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Name of student: _____________________ Total score: __________________________


1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the word in CAPITAL LETTERS. The first
one is done for you.

0 It’s important for managers to have a good relationship with employees. RELATION
1 __________ between colleagues is very important in teamwork. COLLABORATE
2 They’re looking for __________ to help organize the conference. VOLUNTARY
3 As a __________ doctor, I’m learning how to do my new job. TRAIN
4 Marco’s currently working as a sales __________ in an electronics store. ASSIST
5 We accept __________ by credit card or bank transfer only. PAY
6 Customers expect __________ from the companies they buy from. OPEN
7 Can you make any __________ about where to eat in this town? RECOMMEND
8 Customer __________ is our top priority. SATISFY
9 The road up to my house isn’t __________ in winter when there’s snow. ACCESS
10 I’d like to work as a medical __________ when I finish university. RESEARCH

Marks (out of 10): ________

2 Read the text and choose the best word (A–D) for each gap. The first one is done
for you.

Does marketing really work?

This is a question which many small business owners ask. The answer? Yes! But in order for marketing
to be (0) A , it must be done in the right way. Simply paying for an advert and then sitting back and
expecting it to create business rarely brings (11) __________ . Instead, by formulating a plan of action
and sticking to it, you are much more likely to achieve the results you hoped for.

So, what’s the first step? When you’ve (12) __________ your product, you need to (13) __________
your market research. Going out there with the expectation that anyone and everyone is your market
will almost certainly lead to failure. Think about building long-term (14) __________ with customers, not
just making money quickly. Find those who really want what you’re offering and who have the potential
to become (15) __________ customers: in other words, those who will come back and buy your
products again and again. How? Research, research, research! Know your market and your customer.
(16) __________ carefully and understand their needs.

Secondly, decide what makes your (17) __________ stand out from the crowd. What is its unique
selling point that will make customers choose your product over others? If you ensure these messages
come across when you (18) __________ your product, there will be little reason why you shouldn’t be
able to compete with larger companies.

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Once you’ve identified your market, formulate a business strategy, or plan of action. Create a timeline
which includes how you will (19) __________ your product, what kind of advertising (20) __________
you’ll run and how long you’ll run them for, and remember to factor in human and financial resources.
Then all you have to do is implement your plan – and stick to it!

0 A effective B satisfied C motivated D achieving

11 A bonuses B rewards C advantages D awards
12 A organized B started C developed D increased
13 A get B do C make D work
14 A managements B friendship C colleagues D relationships
15 A loyal B fair C true D honest
16 A Catch B Hear C Listen D Attend
17 A trade B mark C type D brand
18 A promote B encourage C progress D support
19 A begin B open C start D launch
20 A actions B campaigns C events D activities

Marks (out of 10): ________

3 Complete the text with a suitable word in each gap. Use only one word in each gap. The
first one is done for you.

When I was first asked to give a presentation, I was pretty nervous. (0) I had never done one before
and I wasn’t sure what to expect. At the time, I (21) __________ working as an occupational therapist,
and most of my work was based in hospitals and patients’ homes. There wasn’t (22) __________
reason to talk to anyone besides doctors, other therapists and the patients themselves. So, when my
manager asked if I would speak to a group of students who were interested in the job, my initial thought
was ‘I can’t do that!’ I wasn’t the (23) __________ experienced person on the team (though I wasn’t the
least, either) and I had no idea what to say.

My manager wasn’t going to give up. She praised my passion for the job and told me that my
enthusiasm would shine through, inspiring others. Knowing there was a shortage of therapists in the
area where I lived, and in spite of my nervousness, I eventually agreed to speak. I didn’t know how
(24) __________ people would come, but I hoped it would only be a (25) __________ !

The day of the presentation arrived. Although I would have preferred to pull the covers back over my
head and go back to sleep, I managed to eat (26) __________ little breakfast and then
(27) __________ ready as if I was off to work for the day. I tried to remember what my manager had
told me: keep calm, breathe slowly, and don’t speak too quickly.

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I don’t remember a (28) __________ of what happened during the presentation, but I do know that
when I finished, everyone stood up and started clapping! Whatever I’d said, they must have liked it. It
was an amazing moment and one I’m still proud of today. You don’t (29) __________ experience
moments like that in your life, where you know you’ve had an effect on someone else’s.

Now, I can’t stop speaking about my job! I never would have thought I’d feel comfortable standing up
and talking to a crowded room, but I do. I wouldn’t say it’s better (30) __________ working with
patients, but it’s definitely just as interesting!

Marks (out of 10): ________

4 Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first. Use no more than
three words. The first one is done for you.

0 I rarely work at the weekends, but occasionally I have to.

I almost never work at the weekends, but occasionally I have to.
31 That car isn’t as expensive as this one because it doesn’t have as many features.
That car __________ than this one because it doesn’t have as many features.
32 There isn’t much milk left. Can you get some more when you go to the shop?
There’s only __________ milk left. Can you get some more when you go to the shop?
33 In the middle of Professor Black’s talk, a student interrupted her with a question.
Professor Black __________ a talk when a student interrupted her with a question.
34 I’ve never met anyone as successful as your brother.
Your brother is __________ successful person I’ve ever met.
35 I try not to talk about money with people.
I try __________ talking about money with people.
36 Arranging to get a mortgage was new to us, so we didn’t know what to do.
We __________ arranged to get a mortgage before, so we didn’t know what to do.
37 I think it’s better to speak to people face to face rather than by phone.
I think __________ to people face to face is better than doing it by phone.
38 There are people who are very clever at spotting trends, but not everyone can do it.
__________ people are very clever at spotting trends, but not everyone can do it.
39 Maria wanted to know what Stefan’s plans for the weekend were.
‘What are __________ at the weekend, Stefan?’ asked Maria.
40 This car doesn’t have as many features as that one.
That car has __________ this one.

