight line on the
inclined track. The time taken by the mechanism to travel from the start
to finish will also be measured. This also includes the time taken for the
release of the powder. Speed will be calculated as the ratio of distance
measured on the inclined track to the total time of travel. Points for the
performance at each inclination will be awarded as follows:

[Distance measured on inclined track

Points = 35 10 feet ]
Speed 30 sec x 5 lb
+ 15 [ Weight x 10 feet ]
It is assumed that the maximum time of travel will be 30 seconds.
Each group will be allowed a maximum of two runs on each incline. The
best run for each incline will determine the points for the group. The sum
of the points from the two runs after deductions due to penalties will be
the group points. The group with the most points will be judged as the
winners of the competition.
5.3.The Vayun Design Project Stories 289

5.3.6 Project HUEVO: You Can't Make an Omelet Without

the Right Eggs

For many years after the Phoenix incident, peace had reigned on the
planet Vayu. Under the leadership and counsel of a series of Vayun
Engineers, Vayu had firmly established itself as the leading agricultural
center of the galaxy. In addition, Boshome, the planetary capital, had
become an educational center. Students came from throughout the galaxy
to learn to be effective and efficient professionals in their chosen fields.
Their education was guided by the basic principle of the Vayun
engineers; "A fully capable brain is a fully utilized brain."
Many students came to the University of Vayu, but only those who
were able to take full advantage of the training available at the University
of Vayu were graduated with full honors. These top students were highly
sought after and almost all brought honor to Vayu. Almost all, except one
who would use his talents for evil. His name was Jink pur Dilig and he
was a seeker of power, beginning with Vayu. This is the story of how his
evil plans were thwarted.
Through diligent research and creative application, the Engineers of
Vayu had been able to produce some quite remarkable eggs. These eggs
contained a catalyst which was activated when the egg's shell was
cracked open. The catalyst caused the eggs to cook automatically without
out any outside sources of heat. They went from the carton to the table in
five seconds flat (six for hard boiled). Naturally, these eggs were in great
demand, and became a major export for Vayu. Over the years, production
and distribution of the eggs began to influence planetary policy heavily.
Much time and effort were spent to ensure that the production of Vayu
Eggs would remain uninterrupted. Jink pur Dilig knew that this would be
the starting point of his rise to power. By controlling the production of
the eggs, he would gain economic leverage against the rest of the planet.
His plan, which had not been seen in this part of the galaxy in some
time, was based on the old protection racket. Jink gathered a gang of
thugs and thieves to do his dirty work. His thugs were sent out to offer
"protection" to the egg producers. For a reasonable fee, Jink guaranteed
that the eggs would be fetched by his organization and delivered safely to
shipping sites for export to offworld markets. Those who did not pay the
protection money were warned that, "Accidents are bound to happen!"
The egg producers refused to be bullied. After all, their ancestors had
faced greater problems than this and overcome them. Why should the egg
producers pay any attention to a common thief like Jink?]
Much to their chagrin, the egg producers soon found that Jink was no
common thief, nor was he bluffing. The trucks that normally fetched the
290 5.Vayun Capers

eggs were being detoured or hijacked. The few that managed to get
through to the egg farms were destroyed when they tried to leave.
Deliveries and sales of Vayu Eggs had ground to a halt.
A Planetary Council meeting was held with Master Amanou Ki Ba,
chief Engineer to Vayu, presiding. The council agreed that Jink pur Dilig
must be stopped. There had to be a way to send the eggs to shipping
points without interference from Jink and his gang. The council
discussed many different schemes for ridding the planet of this menace.
After all, ideas had been rejected as being unworkable, Master Amanou
decided that the university students would have the freshest approach to
the problem, since they had no preconceptions about the possible and
impossible. Thus the following statement was issued at the University of
5.3.The Vayun Design Project Stories 291


It is well known that the individual Jink

pur Dilig is a menace to the economy of
the planet Vayu. To defeat him, Vayu
Eggs must be transferred to shipping
points for export. All students are
hereby required to devote their time to
generate a prototype of a vehicle that
will safely transport Vayu Eggs. The
vehicle should be capable of fetching
the eggs quickly and easily without
requiring any being's supervision and
must be self contained. The prototype
should also be fast and capable of self

The planet is in a state of emergency

and the students are expected to pitch
in to help. However, the students must
maintain their other classes as well. Life
and academics go on. The project will be
known as HUEVO: Hiding Unprotected
Eggs from Vicious Outlaws.


Task. Design, build and test a mechanism capable of safely loading six
eggs at random pickup points and unloading them without breakage at a
depot at the end of a track to be specified, subject to restrictions and
292 5.Vayun Capers

Top View
Depot Area 4"












Side View


Hump Profile

Figure 5.5. The Huevo Track (diagram not to scale)

1. The weight of the mechanism should not exceed one thousand
(1,000) kilograms.
2. While traversing the track, the HUEVO mechanism is required to
load one egg from a container placed on each of six pickup
points or pedestals.
3. The eggs are to be supplied by the groups. The size of the eggs to
be used is GRADE AA Medium. Boiled or cooked eggs will not
be allowed.
5.3.The Vayun Design Project Stories 293

4. There is no size condition on the container except that they

should fit on their respective pedestals. It is the group's
responsibility that the egg container does not topple over from
the pedestal when the test run is being made.
5. No remote control on the egg containers is allowable.
6. A wire or rope running the length of the track will be provided.

Performance Tests. The track the mechanisms will run on will be made
out of wood to specifications to be supplied for the individual class. The
track will have eight pedestals, four on each side of the track, evenly
spaced. One egg container (supplied by each group) will be placed on
each of six randomly chosen pedestals. The choice of the pedestals for
each group will be done by ballot, with a group member drawing six
numbers from a set of eight. One egg will be placed in each egg
The HUEVO mechanism will be placed behind the starting point at
one end of the track. The time clock is started as soon as the nose of the
mechanism crosses the starting line and will be stopped when the nose of
the mechanism crosses the finish line at the other end. This time will be
used in the calculation of points for the test run.
While traversing the track, the mechanism will be required to load
eggs safely from the pick-up containers placed as previously mentioned.
As soon as the mechanism has crossed the finish line, it will have 15
seconds to unload the eggs without breakage on the designated unloading
area of the track. Eggs unloaded after the 15 second time limit will be
considered as failures.
Each mechanism shall be required to make two runs on the track.
Students will be allowed two (2) minutes to set up their mechanism
before each test run. The mechanism must be removed from the track
within one (1) minute. Penalties will be levied if the set up and removal
times are exceeded. It will be the group's responsibility to clean any mess
created during the test runs. The time taken by the mechanism to travel
from start to finish will be measured. The weight of the mechanism will
be measured before making the runs. The points for each run will be
calculated using the following formula:
294 5. Vayun Capers

[ (30Time x Weight
P = 100 - sec) x (1,000 Kg) x 100 ]
It is assumed that the maximum time taken to traverse the track is no
more than thirty (30) seconds. Penalties for each run will be assessed as
Criterion Penalty
Failure to load and carry Loss of n1 /12 x P
eggs to the depot
Failure to unload eggs at Loss of n2 /12 x P
the depot
Exceeding the set up and Loss of 0.05/60 x P
removal times for every second exceeded

n 1 = 6 - number of non-leaking eggs delivered

n 2 = 6 - number of non-leaking eggs unloaded

The sum of the points from the two test runs after deductions due to
penalties will be the group points. The group with the most points will be
judged as the winners of the competition.

5.3.7 Project RSVP: Please Tell Us If You Can Attend the

It is the first day of the new term at the University of Vayu. There are
students everywhere, scrambling to find their classes, telling about their
vacations, and discussing their classes.
“Boring, boring, boring!” exclaims a sandy haired student. “This is
going to be a boring class. I bet the project will be absolutely worthless, a
paper exercise or some other make-work.”
“Yunics, you know nothing of the sort,” says the teaching assistant for
the class, a serious young woman named Ms. Doss. “Why, there have
been several crises that the people of Vayu have depended on students
from this very class to solve. There was the Phoenix, then there was Jink
pur Dilig and the eggs, there were several energy crises, not to mention
the problems in the ocean cities and the orbital platforms. All of these
were solved by students like you.”
“But those things happened in the Transition Time, while Vayu
moved from an agrarian society into the balanced culture we have today.
5.3. The Vayun Design Project Stories 295

Everything is stable now, there is nothing left for us to do, Ms. Doss.
This class will be just a study of all those projects.”
“Ah, but that is where you are wrong, young sir.”
All eyes turn to the door of the classroom, where a man of
indeterminate age stands. His face is lined and creased with age, as is his
hands. Yet his eyes shine with a fierce fire, and he stands poised, as if
embarking on a new journey. He walks slowly but strongly to the podium
and opens his lecture notes, which are more wrinkled than he. After
holding the students' curiosity at bay for as long as he dares, he speaks.
“I know many of you expected a young professor for your first course,
but many have left the University, attracted by lucrative offers on other
worlds. I have been called up out of retirement to take this class, since
there is a shortage of instructors. Some of the Powers That Be think that I
am a dinosaur. Some of you may believe that also.”
“Some others think that I may be able to inject some life into a weak
program. If I did not agree with that, I would not be here. I hope to
prevent the boredom one of your peers has decried.”
The new professor begins passing out packets of material. “So. This is
it, then. We have a project of great utility this term. It is to be a new
agricultural vehicle . . .”
A chorus of moans and groans erupt from the class. There wouldn’t be
any adventure this term!
Rapping on the podium, the professor regains control and continues.
“This is a proposal for an important and vital design project you have
before you. It may be the most important project you ever work on. It
certainly will be while you are at the University.”
“Excuse me, sir,” says Yunics, “this important project you are talking
about is nothing more than a planter. My dad had something like that on
his tractor, back on the farm. There’s no mystery here.”
“Ah, but the machine won’t be planting just any seeds. You see, the
agricultural department has developed a . . . um, a putty that contains the
seeds and is rich in nutrients. This combination will make plants grow
very fast.”
“So what? It's still just a planter. The agriculture department will have
all the thunder.”
“No, no!” replies the professor, his voice hushed, yet gaining in
intensity. “The machine must displace the seed putty away from the
machine, since the seeds grow fast - as soon as they hit the ground they
begin. In addition, this machine will be used for planting a very special
plant. It will not be used on the farms. It will be used for planting flowers
. . .”
296 5. Vayun Capers

“This is crazy!”
“He's no dinosaur, he's fossilized.”
“I travel across the galaxy to listen to this?”
These are a few of the milder comments heard in the classroom.
Things are getting worse from the students’ view.
“Students, students. Would professional engineers treat a prospective
client this way? Of course not. Listen to the rest of the proposal before
you complain.”
“The flowers to be planted are very important. The flowers are the
very rare Moonbeams. As you may know, these flowers are considered
more beautiful and precious than diamonds. However, they bloom only
once, and then only for an hour.”
“The importance of the flower is magnified by the upcoming visit by
the Galactic Emperor’s daughter, Princess Amiga Lorraine, who is
scheduled to visit Vayu - a few days before the end of this term. The visit
is actually a fact-finding tour to determine if the Empire should absorb
Vayu (one of the few remaining autonomous worlds) and turn it into a
military base, since it lies on some important space shipping lanes. What
the Vayun Council has discovered is that Princess Amiga Lorraine is
absolutely awed by the Moonbeams. If she were to see them growing
along both sides of the road wherever she goes, it is felt that she would
be more likely to ask that Vayu be preserved as a park world rather than
a military base.”
“So. This is it, then. The result of this project could be either the
ruination of our world or its preservation as an independent planet. This
is our RSVP to their ‘invitation’ to join the empire. Our Rapid Seeder for
Vayun Preservation, that is. Any further questions?” asks the Professor,
as he begins packing his notes.
“Just one sir,” says Yunics. “Could you tell us who you are?”
“Oh, dear me. I had forgotten. I am Bosh nef Storey. I founded the
University of Vayu.”

Task. Design, build and test a mechanism capable of traversing a given

course while placing a nutrient enriched seed putty in designated zones
on both sides of the course (see Figure 5.4), subject to certain restrictions
and conditions.
5.3. The Vayun Design Project Stories 297

2 ft
3 inches

2 ft

1 ft

10 ft

MTH (Mean Tree Height) = 18 inches

Figure 5.6. The RSVP Track

1. The mechanism will be required to traverse the course shown in
Figure 5.4 with continuous forward motion of the vehicle (i.e.,
no stops).
2. No guide wires of any kind will be allowed.
3. While the mechanism traverses the track, it will have to place a
small amount of seed putty in each of the zones indicated in
Figure 5.4. More details are given in the next section.
4. The weight of the mechanism including the power source should
not exceed two (2) lbs.
5. The width of the body of the vehicle shall not exceed the width
of the road on the track.
6. The height of the mechanism shall at no time exceed the Mean
Tree Height.
7. Students shall be responsible for selecting a putty substance as a
carrier for the seeds. A sample of the putty is to be submitted
along with the final concept for approval.
298 5. Vayun Capers

8. Poppy seeds will be used to simulate the seeds of the Moonbeam

flower. On the day of testing the students will be given a number
of poppy seeds to mix with their selected putty.
Performance Tests
The performance test will consist of two parts. These are:
i. Speed through the course.
ii. Accuracy of seed putty placement.
The details of are given in the sections that follow.

Speed through the course. This part tests the ability of the mechanism to
traverse speedily a typical Vayun road, to plant the seeds in advance of
Princess Amiga's caravan. The mechanism will be required to traverse
the given course shown in Figure 5.4. The amount of time taken by the
mechanism to traverse the track from start to finish will be used in the
calculation of points for this portion of the performance test. Once the
mechanism has crossed the start line it shall not be aided in any way to
complete traversing the course.
Note: a high possible speed is desirable, so that the vehicle can keep
pace with Princess, should she desire to travel at high speeds. However, a
variable speed is desired, of course, so that the vehicle can stay one hour
ahead of the Princess, whatever the speed of her caravan.
Points for traversing the course will be computed using the following

[ Time x 15Weight x 100

P1 = 100 - sec ]
where Time is the time taken by the mechanism to traverse the course
and Weight equals 1 if project is under the weight limit. Otherwise,
Weight is the ratio of the over-limit weight to the weight limit of 32
ounces. It is assumed that the maximum time taken to traverse the course
is fifteen (15) seconds.
Accuracy of seed putty placement. This part tests the accuracy of the
mechanism. The mechanism must place at least one seed putty pellet in
each of ten target zones. The means for placing the pellet is up to the
designers, as long as it falls within the rules listed herein. If the pellet
falls short or long of the target zone, but still lands within three inches of
the zone, half the points are scored. Outside this range, no points are
scored. The score is determined by the resting place of the pellet; it is not
determined by the initial impact point. Interference by trees, rolling of
5.3. The Vayun Design Project Stories 299

the pellet, etc., matter not, the pellet must stop inside the target zone for
full points to be awarded.
Note: the Princess will not be impressed by Moonbeams growing
hither and thither. Thus, it is desirable for the seed putty pellets to stop in
the target zone.
On the day of testing, the teams of designers will be given poppy
seeds to simulate the Moonbeams. The designers will have up to four
minutes to mix the seeds with their chosen putty and to load and set-up
their vehicle. If the set-up time expires, that team will be penalized (see
above). Points for accuracy will be computed using the following
10 S
P2 = ∑ Ni
i=1 i
Si = ∑ pk , the sum of points scored from target zone i

Ni = number of attempts taken for target zone i.

p k = points for a single attempt k taken placing putty in a zone.
For each attempt:
10 points are scored for placing the putty inside the target zone.
5 points are scored for placing the putty in the long or short
The maximum score possible for one zone is ten (10). For the entire
course, the maximum possible score is 100 (ten target zones times ten
points per zone). The total points for the competition will be the sum of
the above points after deductions due to penalties, i.e.
Original Points (OP) = P1 + P2 - (Penalties)
The sum of the total points from both runs of the performance test will
be the group points. The group with the most points will be judged as
winners of the competition.

5.3.8 Project ARM: Reach Out and Touch Someone

“Grampa, Grampa, tell us a story.”
300 5. Vayun Capers

“Yes, Grampa, please, please, please, please tell us a story . . . we’re

not sleepy yet!”
How can one refuse a plea like this from two beautiful children, like
Johanna and Sebastian? Especially when they belong to the nef Storey
clan. Besides, I am not against spinning a tale or two, especially during
the holidays. I have been accounted as somewhat of a raconteur by my
peers, so certainly I can entertain two small children.
“Children, you leave your Grampa Bosh alone, it is past his bedtime
as well as yours.” That's my lovely, but over concerned wife, Arelda. She
has a warped sense of time, especially bedtimes.
“Now, Arelda dear, don’t you think that we could all stay up just a
little longer. I don’t get to see the grandchildren very often, and I have to
go back to the University tomorrow. One story won't take long.”
Now one must choose carefully the story to tell at times like this. It
must have just the right blend of adventure, high moral tone, heroism and
just a little romance - yet it cannot be too high spirited or horrible.
Otherwise, the children will never go to sleep. That is why I chose to tell
Sebastian and Johanna the story of Josiah Witherspear and his wonderful
“Once upon a time, there lived a dwarf among dwarves named Josiah
Witherspear. Josiah was famous for miles around. He wasn't a mighty
fighter, nor was he a magician. He could not sing nor could he tell jokes -
he always forgot the punch line.”
“Well what could he do, Grampa?” pipes up Sebastian.
“I'm getting there ... Josiah was an incredibly gifted builder. If you
wanted something built, you merely had to describe it to Josiah and he
would build it for you in a wink of an eye. He had built incredibly
beautiful carriages for the King of the dwarves, a clever water pump for
the village and many other fine useful artifacts. Josiah was very happy,
living in his little village, building and creating, and the village was very
happy to have such a dwarf in residence.
“One day, the peace of the village was shattered when a horrible,
vicious, slimy, smelly dragon landed on the outskirts of the village. It
was quite obvious that the dragon did not want to make friends with the
dwarves. In fact, the blood and the bones of its latest victims were still
dripping from its mouth ....
“Ooh, I'm scared!” squeals Johanna.
“Right, well you have the general idea about the dragon. Not only did
the dragon not want to be friends, but he demanded that the dwarves in
the village give up their daughters to him or he would destroy the village
and all that lived in it.
5.3. The Vayun Design Project Stories 301

“Now these dwarves were made of stern stuff. They had lived through
orc raids and many were veterans of the Wars of the Tapestry. (That's a
story for another time Sebastian, be still and listen to this one) The
dwarves were not going to give up their daughters without a fight. So the
village elders gathered up the best and most valiant fighters in the
village. This band of stalwarts were then sent forth amidst trumpet calls
and war cries and cheers to defeat the nasty dragon.
“Those who remained behind in the village watched as the fighters
sallied forth in a mighty charge against the dragon. For a long time the
battle raged. A pillar of dust rose against the sky. Many were the screams
of dwarves and horses and many were the bellows of the fierce monster.
Finally, as the sun sank into a blood red sunset, the fighters returned to
the village. Some returned with their shields, but all too many returned
on their shields, never to fight again. But the calamity of calamities was
that the dragon yet lived. As the fighters retreated, this despicable
creature showered them with debris and derision.
“The elders shook their heads as the once proud warriors retreated to
their huts to have their wounds dressed. They spoke with the leader, a
veteran of many campaigns. What went wrong, they demanded. Did the
dwarves not fight hard enough, strong enough, smart enough? No, the
answer came back, we are not tall enough to defeat the dragon. We
cannot reach his vital parts. His limbs are too long and we can't fight past
“The village was in shock. It looked like they would have to give up
their daughters to the dragon. Then Josiah stepped forward. He said he
would build them an arm long enough to reach inside the dragon's
defenses to kill it. And since all the warriors were injured or dead, Josiah
would use his ARM to kill the dragon. The villagers cheered, but
tentatively, because although Josiah was well known for his prowess as a
builder, his fighting skills were unknown. Still, he was their only hope.
“Through the night Josiah worked on the arm. The sounds of the work
reverberated throughout the village. No one could sleep. Finally, after the
sun had started its journey through the sky and the cock had finished
crowing, Josiah emerged from his workshop. The villagers gasped as the
arm, which was strapped to Josiah’s torso, gleamed in the early morning
sun. None doubted the skill and care that had gone into its creation. The
question on the lips of all was, would it slay the dragon?
“After receiving the best wishes and advice from all, Josiah strode
forth, taking some practice swings with the arm. For a weapon, the arm
held a blade which belonged to Josiah’s grandfather. All was in
readiness, Josiah had merely to challenge the dragon.
302 5. Vayun Capers

“The dragon could barely contain himself when he saw Josiah

coming. They send one dwarf, to do what a score could not, he thought.
‘This should provide some light entertainment before I get on with
destroying the village,’ the dragon bellowed to Josiah, ‘Lets get on with
it.’ ‘Have at ye,’ cried Josiah. With that they fell together with a mighty
crash. Again, the dust of battle filled the air, but this time the outcome
was not long in coming. With a mighty thrust, Josiah’s arm zipped past
the dragon’s clawed arms and struck him through to the heart. The
creature fell to the ground and died with a final spasm.
“And so ended the dragon threat. As for Josiah, he was wined and
dined throughout the land. He married the prettiest girl in the village and
his business never lacked for customers. As for the arm, it disappeared
after the battle and no one has seen it since. That is the end of the story
and it is also the end of tonight’s entertainment. I think your Gramma
Arelda wants to take you to bed now children.”
“Aw, c’mon Grampa, tell us another,” says Sebastian, clinging to my
leg for dear life. I pick him up and pass him over to Arelda. Fortunately,
Johanna is no problem since she has already fallen asleep. I carry her,
and we get the children to their bedroom without incident.
After Arelda and I tuck the children in, Sebastian asks, “Grampa, what
happened to Josiah's arm? It didn't really disappear, did it?”
“I'm afraid so, Sebastian. Why do you ask?”
“Well, it would be really swell to have something like that around
now. I could use it to get books and toys off the shelf where I can’t reach
and help kittens out of trees and lots of stuff.”
“Yes, I suppose you could get into a lot of stuff. Like Gramma's
cookie jar, no doubt.”
“Oh no, Grampa, I’d be good.”
“Still it could be useful to have an extension ARM at times, an
articulated reaching mechanism, as it were. I must put my class at the
university on to this at once. Goodnight Sebastian.”
“Goodnight, Grampa Bosh.”