Marks (out of 10): ________

© National Geographic Learning 2018 3

5 You are going to read an article about being a waiter. Ten sentences have been removed
from the article. Choose from the sentences A–K the one which fits each gap. The first one
is done for you.

Have you got what it takes to be a waiter?

Many people don’t see working in restaurants or cafés as a skilled job or vocation. (0) E In summary,
it’s a job which doesn’t really gain the respect of others in society.

Is there any truth in these opinions? (41) _____ ‘Actually, the job can be a real challenge!’ says 20-
year-old waiter, Becky, who works at a high-end restaurant in the city where she lives. ‘Most days, as
soon as the door opens to customers, I’m immediately rushing around. (42) _____ It isn’t what people
want to see in this kind of environment. All the waiters who work here have had a high level of customer
service training. (43) _____ They also want fantastic food!’

(44) _____ When many orders are taken at once, it can be difficult to remember who’s ordered what.
Mistakes can occur and this is the kind of thing that can upset them. (45) _____ ‘So, if you take them
the wrong order, they’ll think you haven’t done this and you won’t get good tips!’ Being a waiter is a
mental challenge. (46) _____ ‘When you lock the door behind them, it’s a relief!’ says Joe, another
waiter at the restaurant. (47) _____

So, would Becky or Joe leave restaurant work for a ‘better’ kind of job. ‘No way!’ says Becky. ‘I’ve
learned so much about dealing with people and problem solving. (48) _____ I don’t think that will
happen any time soon, though!’ Indeed, being a waiter requires excellent interpersonal and
organizational skills. (49) _____ ‘If you’ve got the relevant skills, you can earn quite well in this
business, too, and it can be fun,’ adds Joe.

(50) _____ ‘I knew you’d ask that!’ says Joe. ‘The hours aren’t brilliant, I guess, and if you work full-time
like I do then you’re often at the restaurant while your friends are going out in the evening. But I love it,
and I wouldn’t want to do anything else.’

A Getting both of these right isn’t always easy to achieve, however, and customers often
complain when things aren’t perfect.
B Those who work in the field would say definitely not.
C ‘There’s rarely a day when I don’t go home feeling exhausted, knowing I’ve got to do it all
over again tomorrow.’
D Are there any disadvantages to working as a waiter, then?
E In fact, it is often seen as a job with a low level of stress and a poor salary.
F It’s also a physical one as waiters can be on their feet from the moment they arrive until the
last customer leaves.
G The trick is not to look like you’re in a hurry, though!
H In addition, it involves teamwork and a certain level of fitness.

© National Geographic Learning 2018 4

I We need it because when people are paying a lot of money for their meals, they expect
excellent service.
J Those are really important, and I can transfer them to another position if I decide to have a
change in the future.
K ‘Customers in this kind of restaurant want to feel special, and their requests to be carefully
listened to,’ continues Becky.

Marks (out of 10): ________


6 Listen to five people talking about trends and choose the correct option. The first one is
done for you.

Speaker 1
0 How does the woman usually find out about new food trends?
A She does an online search. 
B She takes friends’ advice. 
C She notices them on the streets. 
51 Which kind of eating establishment does the woman say is increasing in number?
A restaurants 
B fast food outlets 
C informal cafés 
52 Which Japanese food has the woman yet to try?
A sea vegetables 
B raw fish 
C food pickled in vinegar 

Speaker 2
53 Why does the man say that some people prefer to book a holiday with an agent?
A They find it difficult to find good deals online. 
B They prefer to get advice from a professional. 
C They are worried about losing their money. 
54 According to the man, what kind of holiday is becoming more popular?
A adventure holidays 
B city breaks 
C beach holidays 

© National Geographic Learning 2018 5

Speaker 3
55 Why does the woman say that people are failing to use public transport?
A There are few services where they live. 
B It is unreliable. 
C The fares are too expensive. 
56 What does the woman say about low-cost airlines?
A They are being charged more to operate. 
B They have made booking flights more complicated. 
C They have increased the cost of on-board services. 

Speaker 4
57 What does the man say about work trends?
A The working day is becoming shorter. 
B Offices are a necessary meeting place. 
C Fewer managers are choosing to work from home. 
58 What does the man wish had become more widespread in workplaces?
A rooms where people can sleep 
B gyms and restaurants 
C places to chat 

Speaker 5
59 How does the doctor feel about people researching illnesses online?
A annoyed that people do not trust her 
B pleased that it helps people explain their problem 
C surprised that so many people are doing it 
60 What does the doctor say about people who try to treat a condition on their own?
A They often make mistakes about what is the matter with them. 
B They often buy products which are not recommended by a doctor. 
C They should ask their doctor for advice. 

Marks (out of 10): ________

© National Geographic Learning 2018 6

7 Work in pairs.
Step 1
Student A: look at photos 1 and 2 on page 8. They show people communicating in
different ways.
Student B: look at photos 3 and 4 on page 9. They show people who have achieved
Describe and compare your photos for your partner. Speak for about one minute.

Step 2
Now show your partner your photos and discuss these questions together:
• Which method of communication do you prefer? Why?
• What would you like to achieve in the future?

Marks (out of 10): ________

8 In class you have been talking about managing your money. Now your teacher has asked
you to write an essay.
Write an essay using all the notes. Write about 100 words.

What can you do to manage your money well?

Write about:
1 saving money
2 buying cheaper goods
3 .................... (your own idea)

Marks (out of 10): ________

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Student A
photo 1

photo 2

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Student B
photo 3

photo 4

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