Task. Design, build and test a system capable of converting wind energy
into some more useful form of energy and then store this energy in some
compact, transportable module. The wind source will be represented by a
household electric fan. The energy modules must be used to propel a
vehicle, carrying as large a payload as possible, over as long a distance as
possible, subject to the restrictions and conditions.

Performance Tests. The system that is to be tested shall consist of a

conversion/storage device, energy modules and a vehicle. In the first part
5.3. The Vayun Design Project Stories 303

of the test, each group will be given 5 minutes to convert and store as
much energy as their design allows. The energy modules shall then be
integrated with the group's vehicle, the payload added and two runs shall
be made.
The performance run will be scored by two measurements. These are:
i. The useful load carried by the vehicle (payload).
ii. The distance traveled by the vehicle.
The measurement of the useful load carried by the vehicle (payload) is
an indicator of the useful work down by the vehicle and energy module.
The distance traveled by the vehicle will be used in the calculation
ofpoints for this portion of the performance test. Once the vehicle has
crossed the start line it shall not be aided in any way to complete
traversing the course.
Each mechanism will be required to go through the performance test
twice. Students will be allowed 2 minutes to set up their system before
each run on the course, which includes installation of modules and
payload. The system must be removed from the competition area within
1 minute after completion of the test. Penalties will be levied if the set up
and removal times are exceeded.
The points for each part of the performance test will be calculated as
The points for the payload will be determined using the following
Weight - Weightmin
P1 = [ Weightmax - Weightmin x 50 ]
Weight is the payload,
Weightmax is the maximum payload any group's vehicle is carries, and
Weightmin will be determined later.
The points for distance travelled will be determined using the
following formula:
Distance - 3 meters
P2 = [ Distancemax - 3 meters x 50 ]
Distance is the number of feet traveled by the vehicle in a straight line,
Distancemax is the maximum distance traveled by all the vehicles.
The original points for each performance will be the sum of the above
points after deductions due to penalties, i.e.,
304 5. Vayun Capers

Original Points (OP) = P1 + P2 - (Penalties)

The sum of the original points from both runs of the performance test
will be the group points. The group with the most points will be judged
as winners of the competition.

5.3.9 Project TALL: The Harder They Are, The Taller They
Will Build
Seen from the mono-railway, the Outer Congolia Private Helifield and
Airstrip seems to be just that - a private airfield for the use of commercial
companies that offer charter flights, aero-sightseeing tours of remote
regions, flight training, crop-dusting and other small, commercial
aviation ventures. It does appear to be rather large for a private airfield,
but perhaps it is just more profitable for other airfields. It has a very
prosperous appearance, in any case. The main building is built of the
most modern building materials, Alumarubber and Flexiferroglass,
resulting in a transparent, reconformable terminal building - when new
rooms are needed, the building stretches to accommodate.
If one flies over the Outer Congolia Private Helifield and Airstrip, one
notices something very peculiar. (There are no aircraft landing or taking
off. No aircraft are even taxiing. Exactly nothing appears to be going on
except for some pilots converging on one of the hangars.
At the top of the hangar, across the front, in large neo-neon letters is
the name of the company that owns the hangar and its contents. “Jagues
LaMano’s Flying Wolverines”, proclaims the sign, “We Fly Anybody,
Anywhere, Anytime”. On this day, all the airplanes have been pulled out
of the hangar, and in their place is a large, angry mob. One senses that
the aviation business may be facing an economic downturn.
A large man, with matching fiery hair and temper, and complimenting
accessories (lantern jaw, red nose, barrel chest, fists the size of hams,
etc.) is pounding with a wrench on a temporary podium made of oil
drums. The meeting eventually comes to order.
“You all know me, I’m Jagues LaMano,” the man at the podium
states. “We're here for same reason, so let’s not fight amongst ourselves.
Besides, if it comes to a fight, you all know I can whip you all. The
aviation industry is in bad shape, boys, and there are several facts we
gotta face. Fact one - we're in a fuel crunch and it has forced our prices
sky high. Fact two - since the government has decided to subsidize those
dang dirigibles, they’ve been able to reduce the prices on those
windbags. Fact three - the Vayun government has placed so many
restrictions on us ‘cause of noise pollution and air pollution that we have
5.3. The Vayun Design Project Stories 305

to build our fields way outside any of the cities. Then nobody wants to do
business ‘cause we’re out in the boonies. Geez, Outer Congolia...! Fact
four - well, fact is, this whole situation stinks and we better do something
or we'll all be sweeping the streets.”
At this, the equilibrium the mob seemed to have previously falls to
pieces as everyone begins talking or yelling with their own ideas.
“I'm a flyboy, I can’t do anything else!”
“Let’s bomb the Vayun Hall of Government.”
“No, let’s shoot them dirigibles out of the sky!”
“Hey, maybe we can get subsidies from the government.”
“That’s fine for you buddy, but I ain’t no freeloader.”
“Yeah, well how about that twenty you’ve owed me for a year!”
“Why you lousy ...”
The large mob begins to break into smaller mobs, each with its own
ideas and suggestions, each less constructive and more violent than the
last. Finally, a man and a woman, one as old as the other is young, make
their way to the oil drum podium. Jagues steps aside and gives the old
man the floor. The old man, who looks like he could be the father of all
fliers, raises his hand for silence and immediately gets it.
As the mob waits, the young girl steps up and speaks first. “Sebastian
nef Storey here, or Grandpa, as you all call him, has been running Sobo
Sailplanes for years. My name is Sonya nef Storey, Sebastian’s
granddaughter. I recently graduated form the University of Vayu with a
degree in small business management, and I recently got my pilot’s
certificate. We think - rather, Grandpa thinks he has a solution to the
problem and he wants me to tell you about it.”
“I think we realize that the days of powered, heavier-than-air craft are
numbered, for the reason mentioned by Jagues. In the future, the only
powered aircraft will be space shuttles and dirigibles. As a matter of fact
the space shuttles may not be around to long either. Many of you have
heard of the “beanstalks” that the Vayun government are building; they
are compliant structures that dangle from space stations that have been
placed in geosynchronous orbit. The beanstalks will be used to place
people and materials into orbit, using device much like huge elevators.
All the energy required to operate the beanstalks will come from solar
collectors on the space station. So they are not particularly worried about
fluctuating fuel prices.
“So what has this got to do with our situation?” asked Sonya, beating
several in the crowd to the punch, “Just this - we design an elevator for
the beanstalk that will carry a sail-plane or glider to high altitudes and
then release it.”
306 5. Vayun Capers

“Sail-planes and gliders they're giving us,” moans someone in the

back of the crowd.
“True, some types of aviation won’t find this scheme immediately
beneficial. The charter and sightseeing flights have been mostly taken
over by dirigibles. But the small jobs, aerial photography, crop dusting,
police reconnaissance and others can benefit and compete in this scheme.
More importantly, it keeps fixed wing aviation alive!”
“But what about helicopters?” a dark, stout pilot yelled.
“Have you ever heard of autogyros? Besides, we can put smaller
engines in the aircraft for cruising, since we don’t need all the power
required for a take-off.”
Heads nod, murmurs of agreement are murmured and the idea is
accepted. On the spot, TALL, Total Aero Lift, Ltd. is formed and plans
are made to recruit some bright, young engineers from the university of
Vayu to make up the design team. To close the meeting, Grandpa
Sebastian has this to say, “Let us not fool ourselves - this project is going
to be a TALL order indeed, so let's get right to work.”
Task. Design, build and test a mechanism capable of traversing a
"beanstalk" to the height of five (5) meters and is capable of releasing a
paper aircraft upon reaching that height, subject to certain restrictions
and conditions. In addition to the mechanism, the beanstalk and aircraft
must also be designed and built. The beanstalk must reach from the first
floor to a support provided by the instructors, five meters from the
ground. The aircraft should be capable of extended duration.
1. The weight of the mechanism including power source should not
exceed one thousand (1000) grams.
2. No dimension of the mechanism shall exceed one meter.
3. Students shall be responsible for selecting a material for use as a
beanstalk. A sample of the beanstalk is to be submitted along with
the final concept for approval.
4. Students shall be responsible for selecting a material and design
for use in constructing the aircraft. An example of the aircraft is to
be submitted along with the final concept for approval.
Performance Tests
The performance run will be scored by two measurements. These are:
i. Speed of lifting up the beanstalk.
ii. Time aloft of released paper aircraft.
5.3. The Vayun Design Project Stories 307

Speed up the beanstalk. This run tests the ability of the mechanism to lift
itself speedily up the beanstalk in order to release the aircraft. The
mechanism will be required to traverse the beanstalk. The amount of time
taken by the mechanism to traverse the beanstalk from start to finish will
be used in the calculation of points for this portion of the performance
test. Once the mechanism has been placed on the beanstalk it shall not be
aided in any way to complete the traversal of the beanstalk.
Time aloft of the paper aircraft: This portion tests the flight duration of
the aircraft released by the lift mechanism at the top of the beanstalk. The
means for releasing the aircraft is up to the designers, as long as it
follows the rules specified here.
Each system will be required to go through the performance test
twice. Students will be allowed 2 minutes to set up their system before
each run on the course, which includes installation of beanstalk, lift
mechanism and the aircraft payload. The system must be removed from
the competition area within 1 minute after completion of the test.
Penalties will be levied if the set up and removal times are exceeded.
The points for each part of the performance test will be calculated as
i. Points for traversing the beanstalk

P1 = 100 - [ BestTimeTime x Weight x 100 ]

Time is the time taken by the mechanism to traverse the beanstalk,
Best Time is the shortest time any mechanism takes to traverse the
beanstalk and weight equals one (1) if the project is under the
weight limit. Otherwise, Weight is the ratio of the over-limit
weight to the weight limit of 1000 grams.

ii. Points for time aloft

[ Time Aloft
P2 = Best Time ] x 100
Time Aloft is the time from point of release until the aircraft
touches the ground, and
Best Time is the longest time aloft of any of the aircraft.
The original points for each performance will be the sum of the
above points after deductions due to penalties, i.e.
Original Points (OP) = P1 + P2 - (Penalties)
308 5. Vayun Capers

The sum of the original points from both runs of the per-
formance test will be the group points. The group with the most
points will be judged to be winners of the competition.

5.3.10 Project WindBAG: Whither the Wind Goes, I

Professor Joachin Witherspear is moderately displeased. Although he had
originally been excited about being invited to teach at the University of
Vayu, (he had been awarded the coveted Bosh nef Storey Fellowship,
named after the founder of the University, a man responsible for many
innovations on the planet of Vayu) he is rather upset with the
arrangements. He has been given a nice office and a brand new compu-
station, but the keys for the office and the building will take a week and a
half. The Galactic Express people have been very nice in extending him
credit, but he is not sure that it will be enough. And then there are all the
numbers and forms and who knows what else that he had to apply for just
to get the power and tele-vid turned on at his rental house. Still the house
is clean and the people are friendly enough. He is determined, as would
be anyone from his planet of Gleesong, to do the best job he can while at
the University of Vayu.
“It is a good thing that I am still single or this move to Vayu would
have been extremely difficult,” Joachin thinks to himself as he walks to
the conference room for his appointment with a Mr. Vindebagg. “I
wonder why the chair-person wants me to meet with this gentleman - my
neighbor says he is a crackpot!”
As he enters the conference room, Joachin gets his first look at
Thaddeus P. Vindebagg - the new professor. He knows that it is this
worthy because of the outsize badge Vindebagg wears, announcing to all
and sundry his moniker. In addition, it proclaims his profession to be that
of “Professional Concept Generator and Expeditor”. The badge is only
the beginning. Vindebagg is wearing a tunic made of patchwork, silvery
corduroy trousers and shoes that have mates but not in this room. Joachin
suspects that the socks, if Vindebagg wears socks, match about as well as
his shoes. His hair is beyond the ability of any mortal barber to bring
under control. But the man's face draws attention away from the scenic
tour that is his attire. His eyes are alert and penetrating, and it is almost as
if one can see a computer screen behind these eyes, constantly scrolling
past new ideas being generated.
“Don’t be put off by the clothes, friend, even though they do make me
look a bit crack-potish,” says Vindebagg, echoing Joachin’s first thought.
5.3. The Vayun Design Project Stories 309

“Thaddeus P. Vindebagg, at your service. As you can see from my

badge, my business is conceptualizing and idea generation, and helping
other people do the same. The clothes are to jar people out of compla-
cency and to demonstrate the principle of synthesizing a new artifact
from an unlikely set of concepts. But enough of that. I’ve come to
discuss developing a concept of my own.”
“My name is Joachin Witherspear, but I am unsure why you would
want to speak to me. There are many professors here, senior to me, and
with better contacts in industry. I am very much the new kid on the
block,” returns Joachin.
“Well, in truth I asked to speak to your chairman. I thought you were
a bit young. Now I see what your chairman thinks of me.”
“Wait a minute, I am not without talent or competency. I do hold the
Bosh nef Storey Fellowship.”
“Ah, Bosh nef Storey ...”, muses Vindebagg, “there was an engineer
with imagination and vision. Not like some of these around today. Well,
perhaps you are the best bet after all. Would like to hear my concept?”
“I am here, so I might as well listen. Please, go ahead.”
His face becoming ever more animated, Vindebagg pulls out
diagrams, sketches and scribbled paragraphs from his overstuffed satchel.
Spreading them on the conference table, he begins, “You see, it has to do
with harnessing the wind...”
“I see why you are having so much trouble with this concept,”
interrupts Joachin, “From what I have seen so far, there is very little wind
on Vayu, just a pleasant breeze. Besides the sun shines all the time,
except for the hour of rain every day, so you can harness the sun for
energy. This idea will never sell on Vayu.”
“It is true there is little usable wind on Vayu. This is why it is such a
good world for growing food. Very little wind erosion occurs and the
weather is mild,” lectures Vindebagg, adding testily, “But I never said
that I wanted to ‘sell’ the idea on Vayu. There are other worlds...”
“I’m sorry, please continue.”
“Quite all right. The concept got its start when I was reading some
books of history about wind power. Sailing ships and windmills, that sort
of thing. But what I thought would be interesting, would be if we were
able to able to harness the wind and store it as energy...”
“And then use it later at a site remote from where the wind source is.
Of course, I was blocking thoughts before, but now I see what you are
getting at,” says Joachin excitedly. “We could use such a device to power
vehicles and such on my home planet, Gleesong. (They call it that
because the wind blows all the time so that it sounds as if someone is
constantly singing. We are a resource poor planet and the weather is
310 5. Vayun Capers

mostly cloudy so that solar energy is right out. Presently, we are

importing nuclear fuels to provide energy, and even though there is no
danger of melt-down in our power plants, we still have a waste disposal
problem. The government has begun building windmills to provide
power, but no one has thought of using it to power vehicles. We are still
using fossil fuels at present!”
“Then we agree, this is a concept that must be pursued, Joachin, but
we must have some energetic young people, without preconceptions, to
help us.”
“We can get the Design class to take this on as a project, Thaddeus,”
says Joachin, adding, “But we need a name, or phrase, to rally around ...
hm ... How about, Wind Blown Applications Group - WindBAG!”
“Perfect, just perfect,” beams Vindebagg. “This is what I call concept
generation indeed.”

Task. Design, build and test a system capable of converting wind energy
into some more useful form of energy and then store this energy in some
compact, transportable module. The wind source will be represented by a
household electric fan, and the energy modules must be used to propel a
vehicle, carrying as large a payload, over as long a distance as possible,
subject to the restrictions and conditions.

1. The vehicle will be required to traverse a track to be specified.
2. No guide wires of any kind will be allowed.
3. After the vehicle has traversed the track, its total distance traveled
will be measured.
Performance Tests. The mechanism that is to be tested shall consist of a
conversion/storage device, energy modules and a vehicle. In the first part
of the test, each group will be given 5 minutes to convert and store as
much energy as their design allows. The energy modules shall then be
integrated with the group's vehicle, the payload added and two runs shall
be made.
The performance run will be scored by two measurements. These are:
i. The useful load carried by the vehicle (payload).
ii. The distance traveled by the vehicle.
The useful load carried by the vehicle (payload). This measurement
demonstrates the useful work down by the vehicle and energy module.
The distance traveled by the vehicle: The distance traveled by the
vehicle will be used in the calculation of points for this portion of the
5.3. The Vayun Design Project Stories 311

performance test. Once the vehicle has crossed the start line it shall not
be aided in any way to complete traversing the course.
Each system will be required to go through the performance test
twice. Students will be allowed two (2) minutes to set up their system
before each run on the course, which includes installation of modules and
payload. The system must be removed from the competition area within
one (1) minute after completion of the test. Penalties will be levied if the
set up and removal times are exceeded.
The points for each part of the performance test will be calculated as
i. Points for payload.
Weight - Weightmin
P1 = [ Weightmax - Weightmin x 50 ]
Weight is the payload,
Weightmax is the maximum payload any group's vehicle is carries,
Weightmin will be determined later.
ii. Points for distance

Distance - 10 feet
P2 = [ Distance max- 10 feet x 50 ]

Distance is the number of feet traveled by the vehicle in a straight
line, and
Distancemax is the maximum distance traveled by all the vehicles.
The original points for each performance will be the sum of the
above points after deductions due to penalties, i.e.,
Original Points (OP) = P1 + P2 - (Penalties)
The sum of the original points from both runs of the
performance test will be the group points. The group with the most
points will be judged ti be the winners of the competition.

5.3.11 SHARK: Speilbaum's Hasty Amphibious

Retrieval of Klepp
312 5. Vayun Capers

The time is five o'clock. Later on this evening, there will be highlights of
the 111th Gardening Olympics on VVC One. But, now on VVC Two, we
have the Witless News.
“Good evening and salutations, friends, this is Guy Friendlee speaking
to you from the studios of Vayu Video Company, or the Veev, as we like
to call it. Welcome to another evening of Witless News, the news
programming that not only reports the news to you, but forms your
opinions as well.
“First up is a story filed by Skip Dweebling, who is on the southwest
coast tonight, in the town of Twitsdown. The Twits seem to have
something that is clogging their harbor. Better their harbors than my
drains. Over to you, Skip!”
“Thank you, Guy. Here with me tonight is the Head Twit and
Harbormaster, Lloyd Speilbaum. In addition to chairing the Twitsdown
city council and overseeing the workings of the harbor, Mr. Speilbaum
has a longtime experience with the coastal areas and their flora and
fauna. Mr. Speilbaum...”
“Please, call me Lloyd.”
“All right Lloyd, just what seems to be the problem here in lovely
“Well, as your boss said, we gotta lotta Klepp clogging up the
“Excuse me, Lloyd, but please watch your language. This is a family
show. Now, you were saying about the 'stuff' in the harbor?”
“Yes, well anyway, the Klepp is ...”
“Really, Mr. Spielbaum, I must ask you ...”
“Mr. Dweebling, if you let me finish I can explain. Klepp, spelled K-
L-E-P-P, is the name of an aquatic plant that floats on the top of the
water. They have some uses, for example, they make a pretty good stew,
and their are a number of useful chemicals and such that can be extracted
from them.”
“Oh, so all the, er, Klepp in the harbor should be a boon to you then,
“Weeell, not exactly. You see, although we do have a Klepp industry
in this area, with Klepp retrievers, Klepp boats, and a couple of Klepp
processing plants, our biggest industry is really fishing for Purplefin,
which are a deep-water fish. Apparently, there has been some
extraordinary volcanic activity, which has cause all this Klepp to drift
into port. There is so much Klepp in Twitsdown now that we can't get out
to sea to fish for Purplefin. The Klepp men can't even get away from the
docks to retrieve Klepp.”
5.3. The Vayun Design Project Stories 313

“I see. You are having problems clearing out the old Klepp before
new Klepp shows up.”
“Exactly. Given time, we could clear the harbor of Klepp, working
from dockside out. But new Klepp keeps drifting in. We can’t keep up!”
“Yes, but hasn't the government sent some help?”
“Yes, they sent some eggheads down from the University of Vayu to
‘help’. I’ve told them that whatever they come up with, it has to be
launchable from anywhere on the harbor. It has to be fast to get to new
clumps of Klepp coming in from various directions, and it would be nice
to retrieve the stuff - maybe it could pay for this operation. Other than the
government eggheads we are on our own.”
“No disaster relief funds?”
“They said it wasn’t a disaster yet. By the time it becomes an official
disaster we'll all have moved on to other places. Twitsdown will become
a ghost town.”
“So the future of Twitsdown rests on the shoulders of the egg... er,
academics from the University.”
“That’s about the size of it, Skip.”
“Well, thank you for your time, Mr. Speilbaum and I wish you and the
rest of the Twits best of luck in your hasty amphibious recovery of
“Now back to the studio and Guy ...”

Task. Design, build and test a SHARK system capable of moving

overland a distance of three (3) meters, and then enter a harbor, (modeled
in this instance by a child's wading pool. The SHARK must cover the
three meters as rapidly as possible. Upon entering the 'harbor' the
SHARK must retrieve as much Klepp as possible within set time limits.
The design and construction of the SHARK are subject to the restrictions
and conditions.
i. The total system weight (dry) should not exceed one thousand,
five hundred (1500) grams.
ii. The system at rest should fit in an imaginary globe one-half (1/2)
meter in diameter.
Performance Tests. The performance of SHARK will be tested in two
314 5. Vayun Capers

i. Land speed - this event will measure the speed of the SHARK
over a distance of three (3) meters.The course begins at a start
line three (3) meters away from the 'harbor' and finishes in the
'harbor'. Timing begins when the foremost part of the SHARK
crosses the start line and ends when the SHARK enters the pool.
ii. Retrieval rate - This is a measure of how much Klepp the
SHARK can retrieve. Upon entering the water, the SHARK will
have two (2) minutes to retrieve as much Klepp as possible. In
the test, Klepp will be represented by styrofoam packing
'peanuts'. The number of peanuts collected or retrieved by the
SHARK in two (2) minutes will be counted and expressed as a
rate: Klepp retrieval per minute.
Each group will be allowed to put their SHARK through the test
twice. Groups will be allowed two (2) minutes to set up for a test and one
(1) minute to remove their device from the testing area.
i. Points for land speed.
Time - Timemin
Pspeed = [ 1 - ( Timemax - Timemin )] x 25

Time is elapsed time over the three meter course,
Timemin is the minimum elapsed time any group's SHARK
requires to cover the course, and
Timemax is the maximum elapsed time any group's SHARK
requires to cover the course.
5.3. The Vayun Design Project Stories 315

ii. Points for retrieval rate.

Rate - Ratemin
Pretrieval = [ 1 - ( Ratemax - Ratemin )] x 25

Rate is the retrieval rate for the SHARK,
Ratemin is the lowest retrieval rate achieved by any group,
Ratemax is the highest retrieval rate achieved by any group.
iii. Total points.
The total points for a test will be the sum of the above points
minus deductions due to penalties, i.e.
Original Points (OP) = P1 + P2 - (Penalties)
The final score for a group will be the highest from the two tests. The
group with the most points will be judged as winners of the competition.

5.3.12 LIFT: Low-Tech Invention Foiling Tolzar

Figure 5.7. Project LIFT

316 5. Vayun Capers

The inhabitants of planet Vayu awoke one morning to find the sky
darkened by a huge black spaceship hovering above their settlement. It
was not long before this ship was recognized as belonging to Tolzar, a
galactic pirate from the alien planet of Zertsim. The aliens soon made
clear their demands upon the Vayuns: they wanted the entire supply of
Rosa Vayunii, a plant unique to the planet, which contained a protein
used throughout the universe to alleviate the effects of aging. The
Vayuns depended on trade of Rosa Vayunii for their very survival.
The aliens had suspended through a hatch in the bottom of the space
ship a cable with a weight at its end which hung about a meter clear of
the ground. Down this cable theylowered a molecular beam disintegrator
unit (m.b.d.) until it stopped about three quarters of a meter above the
weight. The m.b.d. was positioned in the middle of the crop of Rosa
Vayunii. Despite the high-tech nature of the m.b.d., it was triggered only
when an old fashioned radar unit (incorporated within the m.b.d.)
detected anything moving within its scanning beam. This beam scanned
continuously through 360o and was effective from the horizontal plane to
an elevation of 45o. When the radar detected movement, the m.b.d. fired
a broad beam that was capable of destroying any object within close
The situation was desperate for the Vayuns. At a meeting the
following evening, most of the Vayuns spoke in favor of the crop being
surrendered immediately to get rid of the aliens. Only a tall young man
spoke against the idea. “They would come back when the next crop is
ready.” he pointed out. “Giving in to their demands is no solution.”
Everybody stared at him as he continued, “My name is Gora-al-Bera,
new design instructor at the University of Vayu and I have the beginning
of a plan. There are no infra-red or other persons sensor associated with
the m.b.d. so it should be possible to push or drag a device into position
beneath the m.b.d. provided everything stays below the zone scanned by
the radar beam. The ground immediately beneath the m.b.d. is marshy
and cannot stably support any structure. Therefore the device must be
made to attach to the cable beneath the m.b.d. and lift it up the cable until
it passes through the hatch and into the space ship. The diameter of the
hatch is little more than half a meter, so there are some size restrictions
on the device.
“The movement must be very gentle and the m.b.d. must not be tilted,
otherwise it may fire its beam and destroy our crop - and us with it. The
interior surfaces of the spacecraft are not likely to be radar-invisible,
although the outer surfaces certainly are. Hence, as the m.b.d. is lifted
through the hatch, the movement provides a signal for the radar detector
which then will fire the m.b.d. and destroy the space ship.”
5.3. The Vayun Design Project Stories 317

The young man's plan at first met with some opposition. Someone
suggested that it would only anger Tolzar without having any chance to
succeed. Others worried about possible danger to the people below if
anything went wrong. But the voice of Gora-al-Bera raised over the
crowd, "There is no other option, our survival depends on our ingenuity.
My students will take the task of designing and building the artifact. I
assure you that Vayu will be saved!”
And so, project LIFT came into being: Low-Tech Invention Foiling

Task. Design, build and test a device capable of raising a specified

payload five meters, using a vertically hanging rope for guidance and
support. The payload comprises a plastic saucer and a ping-pong ball
(representing the m.b.d.), with the ping-pong ball resting unsecured in the
saucer. You are expected to reach the five meter mark (simulating the
spaceship) with the ball in the saucer and, in addition, as fast as possible
to avoid possible detection by the crew. The project is subject to the
following restrictions and conditions.
1. The saucer containing the ping-pong ball is not to slide
concentrically on the rope, but must be carried eccentrically by
the LIFT.
2. The entire lifting device must remain below the top edge of the
saucer throughout the lift.
3. The LIFT device, including the saucer and ping-pong ball,
should not exceed one thousand (1,000) grams.
4. The LIFT at rest should fit in an imaginary globe five hundred
(500) millimeters in diameter.
5. Each group will be allowed to provide their own rope. It should
conform, however, to the specifications given in class. Any
deviations will result in the disqualification of the project.
6. Use of chemical energy of any kind, including electric batteries
as a power source, is strictly prohibited.
7. All energy must be contained in the device. No external
connection or contact is permitted after releasing the device.
8. You will have to provide the 2 kg mass allowed to tense the rope,
as well as a hook to tie it to the anchor that will be provided.
9. The rope should have appropriate marks indicating the beginning
and end of the 5 meter run.
10. The saucer and ping-pong ball provided by the organizers may
not be modified in any way by the competitors. The free
318 5. Vayun Capers

movement of the ping-pong ball within its saucer may not be

restricted in any way by the competitors. The saucer must be
supported from below, with nothing above its top edge.
11. The LIFT must lock onto the rope at the highest point of its
12. The ping-pong ball must be in the saucer at the end of the ascent
and after the LIFT has locked into the rope. In the ball leaves the
saucer, the run shall be declared invalid.
13. A LIFT that does not move for 10 sec at any stage after being
released shall be deemed to have completed its run.
Performance Tests. The performance of the LIFT mechanism will be
assessed as follows:
i. Travelling speed - This test will measure the speed of the LIFT
mechanism in travelling along the rope and reaching the hatch.
The clock is started when the LIFT mechanism begins to climb
the rope, at point T1 , and ends when it passes point T2 .
ii. Stability - This is a measure of how stable the LIFT mechanism
is in travelling along the rope. Stability will be measured using a
sensor made of a ping-pong ball in a plastic saucer. The longer
the distance traveled with the ball remaining in the plastic saucer,
the more stable the device and the more points the group will get.
Each group will be allowed two test runs. Groups will be allowed
three minutes to set up for the test and two minutes to remove the
mechanism. Extra time will be penalized.
i. Points for Travelling Speed
If the ball does not fall from the plastic saucer:

Pspeed = 25 x [1-(T-T min)/(Tmax-Tmin) ]

T is elapsed time to travel the distance D between the two
red marks
Tmin is elapsed time for the most competitive LIFT
Tmax is elapsed time for the least competitive LIFT

If the ball falls from the LIFT:

Pspeed = 0
ii. Stability
Pstability = 25 x ( D/5 )
5.3. The Vayun Design Project Stories 319

D is the distance traveled by the LIFT from the start red mark
until the ball falls.

iii. Total points

The total points for the test will be the sum of the above
points minus deduction of penalty points:
Points total = Pspeed + Pstability - Penalty
Penalty points:
Exceeding set-up and pull-down time:
2 points for every 15 seconds.

The final score for the group will be the highest from the two test
The group with the most points will be judged the winner of the

5.3.13 DROP: Delivering Radiosensitive Oval Payload

The faces of the Vayun planetary council were grave as the citizens
squeezed into Bosh Hall for the emergency meeting. Whatever the crisis,
it must be serious to get so many old fossils (oops - so many eminent
scientists and engineers, thought young Lara nef Storey, correcting
herself) out of their laboratories and classrooms. Even Nasim vel Nathan,
Chief Engineer of Vayu, looked concerned as he approached the
platform. Chief Engineer, ha, she thought, as she strained her neck to see
over the shuffling crowd. Everyone knew there'd been no true engineers
on Vayu in years, not since her great-grandmother Sonya had ...
An annoying tug at the arm distracted her. It was her boyfriend, Jered
(Significant other, they called it these days. Bosh, what a decadent
society!) Like her, he was a sophomore engineering student at the
University of Vayu. They had gone through design classes together, and
grown to like each other - why, she wasn’t sure - he wasn’t exactly a
hunk. Maybe it was their shared frustration at having worked on the same
old design projects their fathers had. She pulled back on her arm in
“Be careful, Lara,” he whispered. “You know we’re not supposed to
be in here. What if Dr. Redor sees us. We could be arrested, or thrown
out of the University, or …”
320 5. Vayun Capers

“Oh, quiet. The worst they’ll do is throw us outside. Before they do

let’s at least try to find out what's going on,” she said as she began to
worm her way through the crowd, pulling him reluctantly along.
“Citizens of Vayu,” began the Chief Engineer, “we are faced with
perhaps the greatest crisis since the great Bosh nef Storey saved our
world from the evil Phoenix (oohs and ahs). The mining world of Heslar,
the only source of the isotope called hyperium has suffered a coup d-,”
he cursed, wondering what idiot was running the teleprompter. Oh well,
he’d have to wing it. “Ahem - a revolution. The Heslarii government has
raised the price a hundred times over and threatened to cut off the supply
altogether if we don’t pay a yearly tribute. As most of you know,
hyperium is vital for use in cooling proton-proton fusion reactors.
Without it, every power station on Vayu will have to shut down in four
months, and all spacecraft will be grounded. Unless our engineers can
find a new energy source, Vayu will be back in the Stone Age.”
Lara staggered in disbelief. How could they develop a new energy
source in four months when they could hardly keep the old ones running?
This would mean going back to more primitive sources of power - wind,
solar, or (perish the thought) petroleum. The Golden Age when Vayun
engineers had been the envy of the galaxy would be forgotten, and her
career with it.
“Wait,” cried a voice above the din. It was Han ken Sodo, retired
physicist from the Vayun Institute of Technology (VIT). “There may be
an alternative. The abandoned nuclear test sight of Au-Shen can be used
to convert beta ore into hyperium. Because of the intense radioactive
field emanating from the site, a properly placed critical mass of beta ore
encased in a thin shell of polycalcite, lets call it the egg, will rapidly
decompose at the rate of ...”
“Get to the point,” said the Chief Engineer.
“The point is, it should take less than four months for the
transformation of beta ore into hyperium.”
A gruff voice interrupted, “This is not a textbook problem old man,
this is the real world.” It was Mining Director Hesto din Kaja. “The only
problem with your idea is, it can’t be done.” He sarcastically snorted.
“No man has been able to survive the intense radiation for more than 70
seconds, not to mention that there is a hundred foot high unidirectional
electromagnetic force field (which keeps unsuspecting wanderers from
entering the area), surrounding the sight.”
There was a chorus of murmurs, all in agreement that Vayun
technology was not up to the task.
5.3. The Vayun Design Project Stories 321

“Stop it!” shrieked a voice which Lara was surprised to find was her
own. “I can’t believe what I’m hearing. Surely there must be a way of
planting this egg. What's happened to Vayun ingenuity, anyway?”
Jered gasped as he tried to move away from his young friend. Now
she's done it. It'‘ll be exile to the ice planet Griswold for the both of us!!
“And who are you, young lady, to question OUR judgment?” said the
Chief Engineer as the guards closed in upon her.
“Lara nef Storey.” Murmurs filled the hall at the legendary surname.
“It was my ancestor Bosh nef Storey who saved our planet from the
Phoenix, and from the Imperial warmongers, and who founded the
University of Vayu, and MY Greatgrandmother Sonya who designed the
first skycranes linking Vayu to the orbital cities of …”
“We are well aware of Vayun history, thank you,” interrupted the
Chief Engineer, motioning the guards to let her speak. “Very well, what
do you propose?”
“Well,” she said, getting more sure of herself, “why not design a
vehicle which could go over the force field, deposit the egg, and leave
the area in less than 70 seconds? There is a sixty foot high abandoned
observation building right next to the site which we could use as a
launching pad for our vehicle. We have dozens of capable engineering
students here who haven’t had a real design project in years, anyway.”
At that, Dr. Redor stepped forward, smiling at his young students. “By
Bosh, Chief Engineer, it just might be possible. We could build and test a
prototype, at least. Couldn’t we, students?” he growled. Both nodded
their heads in submission.
The Chief Engineer smiled. “Very, well. Citizens, it seems that the
name of nef Storey must come to the rescue of our beloved planet once
again. You, young lady, will lead a team of students to design this - this
device for Delivering Radiosensitive Oval Payload. Good luck, and
remember that all of Vayu is counting on you.”

Task. To design and build a vehicle that will launch itself from the top of
a twenty four by sixty (24 x 60) inch table twnety nine (29) inches high
carrying an egg. The vehicle has to jump over a 55" high barrier placed
twenty four (24) inches away from the edge of the table and then land
inside a marked area. After landing, the vehicle will deposit the egg as
close to the center of the marked area as possible and then move out of
the area as quickly as it can. The vehicle should not remain inside the
marked area for more than sixty (60) seconds. The set up for the
competition will look as shown in Figure 5.7.
322 5. Vayun Capers

Figure 5.8. Schematic solution to Project DROP

Performance Tests. The projects will be judged on the following aspects

i. Safety
Psty = 30 points
If the egg is transported and released unharmed inside the
marked area. 30 pts
If the egg cracks but is released after the vehicle has landed. 20
If the egg is released in mid air. 10 pts
If the egg is never released. 0 pts

ii. Accuracy
Pacc = 40 points
Points for accuracy of drop will be awarded according to the
following scheme
Pacc = Pj + Pl
Pj = 20 if the vehicle jumps over the barrier
= 0 if vehicle goes under the barrier
Pl = 20 ( 1 - X/R)
X = Distance from where the egg is placed to the center of the
target area.
5.3. The Vayun Design Project Stories 323

R = Radius of the target area.

iii. Speed
Pspd = 30 points
Tmax - T
Pspd = 20 x ( Tmax - Tmin ) + 10
Tmax = The maximum time, under sixty (60) secs., taken by any
Tmin = The minimum time taken by any competitor
T = The time taken by your vehicle
All times measured in seconds.
Zero points will be awarded for speed if the vehicle stays in the
target area for more than sixty (60) seconds.

5.3.14 SCALE: Shaft Climbing Contraption to

AnnihiLate the Enemy.
As Lara recovered from her unconscious state she slowly became aware
of the heat and the damp. She rubbed her gummed shut eyelids, then lay
there, staring at the ceiling, experiencing a feeling of dislocation, not
knowing in those first waking moments just where she was. She looked
around and saw Dr. Redor and her friends slowly recouping from their
dazed state. Gradually, as they regained their senses, the severity of the
situation dawned upon them.
“By Bosh, what happened?” asked Sorekk.
“Seems like we were knocked unconscious by some kind of an
accidental gas leak," Deckert tried to rationalize.
“Doesn’t seem like an accident to me.” Lara mumbled, pointing
towards what seemed like empty gas shells lying on the control room
“Where are the security guards?” shrieked Jered.
“Let us check the other rooms to see if we can find anyone.” Deckert
Yuland was a new Hi-Tech landing station built on Andron, one of the
three moons of Vayu. Lara and her classmates, along with Dr. Redor, had
come to visit this feat of Vayun technology. The station was not yet
operational and was supposed to be inaugurated the following week on
324 5. Vayun Capers

Bosh nef Day, to commemorate Vayus’ entrance into the new age. But
this advance of Vayu technology was viewed with much bitterness and
animosity by the antagonistic Tolzarian government. The commissioning
of the Vayun base on Andron would mean that Vayuns would now be
able to mine the much demanded metal ore, Zapini, used throughout the
universe in the manufacture of superconducting cables. Andron was
known to have huge deposits of Zapini several feet beneath its rugged
surface. Till now the Vayun technology was not up to the task of being
able to take advantage of Andron’s resources. But it seemed that with the
new base, Yuland, the job would no longer be impossible. Yuland
provided a landing base for Vayun ships with a long shaft extending
beneath the rugged surface, which was to be used for transporting the ore
as well as people from the underground mining facility. It certainly was a
major technological achievement for the Vayuns.
The Tolzar government had other plans for the Andron base. All these
months they waited for the Vayuns to finish construction so that they
could seize the facility and use it for their benefit. Since the place was
guarded only by a handful of inexperienced security personnel, they
figured that capturing the base would not be a big problem. Roscow, the
commander in chief of the Tolzarian armed fleet, led a small contingent
to capture the Andron base. Indeed the take over was not at all difficult,
the attack of the Tolzars was too sudden as well as too thorough and
complete. The inexperienced Vayun security personnel were taken
totally by surprise; no one expected an assault of any kind. In a few
minutes the Tolzars had managed to destroy the main transport lift and
disengage all the communication antennas. After rendering the base
ineffective, Roscow decided to return to Tolzar with the good news of
their success, so that the Tolzarian engineers and work force could come
and take control of the base and start mining operations. Roscow knew
that the security personnel trapped in the underground establishment had
enough supplies to last them till they returned, and with the lift
completely destroyed, it was highly improbable that they could find a
way to get out of the underground building. But just as an added
precaution he left giant helium balloons hovering above the launch pad to
prevent any ships from taking off from the platform, a simple but
effective way of paralyzing a landing base without unnecessary damage.
He also left some of his men to keep an eye on the base, with enough
ammunition to guard against any contingencies.
. . . Lara and her friends soon found the five security personnel who
quickly briefed them about the entire situation.
5.3. The Vayun Design Project Stories 325

“If only we could get a few men to the top of the shaft I am sure that
we can takeover the Tolzarian guards,” said Lnonwiss, the Chief of
“But what good will that do?” remarked Stefer, a security officer.
With the communication antennas destroyed and those balloons hovering
above the platform there is no way we can call for help from Vayu in
“You are right,” agreed Lnonwiss, “We will also have to figure out a
way to destroy those balloons.”
“But how are we going to do all this, we don't even have suitable
equipment to work with!!” exclaimed Stefer.
“I am sure we can do something with what is available.”Lara proposed
“Oh yeah - I am sure you can!” Stefer snapped sarcastically.
“Now Lara might be right here.” Dr. Redor interjected, “I think if we
put our heads together we just might be able to design a vehicle that
would accomplish the task.These students here have constructed similar
projects as part of their design course at VIT (Vayu Institute of
Technology) and I am sure they will take up the challenge.”
“But this is not a stupid class project - this is the real thing.” Stefer
screamed in disbelief. “Do you have any idea what will happen if this
vehicle of yours fails to do the job? We will all be dead!!”
“I am fully aware of the risks Mr. Stefer, but does any one have a
better suggestion?” Dr. Redor remarked calmly.
Suddenly the room became very quiet as everyone stared at each
other. “Very well then.” Lnonwiss finally broke the silence, “We will go
ahead with your plan Dr. Redor. Ask your students to begin work on this

Task. Design a self contained climbing device that will climb vertically
inside a pipe of approximately fifteen (15) cm diameter about one
hundred and eighty five (185 )cm tall. The device should be designed to
travel through the distance in the shortest possible time carrying a maxi-
mum amount of payload. The device should stop on reaching the top of
the pipe and will have to burst six (6) balloons attached symmetrically to
the periphery of a collar at the top. The device can be no longer than 25

Rules and Restrictions

1. The vehicle, excluding the payload, should not be longer than
twenty five (25) cm.
326 5. Vayun Capers

2. The payload has to be separate from the vehicle. The vehicle

weight is not included in the payload and the vehicle should be
able to perform all the task with or without the payload.
3. The device will have to be released from a loading platform by
hand or by activating a button, lever, or clutch, etc. The
contestants will have to design their own loading platform.
4. On reaching the top of the pipe the device will have to burst six
balloons, attached symmetrically on the periphery of a flat
5. Any kind of power source can be used as long as it is safe for
indoor use.
6. Each contestant will be allowed three trials and the best of the
three will be used. In case of ties, the average of three trials will
be used.
7. The maximum time allowed for each trial, from release of the
vehicle till the popping of the balloons, is 90 seconds. However,
the maximum time allowed for a vehicle to reach the 150 cm
mark with the payload is 60 seconds.
8. A set up time of two minutes will be given at the start of each

Performance Tests. The Project will be judged on the following aspects

i. Distance Climbed
Pd = 25 x (d/dmax)
d = distance climbed by your vehicle ≤ 150 cm
d max = 150 cm
ii. Time Taken
t - tmin
Pt = 25 - 20 (t
max - tmin ) if d ≥ dmax

Pt = 0 if d < dmax or t > 60 secs
t = time taken by your vehicle to reach the 150 cm mark
tmax = maximum time taken by any competitor to reach the 150
cm mark
5.3. The Vayun Design Project Stories 327

tmin = minimum time taken by any competitor to reach the 150

cm mark
iii. Payload Carried
Pp = 25 x (W/Wmax)
W = weight carried by your vehicle
Wmax = maximum weight carried by any competitor
iv. Balloons Popped
Pb = 18 x (n/6)
n = number of balloons popped by your vehicle.

5.3.15 SPECTRE: Self Propelled Efficient Collector

for Trash in Radioactive Environments
“Unloading completed. Preparing to release anchor.”
The disembodied voice from the microphones filled the small control
tower. Renig Klony turned his head towards the southern window to look
at the superblimp anchored about a mile away. Against the bleak cold
backdrop of southern Russerica, the superblimp was hovering silently
above a steel tower and was anchored by three large ropes. The blimp
was connected to the tower by a long telescopic tube. Even as he
watched, the telescopic tube was retracted into the tower and the anchor
lines were released and roped in by the blimp. Now the superblimp began
its long and slow journey back to the northern continent. These colossal
airships, the superblimps, had been a result of an intense drive towards
fuel economy. Running on a combination of solar power and hydrogen
fuel these monsters had proved to be the cheapest method for bulk
Even as he turned to his viewphone Renig could imagine the activity
in the processing plant under the steel tower. The long conveyer belts, the
fully automated packing machines, the rolls of lead sheet used for
containing the radiation and finally the neatly packaged boxes coming
out of the elevator to be sent to the storage satellites. Time to check if the
new consignment of uranium ore had been received without problems.
He called his deputy who was in charge of the plant operations.
“Everything going fine, Renig! Why don't you go home?” End of another
uneventful day at the Vayun Radioactive Material Handling Center.
328 5. Vayun Capers

On the way out, he stopped to say good-bye to Jered, their summer

intern from the University of Vayu.
“How’s it going, Jered!”
“I have just finished some calculations which show that by changing
the scheduling of the packing machines a little, we could get an
improvement of zero point eight percent in the processing speed. Can I
get permission to change the master code for the processing plant?”
“Good work! But I am afraid you can't change the code. Even I don’t
have the security clearance for making the changes but let me find out
what can be done.”


Next day was a cold and cloudy day. The weather center had put out a
tornado warning.
“This is SB-323 requesting permission to dock. I have some
radioactive stuff from the Kryptonne National Laboratory.” The KNL
had been conducting some experiments on the effects of severe radiation
on plants of various types and this generated a great deal of radioactive
plant waste. “The wind speeds are pretty high and also we have strong
gusts, are you sure you can handle the docking?”
“No problem! I have done this a hundred times in worse weather.”
"OK! Go ahead!" Even after giving permission Klony was a bit
worried. He watched as the connecting tube went up and the anchor lines
came down. It started raining lightly.
Fifteen minutes later, he first saw it as a dark shadow in the corner of
his eye. It was a TORNADO! And it was heading straight for the blimp!
With a sinking feeling in his stomach he watched as the silent drama
unfolded in front of his eyes. First there was the blur of the tornado
hitting the blimp then the connecting tube collapsing in slow motion and
finally the trash from the blimp streaming out in a cascade. And finally,
the blimp crashing to the ground like a fallen Goliath.
The sound of the alarm ringing brought him back to the reality of the
accident. Taking a deep breath, Renig plunged into action. First, the
pilots had to be taken to the hospital. Next, call for help in fixing the
blimp. That could take a few weeks. The tower had to be fixed
immediately. The trash! How do we pick up the trash?
He immediately called for an emergency meeting of his entire
technical staff.

5.3. The Vayun Design Project Stories 329

“How do we handle the trash?”

“What about using our robots?”
“Most of our robots are on loan to the South Pole study group for the
next three weeks. There are only six robots here and these are the old
models of the 8600 series. Gobble up batteries like crazy!”
“How long will our battery supplies last?”
“I don’t think that's our main problem. We should be thinking about
the question of time. Can the robots handle the waste before it starts
spreading all over the base?”
“My most optimistic estimate for cleanup using all six robots is about
three days, what with battery recharging and all that.”
“That’s too long. Not acceptable! Remember that the radioactive
waste can seep underground given that much time and a little rain.”
“We will have to use some of our men to help the robots,” Renig said
with a tone of finality.
There was a brief uncomfortable silence in the room. Everyone in the
room was aware of the severe discomfort of going into the cold wearing
those thick radiation suits.
“Ask for volunteers and give them quadruple pay for the work.”
Let the paper pushers and the penny pinchers in the Ministry of
Industry bother about the expense of the cleanup, Renig thought. His job
was to get the cleanup done as fast as possible.
“Don’t you have some special equipment just to handle such spills?”
asked Jered tentatively. The older heads in the room turned to fix their
somber gaze upon the young intern. He was just beginning to regret his
inopportune question when Renig answered in a patient voice.
“No! We don't have any. We have been asking for a specialized
vehicle to handle such spills for the last five years, but each time the
ministry has shot down our proposals.”
“What were their reasons?” a slightly emboldened Jered queried.
“Cost, cost and cost! Same reason every time. All the proposed
designs were too expensive to build. And considering that this machine
would have no other use, I had to grudgingly agree with the ministry's
opinion that they were too expensive.”
“I know that it would not help the present situation but what if
someone were to come up with an inexpensive device to pick up and
compact the trash. Would you be willing to fund a project at the
“I can’t promise anything but I will do my best to sell the idea IF it is
not too expensive.”
By this time Jered was hardly paying attention to the reply. His mind
was racing ahead with all kinds of ideas.
330 5. Vayun Capers

“This trash collector could use the tower itself as a guide for its
“Yes and no. I personally don't think that we want to put any more
hardware on the tower but if need be we could fix something to the
“If you will excuse me, I will talk to my professor right now and get
the ball rolling.”
As Jered walked towards his office, he was already thinking of a
catchy acronym for the design problem ...........

Task. Design and build a self contained vehicle that will pick up paper
and/or styrofoam cups scattered in a circular area. The cups should be
stored in a compacted form in a storage area that is a part of the vehicle.
To guide and assist the vehicle in running in the designated circular area
a string and pole arrangement would be made as shown in the schematic
figure. After picking and compacting the cups, the vehicle must come to
a stop as close to the center pole as possible. Points will be awarded on
the basis of the number of cups picked up, the final volume in the
compacted form, and the distance from center at the end of delivery. A
list of rules and restrictions for the project is provided giving the details
of size limitations, competition rules, and other specifics. The vehicles
should comply with all the conditions set forth in the rules and
restrictions for this project.

? ?

Figure 5.9. Schematic solution to Project SPECTRE

5.3. The Vayun Design Project Stories 331

Rules and Restrictions:

1. The entire vehicle should fit inside a rectangular box of the
following dimension
length 60 cm
width 25 cm
height 25 cm
2. The vehicle has to be self contained and should be activated at
the start by a simple on/off switch or some similar mechanical
action. However, at the end of the run the vehicle has to come to
a complete stop on its own.
3. There is no restriction on the type of power source except that it
should be safe enough for indoor use.
4. The guide string will be attached to a sixty (60) cm high pole
placed in the center of the contest area.
5. The guide string is provided to help the vehicles in navigation,
however its use is not a mandatory requirement. A five point
bonus will be awarded to the projects that do not use the guide
6. The radius of the circular contest area would be two (2.0) meters
and the circular area would be marked on the Atrium floor in the
Old Engineering building. (The contestants should make a note
of the Atrium floor surface in designing their device.)
7. The contestants would be responsible for providing the garbage
to be picked and compacted. This should consist only of paper
and/or Styrofoam cups no smaller than 12 oz. If larger cups are
used they should be one of a standard size, i.e., 16 oz, 20 oz, 24
oz, and 32 oz.
8. The cups would be scattered randomly in the contest area by the
administrator, not by the contestants.
9. A contestant will have up to maximum of two (2) minutes to
complete a run.
10. Each contestant will be allowed two trials and the best of the two
will be used. In case of ties, the average of two trials will be
332 5. Vayun Capers

Performance Tests. Points will be awarded according to the following

i. Speed

Ps = 25 - 20 ( t-tmin
tmax - tmin ) if t ≤ 120

Ps = 0 if t > 120
t = the time, in seconds, taken to complete a run.
tmax = maximum time taken by any competitor to complete
the run
tmin = minimum time taken by any competitor to complete
the run
The time will be measured from start till the vehicle comes to a
complete stop.
ii. Trash Carried
Pt = 25 N (
N = number of cups picked up by the vehicle
Nmax = maximum number of cups picked up by any competitor
iii. Degree of Compactness

Pc = 25 - 20 ( VV-V- V )

V = V'/N ( storage volume per cup )
V' = The compacted volume at the end of the run
N = The number of cups picked up
Vmax = The maximum per cup volume for any competitor
Vmin = The minimum per cup volume for any competitor
iv Accuracy
5.3. The Vayun Design Project Stories 333

Pa = 25 - 20 ( DD - D- D )
If D ≤ 200 cm

Pa = 0 If D > 200 cm
D= distance of the vehicle from the center at the end of the run
Dmax = maximum distance for any competitor
Dmin = minimum distance for any competitor

5.3.16 PROBE: Prompt Recovery of Bosh's Expedition

After the brief noonday shower, the wind herded the rain clouds away
from the sun, leaving a landscape that looked as pristine and peaceful as
if it had just been created. The fish jumped and splashed in the gem-like
lake, and the birds and small woodland animals frolicked in verdant
splendor. It was shaping up to be another beautiful, relaxing afternoon at
Bosh nef Storey's vacation home.
Nice, Bosh thought, very nice. Too darn nice, he said to himself for
the umpteenth time. Too much nice and no challenge can kill a man. Or
at least cause his brains to dribble out his ears like so much oat bran
mush. There must be some challenge left on Vayu!
“Bring me yon atlas, wife,” Bosh roared in his best adventurer's voice.
“I must needs find a challenge worthy of my talent and skills.”
“Oh don’t be such an old poot,” replied his wife, handing him an atlas
of Vayu. “I don’t see why you don’t just relax and enjoy this time away
from the University. They have given you an extended sabbatical - you
can do as you please, since you have already done so much for the
“I am afraid that this so-called sabbatical is more of a device to get an
old man out of their way. I don’t expect them to take me back. But I am
not angry with them. Change is important. One must evolve, personally
and professionally, to keep advancing. There is no standing still, no
looking back. The University must evolve and so shall I. I must continue
to seek more knowledge, to push back the boundaries of ignorance...”
“O Bosh, don’t make a huge oratory, just do what you will,” his wife
said, as she turned to go back to the grandchildren. “What an old poot
you are!”
Ignoring this last, Bosh turned to his atlas. He spent the afternoon
poring over the book. It was an old-fashioned atlas, the continents,
334 5. Vayun Capers

mountain ranges, forests, deserts, rivers, lakes and oceans drawn in the
old style. However, the maps were based on the latest data available from
satellite photography. But what he loved most about the atlas were the
descriptions of legends and stories associated with places.
As the pages turned, in his mind's eye he visited Touchdown, the
original landing site of the colonists and fought the Gronks - legendary
beasts they encountered. He walked the streets of the industrial cities,
and felt the might of their machines, before the War destroyed them. He
even relived his earliest triumph - the destruction of the evil Phoenix, that
criminal mastermind who sought to use Vayu for personal gain. But these
were all history, there were no challenges to be found in them.
Finally, as the sun sought shelter below the horizon for the night,
Bosh found his challenge. A small island, called Gnayan, rarely visited,
uninhabited, unremarkable except for an old legend associated with it.
The island had four rivers emptying into the ocean at the four points of
the compass. No one had seen the sources of the rivers, and even the
satellite cameras could not pick out the river sources amongst the rugged
terrain. Legend had it that the rivers shared a single source, and that
whosoever drank from the source would receive Total Enlightenment.
Well, thought Bosh, the magical drink of water is probably just a fairy
tale. If I were to find the river sources, be it a single source or several,
that would be enlightenment enough, challenge enough for this old man.
I must begin making my plans.

Bosh to Find Rivers' Source

VAYU CITY - Bosh nef Storey, supernatural powers available at the
Distinguished Professor at the source. When asked if he was
University of Vayu and Hero of seeking a fountain of youth, Bosh
Vayu several times over, announced replied, "No, I am seeking a
plans for an expedition to Gnayan fountain of knowledge, which I will
Island. At a press conference held at find regardless of the number of
the University of Vayu, Bosh told river sources."
reporters that he planned to search Although this appears to be a
for the sources to the four rivers on dangerous expedition for a man of
the island. He expects the expedition such advanced years, the Uni-
to take four to six months, during versity is supporting Bosh's plans
which time he will be in contact fully.
with the outside world by radio. "Yes, we expect Bosh to make
Legends about the island speak contributions to geographical dis-
of a single source that feeds all four covery as significant as his work in
rivers. The legends also speak of engineering. Bosh has our support
5.3. The Vayun Design Project Stories 335

and best wishes," commented When asked if this were merely

University President Marsha lin a smoke-screen to hide the fact that
Monty. "We take great pride in Bosh was recently placed on an
Bosh's endeavors." indefinite sabbatical, UV officials
had no comment.
336 5. Vayun Capers

Please Rescue Our Bosh Expeditiously

VAYU CITY - University and ploring. We have declared the
government officials announced expedition lost so that we can
today that the expedition to Gnayan organize a rescue mission - which
Island is considered lost. Four will be handled by experts from the
months have gone by since the last University, of course."
contact with Bosh nef Storey and One such expert is Josiah
there has been no sign of the expedi- Witherspear, Director of the
tion. The Vayun Coast Guard has Transportation Engineering
been patrolling the skies and seas Laboratory and a colleague of Bosh
around Gnayan Island but nothing nef Storey. Dr. Witherspear is in
has been discovered except the charge of the effort to develop a
expedition's abandoned base camp suitable rescue vehicle.
on the beach. When reached at his lab, Dr.
The expedition left six months Witherspear commented, "Yes, we
ago to discover the source of the have to develop the ultimate all ter-
four rivers on the island. Reports of rain vehicle. Bosh went in on foot -
their findings and status were we don't have that much time since
transmitted by radio every day. Two we have to cover so much ground in
months into the expedition, the so little time. We must have a vehi-
transmissions ceased, apparently cle which can negotiate broken
due to the static caused by the ground, navigate rivers, climb steep
unusually high amount of naturally inclines and traverse snowy slopes -
magnetic materials on the island. all without as little modification as
When asked if all hope was lost, possible to save time."
University of Vayu President, "We have a number of teams
Marsha lin Monty replied, "Of working on this problem. All want
course not. Bosh is a very resource- the honor of designing and building
ful individual and his party was well the vehicle to recover Bosh. But
equipped, with supplies for more there is so little time ..."
than a year. They may still be ex-

Task Statement. Each PROBE will be required to race over a course as

quickly as possible. They will have to negotiate the following types of
terrain, see Figure 5.10:
❑ Across flat, broken ground,
❑ Up a flowing river,
❑ Climb an incline, and
❑ Traverse a winding ski slope.
Each PROBE device is attended by a crew. This crew can only touch
the PROBE between terrain sections. At this time they can reconfigure
the PROBE for the next terrain section, but the clock is running, so little
or no conversion is desirable.
5.3. The Vayun Design Project Stories 337

It is desirable that besides maneuvering over the terrains the probe

vehicle should also be able to carry supplies and other necessary
equipment. Therefore, each PROBE will also be judged on the amount of
payload that it can carry over from start to finish.
The other task required of the PROBE is that it should provide an
effective signal to assist in the search for the expedition. The signal
would be a loud alarm or siren sounded at the end of the run.

Ground River


Changeover Zones

Figure 5.10. Test track for Project Probe

338 5 Vayun Capers

Rules and Restrictions

1. The entire vehicle should fit inside a rectangular box of the

following dimension
length 30 cm
width 20 cm
height 20 cm
2. The vehicle has to be self contained and should be activated at the
start by a simple on/off switch or some similar mechanical action.
Remote control of any kind is not allowed.
3. If the group chooses to make changes in the changeover zone,
then the vehicle has to stop inside the changeover zone by itself.
The group can only touch the vehicle after it comes to a complete
stop in the changeover zone.
4. There will be a finish line marked 40 cm from the edge of the
slope. The vehicle has to stop as close to the finish line as
5. There is no restriction on the type of power source except that it
should be safe for indoor use.
6. The payload to be carried by the vehicle should not violate the
size restrictions. The vehicle and the payload together should fit
within the dimensions given in rule 1.
7. The payload should be easily detachable from the vehicle and will
be weighed at the end of the entire run.
8. The siren or alarm to be sounded at the end of the run should be
loud enough that it can be heard within a radius of fifteen (15)
9. Each contestant will be allowed two trials and the best of the two
will be counted. In case of a tie, the average of the two runs will
be used as a tie breaker.

Performance Test. Points will be awarded according to the following


i. Speed and course completion

Pspeed = {[ 1 - ( t - tmin
tmax - tmin )] x 60} - 15 n
t = the time, in seconds, taken to complete a run.
5.3. The Vayun Design Project Stories 339

tmax = maximum time taken by any competitor to complete the run.

tmin = minimum time taken by any competitor to complete the run.

n = number of terrains not negotiated

Time will be measured from the start till the vehicle comes to a
complete stop.

ii. Payload Carried

Pload = 25 x (W/Wmax)

W = payload carried by the vehicle.

Wmax = maximum payload carried by any competitor.

iii. Bonus Points

All vehicles completing the course will get 10 bonus points. The Siren
counts 5 points.

5.4 Closing Comments

It is hoped that these stories and projects will be helpful to instructors
and coordinators of engineering design classes. Nothing about these
projects is set in concrete, and it is hoped that they will be used in the
manner appropriate to a particular curriculum. However, it is requested
that the authors be acknowledged when any of the projects and/or stories
are used.
It is felt that these stories will provide suitable and challenging design
projects for students in mechanical design courses wherever and however
the courses may be taught. The projects should be quite useful in a course
where other design methods besides the DSP Technique are taught.
However, it has been found that the Vayu projects are particularly suited
to teaching and demonstrating the design method embodied in the DSP
Technique. Design is decision making about conflicting objectives at
different levels. The DSP Technique is a structured decision making
technique, capable (in correctly trained hands) of solving decisions
340 5 Vayun Capers

involving such objectives. The Vayu projects provide a laboratory for

exploring this type of decision based design.

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